Combine one word from a and one word from b

Presentation on theme: «1. Match a word from A with one from B:»— Presentation transcript:


1. Match a word from A with one from B:
A B soap programme music forecast weather opera important media mass events


Benefits of television. Dangers.
1. We see people in our country and in other lands and learn of their customs, occupations, opinions, problems. 2. Television can make us passive. We don’t have to think and our brain becomes lazy. 3. Some people do their homework in front of a TV set. Other rush through their homework so they can watch television. In either cases, the quality of work is affected. 4. Many boys and girls watch television on Sunday afternoon, when outside activities would do them so much good. 5. It is an enjoyable way to relax. 6. We also see great events which will pass into history. 7. Some children have made television their main leisure activity and they are not enriching their personalities by developing hobbies and belonging to clubs. 8. We become better informed by watching documentaries, Science programmes, discussions and by learning of the most important economic, social and political issues of the day. 9. We can see famous peoplе. 10. Many children no longer read books 11. Television may lead to poor health, through rushed meals, lack of sleep, lack of exercise, eyestrain.


Mass Media is important in our life, isn’t it?


I like coffee, I like tea, I like radio and TV.


Mass Media. Newspapers are especially important nowadays and we can’t imagine our life without them. There are dozens of them on every news-stand. There are newspapers for professionals, for businessmen, for children and teenagers, for men and women, for sports fans, for those who are interested in gardening, fishing, hunting, for those who keep pets and so on. Some newspapers publish serious articles on politics, economy and finance, some aim to entertain their readers. Many newspapers express certain political opinion and people choose them according to their own political beliefs. In short, you can always find a paper which suits your interests. The advantage of all the newspapers is that they usually provide us with extra detail, comment and background information. But it is bad that very often newspapers are full of dramatic events about natural disasters, plane crashes, murders and robberies. Having read such articles, you feel depressed and it seems that the world is being ruined. One more disadvantage is that newspapers are full of gossip about different celebrities and their private lives. There are also a lot of photos of them in their most intimate moments. I think it shouldn’t be allowed, besides half of this information is unreliable. The main source of news for millions of people is television. With its help we can see everything with our own eyes. It is the window on the world which gives us an opportunity to «travel» all over the world. TV gives us thought, introduces us to new ideas and activities. It has the power to educate and broaden our minds. It helps us to relax after a hard day’s work and to escape from reality. There is always a great variety of programmes on TV: news and sport programmes, talk shows and TV games, documentaries and feature films, concerts and theatre performances. But nowadays there is a lot of violence on TV. It dulls our sensitivity and when we learn about one tragedy or catastrophe, we perceive it as something quite natural, just like an everyday affair. Some people become TV addicts and they won’t give up TV for anything in the world. Nowadays some children are so addicted to TV that they are not interested in anything else: they don’t read books, communicate with adults and other children, they move less, speak less and they even think less. Though there are a lot of excellent educational programmes for children and programmes designed for schools. They help children to extend their knowledge and to develop their imagination. Many people prefer the radio. It is good to listen to it in the car, or in the open air, or when you do something about the house.The Internet has recently become another important source of information. It is regarded as the latest addiction to trap thousands of people which has been blamed for broken relationships, job losses, financial ruin and even suicide. Psychologists now recognize Internet Addiction Syndrome (IAS) as a new illness that could cause serious problems and ruin many lives. Many users spend up to 40 hours a week on the Internet. Some of the addicts are teenagers who are already hooked on computer games.


«TRUE or FALSE»? 1) You will hardly find a newspaper which suits your interests. 2) The advantage of all the newspapers is that they are full of gossip about different celebrities and their private lives. 3) Television helps us to relax after a hard day’s work and to escape from reality. 4) Some people become TV addicts and they won’t give up TV for anything in the world. 5) Thanks to television children become more active and creative. 6) Programms about violence make people more sensitive. 7) The Internet is regarded as the latest addiction to trap thousands of people.


1 Television 2 Newspaper 3 Advertisement 4 Quiz 5 Tabloid 6 Talk show 7 The Internet 8 Handbook 9 Radio 10 Music programme 11 Soap opera 12 Sports news 13 Encyclopedia a) a small book giving useful facts b) a book giving information about everything c) a TV or radio programme or an article giving information about sports competitions d) the process of sending and receiving messages through the air e) a serial about relationships between people especially about love usually with a happy end f) a way to communicate with your partner who might be a thousand miles away using the computer g) a TV programme where people discuss different problems expressing their opinions h) broadcasting programmes for people to watch on their television sets i) a set of questions on different subjects to be asked j) a paper printed and sold usually daily or weekly with news, advertisements k) a newspaper with rather small pages, many pictures and little serious news l) a short film or a short article which gives us information about an object and makes us buy it m) a programme which gives us information about the modern trends of music and lets us listen to it ZASDFGSADRGASERDGA


Match the countries, the names of broadcasting companies and the broadcasting programmes.
Russia The USA Britain Canada BBC CBC CNN Kultura News cultural news, Russian and foreign classical films, classical concerts news, shows, films news, sports programmes, shows, soaps, TV plays, classical concerts, foreign films



What is the Article about?
There lived a king. And he had 3 sons. But the last was a fool. Queen Elizabeth II was born on 21April She is the Head of the Commonwealth. The final of this competition takes place every May at the famous Wembley stadium in London. Britney Spears is one of the world’s pop princesses. She has a big house in Beverly Hills and recorded her third album. The international community has banned together to condemn a terrorist attack as 35 people were killed in a bombing inside Moscow’s Domodedovo airport Current affairs (текущие события) Sport Celebrity (знаменитость) Biography Fairy tale


Mass Media is important in our life, isn’t it?


Mass Media is important in our life!!!


Radio — radio I’d sit alone and watch your light, My only friend through teenage nights And everything I had to know I heard it on my radio. You gave them all those old time stars Through wars of worlds — invaded by Mars You made them laugh — you made them cry, You made us feel like we could fly Radio… So don’t become some background noise, A backdrop for the girls and boys, Who just don’t know or just don’t care, And just complain when you’re not there You had your time, you had the power, You’ve yet to have your finest hour Radio — radio. All we hear is radio ga ga radio goo goo radio ga ga All we hear is radio ga ga radio blah blah Radio what’s new ? Radio, someone still loves you! We watch the shows — we watch the stars On videos for hours and hours We hardly need to use our ears. How music changes through the years! Let’s hope you never leave old friend Like all good things on you we depend So stick around ‘cos we might miss you When we grow tired of all this visual You had your time — you had the power, You’ve yet to have your finest hour Radio — radio. All we hear is radio ga ga Radio goo goo Radio ga ga All we hear is radio ga ga Radio goo goo Radio ga ga All we hear is radio ga ga Radio blah blah Radio what’s new ? Someone still loves you!


I like the lesson. ___ I don’t like the lesson. ___ The lesson was interesting. ___ I have learnt something new. ___ The lesson was boring. ___ My mark for the lesson. ___



1.Complete the sentences using the words from vocabulary.

1 Our sales ……… is very effective. They sell a lot of products.

2 A sales ……. came to the office yesterday. I didn’t like his sales ……… at all — he just talked and talked and didn’t listen to what I was saying.

3 I’m a sales ……… . I work for an insurance company in Geneva.

4 As soon as a customer walks in, I know if I am going to ……… a sale.

2.Choose the correct words from the brackets to complete the advice for food and drink companies on the Scottish Food and Drink website.

Need to increase (1) _____ (retail buyers / shelf space) to grow the business but not

sure how? The first step is to secure (2) _____ (a listing / an outlet), then you can target growth through increased shelf space. However, space is always at a premium and success will depend on a number of factors. Convince the (3) _____

(retail buyer/ procurement department) that your product is worth more space by showing him or her what other retail (4) ______ (listings/outlets) in the local area are doing.

3. Two marketers are talking about how to market their investment services. Match the two parts of the sentences.

1 Let’s start by looking at turning the service into a product. Our investment services are

2 Yes, we could try to create

3 I don’t know, our business is really too complicated for prepaid 4 Our clients really need us to cater

5 Well, we could think about different service

6 Do you mean high and low

7 Yes, and we could combine different services to provide a new

a bundles of different investment services. b levels for differing budgets.

c offering. Say, life insurance, real estate, shares, bonds, savings accounts combined into one easy to manage portfolio.

d intangible so it might be an interesting approach for our clients. e packages.

f end packages?

g to their individual budgets and needs.


1.What things could bring success to a retailer?

2.Look at the headline and introduction to the text. Write five questions you would like to ask about Richer Sounds.

3. Read the text and see if you can find the answers to your questions. Can you guess the answers to your other questions?

Richer Pickings

By Nigel Cope

At hi-fi chain Richer Sounds ‘we have a laugh’, says founder Julian Richer. They also sell more per square foot than any other retailer in Britain.

Who is the busiest retailer in Britain? Marks and Spencer? Sainsbury perhaps, or Tesco? Wrong on all three counts. The answer is Richer Sounds, a little-known, privately-owned, cut-price retailer of hi-fi equipment with 28 shops in the UK.

In the Guinness Book of Records, Richer Sounds warrants an entry for the highest sales per square foot of any retailer in the UK — Ј17,000 — for its store on London Bridge Walk in the City. Even taking an average across all 28 stores, Richer Sounds still clocks up Ј5,780 per square foot, ten times more than Marks and Spencer, six times the sales achieved by Sainsbury.

It is profitable too. Sales are up and its operating margin has soared from 3.4 per cent in 1989 to almost thirteen per cent today. Last year Richer Sounds made profits of more than Ј3m on sales of almost Ј48 m.

The man behind Richer Sounds’ success is founder, managing director and 98 per cent shareholder Julian Richer, a 39-year-old Londoner who, at the age of 14, used to buy and sell candles during the energy crisis of 1974. A likeable bloke who wears his blond hair in a pony tail and operates from a small converted Victorian vinegar factory in Bermondsey, south-east London, he raps out his sales pitch.

‘Even when I was at school I wanted to go into business,’ he says, ‘but my age was against me. Property was out — I wasn’t old enough to sign a contract. Cars were out — I couldn’t drive. So I turned to hi-fi, which was catching on at school. I bought a second-hand Bang and Olufsen for Ј10, did it up* and sold it for Ј22.’ In 1979, at the age of 19, he opened his first shop — the one on London Bridge Walk.

Since then little has changed. In simple terms, Richer Sounds sells discounted hi-fi from tiny, basic shops with low overheads. Stock turnover is rapid and the company’s smallness gives it flexibility to take advantage of deals offered by manufacturers on end-of-line or surplus equipment.

The technique has enabled Richer Sounds to secure itself a lucrative niche in a Ј4 bn audiovisual market dominated by independents.

While leading multiples stock mainly the mass market, volume selling midi systems which became popular in the early 1980s, Richer Sounds sells only hi-fi separates such as tuners and amplifiers. It buys either end-of-line ranges which manufacturers are hoping to off-load before the next, cosmetically different model arrives from Japan, or small orders of current models which, perhaps because of poor stock management, the manufacturer is

prepared to sell at a reduced price. Now, as manufacturers’ stock control improves, three-quarters of its stock is current models.

Suppliers are keen to do business with this quirky* retailer. ‘People like Dixons and Comet have so many stores (344 and 262 respectively) that unless you’ve got 5,000 of a model it’s not worth their while putting it into their distribution system,’ says Clive Roberts, sales and marketing director of Akai. ‘With Richer, you can do a deal on 30.’

Marketing is a key weapon. Richer so Sounds advertises regularly in national newspapers (‘We buy late space at a discount,’ Richer says) and in alternative* magazines such as Private Eye and Viz. Every month it produces up to 350,000 copies of a brochure pushing the latest offers.

The shops are like walk-in warehouses. Outside, «bargain bins» tout special offers including audio cassettes for 59p. Inside, compact disc players, tuners and speakers from leading names such as Sony, Akai and Marantz are stacked from floor to ceiling. Banners hanging from the ceiling proclaim: ‘If you’ve seen it cheaper, we’ll beat that price by up to Ј50.’

Good service is another priority. At Richer Sounds staff are trained not to be pushy*. They all attend two training seminars a year at Richer’s country house in Yorkshire, where more attention is paid to following the correct administrative procedures.

First-time hi-fi buyers get a call to check that they have plugged in the equipment correctly. Customer receipts include a freephone number they can dial if they have a problem. Richer’s own name and office number are supplied too.

The emphasis is on fun. If it’s raining, customers are given a free umbrella. In summer they get a Chilly Willy (a type of ice lolly). Other seasonal gifts include mince pies at Christmas and hot-cross buns at Easter. ‘We have a laugh,’ Richer says. ‘We don’t take ourselves seriously, but we do take our customers seriously.’

*quirky: unusual, untypical

*pushy: rude in trying to get what you want

*alternative: not traditional

*to do smth. up: to repair smth

4. Read the text again and choose the best answer for each of the following questions.

1 Richer Sounds is

a)a single outlet retailer.

b)a privately-owned retail chain.

c)a department store.

2 Richer Sounds

a)sells ten times more than Marks and Spencer.

b)has more outlets than most UK retailers.

c)sells more per square foot than any other UK retailer.

3 Richer Sounds is cheaper than other hi-fi retailers because

a)it only sells old models of hi-fi equipment.

b)it buys equipment from manufacturers at special prices.

c)it sells second-hand equipment.

4 Manufacturers like doing business with Richer Sounds because

a)it can handle small numbers of items.

b)it has a large number of stores.

c)it accepts lower discounts than other retailers.

5 Richer Sounds

a)does all its advertising through brochures.

b)gets free publicity from newspaper and magazine articles.

c)buys advertising space at a low price.

6 At Richer Sounds, staff

a)regularly receive further training.

b)do not have to follow rules.

c)install equipment for their customers.

5.The following words can be used in more than one way. Underline the correct part of speech for each word as it is used in the text.

1 stock





2 deal





3 surplus





4 secure





5 market





6 model





c adjective

7 order





8 control





6.Complete the passage using appropriate forms of the words from ex. 5.

Sephora is a French beauty supermarket chain which has revolutionised the way that perfumes and fragrances are sold. Sephora operates in a 1 _____ that has traditionally been served either by small exclusive perfume stores or by department stores. It 2 ________a wide selection of top products from beauty houses like Chanel and Estee Lauder. Two years ago the original founder of Sephora, Dominique Mandonnaud, was approached by the luxury chain LVMH (Moet Hennessy — Louis Vuitton) with an offer to buy the company and one year later a 3 ________ was made. Today Daniel Richard, the new president,

4 ________ all aspects of the business. He has managed to 5 _______ the support of many of the big brands in the perfume business and has placed big 6 ________ with them. Sephora has ambitious plans for the future, and recently opened a store in New York.

7.Read the text about the American company Wal-Mart, the world’s largest retailer. Replace the words in italics with these words from the text ‘Richer Pickings’.













Wal-Mart is already manoeuvring to bring its vision of retailing to the European consumer. In the United States the company operates stores that are often twice as big as their European equivalents and which sell a huge 1selection of quality products at a 2 significant price reduction.

However, duplicating its success on the old continent may prove to be just as difficult as conquering the New World’s markets. Firstly, Europe with its limited space available for building new stores and its high 3 operating costs may make it more difficult for the company to produce the same 4 positive financial results that it has had in the US. In addition to that, it may be difficult to persuade

5 companies that provide goods for retailers to do business with them in the same way as they do in the US.

But with its purchase of the British supermarket chain ASDA, Wal-Mart clearly wants to establish a 6 particular market for itself in Europe.

8. a) Look at these compound nouns from the text ‘Richer Pickings’.

mass market

special offer

distribution system

leading name

What other compounds do you know with these words? a market b system c name d special

b) Match words from A and B to make compound nouns. Check your answers in a dictionary.



























Customer service

Read the extracts below from Julian Richer’s book The Richer Way. What do you think of the company’s approach to customer service? What experiences have you had of good or bad service in shops?

‘We train our staff to take responsibility. If a customer has a complaint, the first thing the sale assistant does is apologise, even if he or she knows nothing about the circumstances. Then they go on to sort of the problem out.’

‘At Richer Sounds we hand out gold aeroplane badges for our ‘high flyers’ – staff who have performed above and beyond the call of duty, perhaps by giving exceptional customer service, or having a really brilliant idea.’

‘Every month the three winning shops in our customer service competition, the Richer Way League, win a car for a month. Two get Bentleys and one a Jaguar XJS convertible. The car is theirs to use as they wish, we pay the petrol.’


1. Read the text about a controversial customer service programme at Safeway, a major American supermarket chain. Choose the best sentence (A-I) from the list opposite to complete each gap.

A US Grocer’s Embrace of Customer Service

Safeway launched its Superior Service Program about five years ago. Among its rules: Make eye contact with the customer, smile, greet him or her, offer samples of products, make suggestions about other possible purchases that could go with the items being bought, and accompany them to locate items they cannot find. 1________.

To encourage staff to follow the rules, Safeway employs an undisclosed number of ‘mystery shoppers’ whose job is to act like regular customers.

2 _______. Workers who do well earn a chance at winning $500 worth of company stock, and managers whose workers are extremely friendly can receive additional bonuses.

Those who are graded as having poor customer service skills are sent to a training program to learn how to be friendlier. 3 ________.

Corporate efforts to brighten the shopping experience — such as yellow happy-face stickers and ‘have-a-nice-day’ slogans — have typically drawn mixed reactions. But few have caused as much angst among the sales staff as Safeway’s has. It has also had some unexpected side effects. 4 _______. There have been complaints by female workers in California who say that male customers have misinterpreted their friendliness and, according to some Safeway workers, the whole program is contributing to growing morale problems among the staff.

In recent interviews, half a dozen Safeway workers said the rigid implementation of the Superior Service Program has left some workers feeling so overstressed that they quit. 5 _______.

Some workers said they had been penalized for not smiling even though they felt they could not. One woman said she was marked down by mystery shoppers when she was going through a painful divorce.

The policy of leading customers to a product they cannot find also causes some problems, workers said. 6 ______. Lonely elderly people in particular, they said, sometimes seek to be accompanied for an extended period, even through their entire shopping list.

A Safeway officials said they were not aware of any employee who had resigned because of the program.

B The majority of customers seem to be very happy with the improved service. C Some cynical workers call it smile school; others call it clown school.

D Some shoppers seem to enjoy directing workers around the store.

E The sampling policy is being abused by some shoppers.

F They believe the program has resulted in increased sales.

G They grade workers on a 19-point scorecard, and the results affect the performance evaluations of the worker and his/her managers.

H There have been debates on the Internet and among customers about false and genuine friendliness.

I It also includes thanking shoppers by name at the checkout by using information from their credit, debit or Safeway card.

2 Combine a word from A with one from B to match each of the definitions below.

















1 __________________ a persuasive argument to sell a product

2___________________ the rate at which goods are sold

3___________________ sales promotions to attract customers .

4___________________ shops with outlets in many locations .

5___________________ customers who seek the lowest prices 6___________________ large shops, usually located in city centres, which sell a wide variety of products

7___________________ retail facilities where customers have access to a variety of different stores in the same location.


The company you work for faced the problem of an inefficient customer service. You were asked to analyze the situation (what do the customers complain about?) and give the recommendations how the service could be improved. Write a report to present your ideas. Follow the structure of a report.

A report should be well organized with information presented in a logical order. It is usually contains:

sections and subsections

headings and subheadings

a numbering system

indented information

All these help to make the report easy to read.

Structure of a report:






Introduction usually includes:

who asked for the report

why the report is being written

the purpose of the report

The introduction sometimes contains the Procedure – where/how you got the information.

Findings are the facts you discovered.

Conclusions are what you think about the facts and how you interpret them. Recommendations are practical suggestions as to what should be done to solve the problem, remedy the situation.

Electronic commerce

1. Discuss these questions.

1 What modern channels of distribution do you know? Have you ever used them to buy anything?

2 Have you ever bought anything over the Internet? If so, what was your experience of the website, delivery of goods, time taken, etc?

3 What kind of products or services are best sold on the Net?

4 Are there any things which could not or should not be sold on the Net?

5 What are the advantages and disadvantages of Internet shopping? Prepare the list.

6 Look at the list you’ve made. Try to predict the future of e-commerce.


1. a) Read the text and see how close your predictions were to the ideas given here.

b)Match the headings below to the paragraphs in the article. There is one heading you don’t need. Write the correct heading number in each box.

1 What consumers really want

2 ‘Real’ e-commerce

3 Consumers want more than just convenience

6 Goodbye to the keyboard

4 Why e-commerce isn’t working

5 The virtual shopping assistant

Shopping from home

What forms of e-commerce will dominate the next millennium? What is it that the consumer may wants and will pay for? For a while, companies believed that consumers wanted convenience more than the best price. Catalogue shopping works on this principle, but it makes up only two per cent of the economy.

Consumers really want things to be simple, easy and fast. They want to be entertained when they, shop. They want to comparison shop. They want the best service. They wan: great prices. The Internet and e-commerce can provide all of this.

High definition graphics and video will be part of the everyday online shopping experience. People will be able to virtually shop and interact with their friends without leaving home. Artificial intelligence will put a virtual shop assistant at the service of every online shopper. She will suggest colours, sizes and other

nformation systems collect. organize, store, process. retrieve and display information in

different formats (tcxt. video, and voice). lnformation technology allows very fast.

automated manipulation of digital data and their transformation from and to analogue.I

Two basic technologics have been responsible for the development of the necessary

hardware: integrated circuits and digital communications. Parallel advances have been

made in software, particularly easy-to-use software producls to create. maintain,

manipulate, and query files and records. Many or these software programs are designed for

use both by computer professionals and enthusiastic amateurs. Another important factor is

the development oí computer networks.

As technology develops. new models and types or computer appear. At the heart of all

computers is the hardware. however. without software, computers are just dumb boxes,

unable to perform any calculations or operations.

Models and types of computer

desktop laptop mainframe notebook server terminal workstation

Computer hardware

CPU (central processing unit) dot matrix printer expansion card inkjet printer

keyboard laser printer monitor mouse RAM (random access memory)

scanner screen storage devices


applet application software browser database software email software

graphics software operating system search engine spreadsheet

word processing


A Network users can:

share files. printers and other


send electronic messages

run programs on other


A network includes:


physical connections

computer programs

used to link two or more computers.

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