Circle the correct word you need

Circle the correct word.

A: Have we got
a/any/some onions?

B: Yes, we have got
a/any/some but we need more.

A: How
many/much/any rice have we got?

B: Not
many/much/some. We need to buy a packet/a loaf/a bowl.

Can/Would/Do you like a cup of tea?

B: Yes, I’d love

Would/Do/Can I have some apples?

B: Yes. How
many/much/any would you like?

A: How
about/to/for spaghetti tonight?

B: I don’t think

Английский язык 5 класс (рабочая тетрадь) Ваулина. 8 Grammar Practice. Номер №5


Перевод задания
Обведите правильное слово.

У нас есть a/any/some лук?

Да, у нас есть a/any/some но нам нужно больше.

A: How
many/much/any риса у нас есть?

Не many/much/some. Нам нужно купить пакет/буханку/миску.

Can/Would/Do вы хотели бы чашку чая?

Да, я бы хотел to/much/one.

Would/Do/Can мне несколько яблок?

Да. How many/much/any вы бы хотели?

A: How
about/to/for макароны на вечер?

Я не думаю to/so/nice.


A: Have we got
any onions?

B: Yes, we have got
some but we need more.

A: How
much rice have we got?

B: Not
much. We need to buy a packet.

Would you like a cup of tea?

B: Yes, I’d love

Can I have some apples?

B: Yes. How
many would you like?

A: How
about spaghetti tonight?

B: I don’t think

Перевод ответа

У нас есть лук?

Да, есть, но нам нужно больше.

Сколько у нас риса?

Немного. Нам нужно купить пакет.

Хотите чашку чая?

Да, я бы хотел.

Можно мне яблок?

Да. Сколько бы вы хотели?

Как насчет спагетти сегодня вечером?
В: Я так не думаю.


D. Circle the correct words.
1. I need to go shopping, May / Could you come with me?
2. A: Is Sheila joining us?
B: I don’t know. She’s got a lot of homework so she
might / can stay at home.
3. It’s a very cold day today. It can/ may snow.
4. May 1/ Can you borrow your red dress, please?
5. Ted’s house can/ might be that one, but I’m not sure. помогите пожалуста​

A. Choose the correct answer.

1   You need a passport to cross the …………… between Mexico and the United States.

        A edge          B line

        C border       D rim

2   The hotel where we are …………… is quite luxurious.

        A living         B remaining

        C existing     D staying

3   When you …………… your destination, your tour guide will meet you at the airport.

        A arrive        B get

        C reach         D achieve

4   It can be quite busy here during the tourist …………… .

        A season      B period

        C phase        D stage

5   David …………… me to the train station every morning.

        A goes          B takes

        C has             D makes

6   I always enjoy our school …………… to France.

        A excursion B journey

        C trip             D travel

7   Hurry up, or we’ll …………… the bus!

        A avoid         B miss

        C drop           D lose

8   The brochure says that the hotel has a great …………… of the sea.

        A appearance   B look

        C sight          D view

9   I must remember to …………… a souvenir back from Spain for my grandmother.

        A go              B take

        C bring          D keep

10   The …………… from London to Berlin is about 919 kilometres.

        A measure   B length

        C gap            D distance

11   Make sure you …………… a hotel before you come to our island, especially in the summer.

        A book          B keep

        C put             D take

12   I live in Barcelona, but my …………… town is Madrid.

        A birth          B home

        C native        D origin


1 C   2 D   3 C   4 A   5 B   6 C

7 B   8 D   9 C   10 D   11 A   12 B

B. Circle the correct word.

1   I hope to go on a trip round the world / earth one day.

2   You learn a lot about the local territory / area by speaking to local people.

3   It’s good to have someone to lead / guide you when you are on holiday.

4   I get the train to work every day and the fare / fee is quite expensive.

5   Captain Cook discovered Australia on a voyage / travel to the Pacific.

6   Most tourist attractions in London charge an admission fee / ticket.

7   The sunset over Niagara Falls really is a magnificent look / sight.


1 world   2 area   3 guide   4 fare   5 voyage

6 fee   7 sight

C. Complete using the correct form of the words in the box.

catch • check • get • go • make • pick • pull • see

1   Let’s go to the airport to ………………… Grandpa off when he flies back home.

2   If it starts to rain, ………………… for a nearby cave to wait for it to pass.

3   We would like to remind all guests that they must ………………… out before midday.

4   Please ………………… in and stop so that I can buy something to drink.

5   Every Saturday night my dad ………………… us up outside the cinema.

6   I think the neighbours have ………………… away for the weekend.

7   John’s up ahead so Greg is pedalling fast to ………………… up with him.

8   We’re going on holiday tomorrow, but we’ll call you when we ………………… back.


1 see   2 make   3 check   4 pull   5 picks

6 gone   7 catch   8 get

D. Write a phrasal verb in the correct form to replace the words in italics. Add any other words you need.

 We can start our journey ………………… towards the mountains at dawn.

 Dad fetched the luggage while Mum registered ………………… at the hotel.

 I asked the taxi driver to let me get out ………………… outside the train station.

 Oh, no! I’ve forgotten my passport! We’ll have to go back ………………… and get it!

 The most exciting moment is when the plane leaves the ground ………………… .

 Stop the car! I think we’ve hit ………………… a dog.

 I don’t think a horse can ever stay at the same speed as ………………… a car.


1 set out/off   2 checked in   3 drop me off

4 turn round   5 takes off   6 run over

7 keep up with

E. Write one word in each gap.

 The speed ………………… in towns is 50 km/h and you shouldn’t go faster than that.

 Why don’t we ………………… the scenic route along the coast?

 If you buy your plane ticket ………………… advance, it’s often cheaper than if you wait.

 I can’t remember the name of the hotel we stayed at off the ………………… of my head.

 I’m sorry I’m late! I ………………… my way and had to ask for directions.

 My mum’s away in Germany on a business ………………… at the moment.

 The bank? Well, turn left here, then go ………………… ahead for a kilometre and it’s on the left.

 If you look on your left-hand ………………… as we turn this corner, you’ll see Big Ben.

 I’ll look round the shops in the morning and then ………………… sightseeing in the afternoon.

10   My grandma hasn’t driven since she ………………… an accident last year.

11   I love visiting foreign places, ………………… the sights and learning about other cultures.

12   During the 70s, many British people started to go ………………… holiday to Spain.

13   While you’re in London, you should take a tour ………………… the Houses of Parliament.


1 limit   2 take   3 in   4 top   5 lost   6 trip   7 straight

8 side   9 go   10 had   11 seeing   12 on   13 (a)round/of

F. Choose the correct answer.

1   I’ve always dreamt ………… China.

      A to visit        B of visiting

      C I visit           D visit

2   The travel agency is arranging for us ………… at a really nice hotel.

      A stay             B of staying

      C to stay        D staying

3   My dad says he always regrets ………… more.

      A to not travel

      B not travelling

      C he not travel

      D of not travelling

4   John seems keen ………… how to drive as soon as he can.

      A of learning  B he learn

      C for learn     D to learn

5   Now, class, I’d like you all to write ………… a description of your last holiday.

      A me               B to me

      C it me            D about me

6   When you arrive …………, have your passport ready.

      A to the airport

      B in the airport

      C on the airport

      D at the airport

7   The Joneses have invited us ………… to Australia with them this summer.

      A going               B for going

      C about going   D to go

8   The in-flight entertainment may differ ………… that advertised.

      A to                 B from

      C in                  D at


1 B   2 C   3 B   4 D   5 A   6 D   7 D   8 B

G. Use the word given in capitals to form a word that fits in the gap.

It’s not always easy being a (1) ………………… (TOUR). You spend half your time making (2) ………………… (ARRANGE) for your holiday and the other half worrying about sticking to the (3) ………………… (TIME). I think it’s relaxing sometimes to spend a holiday at home. There are no (4) ………………… (CULTURE) problems, you don’t need someone to be the (5) ………………… (PHOTOGRAPH) and you know that the local (6) ………………… (INHABIT) are always friendly!


1 tourist   2 arrangements   3 timetable

4 cultural   5 photographer   6 inhabitants

H. Complete the sentences by changing the form of the word in capitals when this is necessary.

 Beijing has changed so much in the last few years that it’s almost …………………. (RECOGNISE).

 The number of cars …………………. (WORLD) is about a billion and is increasing all the time.

 The new maglev trains run on a completely …………………. (DIFFER) system from ordinary trains.

 Living in a foreign country really does …………………. (BROAD) your horizons.

 I can’t find a …………………. (DIRECT) flight from London to Delhi so I’ve booked one that changes in Frankfurt.

6   All passengers must complete a visa form upon …………………. (ARRIVE) at Singapore airport.

7   You can still see old milestones by the side of the road in England, showing the …………………. (DISTANT) to the nearest town.

8   The Museum of Transport has a full-sized jet plane next to the …………………. (ENTER).


1 unrecognisable   2 worldwide   3 different

4 broaden   5 direct   6 arrival   7 distance

8 entrance

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Страница 64

4. Find the word. — Найдите слово

  1. a loaf of bread — буханка хлеба
  2. a carton of milk — пакет молока
  3. a box of chocolates — коробка шоколада
  4. a bowl of soup — чашка супа
  5. a glass of water — стакан воды
  6. a jar of jam — банка джема
  7. a bottle of olive oil — бутылка оливкового масла

5. Circle the correct word. — Обведите правильное слово

  1. A: Have we got any onions? — У нас есть лук?
    B: Yes, we have got some but we need more. — Да есть немного, но нам нужно еще.
  2. A: How much rice have we got? — Сколько риса у нас есть?
    B: Not much. We need to buy a packet. — Не много. Нам нужно купить упаковку.
  3. A: Would you like a cup of tea? — Хочешь чашку чая?
    B: Yes, I’d love one. — Да, с удовольствием.
  4. A: Can I have some apples? — Можно мне яблок?
    B: Yes. How many would you like? — Да. Сколько вы хотели бы?
  5. A: How about spaghetti tonight?  — Как насчет спагетти сегодня вечером?
    В: I don’t think so. — Я так не думаю.

6. Correct the mistakes. — Исправь ошибки

  1. You need some eggs to make waffles. — Тебе нужны яйца, чтобы сделать вафли.
  2. Is there any coffee in the jar? — В банке есть кофе?
  3. How many apples are there? — Сколько есть яблок?
  4. There isn’t much milk in the bottle. — В бутылке не много молока.
  5. There’s an orange in the basket. — В сумке есть апельсин.
  6. I haven’t got any biscuits in my bag. — У меня нет пирожных в сумочке.

7. What’s the English for: — Как на английском будет:


  • праздновать — to celebrate,
  • украшать комнату — to decorate the room,
  • обмениваться подарками — to exchange gifts,
  • приготовить любимое блюдо — to cook a favourite dish,
  • любимый праздник — a favourite celebration,
  • выбирать фрукты — to choose fruit,
  • сделать бутерброды — to make sandwiches,
  • принести овощи — to bring vegetables,
  • забыть правила — to forget the rules,
  • порезать картофель — to chop/cut potatoes

8. Translate the sentences into English: — Переведите предложения на английский язык:


  1. Как насчет мороженого? — How about some ice cream?
  2. Ты хотела бы поесть супа? — С удовольствием. — Would you like some soup? — That would be nice/I’d love to
  3. Приятного аппетита. — Спасибо. — Enjoy your meal. — Thank you.
  4. Давай устроим семейный обед — Хорошая мысль! — Let’s have a family dinner. — Good idea.
  5. Принеси цветы, пожалуйста. — Bring the flowers, please.
  6. У нас есть клубника? — Давай посмотрим в холодильнике. — Have we got any strawberries? — Let’s look in the fridge.
  7. Я люблю печенье и шоколад. — I like biscuits and chocolate.
  8. Я обычно устраиваю праздник в день рождения. — I usually have a party to celebrate my birthday.
  9. Купи пакет молока. — Buy a carton of milk.
  10. Принесите, пожалуйста, немного винограда и черешни. — Пожалуйста. — Bring some grapes and cherries, please. — Here you are.

9. Translate the situations and dialogues into English: — Переведите ситуации и диалоги на английский язык:

  1. Мой любимый праздник Новый год. Мы украшаем квартиру, нарядно одеваемся, обмениваемся подарками. Мама готовит что-нибудь особенное на ужин для всей семьи. Мы любим курицу и рис с овощами. Папа покупает ананас и апельсины, а бабушка печет особый торт. У нас в стране декабрь и январь — холодные месяцы. Мы не устраиваем парады на улицах, но запускаем фейерверк.My favourite celebration is New Year. We decorate the flat, dress up, exchange gifts. Mum cooks something special for dinner for the whole family. We like chicken with rice and vegetables. Dad buys a pineapple and oranges, and granny makes a special cake. December and January are cold months in our country. We don’t have street parades but we set off fireworks.
  2. Как насчет яиц и сосисок на завтрак? -Замечательно. Я люблю сосиски. А у нас есть сыр? — Посмотри в холодильнике. -Немного есть. Я люблю хлеб с сыром и маслом. Приготовь чай, пожалуйста.- How about eggs and sausages for breakfast? — That would be nice! I like sausages. Have we got any cheese? — Look in the fridge. — There is some. I like bread with butter and cheese. Make tea, please.
  3. — Маша, сходи в магазин. — Хорошо, мама. Давай составим список покупок. -У нас нет капусты и моркови для супа. И купи помидоров и лука. — Можно купить печенья? — Да. купи печенья и хлеба.- Masha, go to the shop, please. — OK, mum. Let’s make a shopping list. — We haven’t got any cabbage and carrots for soup. And buy some tomatoes and onions. — Can I buy some biscuits? — Yes, buy some biscuits and bread.
  4. Моя сестра всегда устраивает праздник на свой день рождения. Мы украшаем ее комнату воздушными шарами. Ее друзья приносят подарки. Мама печет праздничный пирог Я покупаю мороженое и клубнику Мы поем, танцуем, играем в игры. Весело!My sister always has a party to celebrate her birthday. We decorate her room with balloons. Her friends bring her presents. Mum makes a birthday cake. I buy ice cream and strawberries. We sing, dance, and play games. It’s fun.


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