Complete each phrasal verb using a word from the box do dress


1 ответ:



1. Put on

2. Take off

3. Try

4. do

5. dress

6. hang

7. have

8. leave

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Вот надеюсь я чем-то пологла


если помогла отметь как лучший вариант

Представляем Упрощенный 1. Дэн часто (хожу) в бассейн. 2. Они (есть) Завтрак в семь часов? 3. Фред (не делать) упражнения каждый день. 4. Почему Вася (вам)
в шесть часов утра? 5. Мы (идти) на прогулку после обеда. 6. Сэм всегда (справки) о доме? 7. Где Бен обычно (плавать)? 8. Дети (принять) душ по утрам. 9. Энн (не играть) в парке. 10. Мой друг (делать) домашнее задание по пять часов<span>.</span>

Tom and I friends. We are ten///We’re ten•••••••

As a child I was
always getting into trouble: whether at school or at home, it
seemed I was<span> always </span><span>doing </span>something wrong. I don’t know why. I wasn’t a bad child. I just think I got bored too easily. I think I first broke the law when I was about 15. I used to go shoplifting with my
friends. We didn’t really think we were committing any crime. We thought it was a
fun way of getting stuff we wanted. Anyway, we kept getting away with it so why would
we want to stop? Then we started doing more serious stuff like burglary and taking
cars for a joyride.<span> Of course, one day I </span><span>got </span>caught. It was on my 17th birthday and it felt like my world had come to an end. I
remember the police taking me to my parents’ house. On the way there, they were
talking about how I might be sent to prison. I was so scared. Because it was my first<span> offence. I was </span>put  on
probation — but they told me that next time it would be prison. I also<span> had to </span>do some community service.
It<span> was either that or </span><span>pay </span>a large fine, but I didn’t have any money, so I spent 200 hours gardening in the local park.
Looking back now, the day I got arrested was the best day of my life, because
it stopped my life of crime before it was too late, I never broke thelaw again.

Complete each sentence using a word from the box.

Key. amusing / amused confusing / confused exhausting / exhausted annoying / annoyed disgusting / disgusted interesting / interested boring / bored exciting / excited surprising / surprised 1 He works very hard.

It’s not suprising that he’s always tired.

2 I’ve got nothing to do.

I’m ____________.

3 The teacher’s explanation was ____________.

Most of the students didn’t understand it.

4 The kitchen hadn’t been cleaned for ages.

It was really ____________.

5 I seldom visit art galleries.

I’m not particularly ____________ in art.

6 There’s no need to get ____________ just because I’m a few minutes late.

7 The lecture was ____________ I fell asleep.

8 I’ve been working very hard all day and now I’m ____________.

9 I’m starting a new job next week.

I’m very ____________ about it.

10 Steve is very good at telling funny stories.

He can be very ____________.

11 Liz is a very ____________ person.

She knows a lot, she’s travelled a lot and she’s done lots of different things.

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вопросы и ответы на них в категории Английский язык. Если ответы вызывают
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1   There will be a help and support line when the new computer system is in …………………….. .

      I’m giving my laptop away because it’s of no …………………….. to me any more.

      What’s the …………………….. of trying to keep up with fashions that change too quickly?

2   I think it’s time Megan faced up to …………………….. and realised that she’s going to have to change her lifestyle.

      There’s a lot of talk about the effects of technology, but I don’t think people have really changed that much in …………………….. .

      It’s amazing how popular …………………….. TV has become in such a short time.

3   Many of today’s mobile phones wouldn’t look out of …………………….. in science fiction films.

      Vikram’s been offered a …………………….. at Oxford to study computer science.

      Nothing will ever take the …………………….. of my old, reliable transistor radio.

4   Do all these lights on the stereo serve a …………………….., or are they just for decoration?

      Jerry seems to lack a sense of …………………….. since he retired.

      I can’t believe that Alfie would’ve sent you a computer virus on …………………….. .

5   In this game, you compete against the …………………….. to collect as many gold rings as you can.

      People in my office waste time surfing the Net and watching the …………………….. until it’s time to leave.

      We provide full technical support for all our products around the …………………….. .

6   During the 197Os, computer chips began to appear in people’s homes in the …………………….. of the first games consoles.

      You need to fill out the …………………….. online to become a member of the website.

      All the players have been in good …………………….. lately, so it should be a good match.

7   I was in the …………………….. of texting Debbie when my phone rang and it was her!

      Recent developments mean that there is a good chance the Middle East peace …………………….. could be restarted.

      If the monster isn’t behind that door or that door, then it must be behind the third one – it’s just a …………………….. of elimination.

8   The path …………………….. around the side of the building.

      What …………………….. you to come up with the idea of a clockwork radio?

      The scientist …………………….. me into the laboratory, where an experiment was going on.

Unit 137- Part A

galka.jpgWe often use verbs with the following words:   


So you can say look out / get on / take off / run away
etc. These are phrasal verbs.

We often use on/off/out
etc. with verbs of movement. For example:

get on
drive off
come back   
turn round
    •    The bus was full. We couldn’t get on.
    •    A woman got into the car and drove off.
    •    Sally is leaving tomorrow and coming back on Saturday.
    •    When I touched him on the shoulder, he turned round.
But often the second word (on/off/out etc.) gives a special meaning to the verb. For example:
break down
look out
take off
get on
get by
    •    Sorry I’m late. The car broke down (= the engine stopped working)
    •    Look out! There’s a car coming.  (= be careful)
    •    It was my first flight. I was nervous as the plane took off
(= went into the air)
    •    How was the exam? How did you get on (= How did you do?)
    •    My French isn’t very good, but it’s enough to get by.  (= manage)

For more phrasal verbs, see Units 138-145.

Unit 137- Part B

galka.jpgSometimes a phrasal verb is followed by a preposition. For example:

phrasal verb
run away
keep up
look up
look forward
    •    Why did you run away from me?
    •    You’re walking too fast. I can’t keep up with you.
    •    We looked up at the plane as it flew above us.
    •    Are you looking forward to your holiday?

Unit 137- Part C


{slide=1 Complete each sentence using a verb from A + a word from B.}flag.jpgComplete each sentence using a verb from A (in the correct form) + a word from B. You can use a word more than once.
{tooltip}Key.{end-link}2    sit down
3    flew away
4    get out
5    speak up
6    get by
7    gone up
8    looked round{end-tooltip}

A{xtypo_rounded3}fly     get     go     look     sit     speak{/xtypo_rounded3} B{xtypo_rounded3}away     by     down     on     out     round     up {/xtypo_rounded3}

1    The bus was full. We couldn’t    get in  .   
2    I’ve been standing for the last two hours. I’m going to ________________ for a bit.
3    A cat tried to catch the bird, but it ________________ just in time.
4    We were trapped in the building. We couldn’t ________________.
5    I can’t hear you very well. Can you ________________ a little?
6    ‘Do you speak German?’   ‘Not very well, but I can ________________.’
7    House prices are very high. They’ve ________________ a lot in the last few years.
8    I thought there was somebody behind me, but when I ________________, there was nobody there.

{/slide} {slide=2 Complete the sentences using a word from A and a word from B.}flag.jpgComplete the sentences using a word from A and a word from B. You can use a word more than once.
{tooltip}Key.{end-link}2    back at
3    up to
4    forward to
5    away with
6    up at
7    in through{end-tooltip}

A{xtypo_rounded3}away       back       forward     in     up{/xtypo_rounded3} B{xtypo_rounded3}at       through      to     with{/xtypo_rounded3}

1    You’re walking too fast. I can’t keep     up with    you.
2    My holidays are nearly over. Next week I’ll be ____________ work.
3    We went ____________ the top floor of the building to admire the view.
4    Are you looking ____________ the party next week?
5    There was a bank robbery last week. The robbers got ____________ £50,000.
6    I love to look ____________ the stars in the sky at night.
7    I was sitting in the kitchen when suddenly a bird flew ____________ the open window.

{/slide} {slide=3 Complete the sentences using the following verbs.}flag.jpgComplete the sentences using the following verbs + it/them/me:
{tooltip}Key.{end-link}2    wake me up
3    get it out
4    give them back
5    switch it on
6    take them off{end-tooltip}

{xtypo_rounded3}fill in    get out    give back    switch on    take off    wake up{/xtypo_rounded3}

1    They gave me a form and told me to    fill it in  .   
2    I’m going to bed now. Can you ___________ at 6.30?
3    I’ve got something in my eye and I can’t ___________.
4    I don’t like it when people borrow things and don’t ___________.
5    I want to use the kettle. How do I ___________?
6    My shoes are dirty. I’d better ___________ before going into the house. {/slide} {slide=4 Use your own ideas to complete the sentences.}flag.jpgUse your own ideas to complete the sentences. Use a noun (this newspaper etc.) or a pronoun (it/them etc.) + the word in brackets (away/up etc.).
{tooltip}Key.{end-link}3    I have to take them back
4    We can turn the television off or   We can turn off the television
5    I knocked it over
6    I don’t want to wake her up.
7    (example answer) You should put your coat on    or    You should put on your coat.
8    I was able to put it out
9    (example answer) they’ve put the price(s) up    or    they’ve put up the price(s)
10  Shall I turn the lightlsl on? or    Shall I turn on the lighi(s)?{end-tooltip}

1    Don’t throw     away this newspaper    I want to keep it.  (away)
2    ‘Do you want this postcard?’    ‘No, you can throw     it away    .’ (away)
3    I borrowed these books from the library. I have to take _______________ tomorrow.  (back)
4    We can turn _______________. Nobody is watching it.  (off)
5    A: How did the vase get broken?
      B: I’m afraid I knocked _______________ while I was cleaning.  (over)
6    Shh! My mother is asleep. I don’t want to wake _______________. (up)
7    It’s quite cold. You should put _______________ if you’re going out.  (on)
8    It was only a small fire. I was able to put _______________ quite easily. (out)
9    A: Is this hotel more expensive than when we stayed here last year?
      B: Yes, they’ve put _______________. (up)
10  It’s a bit dark in this room. Shall I turn _______________?  (on)


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