Circle the word that is different explain why peach chicken raspberries

1 VOCABULARY food and cooking a Circle the word that is different. Explain why. 1 beans grapes peach raspberry The others are all fruit 2 chicken duck lamb salmon The others are all 3 beetroot cabbage pear pepper The others are all 4 aubergine lemon mango melon The others are all 5 crab mussels beef prawns The others are all 6 cabbage cherry courgette cucumber The others are all​

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Peach, Chicken, Raspberry, Pear 

Which word is different, explain why?

Chicken = meat 


What does, «Piece of cake» mean? Use it in a sentence. 

Something that is really easy. 


What cooking word do I use to make a cake in the oven?



What is the name of the meat from a pig?



I eat ____ a lot because I often don’t have time to cook. Luckily, there are some good restaurants near my house. 



melon, cherries, peach, cucumber

Which word is different and why?

Cucumber = vegetable 


What does, «In a pickle» mean? Use it in a sentence. 

To be in a difficult situation


What cooking word do I use when I cook an egg in a frying pan? 



This fruit has dark green skin and bright green flesh. It has a large pit inside. What is it?



The doctor told me that I should completely cut ____ all cheese and dairy products from my diet. 



A vegetable with dark purple skin?



What does, ‘Bigger fish to fry’ mean? Use it in a sentence.

To have bigger problems to deal with.


What cooking word do I use when I cook something in really hot water?



What is the name of the meat from a sheep?



I’m trying to cut ___ ____ coffee at the moment. I’m only having one cup at breakfast. 

down on / back on


A sea creature with a hard shell, a long body, 8 legs, and two large claws.



What does, «Walking on eggshells» mean? Use it in a sentence. 

to be very careful around someone


What cooking word do I use when I cook something for a long time in the oven. 



zucchini, crab, mussels, shrimp

Which one doesn’t belong and why?

zucchini — the others are seafood


Is this sentence correct? If not, correct it? 

I’m loving all kinds of dogs and cats. 

I love all kinds of dogs and cats. 


A sea animal with a soft body, eight arms, and two tentacles? 



What does, ‘The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree’ mean? Use it in a sentence. 

To be very similar to your parents.


What is the word when I cook something on a BBQ over a fire?



The name of meat from a cow?



Is this sentence correct? If not, correct it? 

Can I call you back? I’m having lunch right now.


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fish, potatoes, peas, cheese


1   Jack and Mary

Jack   Come on, hurry up. We need to buy some lunch quickly.

Mary   I know, I know. Where are the snacks?

J   Over here, come on. So, here are the sandwiches.

M   OK. Two sandwiches. And some crisps?

J   Yes, great. Ooh … and olives.

M   I don’t like olives.

J   Well I do. You can choose something different.

M   Strawberries! They look really nice.

J   OK! Let’s go!

2   Leo and Darcy

Leo   What do we need? What’s for dinner?

Darcy   We need fish. It’s over here.

 What else? Potatoes?

D   Yes, potatoes. And we need a vegetable.

 Potatoes are a vegetable!

D   A green vegetable!

 OK. Peas?

D   Fine. Get some peas. Oh, and we need cheese too.

 Cheese? With fish?

D   No. The cheese is for your sandwiches tomorrow.

3   Arthur and Megan

Megan   What are you planning for dinner?

Arthur   Curry, I think. I need lamb – and beef.

 Lamb and beef?

A   For two different dishes, yes.

 Is that all?

A   No, I need mushrooms too.

 OK. They’re over there, with the vegetables.

A   And rice.

 OK, let’s get the rice first. Then the mushrooms.

4   Finley and Amber

Amber   What do we need for the barbecue?

Finley   We need chicken. It’s here, look.

A   And what about some other meat?

 This beef looks nice.

A   OK. We have to get some peppers too, one of each colour.

 And we have to buy prawns. I love prawns on a barbecue!

A   Me too.

 We need lemons, of course. You can’t have prawns without lemons.

A   OK, where are the lemons?

 The fruit is over there, by the door. Come on!

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Главная » Английский язык » Circle the word phrase this is different 1) brother uncle niece grandfather 2) husband mother-in-low stepsister aunt 3) musican doctor journalist factory 4) never early always often 5) haur minute once second

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