Circle the correct word this is jane


Circle the correct answer.
1) This is Evgenia’s / Evgenia tablet PC.
2) Is this notebook your / yours?
3) Who’s / Whose skis are these?
4) This is the car’s key / cars’ key.
5) Who / Who’s that man? That’s my uncle.
6) This is Masha’s and Tanya / Masha and Tanya’s project.
7) Hers / Her holiday is in April.
8) Those are the children’s / childrens’ toys.
9) Where are the boys’ / boys jeans?
10) What is the address of the company / company’s address?​

Притяжательные местоимения в английском. Упражнения

Надеюсь, Вы уже ознакомились с правилами употребления притяжательных местоимений, и готовы приступить к упражнениям. Все упражнения на Possesive Pronouns идут с возрастанием сложности, поэтому первые из них подойдут даже для детей. Ответы к упражнениям найдете, по традиции, в конце статьи.

Possessive pronouns exercises.

Упражнение 1. Complete the sentences. Use the words from the box.

  1. This is my mum. _________ name’s Jess.
  2. These are my sisters. ________ names are Mary and Dina.
  3. These are my parents. _________ names are Tanya and Bob
  4. This is my cousin. _________ name’s Helen.
  5. This is my cousin. ______ name’s Fred
  6. These are my sisters. _______ names are Tina and Nina.
  7. This is my aunt. _______ name’s Pam.

Упражнение 2. What is Molly Adamauer saying? Add my, your, his, her, our or their.

_____ first name is Molly. _____family name is Adamauer. What about you? What’s _____ first name? And what’s ______ family name? I’m married. You can see _____ husband in the picture. ______ name is Aisek. We’ve got one son and one daughter. ______ son is 21. _____ name is Nickolas. _______ daughter is 24. ______ name is Emy. Emy is married. _____ husband’s name is Bred. Emy and Bred have got two children. ______ names are Kevin and Evi.

Упражнение 3. Circle the correct word.

This is Michael. This is his/her family. These are my / his parents. This is her / their house. This is your / their pet. This is her / its ball.

Absolute possessive pronouns exercises.

Упражнение 4. Insert absolute possessive pronouns.

Jason: Whose sunglasses are these?

Kate They’re Amy’s, I think. Yes, they’re (1) _______.

Paul: Whose baseball cap is this?

Amy: That’s (2) ______ too! Thanks.

Kate: Ugh! Whose dirty towel is this?

Jason: Ask Paul. I think it’s (3) __________ .

Paul: Yes, it is. Thanks. You’ve got a great T-shirt, Amy!

Kate: Thanks. I borrowed it from my big sister. So it’s (4) __________ really.

Jason: What about this umbrella?

Paul: Don’t be silly, Jason! You brought it, so it must be (5) __________.

Kate: Does this beach ball belong to us?

Jason: No, it isn’t (6) __________. Those kids over there were looking for a ball, so it’s (7) _________ probably.

Притяжательные местоимения. Mixed exercises.

Упражнение 5. Выберите из подчёркнутых слов правильные притяжательные местоимения.

  1. Is this yours / your daughter?
  2. It’s theirs / their problem, not our/ours.
  3. It’s a good idea of your / yours to go to the bar tonight.
  4. Are these her / hers shoes?
  5. We’re going swimming with some friends of our/ours.
  6. Is it yours / your article about spiders? -No, it’s not my / mine.
  7. We know their / theirs address but they don’t know our / ours.
  8. That’s not my / mine wallet. Mine / my is black.
  9. His cottage is bigger than her / hers but her / hers is nicer.
  10. My / mine parents live in Vitebsk region, and your / yours?

Упражнение 6. Вставьте нужные по смыслу выражения с (own).

  1. He really loves to have __________ car.
  2. I hope to set up _________ business one day
  3. Roman Abramovich had a comfortable plane of __________.
  4. We don’t need your tools, we’ve taken _________ drill.
  5. They invested the money of__________ in this project.
  6. She’s always smoking our cigarettes! Why doesn’t she buy __________.
  7. I have always dreamt to have a room of___________.
  8. Liza has left ____________ child in infant home!
  9. The house was built by ___________great-grandfather. We’re proud of this fact.
  10. We can believe them. _________experiment is a good proof for us.

Упражнение 7. Complete the conversation with the correct possessive pronouns.

Jenny: The Britney Spears CD? It’s (1) _______ . It’s (2) _______ favourite CD.

Tim: It’s (3) _________ too. Is this Kylie Minogue CD (4) ________ too?

Jenny: No, it’s (5) ________ sister’s. And those on the table are (6) ________ too.

Tim: There’s a Beatles CD on the table. Does she like The Beatles?

Jenny: No, she doesn’t. But (7) _____ parents love them. All the Beatles CDs are (8) ______.

Tim: Can I borrow this one, or is it (9) _________ sister’s?

Jenny No, it isn’t (10) _________. I’ll have to ask (11) _____ brother. That CD is (12) _______.

Упражнение 8. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate possessive pronouns.

  1. Jill and Jack write articles for ______ school newspaper.
  2. Bob nodded at ____ wife as if he wanted to say «You see?»
  3. Do you think they are losing ____ popularity?
  4. From ____ place I could watch the people eating ____ lunch.
  5. I like____ new car. I bought it yesterday.
  6. He took off ______ jacket and loosened ____ tie.
  7. My mum usually came to ____ office at 4 o’clock.
  8. They’ve got two children but I don’t remember ____
  9. We are going to invite all ____ friends to the party.
  10. We’re staying at a very nice hotel. ____ room is very comfortable.

Ответы к упражнениям на притяжательные местоимения.

1 her, 2 their, 3 their, 4 her, 5 his, 6 their, 7 her

My, my, your, your, my, his, our, his, our, her, her, their

1 hers, 2 mine, 3 his, 4 hers, 5 yours, 6 ours, 7 theirs

1 your, 2 their / ours, 3 yours, 4 her, 5 ours, 6 your / mine, 7 their / ours, 8 my / mine, 9 hers / hers 10 my / yours

1 his own, 2 my own, 3 his own, 4 our own, 5 their own, 6 her own, 7 my own, 8 her own, 9 our own, 10 their own или our own

1 mine, 2 my, 3 mine, 4 yours, 5 my, 6 hers, 7 my или our, 8 theirs, 9 your, 10 hers, 11 my, 12 his

1 – their, 2 – his, 3 – their, 4 – my/their, 5 – my, 6 – his/his, 7 – her, 8 – their, 9 – our, 10 — our

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5 Комментариев для “Притяжательные местоимения в английском. Упражнения”

I use these exercises to check my pupils’ knowledge.

Источник статьи:

Упражнения “Притяжательные местоимения” (с ответами)

1. Подставьте подходящие притяжательные местоимения в предложения по образцу.

Н-р: This book belongs to me . (Эта книга принадлежит мне .) – This is my book. (Это моя книга.) – This book is mine . (Эта книга – моя .)

  1. This turtle belongs to her . (Эта черепашка принадлежит ей.)
  2. That bike belongs to you . (Тот мотоцикл принадлежит тебе.)
  3. This phone belongs to him . (Этот телефон принадлежит ему.)
  4. Those T-shirts belong to them . (Те футболки принадлежат им.)
  5. These seats belong to us. (Эти места принадлежат нам.)
  6. This watch belongs to me . (Эти часы принадлежат мне.)

2. Замените слова в скобках на притяжательное местоимение (mine, hers, yours и т.д.).

Н-р: My Internet is faster than (your Internet). (Мой интернет быстрее, чем твой интернет.) – My Internet is faster than yours . (Мой интернет быстрее, чем твой .)

  1. Her salary is higher than (his salary). (Ее зарплата выше, чем его зарплата.)
  2. Your exams are easier than (our exams). (Ваши экзамены легче, чем наши экзамены.)
  3. My pens are brighter than (her pens). (Мои ручки ярче, чем ее ручки.)
  4. His song is longer than (your song). (Его песня длиннее, чем твоя песня.)
  5. Our food is healthier than (their food). (Наша еда здоровее, чем их еда.)
  6. Their yacht is older than (my yacht). (Их яхта старее, чем моя яхта.)
  7. This juice is fresher than (our juice). (Этот сок свежее, чем наш сок.)

3. В некоторых предложениях указаны неверные притяжательные местоимения. Найдите и исправьте их.

Н-р: Theirs toys were on the floor. – Their toys were on the floor. (Их игрушки были на полу.)

  1. The photos on the table are my.
  2. Jane is watching her favorite film.
  3. Anna loves his husband very much.
  4. We talked about ours problems.
  5. I met my friends at the café.
  6. That camera is their.
  7. This sandwich is his.
  8. Mine relatives live far from me.
  9. Hers garden is more beautiful than yours.
  10. Robert likes to spend her money on clothes.


  1. This is her turtle. This turtle is hers .
  2. That is your bike. That bike is yours .
  3. This is his phone. This phone is his.
  4. Those are their T-shirts. Those T-shirts are theirs .
  5. These are our seats. These seats are ours .
  6. This is my watch. This watch is mine .
  1. Her salary is higher than his .
  2. Your exams are easier than ours .
  3. My pens are brighter than hers .
  4. His song is longer than yours .
  5. Our food is healthier than theirs .
  6. Their yacht is older than mine .
  7. This juice is fresher than ours.
  1. The photos on the table are mine . (Фотографии на столе – мои.)
  2. Верно. (Джейн смотрит свой любимый фильм.)
  3. Anna loves her husband very much. (Анна очень любит своего мужа.)
  4. We talked about our problems. (Мы говорили о наших проблемах.)
  5. Верно. (Я встретил своих друзей в кафе.)
  6. That camera is theirs. (Та камера – их.)
  7. Верно. (Этот сэндвич – его.)
  8. My relatives live far from me. (Мои родственники живут далеко от меня.)
  9. Her garden is more beautiful than yours. (Ее сад красивее, чем твой.)
  10. Robert likes to spend his money on clothes. (Роберт любит тратить свои деньги на одежду.)

Источник статьи:

Упражнения для отработки притяжательных местоимений в английском языке.

Международные дистанционные “ШКОЛЬНЫЕ ИНФОКОНКУРСЫ”

для дошкольников и учеников 1–11 классов

Упражнения на отработку притяжательных местоимений.

Замени существительные подходящими формами притяжательных местоимений.

Ann’s – _______________ daddy’s – ________________

my friends’ ____________ dogs’ – __________________

Jim’s _________________ mummy’s – ______________

Прочитай предложения и выбери правильную форму местоимений.

You have got a cat. This is (my, his, your) cat.

She has got a flower. This is (my, her, our) flower.

We have got pens. They are (their, my, our) pens.

I have got a big family. This is (our, its, my) family.

He has got a little brother. This is (his, her, its) brother.

The cat has got toys. They are (her, its, his) toys.

They have got books. They are (its, our, their) books.

Заполни пропуски подходящими местоимениями : my, her, her, her, our, their, its, she, his, they.

This is Ann. ____ has got a small family. _____ mummy is a postman. ____ name is Mary. ______ daddy is a doctor. _____ name is Tim. Ann has got two sisters. ________ names are Pam and Lulu. _______ have got a cute puppy. _______ name is Blackie. Ann always says: “I love ______ family. _______ family is friendly”.

Соедини части предложений и переведи их на русский язык.

They are my grandma and grandpa and …

Mary has got a ballerina. It’s my ballerina. – _________________________

Mike and Mary have got a puppy. Her puppy is brown. – _______________

Dad and I have a hobby. His hobby is playing football. – _______________

You live in a big house. My house is big. – ___________________________

Nick has got a bike. It is your bike. – _______________________________

I am a pupil. This is his school. – __________________________________

The cat has got kittens. They are our kittens. – ________________________

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Источник статьи:

Упражнение 1. Circle the
correct word.

 this /these shoes

 this / these trousers

this / these socks

this / these shorts

this / these trainers

this / these hat

this / these dress

 this / these blouse

 this / these skirt

this / these scarf

this / these boots

 this / these tights

Упражнение 2. Choose the
correct word

This / These trousers are

 That / Those shirt is
very nice.

That / Those shoes are

 This / These skirt is

This / Those T-shirt is
my brother’s.

That / Those T-shirt is
very small.

 Упражнение 3. Write in this
or these.

 Take _______ trousers.

 Take _______ sweater.

Don’t take _______ bag.

Don’t take _______

 Take _______hat

Take _______scarf.

Don’t take_______ boots.

Take _______ shoes.

4.Напишите эти предложения во множественном числе.

This is a cat. These are cats.

That is a car

This is a dog

That is a star.

This is his pencil

That is his pen.

This is a sheep.

That is a child.

Упражнение 5. Insert the
correct word.

This __________ is easy. a) questions b) homework

These ___________ are my neighbors. a) women b) man

What are you doing ________ afternoon? a) that b) this

Who’s ________ speaking? a) this b) it

These are my glasses and ________ are hers. a) those
b) that

We are going to the seaside __________ summer. b) this
a) that __________

Man over there is a famous politician. b) These a)


Exercise 1. 1 these, 2 these, 3 these, 4
these, 5 these, 6 this, 7 this, 8 this, 9 this, 10 this, 11 these, 12 these

Exercise 2. 1 these, 2 that, 3 those, 4
this, 5 this, 6 that

 Exercise 3. 1 these, 2 this, 3 this, 4
these, 5 this, 6 this, 7 these, 8 these

Exercise 5. 1 b, 2 a, 3 b, 4 a, 5 a, 6 b,
7 b

Jane wrote about her trip to Scotland in her diary.
What did she write about the weather in Scotland? Circle the correct word. There is an example (0) at the beginning.
0  It is raining today. The weather is.
a lovely       (b) wet           с dry
1  It’s so cold outside. I am
a hot            b fine           с freezing
2  The spring weather is fine. There is sunshine and the temperature is above zero. The snow is going to _______________
a snow.        b melt.         с rain.
3  It is cloudy and wet. It is going to be _______________
a foggy.         b frosty.        с sunny.
4  I don’t like this July. Do you know that there will be ________
a a thunderstorm             b frost             c sunshine
5 The day is awful. A______________ wind is blowing and it will
be all day long.
a light          b mild          с severe


3. Circle the correct word.
1. This is my school. (It/She) is Hillside secondary school.
2. Mr Brown is my favourite teacher. (He/She) teachers IT.
3. I haven’t got (a/an) dictionary.
4. What’s this in English?—It’s (a/an) eraser.
5. Are they new to the school?—No, they (are/aren’t).
4. Translate the sentences into English.
1. Она учится в 5 классе.
2. Кто твой любимый учитель?

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