Collocations with the word market

market noun

1 place where people go to buy and sell things

ADJ. open-air, outdoor, street | covered, indoor | antiques, cattle, fruit and vegetable, etc. | flea (= that sells old or used goods at low prices)

VERB + MARKET hold The market is held on Wednesdays. | go to | take sth to They took the pigs to market.

MARKET + NOUN square | town | day

PREP. at/in a/the ~ to buy some fish at the market

2 business/trade

ADJ. competitive | active, booming, bullish, lively, strong, thriving | bull (finance), rising | depressed, dull, sluggish, weak | bear (finance), falling | steady | buyer’s, seller’s | foreign, global, international, overseas, world | domestic, home, internal, local | single the completion of the European single market in 1992 | common | economic | free | open | black (= illegal) | bond, capital, commodity, consumer, currency, export, financial, foreign exchange, futures, housing, money, product, property, securities, stock | car, computer, etc. | job, labour

VERB + MARKET put sth on | come on/onto A new model has come on the market. | develop | break into, get into, penetrate They’re hoping to get into the Far Eastern market. | capture, corner, monopolize | supply | flood flooding the market with cheap foreign goods | lose | depress | play an investor who knows how to play the market?and win

MARKET + VERB open up The Chinese market has opened up recently. | boom | pick up, rally | slump | be down, be up The market was down 15 per cent. | close The market closed weaker. | open

MARKET + NOUN price, value | conditions | leader | position, share | sector | trends

PREP. in/into a/the ~ changes in the UK market | on the ~ one of the best car deals on the market | ~ in a thriving market in second-hand cars

PHRASES be in the market for sth (= be interested in buying sth), the bottom’s dropped/fallen out of the market (= the market has collapsed), a gap in the market, the bottom/lower/top/upper end of the market

3 people who want to buy sth

ADJ. big, good, huge, large | poor, small | expanding, growing | shrinking | ready | niche

VERB + MARKET create The company has created a niche market for itself.

MARKET + VERB expand, grow | shrink | collapse | bear sth We will charge whatever the market will bear (= as much as people can be persuaded to pay).

MARKET + NOUN segment | niche | research

PREP. ~ for the market for new cars

4 the free market

VERB + MARKET leave sth to Some services cannot be left to the market.

MARKET + NOUN forces | economy

market verb

ADV. heavily | effectively, successfully | cleverly | aggressively | actively | selectively The printer is being selectively marketed in a handful of countries.

PREP. as It will be marketed as a tonic for the elderly. | through The product is being marketed through the existing sales force. | to The company is not actively marketing its products to schools.


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Some more examples with collocations

Adjective + smoker:

  • heavy smoker
  • inveterate smoker
  • lifelong smoker
  • habitual smoker

to smoke + Object:

  • to smoke pipe
  • to smoke cigarette
  • to smoke marijuana
  • to smoke cigar

hot + Noun:

  • hot water
  • hot day
  • hot iron
  • hot coffee

Noun + shop:

  • gift shop
  • coffee shop
  • repair shop
  • barber shop

memory + Verb + [s]:

  • memory fades
  • memory fails
  • memory serves
  • memory remains

[to] Verb [a/the] light:

  • to throw the light
  • to see the light
  • to shed the light
  • to reflect the light

    • See Also:
      • maple
      • mar
      • marble
      • march
      • mare
      • margin
      • marine
      • mark
      • marked
      • marker
      • market
      • marketing
      • marking
      • maroon
      • marriage
      • married
      • marrow
      • marry
      • marsh
      • marshmallow
      • marvel
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Collocations for «market»

Common phrases and expressions where native English speakers use the word «market» in context.

WordReference English Collocations © 2023


Most examples are given in US English. We have labeled exceptions as UK.


  1. a [flea, street, local, weekend, Sunday, cattle] market
  2. an [indoor, outdoor, open-air] market
  3. the [stock, commodities, securities, futures] market
  4. a [strong, weak] [labor, employment, job] market
  5. [open, free, restricted, closed] markets
  6. sell [fruit, vegetables, flowers, clothes] at the market
  7. take their [cattle, livestock, animals] to market
  8. go to the market for [milk, eggs, coffee]
  9. [found, got myself, picked up] some bargains at the market
  10. [walk, browse, stroll] around the market
  11. the markets have [fallen, risen, dropped, crashed, rocketed]
  12. the market [fell] today
  13. the market had a [good, poor] day
  14. the [London, New York, Frankfurt] stock market
  15. a [bull, bear] market
  16. [shares, stocks, values] have fallen on the stock market
  17. the market is [slowing, booming, leveling off]
  18. the markets have responded [bullishly, bearishly, slowly]
  19. the markets have [rebounded, recovered] from
  20. the company [cornered, entered] the (new) market
  21. they [found, detected, capitalized on] a gap in the market
  22. there’s not [much, a lot of] market for [war memorabilia]
  23. they’re in the market for a new [house, car, nanny]
  24. their [house] is (now) on the market
  25. the (current) market for [property, high-end wine, landscapers]

n as adj

  1. a market town
  2. in the market [square, place]
  3. market [traders, sellers, analysts, vendors, prices, forecasts]
  4. market [capital, share, confidence, conditions, investors]
  5. is the market leader
  6. do (your) market research


  1. market a (new) [product, service, program]
  2. market it [globally, locally, nationally]
  3. market your [talents, skills, passions]
  4. market yourself to [businesses, companies]
  5. marketed to [children, men, students]
  6. marketed towards [children]
  7. marketed by the [company, school, government]
  8. marketed on [TV, the internet]
  9. marketed in the [store, magazine]
  10. marketed with claims of
  11. marketed as the [best, greatest, cheapest, safest]
  12. marketed as [being, having, providing]
  13. marketed under a [new, different] name
  14. marketed and [sold, promoted, distributed]
  15. [currently, successfully, aggressively, heavily] marketed
  16. [designed, developed] and marketed

market‘ also found in these entries (note: many are not synonyms or translations):

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Examples from texts

“The market is here in Calimport.

– Рынок здесь, в Калимпорте.

Salvatore, Robert / The Halfling’s GemСальваторе, Роберт / Проклятие рубина

Проклятие рубина

Сальваторе, Роберт

© 1990 TSR, Inc.

© С. Топоров, перевод, 2007

© ИЦ «Максима», 2007

The Halfling’s Gem

Salvatore, Robert

Because of this, the number of contracts traded in the futures market can be greater than the supply of the commodity which underlies that futures contract.

В связи с этим число контрактов, обращающихся на том или ином фьючерсном рынке, может превышать объем поставок реального товара, лежащего в основе данного фьючерсного контракта.

Nison, Steve / Japanese Candlestick Charting TechniquesНисон, Стив / Японские свечи: графический анализ финансовых рынков

Японские свечи: графический анализ финансовых рынков

Нисон, Стив

© 1991 by Steve Nison

© OOO «Диаграмма», 1997

Japanese Candlestick Charting Techniques

Nison, Steve

Since SMEs often lack the collateral required, this limits the size of the market.

Поскольку у МСП часто нет необходимого залога, это ограничивает размеры рынка.

© 2010 IFC

© Международная финансовая корпорация, 2009

© 2010 IFC

© 2009 International Finance Corporation (IFC)

Determine how you can change the standard practice in a way that will make a noticeable difference in the market.

Установить пути изменения компанией сложившейся практики работы с клиентами, которые могли бы придать ей заметные отличительные особенности в глазах потребителей.

Kendall, Gerald I.,Rollins, Steven C. / Advanced Project Portfolio Management and the PMO: Multiplying ROI at Warp SpeedКендалл, Джеральд И.,Роллинз, Стивен К. / Современные методы управления портфелями проектов и Офис управления проектами. Максимизация ROI.

Современные методы управления портфелями проектов и Офис управления проектами. Максимизация ROI.

Кендалл, Джеральд И.,Роллинз, Стивен К.

© J. Ross Publishing, Inc., 2003

© ЗАО «ПМСОФТ», 2004

Advanced Project Portfolio Management and the PMO: Multiplying ROI at Warp Speed

Kendall, Gerald I.,Rollins, Steven C.

©2003 by International Institute for Learning, Inc.

©2003 by J. Ross Publishing, Inc.

Although these styles have been described in terms of capital market theory, it should be pointed out that other procedures could be used to implement them.

Следует отметить, что, хотя данные стили были описаны с точки зрения современной теории портфеля, их можно реализовать и с использованием другой техники.

Sharpe, William F. / InvestmentsШарп, Уильям Ф. / Инвестиции


Шарп, Уильям Ф.

© 1995 by Prentice Hall, Inc.

© Перевод на русский язык. Издательский Дом «ИНФРА-М», 1997

© Оригинал-макет. Издательский Дом «ИНФРА-М», 1997


Sharpe, William F.

© 1999, 1995 by Prentice Hall, Inc.

Maybe,the crisis phenomena on the world oil market will reach the extent when OPEC, Russia and other oil-producing countries will launch practical consultations.

Возможно развитие кризисных явлений на мировом рынке нефти и дорастет до такой степени, что ОПЕК, Россия (и другие страны-производители) начнут действенные консультации.

Then, after digesting the information and assessing the risks involved, the collective consciousness of the market finds an equilibrium price.

Тогда после систематизирования этой информации и оценки рисков коллективное сознание рынка находит равновесную цену.

Peters, Edgar E. / Chaos and Order in the Capital Markets: A New View of Cycles, Prices, and Market VolatilityПетерс, Эдгар Э. / Хаос и порядок на рынках капитала. Новый аналитический взгляд на циклы, цены и изменчивость рынка

Хаос и порядок на рынках капитала. Новый аналитический взгляд на циклы, цены и изменчивость рынка

Петерс, Эдгар Э.

© 1996 by Edgar E. Peters

© перевод на русский язык, оформление, «Мир», 2000

Chaos and Order in the Capital Markets: A New View of Cycles, Prices, and Market Volatility

Peters, Edgar E.

© 1996 by Edgar E. Peters

The biggest fall was recorded in industries oriented at the Russian market — machine building and metal working (by 28.6% yoy), wood-working (by 24.3% yoy) and light industry (by 11.4% yoy).

Наибольшее падение было зарегистрировано в отраслях, ориентированных преимущественно на российский рынок — машиностроении и металлообработке (на 28.6% г/г), деревообработке (на 24.3% г/г) и легкой промышленности (на 11.4% г/г).

© 2000-2007 Исследовательский центр ИПМ

© 2000-2007 IPM Research Center

During the current transition towards a market economy, private-sector cooperatives played a crucial role in the socio-economic development of Myanmar.

В ходе текущего перехода к рыночной экономике кооперативы частного сектора играют исключительно важную роль в социально-экономическом развитии Мьянмы.

© Организация Объединенных Наций, 2010 год

When the percentage of bears among stock market letter writers rises above 55, the market is near an important bottom.

Когда их уровень превышает 55%, рынок близок к важному основанию.

Elder, Alexander / Trading for a LivingЭлдер, Александр / Как играть и выигрывать на бирже

Как играть и выигрывать на бирже

Элдер, Александр

© 1996 by Alexander Elder

© Издательский дом «Диаграмма», 2001

Trading for a Living

Elder, Alexander

© 1993 by Dr. Alexander Elder

As a rule, an ordinary bill of exchange does not so serve; then it is not money, and belongs to the demand side of the money market.

Как правило, обычный вексель не служит таковым; значит, он не является деньгами и относится к стороне спроса денежного рынка.

Schumpeter, Joseph A. / History of Economic AnalysisШумпетер, Йозеф А. / История экономического анализа

История экономического анализа

Шумпетер, Йозеф А.

© Перевод с английского под редакцией В.С. Автономова, 2001

© 1954 by Oxford University Press, Inc.

History of Economic Analysis

Schumpeter, Joseph A.

© 1954 by Oxford University Press, Inc.

This presentation accurately characterizes the type of Fibnodes you are encountering in current market action.

Этот способ представления точно характеризует тип Фиб-узлов, с которыми вы сталкиваетесь на текущем рынке.

DiNapoli, Joe / Trading with DiNapoli LevelsДиНаполи, Джо / Торговля с использованием уровней ДиНаполи.

Торговля с использованием уровней ДиНаполи.

ДиНаполи, Джо

© 1998 Coast Investment Software, Inc. and Joe DiNapoli

© Перевод на русский язык, оформление «ИК«Аналитика», 2001

Trading with DiNapoli Levels

DiNapoli, Joe

© 1998, Coast Investment Software, Inc. and Joe DiNapoli

A good trading system gives you an edge in the market.

Хорошая система дает вам преимущество перед конкурентами.

Elder, Alexander / Come into My Trading RoomЭлдер, Александр / Трейдинг с д-ром Элдером: энциклопедия биржевой игры

Трейдинг с д-ром Элдером: энциклопедия биржевой игры

Элдер, Александр

© 2002 by Dr. Alexander Elder

© Издательский дом «Диаграмма», 2003

Come into My Trading Room

Elder, Alexander

© 2002 by Dr. Alexander Elder

However, the growth in market activity was exemplified by the 22% increase in the number of IPOs in 2010 as compared to 2009 (from nine to 11).

Однако рост рыночной активности выразился в увеличении количества 1РО в 2010 г. на 22% по сравнению с 2009 г. (с 9 до 11).

The color of the long first day is not as important, but it is best if it reflects the trend of the market.

Цвет первого длинного дня не так важен, но лучше, если он отражает рыночный тренд.

Morris, Gregory L. / Candlestick Charting ExplainedМоррис, Грегори Л. / Японские свечи: метод анализа акций и фьючерсов, проверенный

Японские свечи: метод анализа акций и фьючерсов, проверенный

Моррис, Грегори Л.

© Gregory L. Morris, 1995

© Альпина Паблишер — перевод на русский язык, оформление, 2001

Candlestick Charting Explained

Morris, Gregory L.

© 1992, 1995, 2006 by Gregory L. Morris

Add to my dictionary


‘mɑːkɪtNounбазар; рынокExamples

to shop at the market — делать покупки на рынке

User translations

The part of speech is not specified

  1. 1.


    translation added by L Г


above the market

превышающий рыночный уровень

abuse of market power

злоупотребление рыночной властью

access to capital market

доступ на рынок капитала

access to market

доступ на рынок

absorption of market

емкость рынка

active market

активный рынок

active market

оживленный рынок

active market

рынок с оживленным спросом

activity in the market

оживление на рынке

activity on the market

оживление на рынке

actual market

фактическая сумма продаж

actual market

фактический оборот

actual market

фактическое состояние рынка

actual state of the market

существующее положение дел на рынке

actuals market

рынок наличных товаров

Castleman Holdings, Inc. had the following equity investment portfolio at January 1, 2017.

Evers Company1,000 shares @ $15 each$15,000Rogers Company900 shares @ $20 each18,000Chance Company500 shares @ $9 each4,500‾Equity investments @ cost37,500Fair value adjustment(7,500‾)Equity investments @ fair value$30,000‾‾begin{array}{llr}
text{Evers Company}&text{1,000 shares @ $15 each}hspace{25pt}&text{$hspace{5pt}15,000}hspace{4pt}\
text{Rogers Company}&text{900 shares @ $20 each}&text{18,000}hspace{4pt}\
text{Chance Company}&text{500 shares @ $9 each}&underline{text{hspace{15pt}4,500}}hspace{4pt}\
text{Equity investments @ cost}&&text{37,500}hspace{4pt}\
text{Fair value adjustment}&&underline{text{hspace{15pt}(7,500}})\
text{Equity investments @ fair value}&&underline{underline{$text{hspace{9pt}30,000}}}hspace{4pt}\

During 2017, the following transactions took place.

  1. On March 1, Rogers Company paid a $2 per share dividend.
  2. On April 30, Castleman Holdings, Inc. sold 300 shares of Chance Company for$11 per share.
  3. On May 15, Castleman Holdings, Inc. purchased 100 more shares of Evers Company stock at $16 per share.
  4. At December 31, 2017, the stocks had the following price per share values: Evers$17, Rogers $19, and Chance$8.

During 2018, the following transactions took place.
5. On February 1, Castleman Holdings, Inc. sold the remaining Chance shares for $8 per share.
6. On March 1, Rogers Company paid a$2 per share dividend.
7. On December 21, Evers Company declared a cash dividend of $3 per share to be paid in the next month.
8. At December 31, 2018, the stocks had the following price per share values: Evers$19 and Rogers $21.


  • a. Prepare journal entries for each of the above transactions.
  • b. Prepare a partial balance sheet showing the investment-related amounts to be reported at December 31, 2017 and 2018.

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