Complete each sentence with two to five words including the word given

D 14 Complete each sentence with two to five words, including the word in bold. 1 Kate hasn’t phoned her mother for a week. phoned The last time. Kate phoned her mother was… a week ago. 2 They have never visited Vienna before. time It’s the 3 It’s a long time since I ate out. for I 4 Roger hasn’t played tennis for six weeks. played The last time 5 It’s years has a long time. Vienna. tennis was six weeks ago. since Mr Smith went on holiday. Mr Smith for years. 6 John hasn’t been to his country house since Easter. The last time John went was at Easter. D 14 Complete each sentence with two to five words , including the word in bold . 1 Kate hasn’t phoned her mother for a week . phoned The last time . Kate phoned her mother was … a week ago . 2 They have never visited Vienna before . time It’s the 3 It’s a long time since I ate out . for I 4 Roger hasn’t played tennis for six weeks . played The last time 5 It’s years has a long time . Vienna . tennis was six weeks ago . since Mr Smith went on holiday . Mr Smith for years . 6 John hasn’t been to his country house since Easter . The last time John went was at Easter .​

Предмет: Английский язык,

автор: tvoikoshmaraxaxax



Автор ответа: vivifrance


1. You don’t have to wait for us
2. You mustn’t take pictures inside the museum
3. Do you have to leave so early?
4. You needn’t go by taxi.
5. You mustn’t keep pets in the building
6. You don’t have to water the flowers

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Предмет: Русский язык,
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составьте и запишите 6 словосочетаний ​

4 года назад

Предмет: Физкультура и спорт,
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Срочно!!! Помогите ответить на вопросы

Когда начал (в 2016)
Упомянуть что играю в СШ УРАЛ
Почему занимаюсь

Почему именно этот вид спорта
Почему я хочу стать тренером
Что мне для этого нужно

4 года назад

Предмет: Литература,
автор: uly2008u

(2) Похожа ли Феврония на героинь русских народных волшебных сказок? Чем? Какие сказочные приёмы изображения героини использовал автор повести? Каковы осо- бенности речи Февронии и как они её характеризуют?
(Помогите пожалуйста )​

4 года назад

Предмет: Литература,
автор: 11223318

Почитай пословицы и поговорки . О чем они рассказывают , какая тема каждой из них? Можно сказать , что все эти пословицы и поговорки о временах года . Зимой без шубы не стыдно , а холодно ; а в шубе без хлеба и тепло , да голодно . Ласточка весну начинают , соловей кончает. дважды в год лето не бывает

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Вычисли 2 класс новая программа

6 лет назад

9 Закончите каждое предложение от двух до пяти слов, включая выделенное слово.

1 Стив не уделяет много внимания своему учителю. Он всегда попадает в неприятности.

Стив оказывает слишком мало внимания своему учителю, и поэтому всегда попадает в неприятности.

2 Ее чемодан тяжелый. Она попросила своего брата помочь ей.

У нее был такой тяжелый багаж, что она попросила своего брата помочь ей.

3 Даниэль потратил так много денег на прошлых выходных. Он не может сейчас оплатить свои счета.

Даниэль потратил так много денег на прошлых выходных, что не может оплатить сейчас счета.

4 Погода была плохой в воскресенье. Мы не поехали на пляж.

Была такая плохая погода в воскресенье, что мы не поехали на пляж.


1 so little attention

2 such a heavy suitcase (that)

3 so much money

4 such bad weather

9 Complete each sentence with two to five words, including the word in bold.
1 Steve doesn’t pay much attention to his teacher. He always gets into trouble.
Steve pays so little attention to his teacher that he always gets into trouble.
2 Her suitcase was heavy. She asked her brother to help her.
She had such a heavy suitcase that she asked her brother to help her.
3 Daniel spent a lot of money last weekend. He can’t pay his bills now.
Daniel spent so much money last weekend that he can’t pay his bills now.
4 The weather was bad on Sunday. We didn’t go to the beach.
It was such bad weather on Sunday that we didn’t go to the beach.

На этой странице вы сможете найти и списать готовое домешнее задание (ГДЗ) для школьников по предмету Английский язык, которые посещают 9 класс из книги или рабочей тетради под названием/издательством «Spotlight», которая была написана автором/авторами: Дули, Ваулина, Подоляко. ГДЗ представлено для списывания совершенно бесплатно и в открытом доступе.

1) When did Monica get married? (since): How long is it since Monica got married? 2) It was the first time she had visited the National Gallery. (never): She had never visited the National Gallery before. 3) Jessica didn’t start cooking until after the children had fallen asleep. (before): Jessica waited until the children had fallen asleep before she started cooking. 4) The last time I went to the theatre was months ago. (have): I haven’t visited the theatre for months. 5) It’s two months since she called me. (has) : She hasn’t called me for two months. 6) The president waited until all the reporters had arrived before he made his statement. (making): The president didn’t start making a statement until all the reporters had arrived. 7) We haven’t played chess for a month. (since): It’s a month since I have played chess. 8) She waited until Tom had left before she began packing. (after): She didn’t begin packing after Tom had left.

Complete each sentence with two to five words, including the word in bold.

1) When did Monica get married?

(since) : How long is it .


2) It was the first time she had visited the National Gallery.

(never) : She .

The National Gallery before.

3) Jessica didn’t start cooking until after the children had fallen asleep.

(before) : Jessica waited until the children .

Started cooking.

4) The last time i went to the theatre was months ago.

(have) : I .

The theatre for months.

5) It’s two months since she called me.

(has) : She .

Me for two months.

6) The president waited until all the reporters had arrived before he made his statement.

(making) : The president didn’t .

Statement until all the reporters had arrived.

7) We haven’t played chess for a month.

(since) : It’s a month .


8) She waited until Tom had left before she began packing.

(after) : She didn’t begin packing .


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