Comparative form of the word great

Understanding Adjective Degrees

Adjectives describe people, places, and things. When you want to go beyond description, you need to increase the degree of your adjective. Comparative and superlative adjectives are used to show how much the adjectives apply to the nouns they modify in rank order. Comparative adjectives are used to compare two nouns while superlative adjectives express which noun has the most of its attributes.

Comparative Adjectives

When you have two objects that can be described by the same adjective but exhibit the qualities to different degrees, you need a comparative adjective. This helps you show the difference between the two objects more clearly. For example, you can have two dogs that are fast. One, however, is likely to reach the other side of the backyard first in a race. Using the comparative adjective faster helps you distinguish between the speed of the two animals.

The way the comparative is formed depends on the structure of the adjective itself. If it is a one-syllable word and ends in a consonant, you will likely add -er to the end of the word to make it comparative. Sometimes, you will need to double the ending consonant. Words such as big or flat require a double consonant so that the change in degree doesn’t change the sound of the vowel in the middle of the word. If it has one syllable and ends in an e, you can just add -r to the end rather than double the vowel.

When an adjective has more than one syllable, you usually use the word more in front of it to make it comparative rather than tacking on an ending. The painting you like better, therefore, can be termed more beautiful. Common exceptions are words that end in y. In that case, the y usually becomes an i and gets an -er ending. Fancy, for example, becomes fancier when an event with more pomp and circumstance comes along.

Superlative Adjectives

When you want to set a noun apart from everything else to which that noun could refer, you need to use a superlative adjective. The superlative communicates that the object is at an extreme end of the quality the adjective describes. Smallest describes how tiny an object is in comparison to all the others, while biggest denotes that it outsizes them all.

Forming the superlative is similar to forming the comparative. Add -est or -st to most one-syllable words to make them superlative. Instead of using more before longer words, use most. Don’t forget to turn the y on the end of a word to an i before adding the ending.


As with many words in the English language, there are always exceptions to the rule. If you look at the word fun, for example, you might think the best comparative is funner or the superlative funnest. Native speakers tend to use more fun or most fun, though. Some words don’t follow either pattern. Good becomes better and best. When using comparisons, it’s important to know which words follow the rules and which ones don’t.

If you have two or more objects to compare, the base adjective will probably not be sufficient on its own. Using comparative and superlative adjectives tell you the degree to which the quality described applies to the object.

Courtney P.

I’m a 20-something stay-at-home mother and wife. I have an amazing husband, a beautiful daughter, two loving dogs, and a lazy cat. I wouldn’t change my life for anything! I love to read, listen to music, cook and blog!

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From Middle English greet (great, large), from Old English grēat (big, thick, coarse, massive), from Proto-West Germanic *graut, from Proto-Germanic *grautaz (big in size, coarse, coarse grained), from Proto-Indo-European *gʰrewd-, *gʰer- (to rub, grind, remove).

Cognate with Scots great (coarse in grain or texture, thick, great), West Frisian grut (large, great), Dutch groot (large, stour), German groß (large), Old English grēot (earth, sand, grit). Related to grit.


  • enPR: grāt, IPA(key): /ˈɡɹeɪt/
  • (General Australian) IPA(key): /ˈɡɹæɪt/
  • (obsolete (1700s)) enPR: grīt, IPA(key): /ɡɹiːt/[1]
  • (Early Modern English (1500s, 1600s)) IPA(key): /ɡɹɛːt/,[2] /ɡɹet/[2]
  • Rhymes: -eɪt
  • Homophone: grate


great (comparative greater, superlative greatest)

  1. (augmentative) Large, senior (high-ranking), intense, extreme, or exceptional
    1. Relatively large in scale, size, extent, number (i.e. having many parts or members) or duration (i.e. relatively long); very big.

      A great storm is approaching our shores.

      a great assembly

      a great wait

      • 1922, Ben Travers, chapter 1, in A Cuckoo in the Nest[2]:

        “[…] the awfully hearty sort of Christmas cards that people do send to other people that they don’t know at all well. You know. The kind that have mottoes like // Here’s rattling good luck and roaring good cheer, / With lashings of food and great hogsheads of beer. []

      • 1963, Margery Allingham, chapter 7, in The China Governess[3]:

        ‘Children crawled over each other like little grey worms in the gutters,’ he said. ‘The only red things about them were their buttocks and they were raw. Their faces looked as if snails had slimed on them and their mothers were like great sick beasts whose byres had never been cleared. []

      • 2013 July 19, Timothy Garton Ash, “Where Dr Pangloss meets Machiavelli”, in The Guardian Weekly, volume 189, number 6, page 18:

        Hidden behind thickets of acronyms and gorse bushes of detail, a new great game is under way across the globe. Some call it geoeconomics, but it’s geopolitics too. The current power play consists of an extraordinary range of countries simultaneously sitting down to negotiate big free trade and investment agreements.

    2. Title referring to an important leader.

      Alexander the Great

    3. Of larger size or more importance than others of its kind.

      the great auk

      • c. 1597 (date written), William Shakespeare, “The Merry Wiues of Windsor”, in Mr. William Shakespeares Comedies, Histories, & Tragedies [] (First Folio), London: [] Isaac Iaggard, and Ed[ward] Blount, published 1623, →OCLC, [Act III, scene iv]:

        He doth object I am too great of birth.

    4. (informal) Very good; excellent; wonderful; fantastic. [from 1848]

      Dinner was great.

      • 1918, W[illiam] B[abington] Maxwell, chapter V, in The Mirror and the Lamp, Indianapolis, Ind.: The Bobbs-Merrill Company, →OCLC:

        He was thinking; but the glory of the song, the swell from the great organ, the clustered lights, [], the height and vastness of this noble fane, its antiquity and its strength—all these things seemed to have their part as causes of the thrilling emotion that accompanied his thoughts.

    5. (informal, Britain) Intensifying a word or expression, used in mild oaths.

      a dirty great smack in the face

      Great Scott!

  2. (qualifying nouns of family relationship) Involving more generations than the qualified word implies — as many extra generations as repetitions of the word great (from 1510s). [see Derived terms]

    great-grandfather, greatgreat-grandfather, greatgreatgreat-grandfather

  3. (obsolete, postpositive, followed by ‘with’) Pregnant; large with young; full of.

    great with child

    great with hope

  4. (obsolete, except with ‘friend’ and similar words such as ‘mate’,’buddy’) Intimate; familiar.
  5. Extreme or more than usual.

    great worry

  6. Of significant importance or consequence; important.

    a great decision

    • 1910, Emerson Hough, chapter I, in The Purchase Price: Or The Cause of Compromise, Indianapolis, Ind.: The Bobbs-Merrill Company, →OCLC:

      “We are engaged in a great work, a treatise on our river fortifications, perhaps? But since when did army officers afford the luxury of amanuenses in this simple republic?”

  7. (applied to actions, thoughts and feelings) Arising from or possessing idealism; admirable; superior; commanding; heroic; illustrious; eminent.

    a great deed

    a great nature

    a great history

  8. Impressive or striking.

    a great show of wealth

  9. Much in use; favoured.

    Poetry was a great convention of the Romantic era.

  10. (applied to persons) Endowed with extraordinary powers; of exceptional talents or achievements; uncommonly gifted; able to accomplish vast results; remarkable; strong; powerful; mighty; noble.

    a great hero, scholar, genius, philosopher, writer etc.

  11. Doing or exemplifying (a characteristic or pursuit) on a large scale; active or enthusiastic.

    What a great buffoon!

    He’s not a great one for reading.

    a great walker

  12. (often followed by ‘at’) Skilful or adroit.

    a great carpenter

    You are great at singing.

Usage notes[edit]

Moderating adverbs such as fairly, somewhat, etc. tend not to be used with great. Some intensifiers can be used with some senses of great; for example, a very great amount, a very great man, the party was really great, though not *the party was very great.


  • (augmentative): grand, super-, supra-, hyper-, ultra-, uber-, macro-, arch-, over-, mega-, giga-, -zilla
  • See also Thesaurus:large
  • See also Thesaurus:excellent
  • gr8, grt (Internet slang, text messaging)


  • (very big, large scale): tiny
  • (uncommonly gifted): mediocre, ordinary

Derived terms[edit]

  • a great many
  • behind every great man is a great woman
  • behind every great man there stands a woman
  • child-great
  • death is the great leveller
  • double great primer
  • go great guns
  • go to great lengths
  • great albatross
  • great antshrike
  • great ape
  • Great Assize
  • great auk
  • great aunt
  • Great Aycliffe
  • Great Ayton
  • great balls of fire
  • Great Bardfield
  • Great Barr
  • Great Barrier Island
  • Great Barrier Reef
  • great bass
  • great bass recorder
  • Great Bavington
  • Great Bedwyn
  • Great Belt
  • Great Bend
  • Great Bentley
  • Great Bernera
  • great beyond
  • great big
  • great bittern
  • great black-backed gull
  • great blue heron
  • great blue lobelia
  • Great Bookham
  • Great Bourton
  • Great Bridge
  • Great Bridgeford
  • Great Britain
  • Great Broughton
  • great brown kingfisher
  • great bustard
  • great Caesar’s ghost
  • great cardiac vein
  • great cassino
  • great cat
  • great cerebral vein
  • great chain of being
  • great chamber
  • Great Chart
  • Great Chesterford
  • great circle
  • great circle arc
  • great circle route
  • great comet
  • great conjunction
  • great cormorant
  • great crest
  • great crested grebe
  • great crested newt
  • great cry and little wool
  • great cubicuboctahedron
  • Great Dane
  • great deal
  • great dodecahedron
  • Great Driffield
  • great eggfly
  • great egret
  • Great Elm
  • Great Falls
  • Great Feasts
  • great fee
  • Great Glen
  • great go
  • great grand multipara
  • great grand multiparity
  • great grand multiparous
  • great grandchild
  • great granddaughter, great-granddaughter
  • great grandfather, great-grandfather
  • great grandkid
  • great grandmaster
  • great grandmother, great-grandmother
  • great grandparent
  • great grandson, great-grandson
  • great great grandchild
  • great great granddaughter
  • great great grandfather
  • great great grandmother
  • great great grandparent
  • great great grandson
  • great great great grandfather
  • great great great grandmother
  • great green macaw
  • great grey owl
  • great grey shrike
  • great gross
  • great gun
  • great hall
  • Great Harrowden
  • great haste makes great waste
  • Great Haywood
  • great heaume
  • great heavens
  • Great Heck
  • great helm
  • great horned owl
  • great horsetail
  • Great Horton
  • Great Hours
  • great house
  • great hundred
  • great icosahedron
  • great icosihemidodecahedron
  • great imitator
  • great job
  • Great Kimble
  • great knot
  • great laurel
  • Great Longstone
  • Great Malvern
  • great man theory
  • great martyr
  • great martyress
  • great minds
  • great minds think alike
  • Great Missenden
  • great mullein
  • Great Munden
  • Great Musgrave
  • Great Ness
  • Great North Road
  • great northern diver
  • great northern loon
  • great northern prawn
  • great oaks from little acorns grow
  • great octave
  • great office of state
  • great one
  • Great Orme
  • Great Ouse
  • great outdoors
  • Great Paxton
  • Great Ponton
  • great power
  • great pox
  • great primer
  • great ramshorn
  • great reed warbler
  • great replacement theory
  • great reset
  • great rhombicuboctahedron
  • Great Rollright
  • great room
  • Great Sankey
  • great saphenous vein
  • great sapphirewing
  • great score
  • great Scott
  • great seal
  • great seal script
  • Great Shefford
  • great skua
  • great snipe
  • great spotted kiwi
  • great spotted woodpecker
  • great stone-curlew
  • Great Sutton
  • Great Terror
  • great thick-knee
  • great tinamou
  • great tit
  • great toe
  • great uncle
  • great unhosed
  • great unwashed
  • great vessel
  • Great Vowel Shift
  • Great Wall of China
  • Great Waltham
  • great white
  • great white egret
  • great white heron
  • great white hope
  • great white rat
  • great white shark
  • Great Witchingham
  • Great Yarmouth
  • Great Yeldham
  • great-aunt
  • great-circle arc
  • great-go
  • great-grand
  • great-grandaunt
  • great-grandchild
  • great-grandfather-in-law
  • great-grandkid
  • great-grandma
  • great-grandnephew
  • great-grandniece
  • great-grandpa
  • great-grandparent
  • great-grandparenthood
  • great-granduncle
  • great-great-grandchild
  • great-great-granddaughter
  • great-great-grandfather
  • great-great-grandma
  • great-great-grandmother
  • great-great-grandparent
  • great-great-grandson
  • great-great-great-grandfather
  • great-great-great-grandmother
  • great-great-nephew
  • great-hearted
  • great-heartedness
  • great-nephew
  • great-nephew
  • great-niece
  • great-niece
  • great-pox
  • great-tailed grackle
  • great-tit
  • great-uncle
  • greatcoat
  • greatly
  • greatness
  • greatsword
  • little strokes fell great oaks
  • no great scratch
  • no great shakes
  • small rain lays great dust
  • take great pains
  • the great and the good
  • two-line great primer
  • with great difficulty


  • Welsh: grêt


very big, large scale

  • Afrikaans: groot (af)
  • Arabic: عَظِيم (ar) (ʕaẓīm), كَبِير (ar) (kabīr)
    Egyptian Arabic: كبير(kibīr)
    South Levantine Arabic: كبير(kbīr)
  • Aramaic:
    Classical Syriac: ܪܒܐ‎ m (rabbā), ܟܒܝܪܐ‎ m (kabbīrā)
    Jewish Aramaic: רַבָּא‎ m (rabbā)
  • Armenian: մեծ (hy) (mec)
  • Bavarian: grous
  • Belarusian: вялі́кі (be) (vjalíki)
  • Bengali: আকবর (bn) (akobor)
  • Bulgarian: голя́м (bg) (goljám), вели́к (bg) (velík)
  • Burmese: ကြီးမားသော (kri:ma:sau:)
  • Catalan: gran (ca), enorme (ca)
  • Cherokee: ᎡᏆ (equa)
  • Chinese:
    Cantonese:  (yue) (daai6)
    Dungan: да (da)
    Mandarin:  (zh) (), 巨大 (zh) (jùdà), 偉大伟大 (zh) (wěidà)
  • Cornish: (unified) brâs
  • Crimean Tatar: ulu
  • Czech: veliký (cs)
  • Dalmatian: grund, gruond
  • Dutch: groot (nl)
  • Egyptian: (ꜥꜣ)
  • Erzya: покш (pokš)
  • Eshtehardi: پیل(pil)
  • Esperanto: ega
  • Estonian: vägev
  • Faroese: stórur (fo), mikil
  • Finnish: jättimäinen (fi), mahtava (fi), valtava (fi), jätti-, suunnaton (fi)
  • French: grand (fr)
  • Friulian: grant
  • Galician: grande (gl)
  • Georgian: დიდი (ka) (didi)
  • German: groß (de)
  • Gothic: 𐌼𐌹𐌺𐌹𐌻𐍃 (mikils)
  • Greek: μεγάλος (el) (megálos)
    Ancient: μέγας (mégas)
  • Hebrew: גָּדוֹל (he) m (gadól)
  • Hungarian: nagy (hu)
  • Icelandic: stór (is) m, mikill (is) m
  • Ido: granda (io)
  • Indonesian: besar (id)
  • Irish: mór, ábhal
  • Italian: grande (it)
  • Japanese: 大きい (ja) (おおき​い, ōkii), 巨大な (ja) (きょだいな, kyodai na), 偉大な (ja) (いだいな, idai na)
  • Kazakh: ұлы (ūly)
  • Korean: 크다 (ko) (keuda), 거대하다 (ko) (geodaehada), 위대하다 (ko) (widaehada)
  • Kurdish:
    Central Kurdish: مەزن (ckb) (mezn)
  • Kyrgyz: улуу (ky) (uluu)
  • Latin: magnus (la), grandis
  • Latvian: liels m, dižs m, varens m
  • Lithuanian: didelis (lt)
  • Macedonian: голем (golem)
  • Maore Comorian: -ɓole
  • Maori: mokorahi, mokotahi
  • Maranao: basar
  • Mizo: ropui, lian
  • Mongolian:
    Cyrillic: их (mn) (ix)
  • Mòcheno: groas
  • Navajo: tsoh
  • Neapolitan: gruosso
  • North Frisian: (Föhr-Amrum) grat
  • Old Church Slavonic:
    Cyrillic: великъ (velikŭ)
  • Old East Slavic: великъ (velikŭ)
  • Old English: miċel
  • Old Norse: stórr m, mikill m
  • Pashto: ستر (ps) (stër), لوی(loi)
  • Persian: بزرگ (fa) (bozorg), سترگ (fa) (setorg), عظیم (fa) (‘azim)
  • Plautdietsch: groot (nds)
  • Polish: wielki (pl)
  • Portuguese: grande (pt), grandioso (pt), enorme (pt)
  • Quechua: hatun (qu)
  • Rapa Nui: nui
  • Romanian: mare (ro)
  • Russian: вели́кий (ru) (velíkij), большо́й (ru) (bolʹšój)
  • Sanskrit: मह (sa) (maha), महत् (sa) (mahat)
  • Scots: great, muckle, unco
  • Serbo-Croatian:
    Cyrillic: вѐлик, го̀лем
    Roman: vèlik (sh), gòlem (sh)
  • Slovak: veľký (sk)
  • Slovene: velik (sl)
  • Spanish: grande (es)
  • Swedish: stor (sv)
  • Tajik: бузург (tg) (buzurg)
  • Telugu: గొప్ప (te) (goppa)
  • Tocharian B: orotstse
  • Turkish: çok büyük, büyük (tr)
  • Udi: кала (kala)
  • Ugaritic: 𐎗𐎁 (rb)
  • Ukrainian: вели́кий (uk) (velýkyj)
  • Vietnamese: vĩ đại (vi), tuyệt quá
  • Welsh: mawr (cy)
  • West Frisian: grut (fy)

very good

  • Arabic: رَائِع (ar) (rāʔiʕ), عَظِيم (ar) (ʕaẓīm)
    Egyptian Arabic: عظيم(ʿaẓīm)
  • Aramaic:
    Classical Syriac: ܪܒܐ‎ m (rabbā)
    Jewish Aramaic: רַבָּא‎ m (rabbā)
  • Armenian: հոյակապ (hy) (hoyakap)
  • Belarusian: выда́тны (vydátny), цудо́ўны (cudóŭny)
  • Bulgarian: чуде́сен (bg) (čudésen), отли́чен (bg) (otlíčen)
  • Catalan: genial (ca), fabulós
  • Chinese:
    Mandarin: 很好 (hěn hǎo), 不錯不错 (zh) (búcuò),  (zh) (bàng), 卓越 (zh) (zhuóyuè)
  • Czech: skvělý (cs) m
  • Dutch: heerlijk (nl), prachtig (nl)
  • Esperanto: bonega (eo)
  • Finnish: erinomainen (fi), erittäin hyvä, loistava (fi), suurenmoinen (fi), tosihyvä (informal)
  • French: excellent (fr), super (fr), formidable (fr)
  • Georgian: შესანიშნავი (šesanišnavi), საუცხოო (saucxoo)
  • German: großartig (de), schön (de), fein (de), wundervoll (de)
  • Greek: εξαιρετικός (el) (exairetikós)
  • Hebrew: (please verify) מעולֵה‎ m (meʿule), (please verify) מעולָה‎ f (meʿulɑ); נהדר (he) m (nehedɑr), נהדרת‎ f (nehederet); נפלא (he) m (niflɑ), נפלאה‎ f (niflɑʾɑ)
  • Hungarian: nagyszerű (hu)
  • Ido: (please verify) brava (io), (please verify) tre bona
  • Italian: formidabile (it), magnifico (it), ottimo (it), superbo (it), eccellente (it), super (it)
  • Japanese: 凄い (ja) (すごい, sugoi), すばらしい (ja) (subarashii), 素敵な (ja) (すてきな, suteki na), 壮大な (ja) (そうだいな, sōdai na)
  • Korean: 대단하다 (ko) (daedanhada), 훌륭하다 (ko) (hullyunghada), 근사하다 (ko) (geunsahada), 멋지다 (ko) (meotjida)
  • Kurdish:
    Central Kurdish: زۆر چاک(zor çak)
  • Latin: magnus (la), grandis
  • Latvian: lielisks, izcils
  • Lithuanian: puikus, nuostabus (lt)
  • Macedonian: одличен (odličen)
  • Mizo: ropui, ţha
  • Norwegian:
    Bokmål: kjempebra (no)
    Nynorsk: kjempebra
  • Occitan: formidable (oc)
  • Pashto: غوره (ps) (ǧwara)
  • Persian: عالی (fa) (‘âli)
  • Plautdietsch: groot (nds)
  • Polish: wspaniały (pl) m, świetny (pl) m
  • Portuguese: ótimo (pt) m
  • Romanian: superb (ro) m or n, minunat (ro) m or n, foarte bun m or n
  • Russian: прекра́сный (ru) (prekrásnyj), отли́чный (ru) (otlíčnyj), замеча́тельный (ru) (zamečátelʹnyj), великоле́пный (ru) (velikolépnyj), чуде́сный (ru) (čudésnyj)
  • Scots: gey
  • Serbo-Croatian:
    Cyrillic: одличан, изврстан
    Roman: odličan (sh), izvrstan (sh)
  • Slovak: skvelý
  • Slovene: odličen
  • Spanish: formidable (es), muy bueno
  • Swedish: jättebra (sv)
  • Ugaritic: 𐎗𐎁 (rb)
  • Ukrainian: прекра́сний (prekrásnyj), чудо́вий (čudóvyj), чуде́сний (čudésnyj)
  • Vietnamese: tuyệt (vi)
  • Welsh: gwych (cy), grêt

family relationship

  • Assamese: আজো (azü)
  • Finnish: iso- (fi)

uncommonly gifted

  • Chinese:
    Mandarin: 偉大伟大 (zh) (wěidà)
  • Finnish: nerokas (fi), lahjakas (fi)
  • French: grand (fr)
  • Japanese: 偉大な (ja) (いだいな, idai na), 非凡な (ja) (いだいな, idai na)
  • Latin: magnus (la)
  • Kabuverdianu: nhaku
  • Maore Comorian: -ɓole
  • Persian: والا (fa) (vâlâ)

important title

  • Armenian: մեծ (hy) (mec)
  • Bengali: আকবর (bn) (akobor)
  • Bengali: আকবর (bn) (akobor)
  • Bulgarian: вели́к (bg) (velík)
  • Chinese:
    Mandarin: 大帝 (zh) (dàdì)
  • Czech: veliký (cs) m
  • Dutch: (please verify) de Grote
  • Finnish: suuri (fi)
  • French: grand (fr) m, grande (fr) f
  • Georgian: დიდი (ka) (didi)
  • German: der Große (de) m
  • Greek: περίφημος (el) (perífimos)
  • Hebrew: גדול (he) m (gɑdol)
  • Italian: magno (it) m, magna (it) f
  • Japanese: 大王 (ja) (だいおう, daiō)
  • Khmer: ព្រះមហាវីរក្សត្រ (preah mɔhaa viirea ksat)
  • Korean: 위대하다 (ko) (widaehada)
  • Latin: magnus (la)
  • Lithuanian: didysis
  • Macedonian: велик m (velik)
  • Pashto: لوی(loi)
  • Persian: کبیر (fa) (kabir)
  • Polish: wielki (pl) m
  • Portuguese: grande (pt), grandioso (pt), distinto (pt)
  • Romanian: …cel Mare m, Marele… m or n, Marea… f
  • Russian: вели́кий (ru) (velíkij)
  • Serbo-Croatian:
    Cyrillic: вѐлик
    Roman: vèlik (sh)
  • Spanish: Magno, Grande (es)
  • Swedish: stor (sv) (as in: Alexander den store)
  • Vietnamese: Cả (vi) (Roman Catholic)

Translations to be checked

  • Danish: (please verify) fed
  • German: (please verify) groß (de), (please verify) weit (de), (please verify) ausgedehnt (de), (please verify) bedeutend (de) [3]
  • Gilaki: (please verify) پیله(pile)
  • Icelandic: (please verify) stór (is)
  • Ido: (please verify) granda (io)
  • Italian: (please verify) grande (it)
  • Indonesian: (please verify) hebat (id), (please verify) agung (id), (please verify) besar (id)
  • Mazanderani: (please verify) گت(geat)
  • Serbo-Croatian: (please verify) veliki (sh), (please verify) istaknuto (sh) n
  • Swedish: (please verify) fantastisk (sv), (please verify) enorm (sv), (please verify) betydelsefull (sv)



  1. Expression of gladness and content about something.
    Great! Thanks for the wonderful work.
    • 2016, VOA Learning English (public domain)
      I am in my new apartment! Great!

  2. sarcastic inversion thereof.
    Oh, great! I just dumped all 500 sheets of the manuscript all over and now I have to put them back in order.



  • Bulgarian: чудесно (bg) (čudesno)
  • Danish: fedt, super (da), nice (da)
  • Dutch: fantastisch (nl), (can both be used as sarcasm) fijn (nl)
  • Finnish: mahtavaa
  • French: chouette (fr), génial (fr), très bien
  • Georgian: ვაშა (vaša)
  • German: prima (de)
  • Greek: θαυμάσια (el) (thavmásia)
  • Hebrew: מעולה(meʿule), טוב מאוד(tov meʾod), נהדר (he) (nehedɑr)
  • Italian: grandioso (it) m, bene (it)
  • Japanese: すごい (ja) (sugoi)
  • Kurdish:
    Central Kurdish: باشە(başe), زۆر چاکە(zor çake)
  • Latin: babae
  • Macedonian: супер (super), одлично (odlično)
  • Malay: bagus (ms)
  • Polish: świetnie (pl), super (pl)
  • Portuguese: magnífico (pt), ótimo (pt)
  • Russian: здо́рово (ru) (zdórovo), отли́чно (ru) (otlíčno), класс (ru) (klass) (colloquial)
  • Spanish: bien (es), genial (es)
  • Swedish: jättebra (sv)
  • Thai: ยอดเยี่ยม (th) (yot yiam)
  • Venetian: vèrceghe (vec)


great (plural greats)

  1. A person of major significance, accomplishment or acclaim.
    Newton and Einstein are two of the greats of the history of science.
    • 2019, Daniel Taylor, Lionel Messi magic puts Barcelona in command of semi-final with Liverpool (in The Guardian, 1 May 2019)[4]
      Sadio Mané wasted a glorious chance in the first half and, late on, Mohamed Salah turned his shot against a post after a goal-line clearance had spun his way. That, in a nutshell, perhaps sums up the difference between Messi and the players on the next rung below – the ones who can be described as great footballers without necessarily being football greats.
  2. (music) The main division in a pipe organ, usually the loudest division.
  3. (in combinations such as «two-greats», «three-greats» etc.) An instance of the word «great» signifying an additional generation in phrases expressing family relationships.
    My three-greats grandmother.


  • (person of major significance, accomplishment or acclaim): mediocre



great (not comparable)

  1. (informal) Very well (in a very satisfactory manner).
    Those mechanical colored pencils work great because they don’t have to be sharpened.


very well

  • Georgian: შესანიშნავად (šesanišnavad)
  • Italian: bene (it), molto bene
  • Macedonian: одлично (odlično)
  • Polish: fajnie (pl), fajno (pl), świetnie (pl)
  • Portuguese: bem (pt)
  • Spanish: genial (es)


  1. ^ Jespersen, Otto (1909) A Modern English Grammar on Historical Principles (Sammlung germanischer Elementar- und Handbücher; 9)‎[1], volume I: Sounds and Spellings, London: George Allen & Unwin, published 1961, § 11.75, page 339.
  2. 2.0 2.1 David Crystal, The Oxford Dictionary of Original Shakespearean Pronunciation, 2016


  • ‘Gater, Gater, Greta, ergat-, grate, retag, targe, terga

Old English[edit]


From Proto-West Germanic *graut, from Proto-Germanic *grautaz (big in size, coarse, coarse grained), from *gʰer- (to rub, grind, remove).

Cognate with Old Saxon grōt (large, thick, coarse, stour), Old High German grōz (large, thick, coarse), Old English grot (particle). More at groat.


  • IPA(key): /ɡræ͜ɑːt/



  1. great, massive
  2. tall
  3. thick; stout
  4. coarse


Declension of grēat — Strong

Declension of grēat — Weak

Derived terms[edit]

  • grēatnes


  • Middle English: grete, greet; girt, gert
    • English: great, (dialectal) gert
      • Welsh: grêt
    • Scots: great, greet, grete, greit
    • Yola: graat


Alternative forms[edit]

  • greet, grete, greit


From Middle English grete, from Old English grēat, from Proto-West Germanic *graut, from Proto-Germanic *grautaz.


  • IPA(key): [ɡrɛt], [ɡrɪt]
  • (North Northern Scots) IPA(key): [ɡrit]


great (comparative greater, superlative greatest)

  1. great
  2. coarse (in grain or texture)
  3. (of things) thick, bulky, roomy
  4. (of people) big, stout
  5. (of a river) swollen with rain, in flood
  6. (of the sea) high, stormy
  7. intimate, friendly


- a person who has achieved distinction and honor in some field

he is one of the greats of American music


- relatively large in size or number or extent; larger than others of its kind

a great juicy steak
a great multitude
the great auk
a great old oak
a great ocean liner
a great delay

- of major significance or importance (syn: outstanding)

a great work of art

- remarkable or out of the ordinary in degree or magnitude or effect

a great crisis
had a great stake in the outcome

- very good (syn: bang-up, bully, corking, cracking, dandy, keen, neat, nifty, old, peachy, slap-up, smashing, swell)

had a great time at the party

- uppercase (syn: capital, majuscule)

great A

- in an advanced stage of pregnancy (syn: big, enceinte, expectant, gravid, heavy, large)

was great with child

Extra examples

All creatures great and small

The project will require a great amount of time and money.

The building was restored at great expense.

A great quantity of fish

The low cost of these products gives them great appeal.

There is a very great need for reform.

They’re in no great hurry to finish.

There is a great demand for his services.

An actress of great charm

Is there any love greater than that between parent and child?

We had some problems at first, but now things are going just great.

Keep up the good work. You’re doing great!

The search for the great is useless.

His name written in great.

The movie was a great success.

Word forms

singular: great
plural: greats

comparative: greater
superlative: greatest

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