Circle the word that is different socks gloves trainers sandals

Unit 4(1) Grammar Test

  1. Complete the sentences with a verb in the past continuous

I took this photo when my wife ___________________in the garden. (work)

He met his wife when he ______________in Japan. (live)

They ______________________for us when we arrived. (not wait)

___________she____________a coat when she went out? (wear)

The sun ______________when I left for work. (shine)

  1. Put the verb into the past continuous or past simple.

I_______________my arm when I __________________football. (break, play)

____________you ____________fast when the police __________you? (drive, stop)

It ______________when we ______________the pub. (snow, leave)

I ______________________the match because I ____________(not see, work)

  1. Complete the sentences with the superlative

Yesterday was _______________ day of the year. (hot)

She’s ___________________________girl at school. (friendly)

This is ______________________time to drive to the city. (bad)

  1. Circle the word that is different

friendly skirt unkind lazy

socks gloves trainers sandals

foggy windy long snowy

winter March summer spring

blouse dress glass tie

kitten hamster budgie cage

5. Write negative sentences.

Last October I went on holiday to Thailand. ____________________________

We have English classes twice a week. ________________________________

She gets up early every day. _________________________________________

I am sending a message to Mike now. __________________________________

He will be late.____________________________________________________

Unit 4(2) Grammar Test

  1. Complete the sentences with a verb in the past continuous

What __________you ___________at 7.30 last night? (do)

I _____________________when you gave the instructions. (not listen)

We ____________________TV when you phoned. (not watch)

I_________________lunch when my sister arrived.(have)

It ____________ when you got up. (rain)

  1. Put the verb into the past continuous or past simple.

The accident _________________when I _____________ the road. (happen, cross)

When I _____________out of the club he _________________for me. (come, wait)

I ________________TV when the telephone _____________ (watch, ring)

We _______________in Cambridge when we ________________(study, meet)

What ___________you ___________ at 11 o’clock last night? (do)

  1. Complete the sentences with the superlative

This book is ___________________. (popular)

___________________time to visit New England is autumn. (good)

It is __________________city in Europe. (dirty)

  1. Circle the word that is different

spider snake parrot book

British Spanish Student Russian

moon school stars sun

home run jump come

green leaves yellow brown

bread egg candle milk

friendly serious lazy dirty

5. Write negative sentences.

I was at school at 9 o’clock. ______________________________________

They can jump very well._________________________________________

My dog likes to play with me. ____________________________________

We bought some tasty things for my mum. ____________________________

Next May I will go to Italy on holiday. ________________________________

Олимпиада для учащихся 1-5 классов «От звездочек – к звездам!» по Английскому языку (задания и ответы) Олимпиаду «От звездочек – к звездам!» по английскому языку пишут школьники по всей России. Олимпиады для выявление и развития у младших школьников творческих способностей и интереса к научно-исследовательской деятельности, пропаганды научных знаний, содействия ранней профессиональной ориентации младших школьников. Официальная дата проведения с 1 декабря по 20 декабря

Купить задания и ответы текущего учебного года: Купить

• Ссылка для скачивания заданий: Скачать
• Ссылка для скачивания ответов: Скачать

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Некоторые интересные задания 1-3 класс:

Задание 1. Выберите слово, в котором подчеркнутая буква (буквы) произносится иначе/ Choose an odd word out:
а) his
b) let
c) friend
d) egg
a) food
b) mouse
c) zoo
d) you
a) game
b) play
c) date
d) can
a) dark
b) start
c) ask
d) fall
a) hit
b) swim
c) night
d) pig

Task 1: _____________ / 10 points
Задание 2. Сопоставьте слово с его значением/ Match the word with its meaning:
1. snowballs a) прятки
2. yellow b) слон
3. hide-and-seek с) снежки
4. write d)желтый
5. elephant e) писать

Task 2: _____________ / 10 points
Задание 3. Выберите лишнее по значению слово/ Choose an odd word out:
b) ski
c) hopscotch
d) tag
a) apricot
b) tomato
c) plum
d) orange
a) to ski
b) to sledge
c)to skip
d) to skate
a) lion
b) elephant
c) giraffe
d) parrot
a) it
b) his
c) she
d) you

Task 3: _____________ / 10 points
Задание 4. Расставьте слова в правильном порядке/ Put the words in the correct order:
1. are/ you / Where/ from/ ?
2. brother/ hasn’t/ My/ a /got/ skateboard.
3. cousin/ the piano/ play/ can/ Her.

Task 4: _____________ / 6 points
Задание 5. Выберите правильный ответ/ Choose the correct alternative:
1. … he want to be a dentist?
a) Does
b) Do
c) Are

2. What colour …?
a) it is
b) does it
c) is it

3. Jane … playing tennis now. She is at home.
a) doesn’t
b) isn’t
c) is

4. Sam … a parrot at the Zoo yesterday.
a) saw
b) see
c) looked

5. Mike has got a pet. … pet is a dog.
a) My
b) His
c) Her

6. … is the symbol of Moscow.
a) Big Ben
b) The Big Apple
c) Red Square

7. … is the river in London
a) The Volga
b) The Mississippi
c) the Thames

Task 5: _____________ / 14 points
Задание 6. Прочитайте текст/ Read the text.
It was Sunday yesterday. Ann’s parents were not at home. They went to visit Ann’s grandfather. Ann didn’t go with them. She did her homework and played the piano. Then she read a book about birds. In the evening her school friend came to see her. They played games and watched TV.
They saw a very funny film about Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse. They liked the film very much. When mother and father came, Ann said, “I had a very good time”.

6.1. Выберите подходящий заголовок/ Choose the best title:
a) Ann’s Saturday
b) Ann’s Sunday
c) The Weekend
Task 6.1.: _____________ / 2 points

6.2. Отметьте утверждения, соответствующие содержанию текста/ Choose the true sentences:
1. It was Saturday yesterday.
2. Ann did not to see her grandfather.
3. Ann’s parents were not at home.
4. Ann played with her kitten.
5. She watched a film about Mother Hen.
6. Ann had a good time.

Некоторые интересные задания 4-5 класс:

Task 1. Choose the word with a different vowel sound.

Answer 1:

Answer 2:

Answer 3:

Answer 4:

Task 3. Read the text and mark the sentences True (1), False (2), or Doesn’t say (3).
Why are the British so bad at learning languages?
The British are bad at speaking foreign languages. It’s a fact. In any city around Europe you can find British tourists asking for the restaurant menu in English. At best they will try to say a couple of phrases they have learnt from a phrase book. But they will stop making an effort the moment they discover the waiter knows a little English.
Only 5% of British people can count to 20 in another language. So why is this? Laziness is possibly the key factor. There is a general feeling among British people that ‘everyone speaks English nowadays so it’s not worth learning other languages’. In multinational companies English is often the official language of communication within the company. Also, British people who live abroad can always find other British expatriates to talk to. To watch British TV with, even to go to British pubs with all reasons for never bothering to learn the local language. The situation in British schools doesn’t help. Ten years ago, about 80% of children at secondary school studied a foreign language. Today that number has gone down to 40%. And even the few pupils who study foreign languages at school don’t have as many hours of classes as pupils in other European countries. It is also a problem that British children don’t study English grammar any more, which makes it more difficult for them to learn the grammar of another language.
1. British people rarely travel abroad.
Answer 1:
2. British pupils are lazy.
Answer 2:
3. Most pupils in Britain study a foreign language nowadays.
Answer 3:
4. British children don’t know enough about their own grammar.
Answer 4:
5. Language teachers in British schools are not very good.
Answer 5:

Task 4. Choose the word which is different.

Answer 1:

Answer 2:

Answer 3:

Answer 4:

Task 6. Choose the correct item.
1. ___ any brothers or sisters?
a Have you
b Do you
c Do you have

2. In the picture the woman ___ a blue dress.
a wears
b wearing
c is wearing

3. She drives ___ than her brother.
a much faster
b much more fastly
c much more fast

4. My sister drinks ___ coffee.
a too many
b too much
c too

5. When I got home my parents ___ on the sofa.
a were sitting
b sat
c sit

6. We had a great time, ___ the weather wasn’t very good.
a so
b because
c although

7. A What time ___ tomorrow? B At 8.00.
a you leave
b do you leave
c are you leaving

8. A Has Anne arrived ___? B No, but she’s on her way.
a just
b yet
c already

9. A When ___ those shoes? B Last week.
a have you bought
b did you buy
c do you buy

10. I don’t want ___ to eat, thanks. I’m not hungry.
a anything
b nothing
c something

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Инженерная олимпиада «Звезда» отборочный тур 2020-2021 (задания и ответы)

* Олимпиады и конкурсы
* Готовые контрольные работы
* Работы СтатГрад
* Официальные ВПР


Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Пожалуйста, помогите!!!! Срочно!!!! Умоляю!!!

Задание №1 Read the words in the word snake.Обведи как можно больше
слов в змейке. Jacketrousersweateraincoatightshortsandalshirt

Задание № 2. Cross the odd one out. Вычеркни лишнее слово, которое не подходит по смыслу. 1. Trainers, gloves, shoes, boots 2. Scarf, gloves, socks, shorts 3. Jeans, trousers, shorts,sweaters 4. Jacket, vest, cardigan, pants 5. Wellingtons, hiking boots, briefs, shoes 6. Visor, cap, flip flops, hat

Задание № 3. Circle the correct sentence. Обведи правильный вариант (букву) в каждом предложении. 1. A) These trousers are short. B) This trousers are short. 2. A) How much is the jeans? B) How much are the jeans? 3. A) He’s wearing a blue hat. B) He’s wearing blue hat. 4. A) I’d like a socks. B) I’d like a pair of socks. 5. A) Take this shoes, B) Take these shoes.

Задание № 4. Read and answer the questions. Прочитай и ответь на вопросы. Обведи правильный вариант. Hi! My name’s Ellie. I‘m from Britain .It isn’t cold. I wear a sweatshirt, a jacket and trainers. Hi! My name’s Kathy. I’m from Australia. Right now it’s hot and sunny in Australia. I wear shorts and a T-shirt. Hello! My name’s Sasha. I’m from Belarus. It’s very cold in winter. It snows! I wear a coat, a scarf and a hat. Hello! My name’s Tim. I’m from Texas, USA. It’s warm in winter. I wear jeans and a sweater. 1. Who wears jeans and a sweater in winter? a) Kathy b) Sasha c) Tim 2. Who wears a jacket in winter? a) Kathy b) Ellie c) Tim 3. What’s the weather like in Australia now? a) hot b) very cold c) not cold 4. What’s the weather like in Belarus in winter? a) warm b) very cold c) not cold 5. What does Tim wear in winter? a) shorts b) a sweater c) a scarf 6. What does Sasha wear in winter? a) shorts b) a jacket c) a coat

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык










№ 2.

1. gloves

 2. Scarf

 3. sweaters

4. pants

5. briefs

 6. flip flops 

№ 3.

1. A) These trousers are short.

2. A) How much is the jeans

 3. A) He’s wearing a blue hat.

4. B) I’d like a pair of socks.

5. B) Take these shoes. 

 № 4. 1. Who wears jeans and a sweater in winter? c) Tim 2. Who wears a jacket in winter? b) Ellie 3. What’s the weather like in Australia now? a) hot 4. What’s the weather like in Belarus in winter? b) very cold 5. What does Tim wear in winter? b) a sweater  6. What does Sasha wear in winter?  c) a coat


  1. Контрольная работа по английскому языку «Performing Arts: Theatre» (8 класс)
  2. Олимпиада для учащихся 1-5 классов «От звездочек – к звездам!» по Английскому языку (задания и ответы)
  3. Некоторые интересные задания 1-3 класс:
  4. Некоторые интересные задания 4-5 класс:
  5. Переведите Copy the words and circle the odd word out?
  6. Choose the correct word?
  7. Find the odd word letter, singer, driver, tailor, butcher?
  8. Choose one odd word out ; inactive, infarmation, invite, interesting, industry?
  9. Choose the correct word?
  10. Choose the odd one?
  11. Choose the correct word?
  12. Cross the odd word out?
  13. Select the odd word that does not fit into a list, giving reasons for your choice :A?
  14. Задание 4 К каждому английскому слову и словосочетанию подберите русский эквивалент. Внимание: одно слово является лишним.

Контрольная работа по английскому языку «Performing Arts: Theatre» (8 класс)

Данная контрольная работа предназначена для контроля лексико-грамматических навыков по английскому языку учащихся 8 класса, УМК «Rainbow English» Афанасьевой О.В, Михеевой И.В., Барановой К.М., раздел 2 «Performing Arts: Theatre».

Контрольная работа по английскому языку для 8 класса, УМК Rainbow English »/Афанасьева О.В, Михеева И.В., Баранова К.М., раздел 2 « Performing Arts : Theatre »

Choose an odd word out.

1)foyer, gallery, god, stalls;

2) balcony, stage, cruelty, cloakroom;

3) allow, add, hold, alike;

4) receive, refuse, devote, reply;

5)cruel, possible, pianist, classical;

3. Write in one word.

1) A person in a play or film;

2) A drama about sad events;

3) A drama about funny events;

4) A kind of a platform in the theatre where actors perform;

5) The place where people buy tickets;

6) The highest floor in the theatre;

7) The place in the theatre where people can buy food.

4. Fill in the prepositions (at, from, in, of, on, to, with)

1) He said he had bought four tickets… the Bolshoy Theatre.

20 There is no shop … the end of our street.

3) The seats were not … the stalls, they were … the gallery.

4) …the end we decided to buy a nice dress as a present for her.

5) Suddenly a young actress appeared … the stage.

5. Report the sentences

1) Julia said: “My seats are in the stalls”.

2) Tom said;”We are organizing a coffee break”.

3) Terry said:”I am offering you a cup of tea”.

4)Elizabeth said:”I have sent an email to George”.

5)Charles said: “Our team won the first match”.

6) Bob said :”I can do it”.

1. Choose an odd word out.

1) impossible, previous, safe, ticket;

2) blood, character, scenery, willingly;

3) circle, curtain, entertainment, previously;

4) usher, theatregoer, elegance, pianist;

5) pianist, character, dramatist, preference.

Главный герой, новое развлечение, получать подарки, разрешить сделать что-либо, держать сумку под мышкой, необычное развлечение, обдумывать план, преданные друзья, выглядеть похоже, предложить чашку чая.

3. Write in one word.

1)The place in the theatre where musicians sit and play;

2)The place in the theatre where people leave their coats;

3) The place in the theatre where people come together and talk;

4) A person in a play or film.

5) The place where people buy tickets;

6) The highest floor in the theatre;

7) The place in the theatre where people can buy food.

4. Fill in the prepositions (at, from, in, of, on, to, with)

1) He bought two tickets … ”The Sounds of Music”.

2)At the theatre people leave their coats … the cloakroom.

3(What did he write … the end of his letter?

4) …. the end we decided to stage the play “Romeo and Juliet” by Shakespeare.

5)The actors appeared … the stage.

5. Report the sentences

1)_Peter said:»We are near the orchestra pit”.

2) The girls said:”We are really enjoying the show”.

3) Jim said: “I am connecting the two lines’.

4) James said:”We have left our opera glasses at home”.

5) Emoly said: ”We met at the box office”.

Ex.2: a possible problem, a well-known dramatist/playwright, to receive visitors, unusual cruelty, to organize a party, to give blood, to connect two banks of the river.

Ex.5: 1) Julia said (that) her seats were in the stalls.2) Tom said (that) they were organizing a coffee break.3) Terry said (that) he was offering me a cup of tea.4) Charles said (that) their team had won the first match.5) Tom said (that) he could do it.

Ex.3: 1) orchestra pit, 2) a cloakroom, 3) a foyer, 4) a character, 5) a ticket office, 6) a gallery, 7) a buffet.

Ex.4: 1) to, 1) at, 3) at, 4) in, 5) on.

Ex.5: 1) Peter said (that) they were near the orchestra pit.

2) The girls said (that) they were really enjoying the show.

3) Jim said n (that) he was connecting the two lines.

4) James said (that) they had left our opera glasses at home.

5) Emily said (that) they had met at the box office.


Олимпиада для учащихся 1-5 классов «От звездочек – к звездам!» по Английскому языку (задания и ответы)

Олимпиаду «От звездочек – к звездам!» по английскому языку пишут школьники по всей России. Олимпиады для выявление и развития у младших школьников творческих способностей и интереса к научно-исследовательской деятельности, пропаганды научных знаний, содействия ранней профессиональной ориентации младших школьников. Официальная дата проведения с 1 декабря по 20 декабря

Купить задания и ответы текущего учебного года: Купить

• Ссылка для скачивания заданий: Скачать
• Ссылка для скачивания ответов: Скачать

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Некоторые интересные задания 1-3 класс:

Задание 1. Выберите слово, в котором подчеркнутая буква (буквы) произносится иначе/ Choose an odd word out:
а) his
b) let
c) friend
d) egg
a) food
b) mouse
c) zoo
d) you
a) game
b) play
c) date
d) can
a) dark
b) start
c) ask
d) fall
a) hit
b) swim
c) night
d) pig

Task 1: _____________ / 10 points
Задание 2. Сопоставьте слово с его значением/ Match the word with its meaning:
1. snowballs a) прятки
2. yellow b) слон
3. hide-and-seek с) снежки
4. write d)желтый
5. elephant e) писать

Task 2: _____________ / 10 points
Задание 3. Выберите лишнее по значению слово/ Choose an odd word out:
b) ski
c) hopscotch
d) tag
a) apricot
b) tomato
c) plum
d) orange
a) to ski
b) to sledge
c)to skip
d) to skate
a) lion
b) elephant
c) giraffe
d) parrot
a) it
b) his
c) she
d) you

Task 4: _____________ / 6 points
Задание 5. Выберите правильный ответ/ Choose the correct alternative:
1. … he want to be a dentist?
a) Does
b) Do
c) Are

2. What colour …?
a) it is
b) does it
c) is it

3. Jane … playing tennis now. She is at home.
a) doesn’t
b) isn’t
c) is

4. Sam … a parrot at the Zoo yesterday.
a) saw
b) see
c) looked

5. Mike has got a pet. … pet is a dog.
a) My
b) His
c) Her

6. … is the symbol of Moscow.
a) Big Ben
b) The Big Apple
c) Red Square

7. … is the river in London
a) The Volga
b) The Mississippi
c) the Thames

Task 5: _____________ / 14 points
Задание 6. Прочитайте текст/ Read the text.
It was Sunday yesterday. Ann’s parents were not at home. They went to visit Ann’s grandfather. Ann didn’t go with them. She did her homework and played the piano. Then she read a book about birds. In the evening her school friend came to see her. They played games and watched TV.
They saw a very funny film about Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse. They liked the film very much. When mother and father came, Ann said, “I had a very good time”.

6.1. Выберите подходящий заголовок/ Choose the best title:
a) Ann’s Saturday
b) Ann’s Sunday
c) The Weekend
Task 6.1.: _____________ / 2 points

6.2. Отметьте утверждения, соответствующие содержанию текста/ Choose the true sentences:
1. It was Saturday yesterday.
2. Ann did not to see her grandfather.
3. Ann’s parents were not at home.
4. Ann played with her kitten.
5. She watched a film about Mother Hen.
6. Ann had a good time.

Некоторые интересные задания 4-5 класс:

Task 1. Choose the word with a different vowel sound.

Answer 1:

Answer 2:

Answer 3:

Answer 4:

Task 3. Read the text and mark the sentences True (1), False (2), or Doesn’t say (3).
Why are the British so bad at learning languages?
The British are bad at speaking foreign languages. It’s a fact. In any city around Europe you can find British tourists asking for the restaurant menu in English. At best they will try to say a couple of phrases they have learnt from a phrase book. But they will stop making an effort the moment they discover the waiter knows a little English.
Only 5% of British people can count to 20 in another language. So why is this? Laziness is possibly the key factor. There is a general feeling among British people that ‘everyone speaks English nowadays so it’s not worth learning other languages’. In multinational companies English is often the official language of communication within the company. Also, British people who live abroad can always find other British expatriates to talk to. To watch British TV with, even to go to British pubs with all reasons for never bothering to learn the local language. The situation in British schools doesn’t help. Ten years ago, about 80% of children at secondary school studied a foreign language. Today that number has gone down to 40%. And even the few pupils who study foreign languages at school don’t have as many hours of classes as pupils in other European countries. It is also a problem that British children don’t study English grammar any more, which makes it more difficult for them to learn the grammar of another language.
1. British people rarely travel abroad.
Answer 1:
2. British pupils are lazy.
Answer 2:
3. Most pupils in Britain study a foreign language nowadays.
Answer 3:
4. British children don’t know enough about their own grammar.
Answer 4:
5. Language teachers in British schools are not very good.
Answer 5:

Task 4. Choose the word which is different.

Answer 1:

Answer 2:

Answer 3:

Answer 4:

Task 6. Choose the correct item.
1. ___ any brothers or sisters?
a Have you
b Do you
c Do you have

2. In the picture the woman ___ a blue dress.
a wears
b wearing
c is wearing

3. She drives ___ than her brother.
a much faster
b much more fastly
c much more fast

4. My sister drinks ___ coffee.
a too many
b too much
c too

5. When I got home my parents ___ on the sofa.
a were sitting
b sat
c sit

6. We had a great time, ___ the weather wasn’t very good.
a so
b because
c although

7. A What time ___ tomorrow? B At 8.00.
a you leave
b do you leave
c are you leaving

8. A Has Anne arrived ___? B No, but she’s on her way.
a just
b yet
c already

9. A When ___ those shoes? B Last week.
a have you bought
b did you buy
c do you buy

10. I don’t want ___ to eat, thanks. I’m not hungry.
a anything
b nothing
c something


Choose the odd word (выбери лишнее слово)

Переведите Copy the words and circle the odd word out?

Переведите Copy the words and circle the odd word out.

Choose the correct word?

Choose the correct word.

Find the odd word letter, singer, driver, tailor, butcher?

Find the odd word letter, singer, driver, tailor, butcher.

Choose one odd word out ; inactive, infarmation, invite, interesting, industry?

Choose one odd word out ; inactive, infarmation, invite, interesting, industry.

Choose the correct word?

Choose the correct word.

Choose the odd one?

Choose the odd one.

Choose the correct word?

Choose the correct word.

Cross the odd word out?

Cross the odd word out.

Select the odd word that does not fit into a list, giving reasons for your choice :A?

Select the odd word that does not fit into a list, giving reasons for your choice :

Помогите пожалуйста найти лишнее слово и обьяснить почему оно лишнее.

Начинать с таких слов : «.

» is the odd word because it.

I go to the blackboard I write the text if that lesson is Rassian I read book if that lesson is literature I play with friends I eat everything.

Dear John! – обращение к другу, родственникуDear Sir– обращение, если этот Джон – ваш начальник. Официальное обращение. My dear Sir–обращение, которое можно использовать в личной переписке с ирониейDear Mr. Smith– официальное обращение к малознак..

1. a) He seems to be working hard. B) She was beside herself with excitement and could hardly say a word. 2. a) Why not walk there? He lives quite near. B) He nearly broke his leg when he fell down the steps. 3. a) What are you doing here so lat..

1)Did you travel a lot? (Путешествуешь ли ты много? ) Yes i did / No i didn’t (Выбери нужный ответ под тебя, например ты путешествуешь много и ты пишешь Yes, i did 2)Did you stay at a hotel? (Остаешься ли ты в отеле? ) Yes i did / No i didn’t 3)D..

1. We must help each other and work closely. 2. I do not like to wake up early. 3. He hates to shave. 4. I admire her. 5. Let’s make a short break! 6. She takes a lot of pictures when traveling. 7. I need a couple of minutes! 8. Let’s get back..

Depends is leaving had got are have never been we’ll win i’ll come.


Задание 4 К каждому английскому слову и словосочетанию подберите русский эквивалент. Внимание: одно слово является лишним.

Зачетная работа Вариант 1А

Задание 1 Прочитайте текст:

My name is Tony Hudson. I am a computer programmer. I work a 40-hour week. We have flexible hours so I start and finish my work when I want. If we are very busy, then I work overtime – I get paid extra for this. There are always problems to solve. It can be difficult but I can also be creative.

I earn a good salary but my job doesn’t rule my life. I like to do different things in my free time. I am interested in photography. This hobby is according to my character and taste, and I am lucky because my life becomes more interesting and exciting. Besides, I am fond of spending my free time in the country. My friends often come to my country cottage for the weekend and we have a good time.

Задание 2 Выберите слово, в котором гласный под ударением произносится звуком [ə:]:

a) problem b) cottage c) work d) often

Задание 3 Выберите слово, в котором звук, передаваемый буквой “u”, произносится иначе:

a) busy b) sunny c) difficult d) lucky

Задание 4.Укажите слово, выпадающее из данного смыслового ряда:

a) to like b) to be fond of c) to enjoy d) to solve

Задание 5 К каждому английскому слову и словосочетанию подберите русский эквивалент. Внимание: одно слово является лишним.

1. flexible 2. to earn 3. creative 4. according to 5. to spend free time 6. to work overtime 7. to be fond of a) в соответствие с b) нравиться c) зарабатывать d) преобладать e) творческий f) работать сверхурочно g) гибкий h) проводить свободное время

Задание 6 Укажите слово, выпадающее из данного смыслового ряда:

a) a weekend b) hobby c) free time d) spare time

Задание 7 Образуйте множественное число от следующих имён существительных:

A photograph, a photo, a life, a country, a woman, a mouse, a computer, a deer

Задание 8 Перефразируйте следующие слово­сочетания с предлогом, употребляя притяжательный падеж имени существительного:

a) the hobbies of Tony Hudson

b) the profession of our friend

c) the questions of the students

Задание 9 Прочитайте текст и выберите соответствующий перевод подчеркнутого грамматического явления:

a) не управляют b) не управляет c) управляется d) не управление

Задание 10 Ответьте на следующие вопросы по тексту:

a) What is the profession of Tony Hudson? b) How many hours a week does he work?

c) What is his hobby? d) Why is Tony lucky?

Зачетная работа Вариант 1Б

Задание 1 Прочитайте текст:

Learning foreign languages is important nowadays. Some people learn languages because they need them in their work, others travel abroad, for the third it is a hobby. Every year thousands of people from Russia go to different countries as tourists or to work. A modern person cannot work successfully with an imported machine or a computer if he doesn’t know English. Diplomats, historians and scientists need foreign languages in their work, too. If you want to be a stewardess, a pilot or a customs officer, a manager or a shop-assistant in a big department store you must learn English, the language of international communication.

Задание 2 Выберите слово, в котором буква “i” произносится звуком [ə:]:

a) third b) different c) historian d) big

Задание 3 Выберите слово, в котором звук, передаваемый буквой “c”, произносится иначе:

Задание 4 (7 баллов) К каждому английскому слову и словосочетанию подберите русский эквивалент. Внимание: одно слово является лишним.

1. foreign languages 2. to travel abroad 3. to learn 4. successfully 5. a scientist 6. nowadays 7. communication a) учёный b) общение c) увлечение d) в наши дни e) иностранные языки f) путешествовать за границу g) изучать h) успешно

Задание 5 Укажите слово, выпадающее из данного смыслового ряда:

a) to learn b) to study c) to want d) to teach

Задание 6 Укажите слово, выпадающее из данного смыслового ряда:

a) people b) a historian c) a man d) a person

Задание 7 Образуйте множественное число от следующих имён существительных:

A stewardess, a person, a hobby, a pilot, a child, a library, a sheep, a tooth

Задание 8 Перефразируйте следующие слово­сочетания с предлогом, употребляя притяжательный падеж имени существительного:

a) the job of the scientists

b) the hobby of our manager

c) the luggage of the tourists

Задание 9 (1 балл) Прочитайте текст и выберите соответствующий перевод подчеркнутого грамматического явления:

a) не знает b) знает c) знание d) не знать

Задание 10 Ответьте на следующие вопросы по тексту:

a) What language is the language of international communication?

b) Why do people learn foreign languages?

c) What professions especially need learning of foreign languages?

d) For what purpose do the scientists learn foreign languages?

Зачетная работаВариант 1 В

Задание 1 Прочитайте текст переведите текст:

Learning foreign languages is important nowadays.

Some people learn languages because they need them in their work, others travel abroad, for the third it is a hobby.

Every year thousands of people from Russia go to different countries as tourists or to work.

A modern person cannot work successfully with an imported machine or a computer if he doesn’t know English.

Diplomats, historians and scientists need foreign languages in their work, too.

If you want to be a stewardess, a pilot or a customs officer, a manager or a shop-assistant in a big department store you must learn English, the language of international communication.

Задание 2 Ответьте на следующие вопросы по тексту:

a) What language is the language of international communication?

b) Why do people learn foreign languages?

c) What professions especially need learning of foreign languages?

d) For what purpose do the scientists learn foreign languages

Задание 3 Прочитайте текст и выберите соответствующий перевод подчеркнутого грамматического явления:

a) не управляют b) не управляет c) управляется d) не управление

Задание 4 К каждому английскому слову и словосочетанию подберите русский эквивалент. Внимание: одно слово является лишним.

1. flexible 2. to earn 3. creative 4. according to 5. to spend free time 6. to work overtime 7. to be fond of a) в соответствие с b) нравиться c) зарабатывать d) преобладать e) творческий f) работать сверхурочно g) гибкий h) проводить свободное время
Задание 5 Выберите слово, в котором буква “i” произносится звуком [ə:]:

a) third b) different c) historian d) big

Задание 6 Выберите слово, в котором звук, передаваемый буквой “c”, произносится иначе:

a) customs b) communication c) officer d) because

Задание 7 Укажите слово, выпадающее из данного смыслового ряда:

a) to learn b) to study c) to want d) to teach

Задание 8 Укажите слово, выпадающее из данного смыслового ряда:

a) people b) a historian c) a man d) a person

Задание 9 Образуйте множественное число от следующих имён существительных:

A stewardess, a person, a hobby, a pilot, a child, a library, a sheep, a tooth

Задание 10 Перефразируйте следующие слово­сочетания с предлогом, употребляя притяжательный падеж имени существительного:

a) the job of the scientists b) the hobby of our manager c) the luggage of the tourists

Зачетная работаВариант 3

Переведите следующие слова, словосочетания, понятия

Transcription, transliteration; abbreviation; letter; sound; vowel; UNO; mass media; noun; adjective; newspaper; BBC; preposition; verb; to be; to have; to do; the best; article; pronoun

Goods; foot; bee; consonant; tooth; news; woman-women; countable; mice

Уear, week, date, March, October, winter, minute, season; month; hour.

Let me introduce myself; I am a student: the Tula State Technology College; crane driver; auto mechanic; to repair; excavator; my future profession; my name; in three year; I want to be;

Large; wide; warm; old; deep; sociable;; hot; comfortable; short;

Body; head, kind, appearance, polite, arm, legs, slim, stout, hair, eyes;

Get up, wash face and hands, brush teeth; every day; sometimes, to have breakfast, to come home, to help, to get dressed, to play;

State, coat of arms, population, capital city, lakes, forests, official name, mountains, currency, largest cities;

Washington, DC; the UK, the Tower, the bald eagle, the Great Lakes, the Thames, beaver, Ottawa, fern, ostrich emu, Maori, Aotearoa, the British Isles, the Thames, desert, platypus;

Victory Day, Mother’s Day, Christmas, New Year’s Eve, to give presents, to wish, to celebrate, Guy Fawkes Night, Independence Day, royal traditions, Thanksgiving Day, Easter;

Tower crane, dump truck, winch, jack, load, counterweight, safety engineering, mounting ground, to prohibit, to lift;

To excavate, road, bucket, engine, level, road-metal, sand, gravel, to build, to dig;

Vehicle, wheel, engine, steering wheel, service station, petrol, fuel, tire, car body, hatchback;

Science; to compute, PC, input devices, chip, hardware, software, keyboard, laptop, digital;

Inventor, steam engine, helicopter, great inventions, to design, gadget, to discover, to create, electric cell, canned food, vacuum cleaner;

Environment, the Earth, to pollute, to protect, ecology, insect, living nature, trees, acid rain, poison;

Dentist, fireman, plumber, turner, cook, work experience, job, a modern specialist, driver, artist;

Town, city, village, street, road, building, advantage, traffic, fresh air, church, bus station.

Зачетная работа Вариант 4.

Напишите по-английски (назовите) не менее 10 ЛЕ (слов или словосочетаний) по следующим темам:


Обучайтесь и развивайтесь всесторонне вместе с нами, делитесь знаниями и накопленным опытом, расширяйте границы знаний и ваших умений.

поделиться знаниями или
запомнить страничку

  • Все категории
  • экономические
  • гуманитарные
  • юридические
  • школьный раздел
  • разное

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1 VOCABULARY food and cooking a Circle the word that is different. Explain why. 1 beans grapes peach raspberry The others are all fruit 2 chicken duck lamb salmon The others are all 3 beetroot cabbage pear pepper The others are all 4 aubergine lemon mango melon The others are all 5 crab mussels beef prawns The others are all 6 cabbage cherry courgette cucumber The others are all​

Остались вопросы?

Новые вопросы по предмету Английский язык

Самостоятельная работа по теме CLOTHES.

Время выполнения-40 минут (письменно в тетради)

1.Translate the words-переведи слова

солнечные очки
туфли на высоком каблуке

  1. Circle the odd one out-вычеркни лишнее слово

boots – trainers – sandals – socks
trousers – shorts – shoes – jeans
dress – skirt – high heels – tie
belt – hat- sunglasses – coat
jeans – top – shirt – jumper
jacket – jumper – coat – top

  1. Put the items in the correct category-заполни таблицу, напиши в каждую колонку по 5 названий предметов

*4. Guess the word-отгадай предмет одежды

  • Trousers made of denim that you wear in informal situations-
  • A piece of clothing that you wear on your head-
  • A piece of clothing for the top half of the body-
  • A piece of clothing that covers the body and part of the legs (usually for women)-
  • A soft piece of clothing that you wear on your foot inside your shoe-

5.Вставь пропущенное слово (по смыслу)

1) We often wear ________________in cold weather. (sandals/ mittens/ skirts)

2) We usually wear T-shirts with ______________. (dresses/ ties/ shorts)

3) We ______________ wear jeans at school. ( usually/ always/ seldom)

4) We usually wear swimsuits in _______________. (summer/ winter/ autumn)

5) We never wear _________________ at home. (slippers/ T-shirts/ coats)

6.Вычеркни одно лишнее слово в строчке.

trousers tights jeans dress shorts

skirt blouse dress trousers tights

sandals trainers shirts shoes boots

Запиши на русском языке.

Mike is wearing a red jacket, an orange cap, blue jeans and grey trainers.

7. Find six words in the chain of letters-найди 5-6 слов в цепочке


8. Present Simple or Present Continuous. Underline the right variant-подчеркни правильный вариант

  • Look at my sister! What (does she wear / is she wearing) now?
  • My sister (wears / is wearing) sportswear every day.
  • Jane (doesn’t wear / isn’t wearing) jeans. She (doesn’t like / isn’t liking) them. 
  • My father (buys / is buying) a new pair of jeans at the moment.
  • Why (do you stand / are you standing) here? – I (wait / am waiting) for my father.

9. Choose the right word-выбери правильный вариант

Look at Colin!

He (am / is / are) in (a /an) clothing store.

He (buy / buys / is buying)

some new clothes.

He (look / looks / is looking) for a shirt and a new ( jeans / pair of


At the moment he (am / is / are) in the fitting room and he (try / tries / is trying)

on the shirt and the jeans.

The shirt is fine, but the jeans (am / is / are) too long.

He(need / needs / is needing) another pair.

A shop assistant gives (he / his / him) another

pair and now everything (am / is / are) fine.

Now Colin (have / has) nice clothes.

10. Complete the dialogue-заполни все реплики в диалоге




-I am looking for a long dress.

-The dresses are over there. _________________________________________?

-Yes, a black one, please.


-I am a size 44.


-That is fine! Thank you!


Have a nice day!

How can I help you?

Any particular color?

What size are you?

What about this one?

You are welcome!

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