Comparative word for rich

3 Degrees of Rich, Comparative Degree of Rich, Superlative Degree of Rich

Meaning of Rich: having a lot of wealth

Comparative degree of Rich is richer, superlative degree of Rich is richest. Here is the comparative and superlative degree for Rich.

Adjective Comparative Superlative
Rich richer richest

Rich in Examples Sentences

  • He is a very rich boy.
  • She has a rich mom.
  • Her friends are very rich.
  • Sarah is a great girl and her mother is a from rich family.
  • I think that our boss is the richest man in the world.
  • The software engineer lives next door to us and he is very rich person.

Synonyms of Rich

  • well-to-do
  • well-off
  • well-heeled
  • wealthy
  • prosperous
  • flush
  • fat
  • easy
  • affluent

Okay, Grammar is quite confusing, adjectives are too! So maybe you’re not quite sure when to use ‘very’ and when to use ‘much’. And yeah, sometimes it seems like adjectives are just randomly thrown in there. But don’t worry, we’re here to help. In this post, we’ll go over the different levels of adjectives and when you should use them.

English adjectives are not used equally. We use different adjectives to describe different levels of intensity. The more intense the adjective, the higher its position in the sentence. Listed below are some common degrees of adjectives, you should often use them and download them in the degree of adjectives pdf.

Adjective Comparative Superlative
Big bigger biggest
Brave braver bravest
Chubby chubbier chubbiest
Coarse coarser coarsest
Crunchy crunchier crunchiest
Deep deeper deepest
Early earlier earliest
Fast faster fastest
Flaky flakier flakiest
Gloomy gloomier gloomiest
Gross grosser grossest
Heavy heavier heaviest
Juicy juicier juiciest
Little (amount) less least
Mad madder maddest
Naughty naughtier naughtiest
Oily oilier oiliest
Pure purer purest
Risky riskier riskiest
Sane saner sanest
Simple simpler simplest
Smart smarter smartest
Sour sourer sourest
Sweaty sweatier sweatiest
Tiny tinier tiniest
Wet wetter wettest
Angry angrier angriest
Blue bluer bluest
Calm calmer calmest
Close closer closest
Adjective Comparative Superlative
Creepy Creepier creepiest
Dark darker darkest
Dull duller dullest
Fine finer finest
Full fuller fullest
Great greater greatest
Hard harder hardest
Hungry hungrier hungriest
Light lighter lightest
Loud louder loudest
Moist moister moistest
Famous more famous most famous
Popular more popular most popular
Renowned more renowned most renowned
Nice nicer nicest
Sad sadder saddest
Short shorter shortest
Slimy slimier slimiest
Soon sooner soonest
Strict stricter strictest
Thick thicker thickest
Weak weaker weakest
Worldly worldlier worldliest
Good better best
Bitter bitterer bitterest
Brief briefer briefest
Classy classier classiest
Cold colder coldest
Curly curly curliest
Dense denser densest
Easy easier easiest
Fat fatter fattest
Adjective Comparative Superlative
Flat flatter Flattest
Guilty guilter guiltiest
High higher highest
Kind kinder kindest
Little (size) littler littlest
Many more most
Near nearer nearest
Old older/elder oldest/eldest
Quick quicker quickest
Roomy roomier roomiest
Scary scarier scariest
Sincere sincerer sincerest
Smelly smellier smelliest
Spicy spicier spiciest
Sweet sweeter sweetest
Tough tougher toughest
Wide wider widest
Bland blander blandest
Broad broader broadest
Clear clear clearest
Crazy crazier craziest
Cute cuter cutest
Dirty dirtier dirtiest
Faint fainter faintest
Fierce fiercer fiercest
Fresh fresher freshest
Grave graver gravest
Adjective Comparative Superlative
Handy handier Handiest
Hot hotter hottest
Late later latest
Lonely lonlier loneliest
Messy messier messiest
Needy needier neediest
Polite politer politest
Rare rarer rarest
Rude ruder rudest
Sharp sharper sharpest
Sleepy sleepier sleepiest
Smooth smoother smoothest
Stingy stingier stingiest
Tan tanner tannest
Ugly uglier ugliest
Windy windier windiest
Bloody bloodier bloodiest
Busy busier busiest
Clever cleverer cleverest
Creamy creamier creamiest
Damp damper dampest
Dry drier driest
Fair fairer fairest
Filthy filthier filthiest
Friendly friendlier friendliest
Greasy greasier greasiest
Happy happier happiest
Humble humbler humblest
Lazy lazier laziest
Long longer longest
Mild milder mildest
New newer newest
Poor poorer poorest
Raw rawer rawest
Rusty rustier rustiest
Shiny shinier shiniest
Slim slimmer slimmest
Soft softer softest
Strange stranger strangest
Tasty tastier tastiest
Warm warmer warmest
Wise wiser wisest
Bold bolder boldest
Cheap cheaper cheapest
Cloudy cloudier cloudiest
Crispy crispier crispiest
Deadly deadlier deadliest
Dumb dumber dumbest
Fancy fancier fanciest
Adjective Comparative Superlative
Firm firmer Firmest
Funny funnier funniest
Greedy greedier greediest
Harsh harsher harshest
Icy icier iciest
Likely likelier likeliest
Lovely lovelier loveliest
Narrow narrower narrowest
Noisy noisier noisiest
Pretty prettier prettiest
Rich richer richest
Safe safer safest
Shy shyer shyest
Slow slower slowest
Sore sorer sorest
Strong stronger strongest
Thin thinner thinnest
Wealthy wealthier wealthiest
Bad worse worst
Worthy worthier worthiest
Bossy bossier bossiest
Chewy chewier chewiest
Clumsy clumsier clumsiest
Dear dearer dearest
Dusty dustier dustiest
Fit fitter fittest
Far further/farther furthest/farthest
Gentle gentler gentlest
Green greener greenest
Healthy healthier healthiest
Itchy itchier itchiest
Little littler littlest
Low lower lowest
Beautiful more beautiful most beautiful
Cruel more cruel most cruel
Nasty nastier nastiest
Odd odder oddest
Proud prouder proudest
Ripe riper ripest
Salty saltier saltiest
Silly sillier silliest
Small smaller smallest
Sorry sorrier sorriest
Sunny sunnier sunniest
Thirsty thirstier thirstiest
Weird weirder weirdest
Young younger youngest
Black blacker blackest
Bright brighter brightest
Clean cleaner cleanest
Cool cooler coolest
Curvy curvier curviest
Empty emptier emptiest
Few fewer fewest
Grand grander grandest
Hairy hairier hairiest
Hip hipper hippest
Large larger largest
Lively livelier liveliest
Mean meaner meanest
Difficult more difficult most difficult
Foolish more foolish most foolish
Neat neater neatest
Plain plainer plainest
Quiet quieter quietest
Rough rougher roughest
Shallow shallower shallowest
Skinny skinnier skinniest
Smoky smokier smokiest
Steep steeper steepest
Tall taller tallest
True truer truest
Wild wilder wildest

About The Author

What is comparative degree of rich?

Superlative. richest. The comparative form of rich; more rich.

What is the comparative and superlative form of wealthy?

The noun form of wealthy is wealth. The comparative form is wealthier, not more wealthy. “I am wealthier now than I was 5 years ago.” The superlative form is wealthiest.

Is it richer or more rich?

Richer is the most suitable word . Grammatically, they are both “correct”, being alternative versions of the comparative of te adjective “rich”. However, “more rich” is seldom used. More rich is the comparative form of rich.

Which is the superlative form?

Forming Superlatives In general, the superlative form of an adjective or adverb can be formed by: Adding the suffix -est if the word has one syllable, e.g., tallest. Preceding with most (or least) if the word has more than one syllable.

What is the superlative of worse?


Which is worse or which is worst?

Worst is an extreme descriptor. You can’t get any worse than the worst – it’s the worst you can get. In grammatical terms, ‘worse’ is known as a comparative adjective and ‘worst’ a superlative adjective.

What is the superlative of busy?

Note: Adjectives ending in ‘-y’ like happy, pretty, busy, sunny, lucky etc:. replace the -y with -ier or -iest in the comparative and superlative form: busy – busier – busiest.

How do you say I am busy today?

10 great words to use instead of “busy”

  1. 10 alternative expressions.
  2. Tied up. Example: I’m a little tied up with this new project.
  3. Occupied. Example: She’s a bit occupied today dealing with new staff.
  4. Overstretched. Example: He’s slightly overstretched at the moment.
  5. Over-extended.
  6. Overloaded.
  7. Swamped.
  8. Snowed under.

How do you politely tell someone you are busy?

Originally Answered: How do you politely tell someone you are busy? First, always tell them it’s nice to see or hear from them. Then let them know that you are on deadline or tied up with a project. And lastly, set up a time and date to call them back or meet with them.

Is being busy an excuse?

We all know what “I’m too busy” really means. It’s our most popular, socially acceptable catch-all excuse for getting out of just about any situation. And we need to strike the phrase from our vocabulary altogether.

How do you plan someone who is always busy?

Tell your friend that you miss spending time together, and that you’re feeling hurt and sad that they are always busy. Let your friend know that you value the friendship, and you want to be a part of his or her life, and vice versa. Ask how that could be possible, discuss ways and agree on how to better keep in touch.

Why do I hate committing to plans?

They often just haven’t thought about what they want to do yet and it feels like a lot of energy to think about something that’s not immediately relevant. It’s hard for them to know in advance how they will feel. And they don’t want to be held to plans that no longer make sense to them in the moment.


  • (superl.) Having an abundance of material possessions; possessed of a large amount of property; well supplied with land, goods, or money; wealthy; opulent; affluent; — opposed to poor.
  • (superl.) Hence, in general, well supplied; abounding; abundant; copious; bountiful; as, a rich treasury; a rich entertainment; a rich crop.
  • (superl.) Yielding large returns; productive or fertile; fruitful; as, rich soil or land; a rich mine.
  • (superl.) Composed of valuable or costly materials or ingredients; procured at great outlay; highly valued; precious; sumptuous; costly; as, a rich dress; rich silk or fur; rich presents.
  • (superl.) Abounding in agreeable or nutritive qualities; — especially applied to articles of food or drink which are high-seasoned or abound in oleaginous ingredients, or are sweet, luscious, and high-flavored; as, a rich dish; rich cream or soup; rich pastry; rich wine or fruit.
  • (superl.) Not faint or delicate; vivid; as, a rich color.
  • (superl.) Full of sweet and harmonius sounds; as, a rich voice; rich music.
  • (superl.) Abounding in beauty; gorgeous; as, a rich landscape; rich scenery.
  • (superl.) Abounding in humor; exciting amusement; entertaining; as, the scene was a rich one; a rich incident or character.
  • (v. t.) To enrich.

Compare rich with other words:

rich vs. tich

rich vs. rick

rich vs. wich

rach vs. rich

rich vs. strong

lich vs. rich

dich vs. rich

rich vs. sich

mich vs. rich

ich vs. rich

rice vs. rich

big vs. rich

prosper vs. rich

gilded vs. rich

flour vs. rich

luxuriant vs. rich

elegant vs. rich

inopulent vs. rich

eutrophy vs. rich

overrich vs. rich

overbattle vs. rich

mammonic vs. rich

affluence vs. rich

rich vs. tangy

greasy vs. rich

mobile vs. rich

rich vs. soil

content vs. rich

rich vs. sensuous

rich vs. valuable

rich vs. salmi

plummy vs. rich

oligarch vs. rich

rich vs. wealth

opulent vs. rich

enriched vs. rich

powerful vs. rich

prosperity vs. rich

resounding vs. rich

hearty vs. rich

mogul vs. rich

rich vs. sonorous

prosperous vs. rich

rich vs. scone

phat vs. rich

rich vs. unctuous

mellow vs. rich

affluent vs. rich

enrich vs. rich

rich vs. richness

rich vs. richly

rich vs. riches

lean vs. rich

rich vs. vanilla

plain vs. rich

needy vs. rich

reaction vs. rich

rich vs. stoichiometric

fuel vs. rich

oxygen vs. rich

burn vs. rich

air vs. rich

interaction vs. rich

absurd vs. rich

amusing vs. rich

fulfilling vs. rich

abounding vs. rich

gambeson vs. rich

rank vs. rich

rich vs. smoker

ample vs. rich

deep vs. rich

cake vs. rich

rich vs. tore

hungry vs. rich

abundant vs. rich

rich vs. wealthy

poor vs. rich

famous vs. rich

Сервис Спряжение и склонение позволяет вам спрягать глаголы и склонять существительные, прилагательные, местоимения и числительные. Здесь можно узнать род и склонение существительных, прилагательных и числительных, степени сравнения прилагательных, спряжение глаголов, посмотреть таблицы времен для английского, немецкого, русского, французского, итальянского, португальского и испанского. Спрягайте глаголы, изучайте правила спряжения и склонения, смотрите переводы в контекстных примерах и словаре.


noun существительное

множественное число (plural):





  1. богач

    new rich
    новый богач

  2. богатые люди

  3. Рич

adjective прилагательное

сравнительная степень (comparative):


превосходная степень (superlative):


















  1. богатый

    rich country
    богатая страна

    rich natural resources
    богатые природные ресурсы

    rich young man
    богатый молодой человек

    rich literary heritage
    богатое литературное наследие

    rich cultural history
    богатая история

    rich interior decoration
    богатое внутреннее убранство

    rich mineral deposits
    богатые залежи полезных ископаемых

    rich set of tools
    богатый набор инструментов

    rich agricultural area
    богатый сельскохозяйственный район

    rich people
    состоятельные люди

    rich library
    обширная библиотека

  2. обильный

    rich foam
    обильная пена

  3. сочный

    rich colours
    сочные краски

  4. густой

    rich wool
    густая шерсть

  5. яркий

    rich aroma
    яркий аромат

  6. жирный

    rich cream
    жирный крем

  7. сдобный

  8. плодородный

  9. богатенький

  10. наваристый

participle причастие

















  1. изобилующий

  2. насыщенный

  3. форматированный

  4. обеспеченный

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений rich на 1 миллион слов: 53.

Примеры предложений

The rich have many friends.
У богатых много друзей.

The rich are apt to look down upon the poor.
Богатым свойственно смотреть свысока на бедных.

The rich are apt to look down on people.
Богачи склонны смотреть на людей свысока.

The rich merchant adopted the boy and made him his heir.
Богатый торговец усыновил мальчика и сделал его своим наследником.

We see things differently, according to whether we are rich or poor.
Мы смотрим на вещи по-разному, в зависимости от того, богаты мы или бедны.

We have a rich historical heritage.
У нас богатое историческое наследие.

You should eat some vegetables rich in vitamins.
Ты должен есть овощи, богатые витаминами.

Tom was obviously a rich man.
Том, очевидно, был богатым человеком.

Australia is rich in natural resources.
Австралия богата природными ресурсами.

I’m not really as rich as everyone thinks I am.
На самом деле я не настолько богата, как все думают.

Golf is for rich people.
Гольф — это для богатых людей.

I am as rich as he is.
Я так же богат, как и он.

Tom isn’t as rich as me.
Том не так богат, как я.

We aren’t as rich as Tom.
Мы не такие богатые, как Том.

Sometimes the rich hold the poor in contempt.
Богатые порой презирают бедных.

Mary wants to become rich and famous.
Мэри хочет стать богатой и знаменитой.

Tom married a rich girl.
Том женился на богатой девушке.

I don’t care whether he is rich or not!
Мне всё равно, богат он или нет.

This country has a rich history.
У этой страны богатая история.

China is rich in natural resources.
Китай богат природными ресурсами.

The rich are getting richer.
Богатые становятся ещё богаче.

Japan is a rich country.
Япония — богатая страна.

He became very rich before he died.
Он значительно разбогател перед смертью.

Judging from his appearance, he must be a rich man.
Судя по его внешности, он, должно быть, богатый человек.

He was so rich that he could buy any painting he took a fancy to.
Он был так богат, что мог купить любую приглянувшуюся ему картину.

He married a rich girl.
Он женился на богатой девушке.

She married John, not because she loved him, but because he was a rich man.
Она вышла замуж за Джона не потому, что любила его, а потому что он был богат.

The gap between rich and poor is getting wider.
Пропасть между богатым и бедным становится все шире.

Tom is the son of a very rich man.
Том — сын одного очень богатого человека.

Tom is a very rich person.
Том очень богатый человек.

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