Compensation meaning of the word

If you’re a hardworking individual that provides services to others, you’ve likely heard the word “compensation” before, but do you know what it means? We’ll tell you!

In this guide, we’re exploring the English word compensation to uncover its definition, origin, and more. So if you’ve ever been curious about the meaning behind compensation or how to use the term in a sentence — keep reading. Here’s our complete guide on compensation.

What Is the Definition of Compensation?

/ˌkɑːm.penˈseɪ.ʃən /ˌkɒm.penˈseɪ.ʃən/

More often than not, you will see compensation defined as a monetary payment given to a person in exchange for services rendered. Compensation in the workplace refers to what is earned by the employees — AKA, a salary. 

Other forms of employee compensation include:

  • Base pay — salary wages or hourly wages
  • Recognition pay
  • Overtime wages
  • Bonus pay
  • Tip income
  • Merit pay
  • Benefits — standard vacation policy, retirement, insurance
  • Sales commission
  • Stock options
  • Other non-cash benefits 

Pronounced kom-puhn-sey-shuhn, compensation also refers to the act of rewarding someone by making up for that person’s damages, emotional distress, loss, or injury by giving that individual an appropriate benefit. 

Additionally, compensation is used in biology where it can be defined as the improvement of any defect that happens through excessive development or action of another organ or structure of the same structure. 

In simpler terms, compensation is the act of compensating. 

What Is the Origin of Compensation?

Believe it or not, the word compensation comes from the Latin word compensat-, which simply means, “weighed against.” If you receive compensation for your services that is deemed fair, the reward is equivalent to your time and effort. In other words — the scale is balanced

What Are the Synonyms and Antonyms of Compensation?

Synonyms and antonyms can help you to better express yourself while enhancing your existing vocabulary. That said, what exactly is a synonym? And what’s an antonym? 

Simply put, synonyms are words that have similar meanings whereas antonyms are words that have opposite meanings. With this in mind, let’s review the synonyms and antonyms of compensation, shall we?


  • Damages
  • Recompense
  • Act of kindness 
  • Remunatiaon
  • Goodwill gesture
  • Indemnification
  • Indemnity
  • Requital 
  • Act of assistance
  • Reimbursement
  • Claim
  • Retention 
  • Golden handshake
  • Remuneration
  • Settlement
  • Payoff


  • Hindrance
  • Punishment
  • Nonpayment
  • Delinquency
  • Defaulting
  • Fine
  • Avoidance
  • Fee
  • Theft
  • Extortion
  • Cost
  • Increase
  • Spoilage
  • Disowning
  • Forsaking
  • Recantation
  • Bankruptcy
  • Rejection
  • Outstandings
  • Punition 

How Can You Use Compensation in a Sentence?

Now that you understand what compensation means, it’s time to practice using our word of the day in a sentence. 

Quiz yourself to see how many accurate sentences you can come up with using the term compensation. If you’re still a little confused, feel free to explore our example sentences listed below:

“Throughout the pandemic, many families relied on unemployment compensation while they were in lockdown.” 

“Just looking at Tim’s base pay you may think he was getting the short end of the deal. However, if you happen to look at his total compensation, let’s just say he is doing a-okay.” 

“The compensation that our boss was offering to work this weekend was definitely not worth my time.”

“After pouring my blood, sweat, and tears into this project for a number of years, I am expecting a rather large compensation.”

“The victim’s family was awarded millions of dollars in compensation.”

“Bob claimed compensation for loss of earnings.”

“Mary wasn’t too fond of the compensation package, but I felt otherwise.”

“After a lengthy battle in court, the company was not required to pay a hefty fine or compensation.”

“Before accepting a job, it’s of the utmost importance that you review compensation for your time.”

“The insurance company paid $3,000 for the loss of Jimmy’s car.”

“The lawyer examined the entire issue of damages, including compensation for the psychological suffering his client was put through.”

“If you ask me, compensation is the most essential thing to look for when searching for a career.”

“It’s important to me that workers’ compensation and healthcare benefits are offered.”

“Harry decided to seek compensation after realizing the car accident left him paralyzed from the waist down.”

“Due to years of abuse at the hands of the employer, the employees are finally seeing compensation and are suing the company.”

What Are Translations of Compensation?

Planning a vacation overseas? Need help saying compensation in a different language? We’ve got your back! Here are some of the most common translations of the word compensation:

  • Finnish: hyvitys 
  • French: compensation 
  • German: Entschädigung 
  • Greek: αποζημίωση 
  • American English: compensation 
  • Arabic: تَعْويض 
  • Thai: การชดเชย 
  • Turkish: tazminat 
  • Ukrainian: компенсація
  • Vietnamese: tiền đền bù
  • Brazilian Portuguese: compensação 
  • Chinese: 赔偿金 
  • Polish: wynagrodzenie 
  • European Portuguese: compensação 
  • Romanian: compensație
  • Russian: компенсация 
  • Spanish: compensación 
  • Japanese: 賠償金 
  • Korean: 보상 
  • Norwegian: godtgjørelse 
  • Swedish: kompensation
  • Croatian: naknada
  • Italian: risarcimento
  • Czech: odškodnění 
  • Danish: kompensation 
  • Dutch: compensatie 
  • European Spanish: compensación 

A Final Word

To sum it all up, compensation means to make up for something. It can be a cash payment or a non-cash payment that is meant to balance the scales in order to make a bad situation better. 

In other words, compensation is the act of compensation — it’s the state of being compensated.


  1. Compensation Synonyms | Collins English Thesaurus 
  2. COMPENSATION definition | Cambridge English Dictionary 
  3. definition of compensation | The Free Dictionary 


Kevin Miller is a growth marketer with an extensive background in Search Engine Optimization, paid acquisition and email marketing. He is also an online editor and writer based out of Los Angeles, CA. He studied at Georgetown University, worked at Google and became infatuated with English Grammar and for years has been diving into the language, demystifying the do’s and don’ts for all who share the same passion! He can be found online here.

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  • 1

    compensation n


    airspeed compensation

    поправка на воздушную скорость

    compass compensation

    устранение девиации компаса

    denied boarding compensation

    компенсация за отказ в перевозке

    error compensation

    устранение девиации

    out-of-pocket compensation

    возмещение мелких расходов

    English-Russian aviation dictionary > compensation

  • 2

    •• Compensation… 2b. payment, wages (Webster’s Seventh New Collegiate Dictionary).

    •• Очень актуальным значением этого слова становится вознаграждение (т.е. его общий объем – иногда именуемый total compensation package – зарплата плюс различные льготы – fringe benefits, perquisites – а у руководителей также ценные бумаги или опционы – stock options). Пример из журнала Business Week: Management compensation should be closely aligned with the interests of the shareholders. Из другого журнала американского бизнеса – Fortune: Beyond organization and success, Lazard’s biggest problem is compensation – a ticklish issue at almost every Wall Street firm but particularly divisive at Lazard. Русские слова компенсация, компенсировать существуют в несколько иной плоскости. При их переводе следует пользоваться глаголами to make up for, to offset.

    English-Russian nonsystematic dictionary > compensation

  • 3

    English-Russian dictionary of biology and biotechnology > compensation

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    compensation [ˏkɒmpǝnˊseɪʃn]


    1) возмеще́ние, компенса́ция;

    to make compensation for smth. компенси́ровать что-л.

    2) вознагражде́ние



    жа́лованье, де́нежное вознагражде́ние



    уравнове́шивание; ура́внивание; компенса́ция

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > compensation

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    Персональный Сократ > compensation

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    3) выравнивание; уравнивание

    Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > compensation

  • 7

    English-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > compensation

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    accident compensation компенсация за ущерб от несчастного случая advance compensation предварительная компенсация average compensation компенсация убытков, причиненных судну, грузу и фрахту compensation балансирование compensation возмещение, компенсация, вознаграждение compensation возмещение, компенсация; to make compensation (for smth.) компенсировать (что-л.) compensation возмещение compensation вознаграждение compensation доход compensation жалованье compensation заработная плата compensation (шотл.) зачет требований compensation компенсация; компенсационные выплаты; возмещение; оплата за труд compensation компенсация compensation платеж за услуги compensation покрытие расходов compensation пособие по несчастному случаю compensation уравновешивание compensation тех. уравновешивание; уравнивание; компенсация compensation for absence компенсация за отсутствие compensation for damage компенсация за ущерб damage: compensation for compensation возмещение ущерба compensation for disablement компенсация за нетрудоспособность compensation for expropriation компенсация за конфискацию compensation for inconvenience компенсация за неудобства compensation for loss of earnings компенсация за потерю дохода compensation for loss of income компенсация за потерю дохода compensation for loss of office компенсация при увольнении compensation for loss of use компенсация за лишение использования compensation for loss or damage компенсация за ущерб или повреждение compensation for travelling expenses компенсация транспортных расходов compensation for value-added tax компенсация налога на добавочную стоимость compensation in money денежная компенсация compensation of employees from the rest of world компенсационные платежи работникам из внешнего источника compensation of nonresident employees компенсация работникам, не проживающим по месту службы compensation of repairing cost возмещение стоимости ремонта disablement compensation компенсация за потерю трудоспособности dismissal compensation выходное пособие full wage compensation компенсация в размере полной ставки заработной платы holiday compensation компенсация за отпуск industrial injury compensation компенсация за производственную травму lag compensation вчт. коррекция на отставание lead compensation вчт. коррекция на опережение lump sum compensation общая сумма страхового возмещения compensation возмещение, компенсация; to make compensation (for smth.) компенсировать (что-л.) minimum compensation минимальная компенсация money compensation денежная компенсация money compensation денежное возмещение obtain compensation получать компенсацию overtime compensation компенсация за работу в сверхурочные часы pay compensation выплачивать компенсацию short-term compensation краткосрочные компенсационные операции sick leave compensation пособие по болезни slander compensation компенсация за клевету unemployment compensation пособие по безработице wage compensation компенсация заработной платы wage drift compensation компенсация отклонения фактической заработной платы от расчетных ставок workmen’s compensation компенсация работников; выплата пособия при производственном травматизме workmen’s compensation пособие по нетрудоспособности

    English-Russian short dictionary > compensation

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    English-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > compensation

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    1) возмещение, компенсация

    compensation agreement

    English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > compensation

  • 11






    возмещение, компенсация


    compensation in the amount [sum] of— компенсация [вознаграждение] в сумме

    in-kind compensation, compensation in kind — компенсация в натуральной форме, натуральная компенсация

    cash compensation, compensation in cash — компенсация/вознаграждение в денежной форме, денежная компенсация, денежное вознаграждение

    to claim [seek] compensation — требовать компенсации

    to pay compensation to smb. — выплачивать компенсацию (кому-л.)

    to get smth. as compensation [in compensation] — получить что-л. в качестве компенсации

    to award [grant] compensation — назначить вознаграждение [компенсацию]





    амер. вознаграждение, заработная плата


    Acute hearing is a compensation for the loss of sight. — Хороший слух компенсирует потерю зрения.





    компенсирование, возмещение

    plan of compensation — план [схема] компенсирования, план [схема] выплаты компенсации [вознаграждения]



    компенсация, уравновешивание, уравнивание, балансирование


    * * *

    1) товарообменные операции, прежде всего на базе одного контракта;


    2) вознаграждение, зарплата

    и др.

    выплаты (страхование, пенсия

    и т. д.


    * * *

    компенсация; оплата труда; вознаграждение за труд; заработная плата (зарплата)

    * * *

    возмещение убытков, возникших вследствие нарушения гражданско-правовой обязанности, когда ее реальное исполнение в связи с таким нарушением стало невозможным

    Англо-русский экономический словарь > compensation

  • 12

    English-Russian electronics dictionary > compensation

  • 13

    The New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > compensation

  • 14

    1. n возмещение, компенсация

    2. n вознаграждение; жалованье, денежное вознаграждение

    3. n спец. балансирование; уравновешивание

    4. n спец. уравнивание; компенсация

    5. n спец. физиол. мед. восстановление, уравновешивание, компенсация

    6. n спец. психол. компенсирующее поведение

    7. n спец. радио коррекция, компенсация

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. payment (noun) allowance; payment; remuneration; reward; salary; stipend; wage; wages

    2. satisfaction (noun) amends; atonement; consideration; damages; indemnification; indemnity; quittance; recompense; redress; reimbursement; remittal; reparation; reprisal; requital; restitution; retaliation; retribution; satisfaction; setoff; settlement

    Антонимический ряд:

    donation; fine; forfeiture; gratuity; injury; loss; penalty

    English-Russian base dictionary > compensation

  • 15

    1. компенсация; коррекция, поправка

    2. уравновешивание, балансировка

    control system compensation

    DLC compensation

    error compensation

    feedback compensation

    feedforward compensation

    gravity compensation

    inertial coupling compensation

    integral compensation

    lag compensation

    Mach trim compensation

    moment compensation

    open-loop compensation

    phase compensation

    pilot-phase compensation

    pilot`s loop compensation

    proportional compensation

    proportional and integral compensation

    pure gain pilot compensation

    reduced-order compensation

    torque compensation

    Авиасловарь > compensation

  • 16

    Англо-русский технический словарь > compensation

  • 17

    English-Russian dictionary of telecommunications and their abbreviations > compensation

  • 18

    Politics english-russian dictionary > compensation

  • 19

    компенсация; уравновешивание, балансировка

    Englsh-Russian aviation and space dictionary > compensation

  • 20


    1. 1) возмещение, компенсация

    to make /to pay/ compensation for smth. — заплатить компенсацию за что-л.

    claim for compensation — иск о возмещении убытков /ущерба/

    his hearing has became acute in compensation for loss of sight — потеря зрения у него компенсируется слухом

    2) вознаграждение; жалованье, денежное вознаграждение

    1) балансирование; уравновешивание

    2) уравнивание; компенсация


    , мед. восстановление, уравновешивание, компенсация


    компенсирующее поведение

    his hearty manner was a compensation for his feeling of insecurity — за его непринуждённым поведением скрывалось чувство неуверенности


    коррекция, компенсация

    НБАРС > compensation


  • Следующая →
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7

См. также в других словарях:

  • compensation — [ kɔ̃pɑ̃sasjɔ̃ ] n. f. • 1290; lat. compensatio, de compensare 1 ♦ Avantage qui compense (un désavantage). Compensation reçue pour des services rendus, des dommages. ⇒ indemnité; dédommagement, réparation, soulte. « Une augmentation de cent… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • compensation — com·pen·sa·tion /ˌkäm pən sā shən/ n 1: the act of compensating 2 in the civil law of Louisiana: the ending of mutual obligations between two people for money or quantities of fungible things usu. by operation of law but sometimes by an agreement …   Law dictionary

  • Compensation — • Denotes the price paid for human exertion or labour Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Compensation     Compensation     † …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • compensation — COMPENSATION. s. f. Estimation par laquelle on compense une chose avec une autre. Juste compensation. Compensation équitable. Faire compensation. Compensation de dépens. Il eut tant par compensation. C est une maxime de Droit, que compensation n… …   Dictionnaire de l’Académie Française 1798

  • Compensation — can refer to: Financial compensation, various meanings Compensation (chess), various advantages a player has in exchange for a disadvantage Compensation (engineering) Compensation (essay), by Ralph Waldo Emerson Compensation (film), a 2000 film… …   Wikipedia

  • compensation — Compensation. subst. f. v. Estimation par laquelle on compense une chose avec une autre. Juste compensation. compensation équitable. faire compensation. compensation de despens. il eut tant pour la compensation, C est une maxime du Palais, que… …   Dictionnaire de l’Académie française

  • Compensation — Com pen*sa tion, n. [L. compensatio a weighing, a balancing of accounts.] 1. The act or principle of compensating. Emerson. [1913 Webster] 2. That which constitutes, or is regarded as, an equivalent; that which makes good the lack or variation of …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Compensation — (v. lat. Compensatio, Abrechnung), 1) Zahlung einer Schuld durch Abrechnung einer Gegenforderung an den Gläubiger. Sie wird häufig als Einrede gegen die Klage des Gläubigers geltend gemacht, daher Exceptio compensationis. Erfordert wird, daß… …   Pierer’s Universal-Lexikon

  • compensation — compensation. См. компенсация. (Источник: «Англо русский толковый словарь генетических терминов». Арефьев В.А., Лисовенко Л.А., Москва: Изд во ВНИРО, 1995 г.) …   Молекулярная биология и генетика. Толковый словарь.

  • compensation — late 14c., action of compensating, from L. compensationem (nom. compensatio) a weighing one thing against another, a balancing, noun of action from compensare (see COMPENSATE (Cf. compensate)). Meaning what is given in recompense is from c.1600;… …   Etymology dictionary

  • compensation — [n] repayment; rectification advantage, allowance, amends, atonement, benefit, bonus, bread*, consideration, counterclaim, coverage, damages, defrayal, deserts*, earnings, fee*, gain, honorarium, indemnification, indemnity, meet, pay, payment,… …   New thesaurus



: the act of compensating : the state of being compensated


: correction of an organic defect or loss by hypertrophy or by increased functioning of another organ or unimpaired parts of the same organ


: a psychological mechanism by which feelings of inferiority, frustration, or failure in one field are counterbalanced by achievement in another



: something that constitutes an equivalent or recompense

Age has its compensations.

Moving to the coast had some drawbacks, but there were also compensations.


: payment to unemployed or injured workers or their dependents

receiving compensation from his employer


Example Sentences

The court awarded the victims millions of dollars in compensation.

She offered to pay for lunch as compensation for keeping me waiting.

Moving to the coast had some drawbacks, but there were also compensations.

Recent Examples on the Web

During the summer, the growers agree not to plant crops like wheat or cotton on some fields, and receive compensation while continuing to grow more lucrative vegetable crops in other seasons.

Ian James, Los Angeles Times, 8 Apr. 2023

Only $125 million of the compensation went to victims; Farben, for example, gave only $825 per victim for years of horrific persecutions.

Robert D. Mcfadden, New York Times, 8 Apr. 2023

Existing customers aren’t real happy either, as those who bought models just days before previous Tesla price cuts were announced say they were not offered any sort of compensation or make-good.

Chris Morris, Fortune, 7 Apr. 2023

The dispute revolves around a feud between streamers and comedians pushing to change the landscape of compensation.

Winston Cho, The Hollywood Reporter, 6 Apr. 2023

Alan Shaw, the new CEO of Norfolk Southern who started in the top job at the railroad in May 2022, saw his 2022 compensation double from the 2021 level, ahead of the major derailment in East Palestine, Ohio, that resulted in the release of toxic chemicals into the water, ground and air there.

Chris Isidore, CNN, 6 Apr. 2023

Jordan’s 2022 total compensation was 61.5 times higher than the average Southwest employee, who made $86,599.

Kyle Arnold, Dallas News, 6 Apr. 2023

They were also fined $200, and additionally ordered to pay $300 in victim’s compensation and complete 40 hours of community service.

Justin Klawans, The Week, 4 Apr. 2023

They also were ordered to pay $300 in victims’ compensation and complete 40 hours of community service.

Nolan Clay, USA TODAY, 4 Apr. 2023

See More

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘compensation.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

Word History

First Known Use

14th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1a

Time Traveler

The first known use of compensation was
in the 14th century

Dictionary Entries Near compensation

Cite this Entry

“Compensation.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 13 Apr. 2023.


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Last Updated:
13 Apr 2023
— Updated example sentences

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Merriam-Webster unabridged



From Middle English compensacioun, from Old French compensacion, from Latin compensātiōnem, accusative singular of compensātiō.


  • IPA(key): /ˌkɒmpɛnˈseɪʃən/
  • Rhymes: -eɪʃən


compensation (countable and uncountable, plural compensations)

  1. The act or principle of compensating.
    • 1841, Emerson, Ralph Waldo, “Compensation”, in Essays:

      Human labor, through all its forms, from the sharpening of a stake to the construction of a city or an epic, is one immense illustration of the perfect compensation of the universe.

    Synonym: restitution
  2. Something which is regarded as an equivalent; something which compensates for loss.
    Synonyms: amends, remuneration, recompense
    • 1827, Henry Hallam, The Constitutional History of England from the Accession of Henry VII. to the Death of George II. [], volume (please specify |volume=I or II), London: John Murray, [], →OCLC:

      The parliament which dissolved the monastic foundations [] vouchsafed not a word toward securing the slightest compensation to the dispossessed owners.

    • 1796, Edmund Burke, A Letter from the Right Honourable Edmund Burke to a Noble Lord, on the Attacks Made upon Him and His Pension, [], 10th edition, London: [] J. Owen, [], and F[rancis] and C[harles] Rivington, [], →OCLC:

      No pecuniary compensation can possibly reward them.
  3. (finance) The extinction of debts of which two persons are reciprocally debtors by the credits of which they are reciprocally creditors; the payment of a debt by a credit of equal amount.
    Synonym: set-off
  4. A recompense or reward for service.
    Synonym: restitution
  5. (real estate) An equivalent stipulated for in contracts for the sale of real estate, in which it is customary to provide that errors in description, etc., shall not avoid, but shall be the subject of compensation.
  6. The relationship between air temperature outside a building and a calculated target temperature for provision of air or water to contained rooms or spaces for the purpose of efficient heating. In building control systems, the compensation curve is defined to a compensator for this purpose.
  7. (neuroscience) The ability of one part of the brain to overfunction in order to take over the function of a damaged part (e.g. following a stroke).
    Coordinate term: degeneracy

Derived terms[edit]

  • anticompensation
  • compensation balance
  • compensation culture
  • compensation neurosis
  • compensation pendulum
  • compensation trade
  • compensational
  • decompensation
  • dosage compensation
  • hypercompensation
  • just compensation
  • overcompensation
  • precompensation
  • recompensation
  • supercompensation
  • workers’ compensation
  • worker’s compensation
  • workman’s compensation
  • workmen’s compensation


  • compensate


act or principle of compensating

  • Belarusian: кампенса́цыя f (kampjensácyja)
  • Bulgarian: обезщетение (bg) n (obezštetenie)
  • Catalan: compensació f
  • Dutch: compensatie (nl) f
  • Finnish: kompensaatio (fi), korvaus (fi), hyvitys (fi), palkka (fi), vastike (fi)
  • French: compensation (fr) f
  • Georgian: ანაზღაურება (anazɣaureba), კომპენსაცია (ḳomṗensacia), დაჯილდოება (daǯildoeba)
  • German: Abfindung (de) f, Kompensation (de) f
  • Greek: αποζημίωση (el) f (apozimíosi)
  • Hebrew: פיצוי‎ m (pitsúy), תשלום (he) m (tashlúm), שיפוי (he) m (shipúy), תגמול (he) m (tagmúl)
  • Italian: compensazione (it) f
  • Kazakh: өтем (kk) (ötem), өтемақы (ötemaqy), қарымақы (qarymaqy)
  • Macedonian: обесштету́вање n (obesštetúvanje), о́тштета f (ótšteta)
  • Norwegian:
    Bokmål: kompensasjon m
    Nynorsk: kompensasjon m
  • Polish: kompensacja (pl) f
  • Portuguese: compensação (pt) f
  • Romanian: compensare (ro) f
  • Russian: компенса́ция (ru) f (kompensácija), возмеще́ние (ru) n (vozmeščénije)
  • Serbo-Croatian:
    Cyrillic: обештећење n
    Roman: obeštećenje n
  • Tagalog: pagbibigaypala, himawis
  • Turkish: telafi (tr)
  • Ukrainian: компенса́ція (uk) f (kompensácija)

that which constitutes, or is regarded as, an equivalent

  • Bulgarian: компенсация (bg) f (kompensacija), уравняване n (uravnjavane)
  • Catalan: compensació f
  • Dutch: compensatie (nl) f
  • Egyptian: (ḏbꜣw m)
  • Finnish: kompensaatio (fi), vastike (fi)
  • French: compensation (fr) f
  • German: Kompensation (de) f, Ausgleich (de) m, Ersatz (de) m
  • Greek: αντιστάθμιση (el) f (antistáthmisi)
  • Hebrew: פיצוי‎ m (pitsúy), תמורה (he) f (tmurá)
  • Italian: remunerazione (it) f, paga (it) f, retribuzione (it) f, compenso (it) m, indennizzo (it) m, contributo (it) m, risarcimento (it) m
  • Macedonian: на́домест m (nádomest)
  • Malayalam: നഷ്ടപരിഹാരം (naṣṭaparihāraṃ)
  • Maori: moni whakaea, utu whakaea
  • Polish: rekompensata (pl) f
  • Romanian: compensație (ro) f
  • Spanish: contrapartida (es) ?
  • Tagalog: bigaypala
  • Telugu: నష్టపరిహారము (naṣṭaparihāramu)

recompense or reward for service

  • Bulgarian: обезщетение (bg) n (obezštetenie)
  • Dutch: compensatie (nl) f, smartengeld (nl) n
  • Estonian: hüvitis
  • Finnish: kompensaatio (fi), korvaus (fi), hyvitys (fi), palkkio (fi)
  • French: dédommagement (fr) m, émolument (fr) m, indemnisation (fr) f
  • Georgian: კომპენსაცია (ḳomṗensacia), ზარალის ანაზღაურება (zaralis anazɣaureba)
  • German: Kompensation (de) f, Entlohnung (de) f, Kompensierung f
  • Greek: αποζημίωση (el) f (apozimíosi), αμοιβή (el) f (amoiví) (for service)
    Ancient: ἄποινα n pl (ápoina)
  • Hebrew: תשלום (he) m (tashlúm), תמורה (he) f (tmurá)
  • Hungarian: kárpótlás (hu)
  • Italian: ricompensa (it) f
  • Maori: moni whakaea, utu whakaea
  • Swedish: ersättning (sv) c
  • Tagalog: bigaypala
  • Turkish: tazminat (tr), ödence (tr)

Translations to be checked


  • camponotines, companion set



Borrowed from Latin compēnsātiō, compēnsātiōnem.


  • IPA(key): /kɔ̃.pɑ̃.sa.sjɔ̃/


compensation f (plural compensations)

  1. compensation


  • compenser

Further reading[edit]

  • “compensation”, in Trésor de la langue française informatisé [Digitized Treasury of the French Language], 2012.

компенсация, возмещение, вознаграждение, уравнивание, денежное вознаграждение


- возмещение, компенсация

to make /to pay/ compensation for smth. — заплатить компенсацию за что-л.
claim for compensation — иск о возмещении убытков /ущерба/
by way of compensation — в качестве компенсации
compensation for injury — компенсация за увечье
his hearing has became acute in compensation for loss of sight — потеря зрения у него компенсируется слухом

- вознаграждение; жалованье, денежное вознаграждение

the compensation of employees — выплаты служащим

- балансирование; уравновешивание
- уравнивание; компенсация

compensation gear — авт. дифференциал, дифференциальная передача
compensation winding — эл. уравнительная обмотка

- физиол., мед. восстановление, уравновешивание, компенсация

compensation disturbance — мед. расстройство /нарушение/ компенсации

- психол. компенсирующее поведение

his hearty manner was a compensation for his feeling of insecurity — за его непринуждённым поведением скрывалось чувство неуверенности

- радио коррекция, компенсация

Мои примеры


claim compensation — требовать компенсацию  
deferred compensation — отложенная компенсация  
compensation of employees — выплаты служащим  
compensation deal — компенсационная сделка  
evaluation and compensation — оценка и вознаграждение  
executive compensation — жалование руководящих работников  
compensation flow — полезный попуск  
money compensation — денежное возмещение  
offer compensation — предложить компенсацию  
compensation water pass — полезный попуск воды  

Примеры с переводом

Acute hearing is a compensation for the loss of sight.

Хороший слух компенсирует потерю зрения.

You should claim compensation for the hours you worked.

Вы должны потребовать возмещения отработанных вами часов.

He claimed compensation for loss of earnings.

Он потребовал компенсацию за потерю заработка.

She was awarded a puny £1,000 in compensation.

Её компенсация составила жалкую тысячу фунтов стерлингов.

The victim’s family is demanding compensation.

Семья жертвы требует компенсации.

Tom was ordered to pay £300 as compensation.

Тому было предписано выплатить триста фунтов стерлингов в качестве компенсации.

The court ruled that no compensation was due.

Суд постановил, что никакой компенсации выплачивать не нужно.

ещё 20 примеров свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The workers were given 30 days’ pay as compensation.

Wilson was claiming compensation for unfair dismissal.

People who are wrongly arrested may be paid compensation.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): compensation
мн. ч.(plural): compensations

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