Complete each pair of sentences with the same word do you

State Verbs
We can use the present continuous with some state verbs (attract,look,like,love, sound) to emphasise that a situation is temporary or for a period of time around the present. Compare:
  • Stella stays with us quite often. The children love having her here.
  • Stella’s with us at the moment. The children are loving having her here.
Some verbs have different meanings when they are used to talk about states and when they describe actions. With their ‘state’ meanings, they usually take simple rather than continuous forms. With their ‘action meanings, they may take simple or continuous forms, depending on context. Compare:
  • The app doesn’t appear to work on my phone. (appear: state = seem)
  • Charley Robb is currently appearing in a musical on Broadway./ She often appears in musicals. (appear: action= take part)
Other verbs are: cost, expect, feel,have, imagine, think, fit, measure, weigh
Mental state verbs
With some verbs describing mental states (find, realise, regret, think, understand) we can use the present continuous to emphasise that we have recently started to think about something or that we are not sure about something. Compare:
  • I regret that the company will have to be sold.
  • I‘m regretting my decision to give her the job.
When it means think carefully about, consider is only used with the present continuous:
  • Hes considering taking early retirement.
Some other verbs describing preferences and mental states (agree, believe, conclude, know, prefer) are rarely used with the present continuous.
  • I believe you now.
We use the present simple with verbs which perform the action they describe (=performatives):
  • I suggest you park outside the city and get the bus to the centre.
  • We request that you read the terms and conditions carefully before signing.
Other verbs are: acknowledge, admit, advise, apologise, beg, confess, forbid, deny, declare, guaratee, name, order, permit, predict, promise, refuse, remind, request, thank, warn
Some verbs used as performatives with the present simple in affirmative sentences (apologise, deny, promise, suggest) have a similiar meaning with either the present simple or present continuous in negative sentences:
  • I don’t deny/ I’m not denying taking the books, but Michael said it would be okay.
Modals are often used with perfomatives to make what we say more tentative or polite:
  • We would advise you to arrive two hours before the flight leaves.
  • I must beg you to keep this a secret.
1.1- Complete each pair of sentences using the same verb( in a question form or negative if necessary) from the box. Use the present continuous;if this is not possible, use the present simple.

2. a- I hear you’re having your house repainted. Hows it looking/ How does it look?
b- I bought this new dress today. How does it look?
3. a- What are you doing with that ruler?  b- I…………………….the area of the kitchen.
b- The garden ………………. 12 by 20 metres.
4. a- I…………………….whether I’ll get another chance to retake the exam.
b-I suppose she might be at gome tonight, but I……………………………it.
5.a- The new science museum….currently…………………10,000 visitors a month.
b-Flowers…………………bees with their brightly-coloured petals.
6. a-Carlos won’t work at the top of the 20-storey building because he…………..heights.
b- How’s the new job?   c- Well, at the moment, I…………………….it at all.
7. a-My car’s in the garage today. They……………………… brakes.
b- I bought this jumper for Anne, but it……………………….her so I’ll have to take it back.
8.a- What’s your shirt made from? It feels like silk.
b- I won’t be coming to work today. I………………..very well.
9. a- The roof of the house…………………………only plastic sheets nailed  down in a few places.
b- Their school uniform……………………black trousers and a dark green jumper.
10. a- Simon’s new song……………………..quite good, but he doesn’t think he’s ready yet to perform it in public.
b- What’s that noise?  c- It…………….like a bird stuck in the chimney.
10. a- Beckham…………………………treatment for a knee injury, but should be fit to play on Saturday.
b- My sister……………………….long blonde hair. You’re bound to recognise her.
1.2- Cross out any improbable answers.



2 a- ‘m (am) measuring

   b- measures

3  a- doubt

    b- doubt

4   a- is currently attracting (‘attracts’ is also possible)


5 a-doesn’t like

    b- ‘m (am) not liking( ‘don’t like’ is also possible)

6  a- ‘re (are) fitting

    b- doesn’t

7  a- feels

    b- ‘m (am) not feeling (‘ don’t feel’ is also possible)

8  a-consists of (‘consists only of’ would also be possible)

    b- consists of

9  a-  ‘s (is) sounding (‘sounds’ is also possible)

   b- sounds

10   a- ‘(is) having

       b- has


1- apologise

2- admit

3- don’t suggest/’m not suggesting  (both possible)

4- now realise/ ‘m now realising (both possible)

5- confess

6- ‘m considering

7- do you find / are you finding (both possible)


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It’s just a game

2.1 6.2

VOCABULARY Sport • phrasal verbs • collocations • people in sport

SHOW WHAT YOU KNOW 1 Complete the dialogues with the correct form of the words in brackets. 1 2 3 4 5

John: Quick! Catch the ball! Roger: Ouch! Sorry, I’m a hopeless basketball player (PLAY). Graham: It’s a beautiful day. Let’s go to the pool. Harry: I’m not a very good swimmer (SWIM), I’m afraid. Claire: Did I see your brother riding a bike on TV yesterday, Sam? Sam: Possibly. He’s a professional cyclist (CYCLE) doing the Tour de France. Paulo: Wow. You’ve got a lot of medals. Running, jumping, throwing the javelin … Tess: Yes, I used to be a good athlete (ATHLETICS) when I was younger. Karl: Who’s that guy in the picture? Jan: You are joking! That’s Lionel Messi – the best footballer (FOOTBALL) in the world! Aman: Look! It’s snowing! Let’s go skiing this weekend! Rafał: Oh, no – you’re not a skier (SKI), are you? I hate all winter sports.

2 Choose the correct words.

% SPORTS FOR ALL! & At Abbeydale sports club we offer a wide range of sports and activities. In the main sports hall, club members can 1do / play basketball or volleyball on our indoor 2courts / pitches. Outdoors, you can 3 do / play hockey, cricket, football and rugby on full-size 4pitches / courses. In our fantastic new building we offer the chance to 5do / go judo, karate and aerobics as well as 6 do / play tennis or table tennis. Plus, we have a brand new badminton 7court / course and indoor 8ring / rink for ice-skating too! In the summer, you can 9do / go athletics on the main field or run around our running 10 ring / track and members can also 11do / go canoeing and sailing on our beautiful lake. We are currently building a pool, so very soon you will be able to 12do / go swimming at the club too. Contact us at [email protected]

REMEMBER BETTER Aby łatwiej i szybciej zapamiętać większą liczbę słów, postaraj się je grupować w kategorie. Zapisz każdy wyraz na osobnej karteczce, a następnie twórz różne grupy i podgrupy, np. w przypadku słów związanych ze sportem mogą to być: sporty zespołowe i indywidualne, sporty uprawiane na wolnym powietrzu i w zamkniętej przestrzeni, sporty ekstremalne i tradycyjne, sporty wymagające użycia piłki itd.

FOCUS ON WORDS | Phrasal verbs 3 Complete the sentences with the correct prepositions. 1 2 3 4 5 6

How could Jane let us down like that? She’s the best player on the team and she didn’t arrive for the match. Adam’s hurt his arm, so he has to drop out of the tennis competition this weekend. Williams has to take on last year’s champion in the final game of the season. Uma is an excellent sailor. She got into it when her dad first took her sailing at the age of six. My mum’s running in the marathon this Sunday. Do you want to come and cheer her on with me? I’ve decided to go in for a karate tournament. Do you think I can win it? How many calories do you think 45 minutes of yoga burns off?

FOCUS ON WORDS | Collocations 4 Choose the correct words. ‘Welcome to ‘Sports Thoughts’ on Radio Sport. This week we will ask marathon runner, Jeremy Bradshaw, what it was like to 1come / win / score first in the London Marathon. We’ll talk to Pat Goodhill who 2 kept / beat / lost the national speed-climbing champion and 3 scored  / won / broke a world-record at last week’s UK climbing championships. Skier Daisy Leader will tell us how she 4 loses / scores / keeps in shape during the summer and give us some expert advice on 5 beating / keeping / coming fit during the winter season. We’ll also ask footballer, Alastair Madson, what he feels is more important for his career: 6scoring / breaking / winning goals or 7beating / winning / breaking matches. Finally, you’ll have the chance to 8win / score / keep a prize in our weekly phone-in competition. Now, this news has just come in – US basketball player Dick Boyd amazed fans and teammates earlier this evening when he 9scored / kept / won more than 100 points in a single game. And we have heard that AFC Woolwich’s Donny Wellard says he might quit professional football after he managed to 10miss / lost / broke a goal in Saturday’s World Cup final from just one metre …’

18 © Pearson Central Europe, 2019   Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

5 Look at the sports results and complete the gaps with the correct names. Football: United 2 — City 1

1 2 3


Complete each pair of sentences with the same word A–C.

United won the game. a United defeated bCity. City scored one goal. City lost the match.

Tennis: Williams 3 – WOZNIACKI 6 4 Wozniacki won the game. 5 aWozniacki beat bWilliams. 6 Williams lost the match.

FOCUS ON WORDS | People in sport 6 Use the words in the box to label people in sport. There are two extra words. opponent referee supporter spectator teammate

2 opponent me teammate




7 Complete the dialogue with the names of people in sport. The first letters are given. Reporter: Here we are live from the National Stadium with Zoe Striker of Team UK, the new women’s 100m sprint champion. Zoe, you are finally the champion of the world. How does it feel? Zoe: Wonderful! I’ve been training hard with the help of my 1coach, and the other athletes in the UK team – my fantastic 2 teammates. I couldn’t have done it without them or all of the 3spectators that were watching and cheering me on here in the stadium. I’ve got the best 4fans in the world! Reporter: And how about the 5referee? For a moment I thought he was going to stop the race. Zoe: That was a little worrying, yes. But I’ve been practising all week with my 6trainer and I was prepared for any of my 7 opponents trying to stop me winning. Reporter: Thank you Zoe. The UK is proud of you and your thousands of 8supporters around the world can’t wait for your next competition.

1 2

How old were you when you first into rowing? Don’t worry – I’ve a pair of skates I can lend you. A been B got C had I feel that my team really me down after they failed to win the cup. James me borrow his tennis racket, so we can play tomorrow. A put B took C let 3 Swimmer Simon Davies said his main aim this year is to his own world record. You look exhausted, Mike. Let’s have a at this café. A break B rest C keep 4 The best way to lose weight is to keep and watch what you eat. The jacket really suited Rachel, but unfortunately it was the wrong size and didn’t her. A  shape B  fit C healthy 5 My sports told me I need to lose some weight if I want to win the trophy. I think we’ll take the to the stadium. There shouldn’t be too much traffic. A trainer B fan C coach

9 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words from the box. There are two extra words. beat come goal point referee spectator teammate win 1 2 3 4 5

My teammates threw me into the river after we won the boat race. I know I can’t run very fast but I didn’t think I’d come last in the race. With two minutes of the match left, the fans were screaming at the referee to blow the whistle. The spectators had paid £275 each for tickets to watch the game from the VIP area. Mai Lee beat the favourite Jinjing Ho to become this year’s women’s table tennis world champion. If Barlow scores the next point, he’ll win the match and be the new table tennis champion. /10

19 © Pearson Central Europe, 2019   Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

2.2 6.2

GRAMMAR Narrative tenses


Look at the signs and complete the sentences and questions with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.


9 a.m. – 10 a.m.

1 Put the story in the correct order.

Ray didn’t finish the race.

 3 She tried to help him get up.  5 When the ambulance arrived, Lisa and Ray were chatting and laughing. 1 He had only run three miles when he fell over and hurt his foot.  6 When Ray’s leg was better, he asked Lisa on a date.  4 But he couldn’t stand because he had hurt his ankle.  2 Lisa was watching the race when Ray fell over. Six months later they got married.


Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. The official fired the gun and the race began (begin). 1 It was raining heavily when Ferguson crashed (crash) his Ferrari. 2 When I reached the 10km sign, the fastest runners had already crossed (already/cross) the finishing line. 3 The race began at 16:00 and the last cyclist finished (finish) at exactly 17:08. 4 Diane was already at the gym when she realised she had forgotten (forget) her towel. 5 Fyfe and Scott were climbing (climb) Everest when the accident happened.


Choose the correct verb forms.

1 R:

Right Jones! It’s a yellow card for you. J: Oh Ref! What adid I do / had I done / was I doing? R: I balready blew / had already blown / was already blowing the whistle three times Jones, but you carried on playing!

2 F: Did you see the ice hockey last night, Ben?

Great goal by Grabic, huh? B: Well, I awatched / had watched / was watching the game when the doorbell rang. I went to answer it; it was some sales person, and when I got back I bmissed / had missed / was missing the goal!

3 TV J: Arthur, at 76 years of age you’re the oldest

competitor to finish the marathon today. Why adid you decide / had you decided / were you deciding to run? A: Oh, well, last year my grandson and I were watching the race on TV when he basked / had asked / was asking: ‘Granddad, have you ever done that?’ I told him that I hadn’t run a marathon and he said: ‘Maybe you should try’. So, I cdid / have done / have been doing it for my grandson, Timmy.

1 2 3

At 8 a.m. the race hadn’t started (start). It began (begin) at 9 a.m. At 9:30 a.m. the competitors were cycling (cycle). A: Had the race finished (finish) at 10:30 a.m.? B: Yes, it had.


4 When I arrived at 11:30 a.m., the competition had begun (begin). 5 A: Was it snowing (snow) when you got there? B: Yes, it was. 6 At exactly 12:45 the last competitor jumped (jump). 7 By 2 p.m. the crowd had left (leave).

SHOW WHAT YOU’VE LEARNT 5 Find and correct the mistakes. I played rugby when I broke my arm. was playing 1 We went to the Alps in April, but we couldn’t ski because the snow already melted. had already melted 2 I watched the race when Hope won the gold medal and broke the world record. was watching 3 Were City beating Arsenal in last night’s game? Did City beat 4 The referee didn’t concentrate when Burton touched the ball with his hand. wasn’t concentrating 5 In yesterday’s Brazilian Grand Prix, Lewis was finishing in second place. finished 6 Boxer, Joe Foster was fighting over 100 opponents when he retired in 1994. had fought

/6 GRAMMAR Train and Try Again page 147

20 © Pearson Central Europe, 2019   Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

2.3 6.2

LISTENING LANGUAGE PRACTICE Collocations • phrasal verbs

3 Choose the combination which is not possible in each group.

1 Look at the recording extract. Put questions 1–4 in gaps A–D. So, why did you take up windsurfing? 1 What other water sports did you do? 2 Are your mum and your cousin still your role models? 3 Was your cousin a good windsurfer? 4 Who inspired you? Extract from Students’ Book recording 

2 Complete gaps 1–5 in the interview with Jackie in Exercise 1 with the verbs from the box. Change the forms if necessary. There are two extra verbs.

spend win teach go join

sports … / hours … / the weekend … a competition / a goal / a race a subject / someone the rules / first place surfing / aerobics / running the gym / a club / athletics

4 Complete the sentences with verbs from Exercise 3. Change the verb forms if necessary.



P: First of all, congratulations Jackie. Last month you became the world under eighteen windsurfing champion! J: Yes, that’s right. Thank you. P: So, why did you take up windsurfing? A 4 J: Two people really: my mum and my cousin, Rachel. I first 1went windsurfing with my mum. We lived near the sea, and we spent every summer on the beach. My mum had entered windsurfing competitions when she was a teenager. She 2 didn’t win anything, but she really enjoyed it. She started to 3teach me windsurfing as soon as I could swim […]. I was only about 7 years old. My cousin Rachel was there too. She and her family lived near us. My mum gave us both lessons together. Rachel’s two years older than me and I’ve always looked up to her. I still do. P: B 3 J: Yes, but she was good at a wide range of sports. […] She was a really good example for me – I wanted to be sporty like her. P: So you grew up near the sea. C 1 J: All sorts. At first, windsurfing wasn’t my favourite thing. I liked other water sports like swimming and sailing. Rachel talked me into 4joining a children’s sailing club. We 5spent all our weekends there, even in winter. We did lots of sailing, and then Rachel thought we should try out rowing. I wasn’t sure about rowing at first, […] but my mum thought it was a good idea. Now I’m glad I did it because it made my arms strong, and that helped my windsurfing. […] P: D 2 J: Yes, definitely. I think I take after my mum – I hope I have some of the same qualities anyway. And Rachel is like a big sister to me.

become do go join not win play spend teach

1 2 3 4 5

2 3 4



If you want a body like a fitness instructor, you’ll have to spend hours in the gym every week. After Greg finishes studying Sports Science at university, he wants to teach Physical Education at a secondary school. Sarah didn’t buy that snowboard. She won a competition and that was the first prize. Hey, can I play too? Will you teach me the rules? Now that you’ve spent so much money on trainers and equipment, don’t you think you should actually go running? Most students join several clubs during their first few weeks at university. It’s a good way to meet new people. Finally it has snowed and we are going to spend the weekend in the mountains. I can’t wait!

REMEMBER BETTER Kiedy uczysz się nowych czasowników lub utrwalasz znaczenie tych już poznanych, skorzystaj ze słownika i sprawdź, z jakimi rzeczownikami tworzą one wyrażenia. Następnie użyj tych wyrażeń w zdaniach o sobie lub swoich znajomych, aby łatwiej je zapamiętać. Duży zasób słownictwa, a szczególnie stałych związków frazeologicznych, będzie bardzo pomocny na maturze. Write sentences with the verbs and nouns from Exercise 3. SPEND hours My brother spends hours playing online games.

FOCUS ON WORDS | Phrasal verbs 5 Choose the correct words. 1 I really look up / over / across to Ronaldo. He’s a true professional athlete. 2 My sister takes up / on / after my mum – they’re both excellent skiers. 3 How did you ever talk me in / into / to climbing? I’m terrified of heights. 4 Karen was put off / on / out snowboarding after I told her how I broke my leg last winter. 5 A true champion would never give over / down / up after losing one match. 6 Rob’s always wanted to try out / on / in canoeing, so let’s invite him too. 7 Sarah had trouble picking on / up / at how to play badminton at first, but she’s good now.

21 © Pearson Central Europe, 2019   Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

2.4 6.2


1 Read the text quickly and choose the best title for it.

A high school hero • collocations • rituals and routines • word families

1 Autistic boy’s dream job as school basketball team manager 2 Autistic boy joins national basketball team 3 Autistic boy’s basketball dream becomes a reality √

It sounds like fantasy: an autistic schoolboy is brought onto the basketball court as a last minute substitute*, scores 20 points in four minutes and becomes a national hero. However, in February 2006 that is exactly what happened to 17-year-old Jason McElwain, from Rochester, New York. 1  D Jason has autism, a condition that makes communicating, socialising and reading other people’s feelings difficult. However, that did not prevent coach Jim Johnson from making him ‘manager’ of Greece Athena High School’s basketball team. Before that, apart from a  couple of minutes in a junior game in 2004, Jason’s autism had always stopped him from actually playing for the team. But on the evening of the annual ‘Senior Night’ game, which was held in the students’ final year of high school, the team’s coach gave J-Mac, as he is called, a shirt with the number 52 on the back, and told him he would let him play in the all-important game at some point.

the court on their shoulders. His teammate Rickey Wallace said: ‘I knew he could shoot, but I didn’t know he could score 20 points.’ Jason’s father, David McElwain, 51, said: ‘He was really happy on the way home. He didn’t sleep a lot that night.’ 3  A Jason’s sporting achievement was filmed, and by the evening, a video of him in action had already

2  E In the final few minutes, Jason was sent onto the court. When his teammates passed him the ball, Jason calmly aimed* and scored seven baskets* from 13 shots, scoring five points a minute and breaking school records. Athena beat their opponents Spencerport 7943. At the end of the game, spectators carried Jason off

gone viral*. Eventually, the video reached the television sports channel ESPN and Jason quickly became famous around the country. He received offers from celebrities, such as basketball hero Earvin ‘Magic’ Johnson and TV star Oprah Winfrey, as well as film companies and publishers keen to tell his story. Jason even met the American President at the time, George W Bush, who presented him with a special award. 4  C Since 2006, Jason has graduated from high school and found part-time work with a well-known food store. He wrote a book, The Game of My Life which was published in 2008 and he now travels across the United States raising money for autism charities. He is also involved in public speaking, and is a talented runner. In September 2012, he completed his first marathon in 15th place, in only 3 hours, 1 minute and 41 seconds. With all the activity that is going on in his life, Jason admits that he hasn’t been playing as much basketball, but says: ‘Occasionally, I’ll go and shoot baskets.’


substitute (n) – in team sports: a player who is sent onto the pitch/court to replace another player who is tired, injured or playing poorly; zawodnik rezerwowy aim (v) – in sports: to look carefully and choose the place you want to throw or kick a ball, or shoot a weapon; celować

basket (n) – in basketball: the rings at either end of the court; also, the point which is scored when you throw the ball successfully into one of those rings; kosz go viral – if a picture, video, joke, etc. goes viral, it spreads widely, especially on the Internet: rozejść się w Internecie

22 © Pearson Central Europe, 2019   Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


Match headings A–F with paragraphs 1–4. There are two extra headings. A B C D E F


America’s new sporting hero Autism fully explained Jason’s success continues A gift and a promise J-Mac’s magic moment Jason the best autistic runner

FOCUS ON WORDS | Rituals and routines 5 Complete the sentences with a phrase from the box. You may need to change part of the phrase. a decisive moment break from sb’s routine do the same thing over give sb peace of mind repeat a sequence the first step the last phase the point of no return

Read the text again. Answer the questions about the text in your notebook.

1 What is autism? 2 Who gave Jason the opportunity to play in the ‘Senior Night’ game? 3 At what point did Jason join the game? 4 Which team won the game? 5 Who described Jason’s feelings after the game? 6 What did certain celebrities, film companies and publishers want to do? 7 Where does Jason do his charity work? 8 Which of Jason’s other sporting achievements is mentioned in the text?  Answer key – WB page 161


2 3 4

4 Complete the collocations with the verbs from the box. Use the text to help you. There are two extra verbs. beat bring complete go play present raise score 1 2 3 4 5 6




play for a team bring someone on as a substitute pass the ball score a basket present someone with an award raise money for charity complete a marathon (or any other race)


As soon as we go around the next bend, we will go past the point of no return. The water moves so fast that we will only be able to move in one direction – down the river towards the sea! As a break from my routine I chose to run around the hill rather than over it. It’s good to do something different once in a while. The referee sent off our best player for cheating. That was a decisive moment in the game. What a joke! The first step in becoming a professional athlete is to decide which specialisation to focus on. You can beat this boxer. He always repeats a sequence of punches after he moves back two steps. Watch! Left, left, right, left, right. It’s the same every time! It might be boring to do the same thing over but every successful tennis player knows it’s the only way to hit the ball perfectly with your racket. The fact that winning or losing isn’t important can really give you peace of mind and help you see the bigger picture. It’s simply a game and we’re playing for fun – so just enjoy it! This is the last phase of our yoga class this morning and then you can all go home. Take a deep breath, touch your toes and hold the position for three minutes.


FOCUS ON WORDS | Word families

Kiedy uczysz się nowego wyrażenia składającego się z czasownika i rzeczownika, sprawdź w słowniku inne czasowniki, które łączą się z tym samym rzeczownikiem. W ten prosty sposób poszerzysz zasób swojego słownictwa.


Complete the collocations with ball with the correct verb and form. The first and last letters are given. First, try to do the exercise without using a dictionary or checking online.

1 2 3 4 5 6

The best golfers can hit the ball incredible distances and with great accuracy. In football, you can’t use your hands. You use your feet to ak i c k the ball, or you can bh e a d the ball. If the batter m i s s e s the ball three times in baseball, he or she is ‘out’. Barnes is a very selfish player. He rarely p a s s e s the ball to another player. When I at h r o w the ball to you, try and bc a t c h it using both hands. In basketball you can’t just run with the ball. You have to b o u n c e it on the floor as you run. Our dog will happily af e t c h a ball or a stick all day long, but it’s very hard to get him to bd r o p it once he’s got it in his mouth.

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets. 1

2 3 4


I’m quite lazy, so I prefer less active (ACT) sports like darts or snooker. Plenty of sportspeople are superstitious (SUPER). For example, Michael Jordan used to wear his college shorts under his official NBA sports kit. Why can’t I be more decisive (DECIDE)? I just don’t know which team I want to play for the most. You need pretty powerful (POWER) legs to be a professional long jumper. Don’t you find playing chess rather repetitive (REPEAT)? You do the same moves over and over again. Athletes need a lot of resilience (RESILIENT) if they are to return after a serious injury and compete at the highest level again.

23 © Pearson Central Europe, 2019   Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

2.5 6.2



Verb patterns

1 RUN Shelly tries to run every day. She doesn’t mind a running when the weather is good but she refuses b to run when it’s cold and wet. 2 EAT Nick’s mum makes him aeat cabbage even though he hates it. She forces him bto eat bananas, which he doesn’t like, and even though he can’t stand ceating seafood, she cooks fish every Friday. 3 BUY Irene could abuy the trainers if she had more money, but she can’t afford bto buy them at the moment. The sales assistant in the shop advised her cto buy them next month because they will probably be cheaper then.

SHOW WHAT YOU KNOW 1 Match verb patterns A–E to the sentences. verb + to infinitive verb + object + to infinitive verb + -ing modal verb + infinitive without to verb + object + infinitive without to


I want to drive a Formula 1 car one day. 1 We might go for a swim later. 2 The coach makes us run 3 kilometres before the training starts. 3 Please remind me to put a clean towel in my gym bag. 4 Karen fancies watching basketball on TV at home. 5 We arranged to meet at the top of the ski-lift at 4 o’clock.


A  D  E  B  C  A

Cross out to where it is not necessary.

Welcome to the Singapore F1 Grand Prix, where today’s race should to be very exciting.

1 We’d like to remind to our viewers that this is a very important race for Sebastian Vettel. 2 Vettel is attempting to win his third race in a row here in Singapore.  correct 3 If the other drivers let him to win again, he’ll almost certainly become this year’s champion. 4 The weather is wet, so the teams have all decided to start the race with wet-weather tyres.  correct 5 Remember, Vettel only just avoided to crashing during this year’s wet Monaco Grand Prix. 6 Vettel’s manager has warned him not to drive too fast in these difficult conditions.  correct 7 Keep to watching after the race for more exciting motor racing action here on Turbo Channel.

Complete the texts with the correct form of the verb in capitals.


Use the words in capitals to complete sentences with a similar meaning. Would you like to play one more game? FANCY Do you fancy playing one more game? Our PE teacher forces us to run round the hockey field three times before the game. MAKE Our PE teacher makes us run round the hockey field three times before the game. 2 Gavin said he would pick us up after the game tomorrow. OFFER Gavin offered to pick us up after the game tomorrow. 3 We don’t go to judo classes anymore. STOP We’ve stopped going to judo classes. 4 Alan really doesn’t like losing at badminton. CAN’T STAND Alan can’t stand losing at badminton. 1

SHOW WHAT YOU’VE LEARNT 5 Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.

Sunny Gym Personal Trainers Are you attempting to get (get) fit but not having much success? Are you wasting time 1 doing (do) exercises that don’t work? You could 2 benefit (benefit) from the help of a personal trainer. Our trainers will teach you 3to exercise (exercise) efficiently and effectively, and help you to avoid 4 injuring (injure) yourself when you work out. Training should 5be (be) fun, not frustrating. Let our trainers 6show (show) you the fastest route to success. Contact Becky at the Reception for details and bookings.

/6 GRAMMAR Train and Try Again page 147

24 © Pearson Central Europe, 2019   Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

2.6 6.2 1


Choose the correct answers A–C. I’ve just 1 a conversation with my sports coach and I have to say I’m a bit disappointed. He thinks I’m not ready to run in the mini-marathon next month. Really? Well, 2 . I wouldn’t say I wanted to do it if I didn’t feel ready. What does he know? But maybe he doesn’t understand – I don’t actually care about winning and neither 3 he. What I really care about is getting more racing experience. I believe that’s more important – and my parents 4 . Which is why I’m going to enter the marathon with or without the support of my running coach. What do you think? Do you think I’m making a big mistake? I 5 . I’m sure it is a good idea! And 6 my friend Sophie, who thinks I might even come in the top 100. 1 2 3 4 5 6


2 3 4 5

Choose the correct forms. 1 Asia: Alberto would never go climbing. It’s too dangerous for him. Mel: Really? He would / I would / We are! It looks like such fun, don’t you think? 2 Tania: My parents haven’t been jogging for weeks. Freddy: Ha, nor do they / nor have mine / so have yours. And we’re lazy teenagers!? 3 Jasmin: I can’t say I like playing basketball very much. Tanya: Oh, I can / I like / I did. In fact, I think it’s the best sport ever! 4 Fran: I’m planning to go swimming this afternoon. Liza: Really? So am I / So do I / So will I. We can go together if you like. 5 Lexie: Marcelle had never been ice-skating before yesterday. Denise: And nor has / so hadn’t / neither had Jane. They were quite good though, weren’t they?


A have A  I do A should A  are too A don’t A  either does

B  had B  I don’t B  would B  do too B  haven’t B  too does

C  done C  he doesn’t C  could C  have too C  didn’t C  so is

Translate the Polish parts of the sentences. 1

Choose the correct translation A–C for the Polish parts of the sentences. 1 I won’t cheat in a match and James (również nie). A  won’t neither B  won’t either C  won’t too 2 Sammy had never visited such a big stadium before and (ja też nie). A  neither have I B  neither had I C  nor me. 3 None of the other runners want to re-start the race and (my również nie). A  nor us B  nor we C  nor do we 4 James says he shouldn’t have to take a blood test, so (ja także nie powinieniem). A  neither should I B  nor shouldn’t I C  I shouldn’t too 5 We hadn’t seen the results immediately after the game and (oni też nie). A  neither they too B  neither had they C  nor them


Choose the correct answers A–C.

so, too, neither/nor, not either

1 Ola: Luther and Alex are training for the minimarathon. Jules: Really, ! A  so do I B  so am I C  so are they 2 Lior: I hope we can win the game today. Felicia: Yeah, , but I’m feeling a little nervous, I have to say. A  so we can B  so have I C  so do I 3 Laurie: Eddy can run 100 metres in under 14 seconds! Harriet: Well, ! A  Mark can too B  so does Mark too C  so does Mark 4 Renata: Lucy is going to do a course in judo. Sherrie: Judith. Maybe they’ll be in the same class. A  So does B  So is C  So will 5 Eddie: I want to meet United in the next round of the cup. Ryan: Yeah, . A  us too B  you too C  me too



Rico: I can’t swim very well, I’m afraid. Noah: Really, neither/nor can I (ja też nie). Pauline: I’m going to the cup final on Sunday. Lucas: Oh, me too/so am I (ja też) actually. We can go together. Alba: Lydia and Tony have never played volleyball. Rosie: Don’t worry, Jamie and George haven’t either (też nie). Krysta: Oh, no. I didn’t bring any tennis balls with me. Johanna: What? Nor/Neither did I (Ja również). Can we buy some here? Olga: Heather loves watching Kyle play football. Lynn: So do I/me too (Ja także). I think he’s wonderful. Keren: I’ll never win a sports competition. Ossie: Really? I will (A ja tak). I’m quite sporty I think.

Complete the sentences with the words in brackets. You may need to add words. Use at least three words. 1 2 3 4 5

James is going on an adventure holiday in June and so are we (we). I’ve had my hair cut short for the race and so has Angelica (Angelica). Stacy’s parents didn’t go horse racing and nor/neither did my parents (my). Those little children are running very fast and our children are too (too). Evelyn won’t wear the new uniform and neither/nor will I (I). My school doesn’t have a football pitch and nor/neither does your school (your).

25 © Pearson Central Europe, 2019   Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

2.7 6.2


4 Complete the linkers in the blog. The first letters are given.

A narrative

Smiles and Miles

– an online community for happy runners

1 Complete the advice with the words from the box. There are two extra words. end final general how start reader what when who why

discussion board – your injuries

1 In the first paragraph say where and awhen the events took place and bwho was involved. 2 In the main body paragraphs, use narrative tenses to describe awhat happened and bhow you felt. 3 In the afinal paragraph, say what happened in the b end and how the people involved felt. 4 Finish with a ageneral point, something for the b reader to think about.

2 Match the sentences below to the advice in Exercise 1. There may be more than one example for a piece of advice.

1 2 3 4 5 6

We were feeling quite tired after an hour or two in the kayak. By the end of the holiday, we had had enough of boats and water. My sister was complaining all the time. Last summer, my family and I went kayaking in Mazury. Unless you are really into kayaking, two days is probably long enough. We hadn’t done any training, so our arms really hurt. My kayak was full of water and I was freezing cold.

2  3  2  1

Aga_10k I started running in our local park about 18 months ago. Before I began, I bought some running shoes and a GPS watch so I could see how far I had run. 1At first it was pretty difficult and I couldn’t do more than about 3km. 2 After two or three weeks of running regularly, it started to get easier and 3by the end of the summer, I was running 10 kilometres three times a week. 4On the first day of the year, I went out for a ‘New Year’ run in the snow and ice. I was jogging along the road when I slipped and fell and broke my leg! It took more than six months to heal properly. It was really frustrating because I couldn’t do any exercise. But 5eventually, I was strong enough to start running again. I love running, but after my accident, I’ve decided not to go when there is snow and ice outside.

 4  2  2/3

3 Choose the correct linkers. 1 Later / Finally that day, we decided to climb the nearest mountain to watch the sun go down. 2 In the end / On the first day we were able to say we’d all had a fantastic holiday. 3 Before / First, we went up to our rooms and changed into our swimming costumes. 4 We all had a quick breakfast and after / then got ready for our day trip. 5 Finally, / Before we got to the top of the hill and could enjoy the view of the city. 6 The following morning / Then we woke up early, because he had to get on the team bus at 6 a.m. 7 After / Then Alice watched the football match on TV, she joined us on the beach. 8 First / On the third day we decided to rest and save our energy for the long cycle ride on Thursday. 9 By the end of / After that the first week we’d decided we never wanted to come home. 10 We walked for hours but we in the end / finally reached the hotel in time for dinner.

26 © Pearson Central Europe, 2019   Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

5 Read the task below. Complete the blog entry with a word from the box in the correct form. There are two extra words. Think of a sporting event or an active holiday you have participated in. Write a blog entry. Include and develop these points: • Say where and when the event took place and who was involved. • Describe what happened. • Say what you like and dislike about such events and how they make you feel. • Say what events you would like to attend in the future.


Pomyśl o jakimś wydarzeniu sportowym, w którym uczestniczyłeś/uczestniczyłaś lub które oglądałeś/oglądałaś. Zredaguj wpis na blogu (80–130 słów), w którym: • poinformujesz, gdzie i kiedy miała miejsce ta impreza, • zrelacjonujesz przebieg tej imprezy, • opiszesz odczucia swoje oraz innych uczestników, • napiszesz, jakie imprezy sportowe chcesz obejrzeć w przyszłości na żywo i dlaczego.

after before finally first last later next second

Last summer my father and I decided Ato go / going on an organised cycling holiday in Norway. We had aimed B doing / to do something quite active and, because cycling is something we both enjoy C doing / to do, it was an easy decision. 1

2 Before we left, we both had trained because we didn’t want to get too tired on the trip. And by the end of the 3first day we were thankful that we had worked so hard on getting fit. I don’t mind Dsaying / to say, we were exhausted 4after that first day’s ride.

But don’t worry, nobody forces you Eto cycle / cycle so much every day and it is a great thing about the holiday. There are a number of different trips to choose from and on the 5second day we decided F to take / taking things easy. And each night, in fact, you can Gto stay / stay in a different place and your luggage is transported by car for you! In the end, we felt really relaxed. The only thing we didn’t like was food. There are plenty of organised trips online, so if you fancy Hto do / doing something similar this summer, I strongly encourage you Ito give / giving it a go. 6 Next year we’re planning Jto go / going to Sweden and cycle from Malmö to Stockholm.

SHOW THAT YOU’VE CHECKED Gdy skończysz pisać pracę, sprawdź, czy uwzględniłeś/ uwzględniłaś wszystkie punkty z listy. Moja relacja na blogu: • rozpoczyna się informacją o miejscu i czasie imprezy oraz jej uczestnikach, • jest napisana z wykorzystaniem różnych czasów przeszłych do opisu głównych wydarzeń oraz tego, jak się zakończyła impreza, • zawiera odpowiednie spójniki sygnalizujące początek, środek i koniec mojej relacji, • uwzględnia opis tego, co wydarzyło się na końcu imprezy, oraz odczuć osób w nią zaangażowanych,

6 Read the text again and choose the correct form A–J.

• zawiera informację o imprezach sportowych wartych obejrzenia na żywo w przyszłości, • kończy się ogólnym stwierdzeniem lub zachętą dla czytelnika do własnych przemyśleń, • nie zawiera błędów ortograficznych, • liczy 80–130 słów, • została starannie i czytelnie napisana.

27 © Pearson Central Europe, 2019   Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


SPEAKING Asking for and giving an opinion • agreeing and disagreeing

1 Choose the appropriate response. 1 Tim:


BANK ZWROTÓW DO WYPOWIEDZI USTNEJ Asking for someone’s opinion Pytanie innych o zdanie What do you think about …?

Co sądzisz o…?

Giving an opinion

Wyrażanie opinii

I think …

Myślę, że…

I (just) don’t think …

(Po prostu) nie sądzę, że…

If you ask me …

Jeśli o mnie chodzi… / Jeśli chcesz znać moje zdanie…

The thing is …

Rzecz w tym, że…

To be honest …

Jeśli mam być szczery/szczera, to…

Agreeing with an opinion

Zgadzanie się z opinią

I agree.

Zgadzam się.

That’s true.

To prawda.


Dokładnie tak!

Half agreeing with an opinion

Częściowe zgadzanie się z opinią

I’m not so sure about that.

Nie jestem tego pewny/ pewna.

I’m not convinced.

Nie jestem przekonany/ przekonana.


Wyrażanie odmiennego zdania

That’s not true.

To nieprawda.

I’m sorry, I don’t agree with you.

Przykro mi, ale nie zgadzam się z panem/panią/tobą.

Disagreeing strongly

Stanowcze wyrażanie odmiennego zdania

No way! (informal)

W żadnym wypadku! (potocznie)

Are you kidding? (informal)

Żarty sobie robisz? (potocznie)

I’m afraid I completely disagree.

Przykro mi, ale zupełnie się nie zgadzam.

Not having strong opinions

Brak zdecydowanego stanowiska

Personally, I don’t feel strongly one way or the other.

Nie opowiadam się zdecydowanie za żadną ze stron / z opcji.

3 4




hat do you think about the fact that W professional footballers are paid so much money? Tom: To be honest / No way, I think it’s ridiculous. Jane: Do you think we will win the next World Cup? Jean: Are you kidding? / That’s true. With our current team we don’t have a chance. Paul: Aerobics is only for women. Paula: That’s not true / I agree. There are several men in my class. Sarah: Oh come on referee! That was clearly a foul. Don’t you think, Sam? Sam: I’m not convinced / Absolutely. It looked OK to me. Matt: I just don’t think we do enough sport at school. Mary: The thing is / I agree I don’t really enjoy sport, so I don’t mind. Neil: Helen thinks motor-racing is too dangerous and should be banned. Noel: Well, I agree / If you ask me the drivers have a choice, don’t they? They don’t have to take part. Jack: I’m glad they have decided to let girls play in the school football team, aren’t you? Jackie: Personally, I don’t feel strongly one way or another / Absolutely. I suppose it’s good for the girls who are into football. I’d prefer to go to the gym.

2 Complete the dialogue between Scott and Owen. The first letters are given. Scott: Did you see that there’s going to be a big boxing match at the new stadium next month? Do you fancy going? Owen: Boxing? No thanks. In my opinion, boxing isn’t even a sport. I think it’s horrible. Scott: Really? Well, I’m 1sorry, I don’t agree with you. I think it’s really exciting to watch. Boxers are skilled athletes. Owen: 2 Are you kidding? Watching grown men try and kill each other is not what I call exciting. Personally, I don’t find violence entertaining. Scott: I’m 3not convinced. People have been playing and watching violent sports for thousands of years. Owen: 4 That’s true, but that doesn’t make it right. People have been fighting wars for thousands of years. Do you think war is exciting too? Scott: Of course not, but 5I don’t think you can compare boxing to war. For a start, the boxers have a choice. They don’t have to fight. Owen: Well, if you 6ask me, there’s always a choice whether it’s boxing or war. Scott: Well, perhaps. Hey, how about this – maybe instead of fighting wars, we could put world leaders in the boxing ring. I bet you’d watch that.

28 © Pearson Central Europe, 2019   Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)




The Brujas 5 Match 1–8 with a–h to make phrases. Use a dictionary if necessary. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


Before you watch 1 SPEAKING  What do you know about 2 Think about the positive and negative aspects of being a female skater. Complete the table with the words and phrases in the box and your own ideas. Compare with a partner. being called ‘witches’ male comments belonging to an all-female crew falling going fast lack of female-only skate parks NEGATIVE

being called ‘witches’, belonging to an all-female crew, falling, going fast

male comments, lack of female-only skate parks

While you watch 3

5   Watch the video and check your ideas in Exercise 2.


5   Watch the video again and answer the

questions.  Answer key – WB page 161 1 What are the Brujas? 2 Where do they meet? 3 Who has started the group? 4 Why have they created the group? 5 How many members does the group have at the moment? 6 What do the Brujas want? 

7 SPEAKING  Discuss the questions. 1 Which activities (if any) are better in boy-only or girl-only groups? 2 What are the advantages of being part of a group? 3 Do you belong to any groups or teams? What kind? 4 What kind of activities take you out of your comfort zone? Do you enjoy it? Why/Why not?

About sport

questions.  Answer key – WB page 161


5   Complete the sentences with the phrases in Exercise 5. Then watch the second part of the video (00:45–02:46) again and check your answers.

After you watch

1 Put the words in the correct order to make five 1 2 3 4 5

a belonging b bond c of sth/sb d for sth e your comfort zone f comments g surprise h to sb

sports / you / are / in / interested ? watching / you / do / doing / prefer / or / sports ? do / there / any / really / can / sport / is / you / well ? ever / sporting / won / you / have / a / competition ? Olympics / last / watch / you / did / the ?

8   Watch Ini, Nicky, Senthan, Grace, Ed and Gillian answering the five questions in Exercise 1. Which speaker is most like you? Why?


8   Watch again and write down the vlogger’s responses to the statements. Answer key – WB page 161

I’m interested in football, rugby and basketball. I prefer playing sport, definitely. There’s no sport I can do really well. I’ve never won a sporting competition. I didn’t watch as much of the last Olympics as I wanted to. 6 I watched the athletics, the running, Usain Bolt. 1 2 3 4 5

4 SPEAKING  Take turns to read out the statements in Exercise 3. Agree or disagree.

29 © Pearson Central Europe, 2019   Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)



d  a  g  h  f  b  c  e

1 Ideally, the Brujas would like their own skatepark but in the meantime, they’d 1settle for one day a week when only girls were allowed. 2 The Brujas have 2a special bond. They’re 3proud of their heritage and being part of an all-female skater crew gives them 4a sense of belonging. 3 Street culture, it’s still 5exclusive to men. Just when you’re at the park, like, it can be very uncomfortable sometimes to hear, you know, 6degrading comments or even just the way that some of these men talk about the women in their lives. 4 Falling is, in its own way, one of my favourite things about skating, because it kind of 7takes you by surprise and knocks you 8out of your comfort zone, and you hit the ground, and you’re like ‘argh!’ But then you feel invigorated by falling.

skateboarding? Tell a partner in 60 seconds.


settle give you a sense of take you by be exclusive degrading have a special be proud out of



4 Choose the correct words.


1 Complete the sentences with the words from the box.


Change the form if necessary. There are two extra words.


fan goal lose pick phase power teammate win

1 2

3 4



The team’s fans ran onto the basketball court to celebrate with the players at the end of the game. I think we’ve lost this game. I haven’t got any good cards to play. And you? I hurt my arm when my teammates dropped me on the court while we were celebrating. How embarrassing, eh? Badminton isn’t too hard to play if you play tennis and I’m sure you’ll pick it up quickly. Congratulations on a good result, but this is only the first phase of the competition. There’s still a long way to go! Ryan scored the fastest goal ever by a player in our team – 12 seconds after the match started!



5 Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.



2 Complete the sentences. The first and last letters are



1 2 3 4



My brother’s a referee for the local football league and he loves giving players yellow cards. My athletics trainer says I’m good enough to be a professional one day. My great granddad is 78 but he still keeps in shape by going Nordic walking. Celia is superstitious and always wears the same socks when she’s competing in a race. Sebastian isn’t a very active person. In fact, I don’t think I’ve ever seen him do any sports or other physical exercise. To get a body like Arnold Schwarzenegger you have to do lots of repetitive lifting of heavy weights. It must be quite boring really. /5 Translate the Polish parts of the sentences.

1 2 3 4 5

I didn’t know your little brother played chess. When did he get into (wciągnął się w) that? What a terrible game! Our team lost the match (przegrała mecz) and I injured my foot. We are all hoping that the Polish ski jumper won’t give up (nie podda się) because of his bad performance at the Winter Olympics. LeBron James scored thirty-four points (zdobył 34 punkty) for Miami in that night’s big game against Los Angeles. Of course, the most important thing is taking part, but I’d really like to beat/defeat my opponent (pokonać przeciwnika) as well. We decided to have a break from our routine (zdecydowaliśmy się zerwać z naszą rutyną) of waking up early to go jogging. Instead we slept late and had a lazy breakfast in a local café. /5

Unfortunately, we weren’t watching when Bolt won / had won / was winning the 200 metres race. Chloe finally beat her personal best time because she trained / had trained / was training so hard. Dan tried snowboarding when he went / had gone / was going to the French Alps. The marathon finally ended / had ended / was ending when the last runner crossed the finishing line after almost 6 hours. Andrew was prepared for the freezing temperatures because he surfed / had surfed / was surfing in winter before. Naomi wasn’t actually skating when she hurt / had hurt / was hurting her foot. She was trying to take her skate off! /5

3 4



If Poland manages to win (win) the European Championships, I will buy everyone dinner. I remind my players not to get angry (not/get angry) with the referee. Shouting and complaining doesn’t help. Do you really enjoy jogging (jog) when the temperatures are so high? I think I might join (join) the gym again. I’ve put on so much weight recently. Our PE teacher made the boys do (do) aerobics after they said it was easy and only for girls. They were exhausted afterwards. Jenny misses playing (play) badminton with her sister now that she’s gone to university. /5 Choose the correct answers A–C.

Adzo Kpossi from Togo, in Africa B the youngest athlete at the Olympic Games in 2012. When she 1 ____ into the water in London to compete in the women’s 50 metres freestyle event, she was just 13 years old. In the qualifying race, she 2____ second to Nafissatou Moussa Adamou, a 14-year-old from Niger, but beat her own personal best time. Before she arrived in London to represent her country, she 3____ lots of training at a hotel in Sarawaka, which was the only place in her part of the country with a swimming pool. Although she failed 4____ any medals, Kpossi was later asked 5____ the flag for Togo at both the opening and closing ceremony of the 2016 summer Olympics and hopes to be present at the 2020 games in Tokyo. 1 2 3 4 5

A  had been A dived A got A  was doing A  to win A  to carry

B was B  was diving B came B  has done B win B carry

C  was being C  had dived C lost C  had done C winning C carrying /5

Total 30 © Pearson Central Europe, 2019   Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


9 Complete the sentences using the prompts in


brackets. Change the forms or add new words where necessary. Use up to six words in each gap.

7 Complete each pair of sentences with the same

answer A–C. 1 2 3 4 5

Would you if I closed the window? It’s pretty cold in here. Regular yoga and meditation can give you real peace of . A mind B like C think When you reach the of no return, you can never go back! We need one more to win the match. Come on The Blues! A score B point C goal How did you Gosia into going jogging with you at 6 a.m.? Mr Brown wants to to me about missing too many training sessions. A speak B talk C chat My grandfather was a great athlete and I really up to him and his achievements in sport. Oh, ! Isn’t that Boris Becker, the ex-Wimbledon champion? A see B watch C look Barry has always wanted to out bowling, so he’s looking forward to tonight’s game. Where can I on this tracksuit to see if it fits me? A try B go C put Henrikson has had to out of the race after pulling a muscle in his leg. Please, be careful with that expensive trophy. Don’t it! A fall B break C drop /5

8 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets.


2 3 4


Footballers Lionel Messi and Christiano Ronaldo share the same superstition (SUPER) – they must both be the last players onto the pitch. Boxers need a lot of resilience (RESILIENT), because they have to pick themselves up every time they get knocked down. I find the best way to activate (ACTION) myself in the mornings is to do fifteen minutes of yoga. My manager has been very supportive (SUPPORT) of my decision to quit the national team. Five times World’s Strongest Man, Mariusz Pudzianowski is probably the most powerful (POWER) man in Poland. At the last minute, I noticed that my passport was out-of-date. That was a decisive (DECIDE) moment. /5

1 2




The manager forced us to train (force/we/train) despite the bad weather. Karol can’t stand losing (not/stand/lose) and gets very upset whenever he doesn’t win. Janice, could you teach me to swim (teach/ swim)? I really trust you and you’re always patient with me. When I was a kid, my parents didn’t allow me to do (not/allow/do) karate, but I’ve always wanted to try it. Mum had warned me not to climb (warn/not/climb) the tree in our garden – but then, of course, I did and I fell out and broke my arm. While the coach was telling the team to believe (tell/ the team/believe) that they really could get to the final, one of the footballers started to laugh. /5

10 Complete the text with one word in each gap.


It’s one of the most unusual competitions in the UK, but every spring thousands of spectators gather at Cooper’s Hill in Gloucester to cheer 1on participants in the annual cheese rolling race. It’s a  dangerous way to burn calories 2off because the event basically involves throwing a  large circle of cheese down a hill, and then throwing yourself down after it. The first person to the bottom of the hill wins the 3prize – a large circle of Gloucester cheese! Chris Anderson, 29, from nearby Brockworth is the  current champion and has now equalled the record of 20 wins held by one person. Chris first 4 went in for the competition at the age of 16 and won his first race one year later. Next year he hopes to break the record and become the first person to win 21 races. If you fancy 5taking Chris on at cheese rolling, you’d better be quick – he is thinking of retiring soon. Plus, you should also know that Cooper’s Hill has an  angle of 70 degrees and the cheeses travel downhill at over 110 kilometres per hour!



/20 31

© Pearson Central Europe, 2019   Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


On the go

3.1 6.2

VOCABULARY Means of transport • noun phrases • collocations • synonyms for trip

SHOW WHAT YOU KNOW 1 Label the forms of transport. The first letters are given.


1 hot-air balloon

2  ferry

3  helicopter

4 double-decker bus

5  hovercraft

FOCUS ON WORDS | Collocations 3 Choose the correct verbs. Last night I had a very strange dream. I decided to 1miss / catch the bus to school because I was feeling too lazy to cycle 2 uphill / downhill like I usually did for my regular morning exercise. But because it was raining really heavily, a boat came along instead. I got on the boat, in fact, I was the only passenger, and it began to 3cross / swim the river. But the journey was very rough and the captain ordered me to sit down and 4close / fasten my seatbelt. Then suddenly there were lots of other boats and we were 5stuck / caught in traffic. It felt like ages for the boat to make any progress, and all the time it was raining. When I finally arrived at school, I noticed I was 6walking / going barefoot. And I was completely wet and shaking from the cold. The teacher looked confused and asked me why I was late. I simply told him I’d 7missed / lost the bus. Very strange.

FOCUS ON WORDS | Noun phrases 2 Match the halves of the compound nouns in boxes A and B and complete the sentences.


cable dirt suspension


bridge car cut hour jams path track transport





5 6

public rush short traffic winding

We can save ten minutes on our walk to the centre if we take the shortcut across the field. There’s no road to get to my aunt’s house but we can use the dirt track if you drive slowly and don’t mind getting the car muddy. The Tibetan saint Thangtong Gyalpo built a suspension bridge with iron chains as early as 1433 in Bhutan. However, earlier designs using rope and wood were also used to cross rivers and valleys. The longest journey made by a cable car is 7,455 metres. It’s in China and goes from Zhangjiajie city centre to the top of Heaven’s Gate Mountain. If more people used public transport like buses and trams, there’d be less traffic on the roads and less pollution in the air. Sorry we’re late. It’s arush hour and there are always awful btraffic jams at this time of day. There’s a wonderful winding path through the forest. It turns left and right and then left and right again – all the way to the lake at the end.

4 Complete the sentences with the verbs catch, cross, get or miss in the correct form. Sometimes more than one answer is possible. 1

2 3 4


I caught the train from Waterloo and got here as soon as I could. Marco Polo was the first westerner to cross the continent of Asia. In total, he travelled through the area for 24 years. We got stuck in traffic and that’s why we’re a little late. My school bag was so heavy this morning that I got a lift in the car from my mum. Janet missed the train and there isn’t another one until tomorrow morning. She’ll have to stay the night in a hotel. Before bridges existed, the only way to cross a valley was to climb down one side and then climb up the other.

32 © Pearson Central Europe, 2019   Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

FOCUS ON WORDS | Synonyms for trip


5 Read the definitions and choose the correct word. 1 2 3 4

a trip on a plane = a drive / a flight / a ride a trip by sea or in space = a ride / a drive / a voyage a long trip overland = a flight / a cruise / a journey a trip by boat from one piece of land to another = a tour / a crossing / a ride

6 Complete the sentences with the correct words. The first letter is given.

The first time my mum went on a plane was to Australia! The flight took over twenty-two hours with a stopover in Hong Kong.

1 My sister and her husband are going on a cruise in the Mediterranean. Their ship leaves from Liverpool and the first stop is Monaco! 2 The drive from London to Paris by car is six and a half hours. The high speed train takes just over two hours! 3 The ferry crossing from Gdańsk in Poland to Nynashamn in Sweden takes 19 hours. 4 Ola is going on a 15-day cycling trip this summer. Her journey will take her from Berlin all the way to Malaga in the south of Spain. She must be mad! 5 I went on a camel ride when I was in Egypt but I wouldn’t recommend it. I don’t think the animals are treated very kindly. 6 Our guided tour around Kraków took us to Wawel Castle and the famous Wieliczka salt mine.


Choose the correct answers A–C.

My ‘Dream’ Holiday After studying hard and passing my exams I decided to 1 a holiday. I had been really stressed, so I wanted the kind of holiday where you lie in the sun and do nothing for a week. This, I was sure, would help me relax. So, I opted for a short 2 on the ship ‘The Ocean Dream.’ This would be perfect, I thought. But unfortunately, my holiday wasn’t the ‘dream’ I had hoped for. To begin with, I 3 the train to Southampton. That meant I had to get a lift from my dad at the last minute, which was quite stressful for both of us. And, of course, we also got 4 in traffic, so I was really stressed the whole way thinking that I wouldn’t be able to get on the ship before it left. Well, I made it just in time. But as soon as we left land, the weather turned bad and it stayed wet and cloudy the whole 5 . For four whole days the ship was bouncing up and down on the large waves. I got seasick and began to worry that the ship might sink and go under water like the Titanic. When the ship finally made it back to Southampton, I was more stressed and nervous than when I had left. What a nightmare! I now wish I had just booked a cheap 6 to Egypt instead and spent a week lying on the beach doing nothing!

7 When Columbus discovered America, he was actually on a voyage to find a new route to Asia.

REMEMBER THIS travel (v) I’d love to travel to the United States. travel (n, uncountable) Jo’s job involves a lot of travel. travels (n, pl) My travels took me through Europe and Asia. My travel across Guatemala was awesome! My journey across Guatemala was awesome!

7 Read REMEMBER THIS. Complete each sentence with the correct form of the word travel. Then label each word with V (verb) or N (noun). Travel broadens the mind. 1 This picture shows the travel of the planets around the sun. 2 The book Uncommon Traveller describes Mary Kingsley’s solo travels through Africa in the 1890s. 3 Some food doesn’t travel well. 4 Before the train was invented, travel between cities used to take days. 5 Sound travels through water. 6 Joseph travels to experience different cultures. 7 Tell us all about your travels in Central and South America. 8 We travelled 200 kilometres on the second day – it was exhausting!

N  N

 N  V  N  V  V  N

1 2 3 4 5 6

A make A voyage A lost A held A journey A drive

B take B journey B missed B stuck B tour B crossing

C do C cruise C crossed C fastened C ride C flight

9 Find and correct the mistakes. I know a shorter cut through the park. shortcut 1 The suspending bridge is moving in the wind. suspension 2 Traffic is always bad during the hurry hour. rush 3 Let’s take the dirty track – it’ll be quicker. dirt 4 Always fast your seatbelt when in a moving car. fasten

/10  V

33 © Pearson Central Europe, 2019   Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

3.2 6.2



Present and past speculation

can’t have could have may have must have

1 Match the speakers’ words to the explanations.  c  b  a

a I’m sure this person liked the club. b It’s possible this person liked the club. c I’m sure this person didn’t like the club.


Complete the second sentence with must, might or can’t. 1 2 3 4 5 6


It’s possible that’s our taxi. That might be our taxi. I’m sure that’s our plane. That must be our plane. I’m sure those aren’t Those can’t be our bags. our bags. It’s possible this is the hotel. This might be the hotel. I’m sure this is our room. This must be our room. We’re sure that isn’t our bill. That can’t be our bill.

Match the sentences in Exercise 2 with the evidence below. A I ordered it for ten o’clock and it’s five to ten now. B It was definitely number 321. C I think I recognise it from the picture on the website. D We are flying with Lufthansa, aren’t we? E We certainly didn’t order room service 5 times. F Our suitcases are blue, not black.


1  5 4  2  6  3

Choose the correct forms. At the aquarium … Nick: Look! An octopus. Anne: Where? I can’t see anything. Nick: Er … well, the sign says there’s an octopus, so it 1 must / couldn’t be there somewhere. Anne: I suppose it 2can’t / might be hiding under that rock. Nick: Yeah, or it 3could / couldn’t be away on holiday … Anne: On holiday? You 4might / can’t be serious. Honestly, I worry about you, Nick. Nick: It says here that octopuses can change the colour of their skin and totally disappear. Cool. I’d love to be able to do that. Anne: Nick, sometimes I think that would be a good idea.

couldn’t have

Out for a walk … Violet: Look at that! A turtle on a fence post. How did that happen? Daisy: Woah! That’s weird. It can’t have got there on its own. Its legs are so short it 1couldn’t have climbed up so high. Violet: There’s only one possibility. Someone 2must have put it there. What a cruel thing to do. Daisy: Well, it 3may have/could have been a person, or I suppose a bird, like an eagle or something 4 may have/could have left it there … as a snack for later. Violet: Urgh Daisy! That’s horrible. Daisy: Violet my dear, we all have to eat.


1 Awful club. Don’t go. Terrible music and no atmosphere. 2 It was OK, we danced for a while, then we sat and chatted. Not bad, but not great. 3 The music was absolutely fantastic. How come I didn’t know about this place earlier?

Choose the correct forms to complete the dialogue. Sometimes more than one answer is possible.


Choose the correct answers A–C to replace the underlined part of the sentence. 1 It is possible we are too late to catch the bus. Are there still people at the stop? A  We can’t be B  We might be C  We must be 2 They only left half an hour ago. I’m sure it’s not true that they have arrived already. A  They can’t have B  They may have C  They mustn’t have 3 It is possible that Alice brought some sun cream. She’s so pale-skinned. A  Alice must have B  Alice can’t have C  Alice could have 4 I’m sure it’s true that you are tired. We’ve been walking and sightseeing all day. A  You can’t be B  You must be C  You might be 5 She can’t find her passport! I’m sure it’s true that she left it in the hotel room. A  She might have B  She must have C  She can’t have 6 It is possible that the plane was delayed because of bad weather. A  The plane may have been B  The plane must have been C  The plane can’t have been /6 GRAMMAR Train and Try Again page 148

34 © Pearson Central Europe, 2019   Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

3.3 6.2

LISTENING LANGUAGE PRACTICE Functional language • prepositions • collocations • compound nouns

1 Put the words in order and then mark the phrases as R for something a hotel receptionist would say or G for something a hotel guest would say.

1 2 3 4 5 6

help / I / you / can R Can I help you ? book / you / online / did  R Did you book online? was / thought / I / included / it  G I thought it was included. room / two / booked / a / I’ve / for / nights / single  G I’ve booked a single room for two nights. have / at / special online offer / we / moment / the / a   R We have a special online offer at the moment. this / fill / can / in / form / please / you  R Can you fill in this form/fill this form in, please? you / would / breakfast / like  R Would you like breakfast?

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

A  in A after A with A on A until A by A on A to A by

B of B by B to B from B on B against B to B at B on

C  with C until C  against C off C in C to C of C in C with

4 Look at the text below. Complete the expressions in bold with a word from the box. There are two extra words. all





Extract from Students’ Book recording 





It’s time to leave ordinary beach holidays behind and take a 1trip that you will remember for the 2rest of your life. With ‘Overland Tours’ you will see the 3real world. ‘Overland Tours’ believe that travelling is not only about the destination. The journey is an important 4part of the experience. Come with us on one of our Overland buses and travel to places other travel companies don’t reach. Our tour leaders will take care of you and make 5sure you have everything you need.

REMEMBER BETTER 2 Complete the dialogue with the phrases from Exercise 1. Extract from Students’ Book recording 


R: Yes, can I help you ? G:  Er, yes 1I’ve booked a single room for two nights. My name’s Baker. James Baker. R: Baker. Yes, here you are. Two nights. 2Would you like breakfast? G:  Oh, yes please. R: That will be an extra £16. G: Oh, 3I thought it was included. R: 4Did you book online? G:  Yes, I did. R: Oh, right. 5We have a special online offer at the moment. Your first breakfast is free, so you just need to pay for the second day. 6Can you fill in this form/fill this form in, please?

3 Choose the correct prepositions A–C. Extract from Students’ Book recording 


A: So, how was your family cruise? B: Oh, it was OK. Pretty good really. We all got on well most 1 the time. We didn’t have any arguments. Well, not 2 the last day, and then I had a really big argument 3 my sister. It was stupid really. I wanted to get 4 the ship and visit Naples, but my sister was tired and wanted to stay 5 the ship 6 the pool. She always does what she wants, and she doesn’t other people. I had to go 8 Naples 9 think 7 my own with our parents. It was really boring.

Aby łatwiej zapamiętać wyrażenia z powyższego ćwiczenia, użyj ich w zdaniach odnoszących się do jakiegoś ważnego wydarzenia z własnego życia, np. egzaminu maturalnego. Write sentences with the remaining expressions.

It’s time to start saving money for a holiday after I finish matura.

FOCUS ON WORDS | Compound nouns 5 Choose the correct words. 1 If it’s four hours one way, that’s an eight-hour double / return journey. Do we have to go so far? 2 Dad’s away on a round-the-world / business trip in Japan for the next two months. 3 Many travel agents / leaders have closed their shops because people prefer booking online these days. 4 ‘Teentour’ is looking for teenage tour guides / companies to show young visitors around the city this summer. Full training given. 5 Ellen always chooses a package / budget holiday because she doesn’t have to plan anything by herself. 6 Because of its height, snow is guaranteed all year in the ski / skiing resort of Kaprun, Austria. 7 Are you sure this is a three-star / double hotel? The rooms aren’t even clean. 8 I’m sure a twin / single room should have two beds. I’ll call the hotel reception.

35 © Pearson Central Europe, 2019   Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

3.4 6.2


1 Read blogs 1–3 and match them with photos A–C.

Travelling on my own • colloquial expressions • negative adjectives • verb phrases

2   C

1   B

3   A

 C  B

 A  1

Around the world in 6 months

Sign in


Blogger: Jo

Well, my journey didn’t get off to a very good start as I lost my passport in Manchester Airport. I panicked, then found it where I was sitting earlier. How stupid! I hope this is not a bad sign for the rest of the trip. The plane was one of those new two-level ones and was really posh inside. It wasn’t even half full, so I lay across several seats and managed to get plenty of sleep. Arrived in Bangkok at 7:00 and feeling fresh but immediately had problems. My card didn’t work in any of the ATMs, so I panicked again until I realised that I was using the wrong pin number. Again, pretty stupid. Got a taxi to the hostel, which is great and full of young people like me. I’m writing this in the lounge area. Feeling excited, but also a bit nervous – not really sure how anything works here in Thailand. Please keep reading – hopefully, my travelling (and blogging) skills will improve soon …


Summer in Poland

Blogger: Alex

Yesterday I said bye to Mum and Dad and took the plane from Liverpool to Wrocław. My cousin Magda lives here (my English uncle is married to Kasia, my Polish aunt) and I was very glad to see them waiting for me at the airport. I’ve been to lots of places including Poland before with my parents, but this is my first trip alone and I don’t speak any Polish except ‘Jen dobree’ and ‘Jen kuya’. As you can see, I certainly can’t spell in Polish! Magda is really cool and she speaks brilliant English (thank goodness). It’s school holidays here too, so we’ve got lots of time to enjoy ourselves. My uncle and aunt are totally chilled, I’ve got my own room at their house and the tram stop is just outside. Freedom! Tonight we’re going to a party at Magda’s friend’s house. I’ll blog again tomorrow and tell you all about it … if I don’t sleep all day ;)


Old York

Blogger: Adèl

After a fantastic fortnight studying English in beautiful York, it’s almost time to head back home to Budapest. Although it was sometimes difficult to find time each day, I reckon that writing this blog has really helped me improve my English. Tonight is the farewell party organised by the school, and all the students in my group will be there. I can’t get over how many people I’ve met from all over the world. Especially cool are Sonata from Lithuania, Marta from Poland and Nico from Italy. We’re definitely going to stay in touch and Marta even said she will come and visit me in Budapest. Despite a few problems with accommodation, which we eventually solved, it has been a great experience. I’ll miss everyone and I’ll even miss writing to you, my patient readers.

36 © Pearson Central Europe, 2019   Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


Read the three blogs. For questions 1–3, choose the correct answer A–C. 1

Jo experienced two problems which A  created difficulties for the rest of his trip. B  he managed to solve quite quickly. C  added to the initial excitement of travelling.


Alex’s trip to Poland was different because A  she had never met her Polish relatives before. B  she was going there to study the language. C  she was travelling on her own for the first time.

3 If you are completely unfamiliar (FAMILIARISE) with a country’s culture, you need to aim to be polite at all times. 4 For me, the idea of going backpacking around Europe is completely unthinkable (THINK). I like my comfort, so I prefer to stay in hotels.  3

B it is clear that the blogger is not an experienced traveller.


C the blogger describes two potentially big problems which are solved quickly.


D the blogger mentions that this is not his/her first visit to the country he/she is currently in.


4 Match the definitions to underlined words in the blogs. completely relaxed totally chilled two weeks (from fourteen nights) fortnight begin well get off to a very good start think reckon luxurious or expensive posh find it difficult to believe can’t get over

5 Complete the sentences with words and expressions from Exercise 4. Change any verb forms as necessary.

1 2 3

4 5

Katrina reckons we’ll be in Prague by midday, but in this weather, I think it’ll take a bit longer. Jenna’s uncle and aunt are really rich, so they always stay in posh hotels when they go on holiday. Simon and his friends have gone camping for a fortnight, so he won’t be back until the end of the month. Amy’s birthday party got off to a good start when her favourite cousins from Poland turned up unexpectedly. We can’t get over how much you’ve grown! How tall are you now? Mum had a massage in the hotel spa. She loved it and was totally chilled afterwards.


Now that there’s the Internet, there’s very little excuse for being uninformed (INFORM) about how to behave when you are abroad.

2 I always think that having problems while travelling is unavoidable (AVOID) – that way I don’t get too upset when they actually happen.

In this blog … A the blogger suggests that he/she won’t be updating the blog again.

Complete the sentences with the correct negative adjective form of the verbs in brackets.

1 There’s no real reason why mobile devices should be disconnected (CONNECT) from the Internet during a flight. It’s not at all dangerous.

Match statements A–D to blogs 1–3. One blog has two matching statements.

1 2 3 4 5


3 Which of the following does Adèl not talk about positively? A  The English city of York. B  The people that she met. C  The place where she stayed.


FOCUS ON WORDS | Negative adjectives

5 When we arrived in Athens, the weather was particularly unpleasant (PLEASE) but fortunately it got better after a few days. 6 Kyle believes that people who find travelling unrewarding (REWARD) should probably just stay at home. That’s a bit hard, don’t you think?

FOCUS ON WORDS | Verb phrases 7 Complete the travel advice with a word from the box. challenge





Gap year Young people choose to take a gap year for different reasons. Some want to 1cut themselves off from their family and home for a while in order to develop a greater sense of independence. Some view it as an opportunity to 2 challenge beliefs that may have become too familiar. Still others see it as a chance to 3 immerse oneself in a foreign culture and experience a different way of life. Whatever you reasons, don’t feel like you should give up your modern day comforts. Your smartphone is an invaluable gadget wherever you go, both for contacting people when you feel lonely or if needed in an emergency. And always carry your bank card with you – you never know when you might need to 4retrieve cash from an ATM in order to get hold of some local currency.

Zajrzyj do sekcji travel blogs na wybranej stronie internetowej poświęconej podróżom. Przeczytaj kilka blogów i wynotuj przydatne słownictwo. Nie przejmuj się, że wiele wyrażeń będzie dla ciebie nowych – zawsze możesz sprawdzić ich znaczenie w słowniku.

37 © Pearson Central Europe, 2019   Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

3.5 6.2



Used to and would

1 2

When we went on family summer holidays … a We used to leave very early in the car. b We would leave very early in the car. a One summer, we drove all the way from Poland to Spain. b One summer, we would drive all the way from Poland to Spain. 3 a I used to think it was amazing that Mum and Dad could find the way. b I would think it was amazing that Mum and Dad could find the way. 4 a We wouldn’t have GPS in those days. b We didn’t use to have GPS in those days.

SHOW WHAT YOU KNOW 1 Mark the sentences as either A for describing an action or S for describing a state.

1 2 3 4 5


When my dad was young, he went to the Polish seaside every summer. My granddad had a Fiat 126 or ‘Maluch.’ Grandma, Granddad, my dad and my uncle all squeezed into the tiny car. They drove all the way from Wrocław to Sopot. It took them all night and most of the next day. Despite the long drive, Dad loved going on holiday in the ‘Maluch.’

A  S  A  A  A  S

Rewrite the sentences with used to and the correct form of the verbs. In the 1990s, people chose bright colours. In the 1990s, people used to choose bright colours. Many women wore tight jeans and cowboy boots. Many women used to wear tight jeans and cowboy boots. 2 Tattoos and body piercings weren’t as popular as now. Tattoos and body piercings didn’t use to be as popular as now. 3 Supermodels such as Cindy Crawford and Claudia Schiffer were famous. Supermodels such as Cindy Crawford and Claudia Schiffer used to be famous. 4 Was short hair fashionable? Did short hair use to be fashionable? 1


Change the underlined words with used to or would. Use would whenever possible.


Advice for teens from twenty-somethings ● Tired of advice from mums, dads and teachers three times your age? ● Check out our advice from young people just a few years ahead of you on life’s long journey. ‘Reality Check’ by Simon Foster (23 yrs old) Five years ago, I thought /used to think I was going to make lots of money when I left school. I told / 1would tell my parents I’d be the president of a company with a fancy car and a big house by the time I was 21. I believed / 2 used to believe that companies were going to fight to offer me a job because I was going to be a great innovator like Bill Gates or Steve Jobs. I didn’t feel / 3didn’t use to feel that further study was necessary and I wanted to get a job and start my ‘amazing’ career as soon as possible. I said / 4would say that I’d be able to ‘do whatever’ and ‘go wherever’ because I’d be so rich and successful. I didn’t know / 5didn’t use to know much about real life back then. What would I say to my teenage self now? WAKE UP, MATE! The real world is tough and competitive, and success requires hard work. Take a reality check, work hard, and if you are very lucky, success might follow.

Tick the correct sentences. Sometimes both sentences are correct. ✓ ✓ ✓


Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first. Use the word in capitals.

When she was young, Helen didn’t get on very well with her cousin, Madeline. USE When she was young, Helen didn’t use to get on very well with her cousin, Madeline.

1 I wasn’t fair-haired as a baby. DIDN’T I didn’t use to be fair-haired as a baby. 2 Tina and her brother fell out every night when they shared a bedroom as teenagers. WOULD Tina and her brother shared a bedroom as teenagers and they would fall out every night. 3 Kim looked up to her teammate Ellie, until she discovered that Ellie was a cheat. USED Kim used to look up to her teammate Ellie until she discovered that Ellie was a cheat. 4 We hated playing football on cold, rainy Sunday afternoons. HATE We used to hate playing football on cold, rainy Sunday afternoons. 5 At every match, the fans started singing at the beginning of the match. WOULD At every match, the fans would start singing at the beginning of the match. 6 You thought you’d always be skinny, but now you’re sixteen you’re very well-built. THINK You used to think you’d always be skinny, but now you’re sixteen you’re very well-built. /6 GRAMMAR Train and Try Again page 148

38 © Pearson Central Europe, 2019   Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

3.6 6.2 1



Phrasal verbs

Complete the text with one word in each gap. Last week me and some friends decided to go camping. Before we set off on our drive, we had arranged to go to the train station to 1pick up our friend, Hugh. But on the way to collect him, we saw somebody by the side of the road looking for a lift. So, we pulled 2over to see where he was going. He said he was going to the train station and, as we were going there ourselves, we offered to drop him 3 off there. In the car he told us he’d been standing there for nearly an hour and was about to give 4up waiting, so he was happy we had stopped: he was on his way to meet his cousin Hugh to go camping! Unbelievable! The chance of running 5into him like that must be a million-to-one. And the look on Hugh’s face when he saw us all in the car together was the funniest thing I’ve ever seen!

Choose the correct answers A–C. 1 Evie: How do you think you the air conditioner? Kirsten: I don’t know. Try pushing that red button again. A  get off B  make off C  turn off 2 Julio: Come on! Come on! I don’t want to be late. Miles: Please, slow down. I can’t you. A  keep up with B  go out with C  look out for 3 Brenda: Look. It’s starting to rain. Nolan: I know! Quick! Help me the tent. A  build up B  open up C  put up 4 Rodrick: Stephen’s on the phone. His hotel is fully booked for tonight. Jo: No problem. We can for one night. A  give him up B  put him up C  take him up 5 Daria: Oh, no. Ferne can’t drive us to the airport tomorrow. Irina: Really? She always at the last minute, doesn’t she? A  puts us down B  lets us down C  gets us down


6 Bethal: What time were Jon and Nicol going to at the pool? Ethan: Almost an hour ago. I wonder what happened to them. A  turn up B  get up C  make up


1 2

Complete each pair of sentences with the same answer A–C. 1 Aleisha’s plane takes in an hour, so we’d better hurry up. Please turn your music and listen to me, will you? A out B off C up 2 I’m afraid to say Colene has dropped of the trip because she’s got flu. Karl has run of money and wants to borrow some from me again. A out B off C up 3 Jerry, please put a hoodie – it’s cold outside. One of our lights was broken but we carried driving to the hotel. A in B by C on 4 We weren’t expecting very much but it turned a fascinating tour. I’m going the sea. It’s too hot here on the sand. A in B out C into 5 Abdul will be here soon. The heavy traffic is holding him . This hat was cheaper yesterday. They’ve put the price by over 20 per cent. A up B down C off 6 Aimi speaks perfect Japanese because she was brought there. There’s a lovely café on the top of the hill. Let’s go there for a drink. A up B out C over

Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the words in brackets and any other words needed. Use phrasal verbs.

3 4


On our last holiday we hung out with a couple (hang/a couple) from France. Gareth has fallen out with his brother (fall/brother) again. They’re always fighting. I’ve always wanted to try out badminton/badminton out (want/try/badminton). I’d love to play with you tomorrow. Mark’s entered a TV travel quiz. Let’s go and cheer him on (cheer/he) in the studio. I take after my dad (take/dad) – we’re both really into long motorbike rides.

Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one. Use between two and five words, including the word in capitals. 1 2



The car stopped working on the way to the airport. DOWN The car broke down on the way to the airport. Why does Frankie admire Thomas so highly? LOOK Why does Frankie look up to Thomas so much? I’m hoping to learn some Spanish when I’m in Barcelona next month. PICK I hope to pick up some Spanish/to pick some Spanish up when I’m in Barcelona next month. Claire wasn’t interested in camping holidays before last summer. GOT Claire got into camping holidays only last summer. Trudy persuaded Lizzy to give her a lift to the station. TALKED Trudy talked Lizzy into giving her a lift to the station.

39 © Pearson Central Europe, 2019   Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

3.7 6.2


3 Complete Zara’s email with useful phrases. The first letters are given.

Giving advice

Dear Shaun,

1 Put the words in order to make informal sentences. 1 2 3 4 5

the / hours / every / spending / on / beach / day Spending hours on the beach every day. in / super / Bordeaux / time / here Super time here in Bordeaux. like / only / seems / we / yesterday / arrived Seems like we only arrived yesterday. want / don’t / come / home / to / really Really don’t want to come home. to / visit / tomorrow / hope / the / pyramids Hope to visit the pyramids tomorrow. wait / can’t / try / diving / scuba / to Can’t wait to try scuba diving.

How are things? 1Thanks for your message. The pictures from your holiday were great and Maria is very pretty ;) I can see why you are worried about the situation though. Long distance friendships aren’t easy – especially when they start on holiday. If I 3were you, I’d try to keep things casual – don’t make any promises you can’t keep. Wait a while and see how you feel. 4Have you thought about asking Maria to visit you in England? 2

By the way, did you hear that James broke his ankle? He fell off his skateboard outside school. Everyone was laughing at him until they realised he was really hurt. Eight weeks with a plaster on his leg. Poor thing! Whatever you decide with Maria, I’m 6 sure things will work out fine. Try not to worry. 5

Love Zara x

4 Read Zara’s email again and match sentences 1–6 to the parts below. A general news or a reference to the email/message you received B expressing sympathy for your friend’s situation C offering advice by asking a question D offering advice by making a statement E reassuring your friend F changing the subject

1  2  4  3  6  5

5 Put the useful phrases in order, then match them to parts A–F in Exercise 4.

2 Rewrite the sentences using ellipsis where you can. I’m going to Paris in July – I can’t wait! Going to Paris in July – can’t wait! It feels like I’ve been here forever. Feels like I’ve been here forever. It’s amazing to be here all on my own. Amazing to be here all on my own. We’re dreaming of a holiday but we always are dreaming of one. Dreaming of a holiday but we always are. 4 It’s 32 degrees here in the shade. It’s wonderful! 32 degrees here in the shade. Wonderful! 5 We’re loving it in Australia. We wish you were here. Loving it in Australia. Wish you were here. 1 2 3

1 2 3 4 5 6

don’t / you … / Why Why don’t you … sure / OK / will / everything / be / I’m I’m sure everything will be OK. hear / you / did / remember, / While / I / that … While I remember, did you hear that … is / it / understand / situation / what / difficult / a / I I understand what a difficult situation it is. good / It’s / idea / a / to … It’s a good idea to … was / lovely / It / hear / to / you / from It was lovely to hear from you.

40 © Pearson Central Europe, 2019   Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

C  E  F  B  D  A

6 Read the task below. Then read the email and choose the correct verbs.

You received the following message from a friend.


Otrzymałeś/otrzymałaś poniższą wiadomość od kolegi.

Hi Sam,

Hi Peter,

U OK? I’ve read that book you lent me. You’re right – it’s excellent! Unfortunately, however, I’m a bit sad at the moment . I hurt my back a few days ago and the doctor told me I need to stay in bed. Why is that bad? Because there’s a school trip to Marburg Castle this weekend and I planned to take photographs and write about it on my blog. Now I have to lie in bed and do nothing. I can’t read all the time – any ideas about what else I can do? Speak soon!

U OK? I’ve got that book you wanted to borrow. I’ll bring it tomorrow. I’m not feeling good today, in fact, I’m super stressed out . I haven’t even started revising for the final exams and I’m totally disorganised! I don’t know where to begin. Have you started? Have you got any advice or ideas to make revision easier?

Eddie Write a personal email with a reply. Include and develop these points:

W odpowiedzi napisz nieformalny e-mail (80–130 słów), w którym: • wyrazisz współczucie z powodu zaistniałej sytuacji, • opowiesz o swoim podobnym doświadczeniu, • udzielisz koledze rady, co ma zrobić w tej sytuacji, • pocieszysz kolegę i zaproponujesz, co moglibyście razem zrobić po zakończeniu egzaminów.

• Express sympathy for your friend’s situation. • Offer some advice based on your own experience. • Change the subject and share some news about your life. • Reassure your friend at the end of the email.

Hi, A Sorry to hear about your bad back. B1Must / Might be horrible to be stuck in bed all day. I 2had / would have a similar problem last year when I 3used to break / broke my ankle. How did you hurt yourself? You 4might have lifted / might lift something too heavy, perhaps? Anyway, I 5understand / am understanding how boring it can be and I remember how active you 6used to be / would be, so it’s even harder to do nothing every day. Why don’t you download some audio books? I 7did / had done this last year. C Much better than reading to yourself all the time! By the way, I’m visiting Książ Castle in Walbrzych with my parents next month. D Want to join us? I’m sure you’ll be back on your feet by then and we can 8pick you up / put you up on our way there and 9hold you up / drop you off on the way back. No problem. E Would be great to have you come along! P.S. F Pleased you liked the book. G Will recommend something else next time I write ;-)

7 Look at the underlined parts of the text. Write them in the full form. Sometimes more than one answer is possible. A B C D E F G

I’m sorry to hear about your bad back. It must be horrible to be stuck in bed all day. It’s much better than Do you want to join us? It would be great to have you come along. I’m pleased you liked the book. I will recommend something else next time I write.

SHOW THAT YOU’VE CHECKED Gdy skończysz pisać pracę, sprawdź, czy uwzględniłeś/ uwzględniłaś wszystkie punkty z listy. Mój nieformalny e-mail z poradą: • rozpoczyna się przyjaznym zwrotem powitalnym, np. Dear Sam lub Hi Charlotte, • na początku przekazuje informację o charakterze ogólnym i/lub zawiera odniesienie do treści ostatniej wiadomości od kolegi, • uwzględnia wszystkie punkty z polecenia do zadania, czyli wyrażenie współczucia, udzielenie rady, zmianę tematu i udzielenie na koniec ponownego wsparcia koledze, • uwzględnia formy skrócone (np. I’m/aren’t/that’s), • może zawierać skróty (info/CU/gr8), choć nie za wiele, • nie zawiera błędów ortograficznych, • liczy 80–130 słów, • został starannie i czytelnie napisany.

41 © Pearson Central Europe, 2019   Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)



2 Put the words in order to complete the dialogues.

Asking for and giving advice


Proszenie o radę

Can you do me a (big) favour?

Czy mógłbyś/mogłabyś mi wyświadczyć (ogromną) przysługę?

Can you give me some advice?

Czy mógłbyś/mogłabyś mi coś doradzić?

Do you think I need …?

Czy myślisz, że potrzebuję/ muszę…?

What do you think I should (do)?

Jak myślisz, co powinienem/ powinnam (zrobić)?

Giving advice

Udzielanie rady

The first thing you should do is …

Pierwszą rzeczą, którą powinieneś/powinnaś zrobić jest…

If I were you, I’d (I wouldn’t) do …

Gdybym był/była na twoim miejscu, to (nie) robiłbym/ robiłabym…

I (don’t) think you should …

Myślę / Nie sądzę, że powinieneś/powinnaś…

You (don’t) need to …

(Nie) potrzebujesz/musisz…

You (really) ought to …

(Naprawdę) powinieneś/ powinnaś…

You must (mustn’t) …

Musisz / Nie wolno ci…

3 Complete the dialogue with the correct words. The first letters are given.

It’s a good idea to …

Dobrym pomysłem jest…

Why don’t you (go) …?

A może (poszedłbyś/ poszłabyś)…?

Accepting advice

Przyjmowanie rady

Good idea!

Dobry pomysł!

Good thinking!

Dobrze myślisz!

That’s really helpful.

To naprawdę pomocne.

Oh, I didn’t think of that!

Nie przyszło mi to do głowy! / Nie pomyślałem/pomyślałam o tym!

1 Match questions 1–4 with advice A–D. Do you think I need to get them a gift? What do you think I should wear for the journey? Do you think we need to reserve a table? What sights do you think we should see in Paris? Which train should she catch?

A mum, her teenage son and his friend are at the travel agency … Excuse me. Could you give us some advice ? My son Anthony and his friend Tom want to go on holiday on their own this summer. TA: I see. Well, boys, 1the first thing you should do is decide what kind of holiday you would like. 2 Why don’t you have a quick look at our special offers? Anthony: 3 Good idea! We don’t have much money but maybe a beach holiday. Tom: Mm hm. TA: We have a week in San Antonio, Ibiza for just £249 per person. Anthony: Sounds great … Mum: Ibiza? I don’t think so. Too many parties. Anthony: Mum! TA: Er … OK, maybe the 4best thing would be to go on an adventure holiday. We have rafting, hiking and climbing in Austria. Tom: Mm hm. Mum: Climbing? I don’t think so. Too dangerous. Anthony: Mum! TA: Sightseeing in Rome? Mum: Italy? No way. Crazy drivers. Anthony: Mum! Look, thanks for your advice, it was 5 really helpful, but I think we need to talk about this at home. Tom: Mm hm. Mum:

The best thing would be to … Najlepiej byłoby…

1 2 3 4

Mum, do / favour / big / can / me / you / a 1 Shelly: can you do me a big favour and help me to decide what to pack for the school trip? Mum: Of course. Er … well I’m pretty sure a don’t / you / to / need you don’t need to take those high heels, Shelly. You are going hiking and camping, right? Shelly: Well, er … yes. bdidn’t / I / of / think / that I didn’t think of that. a 2 Dennis: need / think / you / I / Do / to Do you think I need to buy medical insurance for the ski trip, Dad? It’s expensive. Dad: Well, can you afford to pay for helicopter rescue and hospital fees? Dennis: Er … not really, no. Dad: Then bwere / you / I / if / I’d If I were you I’d get some insurance. Dennis: OK, cthinking / good good thinking. Can I borrow £50, Dad?

E  D  A  C  B

A I think you should. The restaurant is usually very busy on Saturday afternoons. B Why doesn’t she drive? It’s much faster than the train. C I don’t know. I’ve never been. The best thing would be to look online or buy a guidebook. D It’s a good idea to wear something comfortable. We’re going to be on the bus for 18 hours. E Yes, you ought to buy them something. You’re staying at their house for free.

42 © Pearson Central Europe, 2019   Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)




10   Listen the first part of the video (00:00–01:56) without looking at the screen and check your answers to Exercise 2.


10   SPEAKING  Discuss what you expect to see in the video. Then watch the first part (00:00–01:56) and check your ideas.


10   Watch the second part of the video (01:57–5:37) and answer the questions.  Answer key – WB page 161

1 What was Roque Sevilla’s former title? 2 Why did he build the hotel? 3 Where does he take Giles to view the hotel and the forest? 4 How comfortable is Giles with heights? 5 What does Roque think people think about him? 6 What is Roque’s latest project and what is it for? 7 How does Monica test the rescue procedure? 8 How does she feel about testing the system?

Before you watch 1 SPEAKING  Look at the photo. Imagine you are staying at this luxury hotel, deep in the Ecuadorian cloud forest. Discuss the questions. 1 How do you think you would get there? 2 How would you spend your time there?

2 Complete the information about Mashpi Lodge


with the words in the box. 1,500 Quito

America equator guest plant three twenty-two two west

Ecuador is situated on the west coast of South 2 America and the 3equator goes across the country. Mashpi Lodge is located in Mashpi reserve in the middle of the cloud forest, 4three hours’ drive from the capital, 5Quito. Mashpi lodge is a luxury hotel, with 6twenty-two rooms, costing up to 71,500 a night. There are 8 two members of staff for every 9guest. The hotel was opened a few years ago. It’s an eco-hotel with breathtaking views from every window. It’s like a giant treehouse. People travel from all over the world to experience the extraordinary animal and 10plant life.

1 2 3 4 5 6






amazing/breathtaking/unique views eco/luxury/sustainable hotel dense/huge forest observation tower private reserve rescue procedure

After you watch 7 Choose three phrases from Exercise 6. Write two true sentences and one false one. Read your sentences to your partner for him/her to guess which sentence is false. 8 SPEAKING  Would you like to stay or work at Marshpi Lodge? Why/Why not? Tell your partner.

located? Which would you most like to visit? Why?

Arizona 5 California 4 Cape Cod 7 Cyprus 8 Dallas 3 Maine 6 Scotland 1 The Lake District 2 Answer key – WB page 161

13   Watch Luda, Alex, Lauren, Noah, Rachel

and Lucy answering the questions below. Put the places in Exercise 1 in the order they are mentioned in the video.  Answers marked in exercise 1 1 Where did you use to go on holiday as a child? 2 What sort of things did you use to do on holiday?



About holidays

1 SPEAKING Where are the places in the box


10   Complete the phrases with the nouns in the box. Then watch the video again and check your answers.





A hotel in the clouds

13   Watch the video again and answer the questions.

1 2 3 4 5 6

Who used to go camping, walking and snorkelling? Who used to go to the pool, pick fruit and ride bikes? Who used to go camping and visit National Parks? Who used to go to the beach, sunbathe and chill? Who used to go on road trips and visit family? Who used to walk around, go shopping and read? Answer key – WB page 161

4 SPEAKING  Think about holidays you went on as a child. What things did you use to do? Tell a partner.

43 © Pearson Central Europe, 2019   Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)


SELF-CHECK 4 Choose the correct form in the second sentence so


that it means the same as the first. It’s possible that’s not the right trail. Do you have a map? We might be / must be / can’t be lost. 1 Julia is sure that these are her mum’s keys. They look exactly the same. These might be / may be / must be Julia’s mum’s keys. 2 Leo is sure that this is not his luggage. His bags are much bigger. This might not be / can’t be / must not be Leo’s luggage. 3 Jess is sure the light in the sky was not a UFO. She doesn’t believe in UFOs. According to Jess, the light in the sky must have been / might have been / can’t have been a UFO. 4 It was possible that Harry sprayed the graffiti on that wall. Harry must have sprayed / could have sprayed / can’t have sprayed the graffiti on that wall. 5 Cindy is sure that Edward forgot to pay for his lunch. Cindy thinks Edward might have forgotten / can’t have forgotten / must have forgotten to pay for his lunch.

1 Choose the correct answer A–C. 1 2 3 4


I paid £30 for a journey on the train to Manchester and back. Pretty cheap, eh? A return B back C single Adam is thinking of a gap year and travelling around Asia. A making B taking C doing We have booked a room, so it’ll be comfortable enough for us both to get a good night’s sleep. A package B  twin C single You should never cut yourself from your family. Why would you want to do that? A off B up C out I think I’d like to work in the tourism industry and help people who want to travel. I find my current job is too . A uninformed B unrewarding C disconnected Amelia is studying tourism and when she graduates, she wants to be a tour . A holiday B company C guide /5


5 Find and correct the mistakes. One sentence is correct.

2 Complete the sentences with the words from the box. Change the forms if necessary. There are two extra words.

1 2

business car cruise drive path resort ride transport

1 2 3 4



The cruise visits three different Caribbean islands before we sail back to Southampton. It’s a beautiful seaside resort at a good price. We go there every summer. I’ve never been on a business trip before. Does the company pay for everything? Dave won’t go up in the cable car. He’s scared of heights. Let’s share the drive – you can sleep in the back of the car for the first part of the journey and we’ll swap places when we get to Amsterdam. Just follow this winding path until you get to the end. It takes you through the woods down to the sea. /5

3 Complete the sentences. The first and last letters are given.


2 3 4 5

Phileas Fogg is a fictional character created by Jules Verne. His name is well-known because he took an incredible voyage around the world in 80 days. Maybe you’ve read the book? Most of the cycle ride today is downhill, so it’s not a very tiring route. But please be careful and check your brakes before we begin. There’s a big traffic jam due to an accident on the motorway. Wouldn’t you love to go on a round-the-world trip and visit every country on the planet? At ‘Faraway Holidays’ our travel agents specialise in trips to south-eastern Asia. Contact us for details. How can we cross this river without a boat? It’s too dangerous to try and swim to the other side.




Thirty years ago, airports wouldn’t be as secure as they are nowadays. didn’t use to be On October 23rd, my little brother used to be born. was Would you use to go abroad on holiday when you were little? Did Our family didn’t use to go camping in the summer. We always stayed in hostels or hotels. correct I wouldn’t love travelling on planes when I was younger, but now I really enjoy it. didn’t use to Helen used to was a pilot before she retired. be /5 Choose the correct answers A–C.

The Super-jumbo-jet Let’s talk about public A for a moment – in particular, planes. Did you know that the Airbus A380 is the largest passenger plane in the world? It has two levels, or decks and can carry up to 853 people. The Boeing 747 1___ the biggest commercial airliner in the world, but the A380, which has been flying since October 2007, has around 40 per cent more space. The A380 carries enough fuel for it to take off in Dubai and 2___ passengers off in Los Angeles without stopping. The 3___ takes an average of 16 hours and 20 minutes. In the past, passengers 4___ have to cope with a lot of noise during journeys like this one, but the A380 is 50 per cent quieter than other similar planes. A380s are currently owned by 9 airlines in Europe, Australia, Asia and the Middle East, so if you have flown from any of these regions, it 5___ on an A380. 1 2 3 4 5

A transport B traffic C travel A  would be B  used to be C  used to A lift B  take C drop A travel B journey C ride A would B should C could A  must have been B  can’t have been C  might have been


44 © Pearson Central Europe, 2019   Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)




9 Complete each pair of sentences with the same word.


7 Choose the correct translation A–C for the Polish parts of the sentences.

Travelling abroad (nie było) so easy in the past, you know? A  wasn’t used to be B  didn’t use to be C  wouldn’t be

1 2

1 This old sofa actually (zmienia się w) a comfortable bed big enough for two. A  turns into B  turns up C  turns out


2 If you (zjedziesz) here, I’ll jump out and buy some snacks for the journey. A  put over B  turn over C  pull over


3 Doing a little work while on holiday is almost (nie do uniknięcia) nowadays because of mobile technology. A disconnected B uninformed C unavoidable

4 Tony (nie mógł być) to Egypt before. He only got his first passport a few months ago. A  can’t have been B  might have been C  must have been

10 Complete the text with the correct form of the

accept be believe catch familiar lead pleasant think /5

8 Complete the sentences using the prompts in brackets. Do not change the order of the words. Change the forms or add new words where necessary. Use up to six words in each gap.

/5 words in the box and any other words you need. There are two extra words.

5 You can’t really (zanurzyć się) in a foreign country’s culture unless you live there for a few months or more. A  plant yourself B  immerse yourself C  save yourself


Hurry up or we’ll miss the school bus and be late for class. When are you coming home, Barbara? I really miss you. Jason wants us to pick him up on the way. Please don’t pick the fruit from the gardens. I hope heavy traffic doesn’t hold Josie up too long. We’ll be late for the party. Could you hold these flowers for a second. I need to tie my shoe laces. Candice doesn’t need a hotel. We can put her up for a few nights. Where should I hang this landscape painting up? By the door? The crossing from Dover in England to Calais in France takes only 1.5 hours and there are over 30 boats per day to choose from. An accident happened this morning on the zebra crossing near our school. The driver claimed he wasn’t driving too fast. If we stay in a budget hotel, we’ll have more money to spend during our holiday. I’m afraid I can’t join you at the cinema tonight. I’ve spent my budget for this month.

Where’s my luggage? Oh, no. The travel company must have lost (must/be/lose) it.

1 Graham didn’t use to enjoy flying (not/use/enjoy/fly) but he loves it now. 2 It may be raining/may be rainy (may/rain) in London at the moment but in two hours’ time we’ll be in sunny Spain! 3 I don’t know why Jim’s late. He can’t have got stuck (can/not/get/stick) in traffic because there are hardly any cars on the road today.

When my first choice of university accepted me onto their tourism programme, there can’t 1have been a happier person in the world than me. Firstly, I knew I wanted to leave home and challenge the 2beliefs I had about living away from my parents. Would I cope well on my own, I wondered? But there was one thing I knew for sure – I  wanted to live in a(n) 3unfamiliar place, where everything and everybody would be new. And you know what? I love it. I stay in touch with my parents regularly, because, I really love them and miss them. But living at home again has become 4unthinkable for me. In fact, I’ve already decided that when I finish university, I’m going to apply for a job as tour 5leader in another country. That way, I’ll get to travel even further, work in my main field of interest, and continue to be independent.

4 It’s possible that our favourite hotel might have moved (might/move) but I’d be very surprised if it closed down. It was always very popular with tourists. 5 Before the EU, you used to need to have (use to/ need/have) a passport to travel from Poland to Germany.





45 © Pearson Central Europe, 2019   Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

0 голосов

9.The words in each pair soud the same but mea different tings.Chose he right words to complete thee sentences with them.ПЖАЛУЙСТА ПОМОГИЕ!!


Английский язык


(68 баллов)

10 Май, 18

Дан 1 ответ

0 голосов

Доктор Наук

(40.7k баллов)

10 Май, 18

Правильный ответ

1 sun / son

2 maid / made

3 hour / our

4 their / there

5 write / right

6 night / knight

7 flower / flour

8 bury / berry

9 tail / tale

оставил комментарий


(68 баллов)

10 Май, 18

Спасибо большое!!!

1. Match the words/phrases to their definition.
1 computer games
2 spot
3 alarm system
4 surf the Net
5 beach volleyball

A. look for information on the computer
B. fun activities on the computer
C. machine that signals danger
D. a sport
E. a place
2. Complete the sentences with the correct word.
• heavy • helpful • crowded • convenient • peace

1. They went for a run in the country because they wanted some … and quiet.
2. He spent the morning in Birmingham, but found the streets very …
3. In a big city, you will always find … public transport.
4. Her cousin hates driving in … traffic.
5. John lives in the country because he likes the friendly and … people.

3. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple or the Present Continuous.

1 .He (visit) his uncle every Saturday morning.
2. I (cook) lunch today, so please don’t be late.
3. We (go) to the park this evening. Do you want to come with us?
4. She (write) an article about crime in big cities.
5. He (feed) the cows every evening.
6. She (leave) late on Fridays.
7. He (travel) to school by tube every morning.
8. She (think) of painting her house.
9. He (study) in his bedroom at the moment, but he can meet us at the cinema later.
10. I really have to go. My train (leave) at 8:30.

4. Use the prompts to give the correct advice, using either should or shouldn’t.

e.g. A: I’m really tired today.
B: (bed/early) You should go to bed early tonight.
1. A: I’m very worried about my best friend.
B: (worry/so much)
2. A: I feel very tired.
B: (stay up/late)
3. A: I’ve broken my sister’s new mobile phone.
B: (tell/tonight)
4. A: I’ve got a bad headache.
B: (take/painkiller)
5. A: It’s very cold today.
B: (wear/a jacket)
5. Read the text and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false).
Fires that happen in the home are a very serious problem today. In America, there are over 100,000 home fires every year and many start in the kitchen. There are a lot of things you can do to protect your house from fire.
First of all, you need to follow a few safety rules. You should never leave the kitchen while you are cooking. It’s also a bad idea to wear loose clothes when you cook. Always keep the cooking area clean and don’t let children come very close to the cooker.
It is also important to know what to do if a fire starts. If a pan catches fire, don’t throw water on it! Put a blanket over it and turn off the heat. If the fire doesn’t go out, call the fire brigade. If a fire starts inside the oven, keep the door shut and turn it off. If you burn yourself, run cold water over the burn.
Finally, install a smoke alarm and learn how to use it. Also, know the number of your fire brigade by heart. It’s better to be safe than sorry.

1. Nowadays, fires in the home aren’t very dangerous.
2. In America, there are more than 100,000 home fires a year.
3. A lot of home fires start in kitchens.
4. You should always leave the kitchen while cooking.
5. You shouldn’t wear loose clothes when cooking.
6. You should keep your cooking area clean.
7. Children should stay close to the cooker.
8. If a fire starts, pour water on it to put it out.
9. Call the fire brigade if a fire doesn’t go out right away.
10. You should have a smoke alarm and know how to use it.

  1. I
    worked until 11 o’clock at night to meet the
    ……………………. for presenting the report.

  2. I
    work six days a week and never have a holiday. My girlfriend says
    I’m a ……………………….. .

  3. Carl
    has a heavy ………………………. at the moment because
    several colleagues are sick.

  4. She
    left a highly paid job to join a research group in India. She has
    completely changed her ………………… .

  5. A
    …………………….. system can help to reduce stress levels
    of employees.

3. Use the following word
combinations in sentences of your own:

meet the deadline

be/ become a

have a heavy workload

change the lifestyle

a flexitime system


Dealing with stress

is common knowledge that people are stressed at work nowadays because
our modern lifestyle can’t provide them with an opportunity to
relax properly. And the problems they have to deal with are becoming
one of the main causes of stress not only at work, but at home as

major cause of stress at work today is increasing job insecurity.
People are afraid that they can lose their job. They don’t feel
that it’s safe. Moreover, working long hours is becoming more and
more common in all European countries. A typical family nowadays is a
working family where both the members have a job and spend most of
their time at their work place. It ruins the work-life balance of
people and results in family problems.

men and women deal with stress in different ways. Women are more
flexible and seem to cope with pressures better than men. Many
working women have double pressure on then because they have to look
after their children, work in the home- do the cooking and cleaning –
as well as work in a paying job. But the number of women who become
ill from stress seems to be less than men. This is because women have
a number of strategies to cope with stress. They can express their
emotions openly, which men find difficult to do. They can go to
somebody and talk about their problems. And in general women don’t
pretend that problems don’t exist.

the correct variant in the following sentences.

  1. Men/Women
    are more flexible.

  2. Men/Women
    with pressure better.

  3. Men/Women
    more stress-related illnesses.

In your opinion, which of the following apply more to men or women.


  1. are
    better time managers

  2. are
    less worried about deadlines

  3. have
    more pressure outside work

  4. are
    less ambitious

  5. worry
    more about making mistakes

  6. pay
    more attention to detail

  7. are
    better at doing many things at the same time

  8. are
    more likely to become angry when stressed

Retell the text.


Simple and Present Perfect

  1. Cross
    out the incorrect sentence in each pair.

  1. Stress
    levels have increased in recent years.

levels increased in recent years.

  1. The
    role of women changed dramatically since 1999.

role of women has changed dramatically since 1999.

  1. I
    resigned two years ago.

have resigned two years ago.

  1. Have
    you ever been abroad on business?

Did you ever go abroad on

  1. I
    have attended a sales conference last week.

attended a sales conference last week.

  1. Write
    the time expressions from the box under the correct heading.

So far two
years ago ever in 2004 yet
just yesterday already
never last Monday since 2001
when I was at university for three years

Соседние файлы в предмете [НЕСОРТИРОВАННОЕ]

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