Code color in word

Microsoft color codes: RGB, CMYK, Pantone, Hex

Yellow Hex color: #FFB900
RGB: 255 185 0
CMYK: 0 22 100 2
Pantone: PMS 7549 C
  1. How do I find the hex code in Word?
  2. Is Microsoft Word RGB or CMYK?
  3. How do I get the color code from color?
  4. How do I write hex codes in Word?
  5. How do you color code on Microsoft Word?
  6. How do I select a color in Word?
  7. How do I know if an image is RGB or CMYK?
  8. How do I convert RGB to CMYK in Word?
  9. How do you convert RGB to CMYK?
  10. What are the color codes?
  11. What are paint color codes?
  12. What are the 16 colors?

How do I find the hex code in Word?

To find the color in hexadecimal, do the following:

  1. Created a text, and highlight it.
  2. Set it color, in your case blue accent.
  3. Click on the arrow next to the font color and select more color.

Is Microsoft Word RGB or CMYK?

Word uses the RGB color format, but there is a workaround to this problem. Save your Word file as a PDF. Printers like PDFs. Ask your printer if he has Adobe Acrobat or a proprietary software that can convert an RGB color scheme PDF to the CMYK required for printing.

How do I get the color code from color?

Get HTML Color code using MS-Paint and Calculator

  1. 1> Select the Color Picker Tool in MS-Paint.
  2. 2> Click on the colored area which you want to code for.
  3. 3> Your desired color will be flashed in the current Color-1 box.
  4. 4> Select the Edit Colors button.
  5. 1> Open the Programmer’s calculator type.
  6. 2> By default Decimal is selected.

How do I write hex codes in Word?

Unicode Hexadecimal Alt Code Entry in Microsoft Office

  1. Open Microsoft Word or other Office app.
  2. Type a four digit hex code point (e.g. «0416»).
  3. Next type Alt+X. The numeric code will be replaced by the correct character.

How do you color code on Microsoft Word?

Click the Font Color drop-down list and then choose More Colors. Word displays the Colors dialog box. Make sure the Custom tab is displayed. At the bottom of the dialog box you can set the RGB values for the text color you want to find.

How do I select a color in Word?

Match a color and apply it to the slide background

  1. Right-click the slide whose background you want to re-color.
  2. Select Format Background. …
  3. Open the Color menu.
  4. Select the Eyedropper.
  5. Point at the color you want to apply, and then click.

How do I know if an image is RGB or CMYK?

-Click on the tab named ‘image’ on the menu bar. If you press on the image button, you will find ‘Mode’ in drop. This is very important to identify whether the image is CMYK or RGB if you want to print it. Both are color mode, but the distinction is in the use of cause.

How do I convert RGB to CMYK in Word?

Microsoft Office Publisher

  1. Go to the menu bar and select “Tools”
  2. Choose “Commercial Printing Tools”
  3. Find and click on “Color Printing”
  4. Select “Process Colors (CMYK)”
  5. Click on “OK”

How do you convert RGB to CMYK?

If you’re wanting to convert an image from RGB to CMYK, then simply open the image in Photoshop. Then, navigate to Image > Mode > CMYK.

What are the color codes?

HTML color codes are hexadecimal triplets representing the colors red, green, and blue (#RRGGBB). For example, in the color red, the color code is #FF0000, which is ‘255’ red, ‘0’ green, and ‘0’ blue.

Major hexadecimal color codes.

Color Name Yellow
Color Code #FFFF00
Color Name Maroon
Color Code #800000

What are paint color codes?

Typically these values are displayed in one of four color schemes:

  • RGB (which has values between 0-255 for red, green and blue)
  • HEX (the same red, green and blue values, except in hexadecimal numbers)
  • CMYK (values between 0-255 for cyan, magenta, yellow and black)
  • HSB (which stands for Hue, Saturation, and Brightness)

What are the 16 colors?

a color name. HTML used to recognize 16 color names («black», «white», «gray», «silver», «maroon», «red», «purple», «fushsia», «green», «lime», «olive», «yellow», «navy», «blue», «teal», and «aqua»), but new browsers can recognize 147 CSS3 color names.

You can also use SciTE to paste code if you don’t want to install heavy IDEs and then download plugins for all the code you’re making. Simply choose your language from the language menu, type your code, high-light code, select Edit->Copy as RTF, paste into Word with formatting (default paste).

SciTE supports the following languages but probably has support for others: Abaqus*, Ada, ANS.1 MIB definition files*, APDL, Assembler (NASM, MASM), Asymptote*, AutoIt*, Avenue*, Batch files (MS-DOS), Baan*, Bash*, BlitzBasic*, Bullant*, C/C++/C#, Clarion, cmake*, conf (Apache), CSound, CSS*, D, diff files*, E-Script*, Eiffel*, Erlang*, Flagship (Clipper / XBase), Flash (ActionScript), Fortran*, Forth*, GAP*, Gettext, Haskell, HTML*, HTML with embedded JavaScript, VBScript, PHP and ASP*, Gui4Cli*, IDL — both MSIDL and XPIDL*, INI, properties* and similar, InnoSetup*, Java*, JavaScript*, LISP*, LOT*, Lout*, Lua*, Make, Matlab*, Metapost*, MMIXAL, MSSQL, nnCron, NSIS*, Objective Caml*, Opal, Octave*, Pascal/Delphi*, Perl, most of it except for some ambiguous cases*, PL/M*, Progress*, PostScript*, POV-Ray*, PowerBasic*, PowerShell*, PureBasic*, Python*, R*, Rebol*, Ruby*, Scheme*, scriptol*, Specman E*, Spice, Smalltalk, SQL and PLSQL, TADS3*, TeX and LaTeX, Tcl/Tk*, VB and VBScript*, Verilog*, VHDL*, XML*, YAML*.

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A new Input Field is now available for Microsoft Office Applications in the Colors dialog box for HEX Color Values. This way we will not spend any more time converting HEX Color Values into RGB Values. This new feature is available in Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, Publisher, Visio, Project, Access, and OneNote.

How To Set Colors Based on Hex Codes in Microsoft Office Applications

What is a Hex Value for Color? A color hex code describes the composition of a certain color in a specific color space, usually RGB. In the case of RGB, the first value pair refers to red, the second to green and the third to blue, with decimal values ranging from 0 to 255, or in hexadecimal 0 to FF (#RRGGBB).

What are RGB Values? A color’s RGB value indicates its red, green, and blue intensity. Each intensity value is on a scale of 0 to 255, or in hexadecimal from 00 to FF. RGB values are used in HTML, XHTML, CSS, and other web standards.

In the next image I have Microsoft Word running and then from the Home tab of the ribbon and in the area named Font we select the Font Color button which is located at the bottom right corner of the Font area, and once the Color Palette appears from the bottom we select the command More Colors as shown below.

How To Set Colors Based on Hex Codes in Microsoft Office Applications?

In the next image I have Microsoft Excel running and then from the Home tab of the ribbon and in the area named Font we select the Font Color button which is located at the bottom right corner of the Font area, and once the Color Palette appears from the bottom we select the command More Colors as shown below.

How To Set Colors Based on Hex Codes in Microsoft Office Applications?

In the next image I have Microsoft PowerPoint running and then from the Home tab of the ribbon and in the area named Font we select the Font Color button which is located at the bottom right corner of the Font area, and once the Color Palette appears from the bottom we select the command More Colors as shown below.

How To Set Colors Based on Hex Codes in Microsoft Office Applications?

In the next image I have Microsoft Outlook running and I have created a New Mail Message and then from the Home tab of the ribbon and in the area named Font we select the Font Color button which is located at the bottom right corner of the Font area, and once the Color Palette appears from the bottom we select the command More Colors as shown below.

How To Set Colors Based on Hex Codes in Microsoft Office Applications?

Once we select the More Colors command, the Colors dialog box appears where we select the Custom tab as shown below. All that is left to do is type the Hex Color Value in the Hex box. For example we can type in the Hex Color Value #CC00CC, which is Red 204 Green None and Blue 204.

How To Set Colors Based on Hex Codes in Microsoft Office Applications?

Now the procedure of Converting Hex Color to RGB Values belong in the past. The procedure is quite simple as described above.

Below you can check out the video describing How To Set Colors Based on Hex Codes in Microsoft Office Applications?

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Hex color codes in Microsoft 365 for Windows and Mac aren’t just good for HTML coders, it’s a fantastic shortcut for anyone managing colors in Word, PowerPoint or other Office documents.

Hex color codes are now an option in Microsoft 365, Office 2021 and Office 2019. It seems like a simple change in the Custom Color dialog but Hex Code opens up some useful options.

‘Hex’ are six character color codes using 0 – 9 plus A-F.

In Office you can type or paste the code, with or without the # prefix. Office will add the hash # if it’s missing.

Office for Mac

Mac users can have a little laugh. Office for Mac already has Hex code support on the Color Sliders tab.  In fact, Office for Mac has much better color selection options because it uses the powerful color selection tools in MacOS.

Copy and Paste colors

Color matching has been a right pain in Office until now.  To ensure that doc or slide elements match meant remembering the RGB or HSL color code, writing it on a note, back your hand, whatever.  Then switch to the other element (text, shape, image etc) and type in the digits.

(Format Painter doesn’t work with all document parts and will copy all the formatting, not just the color).

No need with Hex Codes … select the Hex code and copy to the clipboard (Ctrl + C).  Switch to the color selector for another Office part and paste the Hex color code into the Custom Color dialog (in the same document, another doc or even another Office program).

Easy and no need to mumble a trio of numbers under your breath while switching!

That applies wherever the color selector appears, for fonts, images, borders, shapes, icons etc.

What are Hex colors?

‘Hex’ means Hexadecimal or base 16. The color codes are six characters long using 0 – 9 plus A-F.

Green is #008000  Blue #0000ff  Silver #c0c0c0 .

They are usually prefixed with a # to distinguish them from other color codings.

Short Hex codes supported

Hex codes with repeating characters can be abbreviated to three characters, #ffcc00 can become #fc0  .

Short, 3 character Hex codes can be typed into the Hex field. Office will convert them into full 6 character Hex codes.

Named Hex codes not supported

Web designers know that Hex codes can be given special names. There are 16 basicnamed Hex colors like #Aqua  #Navy etc.

These codes are NOT supported in Office.  That’s a pity since there are only sixteen possibilities. It would have been comprehensive and convenient to convert the named color into full Hex code, similar to what happens with short hex codes.

Quick Color Conversion Hex to RGB or HSL

If you really need an RGB or HSL color setting, type in the Hex code and Office will show it in the other two forms.

Sure, there are plenty of color code conversion sites on the web but Colors | Custom is already there for you and works offline too!

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If you want to put Terminal code in Word with the correct colorization, just copy and paste won’t work. You’ll need to use a tool to generate colorized HTML, then import the HTML into Word. We can use ansi2HTML to convert our Terminal code to HTML, then drop it into our Microsoft Word document.

Using ansi2HTML to create colored Terminal code as HTML

If you’re on macOS or Linux or have a Linux shell running on Windows, you can use ansi2HTML to output colored Terminal code into Microsoft Word.

Install ansi2HTML

Without access to yum, we need a package manager to allow us to install ansi2HTML.

Unfortunately, the package is not on Homebrew, but we can get it from pip. If you don’t already have pip installed, grab it by running the command below in Terminal:

Once you have pip installed, you can pull ansi2HTML down from pip with this command:

Linux users with yum available can use the following commands to install:

sudo yum install python-ansi2html

Using ansi2HTML in Terminal

With ansi2HTML installed, we can now use it in Terminal.

The general syntax for ansi2html is:

ls --color=always | ansi2html > directories.html

First comes the command we want to print out with any colorization flags enabled. Then we pipe that output to ansi2html and use a caret to export it to a file with the .html extension.

For example, to print my macOS system logs in color, I might run something like the following:

sudo tail /var/log/system.log | ccze -A | ansi2html > logs.html

Eagle-eyed readers will note that I’ve interspersed ccze as a secondary step to colorize my logs. You can grab that from Homebrew with brew install ccze.

Open the resulting HTML file, and we will see the colorized output of our command.


Note that you need to be careful to explicitly colorize the code coming out of Terminal, as the pipe command ( | ) often strips colorization even if your environmental variables request otherwise.

Pasting Colored HTML into Word

Now that I’ve generated colored HTML, I need a way to put that into Word.

1. From the “Insert” menu on the ribbon in Microsoft Word, select “Text from File” under the Object icon’s dropdown.


If you don’t see that icon, make sure you’ve maximized your Word window to reveal all the icons in the ribbon.

2. In the pop-up file browser, select the HTML file that ansi2HTML created. The colored text will be copied into Word.


Changing ansi2HTML’s color scheme

As you can see, some of the text is a little difficult to read. We can adjust the colors manually in two places. In this instance, the first would be the ccze command, which was responsible for applying the color initially. But more directly, we can edit the CSS in the HTML file that ansi2HTML created.

1. Open the HTML file in a text editor.

2. In the head of the HTML document we can see the auto-generated CSS.


3. ansi2HTML defines a number of classes to apply colors. We simply need to see which classes are associated with the colors we want to change, then pick a more suitable color.

We can also run ansi2HTML in light color mode using the -l flag, like so:

This produces much more legible output against a white background, though it’s not as attractive:


You could also put shorter code blocks in a textbox and set the background to a dark color, but that’s probably the least flexible option.


A similar process can be used to colorize a variety of code. If you can produce colorized standard output in Terminal, you can “print” that to ansi2HTML and drop it into Word.

Alexander Fox

Alexander Fox

Alexander Fox is a tech and science writer based in Philadelphia, PA with one cat, three Macs and more USB cables than he could ever use.

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