Community if only there was a word

If only there was a word…

r/pics - If only there was a word...

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to pull out the old gas can.

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вытягивать старую канистру с топливом.

Gosh, if only there was a way that we could set up a double date with Ray over


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Господи, если бы только был способ устроить нам двойное свидание с Рэйем, тем, что вон там.

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like the fact that he


standing next to her in the soup line for a week.

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например, тот факт, что он находился рядом с ней целую неделю, стоя в очереди за супом.

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Well, if only there was a person who did that for a living, Someone for you to aspire to.

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Хорошо, если только там был человек, который сделал это для выживания, который бы стремился к чему-то.

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Сли бы только был способ выйти за его пределы и путешествовать по нему куда нам угодно.

On the Kirov islands, in the summer on Sundays, wrestlers wrestlers carried out»open» carpets-


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На кировских островах, летом по воскресеньям, борцы- вольники проводили» открытые» ковры- соревнуйся,


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If only there were a vampy young vixen to front you, we would all


swimming in online sales.

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Если бы только тут была соблазнительная молодая стерва, чтобы заслонить вас, мы


все занимались он- лайн продажами.

you that would make you as angry as I


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чтобы ты разозлился так же сильно, как я сейчас!

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Ненни, дорогая… если бы была подходящая возможность для нас.

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Вот бы был такой волшебный способ, чтобы подобраться поближе к потолку.

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Я думаю там достаточно глубоко если только можно было бы как-нибудь затощить туда этот ящик.

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На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

если бы только был

если бы было

если бы только была

бы только были

Вот если бы был

Если бы только было

Если бы там был

Если бы у нас была

если бы только существовала

если бы была

если б только был

Если б только было

If only there was a way to schedule your messages, as you could do with your emails.

Если бы только был способ запланировать ваши сообщения, как вы могли бы сделать с вашими электронными письмами.

If only there was a way to keep that from happening without guarding your phone like a hawk.

Если бы только был способ предотвратить это, не охраняя свой телефон, как ястреб.

If only there was something to pay.

If only there was a friendly, professional school that could understand how you feel.

Если бы только была дружелюбная и квалифицированная школа, которая смогла бы понять, что Вы чувствуете.

If only there was a visual way to organize it all.

If only there was a person that you could talk to about it.

If only there was a way I could stay here without having to pull out the old gas can.

Если бы только был способ остаться здесь без того, чтобы вытягивать старую канистру с топливом.

If only there was another way through this.

If only there was a way that you could be… physically tough enough to intimidate men.

Если бы только был способ, чтобы ты могла быть настолько физически крепкой, чтобы устрашать мужчин.

If only there was a way to make things easier…

If only there was a way we could boost the immune system without killing people.

If only there was some way to know for sure.

If only there was a way to get you speaking English more confidently and fluently — the way you have always dreamed.

Если бы только был способ научиться говорить по-английски более уверенно и свободно так, как Вы давно мечтали.

If only there was an easy guide or a little water fairy that hovered over your plants and told you exactly when and how much to water.

Если бы только был легкий гид или небольшая водная фея, которая зависала над вашими растениями и рассказывала вам, когда и сколько воды.

If only there was a way of kicking it out again!

If only there was time to warn them.

Тем не менее, у нас еще есть время, чтобы предупреждать их.

If only there was someone who could oppose them.

If only there was a recording of said phone conversation.

If only there was a firmer foundation upon which to stand, perhaps some divine word.

Если бы только существовало более твердое основание, на котором можно было бы плыть, возможно, какое-нибудь божественное слово».

If only there was something to pay.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 172. Точных совпадений: 172. Затраченное время: 394 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

We use if only to express a strong wish that things could be different. It means the same as I wish but is stronger. We use it to talk about past, present and future unreal conditions.

We use if only + past verb forms to talk about a wish for the present:

If only he knew the truth. (he doesn’t know the truth, but he wishes he did)

Not: If only he knows the truth.

If only there was something she could do or say to help.

Not: If only there is something she could do or say to help.

We sometimes use were instead of was in more formal situations:

If only she weren’t so tired. (If only she wasn’t so tired.)

To talk about a wish for the future or to show a contrast between how things are and how we would like them to be, we use if only + would + infinitive without to:

If only someone would buy the house.

If only they would talk to each other.

We use if only + past perfect to talk about a wish to change something that has already happened:

If only he had listened to what his friends had been telling him. (He didn’t listen.)

If only Anna had been able to come. (Anna wasn’t able to come.)

  • #4

«if only there was someone out there who loved you»
Is this sentence a subjunctive one? If so, why it uses «there was» instead of «there were»? Also does «out there» mean «somewhere» ?

Thanks a lot!

Yes, that’s a place where you find «were,» but that doesn’t mean that you can’t use «was.» You can use «were» (If only there were) or «was» (If only there was); syntax is neutral about it. For some, the two words are interchangeable; for others, there is a semantic difference, in that «were» is farther removed from «reality» (as perceived by the speaker) than «was.» You may call «were» subjunctive if you wish (as many do), but that doesn’t add anything meaningful to the discussion.


post mod (English Only / Latin)

  • #5

With ‘if only’, we move the verbs back a tense.

A positive statement about the present would be: There is someone who loves you.
With ‘If only’, it becomes «If only there was someone who loved you.»

«Were» is somewhat more formal. Google N-gram shows that it is about twice as frequent as ‘was’ in the published works on Google books: «Google Ngram Viewer»

Could have refers to the ability to do whatever it is.

Would have is more about the intention to do it.

If only I had known about your arrival, I would have come to the station to receive you.

In this example the speaker is saying that if they had known, they would definitely have met the person at the station. If we change it to:

If only I had known about your arrival, I could have come to the station to receive you.

the speaker is only saying that they would have had the ability to be at the station. Whether they would have actually turned up or not is left unstated.

If only he could have explained.

is saying that ‘he’ was not able to explain. But if we change it to would:

If only he would have explained.

It’s still grammatical. It’s saying that ‘he’ had the ability to explain, but chose not to for some unspecified reason.

(I tried to use would in my answer as little as possible, since it’s one of the words in question, but I couldn’t think of any sensible way to rephrase my sentences.)

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