Closing document closes word


  • #1

«When using Word and I close the individual document I’m working in, this
closes not only the document but the whole Word window which means I must
reopen the Window when I need to start another document.»
Jay, further info for you.
I’m using 2003.
Yes, there is only the one x at the top right-hand.
Closing document using file menu results in window closing.
If the instruction is still to go to the «office button» ah hem, where is


Suzanne S. Barnhill

  • #2

When you have only one document open in Word 2003, you should see two X’s,
the red-and-white one for the application and a smaller one below it (next
to «Type a question for help») to close the document.

Suzanne S. Barnhill
Microsoft MVP (Word)
Words into Type
Fairhope, Alabama USA

Jay Freedman

  • #3

Agreed; and, unlike Word 2007, the presence of the second X doesn’t depend on
the setting of the «Windows in Taskbar» option — it should always be there.

On the File menu, the Close command should close the document but leave the
program running. The Ctrl+W and Ctrl+F4 shortcuts do the same. If that isn’t
working, there’s something wrong with your installation; try running Help >
Detect and Repair.

Jay Freedman
Microsoft Word MVP
Email cannot be acknowledged; please post all follow-ups to the newsgroup so all
may benefit.


  • #4

I don’t have the second x to close the document . Perhaps I’ve
inadvertently switched it off without realising. How do I reinstate this
option in 2003 please?
Thank you for your help.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

  • #5

You don’t have a small black x below the big red-and-white one?

Suzanne S. Barnhill
Microsoft MVP (Word)
Words into Type
Fairhope, Alabama USA



  • #6

Suzanne S. Barnhill said:

You don’t have a small black x below the big red-and-white one?

Suzanne S. Barnhill
Microsoft MVP (Word)
Words into Type
Fairhope, Alabama USA

Yes, I do have the red cross with a smaller black cross underneath but both
close the application and if I go to menu, close, that also closes the
application. It seems that the suggestion before of having to run «detect
and repair» maybe my next best option as presumably the application has
screwed up somehow. I will backup and then run detect and repair (can I do
this just in Word?) and see if that helps.

Thank you one and all for your advice to date. Sorry am a novice with this
kind of group and didn’t realise a new strand had started from my second
question, hence delay.


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How do I keep MS Word open but close a document? 5 Oct 8, 2009

Ципихович Эндрю

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03.04.2011, 15:51. Показов 27669. Ответов 14

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Студворк — интернет-сервис помощи студентам

Close и Save документа Word, не могу в них врубиться, посмотрите пжл, три
нижепреведённые строки правильно закомметировали, если нет поправьте

Visual Basic
'1 закрываем документ, чтобы не появлялось предупреждение о сохранении
ActiveDocument.Close SaveChanges:=False
'2 закрываем документ без сохранения, ноль в скобках обозначает, что сохранение документа при закрытии не 
'требуется, иначе будет отображен диалог "Сохранить документ"
ActiveDocument.Close (0)
'3 закрываем документ без сохранения, диалог "Сохранить документ" отображаться не будет
ActiveDocument.Close wdDoNotSaveChanges

Подскажите, мне надо условие составить
если пользователь своими руками ничего не изменял в документе

If ActiveDocument.Undo = True Then

тогда сохранить без диалога «Сохранить документ»
как ????

Добавлено через 17 часов 15 минут
понял, что надо использовать строку:

ActiveDocument.Close (wdDoNotSaveChanges)

Но проблема в синтаксе, поправьте пжл




03.04.2011, 16:20


HelpСправка Microsoft Visual BasicMicrosoft Word Visual Basic ReferenceMethodsCClose MethodClose Method as it applies to the Document and Documents objects.


1508 / 478 / 56

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03.04.2011, 16:23



читал раз 100, говорю не могу врубиться
‘Close — Закрывает указанный документ или документы.

‘Doc.Close (SaveChanges, OriginalFormat, RouteDocument)
‘SaveChanges опциональный вариант. Указывает, сохранять действий по документу
‘Может быть одной из следующих констант WdSaveOptions:
‘wdDoNotSaveChanges, wdPromptToSaveChanges, wdSaveChanges
‘Не сохраняйте изменения, предложение сохранить изменения, сохраните изменения
‘OriginalFormat опциональный вариант. Определяет формат сохранения документа
‘Может быть одной из следующих констант WdOriginalFormat:
‘wdOriginalDocumentFormat, wdPromptUser, wdWordDocument
‘Оригинальный Document Format, проворная пользователя, документ Word
‘RouteDocument опциональный вариант. Правда, чтобы направить документ на следующей получателя
‘Если документ не имеет маршруте прилагается, этот аргумент игнорируется

Подскажите пожалуйста с примерм




03.04.2011, 16:25


Ципихович Эндрю,
там пример есть, в котором написан синтаксис.



13094 / 5875 / 1706

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03.04.2011, 16:28


Например, такой способ можно применить:

Visual Basic
  'Если в документе есть изменения - тогда сохраняем.
  If Not ActiveDocument.Saved Then
  End If
  'Закрываем документ.

Код простой, но делает то что надо — если документ ещё не связан с файлом, то будет выведен диалог сохранения. Если файл уже есть и имеются изменения — сохранит, если файл есть и изменений нет — сохранять не будет.


1508 / 478 / 56

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03.04.2011, 16:43



Mawrat Ваш скрипт выполняет, получаем ошибку Ошибка команды

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Если в документе есть изменения, тогда

Решать надо строго: IF ActiveDocument.Undo = True THEN



13094 / 5875 / 1706

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03.04.2011, 16:45


Я проверял — у меня работает.
Вот полностью код, который я запускал:

Visual Basic
Sub Sub1()
  'Если в документе есть изменения - тогда сохраняем.
  If Not ActiveDocument.Saved Then
  End If
  'Закрываем документ.
End Sub


1508 / 478 / 56

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03.04.2011, 16:50



Сообщение от Ципихович Эндрю
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если пользователь своими руками ничего не изменял в документе

это то Вы наверное выполняете, но есть но:
Затруднения вызывает то что в этом документе есть Комбобокс и по открытию документа в него прога сама закидывала строки



13094 / 5875 / 1706

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03.04.2011, 17:00


В общем, тут надо рассмотреть вопрос о том, в каких случаях надо сохранять документ в файл. И требуется ли делать отмену изменений в документе.
1. Если надо выполнять сохранение в случае, если файл на диске отличается от содержания открытого в Word документа. Тогда подойдёт этот код:

Visual Basic
Sub Sub1()
  'Если в документе есть изменения - тогда сохраняем.
  If Not ActiveDocument.Saved Then
  End If
  'Закрываем документ.
End Sub

2. Если надо сначала откатить все изменения, которые были выполнены над содержимым документа, тогда так:

Visual Basic
Sub Sub1()
  'Откатываем все изменения.
  While ActiveDocument.Undo
  'Если документ отличается от версии, сохранённой в файле - тогда сохраняем.
  If Not ActiveDocument.Saved Then
  End If
  'Закрываем документ.
End Sub

А вот если требуется различать изменения сделанные пользователем от тех изменений, которые сделала программа — в этом случае задача усложняется…
Undo откатывает любые изменения — независимо от того как они сделаны — пользователем или программно.


1508 / 478 / 56

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03.04.2011, 17:17



в предыдущем посте скрипт 1
был шаблон 1.дот время изменения 12:00
открыл, ничего не делал закрываю, вылазит форма ошибка команды и время изменеия свежее, не то
2 скрипт пробую

Добавлено через 7 минут
2 скрипт опробовал тоже самое


13094 / 5875 / 1706

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03.04.2011, 17:22


Наверное лучше в начале исследуемого кода поставить точку останова и прогнать его по шагам. Такое ощущение, что ошибка происходит где-то в другом месте. Потому что выше представленные процедуры в чистом виде нормально отрабатывают.


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03.04.2011, 17:27



Сообщение от Mawrat
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А что там останавливаться, всего 5-6 строк, на указанной строке форма: Ошибка команды


13094 / 5875 / 1706

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03.04.2011, 17:39


А на какой строке ошибка команды?


Ципихович Эндрю

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03.04.2011, 17:54



на этой

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Добавлено через 2 минуты
Нашёл источник:
книга Хорева В.Д.

170 Глава 7. В мире объектов MS Office
Documents.Close wdPromptToSaveChanges
Закрыть текущий документ без сохранения:
ActiveDocument.Close wdDoNotSaveChanges


'условие, если не было в документе отмен, тогда ...
If ActiveDocument.Undo = False Then
'закрыть текущий документ без сохранения
ActiveDocument.Close wdDoNotSaveChanges
End If

Получаю Ошибка команды и запрос на сохранение, а мне не нужно ни того ни другого


Ципихович Эндрю

1508 / 478 / 56

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05.04.2011, 20:32



по большому счёту эта строка:

If ActiveDocument.Undo = False Then Dialogs(wdDialogFileSaveAs).Execute

мне как бальзам на душу за исключением того, что если бы не сохранялся шаблон с текущим временем


In pre-ribbon versions of Word you there was an ‘X‘ that would show when you opened a document that would close it without closing the application. I was placed right underneath the closing ‘X‘ that closed the application.

In Microsoft Word 2010, I don’t see that ‘X‘, I only have the ‘X‘ to close the application.

Is there some trick I don’t know about to do a one-click close of the document?

asked Apr 22, 2011 at 0:12

Lance Roberts's user avatar

Lance RobertsLance Roberts

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Click File > Close, right there under Open and Save. Does exactly what you want, it just takes an extra step than in previous versions. Leaves Word running with no document open.

If you want it to be one-click, add Close to the Quick Access Toolbar at the top. Click on the dropdown, then choose More Commands.

customize quick access toolbar

Under Choose Commands From, select File Tab, then select Close and click the Add >> button.

modify toolbar

Now, just click on that close button, and the document will be closed but the Word window will remain open.

close button

answered Apr 22, 2011 at 1:27

nhinkle's user avatar


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You should be able to press CTRL-W on your keyboard to «close the child window» (your document).

answered Apr 22, 2011 at 0:17

Randolf Richardson's user avatar


My solution was to assign a variable to the number of open documents. Close the active document without saving. Then test to see if the number of open documents had been greater than 1. If it was, the macro stopped, leaving other active documents open. If the number = 1 then Word closed.

Sub CloseWithoutSave() 

  x = Documents.Count    
  ActiveDocument.Close SaveChanges:=wdDoNotSaveChanges    
  If x = 1 Then Application.Quit

End Sub

Lance Roberts's user avatar

answered Jan 29, 2015 at 16:49

Dave Roberts's user avatar

You can hover over the active icon on the task bar and the X to close each windows is available.

answered Apr 22, 2011 at 1:12

N4TKD's user avatar


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The answer is that Microsoft has defaulted Word to open all applications in a New Window, so they disabled the close ‘X‘. It can be re-enabled by going to the File->Options menu then choosing the Advanced tab, Display section and unchecking the Show All Windows in the Taskbar option.

enter image description here


enter image description here

NOTE: This disables you from opening more than one Word document at a time. Trying to open another instance of Word, or another document will close the first one.

answered Apr 22, 2011 at 16:10

Lance Roberts's user avatar

Lance RobertsLance Roberts

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Please Note:
This article is written for users of the following Microsoft Word versions: 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016, 2019, Word in Microsoft 365, and 2021. If you are using an earlier version (Word 2003 or earlier), this tip may not work for you. For a version of this tip written specifically for earlier versions of Word, click here: Keeping Word Open after Closing Documents.

Written by Allen Wyatt (last updated April 9, 2022)
This tip applies to Word 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016, 2019, Word in Microsoft 365, and 2021

Paul notes that in Excel he can close all workbooks and the application still remains active. He would like to be able to close all the documents in Word and have the program still remain open, as well. He wonders if there is some way to configure Word to behave in this way.

In previous versions of Word (before the advent of the ribbon interface), Word included two Close buttons in the upper-right corner of the screen. The upper Close button was for the program and the lower Close button was to close just the document. This made it rather easy to click the right Close button and close just what you wanted to close.

In the ribbon interface, however, there is only a single Close button, and it closes the program as a whole when there is only a single document open. Now, the best way to close just the documents (and leave the program window open after closing the last document) is to use either of two shortcuts. Using either Ctrl+W or Ctrl+F4 will close just the current document. When the last document is open and you use one of these shortcuts, the document is closed, but the program window remains open.

WordTips is your source for cost-effective Microsoft Word training.
(Microsoft Word is the most popular word processing software in the world.)
This tip (9990) applies to Microsoft Word 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016, 2019, Word in Microsoft 365, and 2021. You can find a version of this tip for the older menu interface of Word here: Keeping Word Open after Closing Documents.

Author Bio

With more than 50 non-fiction books and numerous magazine articles to his credit, Allen Wyatt is an internationally recognized author. He is president of Sharon Parq Associates, a computer and publishing services company. Learn more about Allen…


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In this article, we intend to introduce you 4 quick and effectual ways to keep Word program open while closing the only active document.

Normally, to concentrate on a task, we tend to open only one document in Word. However, after editing or revision, there is the matter of closing the document while keeping the program running. To be precise, this is an issue that users of Word 2010 may run into, for in Word 2003, there is the “Close Window” button on the upper left enabling you to close the document only.         The "Close Window" Button for Closing File

Therefore, the content below involves 4 methods for you to choose.

Method 1: Reveal the “Close Window” Button

As mentioned above, in Word 2010, there is no “Close Window” button for a single document. Nevertheless, we can make it appear.

  1. First off, click “File” tab.
  2. Then click “Options” to trigger the “Word Options” dialog box.Click "File"->Click "Options"
  3. Next click “Advanced”.
  4. Continue to scroll down to the “Display” and uncheck the “Show all windows in the Taskbar” box.
  5. Lastly, click “OK” to save the change.Click "Advanced"->Uncheck "Show all windows in the Taskbar" Box->Click "OK"

Now you can notice the “Close Window” button is available, such as below:Show "Close Window" Button in Word 2010

Here is the effect:Close "File" Not Word

Method 2: Close the File instead of Word

  1. Firstly, click “File” tab too.
  2. Next click “Close”.Click "File"->Click "Close"

Or you can choose to add the “Close” command to “Quick Access Toolbar” for quick use.

  1. Go to the “Word Options” dialog box taking the steps in method 1.
  2. Then click “Quick Access Toolbar” this time.
  3. Next choose “File Tab” for the category.
  4. Find and select “Close” command.
  5. Next, click “Add” button.
  6. Finally, click “OK”.Click "Quick Access Toolbar"->Choose "File Tab"->Select "Close"->Click "Add"->Click "OK"

Method 3: Use Keyboard Shortcuts

Certainly, in case you prefer using keyboard shortcuts to clicks, you can press “Ctrl+ W” or “Ctrl+ F4”. Either of it can close only the document.

Method 4: Run a Macro

  1. To start with, click “Developer” tab then the “Visual Basic” to open the VBA editor.Click "Developer"->Click "Visual Basic"
  2. Next click “Normal” and “Insert”.
  3. Choose “Module” then.Click "Normal"->Click "Insert"->Click "Module"
  4. Double click on the new module to display the editing area.
  5. Then paste the bellowing codes there:
'Close the only document open but keep Word running.
Sub CloseFileKeepWordOpen()
End Sub
  1. Ultimately, hit “Run” button.Paste Codes->Click "Run"

It’s suggested to assign a button or keyboard to the macro for easy use. For detailed information, you can look up this article: How to Remove the Formatting of Pasted Texts with Macro and VBA in Your Word

Tool to Fix Damaged Word Document

It’s known to all that file loss can wipe out everything or something critical at least. I assume what comes to top of mind after a file loss is the way to piece data back to life. Then the best way is to gain a Word data damage fix product.

Author Introduction:

Vera Chen is a data recovery expert in DataNumen, Inc., which is the world leader in data recovery technologies, including corrupt xls data recovery tool and pdf repair software products. For more information visit

MS Word or Microsoft Word is a software used to create documents such as reports, PDFs, pictured-document, assignments, etc. Microsoft provides features like Adding Images, Adding Visual effects, adding charts and graphs, etc. to a word file. 

Closing a Document

Closing of a document after the desired work to it is done or there is a need for a break in between completing the content of the file, is a very important task, as it helps to prevent the undesired changes to occur to the content. Closing a document doesn’t necessarily mean that there is a need to close the entire MS Word, one can easily close a specific file that is currently open in the MS Word and then continue working with another file. There are multiple methods to close a document/file in MS Word.

Method 1: Using the File Menu

MS Word provides a specific option to close the Word Document after the work to it is done. Following are the steps to do the same:

Step 1: Click on the File Menu Tab.

Step 2: Click on the Close button provided in the options under File Menu.

Step 3: If the file is not saved, a pop-up will arise asking you to save the file. You can choose either to Save the file and perform the save operation or if there is no need to save the File, choose the Don’t Save button.

Step 4: In case, the Close button is pressed by mistake, MS Word gives you a second option to cancel the close operation.

Note: These options provided in the pop-up menu will only arise for the Unsaved Files. Saved files will close directly.

Method 2: Using the Window Close button

If you do not want to use the File Menu tab, then MS Word document can also be closed by the Close button provided in the File Window. 

Step 1: Click on the ‘X’ button provided in the Top-right corner of the File Window.

Step 2: If the file is not saved, then a pop-up will arise to either Save the file or Don’t Save and Close the file as it is.

Step 3: If the ‘X‘ button is pressed by mistake, then the Cancel button can be used from the pop-up to avoid the file from getting closed.

Method 3: Using the Shortcut Keys

If you don’t want to use the mouse and want to close the file, then use the shortcut keys that are provided by MS Word to close a file.

Step 1: Press the ‘CTRL + F4’ keys simultaneously to close the Word File.

Step 2: If the File is an existing file and the changes are unsaved, then you can press ‘CTRL + S’ before performing Step 1. 

On this page, we’ll focus on how to possibly recover unsaved Word documents if you accidentally closed Word without saving. All Provided solutions can be applied to restore unsaved or lost Word files in MS Office Word 2003/2007/2010/2013/2016 in Windows 10/8/7/Vista/XP.

Workable Solutions Step-by-step Troubleshooting
Fix 1. Recover from Recent Documents Open Word > «File» > «Open» > «Recent Documents»…Full steps
Fix 2. Recover from Manager Versions Open Word > «Files» > «Info» > «Manage Document»…Full steps
Fix 3. Recover from Temporary Files Open Word > «File» > «Options» > «Save» > AutoRecover folder…Full steps

How Can I Recover A Word Document That I Closed Without Saving

Do you know how to recover a closed Word file without saving? If you are looking for a way to recover unsaved Word document after computer restart, shutdown, power off or simply when Microsoft Word has stopped working unexpectedly, stay here. 

Most of us may have experienced Word document lost issues in many situations, which can really kill us undoubtedly. In order to provide a better experience in using Microsoft Office, Microsoft added a new feature — AutoSave in all its Office applications, allowing its users to restore unsaved documents, excel files. 

Here, we’ve collected all the possible solutions for restoring closed Word without saving. Continue reading and you’ll find the best method for your case. 

If you have turned on the AutoSave feature in MS Office, congratulations. You can effectively recover an unsaved Word document that is closed without saving or lost due to other reasons from Recent Documents, Manage Version or Temporary files. 

Usually, the AutoSave is enabled by default. If you didn’t turn on the AutoSave feature, a reliable file recovery software can be your last shot for restoring the lost Word file. 

Three Solutions to Recover Unsaved Word File 

Now, let’s go through the real solutions and learn how to restore an accidentally closed Word without hitting the Save button in MS Word 2003/2007/2010/2016.

Solution 1. Recover closed Word from Recent Documents (Word 2013)

Step 1. Open the Word application and go to File > Open > Recent Documents > Click «Recover Unsaved Documents».

locate the unsaved word

Step 2. Select the listed unsaved document and click «Open» to check the content on a new window in Word.

open the unsaved word file

Step 3. Click the «Save As» button in the top banner.

save the unsaved word document

Solution 2. Recover Unsaved Word from Manager Versions 

Step 1. Open the Word application, go to Files and then click «Info» > «Manage Document».

how to recover unsaved Word document

2. Click «Recover Unsaved Documents» from the drop-down menu.

Recover unsaved word document from manage version.

3. Select the unsaved file and click the «Open» button. Then, on the pop-up window, choose «Save As» to store it to any place you like.

how to recover unsaved Word document

Solution 3. Recover Unsaved Word Document from Temporary Files

Step 1. Open the Word application, go to File > Options > Save, locate the AutoRecover folder on your PC. 

recover unsaved word document-1

Step 2. Copy the file location path in File Explorer to open the AutoRecover folder. Find and copy the unsaved Word document which is saved with .asd extension.

recover unsaved word document-2

Usually, the temporary file is saved in C:UsersUserNameAppDataRoamingMicrosoftWord or C:UsersUserNameAppDataLocalMicrosoftOfficeUnsavedFiles.

Step 3. Open Word again, click «File > Open > Recover Unsaved Documents «.

Step 4. Paste the .asd file at the file name column and click «Open». Check the file content and save the file to a new place.

recover unsaved word document-3

If Word warns that «Word experienced an error…», repeat the steps and click «Open and Repair» at the open Unsaved Document window.

For Mac users, you may also read: Recover unsaved word document on Mac for help.

Extra Tip — Deleted or Lost Word Recovery in 3 Steps

The previous 3 solutions are designed for restoring closed Word without saving. As for the saved Word documents on your computer that were deleted or lost due to device error or other reasons, you may need the reliable EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard for help. 

EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard is capable of scanning all over your hard drive where the Word backup is saved and help to find the lost Word document for you in only 3 steps:

Step 1. Choose the Word file location

Choose the drive or a specific folder and click the «Scan» button.

select a location and click scan

Step 2. Locate your Word files

The software will start immediately scanning all lost data on the selected drive. After the scan, click the «Documents» option in the left panel. Choose «Word» from the category bar. Then, click «Preview».

scan word files

Step 3. Recover Word files

After previewing the lost Word files, select the desired Word files and click «Recover». Then, select a folder to store the Word files.

select word documents and recover


This page includes 3 reliable solutions for restoring closed Word file without saving on Windows PC. When the locally saved Word files and other data get lost, EaseUS file recovery software will offer you instant help.

Besides Word file recovery, we highly suggest you enable the AutoSave feature in Microsoft Office Word, Excel and PowerPoint to protect all your valuable files.

Here are the steps to turn on AutoSave in MS Word:

Step 1. Open the Word application and go to File > Option > Save.

Step 2. Click the Save option, check the below two boxes:

  • «Save AutoRecover information every * minute» and set the frequency to 10, 5 or 2 minutes
  • «Keep the last autosaved version if I close without saving» 

Step 3. Click «OK» to save all the changes.

Enable AutoSave feature in Word.

As for the local Word documents and other files saved on your PC, you may use a reliable file back up software for help. 

Further Office FAQs

Some of you may also have the same questions on restoring other Office files on Windows PC. Here we’ve gathered 3 related questions and provided brief answers to help you out:

1. How do I recover an unsaved Word document?

Answer: Yes! When a Word or Office file gets closed without saving, it is still possible for you to recover the unsaved document as long as you have enabled the AutoSave feature. To do so, you can use the Recent Document, Manage Version or locate the temporary files saved on your PC to bring the lost file.

The solutions toward this question are available here on this page for you to refer to now.

2. Can I retrieve a PPT or PowerPoint that you didn’t save?

Answer: Yes. Microsoft Office PowerPoint also contains the AutoSave feature. With this feature enabled, you can efficiently recover unsaved PPT files from the Recent > Recover Unsaved Presentation or Temporary Files saved in the AutoRecove folder on your PC.

For a more detailed guide, you can refer to this link for help: How to Recover Deleted or Unsaved PowerPoint Files.

3. How do I recover Word after MS Office Word has stopped working?

Answer: First, you need to repair the not working Word application. You may end the MS Word task in Task Manager, boot Windows into Safe mode for a quick try. Repairing Office installation, installing the latest update, reinstalling  Office, disabling Add-ins in Word, etc. can effectively make Word application work again.

Next, you can restart Word and restore the lost word files. For the lost Word recovery, you can use the AutoSave feature in Word or apply EaseUS file recovery software to bring all the lost files back.

For a more detailed guide, refer to this link for help: MS Word Has Stopped Working.

If you have more questions on file recovery in Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc. applications, use the Search option on the EaseUS website ( or go to the File-Recovery page to more answers. 

Good day

I have created a Word 2010 addin using C# (VS2010). The premis of the system
is that a user is able to download a template from a website which contains
content controls (.docx document). The addin then retrieves data from a database
through a web service to populate these controls.

The user would create a list of documents to be processed and populate the
template. When more than one document needs to be created, the addin saves the
template file to the user’s My Documents folder, and opens this «temporary» file
for each document to be created. Once all processing is complete, I save and then close the

document using Document.Close() and open the temp file again to process the next
document. Once all «processing» is complete, I merge the created documents into
one and then word crashes.

Word does not crash if I do not close the documents. It seems that word does
not release the closed documents from memory. Has anyone had any similar

I have tried to release the object by marshaling, also tried closing the
document with the following to no avail:

SetLastError =
true, CharSet =


SetLastError =
true, CharSet =


const intwmClose = 16;

var hWnd = FindWindow(null,
» — Microsoft Word»);

Fault bucket , type 0

Event Name: APPCRASH

Response: Not available

Cab Id: 0 —————————————————————————

Faulting application name: WINWORD.EXE, version: 14.0.4762.1000, time stamp: 0x4bae25b7

Faulting module name: wwlib.dll, version: 14.0.4762.1000, time stamp: 0x4bae2623

Exception code: 0xc0000005

Fault offset: 0x0002530e

Faulting process id: 0xd70

Faulting application start time: 0x01cd770bf88895ac

Faulting application path: C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeOffice14WINWORD.EXE

Faulting module path: C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeOffice14wwlib.dll

Report Id: 57c0f2dc-e2ff-11e1-afc1-a4badbfd4226

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