Circle the odd word out tsunami earthquake drown drought

Контрольная работа. Spotlight. 8 класс. Модуль 4. Даю 50б
Circle the odd word out:

trendy / fashionable / modern / linen

checked / baggy / striped / floral

tsunami / earthquake / drown / drought

famine / flood / war / homelessness

sporty / elegant / patterned / casual

B. Underline the correct item:

Mark gave Sue a nice original / genuine silk scarf for her birthday.

This ring isn’t made of real gold; it’s worthless / priceless.

Little Suzy thinks that her grandpa’s big curly /bushy eyebrows look really funny!

Cynthia’s shirt fits / goes really well with her trousers.

She hides her slim / protruding ears behind her hair.

C. Rewrite these sentences in passive.

Mike wrote two letters yesterday.

The government supports endangered species.

The builders are reconstructing the house.

Have John finished his project?

My mother will bring us some sweets.

D. Fill in: away, off, on, through, up with, out.

Please put … your clothes. They are all over the place!

It took the firefighters two hours to put … the fire.

The fashion show has been put… until next Friday.

It’s a formal party. You really should put …a tie.

Please put me …. to Dr. Green.

I can’t put up … that kind of behavior any longer.

Translate the words from English into Russian:





















Circle the odd word out:

trendy / fashionable / modern / linen

checked / baggy / striped / floral

tsunami / earthquake / drown / drought

famine / flood / war / homelessness

sporty / elegant / patterned / casual

Underline the correct item:

6 Mark
gave Sue a nice original / genuine silk scarf for her birthday.

7 This
ring isn’t made of real gold; it’s worthless / priceless.

Little Suzy thinks that her grandpa’s big curly /bushy eyebrows look really

Cynthia’s shirt fits / goes really well with her trousers.

10 She
hides her slim / protruding ears behind her hair.

Rewrite these sentences in passive.

wrote two letters yesterday.

12 The
government supports endangered species.

13 The
builders are reconstructing the house.

Have John finished his project?

15 My
mother will bring us some sweets.

Fill in: away, off, on, through, up with, out.

put … your clothes. They are all over the place!

took the firefighters two hours to put … the fire.

fashion show has been put… until next Friday.

a formal party. You really should put …a tie.

put me …. to Dr. Green.

can’t put up … that kind of behavior any longer.

Е. Complete
the sentences with words derived from the words in bold:

22. You can`t go across the road. It`s ….LEGAL

23. Why didn`t you take your brother from school? Don`t be so

24. Mum, I will take a piece of this cake! Why are you so
….PATIENT, I wonder!

25. Your behavior is very……MATURE. Do behave your age,

26. He likes to
travel without his parents. He`s ….DEPENDENT.

27. Why didn`t you buy
your milk? Don`t be so ….RESPONSIBLE.

28. It`s …POSSIBLE to
do this work in one day. Let`s ask somebody for help.

behavior is very……MATURE. Do behave your age, please!

Translate the words from English into Russian:










39 baggy

Контрольная работа. Spotlight. 8 класс. Модуль 4.


Предварительный просмотр:

Test. 8-4

A. Circle the odd word out:

  1. trendy / fashionable / modern / linen
  2. checked / baggy / striped / floral
  3. tsunami / earthquake / drown / drought
  4. famine / flood / war / homelessness
  5. sporty / elegant / patterned / casual

B. Underline the correct item:

  1. Mark gave Sue a nice original / genuine silk scarf for her birthday.
  2. This ring isn’t made of real gold; it’s worthless / priceless.
  3. Little Suzy thinks that her grandpa’s big curly /bushy eyebrows look really funny!
  4. Cynthia’s shirt fits / goes really well with her trousers.
  5. She hides her slim / protruding ears behind her hair.

C. Rewrite these sentences in passive.

  1. Mike wrote two letters yesterday.
  2. The government supports endangered species.
  3. The builders are reconstructing the house.
  4. Have John finished his project?
  5. My mother will bring us some sweets.

D. Fill in: away, off, on, through, up with, out.

  1. Please put … your clothes. They are all over the place!
  2. It took the firefighters two hours to put … the fire.
  3. The fashion show has been put… until next Friday.
  4. It’s a formal party. You really should put …a tie.
  5. Please put me …. to Dr. Green.
  6. I can’t put up … that kind of behavior any longer.
  1. Translate the words from English into Russian:
  1. Protruding,
  2. crooked,
  3. frizzy,
  4. pointed,
  5. tight-fitting,
  6. casual,
  7.  striped,
  8. polka-dot,
  9. leather,
  10. wool,
  11. bushy,
  12. curly,
  13. straight,
  14.  baggy,
  15. checked,
  16. overweight,
  17. slim,
  18. loose-fitting,
  19. patterned.

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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«Московское среднее специальное училище олимпийского резерва №2 (колледж)»

Департамента физической культуры и спорта города Москвы

(ГБПОУ «МССУОР №2» Москомспорта)

Контрольная работа по английскому языку

для 8 класса

II триместр

УМК: Ваулина Ю.Е., Эванс В.,

«Английский в фокусе» для 8 класса


преподаватель английского языка

Сергеева Елена Евгеньевна


II term. Module 4.

Grammar and Vocabulary.

Variant 1

1. Match the words with the pictures:

lips eyes a nose an ear hair

1 2 3 4 5

2. Underline the correct item:

1. She has beautiful blue / blond eyes.

2. Put on that pink trousers / blouse. It matches your shoes.

3. I like her style. She is very slim / elegant.

4. She has long / overweight hair.

5. There was a big war / tsunami in Indonesia. A lot of people died trying to run

away from water.

3. Choose the correct variant and write the sentences:

1. Some letters will be sent / will sent tomorrow.

2. James washes / is washed his car every day.

3. The apples bought / were bought in the supermarket.

4. She is invited / invited by her friend.

5. My name wrote / is written on this paper.

4. Put the words in the correct order:

1. is, She, enough, clever

2. Jake, too, is, busy, now

3. water, you, Do, drink, enough?

4. short, jeans, are, Your, too

5. I, enough, money, haven’t got

Answers to Variant 1:

1. 1. an ear

2. hair

3. eyes

4. lips

5. a nose


1. blue

2. blouse

3. elegant

4. long

5. tsunami

3. 1. will be sent

2. washes

3. were bought

4. is invited

5. is written

4. 1. She is clever enough.

2. Jake is too busy now.

3. Do you drink enough water?

4. Your jeans are too short.

5. I haven’t got enough money.

II term. Module 4.

Grammar and Vocabulary.

Variant 2

1. Circle the odd word out:

1. cotton / wool / silk / elegant

2. trousers / blouse / /floral / socks

3. tsunami / collapse / cyclone / flood

4. ears / eyelashes / lips / bushy

5. child labour / war / global warming / survivors

2. Underline the correct item:

1. My grandpa has very bushy eyebrows / lips.

2. People, who live in the mountains, always suffer from drought / avalanche.

3. She hides her slim / protruding ears behind her hair.

4. Does my hat match / go my coat?

5. Can I rent / borrow your black dress for tonight’s party?

3. Put the adjectives in comparative or superlative forms:

busy tall good bad interesting

1. This was ………………… I’ve ever seen. I wouldn’t recommend it.

2. Mike is …….………… than Jim. He is 1.75.

3. Sunday is …….…………… day at the local market.

4. The books he gives me are ………..…….. than the books I have at home.

5. Who‘s your …..…………….. friend?

4. Rewrite this sentences in passive.

1. He will buy some apples.

2. Jane sends emails every day.

3. The workers reconstructed this building last year.

4. She gave me her telephone number.

5. We plant a lot of different flowers in our garden.

Answers to Variant 2:


1. elegant

2. floral

3. collapse

4. bushy

5. survivors


1. eyebrows

2. avalanche

3. protruding

4. match

5. borrow


1. the worst

2. taller

3. the busiest

4. more interesting

5. best


1. Some apples will be bought by him.

2. Emails are sent by Jane every day.

3. This building was reconstructed last year.

4. Her telephone number was given to me / I was given her telephone number.

5. A lot of different flowers are planted in our garden.

II term. Module 4. Grammar and Vocabulary.

Variant 3

1. Circle the odd word out:

1. trendy / fashionable / modern / linen

2. checked / baggy / striped / floral

3. tsunami / earthquake / drown / drought

4. famine / flood / war / homelessness

5. sporty / elegant / patterned / casual

2. Underline the correct item:

1. Mark gave Sue a nice original / genuine silk scarf for her birthday.

2. Alex has lost / missed a lot of weight since he started exercising.

3. This ring isn’t made of real gold; it’s worthless / priceless.

4. Little Suzy thinks that her grandpa’s big curly /bushy eyebrows look really


5. Cynthia’s shirt fits / goes really well with her trousers.

3. Complete the sentences using the adjectives below and too/enough as in the example:

I’m not old enough to drive a car.

He’s too busy to help us.

pretty skinny classy shy troubled

1. Lisa should put on a little weight; she’s……..…………… .

2. Chris thinks that jeans aren’t ………….… to wear to a wedding.

3. There are many teens who are ….……….…. about their body.

4. Olga believes that she isn’t .……………… to be a fashion model.

5. Don’t expect Angela to come and talk to you first. She’s….……….. around

new people.

4. Rewrite this sentences in passive.

1. Mike wrote two letters yesterday.

2. The government supports endangered species.

3. The builders are reconstructing the house.

4. Have John finished his project?

5. My mother will bring us some sweets.

5. Extra task: Complete the exchanges using the phrases below.

1. Why don’t you wear your nice cotton trousers?

A. Yes. You need a smaller size.

2. How do I look in this yellow shirt?

B. Excellent! It really suits you!

3. I suggest you wear your blue suit to the party.

C. I can’t. They don’t fit me anymore.

4. What do you think of these jeans?

D. I haven’t worn that for ages, but why not?

5. Do you think this jumper is too big?

E. They‘re a bit too big.

Answers to Variant 3:


1. linen

2. baggy

3. drown

4. flood

5. patterned


1. genuine

2. lost

3. worthless

4. bushy

5. goes


1. too skinny

2. classy enough

3. too troubled

4. pretty enough

5. too shy


1. Two letters were written by Mike yesterday.

2. Endangered species are supported by the government.

3. The house is being reconstructed by the builders.

4. Have the project been finished by John?

5. Some sweets will be brought to us / We’ll be brought some sweets by my mother.


1. C

2. B

3. D

4. E

5. A

Circle tne odd word out in each line.

1). earthquake, tornado, flood, sunshine, drought, storm, volcano, hurricane.

2). space, dream, satellite, planet, galaxy, Earth, universe, Moon, Jupiter.

3). problem, exploration, spacesuit, launch, star, damage, disaster, achievement.

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  • Circle the odd word out trendy fashionable modern linen ответ
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  • Circle the odd word out trendy fashionable modern linen checked baggy striped floral tsunami
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