Comparative form of the word easy

What is the comparative and superlative of the word easy?

Comparative . easier . Superlative . easiest . The superlative form of easy ; most easy .

What is the comparative and superlative of easy?

The word “than” is often used after the comparative form .


Comparison: Basic, Comparative , Superlative Adjectives
Basic Adjective Comparative Adjective Superlative Adjective
easy easier the easiest
happy happier the happiest
busy busier the busiest

What is the comparative and superlative?

We use comparatives and superlatives to say how people or things are different. We use a comparative adjective to express how two people or things are different, and we use a superlative adjective to show how one person or thing is different to all the others of its kind. For example, Mick is taller than Jack.

What is comparative and superlative examples?

Comparative adjectives are used to compare one noun to another noun. In these instances, only two items are being compared. For example , someone might say that «the blue bird is angrier than the robin.» Superlative adjectives are used to compare three or more nouns.

What is the comparative bad?

Some adverbs have irregular comparative and superlative forms.


Adverb Comparative Superlative
badly worse worst
far farther/further farthest/furthest
little less least
well better best

What is the comparative of good?

These very common adjectives have completely irregular comparative and superlative forms.

Irregular comparatives and superlatives.

Adjective Comparative Superlative
good better best
bad worse worst
little less least
much more most

What is an example of a comparative?

Adjectives in the comparative form compare two people, places, or things. For example , in the sentence, ‘John is smarter, but Bob is taller,’ the comparative forms of the adjectives ‘smart’ (smarter) and’ tall’ (taller) are used to compare two people, John and Bob.

What are comparative words?

Comparative adjectives are used to compare differences between the two objects they modify (larger, smaller, faster, higher). They are used in sentences where two nouns are compared, in this pattern: Noun (subject) + verb + comparative adjective + than + noun (object).

What’s the best form to express that something is very easy, in fact, more than expected? Should we say “Easier” or “More Easily”?

We want to know if both forms are correct, or if one should be avoided. Also, we want to know when to use each. Let’s find out!

“Easier” and “More Easily” are grammatically correct, but have different applications. “Easier” is an adjective, you use to describe something. Things and people can be “Easier”. “More Easily” is an adverbial phrase, and follows a verb, describing an action. “More Easily” is about doing things, and not what they are.

easier or more easily

Take a look at the examples, to make sense of those concepts:

  • This task could be much easier if we had help.
  • This task could be more easily done if we had help.

The sentence in the examples is about a task. In the first sentence, we describe the task itself and realize that it would be “Easier” if help was available. “Easier” is the adjective we used to describe the task.

In the second sentence, we talk about doing the task, and the process of accomplishing it. We say the task would be “More Easily” done if there was help. “More Easily” refers to doing the task, the action.

The meaning of both sentences isn’t so different. With the proper grammatical adjustments, it’s possible that now and then those forms could overlap in meaning and interchange. But the emphasis that each form places is different.

This is one of those nuances we should be aware of, to use in our favor when constructing our speech. When choosing between “Easier” and “More Easily” think about what you’re trying to put the spotlight on and what you’re trying to describe. Apply the correct word accordingly.


“Easier” is the comparative form of the word “Easy”, which indicates things that need little effort. “Easier” tell us that something requires even less effort than the other thing it’s being compared to. “Easier” is an adjective, that helps us describe things.

Every time you’re comparing how easy things are, you can use the word “Easier”, just like you can see in the examples below:

  1. Don’t you think it would be easier to get it done now?
  2. Carla found driving automatic vehicles easier than manual ones.
  3. John told me working from home is easier than going to the office every day.
  4. It was always easier to sleep after a cup of chamomile tea.
  5. Meeting at the office in the afternoon would be easier.
  6. How can we make the process easier for your team?

More Easily

“More Easily” is an adverbial phrase, that helps us describe actions. “Easily” means to do things in an easy manner. “More Easily”, therefore, indicates that something can be done more effortlessly if something’s changed or adjusted, or when comparing different things.

Take a look at some good examples:

  1. After adding the plant food, the crops will grow more easily.
  2. Lucy can problem solve and find her way out of sticky situations more easily than most.
  3. I communicate more easily with others than Paul does.
  4. Sounds much more easily said than done, don’t you think?
  5. European citizens are more easily accepted into the US than those from other areas of the world.
  6. Subtle changes can be done more easily than drastic ones.

More Easy

“More Easy” is an incorrect alternate form for “Easier” and “More Easily”. If you need to compare two things and mention which one is “Easier”, you don’t use “More Easy”. Similarly, if you wish to share how “Easily” something’s done, you’d say “More Easily”, and not “More Easy”.

“More Easy” is grammatically incorrect and should be avoided. Let’s take a look at some examples that include the incorrect “More Easy”, followed by a correct version of the sentence:

  1. This would be more easy if we had more tools. (incorrect)
  2. This would be easier if we had more tools.
  1. A new laptop would make her job a lot more easy. (incorrect)
  2. A new laptop would make her job a lot easier.
  1. The process will flow more easy if we make some minor adjustments? (incorrect)
  2. The process will flow more easily if we make some minor adjustments?

Which Is Used the Most?

Which one of those forms do you think is used more often, “Easier”, “More Easily”, or “More Easy”? Let’s take a look at the graph from Google Ngram Viewer below and find out.

easier,more easily,more easy usage

“Easier” is by far the favorite form, according to the graph. It appears with more frequency, and we think it makes sense, considering it’s an adjective that we can all use in many different situations.

“More Easy” is at the very bottom of the graph. This is expected because this is an incorrect form we should all avoid using.

“More Easily” falls somewhere in between. It’s used relatively frequently, but not as often as “Easier”. Perhaps, the reason for it is that “More Easily” is slightly more complicated.

 Keep in mind that both “Easier” and “More Easily” are correct and they have different applications. Use each accordingly.

Final Thoughts

“Easier” and “More Easily” are helpful tools to describe things, but they have different uses. “Easier”, as the comparative form of “Easy” describes things that need less effort than others. “More Easily”, as an adverbial phrase, describes actions and indicates they can be “Easier” if changes or adjustments are made.

martin lassen dam grammarhow

Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

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Table of Contents

  1. What is the comparative and superlative word of easy?
  2. What’s a superlative for easy?
  3. What are some comparative words?
  4. How do you write a comparative sentence?
  5. What is comparative degree example?
  6. What is comparative degree?
  7. What is comparative degree in English grammar?
  8. Can we use the with comparative degree?
  9. What is positive and comparative degree?
  10. How do you describe a superlative degree?
  11. What is the superlative forms of kind?
  12. What is a word for kindest?
  13. Who is the kindest person in the universe?
  14. What is another word for kindness?
  15. What is another word for caring?
  16. What are 3 synonyms for caring?
  17. What is the one word of with great care?
  18. What is one word for self care?
  19. What are some self care ideas?

The word “the” is often used before the superlative form….Examples.

Comparison: Basic, Comparative, Superlative Adjectives
Basic Adjective Comparative Adjective Superlative Adjective
easy easier the easiest
happy happier the happiest
busy busier the busiest

What’s a superlative for easy?

Superlative Adjectives

Adjective Comparative Superlative
Easy Easier The easiest
Beautiful More beautiful The most beautiful
Good Better The best
Bad Worse The worst

What are some comparative words?

One syllable adjectives

Adjective Comparative Superlative
tall taller tallest
fat fatter fattest
big bigger biggest
sad sadder saddest

How do you write a comparative sentence?

Sentences With Comparative Adjectives

  1. My house is bigger than yours.
  2. Your grade is worse than mine.
  3. The Pacific Ocean is deeper than the Arctic Ocean.
  4. You are more polite than Joey.
  5. My brother is taller than I am, but he is older too.
  6. A rose is more beautiful than a daisy.
  7. The Earth is larger than the moon.

What is comparative degree example?

When two items/people are compared, a comparative degree is used by putting ‘er’ to the adjective word in association with the word ‘than’. Comparative degree example: She is smarter than her sister. She is more cheerful than her sister.

What is comparative degree?

comparative degree (plural comparative degrees) (grammar) The form of an adverb or adjective modified by more or ending in -er that is used when comparing two things.

What is comparative degree in English grammar?

Updated January 21, 2020. In English grammar, the comparative is the form of an adjective or adverb involving a comparison of some sort. Comparatives in English are usually either marked by the suffix -er (as in “the faster bike”) or identified by the words more or less (“the more difficult job”).

Can we use the with comparative degree?

Yes, the definite article “the” is used as an adverb before comparative degree; as, 1) The more the merrier.

What is positive and comparative degree?

The positive form is the base form of the adjective. The comparative form expresses a higher degree of some quality. The superlative form expresses the highest degree.

How do you describe a superlative degree?

A superlative is the form of an adjective or an adverb used to compare three or more things. The superlative form of an adjective is used to show something has a quality to the greatest or least degree. The superlative form of an adverb is used to show something has performed an action to the greatest or least degree.

What is the superlative forms of kind?

Superlative form of kind: most kind.

What is a word for kindest?

Adjective. Superlative for having or showing a considerate nature. kindliest. gentlest.

Who is the kindest person in the universe?

MUHAMMAD SAWW is the kindest human found on earth ever.

What is another word for kindness?

SYNONYMS FOR kindness 1, 3 benignity, benevolence, humanity, generosity, charity, sympathy, compassion, tenderness. 2 good turn.

What is another word for caring?

What is another word for caring?

kind empathetic
compassionate considerate
kindly benevolent
gentle sensitive
sympathetic thoughtful

What are 3 synonyms for caring?


  • attentive,
  • beneficent,
  • benevolent,
  • benignant,
  • compassionate,
  • concerned,
  • considerate,
  • cordial,

What is the one word of with great care?

•Other relevant words: (noun) lovingly, diligently, mindfully.

What is one word for self care?

What is another word for self-care?

care health care
maintenance mental health care
personal care self-aid

What are some self care ideas?

13 Self Care Ideas That Actually Heal Your Mind and Soul

  • of 13. Make sure you’re meeting your basic needs.
  • of 13. Get moving.
  • of 13. Try a weighted blanket (or a good hug).
  • of 13. Try meditation.
  • of 13. Focus on your breathing.
  • of 13. Spend time outside.
  • of 13. Schedule your worry time.
  • of 13.

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