Communicating through written word

Written communication skills are among the most important skills to learn. These skills are powerful tools that can be used to share information with a large number of people.

Students need written communication skills to communicate with their lecturers and apply for scholarships, internships, jobs, etc. Poor communication skills can cost you a lot, you may lose a scholarship or internship because your application letter was poorly written.

Written communication is one of the most common and effective methods of communication. This type of communication is becoming increasingly important in the digital age.

According to the National Association of Colleges and Employers, 77.5% of employers want a candidate with strong written communication skills.

In this article, you will learn the definition of written communication, examples, importance, limitations, and ways to improve written communication skills.

What are Written Communication Skills

Written communication is a type of communication method that utilizes written words. It involves communicating through written words, either digitally (e.g emails) or on paper.

Written communication skills are those skills required to effectively communicate with written words.

Effective written communication requires the following skills or qualities:

  • Sentence construction
  • Appropriate use of punctuation
  • Knowledge of basic grammar rules
  • Appropriate use of tone
  • Usage of certain editing tools or software.

Importance of Written Communication

Below is the importance of written communication:

  • Creates a permanent record
  • Lessen misunderstandings
  • Accurate
  • Create professional relationships
  • Suitable for long-distance communication
  • Very easy to distribute.

1. Creates a Permanent Record

Any form of written communication is a permanent record and can serve as a future reference. Written communication documents can be used as evidence in any legal case or whenever it is needed.

2. Lessen Misunderstandings

Written communication is the best way to present a complex matter without any misunderstanding. Effective written communication is easily understood because it is written in simple words.

Also, in case of any misunderstanding, a reader can easily go through it several times till he/she fully understands.

3. Accurate

Written communication has little or no space for errors. Accuracy is guaranteed in written communication because there are multiple chances to correct or edit words. You can easily edit an email, memos, brochures, etc.

4. Create professional relationships

Adequate communication with your clients or customers can foster a professional relationship. Written communication is the most effective way to achieve a professional relationship. Greetings, congratulatory messages, etc. can be sent via email without interrupting the receiver.

5. Suitable for Long Distance Communication

Written communication is a faster way to communicate with people far away from you. For instance, you can easily send messages via WhatsApp regardless of the location.

6. Very Easy to Distribute

Written communication is the best way to distribute information to a large number of people at the same time. For instance, an email can be forwarded to several people at the same time.

Limitations of Written Communication

Although written communication has several advantages, there are still some limitations.

Below are the limitations (disadvantages) of written communication:

  • Late Feedback

Written communication cannot provide instant feedback. The recipient will have to read and understand a message before he/she can reply to the sender.

This type of communication should not be used when you need immediate clarification.

  • Time-consuming

Composing and delivering a written message can take a lot of time. You will have to write, edit, and proofread before you can send most forms of written communication.

  • Expensive

Written communication is expensive because you will have to buy some equipment like ink, paper, printer, computer, etc.

You may also need to employ someone to write or type for you.

  • Meaningless to Illiterate

Written communication is useless if the receiver cannot read or write.

This method of communication requires the ability to read and write. Written communication should not be used when communicating with an illiterate.

Examples of Written Communication in Schools.

Here we will be sharing the most common forms of written communication used in schools.

Note: There are several examples of written communication but below are the most common examples of written communication used in schools.

Below are examples of written communication in schools:

  • Emails

Email is one of the most effective and cheapest means of written communication. Emails can be used for different purposes: communicating with professors and supervisors, sending electronic files, applying for jobs, internships, and scholarships e.t.c

  • Memos

Memos can be used to communicate important information to people within a school. It is an effective way to communicate with school departments.

  • Bulletin

A bulletin is a short official statement used to inform a group of people about a specific matter.

  • Questionnaires

A questionnaire is a set of questions used to get the required information from students, during research or survey.

  • Instructional Materials

Instructional Materials like textbooks, workbooks, handouts, study guides, manuals e.t.c are also examples of written communication. They are any collection of materials that a teacher may use in teaching.

  • Instant Messaging

Instant messaging is a form of written communication in which two or more persons participate in a conversation over their mobile phones or computers. It can be sent via Facebook messenger, Snapchat, WhatsApp, Telegram, WeChat, etc.

  • Website Content

Website Content can be used to educate site visitors about the services a school render.

  • Brochures

Brochures can be used to assist parents to understand how a school operates. It contains information about the school, its staff, and the board of governors.

  • Classroom Webpages

Classroom Webpages can be used for different purposes: posting important updates, uploading assignments, providing access to grades, communicating with parents and students, etc.

  • Newsletters

Newsletters are an effective way of informing students and parents about various school activities, news, events, schedule changes, etc.

  • Press Release

A press release is an official statement given by a company or organization to the media. It can be used by schools to share information that is newsworthy.

Report card comments inform parents about their children’s academic performance.

  • Letters

Letters can be used to send information, complaints, greetings, etc.

  • Postcards

Classroom postcards are a quick and easy way to send short personal messages (e.g welcome back to school message) to your students.

  • Proposals

Proposals can be used to get approval for a specific education project

Tips to Improve your Written Communication Skills

To develop effective written communication skills follow these tips:

  • Identify your goal
  • Use the right tone
  • Avoid the use of jargon
  • Stick to the topic
  • Use active voice
  • Easy to read
  • Proofread.

1. Identify Your Goal

Effective written communication must have a purpose. This purpose must be identified and communicated to the recipient in a simple way.

2. Use the Right Tone

The tone you use depends on your target audience and the purpose of writing. Some forms of written communication (like proposals, resumes etc.) requires a formal tone.

3. Avoid the Use of Jargon

In written communication, your choice of words should be simple and easy to understand. Avoid the use of jargon and complex words.

4. Stick to the topic

You must stick to the topic and avoid sharing irrelevant information. This can make it difficult to understand the purpose of the message.

Effective written communication must be concise. So, you need to state your points clearly without including irrelevant information.

5. Use Active Voice

Write most sentences in active voice instead of passive voice. Sentences written in active voice are easier to understand than sentences written in passive voice.

For example, “I fed the dogs” (active voice) is easier to read and understand than “The dogs were fed by me” (passive voice).

6. Easy to Read

Effective written communication must be easy to read. Make use of spacing, short sentences, short paragraphs, bullet points, headings, and subheadings. This will make it easier and less boring to read any form of written communication.

7. Proofread

Carefully check for grammar, spelling, and punctuation mistakes before you share any written communication document.

You can either ask someone to proofread your writing or do it yourself by making use of proofreading software like Grammarly, Paper Rater, ProWriting Aid, Hemingway etc.

In addition, practice writing a variety of documents to improve your written communication skills. You can start by sending emails to your friends and family.

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The digital age has transformed how we communicate with each other. Some years back, we share information via letters, which can take days to be delivered. Now, you can easily share information with just one click.

Modern written communication methods e.g emails, text messages e.t.c are more convenient than older methods of written communication e.g letters.

Beyond high GPA scores, Employers look out for communication skills, especially written communication skills. No doubt, written communication is an essential part of our lives. This is why you have to improve your written communication skills.

We have now come to the end of this article, Do you find this article helpful? Let us know in the Comment Section.

Written communication is communication by means of written symbols or sign that is communicated by or to or between people or groups.

Written Communication

Written Communication

In written communication, a message can be transmitted via email, letter, report, memo, etc. The message, in written communication, is influenced by the vocabulary and grammar used, writing style, precision and clarity of the language used.

Table of Content

  • 1 What is Written Communication?
  • 2 Characteristics of Written Communication
    • 2.1 Written or Recorded
    • 2.2 Creative Activity
    • 2.3 Human Activity
    • 2.4 Language
    • 2.5 Permanent Record
    • 2.6 Legal Evidence
    • 2.7 Lengthy Process
    • 2.8 Accuracy
  • 3 Advantages of Written Communication
    • 3.1 Can maintain records
    • 3.2 Has legal validity
    • 3.3 Is accurate and dependable
    • 3.4 Can be well drafted
    • 3.5 Can be used to assign responsibility
    • 3.6 Allows little chance of misunderstanding
    • 3.7 Allows editing and omissions
  • 4 Disadvantages of Written Communication
    • 4.1 It is a time-taking medium
    • 4.2 It uses too many resources
    • 4.3 It requires good writing skills
  • 5 Purpose of Written Communication
    • 5.1 To widen contact scope
    • 5.2 Building Goodwill
    • 5.3 Documentary Evidence
    • 5.4 Lasting Impression
    • 5.5 Provide information
    • 5.6 Reference and Record
    • 5.7 Economic Communication
  • 6 Business Communication Notes
  • 7 Reference

Written communication is the most common form of communication being used in business. So, it is believed core among business skills. Memos, reports, bulletins, job descriptions, employee manuals, and electronic mail are the types of written communication used for internal communication.

For communicating with the external environment in writing, electronic mail, Internet Websites, letters, proposals, telegrams, faxes, postcards, contracts, advertisements, brochures, and news releases are used.

In the written form, it may require the drafting of letters and circulars, proposals, memos and business reports of varying kinds and includes

  • MemoReport
  • Office order
  • Circulars
  • Graphs/Charts
  • Staff Newsletter
  • E-mail
  • Form/Questionnaire
  • Letter
  • Notice, Agenda, Notes on Agenda
  • Minutes of Meetings
  • Advertisement
  • Customer Newsletter
  • Press Release
  • Invitation
  • Leaflet/Brochure/Handbills
  • Manuals

Characteristics of Written Communication

Written communication is a creative activity. It needs creative facts. The creative facts are produced by a human mind. The main characteristics of a written communication are as follows:

  1. Written or Recorded
  2. Creative Activity
  3. Human Activity
  4. Language
  5. Permanent Record
  6. Legal Evidence
  7. Lengthy Process
  8. Accuracy
Characteristics of Written Communication
Characteristics of Written Communication

Written or Recorded

Written communication is an effective process of transferring a message. The sender writes the message in the form of a letter, report, chart, diagram, questionnaire and passes to the receiver.

Creative Activity

Written communication is a creative activity. All the creative activities are produced by the human mind.

Human Activity

Human-being can write or explain an idea, opinion and information in written form. Therefore, written communication is a human activity.


Written communication can be expressed in a language. It may be Hindi, English, any code language, chart, figure etc. The selection of the language depends on the convenience of the sender and the receiver.

Permanent Record

Written communication has proof of evidence. It provides a permanent record for a future reference.

Legal Evidence

When the message is transferred through written communication, these are also used as legal evidence.

Lengthy Process

The process of written communication is very lengthy. The message is transferred in this process through several channels. Therefore, it takes more time.


Written messages are generally prepared in a peaceful environment. It is more effective for achieving future goals of an organization. Therefore, it is prepared by the sender with and accuracy.

Advantages of Written Communication

Written communication is one of the most extensively used modes of communication in most organisations. There are different forms of written communication that are primarily used to exchange information related to business operations, such as memos, reports, circulars, notices, manuals, e-mails, etc. Some of the benefits that written communication offers are as follows:

Some of the advantages of written communication are:

Advantages of Written Communication
Advantages of Written Communication

Can maintain records

Most written correspondence can be on record, such as information exchanged with stakeholders, minutes of meetings, mails, etc. Just imagine getting an oral appointment letter. Written documents provide a long-lasting record that can be used for future references.

Has legal validity

Written records provide legal authority, which can be used as proof of any information by organisations for any legal defence. E-mails, for instance, are the most inexpensive and quickest medium of written communication in cases where in-person communication is not possible.

Is accurate and dependable

Written communication is considered more accurate and reliable than oral communication because information exchanged cannot be changed unlike in the case of the latter.

Can be well drafted

Oral words can be spontaneous, unlike written communication which can be edited, modified and carefully articulated offering maximum clarity and accuracy of meaning.

Can be used to assign responsibility

It may not always be possible to communicate the work responsibilities to all employees in person. To take care of such situations, written communication can be used to effectively assign responsibilities.

Allows little chance of misunderstanding

In case the words to be written are carefully chosen and present the meaning precisely, there are very little chances of misunderstanding using written communication.

Allows editing and omissions

Written words can be edited or modified to suit the receiver before the message is sent across to the receivers.

Disadvantages of Written Communication

Some of the disadvantages of written communication are:

Disadvantages of Written Communication
Disadvantages of Written Communication

It is a time-taking medium

Written communication requires a lot of time. Putting one’s thoughts into words and formulation of the same is, of course, a time-consuming process, as proper structuring is required.

It uses too many resources

A large number of resources are wasted in an organisation on stationery and storage of files and records. Though the use of computers helps save or rather just cut down on some of these expenses, but still written communication costs a lot to organisations and also to the environment as the use of paper means cutting of trees.

It requires good writing skills

Proper grammatical knowledge of a language is required to communicate effectively. Written communication is constrained by grammar and handwriting if the message is not properly typed. Moreover, a poorly drafted message may lead to the loss of business for an organisation.

Purpose of Written Communication

Business letters are not in any way less vital than the blood circulation system in body when we talk and count it with reference to business activities. Needs for sending letter in business is felt for several purposes. Some of such purposes are as under.

Purpose of Written Communication
Purpose of Written Communication
  1. To widen contact scope
  2. Building Goodwill
  3. Documentary Evidence
  4. Lasting Impression
  5. Provide information
  6. Reference and Record
  7. Economic Communication

To widen contact scope

As already mentioned told, several parties are contacted in business and it is not possible to contact with all parties concerned. Thus, letters are the means that extend the scope of business activities to the desired extent.

Building Goodwill

Letters contribute largely in building goodwill for a business and making friendly relations with concerned parties if these are written in influence manner. These act as an advertisement for building goodwill of the business concerned.

Documentary Evidence

Letters may be filed before a court as written evidence in the form of a business contract. Letters bear the signature of the authorised person. Hence, letters act as evidence in the course of deciding on liabilities.

Lasting Impression

As the letters are retained by the readers, these have a lasting impression on them. These are repeatedly read by readers unless a response is given. They are also remembered by them or make a niche for them in their memory.

Provide information

In business, several parties communicate one another on a number of topics or matters. Business letters with information written on them make such transactions of information very easy. Hence, letters are the most important medium in view of providing information.

Reference and Record

Everyone may agree that it is not possible to keep memory afresh every time in respect of the contracts executed, transaction made and the events taking place in the course of running the business. Letters, however, can easily be used as record for future references. These can use as a reference whenever such need is felt.

Economic Communication

Communication through letters is always economic as no extra cost is incurred in this mode sending information from one place to another. It is cheaper than personal contact with the parties.

Business Communication Notes

(Click on Topic to Read)

  • What is Business Communication?
  • What is Communication?
  • Types of Communication
  • 7 C of Communication
  • Barriers To Business Communication
  • Oral Communication
  • Types Of Non Verbal Communication
  • Written Communication
  • Soft Skills
  • Interpersonal vs Intrapersonal communication
  • Barriers to Communication
  • Organisational Communication
  • Horizontal Communication
  • Grapevine Communication
  • Downward Communication
  • Verbal Communication Skills
  • Upward Communication
  • Flow of Communication
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Public Speaking
  • Upward vs Downward Communication
  • Internal vs External Communication


  1. Business Communication: “ K.K. Sinha, Golgotia Publishing Company.
  2. Dr K.C. Goyal, Dr Ummed Singh, Dr Kapil Dev, Business Communication.
  3. Essentials of Business Communication: Rajendra Pal, J.S Korlahalli, Sultan Chand & Sons.

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Did you know that 75% of millennials would rather text than talk on the phone? Studies show that texting and other forms of written communication have become widely popular among smartphone users. Written communication enables you to communicate at your own pace as you can think and take time before writing a message. It’s more effective than verbal communication because it helps recall information with greater efficiency. Writing also helps communicate complex ideas more easily.

Let’s explore the meaning and benefits of effective written communication and see why it’s one of the best forms of self-expression.

Before we set out to define written communication, let’s look at what ‘communication’ means and entails. In a nutshell, communication is the process of exchanging ideas, information or concepts between a sender (who creates and sends the information) and the receiver (who receives and interprets the information). This exchange takes place through a medium or a channel— it could be verbal, nonverbal, visual and written.

Written communication is the process of exchanging messages (information, thoughts or concepts) between a sender and receiver(s) by making use of the written word. Effective written communication is important for businesses as it helps to bring everybody on the same page regarding overall goals and objectives. In this day and age, everybody is expected to navigate emails, bulletins, reports, circulars and office memos.

Here are a few examples of written communication that will highlight its importance in professional settings:

  • Imagine that a new client is interested in collaborating with your organization. You are likely to give them a snapshot of the history and success of your organization and how it has overcome challenges. A business deck or brochure is an effective way of communicating important as well as attractive details about the organization. Not only will it help you provide a summary, but also persuade your client to work with you.

  • Organizations often use business memorandums (memos) for internal communication. Although a majority of memos are now communicated via emails, it’s an effective tool to give instructions or remind people of events, actions or observance. If you want to broadcast a message to a large number of people, memos are the way to go.

What Are The Types Of Written Communication?

Different types of written communication are used in different contexts and needs.

  1. Transactional

When you communicate something only to get a response from your receiver, it is known as transactional communication. The online medium is the most effective way to send your message quickly, and emails or texting platforms work wonderfully. Since you expect a response, you need to be careful about the way you frame your message. Be mindful of the tone, language and style. Some examples of transactional communication are asking for a favor, scheduling a meeting or requesting a quick clarification.

  1. Informational

When you communicate something for the benefit of the reader or to inform them about something, the message is known as informational communication. The onus is on you to deliver the message and the receiver doesn’t have any role to play, except for raising doubts or asking for clarifications, if any. You need to communicate clearly, avoid complex terms and be direct so that your readers can understand the message easily. Memos are excellent examples of informational communication. They are a quick and efficient form of internal communication.

  1. Instructional

When your communication is meant to instruct or direct someone to do a specific task, it’s called instructional communication. These messages should be detailed, giving the reader a fair idea about the topic. It should be easy to follow and should clearly instruct the reader what’s expected of them. The most crucial aspect of instructional communication is the format. Using bullet points to lay down the instructions step by step can help. Using smaller paragraphs or short sentences are a powerful way to help your reader understand your instructions.

What Are Written Communication Skills?

You have probably come across the phrase “we require excellent written communication skills” in several job descriptions and advertisements. Employers value written communication skills because it’s instrumental in driving professional relationships, brand image, and business goals. Written communication skills refer to the ability to effectively get your point across through the written word. Anyone can develop these skills with adequate practice and attention to detail. Here are a few examples of written communication tips that can help you develop good written communication skills and enhance the quality of your business writing:

  • Use active voice so that readers follow your writing at a quicker pace

  • Use the appropriate tone, also known as the voice, which will indicate the degree of formality or friendliness

  • Use the correct grammar and punctuation to ensure that your point is sent across the way you intend it to; poor grammar reflects badly on you as well as the organization

  • Be precise; it helps you to not divulge too much or too little information when communicating your main agenda

  • Keep it simple; it will prevent you from confusing your readers

Written communication skills are essential for every stage of career development. Whether you are applying for a new job or building new professional networks, you need to showcase your writing skills at every stage. For example, you need to learn how to be precise when building your resume so that your strengths and accomplishments are highlighted. Even during presentations, you can’t dump all your data on the slides and expect the audience to follow everything. All your written communication should be easy to read and should contain appropriate terms that get your message across.

The Five Cs of Written Communication

In some ways, written communication is more important than verbal communication. It helps you record information and refer to it in the future. It creates accountability and establishes a powerful channel to engage your audience. Effective written communication depends on various factors. You can remember them through these five Cs.

  1. Connection 

It is the way you connect with your readers or audience and engage them through written communication.

  1. Clarity 

You should have clarity of thought while engaging in written communication—it shouldn’t confuse your reader.

  1. Cause

Before you write something down, ask yourself what it is that you want to convey. Your goal or purpose should be clear to you as well as your reader. If there are any actionable items, they should also be laid out clearly.

  1. Conciseness 

Written communication is effective when it is direct and to the point. You need to be clear and put forward your points succinctly.

  1. Correctness 

Always use appropriate grammar, inoffensive language and the proper tone while communicating. Always proofread what you have written.

How To Write Proficiently

Now that you know the importance of written communication in business, let’s look at how you can improve your approach. Here are some questions that you need to ask yourself to write and communicate proficiently:

  1. What Is My Goal?

Having an end-goal in mind helps you focus on the things you want to communicate. For example, if you want someone to take action after reading your email, you need to communicate that objective clearly. Often, emails begin with the main purpose or the big idea so that the reader knows exactly what the communication is about. Irrespective of what format you use, organize your message so that your main idea is communicated even if the reader simply skims through the message.

  1. Is My Message Clear?

After you have identified your purpose and written your first draft, you should check for a few things:

  • Whether your message contains unnecessary details, and if extra words or sentences can be removed

  • Whether the message is direct and leaves no room for misinterpretation, and if there are words that can be replaced with more accessible ones

A useful trick to organize your thoughts is to use an outline. Organize information in a logical order, ensuring that you have covered all the major points. This is especially helpful in communicating large chunks of information. For example, you can summarize complicated business reports by outlining the introduction, body and conclusion.

  1. How Do I Maintain Professionalism?

Whether it’s an email to a client or a close work-friend, it’s safe to assume that all written communication will be shared with others or forwarded. Before hitting ‘send’, check whether the content is free of inappropriate and insensitive information. What you think is a harmless joke can hurt someone’s sentiments.

Written communication in business is tricky. Sometimes, we may come off as condescending even if we didn’t intend to. We must pay close attention to our tone, style and language and keep our messages respectful. Proofreading and editing are good ways to ensure that the information has been double-checked.

Master The Art!

To write clearly, concisely and compellingly is an art. But anybody can learn how to master the art of effective written communication! Harappa Education’s tried-and-tested methods will teach you how to improve your business communication in ways that everyone will sit up and take notice. The Writing Proficiently course will help you structure your thoughts better and deliver your ideas with precision. The GRT (Goal, Recipient and Tone) Framework will guide you in determining your readers and purpose. The PREP (Point, Reason, Example and Point) Model will help you write with clarity and conciseness. Your words will not only convince but also impress others!

Explore Harappa Diaries to learn more about topics & skills related to the COMMUNICATE Habit such as Writing SkillsReport Writing, How to Take Effective Meeting MinutesWhat is a Memo & How to Write a Follow-Up Email to polish your written communication skills.

Communicating Effectively through the Written Word

In its most simple definition, an ‘effective written communication’ is one that achieves its purpose. In order to make this happen the writer needs to think about:

• the objective or aim of writing
• the intended audience
• the message
• how the message is phrased
• how the message is presented
• access to the message.

The objective: Writers must be clear about what they want their writing to achieve. The content, format and presentation will all depend on the pur­pose of the message.

The audience: The needs, interests and knowledge of the reader must be an­ticipated and the writing planned accordingly.

The message: This is about the content or meaning that the writer wants to convey to the reader.

How the message is phrased: The choice of vocabulary and the way in which the message is phrased will vary according to the purpose, the context and the reader.

How the message is presented: The layout and the format of the text plays an important part in attracting the reader. It also helps to organise the infor­mation and thereby increases the readability of the piece.

Access to the message: The writer must consider how and when the reader will have access to the written message. So circulation lists must be considered when writing reports, whereas methods of distribution are important when writing information leaflets for clients.

(Resources: Writing Skills in Practice (Health Professionals), Diana Williams. 13-14)

Written communication is a cornerstone of modern society. But why do we communicate? What purpose does it serve? Why are we a society that relies on written communication? It’s a question discussed for thousands of years, and many theories have been proposed. There are numerous advantages to using written communication, but the main one is that it allows us to communicate information to others. It works best as long as you can understand the data. This article will discuss why this particular way of communication is vital for society and some ways you can improve your writing.

What Is The Definition Of Written Communication?

Written communication can be defined as a form of communication that is communicated through writing. It can also be defined as the practice or skill of communicating through writing. It has traditionally been seen as an extension of oral communication. Many people have found that their written skills have decreased over time without practice. With the advent of remote employee work and the need to communicate via messaging apps and emails, people quickly discover that they need to improve written communication skills to portray their feelings, desires, and sentiments more concisely. An operation’s success depends on the quality and comprehension of what the writer intends to convey. For many, this is a skill that they must relearn.

The purpose of written communication is to share a message with people. However, different types of written communication can be classified according to their intended audience and the medium of transmission:

Written Communication For Individuals

An individual sends these types of notes to others or themselves to express what they want to say. These notes provide a personal expression that an individual alone can deliver. These written messages may be sent anonymously, on behalf of someone else, or in response to something.

Written Communication For Groups

These notes are meant for individuals who are gathered together, either for family or business groups. Additionally, You can use them to allow members to share content with those not present during the original authoring.

Why Is The Written Word So Important To Society?

Words are used to express emotions and ideas. They help people to learn, communicate, and share knowledge. Society must write down the data that makes the world a more connected place.  In essence, the written word is a way for humans to express themselves. It allows you to share ideas in different ways that are sometimes more personal than spoken words.

Establishes A Permanent Record

Writing down information provides humans with a connection to the past by way of a permanent record. Although there is debate these days about how humans will continue to pass on information in the digital age, the fact remains that writing down what is in your mind creates a permanence that can be disseminated into the future.

Provides Ease Of Distribution

If humans were unable to put their thoughts down on paper, society, as you know it, couldn’t exist. There would be no way of sharing information with other communities outside of verbal communication. This is why those who could read and write were often the rulers and imposed their will on others in ancient times. After more people learned how to read and write and began writing down what they were thinking and sharing it with their communities, rulers’ power began to wane. You can look at Martin Luther’s Protestant Reformation as an excellent example of this.

How to improve your written communication skills

While many benefits come with this new world of content sharing, there are also some downsides. With so much content out there, it’s hard to find relevance in today’s society. Therefore, people should know how to properly document the information they wish to share.

Before You Begin Writing, Determine What Your Goal Is

Before you begin writing, determine what your goal is. This will help you get started on the right foot when planning your piece and breaking it down into sections. If you merely begin writing without a proper plan in place, you will soon discover your writing veers off into irrelevant territory.

Don’t Include Details That Aren’t Necessary

When writing, you must always attempt to remain concise and leave out the filler. This is vital to ensure your writing can be read and understood effectively. Business writing emphasizes the importance of clarity even more since the author must convey clearly what is intended. The key to writing concisely is not to limit the length or size of your content. Instead, it means that you should accurately convey what you want to say. If you need only a few words to say it, that is fine. In contrast, if you require a lengthy article to convey a point, you should write it that way. 

Utilize Outlines 

Creating an outline before you begin writing is essential to cover all of the induration you need. While this might not apply to informal writing, it is a valuable habit to develop. If you don’t outline, you’ll probably end up writing with a stream of consciousness style, which will work for putting words down, but make the next step difficult.

Ensure Thorough Editing

Editing your writing is not an optional step but an intertrial part of writing. Without thorough editing, your work will appear messy and confused. It is also unnecessary for informal writing. Nevertheless, you should spend time editing it so as not to appear uninformed or in a hurry.


This step is exchangeable with editing as you will inevitably go through several rounds of proofreading and editing. You need to proofread your prose to spot errors, learn about what you have written, and see if what you wrote is accurate.

Written communication is a powerful tool that allows people to communicate and exchange ideas. It also helps humans to understand each other. The written word is a powerful tool that has been used for millennia. It can move people to tears, change opinions, encourage action, or even save lives. However, writing is a skill that takes time and effort to master, which is why every individual should learn it to preserve information for future generations.

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Written Communication is another category of verbal communication apart from oral communication. It involves communication of a message through written words and symbols. While oral communication comes as a natural process to humans, written communication requires a lot of practice and effort.

Characteristics of Written Communication

  • One of the striking characteristics of Written Communication is that it is short and one time in nature. Unlike oral communication which goes in rounds based on the reactions and responses of the people involved, written communication tends to get over in just one or maximum two rounds. This is mainly due to the professionalism involved in the same
  • Written Communication is generally a time consuming activity. While it is the responsibility of the sender to encode the information in a crisp and clear manner, it becomes the responsibility of the receiver to decode the same in the intended manner. The task of collecting, sorting and encoding information makes written communication a time consuming activity
  • Written communication requires enormous amount of planning and effort. Written communication is legally valid and so enough care needs to be taken while preparing the same. Written Communication, in case of branding materials act as the face of a brand or organization. Hence, effective written communication adds value to the marketing efforts and goodwill of an organization

Advantages of Written Communication

Written communication offers many advantages some of which are given below:

  • Written communication acts as a permanent record making people responsible for what they said. No one can take back words they have written
  • The permanent nature of Written Communication makes it a legally valid
  • Written Communication facilitates decision making at all points of time since people in the decision making capacity can refer to the same back and forth at all points of time
  • The legality applicable to written communication safeguards organizations from litigations and other possible issues in the eyes of Law
  • Accuracy levels are high when people communicate the intended information in written form since the same cannot be changed if a mistake is done. For this reason, written communication is highly dependable
  • Written Communication tends to increase the brand image of the organization in multiple ways
  • Written Communication provides information to all concerned in an uniform and authentic manner

Limitations of Written Communication

Written Communication, like any other form, has its own limitations. Some of the limitations are mentioned below for clarity.

  • Written Communication involves time delay since the same need to be read and understood by the receiver at the other end. He has to then respond back with his views which will take its time
  • Written Communication acts as the root cause for heavy paper work and clutter due to the same. Creation as well as maintenance of the paper work adds cost to organizations
  • Written Communication loses its efficacy if people at the receiving end are not equally or reasonably good in expression
  • Written Communication involves costs not only in terms of creation and maintenance but also in terms of manpower deployed who are involved in the same

Written Versus Oral Communication

# Factor compared Oral Communication Written Communication
1 Applicability For crisp short messages For passing lengthy information
2 Basic nature Casual. Has a personal touch Formal. Lacks personal touch
3 Response Fast and immediate Slow and delayed
4 Reach Immediate Slow
5 Cost involved Less High
6 Flexibility High since can be changed Low since it is permanent
7 Body Language Can be used in high degrees Lacks possibility to use gestures
Tips to write clearly and effectively

Writing clearly helps to communicate the intended message to the targeted audience in the appropriate manner. Some tips given below will provide ideas to write in a clear and concise manner, however one must have a clear understanding of the 7C or principles of communication in order to communicate effectively .

  • Use simple words that are commonly used and easily understood
  • Use words that address things directly instead of words that are indicative in nature
  • Avoid using words that can create ambiguities due to the complexity in understanding the same
  • Use words that are short in length since long words may be distracting the receiver from the crux of the communication
  • Use words that kindle and retain the interest of the readers rather than making them feel bored
  • Use only those technical words that can be easily understood even by non-technical audience
  • Using active verbs helps more than twisting the grammar to make the sentence look lofty
  • Camouflaging the verbs must be avoided since doing this cause the sentences to look abstract
  • When idioms are to be used, use them in the simplest form instead of complicating the same
  • Use niche only when they can be easily related with the context. Avoid using the same just for building up sentences if the same is irrelevant to the given situation

Written communication that is crisp and clear conveys the message to the intended audience in a straight forward manner. The impact that such a straight forward message creates is huge and will elicit a favorable response from the receiver at the other end.

Tips for effective sentence formation

Sentence formation is one of the crucial aspects which add a lot of value to the communication. The tips given below will help to form sentences in a simple and effective manner to convey all types of communication in an effective manner.

  • Construct sentences that are simple in nature so they can be easily understood
  • Avoid packing lots of information in a single sentence which will overload the reader
  • Use minimum words to convey the intended message in a focused manner
  • Avoid usage of unnecessary words which may add to the heaviness for the reader
  • Avoid formation of phrases that are cluttered in nature overloaded with all the vocabulary one may know
  • Direct construction of sentences helps in reaching the message in a complete manner than round about construction
  • Avoid repeating words and points just for the sake of emphasizing a point again and again
  • Emphasize only where it is required else the complete content may start looking like a piece of junk
  • Keep the sentences to the point since crispness adds to the interest of the readers
  • Right formation of sentences represents the ideas in the perfect manner adding value to the information that is being communicated
  • Ensure grammatical mistakes are not avoided while forming sentences since this may act as a deterrent factor for effective communication.

Simplifying sentence formation goes a long way in conveying the exact meaning intended to be communicated to the person at the receiving end. Thrusting of high end vocabulary just to show out the knowledge one possesses and the richness of vocabulary will result in dilution of message. Avoid using unwanted jargon just to make the communication look high ended. Remember, reaching out the message to the concerned is more important than creating long sentences filled with unfamiliar rich words.


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