Complete each sentence with one word how often do you

плиз срочно помогите даю 60 баллов.
Complete each sentence with a suitable word. Write one word in each gap. «What time does Angie usually go to __d?» – «At 9 pm.» How many lessons do you have at —0_? Kevin __u____ his teeth after each meal. Tony enjoys watching. t_programmes, such as football matches or swimming competitions. I don’t want to watch — I. — fiction; I prefer dramas or music shows. I think you should use al_-_graph instead of the bar graph.​


Светило науки — 77 ответов — 0 раз оказано помощи



4. sports

5. science

6. a line graph


Светило науки — 1 ответ — 0 раз оказано помощи


bed, school, brush, tv, science,

  • 0

Помогите вставить пропуски,пожалуйста.

1 How often do you….jogging?
2 She….hiking because she wanted to get more exercise. Unfortunately, she didn’t like it and she……..about six months later.
3 She has always….her own clothes; it’s much cheaper than buying them.
4 He….old coins.
5 I….quite a lot of rock climbing when I’m on holiday.
6 I learnt to….the piano when I was at school.
7 I wanted to improve my chess, so I….a chess club.
8 I don’t really….anything in my spare time.

  • Комментариев (0)

  • 0

1 How often
do you..go..jogging?

2 She..took
up..hiking because she wanted to get more exercise. Unfortunately, she didn’t
like it and she..gave…it…up..about six months later.

3 She has
always.made…her own clothes; it’s much cheaper than buying them.

4 He..collects..old

a lot of rock climbing when I’m on holiday.

6 I learnt piano when I was at school.

7 I wanted
to improve my chess, so I..joined..a chess club.

8 I don’t in my spare time.

  • Комментариев (0)

  • 0

1. go jogging
2. goes hiking
3.  makes clothes
4. collects coins
5. go climbing
6. play the piano
7. go a chess club
8. do anything

  • Комментариев (0)

1. Complete each sentence (A— H) with one of the endings (1—8) : A.

If you enjoy doing some activity in your free time, than B.

A hobby gives one the opportunity of C.

A person’s hobbies depend on his D.

What is interesting to one person E.

Some people collect valuable and rare things as they consider it F.

Camping is a cheap way G.

Ecotourism is popular with people who H.

A hobby plays a very important 1.

Age, intelligence level, character and personal interests.

2. educational, simulational and psychological role.

3. acquiring substantial skill, knowledge and experience.

4. try to damage the environment as little as possible.

5. you have a hobby.

6. can be trivial or boring to another.

7. to rest, to improve your health, to train yourself physically and to enjoy nature.

8. to be a good investment of their money.

На этой странице находится вопрос 1. Complete each sentence (A— H) with one of the endings (1—8) : A?. Здесь же – ответы на него,
и похожие вопросы в категории Английский язык, которые можно найти с помощью
простой в использовании поисковой системы. Уровень сложности вопроса
соответствует уровню подготовки учащихся 5 — 9 классов. В комментариях,
оставленных ниже, ознакомьтесь с вариантами ответов посетителей страницы. С
ними можно обсудить тему вопроса в режиме on-line. Если ни один из
предложенных ответов не устраивает, сформулируйте новый вопрос в поисковой
строке, расположенной вверху, и нажмите кнопку.


2.2. Put the verb into correct form  

1. Julie doesn`t (not/ drink) drink tea very often.

2. What time do the banks close (the banks / close) here?

3. I`ve got a computer, but I don`t use ( not/ use) it much.

4. «Where does Ricardo come( Ricardo/ come)  from? «From Cuba.»

5.»What do you do ( you / do) ?» «I am an electrician.»

6. It takes ( take) me an hour to get to work. How long does it take ( it/ take)  you?

7.Look at this sentence. What does this word mean( this word / mean)?

8.David isn`t very fit. He doesn`t do ( not / do) any sport.

2.3. Use the following verbs to complete the sentences. Sometime you need the negative:

1. The earth goes round the sun.

2. Rice doesn’t grow in Britain.

3. The sun rises in the east.

4. Bees makes honey.

5. Vegetarian don»t eat meat.

6. An atheist doesn’t believe in God.

7. An interpreter translates from one language into another.

8. Liars are people who doesn’t tell the truth.

9. The river Amazon flows into the Atlantic Ocean.

2.4. You ask Lisa questions about herself and her family. Write the questions.

1. You know that Lisa plays tennis. You want to know how often. Ask her.

How often do you play tennis?

2. Perhaps Lisa’s sister plays tennis too. You want to know. Ask Lisa.

Does your sister play tennis too?

3. You know that Lisa reads a newspaper every day. You want to know which one. Ask her.

Which newspaper do you read every day?

4. You know that Lisa’s brother works. You want to know what he does. Ask Lisa.

What does your brother do?

5. You know that Lisa goes to the cinema a lot. You want to know how often. Ask her.

How often do you go to the cinema?

6. You don’t know where Lisa’s grandparents live. You want to know. Ask Lisa.

Where do your grandparents live?

2.5. Complete using the following:

I apologise; I insist; I promise; I recommend; I suggest  

1. Mr Evans is not in the office today. I suggest you try calling him tomorrow.

2. I won’t tell anybody what you said. I promise.

3. (In a restaurant) You must let me pay for the meal. I insist.

4. I apologise for what I did. It won’t happen again.

5. The new restaurant in Hill Street is very good. I recommend it.


UNIT 91. Each and Every


Each and every are similar in meaning.
Often it is possible to use each or every:

Each time (or Every time) I see you, you look different.

There are computers in each classroom (or every classroom) in the school.

But each and every
are not exactly the same. Study the difference:

We use each when we think of things separately, one by one.

Study each sentence

(=study the sentences one by

Each is more
usual for a small number:

There were four books on the

Each book was a
different colour.

(in a card game) At the beginning of the game, each player has
three cards.

We use every when we think of things as a group. The meaning
is similar to all.


must have a verb.

(= all sentences in general)

Every is more usual
for a large number:

Kate loves reading. She has
read every book in the
library. (=all the books)

I’d like to visit every country in the world.
(=all the countries)

Each (but not every) can be used for two

In football, each team has eleven
players. (not every team)

We use every (not each)
to say how often something happens:

‘How often do you use your
car?, ‘Every day.’ (not Each day)

There’s a bus every ten minutes. (not each ten minutes)


Compare the structures we use with each and every:

You can use each with a noun:

You can use each alone (without a

None of the rooms was the

Each(= each
room) was different.

Or you can use each one:


was different.

You can say each of (the … /these … /them etc.):

Read each of these sentences carefully

of the

books is a different colour.

of them

is a different colour.

You can use every with a noun:

You can’t use every alone, but you can


A: Have you read all these

B: Yes, every one.

You can say every one of(but
‘every of):

I’ve read every one of those books.

(not every of those books)

I’ve read every one of them.


You can also use each in the middle or at the
end of a sentence. For example:

The students were each given a book. (=Each
student was given a book.)

These oranges cost 40 pence each.


Everyone and every one

Everyone (one word) is
only for people (= everybody).


(two words) is for things or people, and is similar to each one (see Section B).

Everyone enjoyed the
party. (= Everybody …)

Sarah is invited to lots of
parties and she goes to every one.
(=to every party)



Look at the pictures and complete the
sentences with each or every.


____Each____ player has three cards.


Kate has read ___ every _____book in the library.


__________ side of a square is
the same length.

__________ seat in the theatre
was taken.

There are six apartments in
the building. __________ one has a balcony.

There is a train to London __________





She was wearing four rings —
one on __________ finger.

Our football team is playing
well. We’ve won __________ game this season.



Put in each or every.


There were four books on the
table. ____Each____ book was a
different colour.

The Olympic Games are held ____
every _____  four years.

__________ parent worries
about their children.

In a game of tennis there are
two or four players. __________ player has a racket.





Nicola plays volleyball __________
Thursday evening.

I understood most of what they
said but not __________ word.

The book is divided into five
parts and __________ of these has three sections.

I get paid __________ four

I called the office two or
three times! but __________ time it was dosed.






Car seat belts save lives. __________
driver should wear one.


A friend of mine has three
children. I always give __________ of them a present at Christmas.


(from an exam) Answer all
five questions. W rite your answer to __________ question on a separate sheet
of paper.


Complete the sentences using each.


The price of one of those
oranges is 30 pence.

___Those oranges are 30 pence each. ___


I had ten pounds and so did

Sonia and I


One of those postcards costs
80 pence.



The hotel was expensive. I
paid £150 and so did you.

We __________________________.


Put in everyone (1 word) or every one (2 words).


Sarah is invited to a lot of
parties and she goes to _____every


As soon as ____________ had
arrived, we began the meeting.

I asked her lots of questions
and she answered ____________ correctly.

Amy is very popular. ____________
likes her.




I dropped a tray of glasses.
Unfortunately ____________ broke.


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