Complete each sentence with the most appropriate word from the box we need to



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2Read the text and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best completes each collocation or fixed phrase.

Have you ever stopped to ask yourself why it is that we work? Is it the

(1) …A…. of a job well done, or the sense of (2)

behind the (3)


an important deal? Is it the human (4)

with other people perhaps? Or is

it that work is power and a sense of status? This is the view of those who have

either (5)

these elusive goals, or feel aggrieved that nobody has yet

recognised their leadership


1) A satisfaction

B pride

C reward

D gratification


A feat

B success

C achievement

D victory


A fastening

B sealing

C verifying

D clinching


A communication

B relation

C association

D interaction


A attained

B completed

C gained

D won


A attributes

B features

C values

D qualities

3 Complete each space in the text with a word formed from the word in capitals.

This year, (1) …productivity..

in the factory has suffered


because of a lack of expert technical knowledge. As a result

we have made very substantial (2)

in sending


employees on training courses. The fact remains that it is

becoming increasingly difficult to get skilled labourers with

the right (3)

, experience, and above all,



The company has also suffered this year


from the industrial (5)

in November, which


saw 340 union members walk out in a pay dispute. Union


eventually sat down with management


and negotiated a 4 per cent pay rise, but not until 5 working

days had been lost to the strike. As a result of such problems we

recognise the need to (7)

in certain areas,


and, on the advice of our external (8)

, Prior


and Young, we have identified the need for at least 3 departments

to be (9)

It is thought that this will mean


the loss of between 6 and 10 jobs, though the exact figures and

nature of the redundancies will be (10)



the next report.



4 Complete each sentence with the most appropriate word from the box.


Nowadays you often find that the top ..

£X6£f&T:Vfe ………..

in a company is a



If you have any problems with your work, talk to the



‘Happy Chips’ is the number one ………………………….

of potato crisps in the


d) I’m starting next week as a ………………………….

chef in a large hotel.


Our company is the ………………………….

for several large insurance


f)David was not content until he had become a rich …………………………..

g)Our firm is quite a long way ahead of our nearest …………………………..

h)With mechanisation it is difficult to find work as an unskilled

i) I have been working as a used car

for the past six months.

j) A company should make every

feel important.

5Match the descriptions (a-j) with the explanations (1-10).

a)Jane was headhunted by a multinational company. .5.

b)Pam is at the end of her tether

c)Mary’s assistant was given the sack

d)Jean really has her nose to the grindstone.

e)Sue was given a golden handshake

f)Helen took on a new secretary.

g)Ann is on the go all day

h)Brenda was overlooked

i)Judith has made good

j)Pauline’s boss keeps her on her toes

1 She is always busy.

2She doesn’t have the chance to become complacent.

3She’s working hard.

4She didn’t get promoted.

5She was offered a better job.

6She has become successful.

7She was dismissed.

8She received a cash bonus on leaving her job. 9 She has run out of patience.

10 She gave someone a job.



6Using the notes as a guide, complete the letter. Use one or two words in each space. The words you need do not appear in the notes.

Dear Ruth,

So glad you’ve accepted our offer! In answer to your queries, you’ll be getting a contract through later this week, but until then:

1 yes, you can join the company pension scheme.

2 you get 25 days’ paid holiday.

3no, the salary is fixed.

4you must wear smart clothes, nothing in particular.

59 till 5.

6no, you don’t get paid for any extra work — so don’t take work home!

7if you’re off sick for more than 3 days, a doctor must explain your illness in writing.

8tell us one month in advance if you want to end your employment with us. Kind regards, Sue Cook, Human Resources Assistant.

Dear Miss Baxter,

Please find enclosed a copy of your contract. The contract will give you more details, but I have a list of questions from you. I am not sure if a colleague of mine has already replied to you. If so, please forgive the duplication.

You are (1)


You are (2)

The salary is not (3)

All employees must be smartly (4) The working day will (5)

There is no (6)

Any (7)

by a doctor’s (8)

This contract may be (9) one month’s (10) intention to do so.

Yours sincerely,

Jane Fielding

Human Resources Manager

for the company’s pension scheme. 25 days’ holiday.

at 9.00 and finish at 5.00. payment in.respect of this position. of more than three days must be explained

at any time by you, but must be given in writing of your


Read the text and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each space.

Ours is a vanishing world, one in which the familiar is constantly disappearing and technological change is often difficult to cope with. So it should come

(1)..B. no surprise to most of us to hear that yet another part of everyday life is about to go for ever. Apparently, within the next decade, money as we

(2)it will probably (3) to exist in technologically advanced countries. (4) Professor Gerry Montague of the Institute for Economic Reform, the familiar coins and banknotes will soon be replaced entirely by credit cards of various kinds. And the shop of the future will be linked directly

to the network of banking computers. The assistant will simply key in your bank account code number and the amount you have spent, and thank you

politely. You won’t have to dig (5) in your pockets for change. You may

not even have a number for your account as such, as the computer may by then be able to read your handprint. So no more instances of credit card (6)

But I am afraid that I shall miss money. I have felt (7)

attached to it, ever

since I received my first pocket (8)

when I was five, and kept it in a

money-box. Even if my credit card of the future will be able to tell me exactly

how much spending (9) I have left in the computer files, even if it lights

up and plays a happy (or sad) tune at the same time, nothing will be able to

replace the (10)

pleasure I gained from rattling the coins in my money-



A with

B as

C to



A have

B see

C know

D believe


A cease

B stop


D conclude


A With reference to

B Further to

C According to

D Owing to



B long


D deep


A deceit


C pretence

D fraud


A heavily

B strongly

C widely

D largely


A cash

B coins

C money

D gold


A capacity

B potential

C capability

D power


A sheer

B complete

C entire

D downright



Match each sentence (a-i) with a sentence from (1-9) which has a similar


a) We have to haggle. ..5


We have a high expenditure.

b) We have a nice little nest-egg


We are very thrifty.

c) We spend a lot


We let people borrow from us.

d) We are in debt


We earn according to what we sell. I

e) We don’t waste money.


We argue about the price.

f) We are paid on commission

6 We have a high income.

g) We want a rise


We need higher wages.

h) We lend money.


We owe money.

i) We earn a lot

9 We have some savings.

Take one word from each column to complete the collocations you need for each


Column A

stock, tax, raise, monthly, savings, down, household, current, earns, business

Column B

capital, venture, account, exchange, installments, account, return, interest, bills, payment


… and what about your bank details?

Mr Lumley: Well, I have a regular (1)

…current account. from which

we pay all our (2)

such as gas and

water, and also a (3)



at a rate of 4%%.


I notice you have a regular monthly payment of £200 going out to

JCS. What’s that?

Mr Lumley: Oh yes, that’ll be the settee. We made an initial


of £400; then we’re paying the rest

in (6)

of £200.


Right, and do you have any other savings or investments?

Mr Lumley: I have some shares invested on the


, but their value has gone down to

just a few hundred pounds.


And last time we spoke, you were talking about maybe starting a

new (8)

with a colleague.

Mr Lumley: No, that’s fallen through. We couldn’t (9)

the necessary

to satisfy the bank

manager. Probably just as well. It will make filling in my


a lot easier.


Yes, that’s certainly true. It all gets very complicated if you’re self-

employed …



4Underline the two words that are appropriate in each sentence.

a)Harry has a good salary. He gains/gets/makes over £20,000 a year.

b)Mary was awarded a grant/scholarship/subsidy to study child psychology.

c)How much did you give/pay/take for your new car?

d)Their house fetched/produced/sold for a lot more than they expected.

e)I’m going to the bank to get out/remove/withdraw the money for the rent.

f)The manager disappeared with the receipts/takings/wages from the concert.

g)By the time Kate retired she was a fortunate/prosperous/wealthy businesswoman.

h)We had a good holiday but it was rather costly/expensive/valuable.

i)Unfortunately the old painting I found turned out to be priceless/valueless/worthless.

j)We would appreciate it if you would close/settle/pay your bill as soon as possible.

5Complete the fixed phrases in each space by choosing a word from the box which collocates with the words in bold.











Have your shares just fallen in (1)


and you don’t know what to

do? Or have you come into a (2)

and don’t know how to invest

it? Well, whether you’ve been made (3)

or qualified for early


, whether your business is (5)

or you’ve just

been declared


, we are the bank for you, the caring bank.

We’ve got the account for you and can advise you accordingly. Come over to us

and you will be making a wise (7)

We offer some of the most

competitive loans and mortgages on the (8)

Provided you

maintain your account in (9)

, and at a minimum level of £500,

we will offer you financial advice completely free of (10)


whenever you request it. Can’t be bad, can it?



6Using the draft as a guide, complete the letter. Use one or two words in each space. The words you need do not occur in the draft.


Dear Mrs Carter

Very sorry for any trouble re consignment 3882, which we sent two weeks late I and then with the wrong contents — we like to think our packing is usually up to scratch. So that there are no hard feelings, we are going to send you £200 to make up for our mistakes. You’ll find a cheque in this envelope. Please could you contact me to let me know you’ve got it. Up to now we’ve had an excellent relationship, which we don’t want to lose. Always ready to help —

Yours, Mike Leggett (Customer Services Assistant)

Dear Mrs Carter,

Please accept my apologies for any (1) ..inconvenience

caused to you by

the late (2)

and incorrect contents of consignment

3882. We pride ourselves in maintaining a consistently high


of packing. As a goodwill


, we are sending you £200 by way of


Please find a cheque for this amount


Will you be good


to (8)

receipt of

this cheque?

To (9)

, we have had an excellent working

relationship, which we wish to maintain at all costs. We are always at


Yours sincerely,

John Barr

Customer Services Manager


1Find 15 common collocations or fixed phrases by completing each space in the text with an appropriate word from the box.

I guess I was what one might call a (1) …spoilt child, for I was the only child of Mary and David Bettleman and I got whatever I wanted. I had a rather weak-minded mother and by contrast a very (2)

father who had exceedingly high expectations of me, expectations that I could

not (3)

You see, my father was quite an eminent lawyer

and wanted nothing more than for me to (4)

in his

footsteps. He encouraged me to win at everything and to be ultra-competitive.

He just couldn’t see that he was being far too (5)


putting too much (6)

on me. He simply thought that he was

acting in my best (7)

Not surprisingly, perhaps, I


against my upbringing by becoming thoroughly

apathetic at school. As soon as I turned 18, I (9)

on my own

and went off on a trip to India. It was there that I met Ingrid, a fellow traveller. It became clear that we came from very similar backgrounds. She too was running away from something: in her case a very (10)

upbringing, caused by having two very over-protective parents. We

(11) immediately, and I (12) courage and asked her to be my girlfriend. But I was young and I needed space, and I guess I was too immature to handle the give and take of a relationship. Or perhaps I

was just afraid of (13)

Anyway, we went through a very

bad (14)

and had a (15)

separation for a

couple of months.



2 Underline the most suitable word in each sentence.

a)As I am officially a/an alien/outsider/stranger I have to register with the police.

b)Let me introduce you to my betrothed/engaged/fiancee. We’re getting married next month.

c)Jim is just a/an acquaintance/colleague/figure I met on holiday.

d)Why not bring your child along to the Mothers and Juveniles/Juniors/Toddlers group? It’s for one and two year-olds.

e)Local people are campaigning for better facilities for the aged/ancient/elder.

f)Our ancestors/descendants/predecessors are all buried in the local churchyard.

g)Peter is 50 and unmarried and his friends call him ‘an eligible bachelor/independent/single’.

h)The bridegroom was handed the ring by the assistant groom/best man/godfather.

i)When I was a bloke/chap/lad I used to walk ten miles to school.

j)We call her ‘Auntie Flo’, though she is not really any family/relation/relative to us.

3 Complete each sentence with the most appropriate word from the box.

a) Sharon works very hard and is extremely

b) David does everything alone. He is a rather


c) What a lovely couple! They seem totally

to one another.

d) Jim has extreme views, and is

against all immigrants.

e)Very few students wanted to join in the activities. They seemed rather

f)Simon is always getting into fights, he’s so


Jane may look rather young, but she has a very



Pauline is a good teacher, and very

to the needs of the


i)Bill is shy but his brother Mike is more

j)Mary doesn’t realise how she hurts people. She is really



4Match each expression (a-j) with one of the explanations (1-10).

a)nearest and dearest …7


c)the nuclear family


e)a community

f)a generation


h)the extended family

i)a household


1 people who are alive at the same time or e.g. attend the same school

2people who have only recently been (or are still) on their honeymoon

3all the people of approximately the same age

4the people in a family who live together under the same roof

5the entire range of relatives in one family

6all the people living together in the same area

7a person (or people) from your immediate family

8people who are no longer teenagers

9people abandoned by their families or by society in general

10parents and their children

5 Complete each sentence with the most appropriate word from the box.

a) Keith’s parents ..neglected.

him badly when he was a baby.

b) The small child was being

by its mother for getting dirty.

c) Tom deeply

Ann by ignoring her at the party.

d) David is not my real father, I was

by him when I was



Ian and Fiona are

and they may get divorced.



with my boyfriend but we made it up in the end.

g) Jack

on his 65th birthday and received his pension.

h) My parents

me for having a ring in my nose.


Julie’s mother

her when she was a few months old and

she grew up in an orphanage.


My boss utterly

me in front of important clients, so I



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Цели урока:

  1. Практические: формирование практических
    умений в чтении, письме и говорении.
  2. Образовательные: учить правильно
    употреблять языковые средства, строить фразы,
    повышать общую культуру выражения мысли.
  3. Развивающие: развивать мышление, память,
    логику, воображение, самостоятельность.
  4. Воспитательные: формировать мотивацию к
    изучению иностранного языка.

Оборудование: варианты заданий,
карточки с картинками, кроссворд.

Ход урока

Начало урока: приветствие, сообщение
темы урока.

Teacher: Good morning, students!

It is no wonder that the 21st century is regarded as information age. The
mass media actually rule the world and play a very important part in our lives.
Newspapers, radio, TV and the Internet inform us of what is going on in the world and give
us wonderful possibilities for education and entertainment. But how do you understand the
word “mass media”?

Student: The mass media include all the people and organizations that provide
information and news for the public. The mass media can be print and electronic.

Teacher: Right you are. And now let’s read the text about the mass media and then
we are going to do some exercises. But before reading the text let’s read some active
words and word combinations:

news-stand – газетный киоск

background information – “закулисная информация”

natural disasters – природные катастрофы

celebrity – знаменитость

intimate – личный

unreliable – ненадёжный

documentary – документальный фильм

feature film – художественный фильм

violence – насилие

to dull – притуплять

sensitivity – чувствительность

catastrophe – катастрофа

TV addict – теленаркоман

to hook – цеплять крючком, зд. делать зависимым

disabled people – люди, потерявшие трудоспособность

Mass Media.

Newspapers are especially important nowadays and we can’t imagine
our life without them. There are dozens of them on every news-stand. There are newspapers
for professionals, for businessmen, for children and teenagers, for men and women, for
sports fans, for those who are interested in gardening, fishing, hunting, for those who
keep pets and so on. Some newspapers publish serious articles on politics, economy and
finance, some aim to entertain their readers. Many newspapers express certain political
opinion and people choose them according to their own political beliefs. In short, you can
always find a paper which suits your interests. The advantage of all the newspapers is
that they usually provide us with extra detail, comment and background information. But it
is bad that very often newspapers are full of dramatic events about natural disasters,
plane crashes, murders and robberies. Having read such articles, you feel depressed and it
seems that the world is being ruined. One more disadvantage is that newspapers are full of
gossip about different celebrities and their private lives. There are also a lot of photos
of them in their most intimate moments. I think it shouldn’t be allowed, besides half of
this information is unreliable.

The main source of news for millions of people is television. With its help we can see
everything with our own eyes. It is the window on the world which gives us an opportunity
to “travel” all over the world. TV gives us food for thought, introduces us to new
ideas and activities. It has the power to educate and broaden our minds. It helps us to
relax after a hard day’s work and to escape from reality. There is always a great
variety of programmes on TV: news and sport programmes, talk shows and TV games,
documentaries and feature films, concerts and theatre performances. But nowadays there is
a lot of violence on TV. As George Mikes once said, TV teaches us “how to kill, to rob,
to shoot and to poison.” We watch hits where people are killed before our very eyes. It
dulls our sensitivity and when we learn about one more tragedy or catastrophe, we perceive
it as something quite natural, just like an everyday affair. Some people become TV addicts
and they won’t give up TV for anything in the world. Nowadays some children are so
addicted to TV that they are not interested in anything else: they don’t read books,
communicate with adults and other children, they move less, speak less and they even think
less. Though there are a lot of excellent educational programmes for children and
programmes designed for schools. They help children to extend their knowledge, expose them
to different people and places and to develop their imagination.

Many people prefer the radio. It is good to listen to it in the car, or in the open
air, or when you do something about the house.

The Internet has recently become another important source of
information. It is regarded as the latest addiction to trap thousands of people which has
been blamed for broken relationships, job losses, financial ruin and even suicide.
Psychologists now recognize Internet Addiction Syndrome (IAS) as a new illness that could
cause serious problems and ruin many lives. Many users spend up to 40 hours a week on the
Internet. Some of the addicts are teenagers who are already hooked on computer games.

Exercise №1.

Read the following sentences and circle TRUE or FALSE:

Exercise № 2.

Complete each sentence with the most appropriate word from the box.

disadvantage, sensitivity, imagination, to dull, to provide, violence,
disaster, celebrity, disabled, hooked, intimate, to educate, catastrophe, to communicate

  1. We need to ………. people so that they understand the importance of a good, healthy
    diet. (educate)
  2. You don’t have to use your ………. when you’re watching television. (imagination)
  3. He’s a national ………. (celebrity)
  4. She has always shown a ………. to audience needs and tastes. (sensitivity)
  5. My fear and anxiety ………. my mind. (dull)
  6. She’s on ………. terms with people in government. (intimate)
  7. There is too much brutality and ………. on TV these days. (violence)
  8. Her son is ………. and she has to take care of him all the time. (disabled)
  9. Your main ………. is your lack of job experience. (disadvantage)
  10. Some parents who are concerned about computer games believe their children are
    ………. (hooked)
  11. The money will be used to ………. the school with new computer equipment. (provide)
  12. Now that we live in different cities, we ………. by e-mail. (communicate)

Exercise № 3.

Complete the crossword using the words from the text.


1. A sudden event such as a flood, storm, or accident which causes great damage or
suffering (disaster)

2. A terrible event in which there is a lot of destruction, suffering, or death

3. A film or television or a radio programme that gives detailed information about a
particular subject (documentary)

4. A computer system that allows millions of computer users around the world to
exchange information (Internet)

5. Facts or details that tell you something about a situation, person, event etc

6. Something that happens, especially something important, interesting or unusual


7. The information, skills, and understanding that you have gained through learning or
experience (knowledge)

8. The ability to form pictures or ideas in your mind (imagination)

9. Behaviour that is intended to hurt other people physically (violence)

10. Something that you watch on television or listen to on the radio (programme)

11. A piece of electronic equipment shaped like a box with a screen, on which you can
watch programmes (television)

12. A programme on television or on the radio or a performance for the public,
especially one that includes singing, dancing, or jokes (show)

Exercise 4. Comment on the following pictures using the words in brackets.

(to spend up to 10 hours a day on the Internet; to be addicted; to visit different
sites; to be glued to the screen)

(to switch to another channel; a TV-addict; to relax after a hard day’s work; to
watch news, sport programs, talk shows, TV games, documentaries, feature films, etc.; not
to give up TV for anything in the world)

(to listen to the radio; loud music; the latest news; some useful and interesting

(to be full of gossip; background information; articles about natural disasters, plane
crashes, murders and robberies; unreliable information; to feel depressed)

Exercise № 5.

Tell which of these things you do. Explain your choice:

  • I read a lot of newspapers and magazines.
  • I watch television for many hours a day.
  • I’m fond of listening to music on the radio.
  • I can’t live without the Internet and I spend much time on different sites.
  • I prefer spending my free time outdoors or going on for sport than watching TV,
    reading newspapers or listening to the radio.

Teacher: So you have learnt some information about the mass media. Now you are to
give your personal opinion and to express your point of view. Give your arguments for and
against the mass media.

Student 1: I am fond of watching TV as gives me an opportunity to see the whole world
staying at home.

Student 2: But it degrades the eyesight and makes us lazier. We stay at home instead of
going for a walk or playing outdoor games.

Student 3: There are a lot of excellent educational programmes and interesting feature
films on TV.

Student 4: I agree with you, but there are a lot of silly programmes and commercials as
well. Besides there is too much violence on TV these days.

Student 5: As for me, I prefer listening to music on the radio. I can listen to my
favourite songs washing the dishes or cleaning my room.

Student 1: But radio doesn’t give you an opportunity to see everything with your own

Student 5: Yes, but it informs me about the latest news.

Student 6: I like reading newspapers as I can always find some interesting and useful

Student 2: But newspapers are always full of bad news and dramatic events. What is more
there is too much gossip and unreliable information in them.

Student 7: You will certainly agree that the Internet is a great source of information
and entertainment.

Student 3: But the Internet is addictive as well as drinking or smoking. It is harmful
to spend too much time in front of the computer screen.

Teacher: So, what conclusion can we come to?

Student 4: We can say that the mass media have both advantages and disadvantages. It is
up to us to decide how to use them.

Teacher: You are quite right. Thank you for participating in our discussion. You
are very active today. I hope that the theme of our lesson was interesting for you.

ANCED LANGUAGE PRACTICE 6 In the following texts, complete each space with a word formed from the word in I capitals. Text 1 With (1) .humanitaria. aid now pouring into the country, HUMAN charitable agencies are still struggling to cope in a country where day to day life is a struggle for (2) In EXIST some areas agency workers have encountered (3) RESIST to their efforts from government forces. Meanwhile, in an attempt to (4) the economy, the Government STABLE has (5) the currency for the third time this year. VALUE Text 2 The United Nations has not ruled out the possibility of military (6) , although it is still hopeful of achieving a INTERVENE settlement by (7) means. The Secretary General DIPLOMACY roundly condemned the President’s policy of ethnic (8) , and also criticised him for spending a CLEAN (9) amount of his country’s money on weapons. PROPORTION This follows last week’s ‘reminder’ to the President that (10) is now universally illegal, a fact he SLAVE continues to ignore. 7 Match the words from the box to the explanations. recycling charity organic irrigation subsidy negotiation self-sufficiency immunisation a) This is the settling of a dispute through discussion. ..negotiation b) This is the ability of a country or person to support themselves without outside help c) This is a means of protecting people against some diseases d) This is food that is grown without the use of chemical fertilisers e) This is the collection of raw materials so that they can be used again. f) This is money used by a government to lower the prices of e.g. basic foods. g) This is a system of distributing water to places which need it for agriculture. h) This is an organisation which collects money from the public and uses it to help people in need242

d the text and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each space.Interpreting the feelings of other people is not always easy, as we all know, andwe (1) …B as much on what they seem to be telling us, as on the (2)words they say. Facial (3) and tone of voice are obvious ways of showingour (4) to something, and it may well be that we unconsciously(5) views that we are trying to hide. The art of being tactful lies in(6) these signals, realising what the other person is trying to say, andacting so that they are not embarrassed in any way. For example, we mayunderstand that they are (7) reluctant to answer our question, and so westop pressing them. Body movements in general may also (8) feelings,and interviewers often (9) particular attention to the way a candidate fora job walks into the room and sits down. However, it is not difficult to presentthe right kind of appearance, while what many employers want to know relatesto the candidate’s character (10) , and psychological stability. This raisesthe (11) question of whether job candidates should be asked to completepsychological tests, and the further problem of whether such tests actuallyproduce (12) results. For many people, being asked to take part in such atest would be an objectionable (13) into their private lives. Quite(14) from this problem, can such tests predict whether a person is likelyto be a (15) employee or a valued colleague? 1) A estimate B rely C reckon D trust 2) A other B real C identical D actual 3) A looks B expression C image D manner 4) A view B feeling C notion D reaction 5) A express B declare C exhibit D utter 6) A taking down B putting across C picking up D going over 7) A at least B above all C anyhow D in fact 8) A display B indicate C imply D infer 9) A have B show C make D pay10) A quirks B mannerisms C traits D points11) A awkward B risky C unpleasant D touchy12) A faithful B regular C reliable D predictable13) A invasion B intrusion C infringement D interference14) A different B apart C away D except15) A pedantic B particular C laborious D conscientious 243

ANCED LANGUAGE PRACTICE 2 Underline the most suitable word in each sentence. a) As there is little hope of being rescued, I have abandoned/decided/resigned myself to the worst. b) Tom didn’t believe us, and it took a long time to convince/establish/confirm him. c) I define/regard/suppose this project as the most important in my career. d) In my point of view/viewpoint/view, this plan will not work. e) Are you aware/conscious/knowledgeable that £10,000 has gone missing? f) I haven’t the faintest sense/notion/opinion of what you are talking about. g) Mr Smith has appointed his best friend as the new director! It’s a clear case of favouritism/prejudice/subjectivity. h) Your new boyfriend recollects/remembers/reminds me of a cousin of mine, i) Sue just can’t stop thinking about football! She is biased/concerned/obsessed with her local team! j) I just can’t understand the attitude/manner/mentality of people who are cruel to animals. 3 Match the most appropriate opening sentence (a-j) with each expression with ‘feel’ (1-10). a) So, looking back, would you say you enjoyed your stay in Britain? 5… b) Phew! I can’t keep up with you any more c) Did the anaesthetic hurt? d) If it’s any consolation, e) Well, just make yourself at home while you’re waiting f) It’s going to rain g) She’s a very sensitive girl h) Now just relax and remember what I told you i) You should be really pleased with your daughter, Mrs Owen j) I’m really sorry I had to take this decision 1 Feel free to have some tea or coffee. 2 Dawn clearly has a feel for languages. 3 I can feel it in my bones. 4 You’ll soon get the feel of it. 5 I have mixed feelings about it. 6 I hope you have no hard feelings about it. 7 I don’t want to hurt her feelings. 8 No, I didn’t feel a thing! 9 I’m starting to feel my age. 10 I know just how you feel.244

VOCABULARY 15 THINKING AND FEELING a) I don’t know how to ..put ………….. this, but I’m afraid the money has gone! b) Could you say that again? I didn’t quite ………………….. you. c) I would ………………….. it if you could help me with this job. d) I was so flabbergasted that I couldn’t ………………….. a single word. e) I simply said we had lost the order. I didn’t ………………….. that it was your fault. f) I was so overwhelmed that I just couldn’t ………………….. my feelings. g) Whenever I ask you about damage to the car, you always ………………….. ignorance. h) I ………………….. that you can get up at 6.00 after what you did last night. i) Most of the clues in a detective story are there to ………………….. the reader. j) Did you ………………….. the deliberate mistake on page two?5 Choose the most appropriate ending (1-10) to complete the expressions to do with ‘thinking’. a) It’s just a thought, but maybe ….. 6. …… b) I’ll give it some thought ………….. c) Am I right in thinking ………….. d) He thinks very highly of you ………….. e) On second thoughts, ……….. f) That’s all I can think of ………….. g) That’s a thought! ……….. h) I thought as much! ……….. i) I’ve thought long and hard about it ………….. j) Sorry, I wasn’t thinking straight ………… 1 … so don’t break his heart! 2 … and I’ve decided not to accept. 3 … and get back to you tomorrow. 4 I’ve put the wrong date on it. 5 David has taken the car again without my permission! 6 … you could go by train. 7 … you used to live in Manchester? 8 … at the moment. 9 … perhaps I’d better do it after all. 10 Yes, maybe I should do that. 245

ANCED LANGUAGE PRACTICE 6 Replace the words underlined with the most appropriate word from the box. cherished dreaded mourned regretted resented deplored loathed offended reproached stressed a) Peter was very sorry about leaving his old job. ..$$£$$№&… b) The Prime Minister said he strongly disapproved of the behaviour of the demonstrators…………………… c) Lily felt bitter about the fact that everyone had been promoted except her. d) David felt extremely worried about visiting the dentist e) Sally held very dear the memory of her childhood in the country. f) Neil grieved for the death of his mother and father for many weeks. g) I am sorry if I hurt the feelings of your sister h) Brenda really felt a strong dislike for her new boss i) Our teacher laid emphasis on the importance of regular study. j) Jim strongly criticised me for not doing my fair share of the work. Complete the spaces by finding one word which fits in all three spaces. a) Let’s go down to the river. It’s a really nice for a picnic. I’m afraid I’m going to be late. I’m having a …spot. of bother with my car. The evening in Blackpool was the only bright .spot.. in an otherwise disappointing holiday. b) I’m so tired I’m finding it difficult to keep my on my work. If you can cast your back to lesson two, you’ll remember we were talking about body posture. My daughter is very ill, so I’ve got a lot on my right now. c) Perhaps I could talk to you later in private — it’s a personal It’s only a of time before the city falls to the rebels. Dealing with problems like that is all just a of being firm. d) It’s very upsetting news, as she was a very friend. It’s rather for me — haven’t you got anything cheaper? As the boat lurched from side to side, we held on for life. e) Police suspect that the shopkeeper had a in the robbery. Come on, concentrate on the job in and don’t get distracted. Never ever raise your against me again!246

ead the text and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each space.I was reading an advert for a mobile phone the other day, which described theaforesaid object as an ‘aid to (1) …D….’. As a techno-phobe who does notpossess a mobile phone, still less an on-line connection, I was intrigued by theastonishing presumptuousness of this claim. For the (2) reason I do nothave a mobile phone is that I don’t want to be at someone else’s beck and(3) 24 hours a day. But apparently there are plenty of sane adults outthere who do. In fact I know plenty of people who bought their phone on the(4) understanding that it was to be used for emergencies only. But theinsidious thing gradually took over their lives, to the (5) where it seemsthey can barely live without it. Giving a mobile phone to a child makes evenless sense. Parents lose their freedom and the children lose the ability to(6) tor ulemselves.1) A ease B handiness C utility D convenience2) A sheer B perfect C very D utter3) A cry B ring C need Dcall4) A strict B absolute C severe D precise5) A mark B point C spot D position6) A support B keep Cfend D sustain2 Complete each sentence with one of the words from the box.a) What a peculiar contraption ….. ! What on earth is that for?b) A washing-machine is probably the most useful householdc) We will have to order a new to replace the damaged one.d) The noise of filled the factory and nearly deafened me.e) I can’t make this computer work. Let’s read the again.f) Scientists in this laboratory are conducting an interestingg) When is introduced, the number of workers will bereduced.h) Do you like this new I bought for peeling potatoes?i) Every six months the nuclear reactor needs a completej) My brother has a shop selling photographic 247

ANCED LANGUAGE PRACTICE In most lines of this text there is either a spelling or punctuation error. Write the correctly spelled word, or show the correct punctuation. Indicate correct lines with a tick. When faced with some new and possibly bewildering tecnological change, most people react, in one of two ways. They either recoil from anything new, claiming that it is unnecessary, or too complicated or that it somehow makes life less personal. Or they learn to adapt to the new invention, and eventually wonder, how they could possibly have existed without it. Take computers as an example, for many of us, they still represent a threat to our freedom, and give us a frigtening sense of a future in which all decisions will be taken by machines. This may be because they seem misterious, and difficult to understand. Ask most people, what you can use a home computer for, and you usually get vauge answers about how ‘they give you information’. In fact, even those of us who are familiar with computers’ and use them in our dayly work, have very little idea of how they actually work? But it does not take long to learn how to operate a bussiness programme, even if things occasionally go wrong for no apparant reason. Presumably much the same happened when the telephone and the television became widespred. What seems to alarm most people is the speed of technological change, rather than change itself. And the objections that are maid to new technology may well have a point to them, since change is not always an improvement. As we discover during power cuts there is a lot to be said for the oil lamp, the cole fire, and forms of entertainment, such as books or board games, that dont have to be plugged in to work. Match each problem (a-j) with a solution (1-10). a) The door squeaks. ..4. 1 It needs servicing. b) The battery is dead 2 It needs tightening. c) The pencil is blunt 3 It needs painting. d) The screw is coming loose 4 It needs oiling. e) My watch has stopped 5 It needs re-programming. f) The car seat is too far back 6 It needs recharging. g) The light bulb is flickering 7 It needs sharpening. h) The car’s got a few things wrong with it , 8 It needs winding up. i) The wall looks very bare 9 It needs adjusting. j) The TV isn’t picking up the signals 10 It needs replacing. from the video recorder. .248

VOCABULARY 16 TECHNOLOGY5 In the following texts, complete each space with a word or compound word formed from the word in capitals.Text 1(1) ..installation. of your new energy-efficient domestic gas INSTALLboiler is free of charge, and will be performed within 5 days of MAINTAIN ADJUSTpayment. Regular (2) from a qualified engineer ELECTRICis advised. The system comes with an (3) APPLYcover, which can be kept fully extended or half down. The covermust be completely removed for repairs to be carried out. As withall (4) equipment, please exercise great care ifyou are attempting to repair the (5) yourself.Text 2Attach the rotating motor to the (6) lead-pipe. CYLINDERScrew the motor down into place. If the motor does not TIGHTengage, remove it and (7) the lead-pipe. All SAFE PROTECTengineers installing or repairing this machinery must observe all PROCEEDnecessary (8) precautions. This includes thewearing of goggles, masks and other (9)equipment. For instructions on how to remove the outlet valve,please refer to the (10) described on page 28of this manual.6 Underline the most appropriate word in each sentence. a) The hair-drier is fitted with a three point cable/pjug/socket. b) Don’t touch that wire! It’s live/lively/living. c) This small vacuum cleaner is motivate/powered/run by batteries. d) The set wouldn’t work because there was a faulty connection/’joint/link. e) I can’t use my drill here. The lead/plug/wire isn’t long enough. f) Turn off the mains first in case you get a/an impact/jolt/shock. g) Oh dear the lights have gone off! The cable/fuse/safety must have gone, h) Can you lend me that cassette? I want to record/transcribe/write it. i) The appliance is powered by a small electric engine/machine/motor. j) Jim has just started work as an electrical/electricity/electrician engineer, k) The electrician twisted the wires together using a pair of hammers/chisels/pliers. 1) I buy coffee beans and put them in a grinder/mixer/blender. m) The good thing about this knife is that the blade/point/edge can be replaced n) I can’t undo this nut. I need a larger bolt/screwdriver/spanner. 249

Read the text and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best completes each collocation or fixed phase. The quality of life these days is something most of us take for (1) ..C It takes some radically different experience to (2) this fact home to people. In my (3) , it was spending three weeks aboard a yacht with twelve other people, competing in a major sailing race. Although I was officially a guest, it 1 was made clear to me from the start that there was to be no room for passengers, and that I’d have to (4) my weight. For the first few nights, none us was able to sleep for more than a couple of hours at a (5) before being rudely awoken by an aggressive command. Then we’d do physically exhausting work in total darkness. Every few minutes we’d be completely soaked to the (6) by a large wave we couldn’t see coming. I shared sleeping (7) with six other women, with barely enough room to stretch my legs. Soon I found myself (8) for my comfortable sheets back home, a hot chocolate and a warm bath. 1) A given B accepted C granted Dread 2) A bring B push C sweep D carry 3) A example B instance C case D experience 4) A offer B move Cuse Dpull 5) A piece B time C period D moment 6) A flesh B skin C bones D toes 7) A quarters B premises C dormitories D digs 8) A desiring B yearning C dreaming D craving 2 Both options make sense. Underline the one which forms a common collocation. a) We advertised the house widely but only a handful/minority of people have shown any interest. b) The surgeon told Sam that the operation had been only a minor/partial success. c) The amount of parking space available here is no longer adequate/passable. d) Sue has already written the bulk/mass of her third novel. e) You have to use a magnifying glass to see some of the miniature/minute details. f) I am glad to report that the company has made a large-scale/sizeable profit. g) There has been quite a dearth/want of good biographies this year. h) I suppose I have had a fair/good amount of experience in making speeches, i) We can’t afford such a lavish party with the limited/narrow means available, j) There is really a wide/vast difference between the two plans.250

VOCABULARY 17 QUALITY AND QUANTITY3 Complete each sentence with the most appropriate verb from the box.augmented declined dwindled extended reducedcontracted diminished enlarged faded spreada) The old railway line has been ..extended…. as far as the new airport.b) In an effort to increase sales, prices will be for a short period.c) Hope has now for the two climbers missing since last Friday.d) Helen her small salary by making shrewd share dealings.e) The school playground has been by the addition of the oldgarden.f) Unfortunately the fire has now to neighbouring buildings.g) The team’s enthusiasm was not at all by their early setbacks.h) As a seaside resort, Mudford has a lot since its heyday in the1920s.i) The company has in size, and now employs only 300 people.j) The number of students attending the class until only tworemained.4 Add a suitable comment, from the same speaker, to sentences a-j. Choose from 1-10. a) United are much better than City. ..4. b) You threw the ball before I was ready c) These wines taste just the same to me d) Why don’t I pick you up at the house? e) Why bother waiting here when we’ve missed the last bus? f) Congratulations on your promotion g) The hotel we are staying in is a bit disappointing h) There’s no food in this cupboard i) Pauline has got a new Benson 500 j) Our product is without doubt the best on the market 1 Personally, I don’t think much of it. 2 It would be less bother. 3 It doesn’t count. 4 There’s no comparison. 5 None whatsoever. 6 I can’t tell the difference. 7 It has no equal. 8 It doesn’t come up to expectations. 9 It’s pointless. 10 You deserve it. 251

ANCED LANGUAGE PRACTICE 5 Complete each space in the text with a word formed from the words in capitals. Ask any adult over forty to make a (1) …comparison.. between COMPARE the past and the present and most will tell you that things have been getting steadily worse for as long as they can remember. Take the weather for example. Everyone remembers that in their (2) the summers were considerably hotter, YOUNG and that winter always included (3) ABOUND falls of snow just when the school holidays had started. Of course, the food in those days was far superior too, as nothing was imported and everything was fresh. (4) EMPLOY was negligible, the money in your pocket really was worth something, and you could buy a (5) house even SIZE if your means were limited. And above all, people were somehow nicer in those days, and spent their free time on innocent (6) making model boats and tending their PURSUE stamp (7) rather than gazing at the television COLLECT screen for hours on end. As we know, this figure of the past simply cannot be true, and there are plenty of statistics dealing with health and (8) which prove that it is not true. So, why PROSPER is it that we all have a (9) to idealise the past TEND and to be so (10) of the present? CRITICISE 6 Replace the words underlined in each sentence with the most appropriate word or phrase from the box. are not alike completely different similar nothing exactly the same as is not as good as we had hoped calculated in relation to a) There is no equivalent to this word in any other language. b) I am afraid that your sales performance has fallen short of expectations. c) These two cars are almost alike. d) The problem can be divided into two distinct parts. e) Although they are based on the same novel, the two films differ. f) The salary given will be commensurate with experience.252

VOCABULARY 17 QUALITY AND QUANTITY7 Complete each sentence with the most appropriate adjective from the box.abundant excessive lavish middling potential ampleinferior major negligible superiora) The guests were impressed by the ..lavish scale of the banquet.b) Water is in this part of the country, owing to the heavyrainfall.c) Make a list of clients, and then send them our brochure.d) Response to our sales campaign was only , which was a littlebit disappointing.e) The government was accused of making demands on thetaxpayers.f) There is no need to rush. We have time before the meeting.g) Since winning the pools, Helen and Joe have moved to aneighbourhood.h) There’s no need to take the car to a garage. The damage isi) The signing of the peace treaty was an event of importance.j) Just because you don’t have your own desk in the office, you needn’t feel8 Replace the word or words underlined in each sentence with the most appropriate word from the box. altogether considerably especially practically specifically barely effectively moderately respectively thoroughly a) United are virtually certain of a place in the final after this result. ..practically… b) I’m particularly proud of Jan’s contribution to the play. c) Peter says he is utterly fed up with the government d) Be careful! I can hardly, walk! e) After finishing the decorating I felt completely exhausted f) Classes 3 and 4 scored 10 points and 15 points each in that order. g) I am fairly satisfied with the results so far h) Since the revolution, the army has to all intents and purposes run the country. i) We have been greatly heartened by the news from the surgeon in charge. j) I told you clearly and definitely not to write your answers in pencil, Smith! 253

Read the text and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best completes each collocation or fixed phase. A report on the notorious Fiveways School, visited recently by government (1) ..B , was published yesterday. The report (2) inadequate strategic planning, poor (3) of teaching, and semi-derelict building conditions as being largely to blame for the problems at Fiveways, the school branded ‘the worst in Europe’. Our reporters entered the school by (4) arrangement, and witnessed at (5) hand the chaos that has heaped infamy on the school. On the day of their visit, our reporters learned that one disruptive pupil had been given a 3-week (6) for punching a teacher in the face. Our reporters saw pupils virtually (7) riot, throwing stones at passers-by and verbally (8) a teacher. 1) A authorities B inspectors C controllers D examiners 2) A highlights B illuminates C features D activates 3) A measures B patterns C standards D specifications 4) A former B earlier C preceding D prior 5) A original B first C immediate D direct 6) A expulsion B caution C suspension Dban 7) A running B going C making D taking 8) A harming B abusing C damaging D oppressing 2 Complete the extracts from two school reports. Use the words from the box. half-hearted respect mature distracted insolent miu^H participated contributes applies concentrate effort Report 1 Tracey has made a big (1) ..effort. this term, showing herself to be very (2) for her age. She (3) herself well and (4) fully to class discussions. She shows a lot of (5) towards her teachers. Report 2 On one occasion Derek was sent home for being (1) to a teacher. In terms of effort, his work can sometimes be rather (2) He is easily (3) and finds it hard to (4) in class. Also he has not (5) in group work as well as he should.254

VOCABULARY 18 EDUCATION3 Both options make sense. Underline the one which forms a common collocation. a) In my country we have to do nine basic/core subjects and then we can choose several others. b) At this school we put a strong emphasis on academic/scholarly achievement. c) In my country bodily/corporal punishment was abolished 40 years ago. d) In my class we had a helper/support teacher who assisted pupils with learning difficulties. e) On Friday afternoons we had lessons with the trainee/apprentice teacher. f) In my country we have some end of year tests but most of our marks come from progressive/continuous assessment. g) At 16 we have the choice of doing more vocation/employment oriented courses, such as business studies and accounting. h) When I was 15, I had a 2-week work position/placement with a local factory. i) There were a number of teenage/child mothers in my class. j) I was expelled from school for playing/going truant too many times.4 Complete each space in the text with a word formed from the word in capitals.Last year I resigned my post as a Head of Department at a largecomprehensive school. After 23 years of teaching, I had simplyhad enough of a job which is becoming increasingly(1) ..problematic. . As a Departmental Head, I saw at close PROBLEMhand the effect of the government’s increased(2) in educational matters; the job is now INVOLVEten times more (3) than it was when I BUREAUstarted out. Not content with loading teachers down withpaperwork, the government has also imposed standard nationaltests on pupils as young as six, a fact which has left many teachers(4) with their profession. But that side of ENCHANTthings is by no means all. There is also the growing(5) of the pupils, including the girls. AGGRESSIVEThere are the frequent little acts of (6) RUDEwhich teachers have become almost (7) to stop, POWERnow that the right to discipline pupils has been all but takenfrom them. There is the restlessness and sheer (8) BORINGof children brought up on a diet of computer games and violentvideos. Some people dismiss any link between computer gamesand a (9) in attention span, but few of them are REDUCEteachers. When I started out, I used to enjoy teaching history,my chosen discipline, to (10) pupils; now I do so RESPECTevery Tuesday evening, teaching local history to pensioners. 255

ANCED LANGUAGE PRACTICE Five people are speaking about their learning experiences. Complete each space with a suitable word. The first letter of each space is given. a) I’ve just finished university, although I’ll have to go back for my g.raduation ceremony in October. So now I’m the proud possessor of a d in Modern Languages. At last I can get down to earning some money and paying back my 1 from the government. My friend is luckier than me in this respect — she’s off to the States. She has a s to study at Yale University. b) I was known as a rather naughty, mischievous pupil, and I often used to get s out of the lesson or put in d after school. Little did the school know, however, that Dad was actually paying me to have extra Maths lessons at home with a private t And it paid off, for in my Maths exam, I surprised everyone by getting the top m in the class. c) I left school without any q , and with no real job p But then I started doing e classes at the local f education college. And now I’m a mechanic, and delighted with my job! d) My problem was exams. I was never any good at them. Classwork fine, exams no go. For my A levels I r solidly for three months, but despite all this preparation, I got disappointing g :D for Physics, E for Chemistry, and E for Biology. The school suggested that I r the exams, but to be honest, I didn’t fancy all that studying all over again. But I did win a p at Sports Day, for the Senior Boys Long Jump. e) When I was 28, I decided I wanted to go back into education, as I was getting more and more interested in English literature. One option was to become a m student at a university, but I couldn’t afford this full-time commitment. So in the end I signed up for a c course, or ‘distance learning’, as it’s called. I sent my essays and a to a tutor by post and also communicated with her by e-mail. I had to study English literature from 1300 to the present day, but I chose to s in the twentieth-century novel.256

VOCABULARY 18 EDUCATIONComplete the spaces by finding one word which fits in all three sentences.a) When we had finished acting, the teacher gave us all a ..mark outof ten.Elka has only been in the office for three months, but already she has reallymade her ..mark.The teacher told Jeremy off for making a ..mark on Emma’snotebook.b) We are very pleased with Susan’s effort — she herself very wellto the task in hand.Incidentally, the comment I have just made to Smith equallyto everybody in this room.I really hope my sister for that new job; she’d be so good at it.c) I’ve virtually any ambition I ever had of becoming a teacher.I out of college after one term and went travelling around theworld instead.On police advice, Mr Bortello has the charges he broughtagainst his neighbours.d) Mr Ross, our old history teacher his classes with a rod of iron!The judge that Newton had acted in self-defence, andinstructed the jury to find him ‘not guilty’.Police have not out the possibility of murder in this case.e) The entire workforce at Holman Avionics downed tools today, in of two sacked colleagues.I’ll come along to your speech, if you like, and give you some moralIf you need help, put your hand up and I or Mrs Kent, theteacher will come to you. 257

Word formation has been practised throughout the vocabulary section. This unit gives further practice in greater detail. Complete the word in each sentence with over- or under-. a) The under..lying causes of the problem are widely known. b) What a terrible film. It’s really rated in my views. c) The first time I tried out my new bike I balanced and fell off. d) Don’t forget to give the door an coat as well as a coat of gloss paint. e) The bath flowed and the water dripped through into the living room. f) It is not as easy as all that. I think you are simplifying the problem. g) I apologise for the delay in sending your order but we are staffed at present. h) You can get to the other side of the road by going through this pass. i) The garden has been neglected and was grown with weeds. j) You should have turned the meat off before. It’s done now. 2 Complete each word with either -able or -ible. Make any necessary spelling changes. a) Brenda’ b) I don’t find your new colleague very like c) The pie looked very good, but it wasn’t very easily digest d) That was a really contempt way of getting the boss on your side! e) I think that anything is prefer to having to tell so many lies. f) The advantage of these chairs is that they are collapse g) I do hope that you find your room comfort h) Why don’t you go to the police? It’s the sense thing to do. i) John takes good care of the children and is very response j) I find your aunt a very disagree person I’m afraid.258

VOCABULARY 19 WORD FORMATIONComplete the word in each sentence by adding an appropriate prefix.a) I didn’t pay the bill and now the electricity has been ….DISconnected.b) There is a law against dropping litter, but it is rarely ……….. forced.c) When the cassette finishes, don’t forget to ……….. wind it.d) I thought the effects in the film were rather ……….. done.e) The rumours about the minister’s death were completely ……….. founded.f) Anyone with a ……….. ability may qualify for a special pension.g) I am ……….. debted to you for all the help you have given me.h) When a currency is ……….. valued, it is worth less internationally.i) I found the instructions you gave us very ……….. leading.j) John rents the house and I ……….. let a room from him.Replace the words underlined in each sentence with one word ending in -ly andbeginning with the letter given.a) The country imports every year over two million tons of rice.b) Harry’s work has improved a great deal, c …………………..c) By coincidence. I’m driving there myself tomorrow. Cd) I’ll be with you straight away, d …………………..e) The two sisters were dressed in exactly the same way, if) I’m afraid that Carol’s writing is quite illegible, ag) Tim only understands in a hazy manner what is going on. vh) I think that this plan is downright ridiculous! t …………………..i) Diana just wants to know the truth, m …………………..j) The passengers only just escaped with their lives, bComplete each word with either in- or un-.a) Why are you so …… .in .sensitive to other people’s problems?b) The garden is divided into two ……….. equal parts.c) I think you were ……….. justified in punishing both boys.d) I am afraid that the world is full of ……….. justice.e) This ticket is ……….. valid. You haven’t stamped it in the machine.f) Thank you for your help. It was ……….. valuable.g) Quite honestly I find that argument ……….. tenable.h) The government’s ……….. action can only be explained as sheer neglect.i) The amount of food aid the country has received is quite ……….. sufficient.j) Her remarks were so rude they were frankly………..printable. 259

ANCED LANGUAGE PRACTICE 6 Make a compound word in each sentence by adding the most appropriate word from the box. pour dust flake mare quake hand fire sbift sick goer a) We used cushions and blankets as a make shift bed. b) I woke up screaming after having a terrible night c) The house was severely damaged by an earth d) We got soaked to the skin in a sudden down e) Don’t forget to tell everyone about the meeting before f) The average theatre will find this play incomprehensible. g) After six months abroad, Angela was beginning to feel home h) The floor of the workshop was covered in saw. and shavings of wood. i) The children made a poster based on the shape of a snow. j) The United Nations tried to arrange a cease but without success. Complete the compound word in each sentence. a) One of the draw .backs of this car is its high petrol consumption. b) From the hotel there is a breath view across the canyon. c) Peter’s gambling ability gave him a nice little wind of £300. d) We always lock the computer in this cupboard, just as a safe e) If I were you, I’d spend a bit more and buy the hard version of the book. f) Michael’s playboy life was the envy of all his friends. g) That building has been ear for redevelopment by the council. h) We cannot take off because the run is rather icy. i) From my stand , this would not be a very profitable venture. j) There is wide dissatisfaction with the government’s policies.260

VOCABULARY 19 WORD FORMATION8 Complete the word in each sentence with an appropriate suffix.a) I object strongly to the commercial.isation of sport.b) Skateboarding is no longer very fashion in this country.c) Don’t touch that glass vase?! It’s absolutely price !d) We decided to go to watch some tradition dances in the nextvillage.e) Helen’s uncle turned out to be a really remark person.f) We have not yet received confirm of your telephone booking.g) Driving on these mountain roads in winter is a bit hazardh) I just couldn’t put up with his relent nagging.i) The doctor will be available for a consult on Thursdaymorning,j) None of this work has been done properly. Don’t you think you have beenrather neglect ?9 Complete each space in the text with a word formed from the word in capitals.ROMFORD COLLEGE INTERNATIONAL FRIENDSHIP CLUBHello all members!Welcome to another edition of the club newsletter.A list of (1) ..forthcoming events for the autumn is being COMEprepared. It will be displayed on the club’s(2) Sadly our intended celebrity guest, the NOTICEactor George Wells, has had to (3) from DRAWthe summer fair. However, we are pleased to announce that wehave lined up a (4) in the shape of Bethan PLACERogers, the folk-singer.Meanwhile, we are looking for (5) to help VOLUNTARYrun both the cloakroom and the (6) stall. FRESHIf you are interested please let me know as soon as possible.The cost of (7) to the fair for non-members ADMIThas been agreed at £2.50. Members will, of course, be free.As you know, Professor Byatt, who has been associated withthe club for 15 years, is retiring at the end of term. In(8) of his support and enthusiasm, we are RECOGNISEplanning to hold a little (9) for him. PRESENTMrs Byatt has suggested we buy him a gold watch. Please sendany (10) you would like to make to me CONTRIBUTEby Friday 30th. 261

Multiple meaning has been practised throughout the vocabulary section. This unit gives further practice in greater detail. 1 Which word(s) from the box could replace the words in bold in the sentences? withdrew stopped produced damaged told off succeeded started moving opened dragged extracted a) The lorry pulled away very slowly because of its heavy load. ..started..moving. b) I think I must have pulled a muscle c) The man pulled out a gun and aimed it at the bank clerk d) It was still dark when I pulled back the curtains e) Surprisingly, when the dentist pulled out my tooth, I didn’t feel a thing. f) I think it’s amazing that Jack pulled it off — I never thought he’d do it. g) The United Nations pulled out their troops from the capital h) Mike was pulled up by his boss for making a joke about the Chairman. i) They pulled the heavy sandbag along as it was too heavy to carry. j) A police car pulled up outside the Burtons’ house. Decide in which of the following sentences the verb run fits correctly. a) I’ll run your message to John and see what he thinks. ..incorrect b) Would you like me to run you to the bus station? c) I can’t stand all the chlorine in the pool — it makes my eyes run d) Your home address isn’t run correctly in our records e) They sometimes run an extra train if they know it’s going to be busy. f) It is thought that the total cost will run 50% higher than the estimate. g) Well I’m extremely busy, but, at a run, I might be able to do it for you. h) The run of the matter is, we’ve decided to get married in August i) My contract still has six months to run j) Karen hasn’t decided yet if she wants to run for the Presidency again this year262

VOCABULARY 20 MULTIPLE MEANING3 Which word completes each set of collocations or fixed phrases?a) an instrument ..panel.a .panel. of expertsa control ..panel.a wooden …panelb) a ballota agentkeep it ameet inthe of successc) take of the situationit’s out ofthe exchangethe marketd) a sheeta zoneonly will telllong no seefor the beinge) a minder abuse care facilitiesa prodigybehaving like a4 Decide which of the following uses of odd are correct. a) You come across some very odd characters over here. b) Come on Jack, one odd glass of beer before you leave! c) It’s odd to think that this time yesterday we were on the other side of the world d) I think this software is odd with my computer e) I’m getting an odd wind about this — it’s all very suspicious f) Look I can’t wear odd socks — everyone will laugh at me g) The match was mediocre — apart from the odd flash of genius from Lupeto.h) Put your odd finger over the hole as you blow.i) Try not to be so odd with your steps — it’s supposed to be a slow dance.j) The question master tells you three things, and you have to say which is the odd one out. 263

ANCED LANGUAGE PRACTICE 5 Underline the two words which collocate best with the words around the space. Choose from the words in italic at the end of each sentence. a) Please this receipt, as it means we can identify your photographs more quickly, (maintain/retain/keep) b) Ok, if you can just still while I take the photograph. (stay/stop/stand) c) The final will be shown here on Channel 3 at 8.30 on Tuesday, (part/programme/series) d) The doctor said I had a skin condition, (mild/weak/slight) e) Her work gives a sense of to her life, (aim/purpose/direction) f) He even had the to ask me to do his photocopies for him. (cheek/brain/nerve) g) Thanks to that wretched mosquito, my ankle to twice its normal size, (swelled/grew/rose) h) I couldn’t stand any more, so I left early, but John stayed to the end. (far/very/bitter) i) Today’s not a good day for a meeting. I’m rather for time. (tigh t/pushed/pressed) j) Come on Elly, concentrate on the game; it’s your (turn/go/take) 6 Replace the words in bold with one word which fits in all three sentences. a) It would require a lot of strength to lift that boulder. I find his views on foreigners very hard to accept. I hope the burglars didn’t steal anything valuable. take.. b) Sue has not really been challenged at school this term. The pullover expanded when I washed it. I reached out my arm as far as it would go. c) I intend to leave as early as possible. I nominate Sally Field for the post of Chairperson. I suggest setting up another meeting for next Thursday. d) I hope you’ve got enough room to work at that desk. There’s a large storage area under the stairs. There’s a place here for you Emma, if you want to sit down. e) Erica thought for a while and then dropped the ring over the bridge. From that point on, their relationship was never quite the same. At the last minute, they decided to pull out of the competition264

se units also revise items from earlier units.1 ComeComplete each sentence with the most appropriate word from the box.expectation fortune pressure strike useful forcelight realise undone worlda) I’m afraid that Jim’s new play didn’t come up tob) The building workers have voted to come out onc) The government is coming under to change the law.d) When her uncle died, Susan came into ae) The truth of the matter came to during the investigation.f) Oh bother! My shoelaces have comeg) Bring the torch with you. It might come inh) Ted used to be quite wealthy, but he’s come down in thei) Recently I’ve come to that you were right all the time.j) The new traffic regulations come into tomorrow.2 InComplete each sentence with the most appropriate word from the box.advance comparison doubt practice sympathy chargedetention earnest response waya) All the pupils who misbehaved have been kept inb) I’m not joking. I’m speaking inc) Your rent is, of course, payable ind) The bus drivers are on strike, and the railway workers have come out ine) This city makes London seem quite small inf) It’s a depressing book, but I enjoyed it in ag) Everyone else is away, so I am in of the office.h) Theoretically term ends at 4.00 on Friday, but ineveryone leaves at lunchtime.i) If in , do not hesitate to contact our representative.j) We decided to show the film again in to public demand. 265

ANCED LANGUAGE PRACTICE 3 Hand Match each sentence (a-j) with one of the explanatory examples (1-10). a) She did it single-handedly. …7. b) You have to hand it to her c) She can turn her hand to just about anything d) Her behaviour was rather high-handed e) She played right into their hands f) She’s an old hand at this kind of thing g) At the end they gave her a big hand h) I think her behaviour is getting out of hand i) She has managed to keep her hand in j) She was given a free hand 1 She unsuspectingly gave them an advantage. 2 She took advantage of her position to use her power wrongly. 3 She was allowed to do whatever she wanted. 4 She is becoming uncontrollable. 5 She was applauded loudly. 6 She has practised so as not to lose her skill. 7 She did it on her own. 8 She can learn any skill very easily. 9 She has to be congratulated. 10 She has a lot of past experience. 4 Wood and Metal Complete each sentence with the most appropriate word from the box. beam pole plank stick trunk girder post rod t«4g wand a) A small bird was carrying a ..twig in its beak back to its nest. b) The wall was supported by a thick metal c) Wasps had made a hole in the of the old fruit tree. d) A workman pushed the wheelbarrow along a e) The magician waved the and the rabbit vanished. f) We have to replace an old oak which supports the ceiling. g) I use a long piece of bamboo as a fishing h) Our neighbour crashed his car into our gate i) After I left hospital I could only walk with a j) We hoisted the flag to the top of the266

WORDS AND PHRASES 15 Prefix un-Rewrite each sentence beginning as shown, so that it contains a form of theword underlined beginning un-.a) I don’t envy his position. Hisposition…isunenviableb) Philip flew to New York without the company of his parents. Philip flew to New Yorkc) Margaret has no inhibitions at all. Margaret is completelyd) There is no foundation to the rumour that I have been dismissed. The rumour that I have been dismissede) I just can’t bear this heat! For me, this heatf) There’s no doubt that Schwartz is the best skier around at the moment. Schwartz isg) The sound of Jenny’s voice cannot be mistaken. The sound of Jenny’s voiceh) There is no justification for your behaviour. Your behaviour is quitei) There is no precedent for such action. Such actionj) Ian teaches but has no teaching qualifications. Ian is an6 Verbs of movementUnderline the most suitable word in each sentence.a) The drunken soldier was marching/staggering/scrambling crazily from one side of the street to the other.b) George suddenly dashed/slunk/rambled into the room waving a telegram.c) Sue found it very difficult to pass/overtake/cross the busy street.d) Passengers who wish to alight/leave/descend at the next station should travel in the front four coaches.e) The runner with the injured foot flashed/limped/trundled across the finishing line.f) Kate spent the morning rambling/strolling/crawling along the sea-front.g) Harry strode/tiptoed/trudged along the landing, trying not to make any noise,h) The road was icy, and I skidded/skated/slipped over.i) I managed to creep/slink/strut up to the burglar before he noticed me.j) After the meal we lounged/loitered/lingered over our coffees for an hour or so. 267

1 Get Replace the words underlined by using the most appropriate expression from the box. get you down get your own back got the sack get it straight get hold of get the idea across get up speed get rid of ?et away with murder there’s no getting away from it a) If you’re not careful, you’re going to be dismissed. b) Doesn’t this gloomy winter weather depress you? …………………… c) You’re going to grow old one day. You can’t ignore it d) Willie treated you really badly. How are you going to take revenge? e) These trains start very slowly but they soon accelerate f) Ann talks well but she doesn’t always communicate what she wants to say. g) The pipes have burst. We must try to find a plumber h) Let’s understand each other. I don’t want to go out with you! i) Philip is the teacher’s favourite. She lets him do whatever he wants. j) I feel awful. I can’t seem to shake off this cold. 2 Colour Complete each sentence with a colour, in an appropriate form of the word. a) When Bill saw my new car he was ..,green. ……… with envy. b) Tina never comes here now. We only see her once in a ………………….. moon. c) When the visitors from Japan arrived, the company gave them the ………………….. carpet treatment. d) I’m fed-up with this job. I feel completely ………………….. off. e) Julie’s letter was unexpected. It arrived completely out of the …………………… f) The ………………….. -collar workers received a rise, but the workers on the shop floor were told they had to wait. g) We decided to celebrate by going out and painting the town …………………… h) Tony can’t be trusted yet with too much responsibility, he’s still i) You can talk until you’re in the face, but he still won’t listen. j) They fell deeper and deeper into the and then went bankrupt.268

WORDS AND PHRASES 2 3 Common phrases Match each sentence (a-j) with a continuation sentence by the same speaker, (1-10). a) Gosh, it’s incredibly hot today. …6 b) I’m really terribly sorry about damaging your car. c) I feel that proof of Smith’s guilt has now been established d) Well, that’s the last item we had to discuss e) Why didn’t you phone me at all? f) It’s a good plan, I suppose g) You may be the office manager h) The search has gone on now for three days i) Don’t worry about the missing money. j) Haven’t you heard about Gordon and Eileen then? 1 But that doesn’t give you the right to speak to me like that. 2 Chances are it’s just an administrative error. 3 Beyond a shadow of doubt, in my opinion. 4 For all you know, I might be dead! 5 I thought it was common knowledge. 6 I could really do with a cold drink. 7 As far as it goes, that is. 8 So I think that covers everything. 9 And hope appears to be fading, I’m afraid.10 All I can say is that it certainly won’t happen again.4 SeeComplete each sentence with the most appropriate word or phrase from the box.better days my way the last things it through eye to eyered the light a lot the funny sidea) I started this project, and I intend to seeb) If you ask me, this restaurant has seen The decor is very old.c) Well, so much for Jack. I think we’ve seen of him for a while.d) I don’t think we really see over this matter, do we?e) Come on, laugh! Can’t you see ?f) When Brenda told me I had been dismissed, I sawg) I don’t think I can see to lending you the money after all.h) Mark and Ellen have been seeing of each other lately.i) At last! Rob has seen and come round to my way of thinking.j) Ghosts! Don’t be silly! You’re seeing ! 269

ANCED LANGUAGE PRACTICE5 Suffix -fulRewrite each sentence beginning as shown, so that it contains a form of theword underlined ending in -ft//.a) Martin did his duty as a son. ? Martinb) You didn’t show much tact, did you? Youc) I think the whole idea is a flight of fancy. I think the whole idead) We have a relationship which means something. We havee) I have my doubts about this plan. If) I can only pity his performance, I’m afraid. His performanceg) Smoking definitely harms the health. Smokingh) It would be of some use to know what they intend to do. It would bei) Jim doesn’t show any respect to his teachers. Jimj) I’m afraid your directions weren’t much help. I’m afraid6 OutComplete each sentence with the most appropriate phrase from the box.of the way on strike of range of my control of breathof order and about of all proportion of charactera) I don’t spend all my time in the office, I get out ..and about. quite a lot.b) She doesn’t usually behave like that. It’s completely outc) I wish you’d get out ! I can’t get past.d) After running up the stairs I was quite oute) The gunners couldn’t fire at the castle because it was outf) This was a small problem which has been exaggerated outg) Don’t bother trying the lift, it’s out again.h) The railway workers are out again.i) I can’t do anything, I’m afraid, it’s out

nComplete each sentence with the most appropriate word or phrase from the average my retirement the market a regular basisgood terms purpose the premises the verge of its own meritsa) Each of the five peace plans will be judged onb) The company gave me a gold watch onc) We have decided to employ Diana on from now on.d) This is easily the best type of outboard motor one) This Rembrandt is on to the National Gallery at present.f) There should be at least five fire extinguishers ong) Mary has remained on with her ex-husband.h) Paul’s doctor says he is on a nervous breakdown.i) We serve ten thousand customers on every week.j) I don’t think that was an accident. I think you did that on2 OneComplete each sentence with the most appropriate word or phrase from the at a time for one one another one-time one-wayone by one all in one one-off one-sided one in threea) You may disagree, but I ..for one think the play is a ghastly failure.b) The match was a affair, with United dominating throughout.c) Irene Woods, the singing star, has written her third musical.d) According to a survey, of all students are unable to pay tuitionfees.e) We are willing to make you a payment of £1,000 ascompensation.f) Not all together please! Can you come out to the frontg) Jim is trainer, coach, manager and driverh) the weary soldiers fell exhausted along the side of the road.i) We can’t turn left here. It’s a street.j) I wish you kids would stop pushing and start behavingyourselves. 271

ANCED LANGUAGE PRACTICE 3 Break Match each sentence (a-j) with one of the explanatory sentences (1-10). a) They have broken down several miles from home. …9. b) They worked on without a break c) They took the corner at breakneck speed d) They got on well as soon as they broke the ice e) Their marriage is about to break up f) They have made a breakthrough at last g) They broke off at that point h) There has been a break-in at their house i) They broke the news to Pauline gently. j) They broke her heart in the end 1 They have made an important discovery. 2 They have been burgled. 3 They got over their initial shyness. 4 Their message was interrupted. 5 They went on without stopping 6 They made her very unhappy. 7 They are on the verge of separating. 8 They revealed what had happened. 9 They have had trouble with their car. 10 They were going extremely fast. 4 Sounds Underline the most appropriate word or phrase in each sentence. a) A bee was humming/buzzing/crashing angrily against the window pane, unable to get out. b) The crowd banged/rustled/booed in disagreement as the politician left the platform. c) The bus stopped at the traffic lights with a screech/howl/grind of brakes. d) I had to put some oil on the hinges to stop the door whining/squeaking/whimpering. e) The sack of potatoes fell from the lorry with a heavy crunch/splash/thud. f) The helicopter passed overhead with a grinding/chirping/whirring sound, like a giant insect. g) The mirror fell from the wall with a whoosh/crash/screech. h) Air was escaping from the punctured tyre with a hissing/bubbling/puffing sound. i) The tiny bells on the Christmas tree were clanging/ringing/tinkling in the draught, j) The saucepans fell onto the floor with a great clatter/crunch/ping.272

WORDS AND PHRASES 35 MemoryComplete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the firstsentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given.a) This house makes me think of the place where I grew up.remindsThis house .reminds me off. the place where I grew up.b) I used to remember things a lot better.memoryMy it was.c) Please say hello to your mother for me.rememberPlease to your mother.d) Edward couldn’t remember anything about the crash.memoryEdward the crash.e) I’m sorry, but I’ve forgotten your name.slippedI’m sorry but my mind.f) Remind me to put the rubbish out.forgetDon’t put the rubbish out.g) That makes me think of something that happened to me.bringsThat something that happened to me.h) I can never remember anything.forgetfulI am my old age.i) I will never forget seeing Nureyev dance.unforgettableSeeing experience.j) Brenda is very good at memorising phone numbers.byBrenda is very good at 273

1 Formality Replace each word or phrase underlined with the most appropriate of the more formal words from the box. abandoned scrutinised dismissed beneficial investigated commensurate discrepancy rudimentary inopportune lucrative a) George was given the sack yesterday. b) I am afraid I have only a/an basic knowledge of physics c) The whole matter is being looked into by the police d) I’m looking for a job on a level with my abilities e) The actual voting is carefully watched over by special officers f) Terry was left somewhere by her parents when she was a baby. g) I must apologise if I have arrived at a/an bad moment h) There is a/an difference between the sum of money sent, and the sum received i) Carol’s new catering business turned out to be very profitable j) I am sure that a month’s holiday would be good for you 2 No Complete each phrase in bold with one of the words from the box. a) It’s unfortunate, but I’m afraid you give me no b) By the time the police arrived, there was no of the burglars. c) It’s no asking me the way, I’m only a visitor here. d) If you will smoke so much it’s no you have a bad cough. e) You go home, there’s no in both of us waiting. f) Mind your own business, it is no of yours. g) As far as we know, the old man has no of support. h) There is really no what Eric will do next. i) I couldn’t solve the puzzle, no how hard I tried. j) At the moment there is no of the Prime Minister resigning.274

WORDS AND PHRASES 4 3 Head Match each sentence (a-j) with one of the explanatory examples (1-10). a) I never even thought of it. …2. b) I avoid attracting attention c) I made sure that something had to be decided d) I’m not a practically minded person e) I’m involved so far that it’s out of my control f) I don’t understand it at all g) I’ve gone mad h) I’ve let my feelings get out of control i) I never lose control of my emotions j) I find it really easy. 1 I always keep my head. 2 It never entered my head. 3 I brought matters to a head. 4 My head is in the clouds. 5 I can’t make head or tail of it. 6 I’m in way over my head. 7 I could do it standing on my head. 8 It’s completely gone to my head. 9 I’m off my head.10 I keep my head down. 4 People Underline the most suitable word or phrase in each sentence. a) I thought that Wendy’s action was rather out of personality/character/role. b) Paul was easy to manage when he was crawling, but now he is a youngster/brat/toddler it’s a little more difficult. c) Tim has been visiting some distant relatives/family/parents in the country. d) She’s not a teenager any more. She looks quite outgrown/overgrown/grown up now. e) I can’t understand Keith, he’s a strange figure/human/individual. f) Good heavens, it’s you, Tom. You are the last person/personality/character I expected to see here. g) Mary later became a figure/being/character of some importance in the academic world. h) With the end of childhood, and the onset of teenage/youth/adolescence young people experience profound changes, i) Do you think that masses/humans/beings will ever be able to live on other planets? j) Jean has a very easy-going reputation/characteristic/personality which is why she is so popular. 275

ANCED LANGUAGE PRACTICE 5 Make Complete each sentence with the most appropriate word from the box. point effort impression provision sense offer way inquiries difference a) Don’t be silly. What you are saying just doesn’t make b) If you made more , you would succeed. c) Although the police made about the missing car, it was never found. d) I don’t know how much I want. Why don’t you make me a/an ? e) What are you trying to make, exactly? f) You may not care one way or the other, but it makes a to me. g) Jack made ample for his family in his will. h) Well, it’s time we started making our home, I think. i) I’m afraid the play didn’t make much of a/an on me. 6 Compound words Rewrite each sentence so that it contains a compound word formed from the two words in bold. Some changes can be made to the words. The word may or may not be hyphenated. a) A girl with fair hair answered the door. b) When we set out on this project, you knew the risks. c) Jack loses his temper after just a short time. d) I am not sure which point of view you are taking on this problem. e) You have to serve yourself in this restaurant. f) We have certainly had some trouble from our neighbours. g) The people upstairs have a child who is five years old. h) I stood on the step outside the door at the back of the house, i) The sight of the waterfall took my breath away.276

ize — adjectivesDecide how many of the words/phrases from the box will go in each sentence.mere bare minor considerable substantial slight ohoorgood well over widespreada) The soldiers held out for a while, but in the end were overwhelmed by…sheer numbers.b) There were ten thousand people shouting outside theparliament building.c) Jack was given a part in the play. He only had one line.d) There were a thousand people at last week’s hockey match.e) A number of people have reported seeing a UFO over Exmoor.f) Wendy had a cold, but thought it wouldn’t get any worse.g) The company suffered losses after the stock market crash andfound it difficult to recover.h) I’m not hurt, it’s a scratch, nothing serious.i) We expected a good turn-out for the meeting, but a handfulof people turned up.j) There is a belief that the economic situation will improve.2 SuffixesComplete the word in each sentence with a suitable suffix.a) The customs official was accused of bribe-ry and corruption.b) This painting has a certain charming child quality.c) Long leather boots were extremely fashion at one time.d) A shelf fell on Jim’s head and knocked him sensee) Helen served her apprentice as a reporter on a local paper.f) The Prime Minister handed in his resign yesterday.g) The film didn’t live up to my expect at all.h) Every employ will be given an electric badge for entrance andexit purposes.i) Paul doesn’t just like to be clean, he is obsessed with cleanj) We have no plans to move house for the foresee future. 277

ANCED LANGUAGE PRACTICE 3 Headlines The headlines (a-j) contain special ‘headline words’. Each ‘headline word’ has a more common equivalent in 1-25. Match ‘headline words’ with their common equivalents. a) ARMS SWOOP: TWO HELD b) TORIES BACK PITS AXE c) PEACE TALKS HEAD FOR SPLIT d) NUCLEAR SCARE RIDDLE e) GO-AHEAD FOR SCHOOLS PROBE f) PRINCESS TO RE-WED PUZZLE g) PM HITS OUT IN JOBLESS ROW h) DEATH TOLL RISES IN DISCO BLAZE i) PRESIDENT OUSTED IN COUP DRAMA j) SMOKING BAN STAYS: OFFICIAL 1 disagreement 2 discussions 3 raid 4 confusing news 5 approval 6 revolution 7 prohibition 8 the unemployed 9 investigation 10 Conservatives 11 coalmines 12 criticises 13 arrested 14 number killed 15 remove by force 16 mystery 17 marry again 18 fire 19 the Prime Minister 20 remains 21 public alarm 22 cuts 23 dispute 24 armaments 25 with legal authorit)278

WORDS AND PHRASES 54 Body movementsUnderline the most suitable word or phrase in each sentence.a) I grabbed/clutched/cuddled the bag of money tightly so no one could steal it.b) Several people came forward to congratulate me and held/grasped/shook me by the hand.c) Pauline was only wearing a thin coat and begin trembling/vibrating/shivering in the cold wind.d) With a violent movement, the boy eased/snatched/dashed the purse from Jane’s hand.e) Could you extend/catch/hand me that file on your desk, please?f) The barman began to fold/bundle/clench his fists in a threatening manner so I left.g) If you really lengthen/stretch/expand can you reach that book on the top shelf?h) Please don’t lean/curl/tumble against the wall. It dirties the new paint.i) Harry crept/crouched/reclined down behind the desk, trying to hide.i) I can’t control this movement. My arm keeps ticking/twitching/revolving like this. What do you recommend doctor?5 AtRewrite each sentence so that the underlined words are replaced by anexpression containing at.a) Suddenly there was a knock at the door. ct oy£c there. iv#.r # knack. eit th&.door.b) I could see just from looking quickly that Sam was ill. I could seec) The captain is on the ship at the moment, in the middle of the Atlantic. The captain isd) Harry is a very skilful tennis player. Harry ise) I thought this book was rather dull originally, but I’ve changed my mind. I thoughtf) A new carpet will cost not less than £500. A new carpetg) Paul shot in the direction of the duck, but missed it. Paul shoth) Brenda ran up the stairs taking three stairs in one step. Brenda rani) Tim won the 100 metres gold medal when he tried for the second time. Tim won . 279

1 Set Match each sentence (a-j) with one of the explanatory sentences (1-10). a) I don’t set much store by it. …7 1 I’ve arranged the meal. b) I’ve set my mind on it 2 I am strongly opposed to it. c) I’ve had a set-back 3 I have operated the timer. d) I’m dead set against her marriage 4 I’ve decided for certain. e) I’ve set up the meeting for next 5 I have had a reversal of week fortune. f) I’ve set the table in the 6 I’ve made the arrangements. 7 I don’t consider it very living-room g) I’ve got the whole set important. h) I set you two exercises for today. 81 don’t like the bitter taste. i) It sets my teeth on edge 9 I have a complete collection. j) I’ve set it to turn on at seven 10 I gave you some homework. 2 Places Decide how many of the words from the box will go in each sentence. post location site venue haunt spot whereabouts point plot position a) The missing girl’s exact ..whereabout is still uncertain. b) The sculpture cannot be appreciated unless you stand in the right c) Don’t go to that part of town. It is a well-known of muggers. d) The film was made on in West Africa. e) There is an empty opposite the church where a school could be built. f) The precise of the ancient temple is a matter of scholarly dispute. g) We had our picnic at a local beauty h) The where these two lines meet gives us our position on the map. i) The for our next concert has been changed to Wembley Stadium, j) Helen was the first past the winning280

WORDS AND PHRASES 63 Words with more than one meaningIn each sentence replace the words underlined by one of the words from thebox. sound dead fest bare run rare live clean even latea) We tied the boat securely to the tree, and went for a walk. .fast…..b) I only take the absolute essentials with me when I go campingc) The sales campaign is exactly on target so fard) Did you know that Bob and Tina manage the local pube) The robbers got completely away from the police in a sports carf) I’d like my steak underdone, pleaseg) Mr Jones erected a memorial to his recently dead wifeh) Don’t touch that wire. It’s carrying an electric current.i) He dropped my drink and I dropped his, so now we are equal.j) I think that the idea of investing the money is very reliable advice4 SpeakingUnderline the most suitable word or phrase in each sentence.a) The accused sat silently throughout the proceedings and did not emit/pronounce/utter a word.b) I forgot to announce/mention/narrate earlier that I’ll be home late this evening.c) We were just having a friendly gossip/chat/whisper about football.d) I’m sorry to cut/butt/rush in but did you happen to mention the name ‘Fiona’?e) The police officer addressed/argued/lectured the children for ten minutes about the dangers of throwing stones, but then let them off with a warning.f) John was muttering/whispering/swallowing something under his breath, but I didn’t catch what he said.g) It is difficult for me to speak/tell/say exactly what I mean in a foreign language.h) The two people involved in the accident were both pronounced/defined/stated dead on arrival at Kingham Hospital,i) My boss didn’t say it in so many words, but she clarified/’declared/implied that I would get a promotion before the end of the year,j) After we saw the film, we stayed up half the night disputing/arguing/criticising. 281

ANCED LANGUAGE PRACTICE 5 Within Complete each sentence with the most appropriate word from the box. the law means sight reason power the hour reach enquire a) The police promised to do everything within their ..f.Q.YrQC. to help us. b) The notice on the door said ‘ within.’ c) Provided you live within your , you won’t get into debt. d) As long as we stay within , we won’t have any legal problems. e) There are several shops within easy of the house. f) The ship sank when it was within of land. g) You can have anything you want for your birthday, within h) Hurry up! The president will be here within 6 Suffix -ing Rewrite each sentence so that it contains a word ending -ing formed from the word given in capitals. a) There was a very strong smell coming from the lab. POWER b) Oh dear, we don’t seem to have understood each other. UNDERSTAND c) I was really frightened by that horror film. TERROR d) The root cause of the problem is an economic one. LIE e) Building the hydro-electric dam is of supreme importance. RIDE f) The plane appears to be breaking up in mid-air. INTEGRATE g) The operation will not leave you with an ugly scar. FIGURE h) The government is intent on basing the country’s economy on industry. INDUSTRY i) They will be cutting off the electricity in the morning. CONNECT j) I think you are making this problem seem simpler than it is. SIMPLE282

yComplete each sentence with the most appropriate word or phrase from the box.a) This video-recorder is brilliant; it’s by the best available atthis price.b) By , I should give you a parking-ticket, but I’ll let you offthis time.c) Please wait out here, and the doctor will be with you byd) It is by certain that the bill will become law.e) We met the other day at the supermarket byf) There was not total agreement, but by the members agreedthat the new rules were necessary.g) I don’t really like going to the cinema all byh) By , are you coming to the office party next week?i) By wait here if you have got nowhere else to wait.j) By I got back to the bus-stop, the bus had already passed.2 Other uses for names of parts of the bodyComplete each sentence with the most appropriate word from the box.foot head arm cheek neck chest hand leg hear spinea) My football team won the first ..leg ……………. of the two-match tie.b) You can’t fool me, I’m an old ………………….. at this game!c) The hotel lies in the ………………….. of the English countryside.d) Absolutely right! You’ve hit the nail right on the ……………………e) The trouble with paperback books is that the ………………….. often breaks.f) I sat on the ………………….. of the chair because there was nowhere else to sit.g) The village lay at the ………………….. of the mountain beside the lake.h) You’ve got a lot of ………………….. to speak to me like that!i) We didn’t have a corkscrew so we broke the ………………….. of the bottle.j) We packed all our clothes into a strong ………………….. and sent it by rail. 283

ANCED LANGUAGE PRACTICE 3 Adjective-noun collocations Complete each sentence with one of the adjectives from the box.a) Jenny was the survivor of the air crash in the Brazilian jungle.b) The island has only a population of less than a thousand.c) Terry’s old car is a joke among the people at her office.d) It is knowledge that the director has applied for another job.e) The management bears a responsibility for this strike.f) The college expects a standard of behaviour from its students.g) Janet has a grasp of theoretical nuclear physics.h) The victim was hit on the head from behind with a object.i) Buying the shares was a risk, but luckily it came off.j) There has been a increase in the number of unemployed.4 HaveRewrite each sentence so that it contains an expression which includes the verbhave in an appropriate form.a) There are still a few days until the end of our holiday.We still . of our holiday.b) Old Mrs Jones can’t climb stairs very easily.Old Mrs Jones climbing stairs.c) I don’t want to hear you complaining any more!I’ve your complaining!d) I do not intend to call the police.I’ve calling the police.e) I don’t wish to be a nuisance.I to be a nuisance.f) I really don’t know where we are.I where we are.g) Give me the spanner and I’ll try to do it.Here, let me , I’m very good with a spanner.h) I don’t recollect posting the letter.I posting the letter.i) I went to the hairdresser’s this afternoon.I this afternoon.j) There’s a rumour going around that a new Director is going to be appointed.Rumour a new Director is going to be appointed.

WORDS AND PHRASES 75 Verbs of seeingUnderline the most suitable word or phrase in each sentence.a) She noticed/watched/eyed her daughter’s boyfriend up and down, and then asked him in.b) Jack stared/glimpsed/glanced at the map for a while, unable to believe his eyes.c) Would you like to regard/observe/view the house that is for sale this afternoon?d) Police faced/gazed/spotted the wanted man in the crowd outside a football ground.e) I checked/glanced/faced at my watch. It was already well after three.f) The burglar turned to view/regard/face me and said, ‘Don’t you recognise me?’g) I only beheld/witnessed/noticed we were running low on petrol after we had passed the last filling station.h) Tony was noticing/glimpsing/scanning the page, looking for his name in print,i) I only peered/glimpsed/squinted the Queen from a distance before her car drove away,j) Sally was sitting by the sea, glandng/gazing/fadng at the shape of the distant island.6 DoMatch each sentence (a-j) with one of the explanatory sentences (1-10).a) He’ll do you a favour. ..3. 1 He is unsatisfactory for the job.b) It does him credit 2 The dog is quite safe.c) He’s having a do 3 He will help you.d) He just won’t do 4 He can manage, don’t worry.e) He was doing over a hundred. . 5 He talks all the time.f) He does go on 6 He needs one of those.g) He’ll make do 7 It’s his party on Saturday.h) He likes do-it-yourself 8 His hobby is fixing his own house.i) He won’t do you any harm 9 It shows how good he is.j) He could do with one 10 He was driving extremely fast. 285

1 Collocations: nouns linked by of Complete each sentence with the most appropriate word from the box. matter slip offer waste right difference lapse price fact term a) As people get older they often suffer from this kind of ..W$.s.£-. of memory. b) No, I don’t think he’s weird. As a matter of , I’m rather attracted to him. c) The two headers had a of opinion over the right course of action. d) She said that her use of the word ‘Baldy’ was a of endearment. e) The of failure in this case will be the loss of 2,000 jobs. f) The authorities have had to turn down our of help. g) As far as I am concerned, the meeting was a of time. h) I feel that we should treat this as a of importance. i) Our neighbours claim that this footpath is a public of way. j) I’m sorry I said that, it was just a of the tongue. 2 Size and amount Underline the option that best completes the collocation. a) The results of the two experiments varied only by a negligible/petty amount. b) You can travel from one end of the park to the other on a minute/miniature railway. c) It’s a smallish town, but it has a sizeable/middling park near the centre. d) The cost of building a tunnel under the Atlantic would be vast/astronomical. e) Chorton is a medium/standard-sized city in the west of the country. f) Travel to other planets involves covering vast/monstrous distances. g) It’s a small flat with rooms of medium/neutral size. h) We have made a considerable/plentiful amount of progress towards negotiating a cease-fire. i) One has to admire the minute/tiny attention to detail in Rodin’s paintings, j) You could make reasonable/substantial savings by transferring your bank account to us, Mr Jones.286

WORDS AND PHRASES 8 3 Bring Match each sentence (a-j) with one of the explanatory sentences (1-10). a) She couldn’t bring herself to do it. …6 b) This brought her quite a lot c) She brought all her powers to bear on it d) It brought her to her knees e) It brought it home to her f) Eventually she was brought to book g) It brought it all back to her h) She brought the house down i) She brought him into the world j) She brought it about 1 It nearly defeated her. 2 She was punished. 3 She did everything she could to find a solution. 4 She gave birth to him. 5 She remembered. 6 She couldn’t bear the idea. 7 She made it happen. 8 She was applauded enthusiastically. 9 It fetched a good price.10 It made her realise. 4 Feelings Underline the most suitable word or phrase in each sentence. a) I didn’t go to the party as I felt a bit under the water/clouds/weather. b) When he called me those names I just went/took/saw red and hit him. c) Peter agreed reluctantly to sign the form but looked extremely ill-at- ease/heart/soul. d) When I saw the door begin to open I was scared out of my bones/wits/blood. e) I feel very nervous; I’ve got birds/butterflies/bees in my stomach. f) You look rather out of order/tune/sorts. Why don’t you see a doctor? g) When Diane told me I was going to become Manager I was pleased as powder/pigs/punch. h) Hearing about people who mistreat animals makes me go hot under the sleeves/collar/shirt. i) When Sally told me she was my lost sister I was completely taken aback/awash/aware. j) Sam is a happy-over-heels/go-lucky/may-care kind of person, and worries about nothing.

ANCED LANGUAGE PRACTICE 5 Well- Complete each sentence with the most appropriate word from the box. a) Carol reads a lot and is extremely well- about the world. b) Her attempts to help were well- but rather ineffective. c) You would be well- to take out travel insurance before you leave. d) ‘Let’s go for it’ is becoming a rather well- expression. e) Ann doesn’t spend much on clothes but is always well- f) Peter brought the meeting to an end with a few well- words. g) The rumour about Sarah’s engagement turned out to be well- h) We found the climb up the cliff to the castle well- impossible. i) I prefer my steak well- , please. I can’t stand the sight of blood. j) Harry lives in a large house in a well- neighbourhood. 6 From Complete each sentence with the most appropriate word from the box. a) What I am saying to you now comes truly from the b) George can repeat whole pages of books from c) The houses are so much alike that we couldn’t tell one from d) We decided to abandon all the work we had done and start again from e) Two members of the expedition died from f) She was dressed completely in white from to foot. g) From on, we’re going to study really hard and make sure we pass the exams. h) From on, the price of petrol is rising by ten per cent. i) I think he will feel much more relaxed once he is away from j) From Carol’s you wouldn’t guess that she was over fifty.288

dverbsDecide how many of the words from the box will go into each sentence.extensively broadly largely practically invariably widelyconsiderably effectively literally relativelya) The music from the four loudspeakers was .literally deafening.b) The factory is now given over to the manufacture of spareparts.c) It has been rumoured that Mr Murwell is about to be arrested.d) The weather changes for the worse whenever we go onholiday.e) speaking, I would agree with Jane Bowling, though notentirely.f) The decorating is finished, and we should have everythingready soon.g) The theatre was damaged in the explosion and will have toclose.h) We thought that this year’s exam paper was easy.i) Her career ended after her injury, although she did play again.j) The government will be encouraged by these latest figures.2 Expressions with thinkComplete each sentence with a word formed from think or thought.a) Russell was one of the greatest …thinkers… of the century.b) How kind of you. That was veryc) We cannot possibly surrender. The idea isd) I don’t like that idea. It doesn’t bear about.e) You might have phoned to say you’d be late. It was a bitf) This plan won’t work. We’ll have to the whole idea.g) Thanks for sending a card. It was a very kindh) I’m having second about marrying Gavin.i) Jack is very generous, and very brought us some champagne.j) I wasn’t paying attention and I threw the receipt away. 289

ANCED LANGUAGE PRACTICE 3 Give Rewrite each sentence so that it contains an expression including the verb give in an appropriate form. a) Why don’t you phone me tomorrow? ? Why not.give me a call/ring tomorrow… ? ? b) Can you assure me that the money will be paid? ! Can you ? ? c) What makes you think you can just come in here like that? What d) You really make my neck hurt! You e) All right, officer, I’ll come quietly. All right officer, f) How much did that car cost you? How much g) The old wooden floor collapsed under their weight. The old wooden floor h) If you want to leave this job, you have to tell us two weeks in advance. If you want i) I’d rather have old-fashioned dance music any day. Give j) Julia had a baby last week. Julia 4 Modifiers Underline the most suitable word or phrase in each sentence. a) It is by no means/without doubt certain whether the plan will go ahead. b) To all intents and reasons/purposes the matter has been settled. c) The minister has, in a form/manner of speaking, resigned. d) There has hardly/apparently been no sighting of the ship for a week or more. e) As a matter of coincidence/fact I bought my fridge at the same shop. f) Some people truthfully/actually still believe that the Earth is flat. g) The plan is a very good one, as far as it goes/seems. h) The police are in some ways/more or less certain who the culprit is. i) In some aspects/respects it was one of the cleverest crimes of the century, j) The work is beyond the shadow of a suspicion/doubt one of the best she has written.290

WORDS AND PHRASES 95 Words with more than one meaningComplete each sentence with the most appropriate word from the box.blow drop bay deal plain burst hand minutespost seta) We have been seeing a good of each other lately.b) I don’t want too much milk in my tea, just a will do.c) I managed to keep the cold at by drinking lemon juice.d) We decided to buy them a of cutlery as a wedding present.e) The victim was killed by a to the back of the head.f) More than a hundred people applied for thisg) My watch needs to be repaired. The hour has fallen off.h) After you cross the mountains you come to a widei) Fifty metres from the end Carol put on a of speed and tookfirst place,j) Sam was secretary and so he took down the of the meeting. 6 But Match each sentence (a-j) with one of the explanatory sentences (1-10). a) We couldn’t help but lose our way. …6 b) But for you we would have lost our way. c) Everyone but us lost their way. d) We tried, but we lost our way. e) You have but to ask, and you won’t lose your way. f) But for losing our way, we would have found you g) We had nothing but trouble and lost our way. h) We’ve done everything but lose our way. i) We all but lost our way. j) Nothing but losing our way would have stopped us 1 We had a lot of problems. 2 We managed not to. 3 That is the only thing which would have prevented us coming. 4 It happened despite our efforts. 5 We haven’t lost our way yet, though we have had other problems. 6 It was bound to happen. 7 If it hadn’t happened, that is. 8 It nearly happened. 9 Thanks for your help.10 If you get some advice everything will be all right. 291


1 Underline the most suitable word in each sentence.

1 Different countries have different weather /

2 All areas of the skin are in fact covered in tiny hair
/ hairs.

3 We’ve looked at the menu and we’d all like chicken
/ chickens

4 Jack is a millionaire and owns a lot of business /

5 Have you got a copy of the complete work / works of

6 None of the passengers had insured their baggage /

7 Students must pass their paper / papers to
the front.

8 I’m afraid we can’t find cheap accommodation /
 for all of you.

2 Complete each sentence with a/an, some or by leaving the
space blank.

1 When the play ended, there was — lengthy

2 I can’t come out tonight. I have………………..
homework to do.

3 Sue received…………………………………..
excellent education.

4 The inside is strengthened with……………………
steel frame.

5 My friends bought me…………… coffee maker for my

6 David has just bought…………………………………..
new furniture.

7 Let me give you………………………….. advice.

8 My trousers need pressing. Can you lend
me……………….. iron?

3 Underline the most suitable word in each sentence.

1 I would love to go on a long journey /
 by train.

2 What’s the latest news? Can I look at your paper /

3 Here’s your ticket. Do you have any luggage /

4 Don’t forget to buy a sliced bread / loaf.

5 Why don’t we leave the car in this car park /

6 I can’t come to work today. I have a bad cold /flu.

7 Excuse me sir, but do you have a licence /
 for this gun?

8 Brighton has quite a good beach / seaside.

4 Put one suitable word in each space.

1 I’m looking for accomodation . Do
you know anywhere I can stay?

2 Take my…………………………………………..,
don’t go out alone after dark.

3 The government plans to
improve…………………………………….. by paying teachers more.

4 Can you lend me some…………………………………….?
I want to print out a letter.

5 I need some………………………………………..
about language schools. Can you help me?

6 Richard is unemployed, and he is looking for

7 Could I have some……………………………… ?
Those apples and oranges look nice.

8 I used to have
long…………………………………….., but I had it cut.

9 I can’t do this on my own. Could you give me some……………………………………………

10 If you can’t undo the knot, cut the string with

5 Complete
each sentence with the most suitable word or phrase.

1 I like your new trousers. Where did you buy ?

A it В them С them
both D them all

2 There is always a very large…………………. at the
church I go to.

A congregation В audience С spectator company

3 The local…………………….. has agreed to repair
the road outside our house.

A government В people С council D jury

4 When the police arrived, we were pleased to

A him В him or her, С it D them

5 The car turned over, but luckily it didn’t suffer

A damage В injury С damages D injuries

6 Sorry, I’m late, but I had a lot of………………… to

job В work С task labour

7 Julie bought herself a complete new……………. for winter.

A outfit В cloth С clothing wear

8 I feel like going out tonight. Let’s go to a /

A dancing В night С club entertainment

9 Thanks for a great weekend! We really had a /

A fun В enjoyment С hospitality good

10 In order to prove Smith is guilty, we must find

A information В evidence С knowledge D means

6 Choose
the most appropriate meaning for each sentence.  

1 You mustn’t lose heart.

a) Don’t have an operation. (b) Don’t give up hope.

2 Where’s my glass?

a) I want a drink, b) I can’t see.

3 Jack has a new post.

a) The postman has delivered a letter, b) He has a different job.

4 All goods must be paid for in advance.

a) Nothing enjoyable in life is free, b) You have to pay for these
things first.

5 I’ve joined a new company.

a) I have a new job. b) I have some new friends.

6 This hotel has class.

a) You can study hotel management here, b) It is a good quality

7 I don’t have the means to help you.

a) I’m not able to help, b) I can’t understand what help you need.

8 I’d like some china.

a) I want to go abroad, b) I need some cups and plates.

9 Do you have any cash?

a) Do you need to pay by card? b) Isn’t there a place to pay in
this shop?

10 They
have a business in Leeds. a) They have to go there to do a job. b) They own a
company there.

7 Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar
meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word
given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given.

1 This island has a large population, 


There are a lot of people on this island.

2 Do you own these things?



3 The weather was good on our


on our holiday.

4 There were a lot of cars on
the road to Manchester,


on the road to Manchester.

5 Gerry is a very strong person,
in my opinion,


in my opinion.

6 There are pieces of paper
all over the floor!


all over the floor.

7 Can I park my car here?



8 I know these machines are
very expensive,


very expensive.

8 Complete each
sentence with a suitable word from the box.

1 Let me give you a piece of advice.

2 There is an interesting……………………… of news in
the paper.

3 A……………………. of stairs takes you to the top of the

4 Could I have another……………………. of paper, please?

5 Helen has a lovely…………………….. of hair.

6 Do you want another……………………. of toast?

7 We bought Mike and Lynn a………………….. of cutlery for

8 The lightning was followed by a…………………… of

9 Complete
each sentence with a suitable word from the box.

accommodation bread cookery
lightning spelling

cash information luggage parking advice

1 I can’t cut this loaf. Do you have a proper bread knife?

2 I’m afraid that ‘neice’ is a……………….. mistake.

3 There’s usually a / an…………………… space
opposite the cinema.

4 We need a / an…………………………. box to keep
the money in.

5 The tourist board have built a /
an………………………… centre near the castle.

6 We decided to put a / an………………………..
conductor on the roof.

7 Marjorie used to write a / an………………………
column in a magazine.

8 These suitcases are very heavy. We must find a /

9 I must rush. I’m going to a /
an………………………. lesson.

10 Julie found her flat through a /
an…………………………….. agency.

Complete each sentence with a word or phrase from the box.
■ balance
■ compensation
■ influences
■ leisure
■ play a/an
■ rate
■ role
■ skills
■ substitution
■ switch off
1At the weekend everyone needs to relax and …………………..from school or work.
………………… the economy.
3………………….is what you receive if you are badly
affected by something.
4………………….means replacing one thing
with another.
5Most people’s………………….time is at the
weekend and in the evenings.
6 It can be difficult to get the right………………….
between work and free time.
7 The money you can earn………………….people’s
choice of job.
8 Some economic problems are very………………….
There is no easy solution.
9 The hourly………………….for this job is seven
pounds an hour.
10 The ability to speak foreign languages is one of the………………….needed for this job.

Автор: Гость

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