Coming to god word

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Solov’ev surmises, that the world ought


proceed through freedom and freely come to God.


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Соловьев думает, что мир должен пройти через свободу и свободно придти к Богу.


His message was not, come to God or you will burn in hell.


The closer they come to God, the closer they

come to

one another.

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He who thinks that he can come to God without Christ’s garment of grace will be

driven away


everlasting fire.

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Кто думает, что может прийти к Богу без одежды благодати Христа, тот будет брошен в неугасаемый огонь.

When you come to God with a request, you must

come to

Him with an earnest desire.


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Когда ты приходишь к Богу с просьбой, ты должен

приходить к

Нему с честным желанием.


When you come to God with a request, you must

come to

Him with an earnest desire.


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Когда ты приходишь к Богу с просьбой, ты должен

приходить к

нему с искренним желанием.


Perhaps they will even lose memory of sin and come to God in a certain understanding-?? έ???? ώ???

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Может быть, они даже потеряют память греха и придут к Богу,- в некоем разумении,? ή έ???? ώ???

How can you come to God asking consideration for your shortcomings when you are



chastise your brethren for being guilty of these same human frailties?

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когда вы готовы наказать своих братьев за то, что они повинны в тех же человеческих слабостях?

These are certainly important interests,

but they aren’t the ultimate reason that people come to God or enter the Church.


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Это, конечно, важные вещи, но,

в конечном итоге,- не самые главные вещи, ради которых люди приходят к Богу и в Церковь.


When you come to God, He won’t forgive you, because you didn’t forgive.


Along the way, he should accumulate and analyse the experience of catechesis so as


understand what helps people come to God and into the Church, and what does not help, since catechesis is part of the living experience of Church.


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Но надо начинать с малого и делать то, на что есть силы, накапливать опыт, его анализировать, чтобы понимать,

что помогает людям приходить к Богу и в Церковь, а что- нет, потому что катехизация- это живая церковная жизнь.


Of course, we know before we start that He has promised


supply that need, so we do not pray in doubt or uncertainty:

rather, we come to God with praise and thanksgiving on our lips and COMPLETE ASSURANCE in our heart.


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Конечно, прежде чем начать, мы знаем, что Он обещал удовлетворять наши нужды, и мы не молимся с неуверенностью и сомнениями;

скорее мы приходим к Богу с благодарностью и хвалой на устах и с АБСОЛЮТНОЙ УВЕРЕННОСТЬЮ в нашем сердце.


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And coming to God in faith, that he would forgive us of our unrighteousness.

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И, придя к Богу в вере, что он простит нам о нашей неправедности.

This ministry was very effective, and many young people came to God through them.


But without faith it is impossible


please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.


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Но без веры угодить


невозможно, ибо тот, кто приходит к Богу веровал, что Он есть, и что Он вознаграждает тех, кто усердно искать Его.


And without faith it is impossible


please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those who seek Him.(Hebrews 11:6)(NASB).

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А без веры угодить


невозможно; ибо надобно, чтобы приходящий к Богу веровал, что Он есть, и ищущим Его воздает.( На иврите 11: 6).



give salvation


all people in all countries through faith in Jesus Christ because Jesus is the Way,

the Truth and the Life and no one comes to God except by Him.

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даст спасение всем людям во всех странах по вере в Иисуса Христа, потому что Он есть путь,

истина и жизнь и никто не придет к Богу, как только через Него.

He did not delay it, he did not tell us

to come

later, and He didn’t say he didn’t have time for us and many other things that people could tell us. That’s why, as God’s servants and ambassadors, we have


behave as he does and use this“acceptable time” that is now


bring the message of the Gospel


those who do not know it.

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Он не пренебрег, не сказал, чтобы мы


в другое время, не сказал, что у Него нет времени для нас, или что-то в таком роде, что могут говорить люди. Поэтому, как служители и посланники


мы должны поступать как Он и использовать теперь это« благоприятное время», чтобы нести Евангелие тем, кто еще не знает о нем.

Therefore He is able




the uttermost those who come to God through Him….

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Why do we come to God‘s presence only with our messy problems and our dark troubles?

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Почему же должны мы прийти в присутствие Бога лишь с нашими тяжелыми трудностями и горестями?

Because only with God’s help we will be able to come to God and see the Kingdom of Heaven.


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Ибо только с помощью Божией мы можем прийти к Богу и увидеть Царство Небесное.


Most Relevant Verses

Psalm 42:2

My soul thirsts for God, for the living God;
When shall I come and appear before God?

Micah 4:1

And it will come about in the last days
That the mountain of the house of the Lord
Will be established as the chief of the mountains.
It will be raised above the hills,
And the peoples will stream to it.

Micah 6:6

With what shall I come to the Lord
And bow myself before the God on high?
Shall I come to Him with burnt offerings,
With yearling calves?

John 14:6

Jesus *said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me.

John 14:23

Jesus answered and said to him, “If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our abode with him.

1 Peter 3:18

For Christ also died for sins once for all, the just for the unjust, so that He might bring us to God, having been put to death in the flesh, but made alive in the spirit;

Revelation 6:1

Then I saw when the Lamb broke one of the seven seals, and I heard one of the four living creatures saying as with a voice of thunder, “Come.”

Revelation 6:3

When He broke the second seal, I heard the second living creature saying, “Come.”

Revelation 6:5

When He broke the third seal, I heard the third living creature saying, “Come.” I looked, and behold, a black horse; and he who sat on it had a pair of scales in his hand.

Revelation 6:7

When the Lamb broke the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature saying, “Come.”

Jeremiah 2:31

“O generation, heed the word of the Lord.
Have I been a wilderness to Israel,
Or a land of thick darkness?
Why do My people say, ‘We are free to roam;
We will no longer come to You’?

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  • The Act Of Opening
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These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.

пришествие Бога

пришествия Бога

приход Божьего

пришествии Бога

Грядущий Бог

Jesus is presented as an eschatological prophet announcing the definitive coming of God, its salvation, and the end of time.

Иисус представлен как эсхатологический пророк, объявляющий окончательное пришествие Бога, его спасение и конец времени.

They love him like he is the second coming of God, the quote said.

«Они любят его так, как будто он — второе пришествие Бога», — отметил он.

Without the coming of God, can you take yourself into heaven to enjoy family happiness with God?

Без пришествия Бога сможешь ли ты попасть на небеса, чтобы насладиться семейным счастьем с Ним?

It is as if we perceive far, far away, the first light of the greatest possible joy — the coming of God into His world!

Мы как будто чувствуем где-то вдали первый свет самой великой радости из всех возможных — пришествия Бога в Свой мир!

A Jewish prophet of the late sixth century before Christ, Zechariah is associated with the book of the Old Testament that refers to four horsemen and other visions prefiguring the coming of God in judgment.

Еврейский пророк последнего шестого столетия до рождения Христа, Зехариах связан с книгой «Ветхий Завет», что имеет отношение к четырем конюхам и другим видениям, изображающим пришествие Бога в писании.

Perhaps most importantly, the New Testament nowhere speaks of the appearing or Second Coming of God the Father but only of the Son.

И, наверное, самое важное то, что Новый Завет нигде не говорит о явлении, или Втором пришествии, Бога Отца, а относит его только к Сыну.

Moltmann won the 2000 Louisville Grawemeyer Award in Religion for his book The Coming of God: Christian Eschatology.

В 2000 году Луисвильским университетом удостоен премии Громайер (англ. Grawemeyer Award) в области религии за книгу «Грядущий Бог: Христианская эсхатология».

He won the 2000 Louisville Grawemeyer Award in Religion for his book The Coming of God: Christian Eschatology.

В 2000 году Луисвильским университетом удостоен премии Громайер (англ. Grawemeyer Award) в области религии за книгу «Грядущий Бог: Христианская эсхатология».

Waiting hopefully for and hastening the coming of God‘s day.

Наставление по поводу бдительности и трезвости в ожидании пришествия дня Господня.

The reason is that the coming of God to you cannot be neutral.

Это противоречие заключается в том, что перед лицом Божьим нельзя быть нейтральным.

The coming of God‘s light.

We also need to prepare for the coming of God during mass.

The coming of God‘s light.

The majority of people wait for some great pompous coming of God into their lives, but He comes gently and invisibly.

Большинство людей ожидают на величавое, помпезное действо прихода Бога в их жизнь, а Он приходит тихо, незримо.

The coming of God, his felt proximity is an EVENT for any person.

Приход, ощутимая близость Бога — СОБЫТИЕ для любого человека.

Even to the coming of God Himself.

Zacharias saw in his son the one who would prepare the way for the coming of God‘s king.

Захария предвидел в своем сыне путеводителя к грядущему Царю Божия.

Some began to look forward to the coming of God‘s Messiah who would inaugurate a new age of peace and justice.

Некоторые из них стали с нетерпением ожидать прихода Мессии, Который утвердит новую эпоху мира и правосудия.

Therefore the coming of Jesus was also the coming of God‘s reign.

But the coming of God is identified with the coming of the Messiah.

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True love
comes from


non helpful

the 01 /


non helpful

Without faith no one can
please God because the one
coming to God must believe
Ile exists, and Ile rewards
those who come seeking.


non helpful

Keep talking about me
behind my back,
and watch
God keep blessing me
In front of your face.


non helpful

Come n ar
to God and
ide will
come neår
James 4:8


non helpful

Any God I ever felt in
church I brought in with
me. And I think all the
other folks did too. They
come to church to share
God, not find God.
Alice Walker


non helpful

Sympathy, Love, Fortune… We all
have these qualities but still tend to
not use them!
Anne 7hanh


non helpful

God is not on the side of the big
battalions, but on the side of
those who shoot best.
— Voltaire


non helpful

It is a retarding element creating
hatred and anger, and causing
people to fight each other, and
making them unsympathetic.
Swami (Jiueknnn.ndæ


non helpful

the /


non helpful

‘The •Vime has come
*vrn back 40
40 d
and reasser# ovr
4rvs4 in Him
For 4he hea/ins
04 America.»
Ponald keagan


non helpful

If I gaze at my beloved she may
feel embarrassed and if I do not,
she will feel neglected. I can see
the stars reflecting in the calm
water of her face but if I look
away I lose my clarity.


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The greed for fruit misses the
— Rabbi,dhanaÜv Tapu


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True love
comes from


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Truth does not pay homage to any
society, ancient or modern. Society
has to pay homage to Truth or die.
Sunm (Jiueknnnndn


non helpful

let your
than your


non helpful

God comes to
the hunhrx in
the ror
Mahatma Gandhi
QuotePixeI. con


non helpful

# 128


non helpful

But when I’m losing a few matches, suddenly ‘It’s his fault’, ‘He doesn’t want to practice’, ‘He doesn’t need it’, ‘He doesn’t care’. And when everything goes well, there are people coming behind the stone, saying, ‘Oh, my God, he’s back finally, and I was there to help him out’.
Votes: 2

Marat Safin

John 6:63 It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing; the words which I have spoken to you are spirit and are life.Ezekiel was told by God to take and eat the scroll, and then to prophesy for God; as believers in Christ, we need to eat the words of the Bible, taking the word of God into us by means of all prayer, and receive the Spirit that is embodied in the word of God.

Jeremiah said, Your words were found, and I ate them, and Your word became to me the gladness and joy of my heart (Jer. 15:16). We need to come to God’s word not as we come to a book – only to read it, but come with a heart turned to the Lord and with an exercised spirit to pray over the word of God and eat it.

Our normal response to God’s word, as we read the Bible, should be to eat the word of God. We shouldn’t be satisfied merely with reading the Bible according to a schedule or reading the Bible to get knowledge.

According to the entire revelation in the Holy Bible, God’s words are good for us to eat, and we as God’s people need to eat the word of God.

Our concept concerning the Bible needs to change; the Bible is not a book like other books which we should come to get knowledge about God, but we should come to God’s word to eat His word, for the word of God is good for us to eat.

Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that proceeds out through the mouth of God (Matt. 4:4); whatever God spoke in His word is our food, and every word of God in the Bible is good for us to eat.

As we exercise our spirit to pray-read the word of God, the word of God in the Bible becomes our food, and it is through the word of God that God dispenses His riches into our inner being to nourish us.

This is the way we can live because of Him and we can express Him: it is by eating His words in the Bible, allowing them to be digested and assimilated into us, and living because of the word of God (John 6:57).

In His economy God desires to dispense Himself with all His rich and bountiful attributes into our being so that we may be reconstituted with Himself and thus express Him.

How can this be? How can we express Christ? It is by spending much personal, intimate, spiritual, private time with the Lord in His word to pray over His word and receive the life supply daily. When we read the word of God in a prayerful way, His word becomes our heart’s gladness and joy.

Taking God’s Word as our Food, Eating the Words of the Bible, and Living on the Word

Yes, the Bible is a book of teaching, but it does not teach us merely for mental knowledge; its teaching ministers food to us. The aim of the Bible is not for our mental comprehension and knowledge; it is absolutely for our spiritual realization and nourishment. According to the word of the Lord Jesus, the words of God are for us to eat. In order to live, we must take the word of God as our food. Life-study of Hebrews, pp. 315-316, by Witness LeeWe need to eat the words of the Bible. The words that the Lord has spoken to us are not mere words: they are Spirit and they are life (John 6:63).

Therefore, as those begotten of God with His life and nature, we should long for the guileless milk of the word, that by it we may grow unto salvation, if we have tasted that the Lord is good (1 Pet. 2:2-3).

Eating the words of the Bible – eating the word of God in the Bible – is a revolutionary thought; no other words are food except the word of God. When we read another book or a newspaper, there’s no food there; but God’s words are food for us to eat.

The Bible is not merely for reading but for eating. We need to develop a spiritual skill of eating the word of God, and we need to exercise to eat the words of the Bible. We need to know how to extract the life essence, the life supply, the spiritual food, from the written word of the Bible.

The word of God is not mainly for knowledge but for nourishment; yes, there is knowledge imparted into our mind when we read the Bible, but the main function of God’s word is to be our food.

Although the Bible is a book of teaching, its teaching is not merely to impart mental knowledge but to minister food to us.

In Heb. 5:12 the word of God is likened to milk and solid food, which are both for nourishment; some of the words in the Bible can be considered to be milk, and some are solid food. Milk is for the immature, for babies and infants; solid food is for those mature.

The Lord Jesus Himself took the word of God in the Scriptures as His bread and lived on it – this is why He could say to the devil, Man shall not live on bread alone but on every word that proceeds out through the mouth of God (Matt. 4:4).

The Lord Jesus as a real and genuine man ate the word of God in the Scriptures; He took the word of God in the Bible as His bread, and He lived because of it. He had to do what we also have to do today: He got up early in the morning to eat God’s word, and then He had to digest and assimilate God’s word.

As a real man, Jesus started reading the Bible at least when He was 12; He studied it, ate the word of God, and learned how to do it day by day. He ate the word of God and lived because of it, and He told us to eat Him by eating His words and live because of Him (John 6:57, 63).

How do we eat the Lord? We eat Him through His word.

The Lord Jesus lived out the Father by taking His word, digesting it, and living because of it; now we need to take the word of God in the way of food by praying over it, eat the words of God as our bread, let the words of God be assimilated into our inner being, and live because of God’s word.

Lord Jesus, we want to learn to eat the words of the Bible by exercising our spirit to pray over the word of God. Save us from merely trying to get knowledge in our reading of the Bible. May our reading of God’s word be enriched and uplifted by adding our prayer with the exercise of our spirit so that the word of God would become food to us! Lord, we want to learn to eat Your word, digest Your word, assimilate Your word, and live because of Your word so that we may express You! Hallelujah, God’s word is food to us!

Receiving the Spirit and Life contained in God’s Word by Praying over God’s Word

Eph. 6:17-17 And receive the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which Spirit is the word of God, By means of all prayer and petition, praying at every time in spirit and watching unto this in all perseverance and petition concerning all the saints.If we read a text-book or a newspaper, we cannot say that the words in that book are spirit and are life; the Lord said of His words, The words which I have spoken to you are spirit and are life (John 6:63).

The nature of God’s words is spirit and life, therefore we cannot approach God’s word like we approach any other book. The words of the Lord Jesus are the embodiment of the Spirit of life; the Spirit of life is embodied in the Lord’s words (Rom. 8:2).

The Spirit who is life, the life-giving Spirit, is embodied in something physical, some words; if there are no words, it is difficult to get the Spirit or get life, but because we have the word of God, we can get the Spirit.

Christ is now the life-giving Spirit in resurrection (1 Cor. 15:45), and the Spirit is embodied in His words (John 6:63). We need to translate or convert the written words of the Bible into Spirit and life.

Did you know that there is such a device that can translate the written words of the Scriptures into Spirit and life? When we were created by God, He already installed in us an app, a device: our spirit.

When we exercise our spirit to pray over the word of God, our spirit converts the written words of God into Spirit and life. If you process the words in the Bible through your mind, you get knowledge; but when you exercise your spirit, you get Spirit and life.

Our human spirit, once we exercise it, has the ability to transfer or convert the written word of God into its essential nature – Spirit and life.

Many of us have smartphones, and on our smartphones we may have some apps that we never thought are already installed, but once we use them, they are very useful and great.

[In John 6:63] The Greek word for words, here and in v. 68, is rhema, which denotes the instant and present spoken word. It differs from logos (used for Word in 1:1), which denotes the constant word. Here the words follows the Spirit. The Spirit is living and real, yet He is very mysterious, intangible, and difficult for people to apprehend; the words, however, are substantial. First, the Lord indicated that for giving life He would become the Spirit. Then He said that the words He speaks are spirit and life. This shows that His spoken words are the embodiment of the Spirit of life. He is now the life-giving Spirit in resurrection, and the Spirit is embodied in His words. When we receive His words by exercising our spirit, we get the Spirit, who is life. John 6:63, footnote 3In our being we have a pre-installed app, a pre-installed device since we were born, but not many use it; when we discover that we can pray over the word of God with the exercise of our spirit to get the Spirit and life contained in the word, we will be amazed: it is fantastic!

We can convert the word of God into Spirit and life and then we can speak them as a prophecy – we speak Spirit and life into others, that is, we speak words which convey the Spirit and the life of God.

When others hear our speaking, they receive Spirit and life.

When we receive the words of God in the Bible by exercising our spirit, we receive the Spirit, who is life. How do we exercise our spirit to receive the words of God? It is by means of all prayer (see Eph. 6:17).

We need to receive the Spirit and life contained in God’s word by praying over God’s word, and by learning to pray all kinds of prayer to receive, extract, and convert the word of God into Spirit and life.

May we be believers who learn the skill of converting the written word of God into Spirit and life by exercising our spirit to pray over God’s word!

Lord Jesus, thank You for giving us a spirit, a marvelous organ which we can use to convert the word of God in the Bible into Spirit and life. We want to learn the skill of extracting the essence of God’s word by praying over the words in the Bible with the exercise of our spirit. Oh Lord, save us from merely gaining more knowledge in Your word. Save us from reading Your word as we read a textbook. May we learn to receive the Spirit and life contained in God’s word by praying over God’s word every time we come to the Bible!

References and Hymns on this Topic
  • Inspiration: the Word of God, my enjoyment in the ministry, the message by brother Mark R. for this week, and portions from, Life-study of Hebrews, pp. 315-316 (by Witness Lee), as quoted in the Holy Word for Morning Revival on, Crystallization-Study of Ezekiel (1), msg. 10 (week 10), Eating the Scroll — Eating and Digesting the Word of God.
  • Hymns on this topic:
    # If I Thy Word would understand, / I must Thy Holy Spirit touch; / Not only grasp it with my mind, / But with my spirit, praying much. (Hymns #802)
    # Christ is the Word and Spirit too, / And as the Spirit in the Word; / And all the words He speaks to us / Are life and spirit thus conferred. (Hymns #815)
    # All the knowledge of the Scriptures / Into life must be transformed, / All the mental understanding / In the spirit must be formed; / All the Scriptural understanding / Must become the life received, / All the knowledge of the letters / In the spirit be conceived. (Hymns #816)

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