Complete each sentence with the correct word there are two extra words

Extra: spicy — острый, bitter — горький
0. I can’t eat sweet things like cakes. — Я не могу есть сладкие вещи, такие как торты.
1. Can I have a low fat yoghurt, please? – Можно мне йогурт с низким содержанием жира, пожалуйста?
2. I want to eat healthy food like fruit and salads. — Я хочу есть здоровую пищу, такую как фрукты и салаты.
3. Mmm. This pizza is delicious. I’m going to have another one next time we come here. — Ммм. Эта пицца вкусная. Я закажу еще одну в следующий раз, когда мы придем сюда.
4. I don’t like burgers. They’re too greasy. – Мне не нравятся гамбургеры. Они слишком жирные.
5. Why are you throwing that bread away? — Because it’s stale. — Почему вы выбросили этот хлеб? — Потому что он несвежий.
6. I don’t like hot curries, but I like mild ones. – Мне не нравится острое карри, но мне нравится неострое.
7. Are these cakes fresh? Yes, I baked them this morning. – Эти торты свежие? Да, я испекла их сегодня утром.
8. This dinner is OK, but it’s a bit tasteless. – Обед нормальный, но он немного пряный.

0 голосов

1.1k просмотров

Complete the sentences with the words below.there are two extra words


  • words
  • complete
  • sentences
  • below
  • there
  • extra
  • 5 — 9 классы
  • английский язык

Английский язык


16 Май, 18


1.1k просмотров

Дан 1 ответ

0 голосов

1 — well-off

2 — creative

3 — laid-black

4 — well-known

5 — outgoining


16 Май, 18

ВАРИАНТ 11. Fill in: drive, boat, touristy, monuments, catch, book, track. There two extra words.

1. ​ When in Moscow you will be able to see a lot of historical ___ ____

2. ​ Be quick! We only have a few minutes to ___ ___ the train!

3. ​ We stayed at the hotel which was off the beaten ___ ____.

4. ​ Sochi is a beautiful city but in summer it is too ___ ___.

5. ​ Her children are so naughty, they __ ___ me up the wall.

2. Form nouns from the words in bold.

1. I will never forget your ____ ___ KIND

2. We like to spend a weekend at the ___ ___ park AMUSE

3. At the job interview try to hide your __ __ NERVOUS

4. Her family is very proud of her __ __ ACHIEVE

5. She looked at him in ___ ____ AMAZE

3. Rewrite the sentences in reported speech.

1. “I am living in Berlin now, ” said Nick

2. “My mother isn’t very well, ” she said

3. “I’d like to have a dog, ” he said

4. “I don’t know what Nina is doing, ” he said.

5. “You can come and stay at my place, ” said Dean

4. Complete the phrasal verbs with the correct preposition.

1. You should set __ ___ some money to go abroad.

2. We set __ ___ early in the morning to catch the train.

3. Weather has set __ ___ already, so let’s go camping.

4. We should set ___ __ or we’ll be late.

5. The opening of the new shopping center has been set __ __ for a few days.

5. Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition.

1. Let’s meet __ __ the bus stop.

2. Does your hotel have any cars __ __ hire?

3. Drivers must be very attentive __ __ the road.

4. You should go to the hospital ___ __delay.

5. It’s cheaper to visit fashionable resorts __ __ season.

30 Questions


By Natalia_gulyaeva | Updated: Mar 22, 2022

| Attempts: 3744




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End of Quiz



Easy First

Hard First

Grammar Quizzes & Trivia

  • 1. 

    Questions 16-30.

  • 2. 

    Questions 1-15.

  • 3. 

    Correct the mistakes in the sentences. There are TWO mistakes in each sentence. Type the whole corrected sentence in the box.

    First time I met Sam he was reading the book about multiple intelligences.

  • 4. 

    I enjoy documentaries about famous people more that documentaries about environment. 

  • 5. 

    The exam was such difficult that I will probably get the bad results. 

  • 6. 

    In general, training as the nurse is not more difficult as studying medicine. 

  • 7. 

    His performance wasn’t enough good that day to win a final of the tennis tournament.

  • 8. 

    Complete the text with ONE word in each gap.

    The most extraordinary person I’ve ever met has to be my great-grandmother. She’s called Ellie and she’s 98 now, but she doesn’t seem any older  ……………………… my grandmother really!

  • 9. 

    She’s bright and intelligent and her brain still works very fast. She’s always telling me about what she’s seen on TV. She answers all the questions on quiz shows. She’s as good …………………… any of the contestants. 

  • 10. 

    The thing about Ellie is that she’s always happy and she never complains. ‘Life’s ……………………… short to grumble,’ she says. 

  • 11. 

    She loves hats and whenever she goes out in her wheelchair she wears  ……………………… purple and red one. It’s fantastic and suits her very well. She’s given me lots of her old clothes, some dating back 50 years and they’re in perfect condition. I think they must be worth a lot of money.

  • 12. 

    It was Ellie who persuaded me to follow my dream of becoming an artist.  I shall always be grateful to her for that.  She’s  ……………………… an amazing lady! 

  • 13. 

    Complete the email with the correct form of these words. There are two extra words.

    • as      •   early     •   enough       •   hard        •   quick so       •   too  

    Hi    Tom,    How’s    it    going?    Are    you    happy    in    your    new    job?    I’m    sorry    I    haven’t    been    in    touch    recently,    but    I’ve    been    really    busy    working    on    a    marketing    campaign    at    work.    We    have    a    great    new    line    of    products    but    the    designer    isn’t    very    well-known,    so    we    weren’t    selling


    …………………    units.

  • 14. 

    • as     •   early       •   enough      •   hard         •   quick so        •   too  

    My    new    boss    works  


       ………………………    than    just    about    anybody    I    know    and    I’m    learning    (3)    ………………………    much    from    her.

  • 15. 

    • as        •   early          •   enough       •   hard         •   quick so       •   too 

    My    new    boss    works    (2)    ………………………    than    just    about    anybody    I    know    and    I’m    learning    


       ………………………    much    from    her.

  • 16. 

    • as        •   early      •   enough      •   hard       •   quick so      •   too 

     Since    she    took    over    the    campaign,    sales    have    increased    more        


        ………………………    than    anyone    expected    and    the    designer’s    career    has    really    taken    off.    He’s    working    on    new    designs    all    the    time,    but    it    takes    longer    than    you    might    think    to    get    them    into    the    shop.    

  • 17. 

    • as        •   early       •   enough        •   hard       •   quick so     •   too  



       ………………………    we    can    hope    to    see    his    new    range    is    next    spring.    But    for    now    sales    are    good,    so    we’re    happy.    
    Hope    to    see    you    soon.  

  • 18. 

    Complete the text with these adjectives. There are two extra options.

    • creative   •   easygoing   •   good-natured   •   insecure      mature    •   pushy   •   stubborn

    We’re having a big family party at the end of this month. It’s really interesting when everyone gets together. My mum has got three brothers and although you can see the similarities they are quite different as well. My Uncle Tom is the oldest and he’s the typical


    ……………………… parent.

  • 19. 

    • creative   •   easygoing   •   good-natured   •   insecure      mature    •   pushy   •   stubborn

    He’s always trying to get my cousins to be more ambitious and he gets annoyed when they aren’t chosen for a sports team or the school play. Then there’s Uncle James. He’s the complete opposite. He’s an art teacher and he’s really


    ……………………… . He never tells his children off and he’s always very relaxed. 

  • 20. 

    • creative   •   easygoing   •   good-natured   •   insecure      mature    •   pushy   •   stubborn 

    He wants everyone to discover their


    ……………………… side and do painting or sculpture or something. Uncle Paul is the one in the middle and he’s very funny. He’s always telling stories. 

  • 21. 

    • creative   •   easygoing   •   good-natured   •   insecure      mature    •   pushy   •   stubborn

    He’s always telling stories. But he can be a bit


    ……………………… and he won’t do anything he doesn’t want to do. Then there’s my mum. She loves it when they’re all together and if there are any arguments – which there always are – she’s the peacemaker. 

  • 22. 

    • creative   •   easygoing   •   good-natured   •   insecure      mature    •   pushy   •   stubborn 

     She’s very


    ……………………… . Everyone says I’m like her. It makes me sorry that I’m an only child, but at least I’ll have all my cousins around at the party. I can’t wait!

  • 23. 

    Choose the correct alternatives to complete the text. 

    Marie Curie was one of the most famous scientists of her time. She was born in Poland, but went to live in Paris to study mathematics and physics. There she met her husband, Pierre Curie, and together they conducted  


    into radioactivity.

    • A. 


    • B. 


  • 24. 

    Their work was very dangerous, but eventually they discovered the chemical elements polonium and radium. They were awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1903. Marie’s 


    was cut short when Pierre was killed in a tragic accident. 

    • A. 


    • B. 


  • 25. 

    However, she was very 


    and took over his teaching post, becoming the first woman to teach at the Sorbonne. She devoted herself to continuing their work and eventually won a second Nobel Prize, for Chemistry, in 1911.

    • A. 


    • B. 


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