Coffee in french word

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


Pretty clean chalet, everything is available from toasters to coffee.

Joli chalet propre, tout est disponible du grille-pain à café.

During the afternoon you will cross coffee and cocoa plantations.

Durant l’après-midi vous traverserez les plantations de café et de cacao.

It attacks coffee tree leaves and can cause substantial defoliation.

Il attaque les feuilles du caféier et peut causer de fortes défoliations.

This was the first specimen of coffee to have penetrated this hemisphere.

Ce fut le premier spécimen de caféier à avoir pénétré cet hémisphère.

There are different types of coffee that require certain cooking methods.

Il existe différents types de café nécessitant certaines méthodes de cuisson.

Have some sparkling mimosa and serve coffee with flavoured creams.

Prévoyez du mimosa pétillant et servez le café avec des crèmes aromatisées.

Highlights a pronounced bitterness with hints of chocolate and coffee.

Souligne une amertume prononcée avec des notes de chocolat et de café.

Every cup of coffee should create a personal moment of pleasure.

Chaque tasse de café devrait créer un moment de plaisir personnel.

It consists of 6,000 hectares of coffee planted by 25,000 farmers.

Elle comprend 6000 hectares de café, plantés par 25000 exploitants.

This culinary experience will be completed with a dessert and coffee.

Cette expérience culinaire sera complétée par un dessert et le café.

Robertet patents the first process for the manufacture of instant coffee.

Le premier procédé pour la fabrication de café instantané est breveté.

A coffee extremely delicate, and rather sweet, slightly persistent.

Un café extrêmement délicate, et plutôt doux, légèrement persistant.

Those who demand the most of themselves earn our special coffee.

Ceux qui exigent le plus d’eux-mêmes méritent notre café spécial.

The varieties used for the cultivation of this coffee are old.

Les variétés utilisées pour la culture de ce café sont anciennes.

A wide selection of restaurants and coffee shops is also available.

Une large sélection de restaurants et de cafés est également disponible.

Lightly carbonated, it delivers flavors of coffee and chocolate.

Légèrement gazeuse, elle délivre des saveurs de café et de chocolat.

Studies of the chemical composition of coffee grains are continuing.

Les études de la composition chimique des grains de café se poursuivent.

The subtle acidity brings a surprising touch to this mild coffee.

Sa subtile acidité apporte une touche surprenante à ce café doux.

Perhaps more suitable for those looking for a less intense coffee.

Peut-être plus approprié pour ceux qui recherchent un café moins intense.

It offers croissants and pastries, together with espresso coffee.

Il se compose de croissants et de pâtisseries accompagnés de café expresso.

No results found for this meaning.

Suggestions that contain coffee

Results: 142762. Exact: 142762. Elapsed time: 390 ms.

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Wrought iron coffee tables gold.


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Tables basses en fer forgé doré.


Round coffee tables in three dimensions.


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Tables basses rondes disponibles en trois dimensions.


Chairs Coffee and black tapestry.


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Chaises basses noires et tapisserie.


Four chrome-plated and smoked glass square coffee tables.


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Quatre tables basses carrées modernes chromées en verre fumé.


The Red Edition coffee tables are handmade.


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Les tables basses Red Edition sont fabriquées à la main.


Set of 4 gilt mirror coffee tables.


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Jeu de 4 tables basses miroirs dorés.


mark the collection of Land coffee tables.


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marquent la collection de tables basses Land.


Coffee Cleaning Cycle Remove the filterholders press.


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LAVAGE CAFÉ Enlever les portafiltres.


Moncler Down Vest Coffee Women- Moncler Loire Coat.


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Femmes Blanc Moncler Vers Le Bas Gilet- Moncler Loire Manteau.


Coffee research team is located in Nice.


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L’équipe COFFEE est localisée à Nice.


For favorite drinks or take-away coffee.


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Boisson préférée ou un« café pour aller».


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This is where Masaba coffee grows.


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Trade Robusta Coffee Futures RCX8 CFD.


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Trader CFD sur Café Robusta- Futures RCX8.


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You wanna have a doughnut, coffee or something?

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beignet, un caf é ou autre chose?

Part of the complete Tristar breakfast set with coffee maker CM-1249 and toaster BR-1042.


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Complétez votre ensemble petit-déjeuner Tristar avec la cafetière CM-1249 et


grille-pain BR-1042.


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Kenya Coffee is traded once a week at the Nairobi Coffee Exchange.

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Coffee wilt disease also affected growth in some areas.

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La maladie


flétrissement du caféier a également affecté la croissance dans certaines régions.

ALBINO- Coffee table/ bedside table.


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He began his musical career playing folk music coffee houses in Toronto.

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Il commence sa carrière musicale en jouant dans des cafés de musique folk à Toronto.

New Brockton is a town in Coffee County, Alabama, United States.

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New Brockton est une ville du comté de Coffee, en Alabama, aux États-Unis.

In France, coffee served in glasses is referred to as»mazagrin.

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En France, la boisson est servie dans une tasse spéciale,

Kinston is a town in Coffee County, Alabama, United States.

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Kinston est une ville du comté de Coffee, en Alabama, aux États-Unis.

Results: 48247,
Time: 0.0399





In French, coffee is spelled café. The word café comes from the Italian word for coffee, caffè. Café is pronounced differently in different regions of France. In Paris, café is pronounced like the English word “café.” But in other parts of France, it is pronounced more like “ca-FAY.” The plural form of café is cafés.

The French word for coffee is ‘café’. There are many different ways to say coffee in French, depending on how you want to say it. For example, you could say ‘un café’ (a coffee), ‘une tasse de café’ (a cup of coffee), or ‘un café au lait’ (coffee with milk). If you’re talking about coffee in general, you would use the word ‘café’.

In a globalized economy, it is important to be able to communicate with people from all over the world. Learning how to say coffee in French is a small way to make a big difference in your ability to communicate with others.

When you know how to say coffee in French, you can order a cup of coffee in a French-speaking café, or ask for directions to the nearest café when you are in a French-speaking country. Knowing how to say coffee in French can also be a icebreaker when meeting new people from France or any other French-speaking country.

Learning how to say coffee in French is a fun and easy way to learn about the French culture and language. So whether you are planning a trip

Step 1: How To Say Coffee In French Is “Comment Dire Café En Français?”

To say coffee in French, you would say “comment dire café en français?” This is pronounced somewhat like “koh-mahn dee-ray kah-feh ehn frah-nah?” with the emphasis on the second syllable of “dire” and the third syllable of “français.”

Step 2: Café Is The French Word For Coffee

In France, coffee is generally called “café” (pronounced “kah-FEY”). There are a few different ways to order coffee in French, depending on how you want it. If you just want a regular coffee, you can say “Un café, s’il vous plaît” (pronounced “oon kah-FEY see voo play”). If you want a coffee with milk, you can say “Un café au lait

Step 3: To Say “I Would Like A Cup Of Coffee,” Say “Je Voudrais Une Tasse De Café.”

In order to say “I would like a cup of coffee,” you would say “Je voudrais une tasse de café.” This is a simple way to get your caffeine fix while in France!

Step 4: To Say “I Would Like A Coffee With Milk,” Say “Je Voudrais Un Café Avec Du Lait.”

In French, to say “I would like a coffee with milk,” you would say “Je voudrais un café avec du lait.” Here is a breakdown of the individual French words that make up this phrase:

“Je” – This is the subject pronoun meaning “I.”

“voudrais” – This is the verb meaning “would like.”

“un” – This is the indefinite article meaning “a.”


Step 5: To Say “I Would Like A Black Coffee,” Say “

In order to say “I would like a black coffee” in French, you would say “Je voudrais un café noir.”

Frequently Asked Questions

What Do The French Call A Latte?

In France, a latte is called a café crème.

How Do You Politely Order Coffee In French?

The coffee ordering process in French can be a bit tricky if you’re not familiar with the language. However, with a little practice, you’ll be able to order coffee like a pro. In French, the word for coffee is “café.” To order a cup of coffee at a café, you would say “Je voudrais un café, s’il vous plaît.” This means “I would like a coffee, please.”

What Is Cafe Latte In French?

It is a coffee with added milk and froth, similar to a cappuccino.

How Do You Ask For Coffee In French?

In French, you would say “Je voudrais du café.”

In The End

There are a few different ways to say coffee in French. The most common way is café, but you can also say café au lait, café noir, and café crème.

Is coffee a French word?

2. French: Even though “un café” means a coffee in French, be prepared to get an espresso instead of a cup of coffee. “Une noisette” is the French name for a shot of espresso with a slight splash of hot milk.

What does the French word cafe mean?


What are the two meanings of un café?

Quick note – un café in France specifically means a short, black coffee. If you want yours with milk or cream in you can order un café au lait, un café crème (or just un crème) or un double crème if you want it really milky.

Is coffee male or female?

Coffee—especially strong, black coffee—is coded as unquestionably masculine. It’s fuel for a hard day’s work; it inspires physical and mental intensity and is the drug of choice for anyone who needs to work hard or play hard. And the more you drink, and the stronger you take it, the more of a man you are.

Who buys coffee the most?

Top 25 Coffee Consuming Nations

Rank Country Coffee Consumption (Lbs per Person Per Year)
1 Finland 26.45
2 Norway 21.82
3 Iceland 19.84
4 Denmark 19.18

What age drinks the most coffee?

In 2020, people aged 70 and over drank about 2.18 cups of coffee per capita in the United States, making it the age group that drank the most coffee on average that year. U.S. coffee consumption for respondents between the ages of 25 and 29 stood at roughly 2.15 cups a day.

Who buys more coffee males or females?

While both genders drink a lot of coffee, males drink slightly more than females. Considering the entire U.S. population, on average, men down about 1.7 cups and women around 1.5 cups.

What race drinks the most coffee?


Who drinks the most coffee gender?

In 2020, men in the United States drank about 1.93 cups of coffee per capita per day. Female respondents’ per capita consumption was lower, standing at roughly 1.82 cups a day that year.

Does caffeine affect males and females differently?

A study headed by researchers from the University of Barcelona (UB) shows that caffeine has a greater effect on men than women, and that these effects start just 10 minutes after it is drunk.

What does caffeine do to females?

In the study, Asian women who consumed more than 200 milligrams of caffeine per day had increased levels of estrogen compared to those who consumed less caffeine, but Caucasian women who consumed more than 200 milligrams of caffeine per day had decreased levels of estrogen.

Do boys or girls have more caffeine?

The researchers found that the boys had a greater response to caffeine than the girls did. But gender differences to caffeine response only applied to the postpubertal teenagers. There were no gender differences in the caffeine response of the prepubertal children.

Who is most affected by caffeine?

In 2016, the AAPCC reported that the most exposures to caffeinated energy drinks were in children younger than 6 years. The second highest number of exposures were in adults aged 20 years and older.

Does caffeine have negative effects?

Caffeine consumption is generally considered safe, although habit forming. Some side effects linked to excess intake include anxiety, restlessness, tremors, irregular heartbeat, and trouble sleeping ( 53 ). Too much caffeine may also promote headaches, migraine, and high blood pressure in some individuals (54, 55 ).

Who should not drink caffeine?

No one food or drink will make or break your long-term health. Caffeinated coffee is not recommended for: People with arrhythmias (e.g. irregular heartbeat) People who often feel anxious.

What are the negative side effects of caffeine?

What are the side effects from too much caffeine?

  • Restlessness and shakiness.
  • Insomnia.
  • Headaches.
  • Dizziness.
  • Rapid or abnormal heart rhythm.
  • Dehydration.
  • Anxiety.
  • Dependency, so you need to take more of it to get the same results.

What happens if you drink coffee everyday?

Consuming too much caffeine can lead to jitteriness, anxiety, heart palpitations and even exacerbated panic attacks (34). If you are sensitive to caffeine and tend to become overstimulated, you may want to avoid coffee altogether. Another unwanted side effect is that it can disrupt sleep ( 35 ).

How do you flush caffeine out of your system?

Besides waiting it out and avoiding caffeine, there isn’t any effective home remedy to clear caffeine from your system. All the same, you can reduce its side effects by staying hydrated, going for a walk, and eating fiber-rich foods.

Why am I suddenly sensitive to caffeine?

A variety of factors causes caffeine sensitivity, such as genetics and your liver’s ability to metabolize caffeine. A caffeine allergy occurs if your immune system mistakes caffeine as a harmful invader and attempts to fight it off with antibodies.

How long until caffeine is completely out of your system?

Six hours after caffeine is consumed, half of it is still in your body. It can take up to 10 hours to completely clear caffeine from your bloodstream.

Can you sleep with caffeine in your system?

Caffeine can have a disruptive effect on your sleep. The most obvious effect of the stimulant is that it can make it hard for you to fall asleep. One study also found that caffeine can delay the timing of your body clock. These effects will reduce your total sleep time.

Why does coffee make me sleepy instead of awake?

It’s because coffee blocks adenosine It regulates your sleep-wake cycle. When you’re awake during the day, your adenosine levels increase , eventually making you drowsy by suppressing the activity of cells in the basal forebrain.

Why you shouldn’t drink caffeine?

Too much caffeine may be to blame. Caffeine comes with a burst of energy, which is what most of us use it for. However, that energy also stimulates our “fight or flight” hormones. This may cause an increase in anxiety, nervousness, heart palpitations, and even panic attacks.

How long before bed should you avoid caffeine?

Caffeine is a stimulant and should be stopped four to six hours before bedtime.

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