Cleverer is not a word

Cleverer is not a word; therefore the sentence is incorrect. Correct use would be “less clever.”

Is cleverer a word?

Yes, it is a word. It is an adjective. ‘Clever’ is a positive adjective. Comparative is ‘cleverer’ .

What is the superlative of clever?

/ˈklevər/ (comparative cleverer, superlative cleverest) You can also use more clever and most clever.

What is the comparative of the word clever?

However, there are inexplicable exceptions: The Free Dictionary says the comparative and superlative form of clever is cleverer and cleverest.

Can I say more clever?

You can use “more clever” or “cleverer”, as the comparative of clever; and you can use “most clever” or “cleverest,” as the superlative of clever.

What is the superlative of good?

Irregular comparatives and superlatives

Adjective Comparative Superlative
good better best
bad worse worst
little less least
much more most

Why is more better wrong?

Yes, “more better” is a grammar mistake. English adjectives can take on different forms: regular, comparative, or superlative. When we use the comparative form (“more” before an adjective or “er” appended to the end of an adjective), we can only use “more” or the word ending in “er,” but not both.

Which is better good or best?

The Word “ BEST ” is the Superlative Form of ‘ GOOD ‘ ; it is the Superlative Form of ‘WELL’. THE BEST is Used to Refer to Things of the Highest Quality or the Highest Standard .

What is the superlative of rich?

The superlative form of the word is formed by adding ‘-est’ to the original word. Therefore, the comparative and superlative degrees of the word ‘rich’ are ‘richer’ and ‘richest’ respectively.

What is the superlative of fake?


What is the three degrees of poor?

In many cases, both forms are used, although one usage will be more common than the other. So, for the word ‘poor’, the comparative degree is ‘poorer’ and the superlative degree is ‘poorest’.

What is the degree of richest?

Top ten degrees that millionaires hold:

  1. Engineering. Engineers top the list.
  2. MBA (Any Field) 12.8% of the millionaires hold an MBA degree.
  3. Economics. Many of the millionaires in this study, majored in economics.
  4. Pre-Law/Law.
  5. Business Administration.
  6. Commerce.
  7. Accounting.
  8. Computer Sciences.

What is the superlative of poorest?

The comparative form is poorer, not more poor. “I am poorer than David.” The superlative form is poorest.

Can we say poorer?

The dictionary dictates poorer as the correct form, with some allowing both forms. According to Google Ngram Viewer poorer is more common in books by an immense factor of 100.

What is another word for being poor?

1 needy, indigent, necessitous, straitened, destitute, penniless, poverty-stricken. 5 meager.

Who is poor man?

1 —used to refer to someone (such as a performer) who is like another person in some ways but not as talented or successful a young actor who is said to be the poor man’s James Dean.

What do you call a person with no money?

penniless. adjective. someone who is penniless has no money.

Why are there poor people?

This might seem like a no-brainer: Without a job or a livelihood, people will face poverty. Dwindling access to productive land (often due to conflict, overpopulation, or climate change) and overexploitation of resources like fish or minerals puts increasing pressure on many traditional livelihoods.

How can I become poor?

Eight Proven Ways to Become Poor and Stay Poor

  1. ‘We don’t need no education…’
  2. Develop an addiction.
  3. Never save.
  4. Borrow.
  5. Go directly to jail.
  6. Stay in a dead-end low-paid job.
  7. Avoid work altogether.
  8. Be born in a failing country.

Why do poor people stay poor?

There are two broad views as to why people stay poor. One emphasizes differences in fun- damentals, such as ability, talent or motivation. The other, poverty traps view, differences in opportunities which stem from differences in wealth.

What are the 10 causes of poverty?

Here are four of the root causes of poverty in Nigeria.

  • Government Corruption. Since its founding, government corruption has plagued Nigeria.
  • Lack of Economic Infrastructure.
  • Poor Access to Education.
  • Poor Access to Healthcare.

What are the 5 causes of poverty?

Here are ten root causes:

  • #1. Lack of good jobs/job growth.
  • #2: Lack of good education. The second root cause of poverty is a lack of education.
  • #3: Warfare/conflict.
  • #4: Weather/climate change.
  • #5: Social injustice.
  • #6: Lack of food and water.
  • #7: Lack of infrastructure.
  • #8: Lack of government support.

What are the most recognized causes of poverty?

Here, we look at some of the top causes of poverty around the world.


What are effects of poverty?

Poverty is linked with negative conditions such as substandard housing, homelessness, inadequate nutrition and food insecurity, inadequate child care, lack of access to health care, unsafe neighborhoods, and underresourced schools which adversely impact our nation’s children.

What are 3 harmful effects of poverty on one’s personal health?

Malnutrition, respiratory disease, diarrhea, and skin problems are common illnesses for people living in poverty. Definition health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being. Poverty increases the risk of mental health problems and can be both a causal factor and a consequence of mental ill-health.

What is poverty essay?

500+ Words Essay on Poverty Essay. “Poverty is the worst form of violence”. We can define poverty as the condition where the basic needs of a family, like food, shelter, clothing, and education are not fulfilled. It can lead to other problems like poor literacy, unemployment, malnutrition, etc.

Is poverty an economic issue?

Answer: Yes.

What are the 3 basic economic problems?

– The three basic economic problems are regarding the allocation of the resources. These are what to produce, how to produce, and for whom to produce.

What are examples of economic issues?

Economic issues facing the world economy, as well as regions and countries, include prospects for growth, inflation, energy and the environment, inequality, labor issues, emerging markets, and the impact of new technologies.

What are 4 socio-economic factors?

Socio-economic factors include occupation, education, income, wealth and where someone lives.

Comparative adjectives seem to confuse most people, as there always seems to be more than one way to use them. Of course, the debate between “more clever” and “cleverer” is no stranger to this confusion, so let’s look at how we can work out what’s the correct way to write it.

The correct version is both “more clever” and “cleverer.” When using comparative adjectives, you typically use “more” before the adjective if it’s three or more syllables and add “-er” to the end of it if it’s one syllable. However, when words are two syllables, you can choose between the two and pick whichever one sounds more appealing to you. In this case, “cleverer” is the more common word to use.

Is Cleverer A Word?

Yes, “cleverer” is a word, and it’s the comparative form of the adjective “clever.” If you want to compare two people and say that one is more clever than the other, you would be able to say both “more clever” or “cleverer.” “Cleverer” is a way to say the comparative form in a more streamlined way. However, some people don’t like using it because they feel like there are a few too many “e” letters in the word.

It’s a word that’s picked up more relevance and popularity over the years, as we always look for ways to simplify the English language. If you’re struggling to decide between “more clever” or “cleverer,” don’t worry! Since both works, it’s really up to you and your personal preference which one works better.

Is Cleverest A Word?

Now that we’ve covered the comparative adjective “cleverer,” it’s time to look at the superlative adjective “cleverest.” Yes, these two words are different. A comparative adjective is a way to say one thing is “more” than something else. A superlative adjective is a way to say that something is the “most” of all. So, if you’re saying “cleverest,” you’re essentially saying something is the “most clever.”

Of course, both forms, “most clever” and “cleverest,” are correct and acceptable in English. However, it’s more common to come across “cleverest” in both written and spoken language, as it’s the simplified form and the most natural to say. “Most clever” sounds a little bit too harsh to say when using the superlative form.

What Is The Definition Of “Clever”?

We’ve got the tricky language rules part out of the way, so now it’s time to look at what “clever” even means. It’s synonymous with words like “smart” or “intelligent.” it’s a way to show that someone quickly understands a given task or method. If someone is clever, they’re often able to devise strategies or ideas to solve problems quickly. It’s a compliment if someone calls you “clever.”

Does The Rule Also Apply To Cleverest Or Most Clever?

As we’ve already stated above, “cleverest” and “most clever” are the superlative form, and they follow a similar rule to the comparative form “cleverer.” As we said, one-syllable words typically add an “-est” to the end of them in the superlative form. Words with three or more syllables typically put the word “most” in the front and leave the adjective in the same form.

However, like in the comparative form, any words with two syllables are left to their own devices. You can use both “most clever” and “cleverest” interchangeably with each other, and the only reason you might use one over the other is because of the word’s popularity at the time. Two-syllable words don’t follow the rules in quite the same way, so they’re quite useful to have in your arsenal and use them either way.

5 Examples Of How To Use “Cleverer” In A Sentence

Now that we’ve got most of the explanations out of the way, it’s time to look at some examples that’ll help you really get the hang of it. We’ll write out five sentences with the word “cleverer,” comparing two objects in the sentence. It’ll help you understand when to use the comparative adjective. We also find that the best way to learn is by doing and practicing, and example sentences are the best way to ensure that.

  • She was a lot cleverer than me.
  • Michael is cleverer than Darren.
  • The dog is cleverer than I gave him credit for.
  • We are cleverer than we look.
  • You are cleverer than your math teacher.

In all of these sentences, one of the objects in the sentence is being compared to another. Sometimes, the objects aren’t people (like the dog example). It’s also possible for the comparative noun to be something more along the lines of “I gave him credit for,” rather than an outright object that’s easy to distinguish.

5 Examples Of How To Use “More Clever” In A Sentence

Now we will show you five new sentences, each using “more clever” instead of “cleverer.” Remember, the two adjectives are correct in the scenario, and you can use whichever one works best for you. It would be possible to take the sentences from the last section and just replace “cleverer” with “more clever,” but then you wouldn’t get all examples you need!

  • I am more clever than my brother.
  • You are more clever than I thought.
  • The teacher said I was more clever than any other student.
  • We are more clever than our parents ever knew.
  • He is more clever than I am.

What’s Another Word For “Clever”?

Okay, so we’ve gone through the examples and the definitions, there’s only one thing left to do! We like to give alternatives to any words that people might be struggling with. Although “more clever” and “cleverer” can both work, some people still feel uncomfortable using them just in case they get them wrong! Don’t worry if you’re one of those people! These alternative words are much better to use (it also helps to have synonyms in your vocabulary).

  • intelligent
  • smart
  • bright
  • brilliant
  • gifted

Most of these words also have their own comparative adjective, too, if you wanted to practice with them!

martin lassen dam grammarhow

Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.


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  • Английский (американский вариант)

You would just say «more clever», «cleverer» is not a word.

  • Английский (американский вариант)

  • Английский (британский вариант)

clever, cleverer, cleverest

  • Английский (американский вариант)

  • Польский

Searching for «cleverer» on Google Books section yields about 239,000 results, whereas «more clever» yields about 92,800 results. Purely grammar wise «cleverer» is also the correct comparative form, although as you can see some people opt for the other one. Personally «more clever» sounds like baby talk to me.

  • Английский (британский вариант)

@zmoser yes it is a word. Cleverer and cleverest exist and are perfectly correct but seem to have fallen out of fashion.

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How change the adjective clever? How say more clever or cleverer?

  • If I have too many adjectives in one sentence , how should I order them ?


    It doesn’t matter just make sure they’re separated by commas! 😊

  • what’s the opposite of intelligent?


    Stupid (lacking knowledge) or foolish (immature).

    He is not intelligent.

    He is stupid.
    He is foolish.

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    Pues… ¿Qué te gustaría decir?

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    When you say it faster, is it like obious or ovious?


    It would sound the same.

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    — “behind the times”
    — old school
    — Luddite
    — “set in their ways”

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    Simply by the context of the sentence. If the context is about a person, it refers to intelligence almost every time.

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    Brave, bright, courageous, determined, lively, intelligent, confident, etc. There’s a lot ☺️

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Last Update: Jan 03, 2023

This is a question our experts keep getting from time to time. Now, we have got the complete detailed explanation and answer for everyone, who is interested!

Asked by: Marisa Kutch

Score: 4.5/5
(47 votes)

“Cleverer” is correct. In degrees of comparison, we need to see the syllable of the word. For monosyllabic and disyllabic words, there is no need to add more and most. So the positive- comparative-superlative degrees for “clever” is clever- cleverer-cleverest.

Is cleverer correct English?

English — U.S. You can use «more clever» or «cleverer», as the comparative of clever; and you can use «most clever» or «cleverest,» as the superlative of clever.

How do you use cleverer?

How To Use Cleverer In A Sentence?

  1. The lady had been cleverer than himself, and had made the best use of her time.
  2. Alice had deemed herself cleverer than she was, by long chalks, and it was not her that woke us.
  3. The clever man may be a clever rogue; and the cleverer he is, the cleverer rogue he will be.

Is it cleverest or clever?

The cleverest and the most clever are both acceptable to use. The cleverest is much more common. The cleverest/The most clever are examples of Superlative Adjectives. This means that you compare one thing with all the other things in a group.

Is it more friendly or friendlier?

Friendly’ is an adjective. You can use ‘friendlier’ and ‘friendliest’ as well as ‘more/most friendly’. I’m an American native speaker and also an ESL teacher. You hear both forms because both forms are correct.

18 related questions found

Do you say more clear or clearer?

So, clearer or more clear? The basic rules tell us that because clear is a one syllable adjective there is no need to use ‘more. ‘ But the reality is that in everyday usage, both are perfectly acceptable, and you’ll often hear and see both being used.

What is the degree of good?

The degrees of comparison of good are good (positive), better (comparative) and best (superlative).

What is positive clever?

The positive degree form of the word clever is clever itself but, in the given sentence we are supposed to make a comparison using the positive degree of the word with other boys. Therefore, the answer would be option a, ‘as clever as’ as it uses the positive degree of comparison of the adjective and makes sense.

Is more quiet correct?

Both Quieter and More quiet are correct. Quieter is more common but more quiet is also used in modern English. Quieter is the comparative form of quiet. Quieter often sounds more natural to English speakers and more quiet can sometimes sound strange.

Is more funner a word?

Many people, perhaps most people, strongly prefer more fun and most fun as the comparative and superlative forms of fun. Still, plenty of others label things funner and funnest. Many dictionaries acknowledge this use, but still label the adjective form as informal.

Is the commonest grammatically correct?

The comparative and superlative forms of common are usually more common and most common. Commonest is sometimes used instead of most common in front of a noun.

What is the word cleverer?

adj. clev·er·er, clev·er·est. 1. a. Mentally quick and original; bright: a clever student.

What is superlative degree of pretty?

prettier. Superlative. prettiest. The superlative form of pretty; most pretty.

Is clever a positive word?

Clever, a word not quite positive in connotation, a word like so many of the words around intelligence – on the precipice of becoming derogatory.

What is very clever?

mentally bright; having sharp or quick intelligence; able. superficially skillful, witty, or original in character or construction; facile: It was an amusing, clever play, but of no lasting value.

Which degree is best for future?

Internet of Things – A top 10 degree for the future!

  1. The Internet of Things. In-demand jobs for the future include the IoT bachelor’s degree. …
  2. Health Information Technology. …
  3. Information Technology. …
  4. Big Data. …
  5. Artificial Intelligence. …
  6. Chemical Engineering. …
  7. Nursing. …
  8. Construction Management.

What is the easiest degree to get?

10 Easiest College Degrees

  • English literature. …
  • Sports management. …
  • Creative writing. …
  • Communications studies. …
  • Liberal studies. …
  • Theater arts. …
  • Art. You’ll study painting, ceramics, photography, sculpture and drawing. …
  • Education. An article on CBS MoneyWatch named education the country’s easiest major.

Is the word clearer correct?

Both «more clear» and «clearer» are acceptable: Your answer is more clear than mine. Your answer is clearer than mine. Frequency of use: clearer than is twice as common as more clear than, although both are common.

How do you use clearer in a sentence?

Clearer sentence example

  1. Things will be a bit clearer in the morning. …
  2. Everything seemed clearer , as though she had come out of a fog. …
  3. Richard Strauss, in his edition of Berlioz’s works on Instrumentation, paradoxically characterizes the classical orchestral style as that which was derived from chamber-music.

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Thats Enough Now Tart

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Little debate here

I’m a normal person with a solid grasp of english grammar and vocabulary. To my knowledge cleverer isn’t a word because it just sounds wrong, in the same way eagerer isn’t a word. The correct form should be more clever and more eager.

Friend and dictionary sites say it isn’t :S

So without wiki-ing it is it a word? And which would you use?

What does trials-forum think?

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Trials Master

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Use a whole different word, such as smarter..

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Too Much Spare Time

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I just voted no, but then said it aloud.

After that, I’ve go to say it is a word and sounds a lot better than ‘more clever’.

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Too Much Spare Time

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More clever.

Most clever.

«Cleverer» and «cleverist» just seem wrong. I hate the English language for all these ridiculous inconsistencies, but at the same time I damn well love it for the very same thing.

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Trials Master


Too Much Spare Time

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So without wiki-ing it is it a word?

Anyone can Google. He was after personal opinions by the sound of it — not facts.

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Trials Master

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Use a whole different word, such as smarter..

Anyone can Google. He was after personal opinions by the sound of it — not facts.

I have given my personal opinion already. In these situations just use a better word that will avoid confusion…I agree they sound wrong but they can still be used, I have had this issue before and therefore have researched it before, but it can still cause confusion it seems.

Edited January 29, 2012 by AndrewEH1

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Trials Elite


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Nope — Cleverer isn’t considered a word in the ENGLISH dictionary, however it is in american. In the UK, the term is more clever. Clever is an adjective, and when beginning with a consonant, should not be followed by Er, only est. When it begins with a consonant, the term should be more.

For example;

That looks more green than that one. As the object contains more of a green shade.

That person is more clever than him down there. As the person is more knowlegable.

And so on.

Well I’ve just looked in my Collins dictionary and both cleverer and cleverest are there. Shall we blame the internet?

Edited January 30, 2012 by AndrewEH1

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Post Whore

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Clever is an adjective, and when beginning with a consonant, should not be followed by Er, only est. When it begins with a consonant, the term should be more.

Eh? You’re saying greener/faster/stronger/fitter/better aren’t allowed as words because they start with a consonant?

I would have thought cleverer was technically OK but since it doesn’t quite sound right, most people would use the ‘more clever’ form.

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Thats Enough Now Tart

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I was doing some reading and the number of syllables the adjective contains has something to do with it. As mentioned above

green = 1 syllable => greener is ok

fast = 1 syllable => faster is ok

homophobic = 4 syllables => homophobicer is not ok (sorry, only other long adjective I could think of)

interesting = 4 syllables => interestinger is not ok

eager = 2 syllables => eagerer? Id say no but internet dictionaries say yes

clever = 2 syllables => cleverer?


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Trials Master

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Post Whore

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I’d never say cleverer in conversation, it’s just not part of my vocabulary. Doesn’t mean it’s not in a dictionary, but dictionaries are constantly evolving entities and it wouldn’t surprise me if cleverer was one day removed through lack of use.

EDIT: I voted ‘no’ for that reason, even though clearly the ‘correct’ answer is yes.

Edited January 30, 2012 by JD™

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Luke Rainbird

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EDIT: I voted ‘no’ for that reason, even though clearly the ‘correct’ answer is yes.

I voted yes on the same technicality, but would only ever use it when taking the piss. :P

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Trials Master

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It’s a paradox.

I’m cleverer than you all.

In that sentence, that word would let everyone know that you’re one chromosome short of a full set. And while they may pat you on the back, they all know they’re more intelligent.

I’d never say it. Just because it sounds so incredibly awkward.

Edited January 30, 2012 by MonsieurMonkey

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I still say the plural of octopus is octopodes — pronounced oc-top-o-dease (last 4 letters to rhyme with tease) because it’s greek not latin.

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Too Much Spare Time

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I still say the plural of octopus is octopodes — pronounced oc-top-o-dease (last 4 letters to rhyme with tease) because it’s greek not latin.

Surely the plural of Octopus should be Octopussies? :giggle:

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Mark W

Post Whore


Post Whore

King C

Too Much Spare Time

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Now assume that due to the huge popularity of the cars, there were to be a Prius owners club. If more than one of them were to hold a meet and you happened to walk past you’d say «oh em gee, man that’s a lot of …………. right there»

On a more relevant note, I would have thought the shit rules (which often don’t work anyway) would say no to repeated sounds to aid prononciation. Much like «a napron» has now become the more commonly known «an apron».

Thats my guess anyway.

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Post Whore

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I had a gyro tonight, which aparently is pronounced ‘euro’. :huh:

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Too Much Spare Time

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I hope it isn’t, the elegance of the word is absent. But knowing how widespread it’s used I’m guessing even if it isn’t now the likelihood is, it will be picked up soon.

I seem to remember to make the dictionary, as a new word, all you have to do is be a word in common usage.

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