Click to call and excel

Install the Softphone.Pro — Microsoft Office Excel Add-in to use click-to-call feature in Microsoft Office Excel. Click the Download Add-in button on SettingsIntegrationMicrosoft Excel window.

Should you need to transform the number before dialing (for example, remove plus or somehow else) please read the article about the dialing rules.

1. Dial the phone number in selected cell

1.1. Select cell containing a phone number:

Select cell with phone number in Microsoft Office Excel

1.2. Open the Add-ins tab:

Add-ins tab in Microsoft Excel

1.3. Click Call button and select the appropriate phone number to call:

Excel Call button

You can add Call button on Quick Access Toolbar.

You can prevent Softphone.Pro Main Window popping-up on outgoing call: How to prevent Main Window popping on incoming or outgoing call?

2. Transform phone numbers in a specific column into clickable links

2.1. Select columns containing phone numbers. Hold the Ctrl keyboard button when selecting multiple columns:

Select columns for transformation

2.2. Open the Add-ins tab:

Add-ins tab in Microsoft Excel

2.3. Click the Transform Columns button:

Transform column to click-to-call links

2.4. Softphone.Pro — Microsoft Office Excel Add-in transforms phone numbers to hyperlinks. Click phone number hyperlink to call:

Click phone number hyperlink to call

You can prevent Softphone.Pro Main Window popping-up on outgoing call: How to prevent Main Window popping on incoming or outgoing call?

By default, Excel doesn’t support Click-To-Call like Outlook does, so it will require a little bit of tinkering to start using Excel as a dialing list to simply click a number and start a call via Intermedia Unite or any other softphone application.

Here are the steps on how to achieve that functionality within Excel:

  1. Open a new Excel Sheet
  2. Create three columns labeled:
    • Column A – Name (optional)
    • Column B — Phone Number
    • Column C — Click-to-Call
  3. In the screenshot example, in the C2 cell, add the formula =HYPERLINK(CONCATENATE(«TEL:»,B2))


    This will create a hyperlink in the example C2 cell, of the phone number in the added to the B2 cell

  4. By adding a list of phone numbers to the B column, you can create a list of click-to-call hyperlinks in the C column
    Dragging the lower right corner of cell C2 down to the cells below will populate the formula in all of those cells, creating a hyperlink in those cells
  5. The Excel Sheet is now ready to go to work for you! Clicking the hyperlink in the cells in column C will now automatically dial the phone number using your softphone application

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Article ID: 23307

Last updated on: 05/06/2022 03:16 AM


{{item.Name}}{{$index < (answer.Products.length-1) ? ‘, ‘ : »}}

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{{item.trim()}}{{$index < (answer.Keywords.length-1) ? ‘, ‘ : »}}

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  1. How to Use Skype With Excel
  2. Step 1
  3. Step 2
  4. Step 3
  5. Step 4
  6. Step 5
  7. Как пользоваться Skype из MS Excel
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  16. OMG: Skype Click to Call Breaks Excel so it can Only Paste Text.
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  19. 6 Responses to “OMG: Skype Click to Call Breaks Excel so it can Only Paste Text. ”
  20. schlafly said
  21. Bob Warfield said
  22. dougaross said
  23. timothytim said
  24. Julia Keating Campbell said
  25. Baron Von Sternberg said
  26. How to Use Skype With Excel
  27. Step 1
  28. Step 2
  29. Step 3
  30. Step 4
  31. Step 5
  32. Отсутствуют специальные параметры вставки в Excel 2010
  33. 7 ответов 7

How to Use Skype With Excel

By Matthew Schieltz

Skype is an application that is made for business or personal, to make phone calls at low prices. The application uses an active Internet connection to make calls to people all over the world. Skype has introduced a useful add-on toolbar for anyone who has Microsoft Excel or other Office applications and wants to integrate the use of Skype with those programs. To use this toolbar you need to have the Skype application already installed on your computer.

Step 1

Download the Skype Office toolbar. This toolbar adds an icon or ribbon to Excel which allows you to use Skype from inside any Excel document. The Office Toolbar can be downloaded from the official Skype website at Click on the «Download Now» button to begin the application download.

Step 2

Install the toolbar application in Excel. In most cases, and in Windows operating systems, you simply need to double-click on the downloaded .exe (executable) file to begin the installation process. When installing the Skype Toolbar, select your default language when prompted and accept the Skype end user and privacy agreement.

Step 3

Open a Microsoft Excel document. If using Excel 2007 click the ribbon labeled «Skype,» which should be located to the right of the other Office ribbons.

Step 4

Click the «Create Skype Links» or «Highlight Numbers» button on the Skype Office Toolbar. Both of these commands highlight all ten-digit phone numbers within an Excel document, but each button works differently. The «Create Skype Links» button adds a hyperlink to each phone number while the «Highlight Numbers» button adds SmartTags to phone numbers.

Step 5

Click on a phone number within your Excel document. If you click on a number that is hyperlinked, the Skype application will open asking you to confirm the calling of a telephone number. If you click on a number highlighted with a SmartTag, choose the «Call this number with Skype» menu option to make a call. Use your headset or microphone to proceed with your conversation.

  • Refer to the official Skype website or Skype community forums for help in using the Toolbar.

Matthew Schieltz has been a freelance web writer since August 2006, and has experience writing a variety of informational articles, how-to guides, website and e-book content for organizations such as Demand Studios. Schieltz holds a Bachelor of Arts in psychology from Wright State University in Dayton, Ohio. He plans to pursue graduate school in clinical psychology.


Как пользоваться Skype из MS Excel

Skype — это ориентированное как на частного, так и на корпоративного пользователя приложение, позволяющее осуществлять недорогие телефонные звонки по всему миру. Как-то Skype представила очередное полезное дополнение, в это раз в виде специальной панели инструментов, которая позволяет пользователям, часто работающим с Excel и другими офисными приложениями Microsoft, интегрировать приложение Skype в эти программы.

Однако, чтобы использовать новую панель с MS Excel необходимо сначала установить Skype на свой компьютер. Кроме того, также понадобятся программа Skype Office Toolbar и гарнитура.

Чтобы установить, настроить и использовать Skype с Excel сделать нужно следующее:

1. скачиваем Skype Office toolbar. Эта панель интегрирует Skype в Excel. Проще говоря, после установки этой программы в Excel появится иконка Skype, и в дальнейшем Skype можно будет пользоваться непосредственно из любого документы Excel. Скачать Skype Office toolbar можно с официального сайта вот по этой ссылке:

2. после загрузки приложение Office toolbar нужно уставовить в Excel. В ОС Windows и большинстве других систем для того, чтобы начать процесс инсталляции, достаточно просто дважды кликнуть по иконке файла-установщика приложения. После установки Skype
Office toolbar предложит выбрать язык интерфейса и традиционно предоставит к изучению текст пользовательского соглашения. Выбираем, читаем, подтверждаем.

3. открываем любой документ Microsoft Excel, отыскиваем значек Skype среди других на верхней панели управления Microsoft Excel (а также Word и PowerPoint). Кликаем.

4. далее кликаем по кнопкам «Create Skype Links» или «Highlight Numbers» в панели программы Skype Office Toolbar. Каждая из этих команд выделяет 10-значные телефонные номера, которые могут содержаться в документе Excel, однако работают они по-разному: первая ставит гиперссылку на номер, вторая — добавляет смарт-тег.

5. кликаем на телефонный номер в документе Excel. Если он оформлен в виде гиперссылки, то Skype, прежде чем начать набор, попросит подтвердить намерение позвонить по этому номеру. А если кликнуть по выделенному номеру, который сопровождается смарт-тегом, то, чтобы позвонить, надо еще раз нажать на табличку «Call this number with Skype». Для разговора может понадобиться гарнитура.


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OMG: Skype Click to Call Breaks Excel so it can Only Paste Text.

Posted by Bob Warfield on March 24, 2012

This is an amazing bug that should be getting a lot more press. I discovered it when I found that several Excel worksheets I regularly update were suddenly producing the wrong answers. I went and looked and saw that instead of copying formulas when I cut and pasted, Excel was acting as if it was copying and pasting the text. Essentially the formulas were lost. When you think about all the things spreadsheets are used for, and how many of them are suddenly producing the wrong answers as a result of this problem, it’s scary.

Worse, I have no recollection of even being asked whether I wanted to install Skype Click to Call, it just happened. It’s a browser add-in that is visible in IE and completely invisible in Chrome. At least I couldn’t find it listed as an add-on yet I had to close all my Chrome windows to be able to uninstall it.

Skype has always been pretty sleazy and spammy–I hate a program where you can’t shut it down once it starts up unless you use the Task Manager or reboot–but this is ridiculous.

Help get the word out to uninstall Skype Click to Call ASAP if you use Excel at all. You will not be happy to discover your spreadsheets are wrong!

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This entry was posted on March 24, 2012 at 7:36 pm and is filed under saas. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

6 Responses to “OMG: Skype Click to Call Breaks Excel so it can Only Paste Text. ”

schlafly said

Wait — are you saying that some Skype browser widget is somehow sabotaging your Excel formulas?! I have heard that Skype plays rude games to get thru firewalls, but how would it get to your formulas?

Microsoft bought Skype, so maybe Msft will clean up the mess some day.

Bob Warfield said

Exactly what I’m saying, Roger.

It works by changing the behavior of cut and paste. Instead of cutting and pasting a cell’s formula and formats, it was turning the contents of the clipboard into text with formats. What you’d see looked like a successful paste–numbers and formats would appear in the pasted cells. What you might not realize until later was that cells that should have formulas would only have text that was the value of the cell you copied. So, if I had a column of cells that count up due to formulas like “=1+A1”. Let’s say I took row 2, which uses that formula to refer to row 1 and increment, and paste it down 100 rows. What’d I’d get is instead of it pasting the formula, it would just paste the value, “2”, in all those rows.

Devilishly clever these Skype guys. I assume some aspect of their click to call does this to clipboard contents for some reason. I saw references to similar problems in Word, though they’re not as bad because Word doesn’t use formulas. It would simply screw up the table formatting somehow.

dougaross said

Bob you are absolutely correct. I run firefox 11.0 and I found the same problem. In fact I was running Office 2000, so I figured it was time to upgrade to Office 2010. Which didn’t solve the problem.

It was very confusing since after a reboot the problem went away, but I hadn’t run my browser yet. The key was to disable Click to Call in my browser add-ins. Problem solved.

BTW: another symptom of this problem is when you select a cell and do a copy the cell border does not turn into little dashed lines.

timothytim said

It affects any paste you try to do into any MSOffice application, whether it is from a MSWord doc to another MSWord doc, from MSWord to MSExcel, or from your browser into either of them. What happens is that only text is copied, no formatting, formulas etc. I didn’t try it with Powerpoint, etc, but suspect the same for all MSOffice apps.

This is confirmed also at the following link. It’s on MS Radar, but they apparently haven’t shot it down yet.

Julia Keating Campbell said

I can so confirm this problem. Thank you to all of the above. I removed Skype Click to Call .. which somehow in the last week or two installed itself on my computer … the same duration I was having problems with cut and paste of entries including formulas in Excel 2003. Removal and reboot has solved the problem. Skype people .. Go have a good hard look at yourself and fix this malicious software problem you have introduced to the world.

Baron Von Sternberg said

Yes, I had the same problem with copy-paste in general. In fact, every time I opened Chrome, I was unable to keep the formatting when trying to copy-paste anything, in any program (Word, Excel etc), even after closing Chrome. There was no icon to click upon and choose formatting. Funniest of all: when I tried to copy and paste a part of a document in “Scientific workplace” (a program that allows you to write text and mathematics as in Word, but producing files written in Latex), instead of pasting the original, its was the Latex code that was pasted! I thought that was a mysterious problem of Chrome, but making an internet search I discovered that it was Skype click to call that was the source of the problem.

Note that this problem did not exist in the past.


How to Use Skype With Excel

By Matthew Schieltz

Skype is an application that is made for business or personal, to make phone calls at low prices. The application uses an active Internet connection to make calls to people all over the world. Skype has introduced a useful add-on toolbar for anyone who has Microsoft Excel or other Office applications and wants to integrate the use of Skype with those programs. To use this toolbar you need to have the Skype application already installed on your computer.

Step 1

Download the Skype Office toolbar. This toolbar adds an icon or ribbon to Excel which allows you to use Skype from inside any Excel document. The Office Toolbar can be downloaded from the official Skype website at Click on the «Download Now» button to begin the application download.

Step 2

Install the toolbar application in Excel. In most cases, and in Windows operating systems, you simply need to double-click on the downloaded .exe (executable) file to begin the installation process. When installing the Skype Toolbar, select your default language when prompted and accept the Skype end user and privacy agreement.

Step 3

Open a Microsoft Excel document. If using Excel 2007 click the ribbon labeled «Skype,» which should be located to the right of the other Office ribbons.

Step 4

Click the «Create Skype Links» or «Highlight Numbers» button on the Skype Office Toolbar. Both of these commands highlight all ten-digit phone numbers within an Excel document, but each button works differently. The «Create Skype Links» button adds a hyperlink to each phone number while the «Highlight Numbers» button adds SmartTags to phone numbers.

Step 5

Click on a phone number within your Excel document. If you click on a number that is hyperlinked, the Skype application will open asking you to confirm the calling of a telephone number. If you click on a number highlighted with a SmartTag, choose the «Call this number with Skype» menu option to make a call. Use your headset or microphone to proceed with your conversation.

  • Refer to the official Skype website or Skype community forums for help in using the Toolbar.

Matthew Schieltz has been a freelance web writer since August 2006, and has experience writing a variety of informational articles, how-to guides, website and e-book content for organizations such as Demand Studios. Schieltz holds a Bachelor of Arts in psychology from Wright State University in Dayton, Ohio. He plans to pursue graduate school in clinical psychology.


Отсутствуют специальные параметры вставки в Excel 2010

В Excel каждый раз, когда я копирую и вставляю, копируется только текст, а форматирование не копируется, как показано на рисунке ниже:

При вставке нет специальных параметров вставки.

На рисунке выше я скопировал ячейку A1 используя CTRL + C, и вставил в ячейку A3 используя CTRL + V. Вставлен только текст, а форматирования не было.

Это то, что я пытался без удачи:

  1. Восстановленный MS Office с LIVE CD.
  2. Проверял формат ячеек.
  3. Пробовал закрывать все экземпляры Excel.

Интересно, что когда я вставил специальные параметры, как показано на скриншоте ниже, были доступны только параметры Text и Unicode .

7 ответов 7

У меня возникла та же проблема, и я удалил (или поставил «отключить») надстройку «Skype Click to Call» из Skype в браузере IE в разделе «Свойства обозревателя» и на вкладке «Программы» — «Управление надстройками», это было решено. Похоже, что новая версия Skype добавляет это «дополнение».

Во-первых, попробуйте запустить в безопасном режиме: Excel.exe /Safe (в команде run), если там все работает правильно, это означает, что это связано с надстройкой или книгой, загруженной при запуске.

(Файл> Параметры> Надстройки — снимите все надстройки). Отметьте, какие из них были выбраны. Закройте Excel, а затем снова откройте его

Если это работает, то проблема связана с одним из надстроек, просто нужно найти какой, включив их один за другим.

Если это не сработало, то это, вероятно, из-за одного файла, расположенного в каталоге автозагрузки Excel. (например, C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeOffice14XLSTART для меня)

Любой файл там загружается при запуске Excel. Удалите файлы из этой папки и откройте Excel, чтобы увидеть, исчезла ли проблема.

если это работает, добавляйте их обратно по одному, закрывая и открывая Excel каждый раз, пока вы не определите, какой файл был поврежден.


  • #2


I don’t know what the issue is there. Perhaps Excel Mobile or iPhone
Is it possible you could save the file as .HTML web page as iPhones work with those?

  • #3

Thank you. I did think of that but have not tried it yet. I’m hoping to get the excel file to work.

  • #4

The iPhone I have to mess about with it not 10.0 so I cannot load Excel.
I can tell you it is recognised as a phone number on my Android phone as it brings up the options of Viber or Phone Dialer

(tel:555-555-1234 in the cell then right-click hyperlink and add tel:555-555-1234 as the address)

Are there any character * or # in the number as these are not permitted.
Any spaces?

  • #5

Thanks for the link. I had previously read those looking for a solution but didn’t find anything that works. No special characters or spaces in the cells. I have tested using vba to add hyperlink, letting excel automatically convert to hyperlink, and inserting hyperlink manually. None of these will work. Are there security settings in excel or my email provider (hotmail) that could be causing the problem?

  • #6

Excel is working on Android but it is possible the functionality is different on the 2 platforms.

When you tap on the cell try doing it a second time and see if any menu comes up.

This MS post with the same question just refers to an Apple discussion page (same one previously posted) that suggests third party apps work if the format is correct.…ck-to-dial-in-excel?forum=officeitproprevious
Can’t find anywhere with a definitive answer.

Add one of the phone numbers on your sheet to your contacts list then open the file and try the link just to see if it works.
It could be third party apps are limited to the contacts list.

Last edited: Mar 22, 2018



This document describes how to resolve the problem encountered where the Cisco Click to Call menu does not appear in Microsoft (MS) Office Applications.



Cisco recommends that you have knowledge of these topics:

  • Cisco Click to Call
  • Windows 7 with MS Office 2010

Components Used

The information in this document is based on these software and hardware versions:

  • Cisco Click to Call Versions 7.x and 8.x
  • Jabber for Windows Version 9.x
  • Windows 7 PC with MS Office 2010

The information in this document was created from the devices in a specific lab environment. All of the devices used in this document started with a cleared (default) configuration. If your network is live, make sure that you understand the potential impact of any command.


The Click to Call menu appears in some MS Office applications but not in others.


For the application that has the problem, such as MS Word or Outlook, make sure the Click To Call add-in is not unactivated or disabled in the MS Office application (see this example with Outlook).

MS Office 2007 (Outlook Example)

Complete these steps in order to fix the problem.

  1. Navigate to the Tools > Trust Center menu:

  2. In order to make sure it is not disabled due to security reasons, uncheck the check box Apply macro security settings to installed add-ins.

MS Office 2010 (Outlook Example)

  1. Navigate to the Options menu:

  2. Verify that the add-ins registry key is present with the LoadBehavior value set to 3.
    • Change the value to 3, and restart the MS Office component.
    • Verify that the value returns to 2. If it returns to 2, there is an error that stops the Click to Call add-in from being loaded.
  3. Click Start > Run > Regedit and navigate to these registry keys:
    • Standalone:
    • Integrated(CuciLync/Cupc):

    The value should be 3 in each key.

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