Complete each of the sentences with one word that fits all the contexts

Complete each of the sentences with one word that fits all the contexts. For the answer
use only lowercase letters.
1) It was very _________ that something was worrying him.
2) From the window there was a _________ view of the mountains.
3) Jane began to __________ the dishes from the table

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ПОМОГИТЕ СРОЧНО❤️Complete each of the sentences with one word that fits all the
contexts. For the answer use only lowercase letters.
1) If you’re going to come, please let me know in___
2) Nothing could stop the ___ of the floodwaters.
3) The fire might____
through the forest.

Читайте также

<span>1.There is a book on the table
2.</span><span>There are five pupils and a teacher in the classroom.
</span>3.There is no<span> ham on this sandwich.
4.</span>There are no<span> palyers in this team.
5.</span><span>There is a picture on the wall.
6.</span><span> There are five boys in the street.
7.</span><span> There is an apple in the box.
8.</span><span>There are no children in the yard.
9.</span><span>Is there any hat on the table?
10.</span><span>There are some flowers in the vase.</span><span>


<span>1) Were not, would be 
2) had not been, would not have been
3) had
gone, might have given </span>
4) did not like, would not work
5) would you do, came up…tried to rob (
6) were not, would not
7) broke, wouldn`t develop
8) could read, would be
9) had given, would have guessed
10) were not, might understand
11) had been, wouldn`t have eaten. I had been starving…
12) trusted and respected, would make life much…
13) had tried, would be
14) had known, would have taken
15) had felt, would have been

Если глагол то, ярко осветить.


Got chocolate

The white chocolate one

You pack this one

You give me a box

For you


Сергиев Посад рядом с Москвой известен его деревянными игрушками. Они делают игрушки и сегодня,и они имеют великолепный музей игрушек.
В музее около 30000 игрушек. «Троицкие» игрушки с подвижными частями. Тут много кукол и матрёшек и игрушечных солдатиков. Тут есть электронные игрушки тоже.
Вы обязаны посетить это в какой-то день!
Вроде так.

Complete each of the sentences with one word that fits all the contexts. For the answer
use only lowercase letters.
1) It was very _________ that something was worrying him.
2) From the window there was a _________ view of the mountains.
3) Jane began to __________ the dishes from the table



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