Complete change of form one word

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

полное изменение

полная смена

полного изменения

полной смены

полной смене

полному изменению

полную смену

полная перемена

полном изменении

полностью изменить

кардинальное изменение

полная замена

комплект запасной

кардинальные перемены

абсолютная смена

Include at least one complete change of clothes for each person.

Вам потребуется, как минимум, одна полная смена одежды для каждого человека.

When they came to, the mist had disappeared and a complete change of scene had taken place.

Thus, a complete change of spatial planning conception is needed.

Нужно в целом менять стратегию пространственного планирования.

For some people this means a complete change of diet.

A new economy under new laws and principles can be built only with a complete change of power.

Построить новую экономику по новым законам и принципам возможно только при полной смене власти.

Scientists can not yet fully explain the reasons for the complete change of poles and temporary instability, but continue to research in this direction.

Ученые пока не могут полностью объяснить причины полной смены полюсов и временной нестабильности, но продолжают исследования в этом направлении.

Grammatical adaptation consists in a complete change of the former paradigm of the borrowed word.

Грамматическая адаптация состоит из полного изменения предыдущей парадигмы заимствованного слова.

More importantly, increasing women’s political participation requires a complete change of culture.

Что еще более важно, более активное участие женщин в политике требует полного изменения культуры.

Our attitude towards security assurances should undergo a fundamental change, may I say, a complete change of heart.

В нашем отношении к гарантиям безопасности должно произойти коренное, смею сказать, кардинальное изменение.

It requires a complete change of mindset by the powerful as well as by the weak.

Требуется полное изменение мировоззрения как со стороны сильных, так и слабых государств.

The meeting resulted in a complete change of life for him.

The complete change of mood was peculiar.

Sir, if this intel is correct, it represents a complete change of tactics.

The larvae look like miniature adults, but before full transformation they are awaited by several molts with a complete change of chitinous cover.

Личинки похожи на миниатюрных взрослых особей, однако перед полным превращением их ожидает несколько линек с полной сменой хитинового покрова.

This is a complete change of paradigm that puts the user at the very centre.

Это полное изменение парадигмы, которое помещает пользователя в самый центр.

His complete change of personality terrified me.

Изменения в его личности заставляли меня испугаться.

Of the interesting things is to provide a date when there was talk about a complete change of paradigm in the desktop operating system interface.

Из интересных моментов стоит выделить дату, когда пошли разговоры о полной смене парадигмы в интерфейсе настольной операционной системы.

A discovery they made in a nearby site meant a complete change of their plans.

Но находка, сделанная ими недалеко от места их исследования, полностью изменила их планы.

They often result in a complete change of lifestyle.

Зачастую это приводит к полной смене образа жизни.

This day is good for a complete change of image.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 178. Точных совпадений: 178. Затраченное время: 632 мс


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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

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Как быстро и эффективно исправить почерк?  Люди часто предполагают, что каллиграфия и почерк являются синонимами, но это не так.

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Exercise 8. Word formation. Complete the sentences by changing the form of the word in capitals when this is necessary.
I wonder if you could tell me who was awarded the _______ (SCHOLAR)?
Do you think that you pay enough _______ (ATTEND) in class?
Could you tell me what the _______ (SOLVE) to number seven is?
My dad said I’d better spend more time on my _______ (STUDY).
I would like to know what qualifications _______.(TEACH) require in your country.
Joshua was suspended from school for a week for bad _______ (BEHAVE).
I did six hours of _______ (REVISE) for the test, and I still failed!
Please send photocopies of all your _______ (CERTIFY) to us at the address below.
Exercise 9. Word formation. Complete the text by changing the form of the word in capitals.
Being unable to read
It seems 1) _______ (THINK) today not to provide children with a decent 2) _______ (EDUCATE).There is such an emphasis on 3) _______ (ACADEMY) achievement these days that it’s easy to forget what a problem 4) _______ (LITERATE) used to be. Being unable to read can be 5) _______ (INTENSE) embarrassing and can make someone feel like a complete 6) _______ (FAIL). Someone who can’t read is often 7) _______ (UNDERSTAND) afraid of certain situations. The problem can seem 8) _______ (SOLVE). However, given the right teacher, a lot of hard work and a 9) _______ (REASON) amount of time, anyone can learn. Being able to read can lead to an 10) _______ (IMPROVE) quality of life.

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1. Scholarship.
2. Attention.
3. Solution.
4. Studying.
5. For Teaching.
6. Behaviour.
7. Revision.
8. Certificates.

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Похожие вопросы

A. Complete each second sentence using the word given, so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Write between two and five words.

1   I found the photo by chance when I was tidying my room. across

      I …………………….. the photo when I was tidying my room.

2   Fridges and freezers are not the same thing. difference

      There …………………….. fridges and freezers.

3   Scientists should never invent their results. made

      Results should never …………………….. scientists.

4   Don’t put those plastic bags in the bin – use them again! away

      Don’t ……………………..   – use them again!

5   Our car stopped working on the motorway, so we had to call a mechanic. down

      We had to call a mechanic when our car …………………….. on the motorway.

6   A new medicine was developed because of the work Dr Wang did. resulted

      Dr Wang’s …………………….. a new medicine being developed.

7   There are quite a few things that I’d like to invent! number

      There are …………………….. things that I’d like to invent!

8   Make sure you fill the bottle with water before you start the experiment. full

      Make sure the bottle …………………….. water before you start the experiment.


1   came across

2   is a difference between

3   be made up by

4   throw away those plastic bags/throw those plastic bags away

5   broke down

6   work resulted in

7   a number of

 is full of

B. Write one word in each gap.

9   Turn all the lights ………………. when you leave the room. We don’t want to waste electricity!

10   ………………. my opinion, modern technology has improved all our lives.

11   Could you disconnect your laptop ………………. the Internet when you’ve finished checking your e-mail?

12   We thought the experiment would work, but ………………. the end it didn’t.

13   ………………. last, someone has built a battery-powered skateboard!

14   How many different types ………………. building can you think of?

15   That programme is about to start, so I’ll turn ………………. the TV.

16   Ice floats in water. Can you think of a reason ………………. that?


9 off   10 In   11 from   12 in   13 At   14 of   15 on   16 for

C. Complete by changing the form of the word in capitals.

17   The ………………… (LONG) of the train is exactly 100 metres.

18   I think astronomy is absolutely ………………… (FASCINATE)!

19   Lee and Greg are twins, but they don’t dress ………………… (IDENTICAL).

20   I’ve come to the ………………… (CONCLUDE) that no one should have a car.

21   Why do all ………………… (SCIENCE) have untidy hair?

22   Pour the ………………… (BOIL) water over the tea bag and leave for a few minutes.

23   Make sure your ………………… (MEASURE) are accurate.

24   My brother is studying ………………… (CHEMIST) at university.


17 length   18 fascinating   19 identically   20 conclusion 

21 scientists   22 boiling   23 measurements   24 chemistry

D. Choose the correct answer.

25   Did someone help Alison or did she do all the calculations ………………..?

        A   her

        B   hers

        C   herself

26   That’s not your calculator. It’s ……………….. .

        A   me

        B   mine

        C   my

27   Einstein is the person ……………….. showed that time can speed up and slow down.

        A   which

        B   who

        C   whose

28   Do you know ……………….. idea it was? Was it Greg’s or Fiona’s?

        A   who

        B   which

        C   whose

29   This is the laboratory ……………….. we do all the experiments.

        A   that

        B   which

        C   where

30   Novosibirsk, ……………….. is a big city in Siberia, is famous for its university.

        A   who

        B   which

        C   where

31   That’s the girl ……………….. father says he’s invented a time machine!

        A   who

        B   whose

        C   that

32   Is this our DVD or is it ………………..?

        A   them

        B   their

        C   theirs


25 C   26 B   27 B   28 C   29 C   30 B   31 B   32 C

E. Choose the correct answer.

Technology and the young

Modern technology is changing and improving all the time. Every month, scientists (33) ……………… new gadgets and (34) ……………… to help us with our daily lives, and (35) ……………… ways to make existing technology faster and better. Our homes are full of hardware (such as DVD players and computers) and (36) ……………… (such as computer games and MP3s).

(37) ……………… suggests, however, that it’s young people who are best able to deal with this change. Whereas teenagers have no problem (38) ……………… a DVD player, their mums and dads and grandparents often find using new technology (39) ……………… and difficult.

But if you’re a teenager who criticises your parents for their (40) ……………… of technological awareness, don’t be too hard on them! Some time (41) ……………… the future, when you’ve got children of your own, your ability to deal with new technology will probably (42) ……………… and your children will feel more comfortable with new technology than you do.

You won’t want them to criticise you, will you?

33 A estimate          B invent             C involve           D experiment

34 A experiments   B effects            C laboratories  D equipment

35 A involve             B discover         C decrease        D connect

36 A screens            B gadgets          C software        D laptops

37 A Research         B Experiment   C Program         D Technology

38 A involving          B operating      C discovering    D inventing

39 A automatic       B unique           C sudden           D complicated

40 A research          B experiment   C effect              D lack

41 A to                      B in                     C on                   D at

42 A decrease         B involve           C lack                  D estimate


33 B   34 D   35 B   36 C   37 A   38 B   39 D   40 D   41 B   42 A

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