Combine the sentences using the correct linking word she has many problems

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Прочитайте текст. Рассмотрите иллюстрацию. Ответьте на вопросы 20.1–20.3.

«Рыночная модель труда предполагает ликвидацию всех форм принуждения людей к труду, свободный выбор сфер профессиональной деятельности, свободный перелив рабочей силы между отраслями, профессиональными группами, территориями, создание системы государственных гарантий, социальной защищенности граждан от _____.

Нужно ускорить процесс формирования инфраструктуры рынка труда, где для наёмных работников должна быть создана реальная возможность выбора конкретной формы деятельности в соответствии с личными склонностями и квалификацией, где существовала бы конкуренция не только работников, но и работодателей».

20.1. Определите пропущенное в тексте слово. Запишите пропущенное слово в таблицу ответов в форме именительного падежа, единственного числа.

20.2. Как называется деятельность граждан, не противоречащая законодательству и приносящая, как правило, доход? Ответ запишите одним словом — существительным в форме именительного падежа, единственного числа.

20.3. Явления, о котором говорилось в тексте и в задании 20.1, в Советском Союзе не было. К какому типу экономики следует отнести экономику СССР? Ответ запишите одним словом — прилагательным в начальной форме.

Past Simple vs Past Continuous


I (to go) to the library yesterday.

I went to the library yesterday.


What/Who is your favourite writer?

Who is your favourite writer?


make a negative sentence

Bob was writing a letter at 5 p.m. 

Bob was not writing a letter at 5 p.m.


I (to look out) of the window when I saw my aunt.

I was looking out of the window when I saw my aunt.


She knows me, but/too I don’t know her.

She knows me, but I don’t know her.


He (to walk) in the park last weekend. 

He walked in the park last weekend.


When/Where did Yury Gagarin fly into space?

When did Yury Gagarin fly into space?


make an interrogative sentence

It was raining the whole day yesterday.

Was it raining the whole day yesterday?


Dad was sleeping while mother cooked / was cooking dinner.

Dad was sleeping while mother was cooking dinner.


I don’t understand German so/and I need an interpreter.

I don’t understand German so I need an interpreter.


Leonardo Da Vinci (to be) a famous composer.

Leonardo Da Vinci was not a famous composer.


Who/When did the World War I break out?

When did the World War I break out?


My parents___(to travel)____in Italy from August to September.

My parents were travelling in Italy from August to September.


I listened / was listening to opera all evening yesterday.

I was listening to opera all evening yesterday.


Combine the sentences using the correct linking word.

Leonardo Da Vinci was a nice engineer. He was a sculptor.

Leonardo Da Vinci was a nice engineer and also he was a sculptor.

Leonardo Da Vinci was a nice engineer, he was a sculptor too.


Isaac Newton (not to find) many historical artefacts in America.

Isaac Newton did not find many historical artefacts in America.


Michael Jackson began his career in America.


What did Michael Jackson begin in America? 


translate into English 

Студенты писали работу с 5 до 7 вечера. 

The students were writing the paper from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m.


translate  into English

Она изучала медицину весь прошлый год. 

She was studying medicine all the year.


Fill in the blanks with linking word.

I can speak English fluently____________I practise it regularly.

I can speak English fluently because I practise it regularly.


Michael Cane (to be) a famous architect in the 70’s?

Was Michael Cane  a famous architect in the 70’s?


Ringo Starr joined The Beatles in the late 60s.


When did Ringo Starr join The Beatles? 


translate into English 

Ветер дул с востока. 

The wind was blowing from the east.


When I____________(to enter) the classroom, everybody____________(to sit) at the desks.

When I entered the classroom, everybody was sitting at the desks.


translate into English 

Представление было хорошее, но пришло мало людей. 

The performance was good, but few people came.

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1 Write the statements in Conditional O.

1) If you mix red and white, it gets pink.

2) If you leave cheese in the sun, it melts.

3) If you stay in the sun too long, you get sunburnt.

4) If you practise Maths hard, you learn it.

5) If you drink cold water, you have a sore throat.

6) If you order tickets beforehand, you have no problems.

7) If you smoke, you have lung cancer.

8) If you work hard, you achieve success.

9) If you add lemon to tea, you get Russian tea.

10) If you heat paper, it burns.

2 Combine the sentences and write them in Conditional 1.

1) If she arrives, we will call her.

2) If it is fine, she will go for a walk.

3) If she buys tickets, we will go to the stadium.

4) If they go to the beach, they will do windsurfing.

5) If she takes diving lessons, she will become a champion.

6) If we ride a quad bike, we will have a great time.

7) If they go to the seaside, they will get suntanned.

8) If I go to italy, I will try local food.

9) If it is not cold, they will play badminton.

10) If he goes to the mountains, he will take nice photos.

3 Combine the ideas using Conditional 2.

1) If I had enough money, I would travel to Morocco.

2) If I had relatives in Great Britain, I would visit them.

3) If I lived at the coast, I would do kite surfing.

4) If I went to the USA, I would practise English.

5) If I had time, I would do ice climbing.

6) If I lived near the river, I would go river bugging.

7) If I bought tickets, I would go to the show.

8) If I were in your place, I would try exotic meais.

9) If I were free, I would go on a cruise.

10) If I won a lottery, I would travel around Europe.


UNIT 87. Much, many, little, few, a lot, plenty.


We use much and little
with uncountable nouns:





We use many and few
with plural nouns:





We use a lot of /lots of /plenty
with both uncountable and plural nouns:

lot of luck

of time

of money

lot of friends

of people

of ideas


= more than

There’s no need to hurry.
We’ve got plenty of time.


Much is unusual
in positive sentences (especially in spoken English). Compare:


We didn’t spend much

We spent a Lot of
money. (not We spent much money)

Do you see David much?

I see David a lot.
(not I see David much)


We use many and a
lot of
in all kinds of sentences:

Many people drive
too fast.             or A lot of people drive too fast.

Do you know many people?            or
Do you know a lot of

There aren’t many tourists here.      or
There aren’t a lot of
tourists here.

Note that we say many
years /many weeks /many days
(not a lot of .. .):

We’ve lived here for many years. (not a lot of


Little = not much, few = not many:

Gary is very busy with his
job. He has little time
for other things. (=not much time, less time than he would like)

Vicky doesn’t like living in
London. She has few
friends there. (=not many, not as many as she would like)

You can say very little
and very few:

Gary has very little time for other things.

Vicky has very few friends in London.


some, a small amount:

Let’s go and have a coffee. We
have a little time before
the train leaves.

(a little time= some time,
enough time to have a coffee)

Do you speak English?’ ‘A little.’ (so we can talk
a bit)


= some, a small number:

I enjoy my life here. I have a few friends and we meet
quite often.

(a few friends= not many but
enough to have a good time)

‘When was the last time you
saw Clare?’ ‘A few days ago.’
(= some days ago)

Compare little and a little,
few and a few:

He spoke little English, so it was difficult to communicate with

He spoke a little English, so we were able to communicate with

She’s lucky. She has few problems. (=not many

Things are not going so well
for her. She has a few
problems. (= some problems)

You can say only a little and only a few:

Hurry! We only have a little time. (not only little time)

The village was very small.
There were only a few
houses. (not only few houses)



In some of these sentences much is
incorrect or unnatural. Change much
to many or a lot (of) where necessary.
Write ‘OK’ if the sentence
is correct.


We didn’t spend much money.

Sue drinks much tea.

Joe always puts much salt on
his food.

We’ll have to hurry. We don’t
have much time.

It cost much to repair the

_______ OK______.


_____a lot of tea ______.








Did it cost much to repair the

I don’t know much people in
this town.

Mike travels much.

There wasn’t much traffic this

You need much money to travel
round the world.











Complete the sentences using plenty or plenty of+ the following:








There’s no need to hurry.
There’s _______ plenty of time


He doesn’t have any financial
problems. He has

Come and sit with us. There’s

She knows a lot, but she still
has ____________________________________

It’s an interesting town to
visit. There ____________________________________

I’m sure we’ll find somewhere
to stay. ____________________________________






Put in much/many/little/few (one word only).


She isn’t very popular. She
has ______few_______ friends.


Ann is very busy these days.
She has … free time.

Did you take ___________ pictures
when you were on holiday?

I’m not very busy today. I
don’t have ___________ to do.

This is a very modern city.
There are ___________ old buildings.

The weather has been very dry
recently. We’ve had ___________ rain.

‘Do you know Rome?’ ‘No, I
haven’t been there for ___________ years.’







Put in a (a few, a little) where necessary. Write ‘OK’ if the sentence is
already complete.


She’s lucky. She has few

______ OK ________


Things are not going so well
for her. She has few problems.

___ a few problems _____


Can you lend me few dollars?

There was little traffic, so the journey didn’t take very long.

I can’t give you a decision
yet. I need little time
to think.

It was a surprise that he won
the match. Few people expected
him to win.

I don’t know much Spanish — only few words.

I wonder how Sam is. I haven’t
seen him for few months.













Put in little /a little /few /a few.


Gary is very busy with his
job. He has ______ little ______ time
for other things.


Listen carefully. I’m going to
give you ___________ advice.

Do you mind if I ask you ___________

It’s not a very interesting
place to visit, so ___________  tourists come here.

I don’t think Amy would be a
good teacher. She has ___________ patience.

‘Would you like milk in your
coffee?’ ‘Yes, ___________  .

This is a very boring place to
live. There’s ___________ to do.

‘Have you ever been to Paris .
?’ . ‘Yes, I’ve been  there ___________








I. Fill in the gaps: rough, residential, pedestrianised, cramped, boom, overcrowded, squat, self-esteem, shanty, fixed address.

1) Unfortunately, in some countries there are still … towns where poor people live in awful conditions.

2) When we came to the beach, it was so … that we couldn’t find a single place to lie down.

3) He was born in Kensington, West London, a smart … area of large terraced houses.

4) It was very difficult for Jane to find a job without a … as nobody wanted to take her on.

5) There are hundreds of families living in … conditions on the floor of the airport lounge.

6) In the eyes of many people, Hamburg has become the … town of Europe.

7) After returning from Paris, David didn’t have a place to go, so he had to spend several nights in a ….

8) One of the reasons why you have problems in your relationships is your poor ….

9) When they were children they used to live in a … area of the town with high crime.

10) There are plans to make some streets of this neighbourhood … so that children can play safely there.

II. Choose the correct modal verb.

1) Can/Need I borrow your pen? Mine doesn’t work

2) Did you get some money from the bank? – No, I didn’t need to/needn’t. I had enough in my wallet.

3) Liz could/might spell her name before she was three.

4) I wonder if Paul and Jim have got lost. – They can’t/mustn’t have got lost because I gave them a map.

5) Shall/Would we go to the beach tomorrow? – Yes, that’s a great idea.

6) We mustn’t/needn’t go shopping this week, we’ve got plenty of food.

7) When shall I visit you next? – You can/might call in tomorrow if you like.

8) I didn’t need to ask/needn’t have asked the way to Lewes, because I’d been there before.

III. Complete the sentences using must, mustn’t, (don’t) have to, can’t, ought to, shouldn’t.

1) You look very sleepy. I think you … go to bed earlier.

2) She … be very rich. – Yes, she has a huge house and an expensive car.

3) You … walk the dog again. John walked him an hour ago.

4) You … be loud during the lesson.

5) James … have bought a house. He hardly makes ends meet.

6) I can’t meet my friends in the evening because I … do my homework.

7) This is an old-fashioned school. All students … wear a uniform.

8) I’m going to watch television. – Alright, but you … stay up too late.

IV. Translate into English.

1) отреставрировать старый дом

2) находиться в шаге от городского центра

3) нуждаться в совете

4) взглянуть на картину

5) быть вымотанным после соревнования

TEST: Module 5

II variant

I. Fill in the gaps: disused, industrial, well-lit, lack of, fully-furnished, posh, run-down, abandoned, foster, cosmopolitan.

1) They have put a lot of money into rebuilding the most … areas in Scotland

2) Celebrating an anniversary, he took his wife to a … hotel for a cocktail.

3) After the death of his parents John was taken to a … family.

4) London has always been a … city as representatives of different nationalities live there.

5) I have very little furniture so I’m looking for a … flat.

6) People in the village had been growing vegetables on this field for many years before it became … because of the fire.

7) A new factory is going to be opened in this … area soon.

8) Although he had … experience he got the job.

9) To be on the safe side I always walk along … streets when I come home late at night.

10) This village became … during the war because all the people had moved to a safer place.

II. Choose the correct modal verb.

1) I found a briefcase on the train. – You ought to/can take it to the police station as soon as possible.

2) Did you phone Alan yesterday? – No, I didn’t need to/needn’t. He came round to see me.

3) Sorry, I’m late. – You might/should wear a watch.

4) You shouldn’t/needn’t go to the post office. I’ll go there later.

5) Could/Would I use your mobile phone, please? – Yes, of course.

6) Helen should be here by now. – She ought to/could have missed the train.

7) Where’s Collin? – I’m not sure. He might/should be in the study.

8) I ran all the way to work, but I didn’t need to hurry/needn’t have hurried because I was the first person to arrive.

III. Complete the sentences using must, mustn’t, (don’t) have to, couldn’t, ought to, shouldn’t.

1) You … work on Saturday. It’s a day off.

2) I saw Tina in town last night. – You … have seen her. She was on holiday in Spain.

3) If you don’t understand anything you … ask your teacher to help.

4 You … take your dog into the supermarket. It’s not allowed.

5) I can’t go to the cinema with you today. I … visit my grandparents.

6) The exam was rather difficult and I … answer all the questions.

7) You … be at work by nine o’clock. – I promise I won’t be late.

8) I feel very tired today. – You … have stayed so late last night.

9) I’ve got a terrible toothache. – You … visit a doctor.

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