Complete each sentence using a word from the box and any other

Предмет: Английский язык,

автор: WAL1GO



Автор ответа: koryakovalmaty




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Complete each sentence using a word from the box.

Key. amusing / amused confusing / confused exhausting / exhausted annoying / annoyed disgusting / disgusted interesting / interested boring / bored exciting / excited surprising / surprised 1 He works very hard.

It’s not suprising that he’s always tired.

2 I’ve got nothing to do.

I’m ____________.

3 The teacher’s explanation was ____________.

Most of the students didn’t understand it.

4 The kitchen hadn’t been cleaned for ages.

It was really ____________.

5 I seldom visit art galleries.

I’m not particularly ____________ in art.

6 There’s no need to get ____________ just because I’m a few minutes late.

7 The lecture was ____________ I fell asleep.

8 I’ve been working very hard all day and now I’m ____________.

9 I’m starting a new job next week.

I’m very ____________ about it.

10 Steve is very good at telling funny stories.

He can be very ____________.

11 Liz is a very ____________ person.

She knows a lot, she’s travelled a lot and she’s done lots of different things.

На этой странице находится вопрос Complete each sentence using a word from the box?, относящийся к категории
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Complete each sentence ( a-j) with a suitable ending (1-10). Use each ending

a) I bought my new television from a department………5…………

b) Don’t forget to write a shopping ………………………

c) Can you pay over there? This cash ………………….

e) Most of the tourists went bargain …………………..

f) Quite late at night the little corner

g) It would be much better to buy an economy

h) Don’t forget that we have to stop at the
filling …………………

i) There’s a very nice suit on display in the
window ……………………….

j) Mary has just started work as a

1. centre near the public library?

2. register doesn’t work.

3. of that new shop next to the post office.

4. size box of paper tissues.

5. store in the town centre.

6. shop down the road is still open.

7. assistant in a shoe shop.

8. list before we go to the market tomorrow.

9. station to get some petrol.

10. hunting in the old part of the city.

Choose the most suitable word or phrase to complete each sentence.

a) I bought these jeans very cheaply in the ……C………..

A) bargains         B)
reductions                    C) sales                                D) discounts

b) The washing instructions for this shirt are
given on the ……………………

A) label                                B) badge                             C) notice             D)mark

c) All the small ………………….. closed their shops
in protest at the price rises.

A) shop assistants           B) shoppers       C)
shopkeepers                               D)
shop stewards

d) We don’t have the CD, I’m afraid. It’s out
of ……………………………

A) order              B)
stock                               C)
shelf                                D)

e) The street market was full of ………………………..
selling fruit and vegetables.

A) counters        B)
boutiques                     C) tables              D) stalls

f) The shop opposite my house sells a variety
of ………………………….

A) objects           B)
purchases                     C) goods              D) productions

g) I’m sorry, but the dress you want is not
…………………….. in red.

A) possible         B)
economical                   C) suitable          D)available

h) Every Friday you can buy cheap vegetables in
the market ………………….

A) street             B)
place               C) store                               D) sales

i) I like street markets, because you shop in
the open ………………………

A) prices              B)
sunshine                       C) bargains         D) air

j) I like your new car. What ………………… is it?

A) brand              B)
make               C) name              D) label

Complete each sentence with a word from the box. Use each word once only.

Baked beans     chocolates         jam        orange
juice      soap      breakfast cereal              flowers                               margarine                paper tissues                    toothpaste

a)      a tube of …..toothpaste…

b)      a bunch of ………………………..

c)       a pot of ……………………..

d)      a tin of……………………….

e)      a box of………………..

f)       a box of …………………………

g)      a packet of ……………………

h)      a bar of …………………..

a carton of ……………….

a tub of ……………………..


a) 5                       b)8                         c)2          d) 10                     e)
1                        f) 6         g) 4        h)
9                        i)
3          j) 7

5.            a)
C        b) A       c) C        d) B        e) D       f)
C         g)D         h) B        i) D         j) B

6.            a)
toothpaste    b) flowers           c) jam                   d) baked beans                               e)
chocolates/paper tissues                       f) chocolates/paper tissues        g) breakfast cereal         h) soap                i)
orange juice                  j) margarine

Complete each sentence with a word from the box.

S ‘

■ applies ■ available ■ confusing ■ curve Ш demand ■ exception

1 impressive ■ increase H a w

■ limited ■ set S shift К taxes

Some of the puzzles in this book are really

Newton’s ………………………of gravity explains whу things fall towards the earth.

There is a lot o f ………………………for organic fruit and vegetables these days.

When you throw a ball, it follows a ……………………..back down to earth.

Gold is expensive because there is only a very……………………

When a company stops making a product, it isn’t……………………..any more.

Normally I arrive at work at 8.00 am, but Thursday is an ………………………

This ru le………………………to everyone in the school,even teachers.

Everyone who earns a salary must pay……………………. to the government.

There has been a …………………….in public opinion about the environment recently.

There has been a h u ge…………………… demand for air conditioners due to the hot weather.

12 Prices have b e e n …………………….too high and nobody can afford the goods.

13I found the work you’ve managed to do very……………………… Well done!

Опубликовано 12.06.2017 по предмету Английский язык от Гость
>> <<

Complete each sentence using a word from the box.
1 He works very hard. Its not suprising that hes always tired.
2 Ive got nothing to do. Im ____________.
3 The teachers explanation was ____________. Most of the students didnt understand it.
4 The kitchen hadnt been cleaned for ages. It was really ____________.
5 I seldom visit art galleries. Im not particularly ____________ in art.
6 Theres no need to get ____________ just because Im a few minutes late.
7 The lecture was ____________ I fell asleep.
8 Ive been working very hard all day and now Im ____________.
9 Im starting a new job next week. Im very ____________ about it.
10 Steve is very good at telling funny stories. He can be very ____________.
11 Liz is a very ____________ person. She knows a lot, shes travelled a lot and shes done lots of different things.

Ответ оставил Гость

2) bored
3) confusing
4) disgusting
5) interested
6) surprised
7) boring
8) exhausted
9) excited
10) amusing
11)  interesting

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