Committee member one word

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  • 1
    committee member

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > committee member

  • 2
    committee member

    Англо-русский экономический словарь > committee member

  • 3
    committee member

    Англо-русский словарь по исследованиям и ноу-хау > committee member

  • 4
    (a) committee member without a vote

    член комиссии/комитета с совещательным голосом

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > (a) committee member without a vote

  • 5
    budget committee member

    English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > budget committee member

  • 6




    комитет, комиссия

    to be [sit] on a committee, to be a member of a committee — быть членом комитета, входить в состав комиссии



    new product committee, Boundary Committee for England, cabinet committee, Capital Issues Committee, Central Arbitration Committee, Consumer Protection Advisory Committee, equal representation committee, interagency committee, investment committee, Judicial Committee of the Privy Council, Monetary Policy Committee, Zangger Committee, Interim Coordinating Committee for International Commodity Arrangements, convener, Advisory Committee for Trade Policy and Negotiations, Committee for the Implementation of Textile Agreements, Committee on Food Aid Policies and Programmes, Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States, Committee on Trade and Development, Administrative Committee on Coordination, Advisory Committee on Export Policy, Bank Advisory Committee, Basel Committee, Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, Basle Committee, Committee for Economic Development, Development Assistance Committee, equal representation committee, European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization, European Committee for Standardization, Food Aid Committee, Intergovernmental Committee for European Migration, Interim Coordinating Committee for International Commodity Arrangements, International Accounting Standards Committee, International Cotton Advisory Committee, International Maritime Committee, International Tea Committee, NPT Exporters Committee, Nuclear Exporters Committee, Operating Committee, Provisional Intergovernmental Committee for the Movements of Migrants from Europe, Technical Advisory Committee, Trade Negotiations Committee, Trade Policy Committee



    ad hoc committee, public body, party committee, conference committee, standing committee, select committee, joint committee, Appeal Committee, Appropriations Committee, budget committee, business committee, campaign committee, Committee of Privileges, committee of the whole, House Appropriations Committee, permanent committee, policy committee, research committee, Rules Committee, Senate Committee on Labor and Public Welfare, special committee, steering committee, subcommittee, Ways and Means Committee, Public Accounts Committee, Committee of Selection, Committee of Privileges, delegated powers


    * * *

    1) комитет, комиссия;
    2) опекун;

    ad hoc committee.

    Англо-русский экономический словарь > committee

  • 7


    active member действительный член alternate member кандидат в члены associate member кандидат в члены associate member член-корреспондент auxiliary member дополнительный член auxiliary member помощник beneficiary member представитель бенефициария Cabinet member член правительства card-carrying member член партии clearing member банк — член расчетной палаты club member член клуба committee member член комитета corresponding member член-корреспондент (академии наук и т. п.) corresponding member член-корреспондент deputy member заместитель члена ex officio member член по должности expert member эксперт founder member член-учредитель founding member член-учредитель full member полноправный член honorary member почетный член jury member присяжный заседатель jury member член коллегии присяжных life member пожизненный член организации machine member деталь машины member звено системы member рабочий орган member участник, партнер; представитель; members of the press (of the ruling class) представители прессы (правящего класса) member функциональная единица member член (в разн. знач.); Member of Parliament член парламента; member of sentence грам. член предложения member член member элемент member элемент конструкции member тех. элемент конструкции member вчт. элемент множества member of board of directors член правления member of board of directors член совета директоров member of board of representatives член совета представителей member of company представитель компании member of cooperative член кооператива member of cooperative society член кооперативного общества member of equation мат. член уравнения; members of armed forces личный состав вооруженных сил member член (в разн. знач.); Member of Parliament член парламента; member of sentence грам. член предложения member of Parliament член парламента member of parliament член парламента member член (в разн. знач.); Member of Parliament член парламента; member of sentence грам. член предложения member of society член общества member of the family член семьи member of the stock exchange член фондовой биржи member state государство-член (ООН и т. п.); unruly member = язык без костей state: member member государство-участник member member государство-член member member страна-участник member of equation мат. член уравнения; members of armed forces личный состав вооруженных сил member участник, партнер; представитель; members of the press (of the ruling class) представители прессы (правящего класса) non-voting member член без права голоса party member член партии passive member пассивный член senior member старший член организации staff member представитель персонала substitute member заместитель trade union member член профсоюза member state государство-член (ООН и т. п.); unruly member = язык без костей

    English-Russian short dictionary > member

  • 8

    English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > member

  • 9

    English_Russian capital issues dictionary > member

  • 10

    Politics english-russian dictionary > committee

  • 11

    ˈmembə сущ.
    1) член( в разн. знач.) to admit new members into an organization ≈ принимать в организацию новых членов active member ≈ активный член card-carrying member ≈ член (какой-л.) организации honorary member ≈ почетный член life member ≈ пожизненный член ranking member ≈ старейший член (по возрасту, званию и т. п.) Member of Parliament ≈ член парламента member of sentence ≈ член предложения
    2) участник, партнер;
    представитель members of the press( of the ruling class) ≈ представители прессы (правящего класса) Syn: participant, participator
    3) а) мед. конечность б) редк. половой член He stood over her a moment, his member erect and thrusting out his shirt. ≈ На мгновение он застывает над ней, его возбужденный член оттопыривает рубашку. (John Fowles, «French lieutenant’s woman», ch. 46) Syn: privy member, dick, prick, cock, pecker, ding-dong
    член — full * полноправный член — permanent * постоянный член — honorary * почетный член — original *s первоначальные члены — rank-and-file *s рядовые члены — to become a * of a family стать членом семьи — a * of the public простой, рядовой член общества, простой гражданин — a * of our staff наш сотрудник;
    наш служащий — *s of the course участники семинара — Member of Parliament член парламента — the Member for Woodford член парламента от графства Вудфорд — Member of Congress (американизм) член конгресса — *s of the press представители печати — * of a library читатель( библиотеки) — *s’ library платная библиотека — * of a side (спортивное) игрок команды — * of the services военнослужащий — * of a sentence (грамматика) член предложения — (left-hand) * of an equation( первая) часть уравнения член, конечность мужской член (тж. male *) (техническое) элемент конструкции, звено системы;
    деталь (геология) колено или бедро складки > unruly * язык без костей > * of Christ добрый христианин > * of Satan дьявольское отродье
    active ~ действительный член
    alternate ~ кандидат в члены
    associate ~ кандидат в члены associate ~ член-корреспондент
    auxiliary ~ дополнительный член auxiliary ~ помощник
    beneficiary ~ представитель бенефициария
    Cabinet ~ член правительства
    card-carrying ~ член партии
    clearing ~ банк — член расчетной палаты
    club ~ член клуба
    committee ~ член комитета
    corresponding ~ член-корреспондент (академии наук и т. п.) corresponding ~ член-корреспондент
    deputy ~ заместитель члена
    ex officio ~ член по должности
    expert ~ эксперт
    founder ~ член-учредитель
    founding ~ член-учредитель
    full ~ полноправный член
    honorary ~ почетный член
    jury ~ присяжный заседатель jury ~ член коллегии присяжных
    life ~ пожизненный член организации
    machine ~ деталь машины
    member звено системы ~ рабочий орган ~ участник, партнер;
    members of the press (of the ruling class) представители прессы (правящего класса) ~ функциональная единица ~ член (в разн. знач.) ;
    Member of Parliament член парламента;
    member of sentence грам. член предложения ~ член ~ элемент ~ элемент конструкции ~ тех. элемент конструкции ~ вчт. элемент множества
    ~ of board of directors член правления ~ of board of directors член совета директоров
    ~ of board of representatives член совета представителей
    ~ of company представитель компании
    ~ of cooperative член кооператива
    ~ of cooperative society член кооперативного общества
    ~ of equation мат. член уравнения;
    members of armed forces личный состав вооруженных сил
    ~ член (в разн. знач.) ;
    Member of Parliament член парламента;
    member of sentence грам. член предложения ~ of Parliament член парламента ~ of parliament член парламента
    ~ член (в разн. знач.) ;
    Member of Parliament член парламента;
    member of sentence грам. член предложения
    ~ of society член общества
    ~ of the family член семьи
    ~ of the stock exchange член фондовой биржи
    ~ state государство-член (ООН и т. п.) ;
    unruly member = язык без костей state: member ~ государство-участник member ~ государство-член member ~ страна-участник
    ~ of equation мат. член уравнения;
    members of armed forces личный состав вооруженных сил
    ~ участник, партнер;
    members of the press (of the ruling class) представители прессы (правящего класса)
    non-voting ~ член без права голоса
    party ~ член партии
    passive ~ пассивный член
    senior ~ старший член организации
    staff ~ представитель персонала
    substitute ~ заместитель
    trade union ~ член профсоюза
    ~ state государство-член (ООН и т. п.) ;
    unruly member = язык без костей

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > member

  • 12

    Senior Army member (Directing Staff), Royal College of Defence Studies — Бр. главный представитель СВ в аппарате управления Королевского колледжа обороны

    Senior Naval member (Directing Staff), Royal College of Defence Studies — Бр. главный представитель ВМС в аппарате управления Королевского колледжа обороны

    Senior Naval member, Ordnance Board — Бр. главный представитель ВМС в артиллерийско-техническом комитете (МО)

    Senior RAF member (Directing Staff), Royal College of Defence Studies — Бр. главный представитель ВВС в аппарате управления Королевского колледжа обороны

    US member, UN Military Staff Committee — представитель США в военно-штабном комитете ООН

    English-Russian military dictionary > member

  • 13


    1) Общая лексика: ассоциированное лицо, банк-член федеральной резервной системы, мужской член, партнёр, представитель, работник, сотрудник, участник, член , членский, элемент, элемент конструкции, член , ассоциированное лицо , пайщик

    9) Строительство: элемент , рабочий орган

    11) Железнодорожный термин: член , звено

    13) Бухгалтерия: член

    14) Горное дело: часть , элемент

    18) Сленг: «кореш»-негр, «корешок»-негр

    19) Вычислительная техника: член уравнения, элемент , элемент набора

    22) Банковское дело: член фондовой биржи, банк член Федеральной резервной системы

    25) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: подсвита

    27) Программирование: член

    28) Автоматика: член организации

    30) Океанография: представитель( какого-л. семейства)

    31) Кабельные производство: член

    32) юр.Н.П. должностное лицо , участник

    33) Авиационная медицина: член

    34) Макаров: часть математического выражения, член математического выражения, элемент , функциональная единица , часть

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > member

  • 14
    Committee on the Honouring of Obligations and Commitment by Member States of the CE

    (Monitoring Committee)
    Комиссия по выполнению государствами — членами СЕ своих обязательств и обязанностей (Комиссия по мониторингу)

    Терминологический словарь МИД России > Committee on the Honouring of Obligations and Commitment by Member States of the CE

  • 15
    Committee on the Honouring of Obligations and Commitment by Member States of the CE

    МИД: Комиссия по выполнению государствами — членами СЕ своих обязательств и обязанностей

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > Committee on the Honouring of Obligations and Commitment by Member States of the CE

  • 16
    Committee on the Honouring of Obligations and Commitment by Member States of the CE (Monitoring Committee)


    Комиссия по выполнению государствами — членами СЕ своих обязательств и обязанностей

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > Committee on the Honouring of Obligations and Commitment by Member States of the CE (Monitoring Committee)

  • 17
    Committee of Permanent Representatives of Member States of the EU

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > Committee of Permanent Representatives of Member States of the EU

  • 18
    Committee on the Honouring of Obligations and Commitments by Member States of the Council of Europe

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > Committee on the Honouring of Obligations and Commitments by Member States of the Council of Europe

  • 19
    member of the ad hoc committee

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > member of the ad hoc committee

  • 20
    Committee of Permanent Representatives of Member States of the EU

    COPEREP Комитет постоянных представителей стран-членов ЕС

    Politics english-russian dictionary > Committee of Permanent Representatives of Member States of the EU


  • Следующая →
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5

См. также в других словарях:

  • committee member — noun a member of a committee (Freq. 1) • Hypernyms: ↑member, ↑fellow member • Hyponyms: ↑committeeman, ↑committeewoman, ↑director, ↑regent, ↑trustee …   Useful english dictionary

  • committee member — person who participates in a committee, board member …   English contemporary dictionary

  • committee — com‧mit‧tee [kəˈmɪti] noun [countable] a group of people within an organization such as a government, company, or political party who have been chosen or elected in order to do a particular job, take decisions etc: • They will discuss the issue… …   Financial and business terms

  • Committee on Internal Market and Consumer Protection — The Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection (IMCO) is a committee of the European Parliament. Work of the committee The committee is responsible for: Coordination at Community level of national legislation in the sphere of the… …   Wikipedia

  • Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget — The Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget Abbreviation CRFB Formation June 10, 1981 Type …   Wikipedia

  • Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development — The Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development (AGRI) is a committee of the European Parliament. Responsibilities of the Committee AGRI is the European Parliament committee responsible for: The operation and development of the Common… …   Wikipedia

  • Committee on Budgets — The Committee on Budgets (BUDG) is a committee within the European Parliament. Key Members Name Position in Committee Member State Party Group Alain Lamassoure Chairman France Group of the European People s Party (Christian Democrats) Jutta Haug… …   Wikipedia

  • Committee of the Regions — Established 1994 Type EU body President Mercedes Bresso Members 344 …   Wikipedia

  • Committee on Institutional Cooperation — Formation 1958 Headquarters Champaign, Illinois Location  U …   Wikipedia

  • Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America — Formation 1982 by Winifred Meiselman Type Non profit NGO …   Wikipedia

  • Member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States — Member states There are 10 member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States. Membership status of CIS countries See also: Community for Democracy and Rights of Nations, GUAM Organization for Democracy and Economic De …   Wikipedia

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


One committee member wondered whether the length of pre-trial detention was not excessive, especially in cases involving State security.

Один из членов Комитета задал вопрос о том, не является ли чрезмерной продолжительность предварительного содержания под стражей, в частности в связи с делами, затрагивающими безопасность государства.

Typically, each committee member is asked to write one section of the document.

Как правило, каждому из членов комитета достается написание одной главы документа.

We are lacking in one committee member.

«People have different views about what is and isn’t harmful,» one committee member said.

«Люди имеют различные представления о том, что является вредным, а что нет», — сказал один из членов комитета.

One committee member said although most people in that age group do not need the vaccine, it may be beneficial for a small number.

Один из членов комитета сказал, что, хотя большинство людей в этой возрастной группе не нуждаются в вакцине, она может быть полезна для небольшого числа людей.

Six of the committee member representatives attended a regional workshop hosted by UNWomen on the Prototype Bill.

Шесть членов комитета приняли участие в региональном семинаре, организованном Структурой «ООН-женщины» для обсуждения образца законопроекта.

No committee member asked what the dispute was about.

Ни один из депутатов не поинтересовался на заседании, о каком деле идет речь.

As a program committee member, I’ve always been able to see other reviewers’ reviews and see their identity.

Как программа-членов комитета, я всегда был в состоянии видеть комментарии других рецензентов, и увидеть их идентичность.

As a committee member, they are trying to evaluate your qualifications.

В качестве члена комитета, они пытаются оценить вашу квалификацию.

I have only been an admission committee member in the biomedical field so I cannot say too much about your field.

У меня есть только признание членом комитета в области биомедицины, поэтому я не могу сказать слишком много о вашем поле.

If you are worried about that, you could always ask the program committee member who recruited you as a reviewer.

Если вы беспокоитесь об этом, вы всегда можете задать программу членам Комитета, кто завербовал вас в качестве рецензента.

He went to see a committee member about what happened.

Spencer got the support of the mayor and a key committee member.

Спенсер получил поддержку мэра и ключевого члена комитета.

He served as an officer or committee member of many professional organizations, and was a sought-after chairperson for national advisory and review committees.

Он служил в качестве сотрудника или члена комитета многих профессиональных организаций и был востребованным председателем национальных консультативных и обзорных комитетов.

Given the time pressures, it is often easier to accept the approach of a fellow committee member than to challenge it.

С учетом нехватки времени зачастую проще принять подход коллеги, чем спорить с ним.

There are two ways to become a committee member.

Во-вторых, есть два условия для того, чтобы стать членом Евросоюза.

He gave workshops at schools and was a co-organizer and committee member for various street art festivals.

Он проводил мастер-классы в школах, был организатором и членом комитета нескольких фестивалей уличной графики.

But along the way I also became a committee member.

One committee member must be the student’s advisor.

Each committee member sits on one or two project groups.

Каждый участник нашей группы работал над одним или двумя проектами.

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Table of Contents

  1. What is another word for committee?
  2. What is a synonym and antonym for committee?
  3. What is the antonym of committee?
  4. Why is US debt so high?
  5. Who do countries owe money to?
  6. Does the US owe the UK money?
  7. Is it good for a country to be in debt?
  8. Does China own America?
  9. Who has more debt China or USA?
  10. Does China own Disney?
  11. Is Google owned by China?
  12. Who owns Disney right now?
  13. Who owns the most Disney stock?
  14. Does Disney pay dividends?
  15. What is the most expensive stock in the world?
  16. How much money does the CEO of Disney make a year?
  17. What is the highest paying job at Disney?
  18. How much do Disney princesses get paid at Disney World?
  19. How much does it cost to run Disney World for a day?
  20. Can you stay in Cinderella’s castle?
  21. How much is a night in the Cinderella Castle Suite?
  22. How much is the Cinderella Suite at Disney World?
  23. What is the cheapest way to go to Disney World?
  24. What is the nicest room in Disney World?

What is another word for committee member?

Synonyms of committee

  • assembly,
  • body,
  • congress,
  • convocation,
  • council,
  • synod.

What is a synonym and antonym for committee?

kəˈmɪti) A self-constituted organization to promote something. Synonyms. welcoming committee vigilance committee NGO nongovernmental organization citizens committee. Antonyms. abstain nonmember.

What is the antonym of committee?

“Just two years later, however, the company was forced to appoint a receiver leaving more than 300 employees out of work.”…What is the opposite of committee?

employees apprentices
staff team
workforce labor force
shift workers
officer official
representative apparatchik
board member chief
director exec
head leader

Why is US debt so high?

The U.S. debt is the total federal financial obligation owed to the public and intragovernmental departments. U.S. debt is so big because Congress continues both deficit spending and tax cuts. If steps are not taken, the ability for the U.S. to pay back its debt will come into question, affecting the global economy.

Who do countries owe money to?

As Eric Stone says, the National Debt is owed to the financial markets who lend credit, which they create themselves. In addition, they use the “gilt-edged” status of the Government bonds as security to create up to 9 times more credit which they lend to others such as the public and businesses.

Does the US owe the UK money?

The United Kingdom has increased its holdings in U.S. debt to an eight-year high in April 2020 to $368 billion. 2 It has increased in rank as Brexit continues to weaken its economy. This is 6% of the total foreign debt.

Is it good for a country to be in debt?

In the short run, public debt is a good way for countries to get extra funds to invest in their economic growth. Public debt is a safe way for foreigners to invest in a country’s growth by buying government bonds. 1 It’s also less risky than investing in the country’s public companies via its stock market.

Does China own America?

For its part, China owned 191,000 acres worth $1.9 billion as of 2019. This might not sound like a lot, but Chinese ownership of American farmland has exploded dramatically over the last decade. Indeed, there has been a tenfold expansion of Chinese ownership of farmland in the United States in less than a decade.

Who has more debt China or USA?

China’s debt is more than 250 percent of GDP, higher than the United States. It remains lower than Japan, the world’s most indebted leading economy, but some experts say the concern is that China’s debt has surged at the sort of pace that usually leads to a financial bust and economic slump.

Does China own Disney?

The Walt Disney Company owns 43 percent of the resort; the majority 57 percent is held by Shanghai Shendi Group, a joint venture of three companies owned by the Shanghai government….Shanghai Disney Resort.

Native name 上海迪士尼度假区
Founded June 16, 2016
Headquarters Pudong, Shanghai, China31.1440°N 121.6570°ECoordinates:31.1440°N 121.6570°E

Is Google owned by China?

By November 2013, Google’s search market share in China had declined to 1.7% from its August 2009 level of 36.2%, though it has slowly risen since, representing 3.8% of the search engine market by July 2020….Google China.

Type of site Search engine
Founded April 12, 2006
Headquarters Beijing , China
Area served China
Parent Google

Who owns Disney right now?

Iger will continue to serve as Executive Chairman until December 31, 2021. Under Iger’s leadership, Disney’s market capitalization increased from $48 billion to $257 billion….External links.

Business positions
New title Executive Chairman of The Walt Disney Company 2020–present Incumbent

Who owns the most Disney stock?

Top 10 Owners of Walt Disney Co

Stockholder Stake Shares owned
The Vanguard Group, Inc. 7.04% 127,982,762
BlackRock Fund Advisors 4.23% 76,870,251
SSgA Funds Management, Inc. 3.88% 70,559,302
State Farm Investment Management … 2.10% 38,198,849

Does Disney pay dividends?

Dividends interrupted Before last year, Disney had a history of raising dividends. In 2011, it paid $0.60 per share, increasing the amount until it reached $1.76 per share in 2019.

What is the most expensive stock in the world?

Top 10 Most Expensive Stocks in the World

  1. Berkshire Hathaway Inc. ( BRK-A)
  2. Chocoladefabriken Lindt & Spruengli AG. Stock Price: 78,500 CHF (Rs.
  3. Next Plc. Stock Price: 5,844 GBP (Rs.
  4. Seaboard Corporation. Stock Price: USD 4,699.00 (Rs.
  5. NVR Inc. Stock Price: USD 3,215 (Rs.
  6. Amazon Inc.
  7. Booking Holdings Inc.
  8. Alphabet Inc.

How much money does the CEO of Disney make a year?

Bob Iger, Disney’s executive chairman, saw his pay package slump to $21 million in fiscal 2020 from $47 million the year before, which included a large bonus. Specifically, his previous package had non-equity incentive plan compensation of $21,75 million.

What is the highest paying job at Disney?

Character Attendant

How much do Disney princesses get paid at Disney World?

As of Jun 15, 2021, the average annual pay for a Disney Characters in the United States is $38,420 a year. Just in case you need a simple salary calculator, that works out to be approximately $18.47 an hour. This is the equivalent of $739/week or $3,202/month.

How much does it cost to run Disney World for a day?

Operating all of Disney’s parks and resorts cost $14.015 billion in 2019, according to the company’s annual report. If the cost to operate was split evenly per park, that would amount to around $5.49 million per park per day.

Can you stay in Cinderella’s castle?

The Cinderella Castle Suite is the only place that you can stay overnight inside Disney’s Magic Kingdom.

How much is a night in the Cinderella Castle Suite?

How much does the Cinderella Suite cost? Unfortunately, this suite cannot be bought. Disney has allegedly declined bribes of up to $40,000 for just one night in the exclusive suite, so no amount of money will allow you to make Cinderella Castle Suite reservations.

How much is the Cinderella Suite at Disney World?

$40,000 for a 1-night stay seems like an insane amount of money, but given that it could only be booked 365 times per year and also given that there are a lot of stupidly rich people in the world, it would probably fully book up well in advance at that price point or higher.

What is the cheapest way to go to Disney World?

What is the Cheapest Way to go to Disney World?

  • Disney theme park prices go up every year which means it’s harder and harder to save for a trip.
  • Travel during the off season.
  • Buy your tickets through a ticket discounter.
  • Stay off property for your hotel.
  • Fly in on an saver airline.
  • Bring your own food.

What is the nicest room in Disney World?

Disney’s Grand Floridian Resort & Spa is Walt Disney World’s most upscale offering, bringing simple sophistication to the theme park experience. The Grand, as it’s known, utilizes Victorian design and serene touches for an ambiance unlike any other.

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Along with my passion for horse breeding, I was a horse racing enthusiast… In 1974 I was elected as a committee member and subsequently as a steward of the Turf Club. I had a burning desire to clean up the sport, which had always carried the stigma of gambling and manipulation.

Cyrus S. Poonawalla





Committee member is a noun.

A noun is a type of word the meaning of which determines reality. Nouns provide the names for all things: people, objects, sensations, feelings, etc.


Definition of committee member in the English dictionary

The definition of committee member in the dictionary is a member of a committee.


Synonyms and antonyms of committee member in the English dictionary of synonyms

Translation of «committee member» into 25 languages

online translator


Find out the translation of committee member to 25 languages with our English multilingual translator.

The translations of committee member from English to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «committee member» in English.

Translator English — Chinese


1,325 millions of speakers

Translator English — Spanish

miembro del comité

570 millions of speakers

Translator English — Hindi

समिति के सदस्य

380 millions of speakers

Translator English — Arabic

عضو اللجنة

280 millions of speakers

Translator English — Russian

член комитета

278 millions of speakers

Translator English — Portuguese

membro da comissão

270 millions of speakers

Translator English — Bengali

কমিটির সদস্য

260 millions of speakers

Translator English — French

membre du comité

220 millions of speakers

Translator English — Malay

Ahli jawatankuasa

190 millions of speakers

Translator English — Japanese


130 millions of speakers

Translator English — Korean

위원회 위원

85 millions of speakers

Translator English — Javanese

Anggota komite

85 millions of speakers

Translator English — Vietnamese

thành viên ủy ban

80 millions of speakers

Translator English — Tamil

குழு உறுப்பினர்

75 millions of speakers

Translator English — Marathi

समितीचे सदस्य

75 millions of speakers

Translator English — Turkish

Komite Üyesi

70 millions of speakers

Translator English — Italian

membro del comitato

65 millions of speakers

Translator English — Polish

członek komisji

50 millions of speakers

Translator English — Ukrainian

член комітету

40 millions of speakers

Translator English — Romanian

membru al comitetului

30 millions of speakers

Translator English — Greek

μέλος της επιτροπής

15 millions of speakers

Translator English — Afrikaans


14 millions of speakers

Translator English — Swedish


10 millions of speakers

Translator English — Norwegian


5 millions of speakers

Trends of use of committee member


The term «committee member» is quite widely used and occupies the 38.238 position in our list of most widely used terms in the English dictionary.



Quite widely used

The map shown above gives the frequency of use of the term «committee member» in the different countries.

Principal search tendencies and common uses of committee member

List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our English online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «committee member».


The graph expresses the annual evolution of the frequency of use of the word «committee member» during the past 500 years. Its implementation is based on analysing how often the term «committee member» appears in digitalised printed sources in English between the year 1500 and the present day.

Examples of use in the English literature, quotes and news about committee member


Famous quotes and sentences with the word committee member.

Along with my passion for horse breeding, I was a horse racing enthusiast… In 1974 I was elected as a committee member and subsequently as a steward of the Turf Club. I had a burning desire to clean up the sport, which had always carried the stigma of gambling and manipulation.


Discover the use of committee member in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to committee member and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in English literature.


Pursuing Just Peace: An Overview and Case Studies for …

Donasiano Opoka, Peace Committee, Vice Opaka Richard, Peace Committee,
Secretary Lupenyi John Hasuman, Peace Committee, Publicity Nekolina Okello,
Peace Committee, member Ibrahim Okumu, Peace Committee, member Okot …

Mark M. Rogers, Mark M. Rogers, Tom Bamat, Julie Ideh, Tom Bamat, 2008


BABOK® Version 1.6 (Softcover, Non-Member Pricing)

… and Validation Sub-committee Member, Body ofKnowledge Committee and
Chair, Requirements Elicitation Sub-committee Member, Body ofKnowledge
Committee and Chair, Enterprise Analysis Sub-committee Member, Body
ofKnowledge …

Frank J. Howlett, ’23, Birmingham, committee member Jessie McDowell King, ’26,
Pleasant Ridge, committee member Muriel Bauman Mackey, ’20, Detroit,
committee member Mary Willoughby Mann, Jr., ’37, Royal Oak, committee
member …


Who’s Who in the Arab World 2007-2008

Faculty Silver Jubilee Committee Member (1986-1987). Faculty Promotion
Committee (1989-1994). Faculty’ Council (1989-1991). Graduate Dept. Council (
1989-1991). Graduate Faculty Council (1990-1991). Faculty Tenure Committee …

Publitec Publications, 2007


The Code of Federal Regulations of the United States of America

§7.26 Private business activity and conflicts of interest. (a) No county committee
member, community committee member, dele- g:ate, alternate to any such office,
or county office employee shall at any time use such office or employment to …

Department of Agriculture (DoA) Staff, 1988


Not-for-Profit Audit Committee Best Practices

The question of whether an audit committee member should be permitted to
serve more than one term is another that should be addressed by the charter or
bylaws of the audit committee. The more common question is whether an audit …


Sacred Space in the Modern City: The Fractured Pasts of …

… Kototada Council member Committee member Commission member Mikami
Sanji Committee member Committee member akatsukasa takaichirō Committee
member Director general tokugawa yorimichi Committee member Masaki
naohiko …


Nonprofit Essentials: Recruiting and Training Fundraising …

Committee Committee Committee Committee Member Member Member Vice-
Chair(s) Team Leader(s) Team Leader(s) Team Leader(s) Team Leader(s)
Member Member Member Member Committee Committee Committee Committee
Team …

Linda Lysakowski, ACFRE, 2005


L.S.A., List of C.F.R. Sections Affected

(b) Notwithstanding the member’s primary residence, an advisory committee
member, while attending meetings of the full committee or a subcommittee, will
be paid whether the meetings are held in the Washington, DC, area or elsewhere


Asset Protection Strategies and Forms

Delegation of Authority (a) Each Committee member has the power from time to
time to delegate his, her, or its rights, powers, and/or duties hereunder or such
part thereof as the delegating Committee member may determine to one or more
of …


Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term committee member is used in the context of the following news items.

GOP committee member reprimanded for flying Confederate battle …

Two members of Marion County, Iowa’s Republican central committee resigned on Monday after being reprimanded by their superiors for flying … «Salon, Jul 15»

New CFP committee member Bobby Johnson: ‘Eye test’ still important

First-year College Football Playoff committee member Bobby Johnson told ESPN on Tuesday that he will rely heavily on the eye test this fall, … «ESPN, Jul 15»

Stormont committee to ‘drill down to details’ of Nama row

Sinn Féin committee member Mairtin O’ Muilleoir said that the Leinster House Public Accounts Committee was also examining the allegations … «Irish Times, Jul 15»

Redlands’ Street Tree Committee reviews trimming of palms

In response to Edison’s removal of 30 130-year-old city-owned Mexican fan palms along Nevada Street in the fall, committee member Janet … «Redlands Daily Facts, Jul 15»

A Day in the Life of a Nominating Committee Member

A Day in the Life of a Nominating Committee Member. Share | … “You find out instantly, immediately, you are a nominating committee member.” … «Adventist News Network, Jul 15»

Sudbury’s Blue Ribbon Committee to redefine Town Hall

“With pressing needs for space elsewhere, this could be (better) used,” said Sally Hild, committee member and Historical Society director. «MetroWest Daily News, Jul 15»

Harold Mayne-Nicholls handed seven-year ban by Fifa’s ethics …

Beckenbauer, an executive committee member at the time, has never indicated which country he voted for. It has long been claimed that … «The Guardian, Jul 15»

FOX25 speaks with Boston2024 committee member

BOSTON ( — A catalyst for positive change throughout the city of Boston: That’s how one member of the Boston2024 team … «My Fox Boston, Jul 15»

Local Edmonton organizing committee member thinks back on the …

CANADA FANS EDMONTON, AB — JUNE 11: Canadian fans cheer during a rain delay in their match against New Zealand during the FIFA … «Edmonton Sun, Jul 15»

District committee member removed from party

Senior CPI(M) District Committee member T K Selvaraj was today removed from primary membership of the party for indulging in anti party … «Business Standard, Jul 15»


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Англо-русские и русско-английские словари и энциклопедии. English-Russian and Russian-English dictionaries and translations

Meaning of COMMITTEE MEMBER in English

person who participates in a committee, board member

Explanatory English dictionary bed edition.

     Толковый словарь английского языка Редакция bed.

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