Common noun examples word

The term common noun is an indefinite name of any place, person, thing object, or idea which is used commonly in place of the proper noun.

What is a Common Noun?
A common noun is a particular name of any person, place, or object.

While writing a common noun in place of a noun (proper noun) no need of capitalizing the first sentence. Common nouns are either written or singular identity or a plural one by adding ‘ or es’ to the suffix.
It may be countable or uncountable concerning their size, quantity, or mass.

common noun

Examples of common noun

Place: country, state, city, continent, town, village, island, etc.
Person: mother, father, son, sister, friend, baby, child, doctor, etc.
Things: book, desk, water, clothes, toy, car, etc.
Idea: anger, loyalty, memory, honesty, etc.

Examples of Common Noun are in Sentences

  1. This dress suits her perfectly.
  2. He is the husband of one of your female classmates.
  3. Better you bring your father to school tomorrow to meet me.
  4. Switch ON another engine from the engine.
  5. He took his bike by performing a stunt at the shooting site.
  6. She has scored 93% aggregate in the exam.
  7. This woman is neither coming nor going inside the hall.
  8. Children are playing games in recess time.
  9. He has spread a perfume in the entire house.
  10. tunnel is going to be started very soon.            
  11. Mother’s milk is very good for the baby’s health.
  12. The lady teacher is going to teach a few subjects in the class.
  13. Tigers are the only predator from the cat family.
  14. The entire city is suffering from power failure.
  15. Nation’s love is bigger than the girlfriend’s love.
  16. He is coming with us to mountain trekking.
  17. Your teacher meets me at the market.
  18. The clerk of this office is very rude in behavior,  
  19. The delivery boy delivers the Pizzas to the destination on time
  20.  Someone’s daughter is caught in an accident.

more examples of common noun

List of Common Noun Words

  1. Person
  2. Picture
  3. Pen
  4. Pencil
  5. Park
  6. Party
  7. Oil
  8. Painter
  9. Nest
  10. News
  11. Mountain
  12. Movie
  13. Morning
  14. Name
  15. Mobile
  16. Money
  17. Market
  18. Mirror
  19. Life
  20. Magazine
  21. Land
  22. Law
  23. Leaves
  24. Letter
  25. Jewelry
  26. Job
  27. Industry
  28. Island
  29. Hospital
  30. Idea
  31. Yesterday
  32. Hill
  33. Year
  34. Health
  35. Women
  36. Gas
  37. Wood
  38. Group
  39. Garden
  40. Week
  41. Water
  42. Game
  43. View
  44. Future
  45. Train
  46. Food
  47. Trade
  48. Flowers
  49. Tractor
  50. Floor

More Types of Noun

  • Concrete noun
  • Abstract noun
  • Countable noun

Common nouns are one of the most basic parts of speech in the English language, and the same is true for many other languages as well. However, there are different types of nouns, and they come in forms that you might use in various situations, including instances when you speak or want to write complete sentences. As a resource for teachers and students, our common noun examples guide below will take you through one form of noun structures in English. We call them common nouns. As the name suggests, you might think of them as the most basic form of the noun in English.

common nouns

Examples of Common Nouns

Here are some common noun examples, all nouns serve to name either a person, place, or thing. Common nouns are never capitalized unless they go at the start of a sentence. Common nouns are not specific; they name general items, objects, people, abstract ideas, emotions, concepts, or professions.

Common Nouns

Common nouns are general. They can name classes of things, people, and places rather than specific things, people, or places.

  1. writer
  2. The U.S. presidents
  3. house
  4. jeans

Proper Nouns

Common nouns can be proper nouns when they name a specific important thing, person, or brand.

  1. Writer J.K. Rowling
  2. President Joe Biden
  3. The White House
  4. Levi Jeans

Common Noun Flashcards

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Proper Noun vs. Common Noun

A proper noun names a proper name or title, and they are always capitalized. For anything more general, you are dealing with an example of a common noun. Common nouns can become proper and be capitalized if they are used to replace a name or as part of a name in a title.

  1. The former president of the United States was President Donald Trump (Proper noun and common noun)
  2. Former U.S. presidents. (Common noun and proper noun)
  3. My grandpa’s name is Fred. (Common and proper noun)
  4. Thanks, Auntie! (Proper noun because auntie replaces her name)
  5. My teacher told me we’re going to start learning Spanish. (Proper noun and common noun)

Are There Different Types of Common Nouns?

Yes, we can divide nouns into several subcategories for learning purposes. While proper and common are two areas that you might see as the main types of nouns, you can further divide them. Some examples of common nouns that you can put into different groups include countable, uncountable, abstract, concrete, and collective nouns for groups. It is important to note that some nouns in any of these classifications could also serve as nouns that are not common.

To dig a little deeper, consider the words crab and tea. One is countable, but you can’t count the other one. However, they are both still common noun examples that you would simply put in their own subcategories. The same is true for words like office or anger. Both of these words express concrete and abstract things, respectively, but they are still an expression of general rather than specific nouns.

What Can the Nouns Do?

A typical common noun can take on various roles within the structure of a sentence. The subject may be the place where you see such a noun the most. For example, The child painted a picture sees the noun child, denoting a general person, acting as the subject. Additionally, picture is also a common noun example in the same sentence, but it takes the form of a direct object. If we follow this sentence with the child showed the parents a finished picture, then we see that the word parents is another example of this type of noun, and it takes the form of an indirect object here.

When you engage with English grammar, at some point, you will face the confusion of what is a common noun. It is very important to realize that nouns can be classified into two types. One is a proper noun, and the other is common.

To state the basics, a common noun is a word for generic items, while a proper noun is a word for specific items. Today, we will try to focus on common nouns and understand how and where they can be applied.

A common noun is not very complex. It is rather easy to be recognized.

What is Common Noun?

A common noun is basically a generic name. It is a word that we use to name general items that are present everywhere surrounding us. It can be a generic name for a person, thing, or place. It can be anything that we can see through our eyes.

For instance, you are in your kitchen, and you see a table and chair. Those objects are all common nouns. Common nouns are basically names for all the general items we regularly engage with.

Common vs Proper nouns

To understand better, it is best to differentiate it from the other classification. That is a proper noun.

Now, like mentioned earlier, a common noun is a generic name. So, we need to understand that it is used to name general items and not specific ones like a proper noun. A proper noun is a noun that is used to name something specific.

Let us understand with an example;

If you see a pair of shoes and you say that you want it, you would say;

“I want a pair of shoes.”

Here, “shoes” is a common noun. What kind or what brand is not specifically mentioned.

Now, if you use a particular brand name such as;

“I want a pair of Jordan.”

Here, “Jordan” is a proper noun. It is specifically mentioned, and hence, it cannot be a common noun.

Common nouns are lowercase words

In the above examples, we noticed that the common noun was not capitalized whereas the proper noun was. So, it becomes a simple rule to recognize a common noun.

Common nouns are mostly lowercase words as they refer to general items and not definite something. They are only capitalized when used to begin a sentence. Unless that is the case, common nouns are generally lowercase words, unlike proper nouns that are capitalized.

Use of common nouns

Common nouns are used to name a class of person, place, or thing. It can be anything as long as it is a general reference and not a definite or specific classification of an object or a concept.

For example;

with a person;

  • I saw my teacher coming this way.
  • The lawyer is very busy.

With an object;

  • I lost my cup last night.
  • I am reading the book right now.

So we see, these words are common nouns. Had it been a brand name or a specific name such as “Runi teacher” or “Anne Frank,” it would have been a proper noun.

We can conclude that common nouns are nouns that are used to refer to general items. They are mostly lowercase words. We use them every time, even if we do not realize it.

Common Noun is a part of English Grammar. There are several types of Noun and it is a part of the Noun. Generally, we can’t use capital letters before common nouns. This Noun is the general name for a place, person, or thing in a group or class.

Actually, it is not capitalized it begins a sentence or appears in a heading. Generally, it will be the quite apparent definite person, place or thing is being named. Therefore, a common noun is any person, place, or thing but not the actual names of those people, places, or things.

Definition: The noun is not a defined place, person, or thing. On the other hand, A proper noun, is a definite person, thing and place. Examples of common nouns the words cow, boy, and country.

Common Noun meaning

It is not a definite place, person, or thing. on the other hand, A proper noun, is a defined person, thing and place. Synonym of Common Noun:  A noun that can become first by an indefinite article and signifies any member or all members of a classroom a usual noun Such as dog or city.

A common noun is a noun that refers to a person, place, thing, or idea that is not specific or unique. It is not capitalized unless it is the first word in a sentence or part of a proper noun. Here are some examples of common nouns:

  1. People: girl, boy, teacher, doctor
  2. Places: city, country, park, house
  3. Things: book, car, phone, computer
  4. Ideas: love, happiness, freedom, knowledge

Examples of common nouns in a sentence:

  1. The boy played with his dog in the park.
  2. She is going to the store to buy some milk.
  3. He works as a doctor at the hospital.
  4. The computer needs to be charged before I can use it.

It is important to note that common nouns are not specific or unique, unlike proper nouns which refer to specific people, places, or things. Proper nouns are always capitalized, for example: John, Paris, Coca-Cola.

Some common nouns can be made into proper nouns by adding a specific identifier. For example, “New York” is a proper noun because it identifies a specific city, while “city” is a common noun because it refers to any city in general.

It’s important to note that common nouns can be countable or uncountable. Countable nouns are things that can be counted, such as “one car,” “two books,” or “three chairs.” Uncountable nouns, on the other hand, cannot be counted and are usually treated as singular, such as “water,” “air,” or “music.”

Examples of a proper noun and common noun

There are some Common and Proper examples for learners.

Sure! Here are some examples of proper nouns and common nouns:

Proper nouns:

  • John
  • London
  • Coca-Cola
  • Google

Common nouns:

  • man
  • city
  • soft drink
  • search engine

In each of these examples, the proper noun is specific and proper (it identifies a specific person, place, or brand), while the common noun is general and not proper (it refers to any person, place, or thing of that type).

Common noun sentences

This type of Noun understands any person, place, or thing but not the actual names of those people, places, or things. Here, we’ll look at the Noun and make available some examples so you will be able to identify common nouns while you see them. Don’t fear, this will be simple.

Example of Common Noun

  • They talk about movies and celebrities.
  • Alex is a wonderful player.
  • Sydney Sixers is the team plays for.
  • He has a house and a car
  • He is a man of dream.
  • He plays cricket with intensity.
  • His friend accompanies him.
  • Sydney is the city he lives in.
  • He has a dog named Poppy.
  • He goes for a walk by the river every day.
  • He has a house across the
  • He was not born in this country.
  • He is a fan of Hugh Jackman and the movie
  • Michael Clarke is his mentor.
  • I want to be a 
  • Let’s go to the city.
  • There are a lot of important documents in the 

The instance of common Nouns with Sentences

Bellow has several examples of the Noun in the same sentence.

  • The baby is crying for his toy car.
  • My car is parked in the driveway.
  • The movie was interrupted by noise.
  • The sky looks beautiful in the morning.
  • Ali has broken my pen.
  • I have brought new jackets.
  • Every state has different rules and laws.
  • The dog is barking after seeing a beggar
  • You have brains in your head.
  • You have feet in your shoes.
  • You can steer yourself
  • any direction you choose.
  • you are the guy who’ll decide where to go.

Hereby underlined words “baby,” “car,” “movie,” “sky”, “pen,” “jackets,” every state,” and “dog,” are overall names for people and things.

Finally, Dear friends and students, you can get more information about the common nouns. We are trying to give for good something as if it can be benefited from here for you.

This topic is very important for all kinds of students. Get more information about English at once with us.

In summary, common nouns are a type of noun that refer to general people, places, things, or ideas, and are not capitalized unless they are the first word in a sentence or part of a proper noun.

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20 Examples of Common Nouns

Common Nouns

A noun is a word that names a person, animal, object, or place. Common nouns are words that name general things or items rather than specific ones. Common nouns can be seen in anything, and all nouns can be classified as common nouns. Common nouns are basic nouns that should be clear.

Common nouns name people, animals, and objects, but you need to know; If you use a common noun, that means you’re not giving a precise indication of what people, what animal, or what object you’re talking about.

Here are 100 Common Noun Examples in Sentences

If you say ‘female’ as a gender noun, that means you are not specific. You are talking about a woman in general, but if you say ‘Jennifer’, the woman becomes special and becomes a proper name. In conclusion, ‘female’ is a common noun because of its generality.

Common nouns are used to express an abstract or concrete concept. As long as it does not make a special meaning, it can be used as desired. Common nouns per sentence usually begin with a capital letter, but common nouns in a sentence must begin with a lowercase letter.





















In this post, you will learn about common noun definition, examples, lists, and exercises.

Let’s take a dive into it!

  • Definition
  • Common Noun Examples
  • Types of Common Noun
  • Common Nouns List
  • Common Noun Vs Proper Noun
  • Exercise


A common noun is a generic word used to denote a thing, a place or a person.

The common noun is capitalized if it comes at the start of the sentence. It can be abstract, collective or concrete.

You can see it every where around you like, house, road, bike etc.

For example,

  • A car is moving on the road.
  • My house is located in the mid of the city.
  • I am sitting on a chair.

A noun is categorized into two main types i.e. common noun and proper noun.

The common noun denotes things generally while proper nouns are the specific names of the things, places, or person.

Common Noun Examples

Look at the following examples. The bold word indicates a common noun in each example.

  1. I bought a laptop yesterday.
  2. Michael lives in Sydney. He is my fast friend.
  3. Fiji is a beautiful island. It is a great place to visit.
  4. I see a lot of people in the park every morning.
  5. She bought some new utensils.
  6. He is a humble man.
  7. The sailor is rowing the boat.
  8. My house is one kilometer away from the park.
  9. Santah is reading a novel.
  10. He has been living in this city for 10 years.

Types of Common Noun

Possessive common noun

Possessive common noun shows the ownership of a common noun, it can be quality, thing or idea. We use apostrophe and ‘s’ with the common noun. For example, man’s fate, bike’s color.

Singular common noun

A singular common noun indicates a single person, thing, or place. For example, a desk, a chair, or a man.

Plural common noun

Plural common noun shows plural items like chairs, desks, persons or places.

Common Nouns List

Here is a category wise list of common nouns


  • aunt
  • businessman
  • daughter
  • son
  • brother
  • sister
  • mother
  • father
  • president
  • salesman
  • man
  • woman


  • bird
  • elephant
  • lion
  • cat
  • dog
  • reptile
  • mammal


  • forest
  • park
  • road
  • countryside
  • sea-shore
  • city
  • state
  • house
  • office


  • bed
  • chair
  • fan
  • table
  • bottle
  • glass
  • pencil
  • book
  • computer
  • laptop
  • utensils


  • love
  • hate
  • angry
  • pride

Common Noun Vs Proper Noun

It is very easy to distinguish between a common noun and a proper noun. By reading these easy to understand the difference, you will be able to distinguish between a common noun and a proper noun.

Common Noun Proper Noun
The generic word used to name a thing, a person, or a place. The specific name of a person, a place, or a thing.
A common noun is a lowercase word. It is capitalized only when comes at the start of the sentence. Proper nouns are always capitalized whether we write at the start of a sentence or at the beginning.
These are general names. These are specific names.
Not every common noun has a proper noun.
For example, hate ->?
Every proper noun has a common noun.
For example, Jon->Man
Examples: man, women, city, country Examples: Washington DC, Diana, Michael
Common Noun Vs Proper Noun


Find the common noun in the given sentences.

  1. Laura baked the cookies. ( __________ )
  2. The cat was sitting under the table. ( __________ )
  3. I have a large collection of books. ( __________ )
  4. She takes fresh juice every morning. ( __________ )
  5. Tom loves to ride the horse. ( __________ )
  6. He reads the newspaper every morning. ( __________ )
  7. In which country do you live? ( __________ )
  8. Her mother bought him a beautiful present. ( __________ )
  9. Bob is a very good painter. ( __________ )
  10. I was flying the kite yesterday. ( __________ )


  1. cookies
  2. cat, table
  3. books
  4. juice
  5. horse
  6. newspaper
  7. country
  8. mother, present
  9. painter
  10. kite

Common nouns definition and examplesPin

Common nouns definition and examples

Further Reading

  • What is a noun? Types of nouns with examples
  • 50 Sentences of Nouns
  • Common and proper nouns
  • Parts of Speech Guide for Beginners

Common noun definition: A common noun is any person, place or thing. A common noun refers to any thing or concept that is not particular or specific.

What are common nouns? A common noun is any noun that does not name anything specific. Therefore, a common noun is any person, place, or thing but not the particular names of those people, places, or things. Common nouns are not capitalized (unless they begin a sentence).

Examples of Common Nouns:

  • girl
  • city
  • dog

These examples are common nouns because they name a person, place, and thing, respectively, but they do not give a specific name to those entities.

Common nouns may be specific or plural.

Examples of Plural Common Nouns:

  • girls
  • cities
  • dogs

Common Nouns and Proper Nouns

Definition of common noun listThere are a few key differences between common and proper nouns. A common noun does not give a specific name to an entity whereas a proper noun specifically names an entity. Proper nouns are always capitalized.

Common Noun Examples / Proper Noun Examples:

  • girl/Cathy
  • city/London
  • dog/Spot

Modifying Common Nouns

What is a common noun examplesCommon nouns can be modified with other parts of speech to make them more specific or particular.

Adjectives modify common nouns to describe what kind, which one, how many, and how much.

Examples of adjectives modifying common nouns:

  • smart girl
  • populated city
  • friendly dog

In these examples each adjective modifies the common nouns to make them more specific. Which girl? The smart girl. What kind of city? A populated city? What kind of dog? The friendly dog.

Prepositional phrases can modify common nouns to describe which one or what kind.

Examples of prepositional phrases modifying common nouns:

  • the girl in my class
  • the city by the lake
  • the dog near the bench

In these examples each prepositional phrase modifies the common nouns to make them more specific. Which girl? The girl in my class. Which city? The city by the lake. Which dog? The dog near the bench.

Relative clauses can modify common nouns to make them more specific or particular.

  • The girl who is in my class
  • The city that is by the lake
  • The dog that is near the bench

In these examples each relative clause modifies the common nouns to make them more specific. Which girl? The girl who is in my class. Which city? The city that is by the lake. Which dog? The dog that is near the bench.

Common Nouns List

What is a common noun exampleHere is a list of different categories of common nouns.

Abstract Nouns:

An abstract noun is an idea, quality, state, or condition that is not concrete.


  • intellect
  • thought
  • bravery

Collective Nouns:

A collective noun refers to an entire group or class composed of individual members.


  • jury
  • society
  • team

Compound Nouns:

A compound noun is a noun that consists of more than one noun.


  • groundhog
  • treehouse
  • waterslide

Concrete Nouns:

A concrete noun is a noun that is identifiable through touch, taste, sight, hearing, or smell.


  • carrot
  • chair
  • baby

Countable Nouns:

A countable noun is noun that refers to something that can be physically counted.


  • tree/trees
  • bowl/bowls
  • wallet/wallets

Non-countable Nouns:

A non-countable noun is noun that refers to something that cannot be physically counted.


  • sand
  • water
  • trash

Gender-specific Nouns:

A gender-specific noun is noun that refers to something that is specifically masculine or feminine.


  • actor/actress
  • groom/bride
  • dad/mom

Verbal Nouns:

A verbal noun is noun that originates from a verb.


  • running
  • reading
  • drawing

Exercises With Common Nouns

Identify the common nouns in the following sentences.

  1. The dad read the book to his daughter.
  2. The children decorated their table for the holiday.
  3. The parade starts on our street.
  4. My mom made spaghetti for dinner.
  5. The bread smelled wonderful.
  6. I need to collect the prize for my science project.

Summary: What are Common Nouns?

Define common noun: A common noun,

  • is any person, place, or thing
  • is not specific unless modified with other parts of speech
  • is not capitalized unless it starts a sentence
  • can be concrete or abstract

See answers below.


  1. dad, book, daughter
  2. children, table, holiday
  3. parade, street
  4. mom, spaghetti, dinner
  5. bread
  6. prize, project


  • 1 What is a Common Noun?
  • 2 Common Nouns and Proper Nouns
  • 3 Modifying Common Nouns
  • 4 Common Nouns List
  • 5 Exercises With Common Nouns
  • 6 Summary: What are Common Nouns?
  • 7 Answers

Common nouns are the names given to things, animals, places, or people which are of the same king.

Here’s a list of the most commonly used common nouns with example sentences:

1. Actor – He is an actor.

2. Air – He likes fresh air.

3. Area – He knows this area pretty well.

4. Baby – The baby was asleep in her cradle.

5. Bear – He is afraid of bears.

6. Bird – I like watching birds.

7. Body – You should take care of your body.

8. Book – He is in love with books.

9. Boots – He bought new boots.

10. Boy – He is the tallest boy in our class.

11. Car – He has two cars.

12. Cat – I don’t like cats.

13. Child – Whose child is that?

14. City – He lives in the city?

15. Clock – The clock struck four.

16. Company – He works in a company.

17. Computer – How many computers do you have?

18. Continent – There are seven continents in the world.

19. Country – It is a beautiful country.

20. Day – How was your day?

21. Doctor – Her mother is a doctor.

22. Dog – He was bitten by a dog.

23. Door – You left the door open.

24. Ear – She whispered in my ear.

25. Education – He received her education at private schools.

26. Envy – I don’t envy you.

27. Eye – He has got an infection in his eye.

28. Face – She was red in the face and perspiring profusely.

29. Fact – What is the most commonly known fact about tigers?

30. Family – He loves his family.

31. Father – His father has gone on a world tour.

32. Force – He used brute force to open the door.

33. Friend – He invited all his friends to the party.

34. Game – I don’t like playing games.

35. Girl – I haven’t got the time to meet girls.

36. Glass – He broke the glass.

37. Grandmother – I love my grandmother.

38. Group – A group of boys were frolicking around.

39. Hate – He hates everyone.

40. Head – He has was hit on the head by a ball.

41. Health – His health has deteriorated very quickly.

42. History – He loves reading history books.

43. Home – He went home to get some rest.

44. Information – She was able to give important information about her kidnapper.

45. Job – They offered him the job but he turned it down.

46. Jeans – He bought a new pair of jeans.

47. Kid – The kid is asleep.

48. Leaf – A fallen leaf floated on the surface of the water.

49. Letter – He wrote a letter to his mother.

50. Life – The meaning of life is that which we choose to give it.

51. LionLions are found throughout the country.

52. Lot – It’s just one lot of rich people stealing from another.

53. Love – He fell in love with her the first time he met her.

54. Man – He looked like a rich man.

55. Moment – He was silent for a moment before replying.

56. Money – He counted the money before putting it in his wallet.

57. Month – It was extended for six more months.

58. Morning – I’ve got a meeting this morning.

59. Mother – He lives with his mother.

60. Movie – He has gone to watch a movie.

61. Mug – You broke my favourite mug.

62. Name – What is your name?

63. Night – It was a moonless night.

64. Number – She picked up the phone and dialled his number.

65. Office – He has gone to the office.

66. Parent – He lives with his parents.

67. Park – There is a beautiful park in the city.

68. Party – Are you going to the party?

69. Pencil – He broke his pencil.

70. People – How many people died?

71. Person – He’s a good person.

72. Place – Is this a safe place?

73. Pride – He takes pride in whatever he does.

74. Question – Did you ask him any questions?

75. Research – A lot of research has been done on this.

76. Restaurant – I will meet him in the restaurant.

77. Result – The result is likely to be announced tomorrow.

78. River – The girl crossed the river.

79. Room – I am going to my room.

80. School – He goes to school.

81. Service – The service wasn’t up to mark.

82. Shop – He thinking of buying that shop.

83. State – We don’t live in the same state.

84. Story – It is a long story.

85. Student – He is a good student.

86. Study – I’m going to study.

87. Teacher – He is my favourite teacher.

88. Team – What team do you play for?

89. Teenager – He isn’t a teenager anymore.

90. Tiger – He was mauled to death by a tiger.

91. Truck – He has bought a new truck.

92. Toy – He is playing with toys.

93. Voice – I recognized your voice at once.

94. Water – We should try to save as much water as we can.

95. Wolf – I have never seen a wolf.

96. Woman – She’s a tough woman.

97. Work – He has got a lot of work to do.

98. World – He has travelled around the world.

99. Year – I am going abroad next year.

100. Zoo – A new zoo is opening in the city.

At some point, everyone has the same question: What is a common noun? Here, we’ll take a look at common nouns and provide some common noun examples so you can easily recognize common nouns when you see them. Don’t worry, this will be painless.

What is a Common Noun

noun is a word that names a person, animal, place, thing, or idea. All nouns can be further classified as a proper or common noun. Common nouns are words used to name general items rather than specific ones. Go into your living room. What do you see? A lamp, chair, couch, TV, window, painting, pillow, candle – all of these items are named using common nouns.
Common nouns are everywhere, and you use them all the time, even if you don’t realize it. Wherever you go, you’ll find at least one common noun. Street, closet, bathroom, school, mall, gas station, living room; all of these places are things, and thus they are common nouns.

What is the difference between common and proper nouns?

When we look at the two main types of noun – proper and common – we can differentiate between the two by saying that a common noun is a general way of classifying something, and a proper noun is a specific way of classifying something, So, for example, the word dog is a common noun; but if your dog was called Fido, the word Fido is a proper noun:

  • Dog = common noun
  • Dog’s name (Fido, in this case) = proper noun

More examples of the difference between common and proper nouns:

  • My favorite newspaper (common noun) is the Washington Post (proper noun).
  • Her husband (common noun) is called Frank (proper noun).
  • The award-winning Babe Ruth (proper noun) is the greatest baseball player (common noun) in history.

You may have noticed from the examples that common nouns are not usually capitalized, unless they begin a sentence, whereas proper nouns are normally capitalized. You will also notice that both types of nouns can be more than a single word.

When to use common nouns?

We use common nouns to denote a class of objects or a concept. Consider the word star, as in the stars we see in the sky. Star is used as a common noun, used to denote the class of objects that we view in the night sky, i.e. the luminescent bodies that are spread across the universe, twinkling overhead. The Sun, however, is a proper noun, used to describe the specific star that is at the center of our solar system.

So, anything that is a thing can be generally classified as a common noun:

Professions: lawyer, doctor, teacher, nurse, politician, football player.

People: People in general are named using common nouns, though their official titles in certain cases or given names are proper nouns. When we refer to people using common nouns, we use words like teacher, clerk, police officer, preacher, delivery driver, boyfriend, girlfriend, grandma, cousin, and barista.

For example, when talking about your mother, mother is a common noun.

  • My mother is an actress.
  • Barbara’s mother was the best cook in the city.

But when speaking to your mother, or using mother as her name, mother is used as a proper noun.

  • Mother, can you bake your brownies for the party?”
  • I asked Mother Thompson to join us at dinner.

Objects: car, newspaper, boat, potato chip, shoe, house, table, sword.

However, common nouns can also be more abstract concepts, not things but ideas, emotions and experiences, for example:

Abstract ideas: Culture, love, democracy, time, hatred, peace, war, empathy, anger, laughter.

How to recognize a common noun?

Considering what we have laid out above, it should be pretty easy to recognize a common noun. However, there are some cases when it can be tricky. Consider these sentences:

  • Queen Elizabeth II welcomed President Donald Trump to Buckingham Palace.
  • Donald Trump visited many queens and palaces during his tenure as the president of the United States.

In the first sentence, Queen Elizabeth II, President Trump and Buckingham Palace are proper nouns. They are specific titles for a specific person. In the second sentence, queens, palaces and president are common nouns. Queens and palaces refer to queens and palaces in general, and president refers to the job title and not the specific person.

We mentioned earlier that job titles and general titles fall under the category of common nouns – attorney, actor, comedian, truck driver, sergeant, officer, secretary. However, if these become specific titles referring to a specific person, they sometimes become proper nouns as in  the examples above. Normally, this means the words are capitalized when placed directly in front of that person’s name:

  • Attorney General William Barr was appointed by President

But look how we can use the same words with common nouns:

  • Each US president must appoint an attorney general while in office.

So, you can recognize the common noun by the fact it is not capitalized. But remember that common nouns can also be identified because they are referring to non-specific things or classifications.

The takeaway is this: common nouns are general names and unless they are part of a title like Postmaster General or begin a sentence, they’re not usually capitalized.


Common Noun Examples

The following common noun examples will help you to recognize common nouns. In the sentences that follow, common noun examples are italicized. Notice that the examples providing proper nouns name specific versions of the same type of person, animal, place, thing, or idea.

  1. Common Noun: You broke my favorite mug. Proper Noun: I can’t believe you broke my Snoopy mug.
  2. Common Noun: I really want a new pair of jeans. Proper Noun: I really want to buy a new pair of Levis.
  3. Common Noun: I wish I could remember the name of that painter. Proper Noun: I really love art by Van Gogh.
  4. Common Noun: They’re all waiting for us at the restaurant. Proper Noun: Everyone else is at Bill’s Burgers.
  5. Common Noun: I really want to live in the city Proper Noun: Of all the places I’ve lived, Denver was best.
  6. Common Noun: Let’s go to watch a live game at the stadium. Proper Noun: Let’s try to get good seats at Wrigley Field

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