Click the button and choose the proper word

discoverсъезжать/открывать, обнаруживать

foundосновывать/открывать, обнаруживать

move outосновывать/съезжать



mineжелезнодорожная станция/шахта, добывать

railway stationжелезнодорожная станция/шахта, добывать

residentжитель/ церковь

bustlingзанятой, оживленный/суетливый, шумный

busyзанятой, оживлённый/ богатый

wealthyсуетливый, шумный/богатый


Look at the words and write their definitions.

bowling alley –

cinema —

fitness centre –

football pitch –

martial arts club –

museum —

skating rink —

spa centre –

swimming pool –

tennis court –

theatre –


Put the phrases into the boxes.





Let’s …. Do you want to ..?

Why don’t we..?

Shall we..? How about..?

It’s great.

I’d like to.

With pleasure Yes, sure.

That sounds great.

That’s a good idea.

How exciting.

I’m sorry I can’t Actually, I’d rather not.

I don’t think it’s very exciting.

I’d like to but…

It’s a waste of time.


Read the sentence, click the button and choose the proper word. 

  1. My friend goes swimming


  2. What are you doing


  3. Kate and Jack are driving to the countryside


  4. Do you

    play tennis on Mondays?

  5. Where does he

    go at weekends?


Read the text and fill in the table.

What do American teenagers do in their free time? 

American teenagers spend their free time doing a lot of different things. They love to watch television or rent videos. Often young people meet at a friend’s house to watch videos together. Young Americans also enjoy going to the movie theatre, both to watch movies but also to “hang out”. They also go to the large concerts whenever their favourite band or pop singer comes to town. 

Teenage girls like to read fashion magazines and magazines about handsome, famous actors and singers. They also like to go shopping. Teenage boys like to play sports, baseball, basketball, football or soccer. Many boys read magazines about rock groups or cars and trucks. It is often the dream of many teenage boys to own their own car. 

Stereotypically young Americans don’t like to spend time alone. They don’t read books unless it is absolutely necessary. Like most Americans, young Americans like to work because they like to have money. It’s difficult to find free entertainment in America. Young people spend a lot of money. 

Both American girls and boys American girls American boys

watch television rent videos meet at a friend’s house to watch videos together go to the movie theatre watch movies “hang out” go to the large concerts don’t read books work spend a lot of money

read fashion magazines and magazines about handsome, famous actors and singers go shopping

play sports, baseball, basketball, football or soccer read magazines about rock groups or cars and trucks


Put phrases into the correct order to build a dialogue.

-Who do you usually play football with?

-What is your favourite pastime?

-Thanks for your time. Good bye.

-With my friends or classmates.

-From 5 to 6 times a week.

-You are welcome. Good bye.

-How often do you play football?

-Where do you usually play football?

-On a school football pitch.

-It’s playing football.

-Hello! Sure!

-Hello! May I ask you some questions?


Put the words in the correct order to build sentences.


aren’t hiding behind

the blinds.

My son


doesn’t like eating









are cooking in the kitchen


by scooter.


to work



the room




is sleeping


Read the text and choose all true sentences.

It’s a game and a sport that combines talent, skill and even a bit of luck. The game is played between two players or two teams. Nine throws are generally allowed for each person as a warm-up before a game begins. The team with the arrow closest to ‘bull’s eye’ takes the first turn. The pieces must stay on the board for at least five seconds after a player’s final throw to count.

The team that throws the arrow closest to the bull’s eye is the first to start the game.

Each player can practice before the game.

Points are counted after each throw of the arrow.

It’s a game and a sport that combines talent, skill and even a bit of luck. The game is played between two players or two teams. Nine throws are generally allowed for each person as a warm-up before a game begins. The team with the arrow closest to ‘bull’s eye’ takes the first turn. The pieces must stay on the board for at least five seconds after a player’s final throw to count.

This game is for two players only.


Choose the correct word.

1. Ito school from Monday to Friday.

a. goes  b. go  c. am going

2. My parents neveron Sundays.

a. works  b. work  c. are working

3. Heat the moment.

a. swims  b. swim  c. is swimming

4. Studentsan English lesson at the moment.

a. doesn’t have  b. don’t have  c. aren’t having

5. Mila usuallywith her friends on Saturdays

a. goes  b. go  c. is going


Put each list of phrases into the correct category.

Accepting Refusing:

I’m sorry I can’t Actually, I’d rather not. I don’t think it’s very exciting. I’d like to but… It’s a waste of time.

It’s great. I’d like to. With pleasure Yes, sure. That sounds great. That’s a good idea. How exciting.


Read to the definitions and write the words.

  1. площадка для игры в баскетбол

  2. дорожка для игры в боулинг (боулинг)

  3. кинотеатр

  4. фитнес центр

  5. футбольное поле

  6. площадка для игры в хоккей

  7. клуб боевых искусств

  8. музей

  9. скейтборд парк

  10. каток

  11. спа центр

  12. бассейн

  13. теннисный корт

  14. театр

  15. площадка для игры в волейбол

Grammar and vocabulary

Put the words into the boxes.























Read, think and choose the correct answer.

A family are around the table on the New Year Eve. There is a grandfather, a grandmother, two fathers, two mothers, four children, three grandchildren, one brother, two sisters, two sons, two daughters, one daughter-in-law and one mother-in-law who shall sit for the toast. Each of them requires a separate chair. How many chairs are required?


Pastime doesn’t mean sport. There are some other activities to do in our free time. Cooking is one of them. Read the recipe instruction and put the actions into the correct order.

Peel apples, cut them into pieces and put in a pie plate.

Mix 1 cup sugar, flour and butter in a bowl.

Add an egg, some salt.

Mix well and pour over apples.

Bake at 250 degree for 45 minutes.

Reading and vocabulary

Read the definitions and match them to the names of sports.

the sport of fighting with long, thin swords

a sport in which two people fight using their arms and legs and hands and feet, and try to throw each other to the ground.

a Chinese method of fighting that involves using your hands and feet and not using weapons

the art or sport of shooting arrows

Английский язык,

вопрос задал rufzdhcs,

7 месяцев назад

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Русский язык,
1 месяц назад

Почему в русском языке не прижилось слово «мокроступы»?​

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3. Укажите единицу измерения скорости. A) С В) м С) м/с D) M/c2 ​…

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В какой единице измеряется электрическое напряжение​…

Английский язык,
7 месяцев назад

Type the present perfect continuous forms of the following verbs. Use lowercase tags and choose the infinitive form have only

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история… помогите пожалуйста…

Помогите пожалуйста с заданием
Choose the proper words, and fill in the blanks (Выберите необходимые слова и заполните пропуски):

1. Our family is neither big… small.

A nor В or С and D but

2. My mother is … 38years old.

A nor В even С only D enough

3. My father’s firm is … from our house.

A the same В twice С near D far

4. It… me half an hour to get to the college.

A goes В takes С looks D consists

5. I go to my college … bus.

A at В by Con D in

6. As to my …. I am slim.

A mother В parents С appearance D father

7. Everybody in our family is easy to get… with.

A each other В along

С others D together

8. We often go … to the country.

A away В down С off D up

9. The carpet is of the … colour.

A some В same С more D most

10. There are a lot of books in the …

A shelves В bookcase С wardrobe D furniture

2) Choose the proper grammar form of the verb and fill in the gaps (Выберите необходимую грамматическую форму глагола и заполните пропуски):

1.My mother usually … a lot of time at her job.

A has spent В spends С is spent D was spent

2.As a rule, she … sweaters for my brother.

A knits В is knit С has knit D had knit

3.Last week we … our friends to our place.

A invited В have invited С invite D were invited

4.All that morning my brother… computer games.

A is playing В was playing С play D plays

5.We … our free time together tomorrow.

A spend В spent С will spend D is spent

6.Yesterday we … by our relatives.

A visited В were visited С was visited D have visited

7.They … down to the country in two days.

A will go В go С have gone D went

8.I… to music all the evening.

A listen В was listening

С has listening D is listening

9.She … the dinner not long ago.

A has cooked В cook

С cooks D cooked

10.She always …me with my homework.

A helps В help С helping D shall help

4) Answer these multiple-choice questions about your friend

(Ответьте на следующие вопросы множественного выбора о вашем друге).

1. What is his father?

A a worker В as a worker С a kind man

2. Where does he study?

A at the college В in the street С in one of the houses

3. How many people does his family consist of?

A four relatives В three members С two brothers

4. What is his height?

A 170 cm В 60 kg С 170 kg

5. What is his weight?

A 170 cm В 60 kg С 170 kg

6. Where does he live?

A in the firm В at the firm С in the flat

7. Where does he spend his free time?

A at the disco В at the college С at the school

choose and insert the correct word in the proper form.
Meal – food

Meal– act of eating

Food means that which can be eaten by people or animals, or used by plants, to keep them living and for growth

1. It was time to climb the hot, vineclad hill for the frugal midday … . 2. How many … a day do you have? 3. The English are said to prefer plain … . 4. ‘Let’s go and have our … at that restraint over there.’ ‘Yes, but do you think they serve good …?’ 5. In England lunch is usually the biggest … of the day. 6. When you go to India try some of their wonderful … .

Beach – bank – shore – coast

Beach – a flat area immediately next to the sea

Bank– land along each side of a river or canal: ground near a river

Shore– stretch of land bordering on the sea or a large body of water

Coast – land bordering the sea; seashore and land near it [the Coast – амер. Тихоокеанское побережье]

1. He used to spend the morning lying about the … with next to nothing on. 2. To the north and south the … is rock for the most part. 3. We could see the trees on the other … . 4. Gradually the oil stains were cleaned from the … 5. The center of the city is situated on the other … of the river. 6. Tourists go there to walk on the other … . 7. There was a protest against official plans to site a third London airport on the Essex … .

Learn – find out – discover

Learn – may mean ‘to be informed’ or ‘to receive information’ about sth, denotes getting information without any or much effort

Discover– suggests that the new information is surprising, unexpected

Find out – means ‘to get information by search or inquiry’, i.e. ‘making an effort to get it’

1. When he … that it was a form of rheumatism that made him unfit to further service his heart exulted. 2. When Salvatore went home he … that they all knew. 3. Mother was surprised to … that each member of the family had a different idea of education for Nick. 4. I was sorry to … that our hockey team again lost the game. 5. Give her a ring to … if she is at home. 6. I’ve just … that he had passed all the exams. 7. For a long time wee tried to … something about his past, but failed. 8. When Bell’s rivals … about his intention, they tried to claim their own rights to it. 9. Suddenly I … that I had left my note-book with her address in it behind.

Sick – ill

Sick– can be used in the expressions ‘to be sick’, which means ‘to bring up food from the stomach’ or ‘want to do this; in AmE ‘sick’ is normally used when you talk about bad health; in BrE ‘sick’ is used before a noun

Sick also can mean ‘very tired of’ – I am sick of your questions.

Ill– is used after a subject a verb

1. Here he fell … of some mysterious ailment. 2. They had been told by another of the island boys that he was … . 3. The child was … three times in the night. 4. The girl has been looking after her … father for eleven years. 5. Sorry I’ve missed all those classes: I’ve been … 6. The … child was finally taken to hospital. 7. He could hardly eat anything. The very thought of food made him … . 8. If you are …, you’d better stay home. 9. I’m … and tired of listening to your advice. 10. Why is she absent? Is she still …? 11. He is a very … man.

Own – owe

Own – means ‘possess; have as property’

Owe – means ‘to be in debt to sb (for sth)

1. His father was a fisherman who … his own little vineyard. 2. I … you an apology. 3. Who … this adorable little cottage? 4. Our tutor did a lot to cultivate our minds and we … him a debt of gratitude. 5. Why should one man … all that wealth? 6. He … his charm to his mother.

Used to/ would – be used to

Used to do smth – indicates a constant or frequent practice in the past, or, in the construction ‘there used to be’ the existence of sth in the past

To be used to – means ‘accustomed to’.

1. He … spend the morning lying about the beach. 2. He … throw himself into the deep water with a cry of delight. 3. He … silent paths and the mountains and the sea. 4. He … lie about the beach, smoking cigarettes. 5. Salvatore standing on a rock … dip them in the water. 6. he … seat the naked baby on the palm of his hand and hold him up. 7. he … bring his children down to give them a bath. 8. Before she was married she … attend all the concerts. 9. The child … waking up at night and screaming at the top of his voice. 10. She can’t … driving in the crowded streets of the city. 11. Soon he … living in the country and became a regular village boy. 12. Before the accident she … a beauty. 13. He … play tennis well in his young days. 14. He call on her once or twice a week.

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