Complete each sentence with the most appropriate word from the box disadvantage

Цели урока:

  1. Практические: формирование практических
    умений в чтении, письме и говорении.
  2. Образовательные: учить правильно
    употреблять языковые средства, строить фразы,
    повышать общую культуру выражения мысли.
  3. Развивающие: развивать мышление, память,
    логику, воображение, самостоятельность.
  4. Воспитательные: формировать мотивацию к
    изучению иностранного языка.

Оборудование: варианты заданий,
карточки с картинками, кроссворд.

Ход урока

Начало урока: приветствие, сообщение
темы урока.

Teacher: Good morning, students!

It is no wonder that the 21st century is regarded as information age. The
mass media actually rule the world and play a very important part in our lives.
Newspapers, radio, TV and the Internet inform us of what is going on in the world and give
us wonderful possibilities for education and entertainment. But how do you understand the
word “mass media”?

Student: The mass media include all the people and organizations that provide
information and news for the public. The mass media can be print and electronic.

Teacher: Right you are. And now let’s read the text about the mass media and then
we are going to do some exercises. But before reading the text let’s read some active
words and word combinations:

news-stand – газетный киоск

background information – “закулисная информация”

natural disasters – природные катастрофы

celebrity – знаменитость

intimate – личный

unreliable – ненадёжный

documentary – документальный фильм

feature film – художественный фильм

violence – насилие

to dull – притуплять

sensitivity – чувствительность

catastrophe – катастрофа

TV addict – теленаркоман

to hook – цеплять крючком, зд. делать зависимым

disabled people – люди, потерявшие трудоспособность

Mass Media.

Newspapers are especially important nowadays and we can’t imagine
our life without them. There are dozens of them on every news-stand. There are newspapers
for professionals, for businessmen, for children and teenagers, for men and women, for
sports fans, for those who are interested in gardening, fishing, hunting, for those who
keep pets and so on. Some newspapers publish serious articles on politics, economy and
finance, some aim to entertain their readers. Many newspapers express certain political
opinion and people choose them according to their own political beliefs. In short, you can
always find a paper which suits your interests. The advantage of all the newspapers is
that they usually provide us with extra detail, comment and background information. But it
is bad that very often newspapers are full of dramatic events about natural disasters,
plane crashes, murders and robberies. Having read such articles, you feel depressed and it
seems that the world is being ruined. One more disadvantage is that newspapers are full of
gossip about different celebrities and their private lives. There are also a lot of photos
of them in their most intimate moments. I think it shouldn’t be allowed, besides half of
this information is unreliable.

The main source of news for millions of people is television. With its help we can see
everything with our own eyes. It is the window on the world which gives us an opportunity
to “travel” all over the world. TV gives us food for thought, introduces us to new
ideas and activities. It has the power to educate and broaden our minds. It helps us to
relax after a hard day’s work and to escape from reality. There is always a great
variety of programmes on TV: news and sport programmes, talk shows and TV games,
documentaries and feature films, concerts and theatre performances. But nowadays there is
a lot of violence on TV. As George Mikes once said, TV teaches us “how to kill, to rob,
to shoot and to poison.” We watch hits where people are killed before our very eyes. It
dulls our sensitivity and when we learn about one more tragedy or catastrophe, we perceive
it as something quite natural, just like an everyday affair. Some people become TV addicts
and they won’t give up TV for anything in the world. Nowadays some children are so
addicted to TV that they are not interested in anything else: they don’t read books,
communicate with adults and other children, they move less, speak less and they even think
less. Though there are a lot of excellent educational programmes for children and
programmes designed for schools. They help children to extend their knowledge, expose them
to different people and places and to develop their imagination.

Many people prefer the radio. It is good to listen to it in the car, or in the open
air, or when you do something about the house.

The Internet has recently become another important source of
information. It is regarded as the latest addiction to trap thousands of people which has
been blamed for broken relationships, job losses, financial ruin and even suicide.
Psychologists now recognize Internet Addiction Syndrome (IAS) as a new illness that could
cause serious problems and ruin many lives. Many users spend up to 40 hours a week on the
Internet. Some of the addicts are teenagers who are already hooked on computer games.

Exercise №1.

Read the following sentences and circle TRUE or FALSE:

Exercise № 2.

Complete each sentence with the most appropriate word from the box.

disadvantage, sensitivity, imagination, to dull, to provide, violence,
disaster, celebrity, disabled, hooked, intimate, to educate, catastrophe, to communicate

  1. We need to ………. people so that they understand the importance of a good, healthy
    diet. (educate)
  2. You don’t have to use your ………. when you’re watching television. (imagination)
  3. He’s a national ………. (celebrity)
  4. She has always shown a ………. to audience needs and tastes. (sensitivity)
  5. My fear and anxiety ………. my mind. (dull)
  6. She’s on ………. terms with people in government. (intimate)
  7. There is too much brutality and ………. on TV these days. (violence)
  8. Her son is ………. and she has to take care of him all the time. (disabled)
  9. Your main ………. is your lack of job experience. (disadvantage)
  10. Some parents who are concerned about computer games believe their children are
    ………. (hooked)
  11. The money will be used to ………. the school with new computer equipment. (provide)
  12. Now that we live in different cities, we ………. by e-mail. (communicate)

Exercise № 3.

Complete the crossword using the words from the text.


1. A sudden event such as a flood, storm, or accident which causes great damage or
suffering (disaster)

2. A terrible event in which there is a lot of destruction, suffering, or death

3. A film or television or a radio programme that gives detailed information about a
particular subject (documentary)

4. A computer system that allows millions of computer users around the world to
exchange information (Internet)

5. Facts or details that tell you something about a situation, person, event etc

6. Something that happens, especially something important, interesting or unusual


7. The information, skills, and understanding that you have gained through learning or
experience (knowledge)

8. The ability to form pictures or ideas in your mind (imagination)

9. Behaviour that is intended to hurt other people physically (violence)

10. Something that you watch on television or listen to on the radio (programme)

11. A piece of electronic equipment shaped like a box with a screen, on which you can
watch programmes (television)

12. A programme on television or on the radio or a performance for the public,
especially one that includes singing, dancing, or jokes (show)

Exercise 4. Comment on the following pictures using the words in brackets.

(to spend up to 10 hours a day on the Internet; to be addicted; to visit different
sites; to be glued to the screen)

(to switch to another channel; a TV-addict; to relax after a hard day’s work; to
watch news, sport programs, talk shows, TV games, documentaries, feature films, etc.; not
to give up TV for anything in the world)

(to listen to the radio; loud music; the latest news; some useful and interesting

(to be full of gossip; background information; articles about natural disasters, plane
crashes, murders and robberies; unreliable information; to feel depressed)

Exercise № 5.

Tell which of these things you do. Explain your choice:

  • I read a lot of newspapers and magazines.
  • I watch television for many hours a day.
  • I’m fond of listening to music on the radio.
  • I can’t live without the Internet and I spend much time on different sites.
  • I prefer spending my free time outdoors or going on for sport than watching TV,
    reading newspapers or listening to the radio.

Teacher: So you have learnt some information about the mass media. Now you are to
give your personal opinion and to express your point of view. Give your arguments for and
against the mass media.

Student 1: I am fond of watching TV as gives me an opportunity to see the whole world
staying at home.

Student 2: But it degrades the eyesight and makes us lazier. We stay at home instead of
going for a walk or playing outdoor games.

Student 3: There are a lot of excellent educational programmes and interesting feature
films on TV.

Student 4: I agree with you, but there are a lot of silly programmes and commercials as
well. Besides there is too much violence on TV these days.

Student 5: As for me, I prefer listening to music on the radio. I can listen to my
favourite songs washing the dishes or cleaning my room.

Student 1: But radio doesn’t give you an opportunity to see everything with your own

Student 5: Yes, but it informs me about the latest news.

Student 6: I like reading newspapers as I can always find some interesting and useful

Student 2: But newspapers are always full of bad news and dramatic events. What is more
there is too much gossip and unreliable information in them.

Student 7: You will certainly agree that the Internet is a great source of information
and entertainment.

Student 3: But the Internet is addictive as well as drinking or smoking. It is harmful
to spend too much time in front of the computer screen.

Teacher: So, what conclusion can we come to?

Student 4: We can say that the mass media have both advantages and disadvantages. It is
up to us to decide how to use them.

Teacher: You are quite right. Thank you for participating in our discussion. You
are very active today. I hope that the theme of our lesson was interesting for you.


5 Within

Complete each sentence with the most appropriate word from the box.

the law





the hour




The police promised to do everything within their ..f.Q.YrQC.

to help us.


The notice on the door said ‘



Provided you live within your

, you won’t get into debt.

d) As long as we stay within

, we won’t have any legal problems.


There are several shops within easy

of the house.


The ship sank when it was within

of land.

g)You can have anything you want for your birthday, within

h)Hurry up! The president will be here within

6 Suffix -ing

Rewrite each sentence so that it contains a word ending -ing formed from the

word given in capitals.

a) There was a very strong smell coming from the lab.



Oh dear, we don’t seem to have understood each other.



I was really frightened by that horror film.


d) The root cause of the problem is an economic one.


e) Building the hydro-electric dam is of supreme importance.


f) The plane appears to be breaking up in mid-air.



The operation will not leave you with an ugly scar.


h) The government is intent on basing the country’s economy

on industry.


i) They will be cutting off the electricity in the morning.



I think you are making this problem seem simpler than it is. SIMPLE


1 By

Complete each sentence with the most appropriate word or phrase from the box.


This video-recorder is brilliant; it’s by

the best available at

this price.



, I should give you a parking-ticket, but I’ll let you off




Please wait out here, and the doctor will be with you by

d) It is by

certain that the bill will become law.

e) We met the other day at the supermarket by


There was not total agreement, but by

the members agreed

that the new rules were necessary.


I don’t really like going to the cinema all by

h) By

, are you coming to the office party next week?



wait here if you have got nowhere else to wait.



I got back to the bus-stop, the bus had already passed.

2 Other uses for names of parts of the body

Complete each sentence with the most appropriate word from the box.

foot head arm

cheek neck chest

hand leg hear spine


My football team won the first ..leg …………….

of the two-match tie.


You can’t fool me, I’m an old …………………..

at this game!


The hotel lies in the …………………..

of the English countryside.


Absolutely right! You’ve hit the nail right on the ……………………


The trouble with paperback books is that the

………………….. often breaks.


I sat on the …………………..

of the chair because there was nowhere else to sit.


The village lay at the

………………….. of the mountain beside the lake.

h) You’ve got a lot of …………………..

to speak to me like that!


We didn’t have a corkscrew so we broke the …………………..

of the bottle.


We packed all our clothes into a strong …………………..

and sent it by rail.



3 Adjective-noun collocations

Complete each sentence with one of the adjectives from the box.

a) Jenny was the

survivor of the air crash in the Brazilian jungle.


The island has only a

population of less than a thousand.


Terry’s old car is a

joke among the people at her office.

d) It is

knowledge that the director has applied for another job.


The management bears a

responsibility for this strike.


The college expects a

standard of behaviour from its students.

g) Janet has a

grasp of theoretical nuclear physics.


The victim was hit on the head from behind with a


i) Buying the shares was a

risk, but luckily it came off.


There has been a

increase in the number of unemployed.

4 Have

Rewrite each sentence so that it contains an expression which includes the verb have in an appropriate form.

a) There are still a few days until the end of our holiday.

We still .

of our holiday.


Old Mrs Jones can’t climb stairs very easily.

Old Mrs Jones

climbing stairs.


I don’t want to hear you complaining any more!


your complaining!


I do not intend to call the police.


calling the police.


I don’t wish to be a nuisance.


to be a nuisance.


I really don’t know where we are.


where we are.


Give me the spanner and I’ll try to do it.

Here, let me

, I’m very good with a spanner.


I don’t recollect posting the letter.


posting the letter.


I went to the hairdresser’s this afternoon.


this afternoon.


There’s a rumour going around that a new Director is going to be appointed.


a new Director is going to be appointed.


5 Verbs of seeing

Underline the most suitable word or phrase in each sentence.

a)She noticed/watched/eyed her daughter’s boyfriend up and down, and then asked him in.

b)Jack stared/glimpsed/glanced at the map for a while, unable to believe his eyes.

c)Would you like to regard/observe/view the house that is for sale this afternoon?

d)Police faced/gazed/spotted the wanted man in the crowd outside a football ground.

e)I checked/glanced/faced at my watch. It was already well after three.

f)The burglar turned to view/regard/face me and said, ‘Don’t you recognise me?’

g)I only beheld/witnessed/noticed we were running low on petrol after we had passed the last filling station.

h)Tony was noticing/glimpsing/scanning the page, looking for his name in print,

i)I only peered/glimpsed/squinted the Queen from a distance before her car drove away,

j)Sally was sitting by the sea, glandng/gazing/fadng at the shape of the distant island.

6 Do

Match each sentence (a-j) with one of the explanatory sentences (1-10).


He’ll do you a favour. ..3.


He is unsatisfactory for the job.


It does him credit


The dog is quite safe.


He’s having a do


He will help you.

d) He just won’t do


He can manage, don’t worry.


He was doing over a hundred. .


He talks all the time.

f) He does go on


He needs one of those.

g) He’ll make do

7 It’s his party on Saturday.

h) He likes do-it-yourself


His hobby is fixing his own house.

i) He won’t do you any harm


It shows how good he is.


He could do with one


He was driving extremely fast.


1 Collocations: nouns linked by of

Complete each sentence with the most appropriate word from the box.












As people get older they often suffer from this kind of ..W$.s.£-.




No, I don’t think he’s weird. As a matter of

, I’m rather

attracted to him.


The two headers had a

of opinion over the right course of


d) She said that her use of the word ‘Baldy’ was a

of endearment.

e) The

of failure in this case will be the loss of 2,000 jobs.

f) The authorities have had to turn down our

of help.

g) As far as I am concerned, the meeting was a

of time.

h) I feel that we should treat this as a

of importance.

i) Our neighbours claim that this footpath is a public

of way.

j) I’m sorry I said that, it was just a

of the tongue.

2 Size and amount

Underline the option that best completes the collocation.

a)The results of the two experiments varied only by a negligible/petty amount.

b)You can travel from one end of the park to the other on a minute/miniature railway.

c)It’s a smallish town, but it has a sizeable/middling park near the centre.

d)The cost of building a tunnel under the Atlantic would be vast/astronomical.

e)Chorton is a medium/standard-sized city in the west of the country.

f)Travel to other planets involves covering vast/monstrous distances.

g)It’s a small flat with rooms of medium/neutral size.

h)We have made a considerable/plentiful amount of progress towards negotiating a cease-fire.

i)One has to admire the minute/tiny attention to detail in Rodin’s paintings,

j)You could make reasonable/substantial savings by transferring your bank account to us, Mr Jones.



3 Bring

Match each sentence (a-j) with one of the explanatory sentences (1-10).

a)She couldn’t bring herself to do it. …6

b)This brought her quite a lot

c)She brought all her powers to bear on it

d)It brought her to her knees

e)It brought it home to her

f)Eventually she was brought to book

g)It brought it all back to her

h)She brought the house down

i)She brought him into the world

j)She brought it about

1It nearly defeated her.

2She was punished.

3She did everything she could to find a solution.

4She gave birth to him.

5She remembered.

6She couldn’t bear the idea.

7She made it happen.

8She was applauded enthusiastically.

9It fetched a good price.

10It made her realise.

4 Feelings

Underline the most suitable word or phrase in each sentence.

a)I didn’t go to the party as I felt a bit under the water/clouds/weather.

b)When he called me those names I just went/took/saw red and hit him.

c)Peter agreed reluctantly to sign the form but looked extremely ill-at- ease/heart/soul.

d)When I saw the door begin to open I was scared out of my bones/wits/blood.

e)I feel very nervous; I’ve got birds/butterflies/bees in my stomach.

f)You look rather out of order/tune/sorts. Why don’t you see a doctor?

g)When Diane told me I was going to become Manager I was pleased as powder/pigs/punch.

h)Hearing about people who mistreat animals makes me go hot under the sleeves/collar/shirt.

i)When Sally told me she was my lost sister I was completely taken aback/awash/aware.

j)Sam is a happy-over-heels/go-lucky/may-care kind of person, and worries about nothing.


5 Well-

Complete each sentence with the most appropriate word from the box.


Carol reads a lot and is extremely well-

about the world.


Her attempts to help were well-

but rather ineffective.


You would be well-

to take out travel insurance before you



‘Let’s go for it’ is becoming a rather well-



Ann doesn’t spend much on clothes but is always well-


Peter brought the meeting to an end with a few well-



The rumour about Sarah’s engagement turned out to be well-

h) We found the climb up the cliff to the castle well-



I prefer my steak well-

, please. I can’t stand the sight of blood.


Harry lives in a large house in a well-


6 From

Complete each sentence with the most appropriate word from the box.

a)What I am saying to you now comes truly from the

b)George can repeat whole pages of books from

c)The houses are so much alike that we couldn’t tell one from

d)We decided to abandon all the work we had done and start again from

e)Two members of the expedition died from

f) She was dressed completely in white from

to foot.

g) From

on, we’re going to study really hard and make sure we

pass the exams.

h) From

on, the price of petrol is rising by ten per cent.

i) I think he will feel much more relaxed once he is away from

j) From Carol’s

you wouldn’t guess that she was over fifty.


1 Adverbs

Decide how many of the words from the box will go into each sentence.












The music from the four loudspeakers was

.literally deafening.

b) The factory is now

given over to the manufacture of spare



It has been

rumoured that Mr Murwell is about to be arrested.

d) The weather

changes for the worse whenever we go on



speaking, I would agree with Jane Bowling, though not



The decorating is

finished, and we should have everything

ready soon.

g) The theatre was

damaged in the explosion and will have to


h) We thought that this year’s exam paper was



Her career

ended after her injury, although she did play again.


The government will be

encouraged by these latest figures.

2 Expressions with think

Complete each sentence with a word formed from think or thought.

a)Russell was one of the greatest …thinkers… of the century.

b)How kind of you. That was very

c)We cannot possibly surrender. The idea is


I don’t like that idea. It doesn’t bear



You might have phoned to say you’d be late. It was a bit


This plan won’t work. We’ll have to

the whole idea.

g) Thanks for sending a card. It was a very kind


I’m having second

about marrying Gavin.


Jack is very generous, and very

brought us some champagne.


I wasn’t paying attention and

I threw the receipt away.



3 Give

Rewrite each sentence so that it contains an expression including the verb give in

an appropriate form.


Why don’t you phone me tomorrow?









Can you assure me that the money will be paid?

Can you



What makes you think you can just come in here like that?



d) You really make my neck hurt!




All right, officer, I’ll come quietly.

All right officer,



How much did that car cost you?

How much


g)The old wooden floor collapsed under their weight. The old wooden floor

h)If you want to leave this job, you have to tell us two weeks in advance. If you want

i)I’d rather have old-fashioned dance music any day. Give

j)Julia had a baby last week. Julia

4 Modifiers

Underline the most suitable word or phrase in each sentence.

a)It is by no means/without doubt certain whether the plan will go ahead.

b)To all intents and reasons/purposes the matter has been settled.

c)The minister has, in a form/manner of speaking, resigned.

d)There has hardly/apparently been no sighting of the ship for a week or more.

e)As a matter of coincidence/fact I bought my fridge at the same shop.

f)Some people truthfully/actually still believe that the Earth is flat.

g)The plan is a very good one, as far as it goes/seems.

h)The police are in some ways/more or less certain who the culprit is.

i)In some aspects/respects it was one of the cleverest crimes of the century,

j)The work is beyond the shadow of a suspicion/doubt one of the best she has written.



5 Words with more than one meaning

Complete each sentence with the most appropriate word from the box.












We have been seeing a good

of each other lately.


I don’t want too much milk in my tea, just a

will do.


I managed to keep the cold at

by drinking lemon juice.

d) We decided to buy them a

of cutlery as a wedding present.


The victim was killed by a

to the back of the head.

f) More than a hundred people applied for this

g) My watch needs to be repaired. The hour

has fallen off.

h) After you cross the mountains you come to a wide


Fifty metres from the end Carol put on a

of speed and took




Sam was secretary and so he took down the

of the meeting.

6 But

Match each sentence (a-j) with one of the explanatory sentences (1-10).

a)We couldn’t help but lose our way. …6

b)But for you we would have lost our way.

c)Everyone but us lost their way.

d)We tried, but we lost our way.

e)You have but to ask, and you won’t lose your way.

f)But for losing our way, we would have found you

g)We had nothing but trouble and lost our way.

h)We’ve done everything but lose our way.

i)We all but lost our way.

j)Nothing but losing our way would have stopped us

1We had a lot of problems.

2We managed not to.

3That is the only thing which would have prevented us coming.

4It happened despite our efforts.

5We haven’t lost our way yet, though we have had other problems.

6It was bound to happen.

7If it hadn’t happened, that is.

8It nearly happened.

9Thanks for your help.

10If you get some advice everything will be all right.


Соседние файлы в предмете [НЕСОРТИРОВАННОЕ]

  • #
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • #

Complete each sentence with a word from the box.

S ‘

■ applies ■ available ■ confusing ■ curve Ш demand ■ exception

1 impressive ■ increase H a w

■ limited ■ set S shift К taxes

Some of the puzzles in this book are really

Newton’s ………………………of gravity explains whу things fall towards the earth.

There is a lot o f ………………………for organic fruit and vegetables these days.

When you throw a ball, it follows a ……………………..back down to earth.

Gold is expensive because there is only a very……………………

When a company stops making a product, it isn’t……………………..any more.

Normally I arrive at work at 8.00 am, but Thursday is an ………………………

This ru le………………………to everyone in the school,even teachers.

Everyone who earns a salary must pay……………………. to the government.

There has been a …………………….in public opinion about the environment recently.

There has been a h u ge…………………… demand for air conditioners due to the hot weather.

12 Prices have b e e n …………………….too high and nobody can afford the goods.

13I found the work you’ve managed to do very……………………… Well done!

Vocabulary: Complete each sentence with a word or phrase from the box.
abundance; concept; consumer; firm; Industrial Revolution; population; precious metals; production process; profit; raw materials; satisfaction; scarcity
1. The ___ began in the late 18th century when machines started to replace human workers. 2. Sand and limestone are the ___ needed to make glass.
3. The ___ to make a car involves many people and machines.
4. The extra money a company makes is called ____.
5. People want ___ from the products they buy. 6. ___ is when there is very little of something. 7. ___ is when there is lots of something.
8. Gold and silver are examples of ___.
9. Another word for idea is ___.
10. The ___ is the number of people a country has. 11. A business or company is sometimes called a ___. 12. When we buy things or use services we are a ___.



1.industrial revolution

2.raw materials

3.production process





8.precious metals







1. Industrial revolution

2. raw materials

3. process

4. profit

5. production process

6. scarcity

7. abundance

8. precious metals

9. concept

10. population

11. firm

12. consumer


I am English so I know.

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  1. Add the verbs from the box to the phrases below to create some common stressful situations.
finding having making being travelling queuing going
  1. going to the dentist
  2. queuing in the supermarket
  3. being stuck in a traffic jam
  4. finding a place to park
  5. going to the hairdresser
  6. making an interview
  7. having a speech
  8. travelling by air

Which of these situations is the most stressful for you? Can you add any others to the list?

Of these situations, the most stressful for me is:

  • Queuing in the supermarket
  • Being stuck in a traffic jam
  • Finding a place to park

In addition to the above, it also annoys me:

  • A punctured car wheel.
  • The noise of the big city.
  • Cold winter
  • Summer heat.
  1. What do you do to relax? Which of these activities are the most effective for you and why? In what other ways do you relax?
playing a sport reading eating/drinking having a bath

walking gardening massage shopping listening to music

watching TV meditating surfing the Net

What do you do to relax?

I go to the sauna on weekends.

I go skiing in winter and cycling in summer.

I play computer games.

I relax well surrounded by family.

Which of these activities are the most effective for you and why?

Playing a sport. Playing sports frees the mind from bad thoughts.

Having a bath. I wash away all the negative from myself.

Gardening. When you grow plants, you give them your soul, talk to them and rejoice when they grow.

Massage. When a massage is done, the whole body relaxes, and you can fall asleep.

  1. Rank these situations from i (most stressful) to 9 (least stressful). Then discuss your choices.
  • making a presentation to senior executives
  • leading a formal meeting
  • telephoning in English
  • writing a report with a tight deadline
  • negotiating a very valuable contract
  • meeting important visitors from abroad for the first time
  • asking your boss for a pay rise
  • dealing with a customer who has a major complaint
  • being afraid of losing your job

Asking your boss for a pay rise. This is the most annoying situation for me. It’s annoying that they don’t see your work, you have to prove your usefulness yourself.

Writing a report with a tight deadline. I don’t like working in a hurry.

Dealing with a customer who has a major complaint. It’s hard to talk to an irritated person.

Being afraid of losing your job. I don’t want to lose my job, I have loans.

Making a presentation to senior executives. I’m afraid to let the management down.

Telephoning in English. I am afraid that I will not translate important information correctly.

Leading a formal meeting. Suddenly something goes wrong.

Meeting important visitors from abroad for the first time. I want to be liked at the first meeting.

Negotiating a very valuable contract. I try to prepare my work well, and I believe in myself. That’s why I’m not so afraid of it.

  1. Before you read the article, discuss these questions.
  1. Do you prefer a slow or a fast pace of life? Why?
  2. What can people do to have a good work-life balance?
  3. Some people say they would like to ‘leave the rat race’. What do you think they mean?
  1. Do you prefer a slow or a fast pace of life? Why?

I prefer a slow pace of life. With the fast pace of life, I have to try to catch up everywhere — it’s stressful for me.

  1. What can people do to have a good work-life balance?

In my opinion, we need to pay more attention to the family! Family is the most important thing in a person’s life, work can be changed.

  1. Some people say they would like to ‘leave the rat race’. What do you think they mean?

«Rat race» is when a person rushes somewhere every day, does something, but the result is either zero, or takes a person away from his main purpose and brings neither joy nor satisfaction. To win means to stop. Allow yourself to go with the flow. Only in yourself can you find true happiness. Isn’t that what we’re aiming for? It is enough just to be alone with yourself, to feel harmony and a deep connection with your inner self. Vanity only distances us from these feelings, which we all hope to experience someday.

  1. Read the article below. Then decide whether these statements are true (T) or false (F).
  1. Philomena had always wanted to be a market research consultant, but she soon found the job too stressful. In my opinion, this is a false statement. I think that this work is not so stressful.
  2. One day, she realised she was not giving enough care to her husband because of her job. This is an erroneous opinion, the work does not require so much time.
  3. It took her more than five years to achieve a good work-life balance. I agree with this opinion, you adapt to work in 5 years.
  4. She did not write her first book exclusively for business people. Most likely she just wrote it for business people.
  5. These days, she works up to 70 hours a week, but she is happy. I agree with this, many people work this way.

Slow down, you move too fast. by Roslyn Guy

Philomena Tan knows all about stress. By her early 30s, she was a successful, highly paid market research consultant who sometimes worked till 10 p.m. ‘We had a lot of meetings and deadlines; we had to win projects, so I was writing proposals, making presentations, supervising staff,’ she says.

For a long while, she loved her job and there were perks — lots of travel, for instance — but it was never what she had planned to do with her life. Like so many others, 15 she just got involved in a career that had started accidentally.

Tan had studied psychology, and she was also good with statistics and computers. In the early 1980s, these were a rare and valuable combination of skills, so Tan made steady progress up the corporate ladder. But the turning point came the year she spent the entire week of her husband’s birthday in Brisbane running market research groups while he was home alone in Melbourne.

It made her examine her life and think about what she was really contributing to society. Tan planned her escape carefully. She saved money and returned to study. A decade later, it has all come together, and she is happy. The 1 esearch she did for a doctorate in psychology not only added to her qualifications as a psychologist and psychotherapist, but gave her the raw material for her first book, Leaving the Rat Race to Geta Life, a handbook for anyone seriously considering changing the pace of their lives.

These days, Tan is in private practice in her local community, does yoga and chooses her own hours. She rarely works more than four days a week and, because she sees clients in the evening, she keeps her afternoons free to catch up with reading, meet with friends or research her next book. She is happy. ‘When you are working up to 70 hours a week, you don’t have time for this,’ she says.

Притормози, ты двигаешься слишком быстро.

автор: Рослин Гай

Филомена Тан знает все о стрессе. К 30 годам она была успешным, высокооплачиваемым консультантом по исследованиям рынка, который иногда работал до 10 часов вечера. «У нас было много встреч и крайних сроков; мы должны были выигрывать проекты, поэтому я писала предложения, проводила презентации, руководила персоналом», — говорит она.

Долгое время она любила свою работу, и у нее были льготы — например, много путешествий, — но это никогда не было тем, чем она планировала заниматься в своей жизни. Как и многие другие, она только что занялась карьерой, которая началась случайно.

Тан изучала психологию, а также хорошо разбиралась в статистике и компьютерах. В начале 1980-х годов это было редкое и ценное сочетание навыков, поэтому Тан неуклонно продвигался по служебной лестнице. Но поворотный момент наступил в тот год, когда она провела всю неделю в день рождения своего мужа в Брисбене, руководя группами по исследованию рынка, в то время как он был дома один в Мельбурне.

Это заставило ее пересмотреть свою жизнь и задуматься о том, какой вклад она действительно вносит в общество. Тан тщательно спланировала свой побег. Она скопила денег и вернулась к учебе. Десять лет спустя все сошлось воедино, и она счастлива. Исследование , которое она провела для получения докторской степени по психологии, не только повысило ее квалификацию психолога и психотерапевта, но и дало ей исходный материал для ее первой книги «Оставив крысиные бега, чтобы получить жизнь», руководство для тех, кто серьезно рассматривает возможность изменения темпа своей жизни.

В эти дни Тан занимается частной практикой в своем местном сообществе, занимается йогой и сама выбирает часы работы. Она редко работает больше четырех дней в неделю, и, поскольку она принимает клиентов вечером, у нее остается свободное время, чтобы заняться чтением, встретиться с друзьями или изучить свою следующую книгу. Она счастлива. «Когда вы работаете до 70 часов в неделю, у вас нет на это времени», — говорит она.

  1. Complete these phrases with verbs from the box.
do do keep make make spend

1 to a presentation

2 to a week somewhere

3 to research

4 to one’s afternoons free

5 to yoga

6 to steady progress

  1. a presentation
  2. make to a week somewhere
  3. research
  4. one’s afternoons free
  5. spend to yoga
  6. to steady progress
  1. Match the words (1-5) to their definitions (a-e).

1 lifestyle a) a time or date by which you have to do something

2 workaholic b) a system where employees choose the time they start and finish work each day

3 workload c) the way people choose to organise their lives

4 deadline d) someone who cannot stop working and has no time for anything else

5 flexitime e) the amount of work a person is expected to do

keep steady progress

  1. Complete each sentence with an appropriate word from the list in Exercise A.

1 I worked until 11 o’clock at night to meet the for presenting

the report.

2 I work six days a week and never have a holiday. My girlfriend says I’m a

3 Karl has a heavy at the moment because several colleagues

are off sick.

4 She gave up a highly paid job to join a meditation group in India. She’s completely changed her .

5 A system can help to reduce stress levels of employees by

giving them more control over their working hours.

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