Collocation with word time

“Time” is one of the most common words in English – but do you know all the different ways you can use the word time?

In today’s lesson, you’ll learn 16 common collocations with the word TIME, such as: waste time, kill time, it’s about time, stall for time, and more.

There’s also a quiz to help you practice the collocations in this lesson – scroll down to the bottom of the lesson to try it!

But first, you might be wondering, what are collocations?

Collocations are the common combinations of words that we tend to use together. When you learn collocations, it will be easier to put words together into sentences, and you’ll sound more like a native English speaker.

You can learn a lot more inside my e-book, which will teach you 1000 English collocations in 10 minutes a day.

OK, let’s jump in to today’s lesson. For each collocation I’ll teach you the definition and then give you an example sentence.

spend time

To pass your time doing some activity.

  • I spend a lot of time studying English.

waste time

Doing something that is not a good use of time.

  • Stop wasting time playing computer games and get to work!

make time for

To “create” time in a busy schedule.

  • I need to make time for regular exercise – maybe I can go to the gym before work.

save time

Something that is efficient and gives you extra time

  • Shopping online saves me time because I don’t have to wait in line at the store.

free/spare time

Time in which you have no obligations, and you can do whatever you want.

  • In my free time, I enjoy reading, painting, and cooking.

have time

Be available to do something.

  • I’d like to take violin lessons, but I don’t have enough time.

kill time / pass the time

Do something to make the time pass faster while you’re waiting for something else.

  • Let’s bring some magazines to help pass the time on the train ride.

take your time

You can use as much time as you want, you don’t have to go fast.

  • “I like all of these computers. I’m not sure which one I want to buy yet.”
    “That’s OK – take your time.”

on time

On schedule, at the right time.

  • It’s important to arrive on time for a job interview.

just in time

At the perfect time, soon before something else happens

  • Hi, Henry! Have a seat – you got here just in time for dinner.

have a hard/rough time

Something difficult, or a difficult period in life.

  • I’m having a hard time solving this math problem. Could you help me?

it’s about time

An expression that means “Finally!”

  • It’s about time they fixed the air conditioner in my classroom! It’s been broken for three years!

pressed for time

In a rush, in a hurry (when you need to do something and you don’t have enough time)

  • Sorry, I can’t talk at the moment – I’m a bit pressed for time. Can I call you back later?

run out of time

Have no more time before the limit.

  • I ran out of time before I finished the test, so I didn’t answer the last five questions.

stall for time


  • My son didn’t want to go to bed, so he tried to stall for time by asking me to read him another bedtime story.

take time off

Not go to work.

  • I’m taking some time off in July to go camping with my family.

Quiz: Common English Collocations with TIME

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Collocations With Time, Time Collocations List! Time is a fundamental concept that plays an essential role in our daily lives. From scheduling appointments to planning our day, time influences every aspect of our routines. As a result, it’s no surprise that time collocations are so commonly used in the English language. A collocation is a group of words that naturally occur together and convey a specific meaning.

In this article, we’ll explore 50 common time collocations that you’ll frequently encounter in conversations, written works, and media. Whether you’re an English learner or a native speaker, these collocations will help you express yourself more accurately and fluently.

collocations with time

Time Collocations List:

  • Part-Time
  • Daylight Saving Time
  • Time Tracking Analysis
  • Time Tracking System
  • Nighttime
  • Take Your Time
  • Standard Time
  • Time Tracking Regulation
  • Lead Time
  • International Time
  • Set Up Time
  • Time Consumption
  • Save Time
  • Stall For Time
  • Time Tracking Requirement
  • Processing Time
  • Time Optimization
  • Peak Time
  • Time Tracking Method
  • Free Time
  • Run Out Of Time
  • Time Tracking Standard
  • Prime Time
  • Time Tracking Law
  • Time-Saving Rule
  • Time Saving Method
  • Eastern Standard Time
  • Greenwich Mean Time
  • Time Tracking
  • Snack Time
  • Rush Hour
  • Time Effectiveness
  • Time Tracking Technique
  • Off-Peak Time
  • Time Tracking Spreadsheet
  • Time Stamp
  • Real Time
  • Time Saving Guideline
  • Have A Hard Time
  • Time-Saving Approach
  • Full Time
  • Break Time
  • Downtime
  • Meal Time
  • Lifetime
  • To Tell Time
  • On-Time
  • This/The Same Time Tomorrow
  • Time Tracking Framework
  • Time Saving Law
  • Time Zone
  • Summer Time
  • Short Time
  • Response Time
  • Time-Saving Principle
  • Time Tracking Process
  • Time Saving Policy
  • Time Tracking Procedure
  • Time Saving Process
  • Spare Time
  • Lunch Time
  • Time Allocation
  • Time Utilization
  • Pacific Standard Time
  • Run Time
  • Tea Time
  • Kill Time
  • Time Tracking Rule
  • Turnaround Time
  • Wake-Up Time
  • Long Time
  • Time Saving Requirement
  • Time Tracking Criterion
  • Cycle Time
  • Up Time
  • Time Productivity
  • Time-Saving Regulation
  • Free Time
  • Time Efficiency
  • Take Time Off
  • Waiting Time
  • Pass The Time
  • Bedtime
  • Time Tracking Tool
  • Time Saving Strategy
  • To Keep Time
  • Coffee Time
  • Central Standard Time
  • Winter Time
  • Time Tracking Software
  • Time Distribution
  • Transit Time
  • Time Tracking Approach
  • Have A Great Time
  • Time Tracking App
  • Mountain Standard Time
  • Make Time For
  • Time Management
  • Time Saving
  • Time Tracking Solution
  • Time Tracking Principle
  • Time Saving Standard
  • Time Tracking Policy
  • Precious Time
  • Time Tracking Strategy
  • Time Clock
  • Daytime
  • Time-Saving Procedure
  • Just In Time
  • Time Tracking Report
  • Time Saving Framework
  • Daylight Time
  • Spend Time
  • Time Tracking Guideline
  • Time Saving Technique
  • Leisure Time
  • Set Time
  • Have Time
  • Overtime
  • Waste Time
  • Quality Time

list of collocations of time

Collocations With Time in Example Sentences

  • I have a great time whenever I hang out with my friends.
  • I have a hard time understanding difficult concepts in math.
  • I have time to finish this project by the end of the week.
  • I arrived at the meeting just in time before it started.
  • I like to kill time by reading books or playing games.
  • I enjoy spending my leisure time outdoors, hiking or biking.
  • I always try to make time for my family and friends, no matter how busy I am.
  • The train arrived on time and I was able to catch it.
  • I listened to music to pass the time during my long flight.
  • Time management is important for productivity and efficiency.
  • I use time-tracking apps to keep track of how much time I spend on work tasks.
  • Spending quality time with loved ones is essential for maintaining strong relationships.
  • I need some downtime to relax and recharge after a long day at work.
  • The website has an uptime of 99%, meaning it is rarely down.
  • The response time for customer service was quick and efficient.
  • The turnaround time for the project was two weeks.
  • The processing time for the application was longer than expected.
  • I had a long waiting time at the airport due to a delay.
  • The transit time from my house to the office is about 30 minutes.
  • The lead time for ordering custom furniture is six weeks.
  • The cycle time for manufacturing a product is three days.
  • The run time for the movie was two hours.
  • The set-up time for the event took longer than anticipated.
  • I take a short break time every hour to stretch and rest my eyes.
  • I usually have a sandwich for lunchtime at work.
  • I like to have a cup of tea during tea time in the afternoon.
  • I always have a cup of coffee in the morning during coffee time.
  • I like to have a snack during snack time in the evening.
  • I usually have dinner with my family during mealtime.
  • I go to bed at bedtime every night to ensure a good night’s sleep.
  • I wake up at a specific wake-up time every morning to start my day.
  • The peak time for traffic is usually during rush hour.
  • I prefer to travel during the off-peak time to avoid crowds.
  • I like to go for a walk during the daytime to enjoy the sunshine.
  • I usually watch TV at nighttime to wind down before bed.
  • The lifetime of the product is estimated to be five years.
  • I stayed at the beach for a short time before heading back to work.
  • I have been waiting for this opportunity for a long time.
  • I like to read or write during my spare time when I’m not busy.
  • I prefer to work in real-time to get immediate feedback and results.
  • I work part-time while studying at university.
  • I work full-time as a software developer.
  • I sometimes work overtime to meet project deadlines.
  • The prime time for TV shows is usually in the evening.
  • I always forget to change the clocks during daylight saving time.
  • I enjoy the warm weather during summertime.
  • I prefer the cozy atmosphere during wintertime.

Examples of Collocations with Time and Meanings

Below is the list of collocations with examples and meanings:

– Tell someone the time.

Meaning- Asking someone to tell time

Example Sentence- Can you tell me the time, please?

– Waste time

Meaning- Doing useless things

Example Sentence- He is wasting time since childhood.

– Run Out Of Time

Meaning- Have no more time

Example Sentence- I ran out of time, so I ‘ go to the store.

– Spend time

Meaning- pass your time doing something

Example Sentence- I spent some time in Australia when I was a kid.

– Have time to

Meaning- available to do something.

Example Sentence- He likes to take cricket lessons, but he doesn’t have enough time.

– Have A Hard/Rough Time

Meaning- a difficult period in life.

Example Sentence- He’s been having a hard time with his research paper.

– Free/Spare Time

Meaning- That time when you are free

Example Sentence- In my free time, I enjoy swimming, eating, and cooking.

– It’s about time

Meaning- Finally!

Example Sentence- It’s about time for me to swim.

– On Time

Meaning- Exactly at the right time

Example Sentence- He is always on time.

– Take your time

Meaning- When you have sufficient time

Example Sentence- No need to hurry, we have a lot of time.

– Save time

Meaning- To save time

Example Sentence- I love to shop online because it saves time.

– Run out of time

Meaning- No more time

Example Sentence- Did you run out of time or did you finish your exam?

– Make time for

Meaning- Try to have sometime

Example Sentence- He was very busy but he’ll try to make time for you.

– Bang/dead/right on the time

Meaning- Exactly on time

Example Sentence- Bus left bad on the time.

– Kill time

Meaning- Do something to pass the time

Example Sentence- He got to the station very early, so he had a meal in the small restaurant.

– Just In Time

Meaning- At the perfect time

Example Sentence- Have a seat Robert – you got here just in time for the match.

collocations of time with meaning

collocations of time with examples


Go Collocations List

Grow Collocations List

Have Collocations List

Keep Collocations List

Download this list of collocations of time in a PDF

[Download PDF]

About The Author

Слово time является одним из самых употребительных в английском языке. Оно может употребляться как отдельно, так и в составе различных словосочетаний, при этом большинство словосочетаний похожи друг на друга, но в то же время имеют разное значение. Поэтому правильное употребление сollocations (словосочетаний) with time имеет большое значение для точного понимания той или иной фразы.

Collocations with «time»

1. Be time for something — есть достаточно времени.

There is time for one more exercise. — Есть время для еще одного упражнения.

2. Have time for something — иметь достаточно времени для определенного действия.

Do you have time for a cup of tea? — у тебя есть время для чашечки чая?

3. Have a good/great time — приятно проводить время.

Have a good time! — Приятно провести время!

4. In time for something — своевременно, вовремя.

Don’t worry, I’ll pass the exam in time. — Не волнуйся, я сдам экзамен вовремя.

5. On time — по графику, запланированно.

The train arrived to Moscow on time. — Поезд прибыл в Москву по графику.

6. Lose/waste time for something. — терять/тратить время.

Don’t waste time on the wrong people — не трать время на неправильных людей.

7. Pass the time — проводить, «убить» время. 

We watch the TV to pass the time till evening. — Мы смотрели телевизор, чтобы скоротать время до вечера.

8. The right/exact time — верное, точное время.

What is the right time now. — Какое сейчас точное время.

9. Spend time — проводить время

We like to spend time together. Мы любим проводить время вместе.

10. It takes + period of time — период времени, необходимый для чего-либо.

It takes more than eight hours to make the structure. — Это займет больше восьми часов, чтобы сделать структуру.

11. Take your time — не торопитесь, не спешите.

I don’t have enought time to focus on that. — Take your time. У меня нет достаточно времени, чтобы сфокусироваться на этом. — Не торопись.

12. Time flies! — время пролетело очень быстро!

English lesson was very interesting and hilarious and time flew quickly. — Урок английского был очень интересным и веселым и время пролетело очень быстро!

13. By the time — к тому времени.

She had cooked dinner by the time he came. — Она приготовила обед к тому времени, когда он пришел.

14. a waste of time — напрасная, пустая трата времени.

It would be a waste of time for the government to keep silence. — Это было бы пустой тратой времени для правительства хранить молчание.

85+ Commonly Used Collocations with TIME in English -

A collocation is a pair or group of two or more words that are commonly used together in English.

Here is the list of common collocations with Verb TIME that you should learn.

Learn collocations with the verb TIME.

allotted time amount of time
ample time appointed time
approximate time borrowed time
brief time commuting time
considerable time cooking time
countless times difficult time
drying time elapsed time
exact time exciting time
extended time fastest time
Free time game time
geologic time given time
Going through a tough time hard time
Have a great time Have a hard/rough time
Have time in the fullness of time
incubation time indefinite time
indeterminate time inopportune time
inordinate time instructional time
It’s about time Just in time
Keep time Kill time
lean time Leisure time
leisure time length of time
limited time Make time for
medieval time olden time
On time opportune time
Over time Pass the time
passage of time payback time
playing time Precious time
prehistoric time preparation time
present time Pressed for time
prolonged time ravages of time
Record time rough time
Run out of time Save time
scheduled time Set time
set time Spare time
specified time Spend time
Stall for time stressful time
sufficient time Take time off
Take your time Tell time
time constraint time horizon
time of onset tough time
troubled time trying time
tumultuous time turbulent time
turnaround time vacation time
wait time waiting time
Waste time wasted time

85+ Commonly Used Collocations with TIME in English -

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collocations-TIMEСлово «время» сопровождает нас ежедневно и даже ежеминутно. Только задумайтесь над тем сколько различных словосочетаний мы неосознанно составляем с этим словом за день!  Английское слово «time» также образует множество словосочетаний.  Оно является частью многих фразовых глаголов, идиом и выражений. Мы решили подробно рассмотреть многочисленные случаи употребления «time», потому что, как вы сами вскоре убедитесь, они могут составить обширную словарную базу, необходимую для повседневной разговорной речи.

Collocations with TIME

Мы подобрали самые «активные» слова, сопровождающие английское время, а вы постарайтесь запомнить их, но для начала просмотрите следующий небольшой текст, наглядно показывающий как абсолютно разные по значению фразы со словом «time» могут уживаться вместе:

It was dinnertime (время обеда) and as Jack had time on his hands, (имел уйму свободного времени) he thought it was high time (самое время) for him to spend time (провести время) with his old friend. So he called Tom to ask if he had time (располагает ли временем) to come to his place for dinner and Tom said he would gladly spend some time (проводить некоторое время) with Jack.

They met at a small cafe and Jack was on time (пришел вовремя) but Tom told him by phone that he was running behind time (опаздывать) and would come 10 minutes later; so Jack decided to solve crosswords to kill some time (убить время). Jack wasn’t surprised because Tom was late all the time (все время).

Time went by (время шло) and Tom came even later. They had a great time (прекрасно проводить время) at the café and didn’t notice how quickly time flied (пролетело время).  It was time for Tom  to leave (пришло время прощаться) because he had to be in time (успеть) to catch the bus, and as he was leaving he said to Jack: “See you next time!” (увидимся в следующий раз).

Хотя в таком небольшом тексте использовано порядка 15 словосочетаний со словом «time», это далеко не предел, а всего лишь малая часть, а основные словосочетания указаны ниже в примерах, чтобы было легче их воспринять и запомнить:

  • I was so busy that had no time to eat during the whole day! – я был так занят, что не нашел времени поесть за целый день.
  • Please give me some extra time to complete my task – дайте мне еще немного времени, чтобы закончить задание.
  • It’s the right time to say “sorry” – самое время извиниться.
  • One should use time to do the right thing and not waste it (time) – нужно с толком использовать время, а не тратить его попусту.
  • Everything should be done at the correct time – все нужно делать в свое время.
  • What is the time? — который час?
  • I meet Mary at the bus stop from time to time — я встречаю Мэри на автобусной остановке время от времени.
  • You will understand many things in course of time– со временем ты поймешь многое.
  • I hate when something happens out of time– ненавижу, когда что-то случается несвоевременно.
  • Just relax and make a time of it– просто расслабься и хорошо проводи время
  • Your response should be sent in good / due time – ваш ответ нужно отправить своевременно.
  • My mother often says that “all happens in good time” – моя мама часто говорит, что «всему свое время».
  • If you come in bad timeyou’ll never manage to do the work and get the bonus – если ты придешь с опозданием, то не успеешь выполнить работу и не получишь бонус.
  • Your watch keeps (good) time, but my watch keeps bad time– ваши часы правильно идут, а мои неправильно.
  • This boy solves the sums in no time– этот мальчик решает примеры моментально.
  • The shop was closed because I came before time– магазин был закрыт, потому что я пришел слишком рано.
  • They married and in a short time became happy parents of a beautiful daughter – они поженились и в скором времени стали счастливыми родителями прекрасной дочери.
  • Please lend me this book for a short time– пожалуйста, одолжите мне эту книгу ненадолго.
  • Their son moved to Germany so they live alone and while away the timein their old house – их сын переехал в Германию и они живут одни и коротают время в своем старом доме.
  • The matter is very urgent and there is no time to lose – дело очень срочное и нельзя терять ни минуты.
  • I’ll read your report in (on) my own time– я прочитаю ваш отчет в свободное время.
  • You have made so many mistakes that now should make time– вы допустили так много ошибок, что сейчас нужно стараться наверстать упущенное.
  • We have bought this carpet on time– мы купили этот ковер в рассрочку.
  • At one timethere lived a rich man who owned factories – Некогда жил богатый человек, который владел фабриками.
  • It rains at times– временами идет дождь.
  • We’ll meet again some time or other– мы встретимся когда-нибудь
  • I want to see you at no time– я никогда не хочу тебя видеть.
  • I wonder how she can cook and speak by phone at the same time – интересно, как она может готовить и одновременно говорить по телефону.
  • It will last for the time being– это будет продолжаться до поры до времени.
  • It’s 5 o’clock! it is time we were going– уже 5 часов! нам пора идти
  • I’m sorry but the time is upand now you will pay the interest – Мне жаль, но срок истёк, и теперь вы будете платить проценты
  • He is doing (serving) timefor robbery – он отбывает срок за грабеж.
  • His wife is near her time – его жена скоро родит.
  • If you want to get your money, work against time – если хочешь получить свои деньги, старайся успеть в срок.
  • After our son died we have had hard times– после смерти нашего сына наступили тяжёлые времена.
  • People can make fire time out of mind– люди могут разжигать огонь с незапамятных времён.
  • Shakespeare’s times — эпоха Шекспира
  • We know nothing about times to come– мы ничего не знаем о будущем.
  • If you go with the timesyou won’t be behind the times  — если будешь идти в ногу со временем, не будешь отсталым.
  • Four times two is eight – дважды четыре – восемь.
  • The oak tree is five times as largethan the pine-tree — дуб в пять раз больше сосны
  • She asks me to give her my recipe time after time– она постоянно просит меня дать ей мой рецепт.
  • Please enter the examination room two at a time– прошу входить в экзаменационный зал по двое.
  • I have done this times out of number– я делал это бесчисленное количество раз.
  • This house will last my time– этого дома хватит на мой век.
  • It is early to think of death at your time of life– в ваши годы рано думать о смерти.
  • Some people work full time, some part time– некоторые люди работают полный день, а некоторые — неполный.
  • Please beat time and I will dance — пожалуйста, отбивайте такт, а я буду танцевать.
  • How could he deceive me, his best friend! It beats my time– как он мог обмануть меня, своего лучшего друга! Это выше моего понимания.
  • Television companies earn money selling time– телекомпании зарабатывают деньги, продавая эфирное время.
  • Remember that lost time is never found again– помните, что потерянного времени не воротишь.
  • I’m so busy that my day is timed to the minute – я так занят, что мой день рассчитан до минуты.

prosba avtora

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