Comparative form of the word friendly

COMPARATIVE SUPERLATIVE either friendly more friendly the most friendly or friendly friendlier the friendliest Page 2 Examples of these words are: easy, dirty, funny, happy, noisy, narrow, shallow, simple, gentle, clever, common, quiet.

What is the superlative for friendly?

friendly ​Definitions and Synonyms ​‌‌‌

adjective friendly
comparative friendlier
superlative friendliest

What is degree of comparison of friendly?

friendly – friendlier – friendliest.

Is most friendly correct?

As bluegiraffed suggests, both are correct. I would tend to use “most friendly” more often. It’s a stylistic preference, not a point of grammar. Context would sometimes lead me to use “friendlier”, especially as the final word in a sentence.

Is more friendly or friendlier correct?

You can use ‘friendlier’ and ‘friendliest’ as well as ‘more/most friendly’. I’m an American native speaker and also an ESL teacher. You hear both forms because both forms are correct. You can either say more friendly or friendlier.

Is Friendlier a comparative adverb?

“Friendly” is both an adjective and adverb. So when it works as an adjective, in its comparative form, we could add ier, e.g., My dog is friendlier than my cat. However, when “friendly” works as an adverb, as well in its comparative form, we could add more, e.g., My mother speaks more friendly than my father.

Is most friendly grammatically correct?

Can you say most friendly?

What does the word friendly?

characteristic of or befitting a friend; showing friendship: a friendly greeting. like a friend; kind; helpful: a little friendly advice. favorably disposed; inclined to approve, help, or support: a friendly bank. not hostile or at variance; amicable: a friendly warship; friendly natives.

Which is the superlative form of the word friendly?

What is the superlative form of friendly? Two-Syllable Adjective Comparative Form Superlative Form gentle more gentle most gentle friendly friendlier friendliest friendly more friendly most friendly quiet quieter quietest

When do you use friendly as an adverb?

” Friendly ” is both an adjective and adverb. So when it works as an adjective, in its comparative form, we could add ier, e.g., My dog is friendlier than my cat. However, when “friendly” works as an adverb, as well in its comparative form, we could add more, e.g.,

Which is the correct word friendlier or more friendly?

Some of my friends use “friendlier”, while others use “more friendly” when they make the comparative form of the adjective “friendly”. So, I want to know which one is correct and which one the native speakers usually use…. Thanks. No, it isn’t. ‘Friendly’ is an adjective. You can use ‘friendlier’ and ‘friendliest’ as well as ‘more/most friendly’.

Is there such a thing as a friendlier person?

No, it isn’t. ‘Friendly’ is an adjective. You can use ‘friendlier’ and ‘friendliest’ as well as ‘more/most friendly’.

Сервис Спряжение и склонение позволяет вам спрягать глаголы и склонять существительные, прилагательные, местоимения и числительные. Здесь можно узнать род и склонение существительных, прилагательных и числительных, степени сравнения прилагательных, спряжение глаголов, посмотреть таблицы времен для английского, немецкого, русского, французского, итальянского, португальского и испанского. Спрягайте глаголы, изучайте правила спряжения и склонения, смотрите переводы в контекстных примерах и словаре.

Friendly is often used to describe things or people that are kind, warm, and welcoming. So, friendly can be the comparative form of friendly or the superlative form of friendly.
With comparative adjectives, you compare two things.

So, friendly would describe things that are kinder than unfriendly. With superlative adjectives, you compare all the things that have a specific quality. So, friendly is the most friendly thing that could possibly be compared with unfriendly.

With both comparative and superlative adjectives, you usually need to use an article (like a or the) at the beginning of the sentence to make it clear that you are talking about something that has a specific quality and not about some general idea about something being kinder than something else.

Comparative & Superlative Adjectives 

Comparative adjectives compare two things. For example, “taller” means “higher than.” Superlative adjectives compare more than one thing.

For example, “tallest” means “the tallest.” Words like better, best, and most are superlative adjectives.
One way to remember how to use comparative and superlative adjectives is to think of the words they are paired with as opposites – like tall vs.

short or good vs. bad. So, if you see a phrase like “taller than,” you know that it’s comparing two things and choosing the word “taller” means that the taller one was chosen.

And when you see a phrase like “gooder than,” you know that it’s comparing more than one thing and choosing the word “better” means that the better one was chosen. The same idea is true for superlative adjectives – like best vs. worst or most vs.


The superlative form of friendly is “friendlyest.” This is the most friendly of all.
It’s very friendly, and you can use it to describe a person who is very friendly.

You can also use it to describe a situation that is very friendly. For example, “This party was the friendliest we had ever been to.”
You can also use the superlative form to describe how friendly a particular kind of person or situation is.

For example, “My best friend is the friendliest person I know.”
The superlative form of friendly is used to show extreme friendliness or friendliness in an extreme way. For example, “That cat was so friendly that it followed me home!

Is It Friendlier Or More Friendly?

There is a lot of debate over the definition of friendliness. Some people believe that friendliness is an innate quality, while others believe it to be a learned trait. What most agree on, however, is that it takes time to develop.

As with any skill, practice makes perfect. The more you interact with a stranger, the more likely you are to adopt their friendly behavior. If you want your dog to be friendlier, start by getting to know him.

Take walks together and make sure he feels comfortable in his environment. Once he feels more comfortable around you, he is more likely to trust you and open up. Once you have his trust, it’s important that you continue to show him that you are a trustworthy person by treating him nicely and consistently.

What’s The Comparative Of Nice?

It’s nice to have a nice, friendly person around. The more friendly a person is, the more likely they are to be liked by other people. In addition, being friendly can make a person feel more comfortable and make them feel more open to meeting new people.

People who are friendly are also more likely to be trusted by others and are viewed as more trustworthy. Therefore, being friendly can make a person more likable and more likely to be accepted into social groups.
People who are nice may also have better relationships with their family members, coworkers and friends.

They may also be better liked by other people, which can lead to better social connections and stronger friendships. Therefore, being nice is important for building stronger relationships with other people in one’s life.

Is Friendlier A Comparative Adverb?

Friendlier is a comparative adverb. It means that one thing is friendlier than another.
It can be used to compare two things or compare one thing to another thing.

For example:
“The journey was friendlier than I thought it would be.”
“We welcomed our guests with a friendly smile.”
“This course is friendlier than the others on offer.

Is Most Friendly Correct?

There are many pieces of advice that you’re likely to hear when it comes to testing the spelling, grammar, and language usage of your employees. Usually these are things like “always be friendly” and “be most friendly with new hires”. While it is beneficial to be as friendly as possible when interacting with your coworkers, is this really necessary?

Why not just focus on being respectful and polite? Most people will put up with a lot more if you treat them with respect. If you are being polite and respectful towards your coworkers, but still correcting them on their mistakes, they will quickly realize that you are a competent professional.

The best approach is the one that makes you the least likely to get into trouble.

Is Nicer Correct Grammar?

If you’re unsure whether you’ve used correct grammar, it’s best to double-check. With Internet access at your fingertips, there’s no excuse for sloppy writing. Each time you revise a draft, check for basic errors such as spelling and punctuation.

If you’re still not sure about something, review the course notes or ask your teacher to have a look. However, do not overdo it; trust your instincts and avoid making too many edits.
The biggest mistake people make when editing their own work is assuming it’s ready to publish right away.

You need to take the time to proofread carefully before submitting your manuscript to an agent or publisher.
Another common error is using incorrect grammar. Common errors include:
Using a comma splice – joining two independent clauses with a coordinating conjunction (and/or) or non-coordinating conjunction (but).

Missing a subject pronoun – This is the word that refers to the person or thing that performs the action of the verb in the sentence (e.g. “She is playing”).

Underlining words – Words underlined in books are often called keywords. Keywords are words that are used frequently throughout a particular text, but which readers may not know by sight.

Which Is Correct Lovelier Or More Lovely?

Lovelier is the adjective form of the word lovelier. Lovelier means more attractive, beautiful, and more appealing to the eye.
This is a common mistake made by non-native speakers of English.

Lovelier is an adjective that means “more beautiful” or “more appealing to the eye.”
Incorrect: That shirt is lovelier than that one.
Correct: That shirt is more beautiful than that one.

What Is Friendlier In A Sentence?

Friendlier is a word that describes someone who is friendly towards another person. It is an adjective that describes someone who is friendly towards another person. Friendlier can be used to describe a person who is friendly to other people or someone who makes it easier for other people to feel friendly towards them.

Friendlier can be used in sentences such as: “My neighbor is very friendly, so I often visit her when I’m in the neighborhood.”

An adjective which describes something as being friendlier can be used to emphasize that something is good or nice, or as a compliment, or as a way of saying “I like you”, etc.Friendliness can also be described as being good-naturedness and friendliness, kindness and affection, helping and compassion, etc.

Friendliness can be characterized by the existence of love and compassion for others.
Friendly can be used in sentences such as: “The cat was very friendly with my dog.”

A word that describes something as being friendlier can be used to emphasize that something is good or nice, or as a compliment, or as a way of saying “I like you”, etc.

Friendliness can also be described as being good-naturedness and friendliness, kindness and affection, helping and compassion, etc.

Is It More Handsome Or Handsomer?

Handsomeness is commonly used to describe the general level of attractiveness of a person, animal, object or place. Handsomeness is often measured by visual criteria such as facial symmetry, where symmetrical faces are considered more attractive than asymmetrical faces, but handsomeness can also be measured by non-visual criteria such as behavior and personality.
Handsomeness is related to a person’s ability to attract attention and make a positive first impression on others.

People who are considered handsome have had their DNA passed down for generations, which is why this trait is so hard to change. Even if you want to change your looks to look more attractive, it can take years of work and dedication. If you’re trying to learn how to be more handsome, start with improving your grooming habits.

Get regular haircuts and keep your face clean and well-maintained by washing your face at least twice daily (ideally every morning and night). You should also avoid wearing heavy makeup that can clog pores and cause acne. Finally, make sure you’re having enough good meals each day that are packed with nutrients and protein.

If you’re not getting enough food, you will start looking older before your time.

Is Stupider Proper English?

Stupider proper English is a term used to describe the extreme form of poor grammar and writing in English that can be found in some written work, particularly on the internet. Those who use this type of English may include words that are not recognized by the majority of English speakers, such as “lol” or “u”, and may also include misspellings, such as “you’re” instead of “you are”. This form of language is sometimes referred to as “American English”, although this term is incorrect.

Stupider proper English is usually characterized by a lack of standard grammar and spelling, as well as a heavy use of slang or jargon words. It is most often seen in websites, blogs, and even academic papers. However, it’s not always easy to spot.

Stupider proper English can be very difficult to detect because it does not appear to be wrong; therefore, it can take a trained eye to spot it. These writers may also utilize slang or jargon words that are easily understood by their intended audience (who may be more familiar with these words than the writer himself).

Stupider proper English has its roots in American culture.

The use of slang and jargon words in writing was particularly strong during the late 19th century and early 20th century when US newspapers were thriving.

Is It Angrier Or More Angry?

An angry person is someone who is incensed by something and feels a strong desire to get even. He or she may be upset, annoyed, or angry. An angry person can also be a person who is feeling frustrated and expresses many different emotions about the situation.

Another way to say this is that an angry person wants revenge. This type of anger usually arises from one’s own personal wrongs against another person or group of people. This type of anger often leads to physical and verbal attacks against the other side in order to achieve some form of justice.

Anger can arise from many different causes
Anger, like all emotions, is a complex and often misunderstood phenomenon. Some people experience anger as a purely physiological response to danger or physical pain. Others may see it as an emotional reaction to unresolved issues and injustices in their lives.

Still others may feel anger simply as a result of social pressures such as bullying. No matter what the cause of your anger, it’s important to understand that it’s okay to feel angry sometimes—and that there are things you can do to manage your anger more effectively.

What Can I Say Instead Of Handsome?

There’s a reason why many people are attracted to the same kind of person. Many people have a hard time picking out the perfect mate because they’re looking for a partner who looks good on paper. However, there’s no need to settle for someone who doesn’t give you butterflies.

Instead, you should focus on what makes you attracted to someone in the first place.
There are plenty of words to describe someone who’s attractive. You can say that someone is handsome, beautiful, gorgeous, or hot.

There’s also a word for when you find someone attractive even though they’re not conventionally handsome: “unattainable.” Whatever you call it, it’s important to remember that being attractive is about more than how you look.

How Do You Form A Superlative?

The term superlative is a comparative adjective that indicates the greatest degree of quality. To form a superlative, you take the root of the word and add an “-est” suffix (e.g.

largest, smallest, fastest, etc.). The superlative comes from Latin and means ‘most excellent’ (perfect is also a superlative).

The most common simple adjectives are comparative adjectives: “bigger” and “smaller.” Simple adjectives ending with “-er” add this suffix to form the comparative: “bigger” > “bigger” “biggest” “largest” “least.”
Compound adjectives are formed by combining two or more simple adjectives together to form a single word.

In this case, each simple adjective contributes a syllable: “taller/tallest /tall > tall tallest tallest tallest tallest tallest tallest tallest.”
Prepositional adverbs are words that describe where something happened or how something is done (e.g.

, by walking, by running, in front of).

Is Frivolous An Adjective Or Adverb?

Whether or not a word is frivolous should be clear from its definition. However, because some dictionaries and style guides disagree on this, it is important to be familiar with both the meanings of the word “frivolous” and whether it should be used as an adjective or adverb. Adjectives describe a noun (or other word) by adding -ly at the end of the word.

For example, “frivolous” means “frivolous” or “involving frivolous behavior or actions.” The word can also be used as an adverb to indicate that something is trivial or unimportant. For example, “It was a frivolous argument as there was no logical conclusion to be reached.

How Do You Use Busier In A Sentence?

Busier can be used in a range of different ways, depending on the context. It can be used to describe things that are busy, or things that are full of activity. It can also be used as an adjective to describe people who are very busy.

The most common use of busier is to describe something that is full of activity. For example, ‘the children were running around like crazy’ is an accurate description of how busy children are at the moment.
When used as a noun, busier can mean ‘someone or something that is busy’ – for example, ‘I was so busy I didn’t have time to eat lunch’.

Finally, when used as an adjective it means ‘very busy’, as in ‘That restaurant was so busy it was impossible to get a table’.

Is Studied A Verb Or Adjective?

A word study is a tool used to learn new words. It is also known as a vocabulary drill or vocabulary test. These tests are used to measure how well a person knows the words in their vocabulary.

They can be used for many different reasons, including improving reading comprehension and learning new words.
In order to take a word study, you need to know the meaning of the word under consideration. You can do this by looking it up in your dictionary.

Then, you need to find the part of speech of that word. This is the category that describes what kind of word it is (noun, verb, adjective). Next, you need to look up the examples of that category in your textbook or online.

You should also see if there are any synonyms for that word. If so, you should choose these synonyms as they will help you learn the word better. Then, you need to write down all the words and their definitions on a piece of paper.

You can use abbreviations or symbols for difficult words if necessary. Make sure that the whole sentence is included in the question but not too much information at once. Then, you need to check each answer with your teacher or tutor before marking it right or wrong.

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Some of my friends use «friendlier», while others use «more friendly» when they make the comparative form of the adjective «friendly».
So, I want to know which one is correct and which one the native speakers usually use…. Thanks.

Tito Dutta«Friendly» is an adverb, so, I’ll prefer to write «more friendly»

No, it isn’t. ‘Friendly’ is an adjective.

You can use ‘friendlier’ and ‘friendliest’ as well as ‘more/most friendly’.


I’m an American native speaker and also an ESL teacher. You hear both forms because both forms are correct. You can either say more friendly or friendlier.

We all like it when people are friendly to us. But what do you call it when one person shows more friendliness than someone else?

Would that person be described as “more friendly” or “friendlier”? Today, we’ll look at the differences between being more friendly and being friendlier, whether or not the rules always stay the same, and of course, plenty of examples to help you fully understand when to use which term.

When “friendly” is used as an adjective, you should use “friendlier”, e.g., “Jonathan was friendlier than his father is.” When “friendly” is used as an adverb, you should use “more friendly”, e.g., “She spoke more friendly this time than last time”.

Is It "More Friendly" Or "Friendlier"?

Friendly As An Adjective

First of all, let’s look at how “friendly” can be an adjective.

As you might know, an adjective is what we use when we describe something, or someone. When we use the word “friendly”, we’re describing the characteristics of a person.

You could also use “friendly” to describe a non-physical thing, such as an atmosphere. But, so long as you’re describing a thing, you’re using it as an adjective.

Most of the time, when we use an adjective, we pair it up with a noun. So I might say “the friendly (adjective) dog (noun).”

Why It’s Friendlier As An Adjective

When “friendly” is an adjective, the correct word to use would be “friendlier”. Usually, when we want to show “more” with an adjective, we would put “er” at the end.

For example, let’s say you have a cake which is ten times the size of my cake. Which of the following sentences would you say?

“Your cake is more big than mine”

“Your cake is bigger than mine”

I’m going to guess that most of you would have gone for the second option.

So, if you’re using it as an adjective, make sure to put the “er” on the end.

5 Examples Of “Friendlier”

  • “My mother is friendlier than my father. But that doesn’t mean I don’t have a great relationship with him”
  • “I was surprised to find that the boys were actually friendlier than the girls. But, that doesn’t surprise me when I look at the kind of shows the two groups watch”
  • “The atmosphere in the pub was friendlier than at the football game. I felt very safe when I had my drink”.
  • “I’ve always found the North of England to be friendlier than the South”
  • “She was friendlier than I was expecting her to be.”

Friendly As An Adverb

But, friendly is not always an adjective, it can also be an adverb (or a noun but we’ll get onto that later).

As some of you will know already, an adverb adds to a verb. A verb is a doing word. Like “speak”, “run” or “jump”.

An adverb is a word that describes the verb. I might speak loudly, run quickly, or jump nonchalantly.

When you’re using “friendly” to describe an action, not a person, or a thing, you’re using it as an adjective.

For example, I might say that “He spoke friendly to his mother. But he was abusive to his girlfriend”.

Why It’s “More Friendly” As An Adverb

When you’re using comparatives with adverbs, the correct way to do it is to add “more” before the adverb.

Which sentence sounds better to you?

“He ran quickly. But she ran more quickly”

“He ran quickly. But she ran quicklier”

And I know what you’re thinking. But, “quicker” is technically an adjective, and not an adverb. Of course, this is only according to grammar snobs, so if you want to swap “friendlier” and “more friendly” in your day to day life- feel free.

But, if you’re in a situation where correct grammar is vital, be sure to use “more friendly” when “friendly” is an adverb.

5 Examples Of “More Friendly”

  • “He spoke more friendly this time than last time. I don’t know why he was such a misery last week”
  • “They laugh more friendly when they’re around their parents than they do when they’re with their friends”
  • “He runs more friendly when the sun is out. When it rains, he’s just desperate to get it over and done with”
  • “This genie sings more friendly than the one from that other film. I forget what it’s called”
  • “She drove more friendly on the way back from work than she did on the way to work”.

Friendly Can Also Be A Noun

Just to make all of this more confusing, the word “friendly” can be an adjective, adverb, or even a noun.

All nouns are things, but there are some nouns that you can’t physically pick up. And “friendly” is one of them.

A “friendly” refers to a football match, usually played at the beginning of a football season, where the score does not impact where the team ends up in the league table.

Of course, you can’t have a comparative for nouns. But, you might say “This was a friendlier friendly than the last one”

As a plural, the correct word is “friendlies”. S

More Eco-friendly Or Eco-friendlier? This One Breaks The Rules

There is one word that does seem to break the rule. And that is “eco-friendly”. The comparative for this word is “more eco-friendly”. I don’t think I’ve ever seen the word “eco-friendlier”.

If you want to use it as an adjective, you might say “A windmill is more eco-friendly than a coal station”.

And, if you want to use it as an adverb you would say “I have to drive more eco-friendly if I don’t want my daughter to tell me off”.

Yes, I know it’s strange to have spent the whole article on one thing, and now be backtracking. But what can I say? The English language is like that sometimes.


And now you know the difference between “more friendly” and “friendlier”. There is no “correct” version because which one is “correct” depends on what kind of word “friendly” is.

When it’s an adjective, it’s being used to describe a thing. And the correct word to use is “friendlier”.

But, when it’s an adverb, it’s used to describe an action. And the correct version is “more friendly”.

Because most people don’t know the difference, you can get away with saying either in most contexts.

This is all made even more confusing by the fact that “eco-friendlier” isn’t a word. But, that’s just English for you. It sure is one confusing language.

martin lassen dam grammarhow

Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

дружественный, дружественно, дружелюбно, товарищеская встреча


- дружеский; дружески расположенный; дружелюбный

to receive smb. in a friendly manner — принять кого-л. по-дружески
to be friendly with smb. — быть в дружеских отношениях с кем-л.
to be on friendly terms with smb. — дружить с кем-л., быть в хороших отношениях с кем-л.

- спорт. товарищеский

friendly match — товарищеская встреча
friendly internationals — международные товарищеские встречи

- дружественный

friendly nation — дружественная страна

- сочувственный; одобрительный

to be friendly to smth. — поддерживать /одобрять/ что-л.

- благоприятный

friendly wind — попутный ветер
friendly showers — благоприятные дожди

- удобный (в обращении)
- (Friendly) квакерский
- воен. свой, невражеский; принадлежащий своим войскам

friendly troops — свои /наши/ войска
friendly information — сведения о своих войсках или от своих войск
friendly lines — расположение своих войск
friendly lead — концерт (спектакль и т. п.) в пользу нуждающихся
friendly society — общество взаимопомощи (больным, престарелым и т. п.)


- дружески; дружественно; дружелюбно

to greet smb. friendly — дружески приветствовать кого-л.


- преим. воен. мирный, дружественно настроенный представитель местного населения (в оккупированной стране и т. п.)
- свой (о солдате)

they are friendlies — это наши

- свой самолёт
- разг. проявление дружественного отношения; знаки дружеского внимания
- спорт. разг. товарищеская встреча

Мои примеры


a government friendly to our interests — правительство, дружественное к нашим интересам  
the company’s friendly support staff — дружелюбная служба поддержки этой компании  
friendly / nice / pleasant chat — милая, приятная беседа  
friendly / tender / warm feeling — тёплое чувство  
friendly nod — дружеский кивок головой  
friendly in manner — обходительный  
friendly glow of a fire — приятное тепло камина  
friendly gesture — дружеский жест  
environment-friendly — экологически благоприятный  
environmentally-friendly admixture — экологически безопасная добавка  
environmentally-friendly coating — экологически безопасное покрытие; экологически чистое покрытие  
environmentally-friendly nanofabrication — экологически безопасная наноиндустрия  

Примеры с переводом

That was friendly of you.

Это было очень любезно с твоей стороны.

She smiled in a friendly way.

Она дружески улыбнулась.

Their tone was friendly.

Они вели себя дружелюбно.

Most people here are quite friendly.

В большинстве своём люди здесь довольно дружелюбны.

Everywhere we went, people were friendly.

Везде, где мы были, люди были очень дружелюбными.

She has a warm and friendly nature.

У неё добрый и дружелюбный характер.

‘Hello,’ he said in a friendly way.

— Здравствуй, — дружелюбно сказал он.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The prison guards were reasonably friendly.

‘You must be Annie,’ he said in a friendly tone.

I tried to be friendly but I just got the brush-off.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

friend  — друг, подруга, приятель, знакомый, товарищ, быть другом, помогать
friendless  — одинокий, не имеющий друзей
friendliness  — дружелюбие, дружественное отношение, дружеское отношение
unfriendly  — недружественный, недружелюбный, неприветливый, неблагоприятный
user-friendly  — простой в употреблении

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): friendly
мн. ч.(plural): friendlies

срав. степ. (comparative): friendlier
прев. степ. (superlative): friendliest

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