Combine the words with the help of the preposition of translate these word combinations types

6. Combine the words with the help of the preposition of.
Translate these word combinations:
1. the walls a. trees
2. cultural activities b. the caves
3. the purpose c. human dwellings
4. the efforts d. war
5. the branches e. some building
6. skins f. wood
7. walls g. primitive men
8. huts built h. animals
9. the earliest types i. houses
10. structures j. the people
11. in time k. family life
12. the days l. modern buildings
13. different kinds m. branches
14. the centre n. early civilization
15. to build o. later historic times

3. a load

c. встроенность

4. meaningful

d. выемка грунта

5. an apartment

e. удовлетворять

6. to conceal

f. развлекательный

7. а permanence

g. поиск

8. а built-in

h. результативный

9. a search

i. выразительный

10. an assemblage

j. постоянство, прочность

11. to erect

k. частный

12. а permanence

l. многоквартирный дом

13. to suit

m. сооружать

14. private

n. сборка

15. an excavation

о. нагрузка

6.Combine the words with the help of the preposition of. Translate these word combinations:

1. types

a. materials

2. permanence

b. elements

3. character

c. techniques

4. technological development

d. the construction

5. the evolution

e. mechanization

6. maximum

f. buildings

7. combinations

g. built-in cabinets

8. standardization

h. better structures

9. interchangeability

i. society

10. output

j. an apartment

11. the high degree

k. stability

12. a variety

l. a structure

13. the upper part

m. a fixed unit

14. the built-in space

n. parts

15. the extent

o. construction methods

7. Give the three forms of the following verbs:

To classify, to build, to form, to influence, to condition, to dig, to tend, to lay, to think, to determine, to conceal.


8.These words can be used both as verbs and nouns. Make up your own sentences to show the difference in their usage:

Load, soil, condition, function, suit, form, influence, desire, change, design, part, aim, cost, contact, work.

9.Write the derivatives of the following words:

Suit, education, industry, stable, technology, build, meaning, adapt, change, success, durable, available, firm, careful, consider, satisfy, free.

10. Read the text and get ready to speak about the types of buildings:


Types of buildings depend upon social functions and may be classified according to the role in the Community. The types of buildings may be domestic, educational, office, industrial, recreational, etc. The common and necessary conditions are:

a)its suitability to use by human beings in general and its adaptability to particular human activities;

b)the stability and permanence of its construction.

Speaking of residential construction we must say that the apartment houses are mostly built to suit urban conditions. Group housing provides home for many families and is at once public and private. The techniques of construction or the methods by which structures are formed from particular materials are influenced not only by the availability and character of materials but also by the total technological development of society.

The evolution of techniques is conditioned by two factors:

1)one is economic – the search for a maximum of stability and durability in building with a minimum of materials, labour and time;

2)the other is expressive – the desire to produce meaningful form. Large housing programmes have tended to stimulate technological

change in the building industry. Modular design (i.e. design in which the elements are dimensioned in combinations of a fixed unit) has led to standardization of elements, interchangeability of parts and increased possibilities for mass production, with resultant economies. Entire apartment assemblages are available and are being used to an increasing extent. These techniques aim at a higher output of better structures at lower cost. The high degree of mechanization and standardization is successfully achieved by reinforced concrete blocks and units. Reinforced


concrete homes are produced by a variety of construction methods. Various methods of constructing reinforced concrete houses involve extensive use of large sections manufactured in heavily mechanized factories and erected at the site.

In order to build a house first an excavation is dug by bulldozers. Then a foundation is laid to carry the load of a structure and to keep the walls and the floors from the contact with soil. Floors divide a building into storeys and carry the loads too. The upper part of a structure is a roof; it ties a building, gives the firmness to the structure and protects people from rain, wind, snow, etc. Doors, windows, stairs, lifts are integral elements of a building and they are always precast or prefabricated.

When a structure is ready builders start to decorate it. When decoration work is over a building is considered to be finished. The built-in space of an apartment should be carefully thought of as well. There is a considerable trend toward built-in furniture. Rooms should be both efficient and visually satisfying. The extent of built-in cabinets must be determined. Drawers and shelves can often be concealed behind walls, freeing valuable floor space.

11. Answer the following questions:

1. What do types of buildings depend upon? 2. In what way may be they classified? 2. What are the common and necessary conditions? 4. What is the function of group housing? 5. The evolution of techniques is conditioned by several factors, isn’t it? 6. What is modular design? 7. Why is it used? 8. What is the aim of entire apartment assemblages? 9. What methods are used to produce reinforced concrete homes? 10. Where are large sections manufactured and erected? 11. What is necessary to first in order to build a house? 12. Why is the foundation laid? 13. What is the upper part of a structure? 14. What elements are integral? 15. Who starts to decorate the structure? 16. When is a building considered to be finished? 17. What do we call the built-in space of an apartment? 18. Should rooms be both efficient and visually satisfying? 19. What must be determined? 20. Where can be drawers and shelves concealed?

12. Agree or disagree with the following statements:

1. Types of buildings may be classified according to a special rule. 2. One of the necessary conditions of a building is its adaptability to particular human activities. 3. The apartment houses are mostly built to suit peo-


ple who live in them. 4. The techniques of construction are influenced only by the availability and character of materials. 5. Large housing programmes have tended to stimulate technological change in the building industry. 6. Modular design is of no use in our country. 7. The techniques of assemblage are very expensive. 8. The high degree of mechanization and standardization is successfully achieved by good work of engineers. 9. Large sections manufactured in all building factories are of great use in residential construction. 10. In order to build a house it is necessary to have a project. 11. Floors are used for a flat to be warm. 12. Roofs protect people from cold. 13. When a structure is ready special specialists are invited to decorate it. 14. When decoration work is over a commission comes to decide if the dwelling is ready for living. 15. The built-in space of an apartment is not convenient by the living standards. 16. Rooms should be both efficient and adaptable for living in them.

13. Choose a word to put into each gap:

Public, resultant, technological, private, meaningful, stability, assemblages, techniques, standardization, the load, the firmness, reinforced concrete, interchangeability, foundation, roof, mechanization, precast, built-in, the evolution, permanence, freeing, modular, a building.

1. Among the common and necessary conditions are … and … of the construction. 2. Group housing provides home for many families and is at once … and … . 3. The … of construction are influenced by the total … development of society. 4. One of the factures influenced … of techniques is the desire to produce … form. 5. … design has led to … of elements, … of parts and increased possibilities for mass production, with … economies. 6. Entire apartment … are available and are being used to an increasing extent. 7. The high degree of … and standardization is successfully achieved by … blocks and units. 8. A … is laid to carry … of a structure and to keep the walls and the floors from the contact with soil. 9. … ties a building and gives … to the structure. 10. Doors, windows, stairs, lifts are integral elements of … and they are always … or prefabricated. 11. There is a considerable trend toward … furniture. 12. Drawers and shelves can often be concealed behind walls, … valuable floor space.

14. Find out from your partner:

– what types of buildings he knows; 46

what he knows about the large housing programme;

what he knows about the common conditions which is necessary to observe.

15. Prove that:

– the apartment houses are mostly built to suit urban conditions;

– reinforced concrete blocks and units are widely used in construction.

– the built-in furniture is very often used in modern flats.

16. Comment on:

the evolution of techniques;

the perspectives of modular design;

steps of building a house.

17. Imagine that:

– You are one of the members of the state commission. You are to decide if the house is ready for living. What is necessary to pay a special attention to? Role-play a dialogue with your partner.

– You are at a lesson. A teacher asks you to describe a house of your dream. Role-play a dialogue with your partner.

18. Comprehensive check. Choose the best alternative according to the text:

1.Types of buildings may be classified according to … . a) the place in the Community;

b) the role in the Community;

c) the position in the Community.

2.The stability and permanence of the construction are … .

a)the obligatory and necessary conditions;

b)the widely spread and common conditions;

c)the common and necessary conditions.

3. … to suit urban conditions.

a)The apartment houses are mostly built;

b)The new blocks of flats are mostly built;

c)The houses for one family are mostly built.

4. … and is at once public and private.

a)Group housing provides home for families with children;

b)Group housing provides home for poor families.


c) Group housing provides home for many families.

5.The techniques of construction are influenced by … . a) the amount of the building materials;

b) the quality of the materials at a site;

c) the total technological development of society.

6.The economic factor in the evolution of techniques deals with … .

a)the search for the new building materials which are better in quality and more expensive in price;

b)the search for a maximum of stability and durability in building with a minimum of materials, labour and time;

c)the seat for the new talented engineers, designers and architects.

7. Large housing programmes have tended to … .

a)stimulate technological change in the building industry;

b)improve the process of building in the country;

c)accelerate technological change in the building industry.

8.Modular design has led to interchangeability of parts and … . a) increased possibilities for mass production;

b) increased residential construction in the country; c) increased availability of materials.

9.… and are being used to an increasing extent.

a)Group housing buildings are available;

b)Domestic and recreational buildings are available;

c)Entire apartment assemblages are available.

10. These techniques aim at a … .

a)stable output of better structures at acceptable cost;

b)higher output of better structures at lower cost;

c)new output of better materials at lower cost.

11.The high degree of mechanization and standardization is successfully achieved by … .

a) the usage of the new methods of building; b) reinforced concrete blocks and units;

c) reinforced units formed from particular materials.

12.Large sections manufactured in heavily mechanized factories … . a) are erected at the site;

b) are transported to the site;

c) give a great economic effect.

13. In order to build a house … .

a) first an excavation is dug by bulldozers; 48

b)first some necessary documentation is worked out;

c)first is necessary to receive the permission to do this.

14.… and to keep the walls and the floors from the contact with soil. a) Necessary materials are used to carry the load of a structure;

b) Ground works are done to carry the load of a structure; c) A foundation is laid to carry the load of a structure.

15.The upper part of a structure is a roof which … .

a)considers the main part of a house;

b)protects people from rain, wind and snow;

c)protects people from different accidents.

16. When a structure is ready … .

a)tenants can move into their flats;

b)builders start to decorate it;

c)builders start to improve some defects.

17.There is a considerable trend toward built-in furniture because … a) rooms should be both efficient and visually satisfying;

b) it makes rooms both efficient and visually satisfying; c) it makes rooms modern and comfortable.

18.… , freeing valuable floor space.

a)Built-in wardrobes can often be concealed behind walls;

b)All furniture can often be concealed behind walls;

c)Drawers and shelves can often be concealed behind walls.

19. Group work:

Express your opinion on the contents of the English proverb given above. Discuss all your pros and cons with your group-mates.



Don’t build a bigger house than you may set roof on.

Swedish proverb

1. Read these international words and try to guess their meaning:

A person, to consult, an expert, a zone, a specification, a contract, an information, a code, a skeleton, a material, an idea, a factory, to form, an architect, a design.


2. Read out the following words and memorize them:

a lot

участок земли (амер.)

to check


to permit


a frame

каркас, станина, корпус

a footing

нижняя часть фундамента

to supervise


to bolt

скреплять, закреплять

а sill


а joist


а beam

балка, перекладина


середина расстояния

a plywood


to nail

прибивать (гвоздями)

a lumber


a stud


a plate

пластина, планка

а carpenter


to brace


а sheathing,

обшивка, опалубка

а fiberboard

древесно-волокнистая плита (ДВП)

а plasterboard


to tack


а tar paper


а siding

обшивка, облицовка


наклонный, скошенный

a rafter


а ridgeboard

коньковый брус (на крыше)

а ridge


а shingle

кровельная плитка

а flashing

слив, фартук (элементы кровли)

а chimney


a slate


to insulate

защищать, изолировать


3.Make up your own sentence with the words given above. Use as many words as you can in this sentence.

4.Read out these phrases several times till you remember their meaning:

around which – вокруг которой:

to place directly – непосредственно присоединить; about midway – примерно в середине;

to place directly – размещать непосредственно; at the top of smth – на верху чего-то;

a building felt – строительный тряпичный картон (войлок);

to prevent smth from smth – предотвращать чтото от чего-то;

to protects smb in both the present and the future – защитить кого-то как в настоящем, так и в будущем.

5. Match the English words with their Russian equivalents:


а chimney

a. кровельная плитка

2. a plywood

b. лесоматериал


а siding

c. брус


а shingle

d. фартук


а sill

e. балка, перекладина


а joist

f. дымоход


to nail

g. стойка


а flashing

h. гипсокартон


a lumber

i. лежень


a rafter


11. a stud

k. фанера



l. прибивать

13. a plate

m. наклонный


а beam

n. обшивка, облицовка


а plasterboard

o. стропило

6.Combine the words with the help of the preposition of. Translate these word combinations:

1. knowledge

a. factories


the construction

b. the outside wall


the value

c. the joists


4. top

d. the roof


the bottom layer

e. the floor


vertical pieces

f. sheet metal


inner layer

g. the floor


the bottom ends

h. lumber


the ridge

i. the house

10. the weight

j. asphalt


the final layer

k. the rafters



l. these codes

7.Give the three forms of the following verbs:

To form, to attach, to nail, to raise, to brace, to build.

8.These words can be used both as verbs and nouns. Make up your own sentences to show the difference in their usage:

Nail, brace, tack, place, step, check, design, bolt, run, support, lift, weight.

9. Write the derivatives of the following words:

Architecture, electricity, know, buy, build, permanent, flash, roof.

10. Read the text and get ready to explain what is necessary to begin with if you want to build a house:


Planning а house. If a person decides to build a house, he or she must first select a lot or piece of land. The next step is to consult an architect or builder. This expert will check local zoning laws and electrical, building and plumbing codes. Knowledge of these codes protects the buyer in both the present and the future. For example the zoning law in the area may permit the construction of factories near the new house. Such construction might well decrease the value of the house.

The architect then designs the house, according to the buyer’s ideas. He or she makes specifications and blue prints that become the basis for the contract between the builder and the buyer. They provide information on size, materials, and how the house is to be built. The architect also supervises the construction of the house.


a) Translate these word combinations with verb to take.

(to) take (
брать, взять)

(to) take part in ( _ )

(to) take off ( _ )

(to) _ (
происходить, иметь место)

(to) take care of ( _ )

(to) _ (

b) Complete these sentences with the verb combinations in a). Pay attention to the tense.

Example: Are you going to take part in the school photo exhibition? − I don’t know yet.
1. Chris likes _ of his new classmates.
2. She _ her wet raincoat and went into the kitchen.
3. The historical performance _ every summer in the Tower of London.
4. The vet _ of the sick animals and birds.

Английский язык ENJOY ENGLISH Английский с удовольствием (рабочая тетрадь) 5 класс Биболетова. UNIT 3. Section 2. Номер №10


Перевод задания

Переведите эти словосочетания с глаголом to take.

(to) take (
брать, взять)

(to) take part in ( _ )

(to) take off ( _ )

(to) _ (
происходить, иметь место)

(to) take care of ( _ )

(to) _ (

Закончите эти предложения комбинациями глаголов из а). Обратите внимание на время.
Пример: Собираетесь ли вы принять участие в школьной фотовыставке? − Пока не знаю.
1. Крису нравится _ из его новых одноклассников.
2. Она _ свой мокрый плащ и пошла на кухню.
3. Историческое представление _ каждое лето в Лондонском Тауэре.
4. Ветеринар _ о больных животных и птиц.



(to) take (
брать, взять)

(to) take part in (
принять участие)

(to) take off (

(to) take place (
происходить, иметь место)

(to) take care of (

(to) take photos / pictures (


1. Chris likes to take photos/pictures of his new classmates.
2. She took off her wet raincoat and went into the kitchen.
3. The historical performance takes place every summer in the Tower of London.
4. The vet takes care of the sick animals and birds.

Перевод ответа


(to) take (
брать, взять)

(to) take part in (
принять участие)

(to) take off (

(to) take place (
происходить, иметь место)

(to) take care of (

(to) take photos / pictures (


1. Крис любит фотографировать своих новых одноклассников.
2. Она сняла мокрый плащ и пошла на кухню.
3. Историческое представление проходит каждое лето в Лондонском Тауэре.
4. Ветеринар заботится о больных животных и птицах.

  • Лексико-грамматический практикум
  • Unit 3
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
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  • 10
  • 11
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  • 13
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  • 18
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  • 20
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  • 29
  • 30
  • 31
  • 32
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  • 38
  • 39
  • 40

Translate these word combinations into Russian.
Переведите эти словосочетания на русский язык.


to raise one’s voice
повысить голос


to rise into the air
подняться в воздух


to agree with the facts reluctantly
неохотно соглашаться с фактами


a terrific adventure
потрясающее приключение


love for adventure
любовь к приключениям


caring parents
любящие и заботливые родители


shallow waters
мелкие воды


a talented novelist
талантливый романист


a thought-provoking film
фильм, заставляющий задуматься


a silly guy
глупый парень

ГДЗ — «Rainbow English — Лексико-грамматический практикум»

по предмету Английский язык за 8 класс.

Год издания



Афанасьева О.В., Баранова К.М., Михеева И.В.


Translate these word combinations into Russian.
Переведите эти словосочетания на русский язык.

выполните тест .
1. Translate the word combinations.
1. Eat candy floss –
2. Go souvenir shopping –
3. Fly in pirate trip –
4. See famous landmarks –
5. Shake hands with cartoon characters –
6. Explore a haunted mansion –
7. Ride on a rollercoaster –
2. Put the words in the correct order to make up sentences/перевод
1. you / arrived / just / have?
2. hasn’t / she / yet / packed / suitcase / her.
3. Have / I / to / camp / adventure / an / been / before.
4. You / have / ever / with / characters /shaken /cartoon /hands?
5. Never /I/ seen /robot / have /a.
3. Use the words to make up sentences in the Present Perfect Tense/перевод
1. I /tidy up /my / room
2. She /eat/ candy floss
3. He /go / souvenir / shopping
4. We / read / this / book
5. They / travel / Europe
4. Correct the mistakes/перевод
1. unactive –
2. ilbelievable–
3. inresponsible–
4. irlogical –
5. ilpossible –
6. imforgettable–
7. inbalanced –

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