Complete each pair of sentences with one word from the box what did


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1Circle the correct alternatives.

a Can you take / make the rubbish out, please?

b The children tidied / mopped their room. They put all their
clothes in the cupboard and all the books back on the shelves.

c Tim got up and did / made his bed.

d Anna did / made the ironing.

e Ben put / took the washing machine on.

2Complete each pair of sentences with one word from the box.

drink watch smoke exercise fly

a What did you ____________ on TV last night?

Do you like my new ____________? Its really expensive.

b Well ____________ from Manchester Airport to Malaga next

Theres a ____________ on the window. Open it and let the poor
thing out.

c The fire brigade put out the fire, but there was still a lot
of ____________ in the room.

How many cigarettes does he ____________ every day?

d Id like a ____________ of water, please.

I often ____________ coffee for breakfast.

e Could you do ____________ six, please?

I ____________ twice a day. I go running in the morning and
swimming in the evening.

3Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in
the box.

win take pass lend tidy commit put earn make pick swap do

a Can you ________ the rubbish out, please?

b The children ________ their room and put the books back on the

c Tim got up and ________ his bed.

d Graham ________ 35,000 a year.

e Unfortunately, Louise hasnt ________ her exams.

f Ben ________ the washing machine on.

gLast weekend, Susie ________ first prize in a dancing

h Has someone you know ever ________ a crime?

i Joan ________ up her bag and left.

j Could you ________ me 50 euros? I havent got any money.

k Anna ________ the ironing every day.

l Jerry didnt like his mobile phone so he ________ it for a CD
player with his friend Jo.

0. The minute I saw her, I fell in love with her. — В ту минуту как я ее увидел, я влюбился в нее.
1. I can’t come out tonight. I have to look after my younger brother. — Я не могу выйти сегодня вечером. Я должен приглядывать за своим младшим братом.
2. I don’t get on with sister. We argue all the time. — Я не лажу с сестрой. Мы спорим все время.
3. Sara and Karen fell out because they both liked the same boy. — Сара и Карен рассорились, потому что они обе любили одного и того же мальчика.
4. You look very happy. Are you going out with Kevin tonight? — Ты выглядишь очень счастливой. Вы идете с Кевином гулять сегодня вечером?
5. Jackie split up with Dave last month. She really misses him, I think. — Джеки рассталась с Дэйвом в прошлом месяце. Она действительно скучает по нему, я думаю.
6. My parents got married in 1981. The same year as Charles and Diana! — Мои родители поженились в 1981 году. В том же году, что Чарльз и Диана!

Опубликовано 11.06.2017 по предмету Английский язык от Гость
>> <<

Complete each sentence with a word from the box. One of the words is used twice.
after away back down for in on out up with
I’m longing for a few weeks holiday.
1 Excuse me, I’d like to try ________________ this jacket. Where are the changing rooms?
2 I’ll lend you the money but you must pay me ________________ by Friday.
3 Christine said she’d drop ________________ to see her aunt on the way home from Scotland.
4 Do you think my new shirt will go ________________ these trousers?
5 Paul promised to help me with the decorating today but he’s gone to a football match instead. He’s really let me ________________ .
6 Joanna put ________________ a thick pair of boots as it was snowing outside.
7 Let’s go ________________ to Paris for the weekend. I’ve never been there.
8 Did you know that Louise is going ________________ with my ex-boyfriend?
9 Robbie wanted to dress ________________ as Batman for the party.
10 Jack takes ________________ his father. They’ve even got the same ears!

Ответ оставил Гость

1. on
2. back
3. in
4. with
5. down
6. on
7. away
8. out
9. up
10. after

Оцени ответ

Подпишись на наш канал в телеграм. Там мы даём ещё больше полезной информации для школьников!

Complete each sentence using a word from the box.

Key. amusing / amused confusing / confused exhausting / exhausted annoying / annoyed disgusting / disgusted interesting / interested boring / bored exciting / excited surprising / surprised 1 He works very hard.

It’s not suprising that he’s always tired.

2 I’ve got nothing to do.

I’m ____________.

3 The teacher’s explanation was ____________.

Most of the students didn’t understand it.

4 The kitchen hadn’t been cleaned for ages.

It was really ____________.

5 I seldom visit art galleries.

I’m not particularly ____________ in art.

6 There’s no need to get ____________ just because I’m a few minutes late.

7 The lecture was ____________ I fell asleep.

8 I’ve been working very hard all day and now I’m ____________.

9 I’m starting a new job next week.

I’m very ____________ about it.

10 Steve is very good at telling funny stories.

He can be very ____________.

11 Liz is a very ____________ person.

She knows a lot, she’s travelled a lot and she’s done lots of different things.

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Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

  • Complete each sentence with has/have and a participle from the box.

    1 слайд

    Complete each sentence with has/have and a participle from the box.
    broken bought eaten finished found happened left lost taken written
    a) My dog………. my sandwich!
    b) Helen………………………………….her bag.
    c) I’m sorry. I………………………………….your pen.
    d) Where’s my dictionary? Someone………………………………….it!
    e) We’re too late. The programme…………………………………..
    f) Tina isn’t here. She…………………………………..
    g) There is water on the floor! What………………………………….?
    h) I………………………………….your book! Here it is!
    i) Jack………………………………….five letters.
    j) I………………………………….some new shoes. Do you like them?

    has eaten
    has lost
    have lost
    has taken
    has finished
    has left
    has happened
    have found
    has written
    have bought

  • Change the verbs in brackets into the present perfect.
a)  Harry (do).......

    2 слайд

    Change the verbs in brackets into the present perfect.
    a) Harry (do)…… ……………….the housework.
    b) Kate and Bill (find)………………………………….a new flat.
    c) Nick (send)………………………………….an email.
    d) I (try)………………………………….to learn Japanese.
    e) Sam and Dave (eat)………………………………….all the sandwiches.
    f) Carlos (buy)………………………………….a dog.
    g) Maria and Helen (start)………………………………….at a new school.
    h) Frances (break)………………………………….her cup.
    i) I (lose)………………………………….my umbrella.
    j) Max (take)………………………………….the dog for a walk.

  • Complete each sentence with the present perfect form of a verb from the bo...

    3 слайд

    Complete each sentence with the present perfect form of a verb from the box.
    arrive copy have make miss phone read see spend wash
    a) Oh no! That’s the last bus, and we …… …………………… it.
    b) ( you)………….„………………any James Bond books? They’re really good.
    c) I haven’t got any more money. I………………………….. .all of it!
    d) I……………………………an idea! Let’s go to Big Burger’s!
    e) I won’t lose this information now. I…………………………… the disk.
    f) Your hair looks terrible! (you)…………………………………………it?
    g) Hurry up, Carol. Your taxi……………………………. It’s waiting outside.
    h) I’m sorry I (not)…………………………… the travel agent. I’ve been very busy.
    i) ( you)……………………………Harry Potter? It’s my favourite film.
    j) Read this again. You………………………….. . some mistakes.
    have missed
    have spent
    have had
    have copied
    has arrived
    haven’t phoned
    have made

  • Underline the correct verb form in each sentence.
a)  Can I have another book...

    4 слайд

    Underline the correct verb form in each sentence.
    a) Can I have another book? I’ve read/read this one.
    b) I’m not ready. I didn’t finish/haven’t finished my homework.
    c) I can’t find my wallet. I think I’ve lost/lost it.
    d) Did you eat/Have you eaten spaghetti last night?
    e) Harry left/has left at 10.30.
    f) Hurry up, Jim! You didn’t start/haven’t started!
    g) Did you see/Have you seen this film last year?

  • Change the verbs in brackets into the past simple or present perfect.

    5 слайд

    Change the verbs in brackets into the past simple or present perfect.
    a) Where (you go)………….for your holidays last year?
    b) I can’t play any more. I (just hurt)……………………………my foot.
    c) Jane is a famous writer, and (write)……………………………over fifty books.
    d) Sorry, I (not finish)……………………………my letters yet.
    e) ‘We had a great party last week.’ ‘Who (you, invite)……………………………?
    f) Where (you, meet)……………………………Sam? Was it at the sports centre?
    g) Peter (not play)……………………………basketball for a month.

  • Underline the correct word in each sentence.
a)   Have you ever/yet visited S...

    6 слайд

    Underline the correct word in each sentence.
    a) Have you ever/yet visited Slovenia?
    b) Tim has for/just come back from the USA.
    c) I’m not hungry. I’ve already/since eaten.
    d) Jane lived in Greece since/for fifteen years.
    e) Brian and Claire got married ten years ago/since ten years.
    f) I can’t come out. I haven’t done my homework already/yet.
    g) Mark has worked in Turkey ago/since 1998.

  • Complete each sentence with a time word from the box. 
already         ever...

    7 слайд

    Complete each sentence with a time word from the box.
    already ever for just never since yet
    a) Sue has been on the beach………… an hour, but she hasn’t had a swim yet:
    b) I don’t want to see this film. I’ve…………….. .seen it.
    c) Have you………………been to the Greek islands?
    d) Can you wait a moment? I haven’t finished………………….
    e) Ouch! An insect has………………bitten me!
    f) George has………………eaten Chinese food, so this is the first time for him!
    g) Rick has lived in Japan………………1998.

  • Complete each sentence. Use one word in each space.
a)  Kate has... twenty ph...

    8 слайд

    Complete each sentence. Use one word in each space.
    a) Kate has… twenty photos of the children so far.
    b) Have you ever………………this book? It’s really good.
    c) Have you ever………………to Egypt?
    d) The dog’s not hungry. It hasn’t………………its dinner.
    e) I’m going to bed. I think I’ve………………a cold.
    f) Oh no! I’ve………………my bag on the bus.
    g) Jim has just………………a new mountain bike. It was very expensive.
    h) The washing machine doesn’t work. I think I’ve ……………

  • Change the verbs in brackets into the past simple or the present perfect simp...

    9 слайд

    Change the verbs in brackets into the past simple or the present perfect simple.
    a) Tina isn’t here. She (just go) ___ to school.
    b) What time (you get up)___________________this morning?
    c) Paul (have)…………._____________a bad car accident three years ago.
    d) I (live)……………………._______in the same house since 1995.
    e) What (you do)…………_____________last night?
    f) Brian (not finish»______________………..his work yet.
    g) Tina (arrive)…………_____________here in 2001.
    h) (you see)……………____________Men in Black? It’s a great film.

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