Complete each second sentence using the word in brackets so that it has a similar

Complete each second sentence using the word in brackets so that it has
a similar meaning to the first sentence. Write between two and five words.
1. I am not rich and I can’t afford to go abroad twice a year. (richer)
afford to go abroad twice a year.
2. I can’t swim, so I’m not going scuba diving with Jim. (go)
If I could
scuba diving with Jim.
3. The patient is alive! The surgeon has operated on him. (died)
The patient
if the surgeon hadn’t
operated on him!
4. The summer was rainy and we had to stay indoors. (if)
been rainy, we wouldn’t have had to
stay indoors.
5. If only I listened to Brian then! (listened)
I wish
to Brian then!
6. It’s a pity I don’t know her address! (wish)
her address!
7. How I wish it were spring now! (only)
the contences using who or which. If it’s possible, leave the pronoun out.​



Вопрос по английскому языку:

20 Баллов. только помогите Срочно.
Complete each second sentence using the word in brackets so that it has a meaning similar to the meaning of the first sentence. Write between two or five words.
A. What’s her age? (is)
-How … she?
B. We got here two hours ago? (have)
-We … two hours.
C. My friend isn’t keen on travelling. (like)
-My friend … travelling.

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Ответы и объяснения 1



1 How old is he        2 We had 2 hours     3 My friend do not like travelling

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  • Писать без грамматических, орфографических и
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  • Отвечать не по сути: «Подумай сам(а)», «Легкотня», «Не
    знаю» и так далее;
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E Complete each second sentence using the word given, so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Write between two and five words in each gap.

1 We’ll get home and then we’ll have something to eat. got

We’ll have something to eat after we’ve got home.

2 I’ll finish marking the exams and then I’ll tell you your results. soon I’ll tell you your results as soon as we finish marking the exams.

3 You’ll be travelling across the Sahara next week so remember to wear lots of sunscreen! while

Remember to wear lots of sunscreen while travelling across the Sahara next week!

4 They’ll show Titan at the cinema and then they’ll release the DVD. before

They won’t release the DVD before they have shown Titan  at the cinema.

5 My science exam starts at ten tomorrow morning. taking

At ten past ten tomorrow I’ll start taking my science exam.

6 Let’s watch the space documentary before we have supper. watched

Let’s have supper after we have watched the space documentary.

7 I’ll send out all the invitations before lunchtime. have

By lunchtime, I’ll have have sent all the invitations.

8 Do some revision and then I’ll give you a test. until

I won’t give you a test until you have done some revision.

9 When you visit us, we’ll have moved into our new house. by

We’ll have moved into our new house by the time you visit us.

10 We’ll get some more information and then we’ll make a decision. once

Let’s make a decision once we have got some more information.

Предмет: Английский язык,

автор: lera9218

Я Вас умоляю!!!


Автор ответа: slyuda1955


1 Would you mind my opening the window here?

2 Nick is too inexperienced to cope with that.

3 We are expected to be at home before dark.

4 Remember not to switch off the light before leaving.

5 You should stop smoking!

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