Complete by changing the form of the word in capitals when this is necessary

A. Complete using the correct form of the words and phrases in the box.

beat • challenge • have fun • interest • organise • score • train

Start your own sports club!

Do you dream of (1) …………………. the winning goal in a football match, or (2) …………………. a top tennis player? Sport (3) …………………. most young people, and it’s a great way to stay healthy and (4) …………………. at the same time. That’s why the local council has decided to help young people who want to (5) …………………. their own sports club. We know it’s a big (6) …………………., and that’s why we’ll give you the money you need to get stared. We’ll help you find a place to (7) …………………. and give you money to find good players in your area. Contact the Town Hall for details.


1 scoring   2 beating   3 interests   4 have fun

5 organise   6 challenge   7 train

B. Circle the correct word.

 I really like playing board / video games like Monopoly and Cluedo.

 Roy was the best player, so he wasn’t surprised when he became captain / club of the team.

 Lots of people get defeat / pleasure from just watching sport from their armchairs.

 I thought the music at the concert / rhythm we went to last night was great.

 Everyone in my family supports the same competition / team.

 I find classical / entertaining music really boring, and I prefer pop.


1 board   2 captain   3 pleasure   4 concert

5 team   6 classical

C. Choose the correct answer.

1   You should take ……………… a sport and then you would get more exercise.

      A off      B up      C down

2   I’m trying to work! Could you please turn your music ………………?

      A down      B in      C out

3   Just ask and I’m sure the other children will let you join ……………… .

      A out      B up      C in

4   The referee sent David ……………… for arguing with him.

      A off      B down      C up

5   This is my favourite song! Turn it ………………!

      A off      B out      C up

6   A mobile phone rang, but the musician just carried ……………… playing.

      A on      B up      C in

7   We can’t afford to eat ……………… very often.

      A off      B up      C out

8   I’ve decided to become a vegetarian and give ……………… meat.

      A up      B off      C out


1 B   2 A   3 C   4 A   5 C   6 A   7 C   8 A

D. Write one word in each gap.

1   We were waiting outside the stadium ………………… a long time before they finally let us in.

2   I’ve got that concert ………………… DVD – it’s fantastic!

3   I ran all the way home and I was just ………………… time for my favourite programme.

4   Everyone clapped when the singer came ………………… stage.

5   At the cinema, Mum sat on the right, Dad sat on the left and I sat ………………… the middle.

6   Ed doesn’t want to become a professional footballer. He just does it ………………… fun.


1 for   2 on   3 in   4 on   5 in    6 for

E. Complete by changing the form of the word in capitals when this is necessary.

1   What’s the name of that …………………….. you were singing earlier? SING

2   I started to learn the piano, but I don’t think I’ve got much …………………….. talent, to be honest. MUSIC

3   My dad used to be really fit and was on his college …………………….. team. ATHLETE

4   When you were young, did you ever play in the street with other local ……………………..? CHILD

5   Alan is studying to be an …………………….., but I don’t think he’s enjoying it. ACT

6   They have a wonderful …………………….. of old toys at the museum in town. COLLECT

7   My grandad loves to …………………….. and we often go out on his boat. SAIL

8   You have to practise a lot if you want to work as a …………………….. . MUSIC


1 song   2 musical   3 athletics   4 children   5 actor

6 collection   7 sail   8 musician

F. Use the word given in capitals to form a word that fits in the gap.

The need to play

Why are kittens such (1) …………………. (PLAY) animals? They love chasing a ball or a piece of wool, and they always play in a very (2) …………………. (ATHLETE) way. But why? All of a kitten’s (3) …………………. (ACT) when playing are, in fact, important for the future. It might look like (4) …………………. (ENTERTAIN), but the kitten is practising its hunting skills. That (5) …………………. (HERO) jump onto a toy teaches the kitten a lot. Think about your own (6) …………………. (CHILD) and you’ll see that you learnt a lot through play.


1 playful   2 athletic   3 actions   4 entertainment

5 heroic   6 childhood

G. Write one word in each gap.

Diana:   Hello, is that Jenny? I’m bored (1) ……………….. watching T and I felt (2) ……………….. a chat. What are you doing?

Jenny:   Hi, Diana. Well, I’m reading a book (3) ……………….. a Russian writer. It’s (4) ……………….. how to become a great actor.

Diana:   Really? Oh, I’m really interested (5) ……………….. acting. Tell me about it.

Jenny:   He says it takes a long time to get good (6) ……………….. acting. To become popular (7) ……………….. the public, you need to really understand people.

Diana:   That sounds just like me! Tell me more. What else does he say?


1 with   2 like   3 by   4 about   5 in   6 at   7 with

H. Each of the words in bold is wrong. Write the correct word.

1   I’m completely crazy with skateboarding! I love it!   …………………

2   In my free time I listen on music on CD or on the radio.   …………………

3   Elsa isn’t very keen for this group, but they’re one of my favourites.   …………………

4   Next week we’ve got a game to a team from Hungary.   …………………

5   Is that Kylie? Oh, I’m a really big fan from hers.   …………………

6   I was really scared when I took part to the singing competition last year.   …………………


1 about   2 to   3 on   4 against   5 of   6 in

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Oala — one of the most famous and favorite Australian animals. Him name as a bear, though a Koala are not connected to what type of bears.

In translation from language of the Australian natives «Koala» means «not drinking», as a Koala do not drink water. They eat leaves eucalyptus, the contained there liquid suffices to them.

The Koala weighs from four up to fifteen kgs and reaches eighty centimeters in length. Life expectancy — about 12 years.

At a Koala a pear-shaped body, large round head with small eyes and large black nose. The tail at a Koala is not. The Koala is covered with thick, strong gray fur, because of which for them hunt. On legs the Koala has — five fingers, with which he clasps a trunk of a tree.

Till eighteen — twenty two hours per day sleep on trees, and on ground is lowered only for transition to a new tree. Sleep a Koala in of trees.

Koala — single animal. The mothers very well care of children, the fathers the participations in education of the kids do not accept.

The small Koala is born underdeveloped and continues the development in a bag. The newborn Koala weighs some grammes and length about two centimeters. In a bag he will carry spend six months, eating there by parent milk. Then about one year the kid sits on Bottom or on a stomach of the mother, having seized in her fur, and for reception of food to put out a head from a bag

Surprisingly that the Koala is able well to float and to jump on trees, though he is usual moves very slowly.

3. When did Ann begin to learn English?
4. How many foreign languages does our teacher speak?
5. What is on the table?
6. When do we have holidays?
7. What does My friend enjoy?
8. Where do I do my homework?
9. Where am I from?
10. What language do we speak at our lessons?

Так смотри дополнить предложения


1 is doing
2 are running 3 aren’t playing 4 is sitting 5 is watching 6 is lying 7 isn’t


<span>1 Am I
doing it right? 2 Are you sleeping? 3 Is he reading the paper?</span>

Подборка по базе: Практическое задание 3, Модуль Психолого-педагогическая диагност, Практическое задание 3, Модуль 3. Игровые технологии в психолого, Руководство по противодействию и профилактики буллинга (для школ, Тема 1.1. Психолого-педагогическая диагностика как наука и практ, Тема 4.1. Организация деятельности психолого-медико-педагогическ, контрольная работа Психолого-педагогические основы организации о, ИНДИВИДУАЛЬНЫЙ ПЛАН ПРОИЗВОДСТВЕННОЙ (ПСИХОЛОГИЧЕСКОЙ) ПРАКТИКИ , Тема 3.1. Возрастные аспекты психолого-педагогической диагностик, РП Коррекционно-развивающая работа с психологом 1-4.sig.pdf, МОДУЛЬ «ДОСТИЖЕНИЯ СОВРЕМЕННОЙ ПСИХОЛОГО-ПЕДАГОГИЧЕСКОЙ.pdf

Part B. Subject area: “Work and Business”

Topic vocabulary in contrast
employer / employee

/ staff

wage(s)/salary/pay overtime /

promotion / pension

job/work/career commute / deliver company / firm / business
earn / win / gain retire/resign union / charity
Phrasal verbs
back out decide not to do sth you agreed to do
bring out produce and start to sell a new product
close down stop operating (for companies)
see through (to) continue (or help to continue) to the end of sth unpleasant or difficult
see to deal with
set to start doing sth in a determined or enthusiastic way
set out start working on sth in order to achieve an aim
set up start (a business, organisation, etc
slow down decrease speed
speed up increase speed
stand in for do sb’s job for them while they are not available
take on start to employ; accept (work or responsibility)
take over take control of (a business, etc)
turn down not accept (an offer, request, etc)
Phrases and collocations
agreement come to/reach (an) agreement (on/about sth); in agreement (on/about/with) sth
arrangement make an arrangement (with/for sb) (to do); have an arrangement (with sb) (to do)
business do business (with sb); in business; go somewhere on business; business trip; small business; big business
complain have/make a complaint (about sth) (to sb); letter of complaint (to sb) (about sth)
day have/take/get a day off; day job; day trip; day by day; the other/next day
decision make/take a decision (to do sth); come to/reach/make a decision (about sth)
duty do one’s duty; a sense of duty; on/off duty; have a duty to sb/to do
effort make an effort (to do); put effort into sth/doing
experience have an experience; have/gain/get experience in/of sth/doing; experienced in/at sth/doing
hold put/keep sb on hold; hold on (to sth); hold sth
interest have/take/express an interest in sth/doing; in your interest to do; earn/get/pay interest
interview have/go to/attend an interview; job interview
job do a job; have a job (to do); apply for a job; take/get a job; in a job
work do some work; have work to do; go to work; at work; work hard; out of work; place of work
Word patterns
absent from sth
apply for sth; apply in writing
attach sth to sth; attached to sth
begin doing/to do/sth; begin by doing
depend on sth/sb
experienced in/at sth/doing
good for sb (to do sth); good at sth/doing; good to sb
quality as/in sth
responsible for sth/doing
specialize in sth/doing
train to do
work as/at/in sth; work for sb
Word formation
add added, addition, additional(ly)
apply (in)applicable, applied, applicant, application
commerce commercial(ly)
dedicate dedicated, dedication
effect (in)effective(ly)
employ (un)employed, unemployable, (un)employment, employer, employee
help (un)helpful(ly), helpless(ly),helping, helper
industry industrial(ly)
machine Machinery
manage managing, management, manager
meet met, meeting
profession (un)professional(ly)
quality (un)qualified, qualifying, qualification
responsible irresponsible, (ir)responsibly, (ir)responsibility
supervise supervision, supervisor
work working, (un)workable, worker, works

Exercise 1. Topic vocabulary in contrast. Choose the correct word.

1) The charity / union I’m a member of is calling for a nationwide strike next week.

2) It’s company / firm / business policy not to allow the use of phones for personal calls during working hours.

3) The recent raise / rise in the cost of petrol has affected loads of small businesses round here.

4) In some professions, you have to retire / resign when you’re 60 or 65 years old.

5) My grandfather gets a pension / promotion from the company he used to work for.

6) Not only did we all have to work overtime/ promotion this weekend, but we didn’t get paid for it!

7) Have you had any news about that work / job / career you applied for yet?

8) The starting salary / wage is €20,000 per year.

9) You’ll get a weekly pay / wage of about €300 before deductions.

10) She became a full-time member of employees / staff / employers last year.

Exercise 2. Topic vocabulary in contrast. Complete using the correct words in the box..

commute deliver earn gain make sack win

1) No sooner had Denzil ___won___ the lottery than he decided to quit his job.

2) How long does it take you to ___commute___ to work every day?

3) How much does a state school teacher ___earn___ each year?

4) Over a hundred workers were ___made___ redundant when the factory closed.

5) Our next door neighbors were __sacked___ for stealing company property.

6) Does your local supermarket __deliver____?

7) Rarely have I _gained_ so much valuable experience in such a short space of time.

Exercise 3. Phrasal verbs. Write one word in each gap.

It just takes hard work and commitment

Entrepreneur Jane Dickson describes how she got started

I was working as an IT Manager for a small publishing company (in fact, I was standing 1) ___in___ for the actual manager while she was away on maternity leave) when the company was taken 2) _over_ by a large multinational media organisation. It was in the depths of the recession, and initially our new owners promised to see our small company 3) __through__ the hard times. Things got worse, though, and they finally backed 4) ___out__ of their agreement. Our company closed 5) _down_ We were all made redundant-it was horrible!

I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do next. I 6) __turned__ down several offers of work as I didn’t want to rush into anything. Then, one day, I woke up and thought: ‘I’m going to set 7) __up__ my own business!’ At first it was tough. I had to 8) __see__ to everything myself — I was the only employee! — but I set 9) __to__ it with dedication and refused to give up, whatever happened. Over the last five years, as the company’s grown, I’ve taken 10) _on__ more and more staff. Dickson’s now employs over five hundred people! I set 11) _out_ to be successful, and I’ve managed it. I feel very lucky, although, to be honest luck has nothing to do with it. It just takes hard work and commitment. I don’t feel satisfied yet though. We’re bringing 12) __out__ new products all the time, and I want to continue doing that I also want to speed 13) __up__ our production process to make it more efficient. I’m not planning to slow 14) __down__ any time soon!

Exercise 4. Phrases and collocations. Match to make sentences.

1) I put a lot of effort D) into writing this report

2) They’ve made their decision B) about who is going to get promoted.

3) It’s not in your interest to H) accept a pay cut.

4) The secretary’s kept me A) on hold for ages.

5) I don’t know why you didn’t apply G) for that position

6) I think we’re all in agreement J) on this, aren’t we?

7) Dean’s been out C) of work for over two months now

8) The shop hasn’t been in E) business long

9) I’m glad you’re finally taking an interest F) in your work

10) Jason lives fairly near his place of I) work, doesn’t he?

Exercise 5. Phrases and collocations. Write one word in each gap.

1) Maybe you should write a letter ___of__ complaint to the manager.

2) When was the last time you had a __day__off?

3) Hardly had the police officer come __on__ duty when he had to respond to an emergency.

4) My dad’s __at__ work at the moment, I’m afraid. Can you call back later?

5) I am available to __have__ an interview at your convenience.

6) He’s been __doing__ this job for over thirty years.

7) Our company __does__ a lot of business with Altech Industries.

8) Sol’s made an arrangement __with___ the wholesalers to deliver more frequently in future.

9) June’s got several years’ experience _of_ dealing with young children.

Exercise 6. Word patterns. Choose the correct answer.

1) Who is responsible ______ dealing with complaints?

A with

В for

С in D at

2) We began ______ looking round for advertising agencies which had experience of our market.

A to В with

С by D at

3) The covering letter wasn’t attached ______ the CV.

A to В with

С from D by

4) Don’t you think you should apply for the job ______ writing?

A with В for

С at

D in

5) I was only absent ______ the office for a few minutes!

A for

В from

С in D about

6) Success in this industry depends a lot ______ luck!

A with В from

С at

D on

Exercise 7. Phrases and collocations. Find the incorrect word in each sentence and write the correct word on the line.

1) Sadie’s quite good in typing ………good at…….

2) Jimmy qualified at a doctor a couple of years ago……qualified as ………..

3) You need to be good at languages to work in an interpreter…work as…

4) It’ll be good that Rudy to get some work experience this summer……good for ……

5) You’ve got to be experienced from dealing with difficult authors if you want to be an editor…………experienced in………………………………..

6) We specialize for manufacturing tiles for the building industry……………….specialize in ….

7) After qualifying as veterinary medicine, she decided to move to Yorkshire……………qualifying in………….

8) I’d love to work as advertising………work in……………

9) Joanne is training for become a trapeze artist at the moment!….training to……..

Exercise 8. Word formation. Complete the sentences by changing the form of the word in capitals when this is necessary.

1) All the heavy __machinery_ (MACHINE) in the factory has been manufactured on site.

2) Al is a manager at the local water _works__ (WORK).

3) An __industrial_ (INDUSTRY) dispute is threatening to delay production of the new car.

4) We work under close __supervision__ (SUPERVISE), so there’s not much opportunity for initiative.

5) Farm __workers__ (WORK) in Belgium have accepted a 5% pay increase.

6) There’ll be an __addition_ (ADD) charge of €30 for delivery.

7) Supersonic planes have never been a _commercial_ (COMMERCE) success.

8) We couldn’t have built this new train without the _dedication__ (DEDICATE) and expertise of the entire workforce.

9) The plan is completely __unworkable_ (WORK). Let’s just forget it!

Exercise 9. Word formation. Complete the text by changing the form of the word in brackets.

Although a certain percentage of graduates will still be 1) __unemployed_ (employ) six months after leaving university, the majority will have found 2) __employment_ (employ) by then. Many of these will even have been offered a job while at university, as a result of visiting a job fair. Job fairs are held at many universities each year. Companies come along to advertise jobs, which are usually in 3) _management__ (manage), and the career structures and benefit packages that go with them. Job fairs are an 4) __effective_ (effect) way for undergraduates to find out what kind of job they might be interested in.

If you go to a job fair, dress 5) _professionally__ (profession). Don’t wear jeans and a T-shirt. Wear a suit! You don’t want to look 6) __irresponsible_ (responsible) when you have your first 7) _meeting_ (meet) with your potential 8) _emloyer_ (employ). If you’re interested in a job on offer, you may have to fill out an 9) __application_ (apply) form, so it’s 10)…helpful….. (help) to take along relevant information with you. You’ll also need proof of all your 11) __qualifications__ (qualify), so don’t forget to take photocopies of all your certificates with you.

Английский язык. Даю 40 баллов. Спасибо B COMPLETE THE SENTENCES BY CHANGING THE FORM OF THE WORD IN CAPITALS WHEN THIS IS NECESSARY. 11 Why cant ………….. (POLITICS) ever just sayyes or no when theyre asked if they agree with something? 12 I was hoping this book would help me with my history project, but in fact it wasnt very………….(INFORM). 13 My cousin Dan has kept a……….. (JOURNAL) since he was twelve years old. 14 Did you hear that…………(ANNOUNCE) on the radio about the water shortage? 15 Theres an………..(WRITE) rule in our house about how late we can stay up to watch TV. 16 I just stood there in…….(BELIEVE) when I heard Id been selected to go on the quiz show. 17 The Internet is an incredibly powerful means of …………(COMMUNICATE). 18 I wouldnt describe the film as a comedy, but one or two scenes are mildly………….. (HUMOUR). C COMPLETE THE SECOND SENTENCE USING THE WORD GIVEN SO THAT IT HAS A SIMILAR MEANING TO THE FIRST SENTENCE. WRITE BETWEEN TWO AND FIVE WORDS IN EACH GAP. 19 These two dictionaries are similar. LITTLE. There………these two dictionaries. 20 My first editor greatly influenced me. INFLUENCE. My first editor…………….me. 21 They described the robber on the evening news. GAVE. They………..the robber on the evening news. 22 Robert Maxdoch has just bought the newspaper. CONTROL. The newspaper is now………………Robert Maxdoch. 23 Youll be wasting your time if you try to get tickets for that show. POINT. There…………… to get tickets for that show. 24 I believe that adverts do influence peoples buying habits. VIEW. It…………….that adverts do influence peoples buying habits.

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