Circle the correct word the minister which who was appointed



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  • phuonglinh04586 — 22:11:48 18/04/2020

1. The Minister, …. was appointed just last week, made no comment on the situation.
2.Isn’t that the spot …… the accident happened last night
3. The human brain,……… weighs about 1.400 grams, is ten times the size of a balloon’s
4. There are several reasons …… I don’t want to see Michael tonight.
5. The new girl in our class, ….. name is Alexandra, seems really nice.
6. The Titanic, …. people said to be unsinkable, sank on her maiden voyage. *
7. April 1st , … we play tricks on people, is known as April Fools’ Day. *
8. Harry hill, …. new series starts next week, is one of my favourite comedians. *
9. All people to ….. the e-mail eas sent replied. *
10.Blackpool Tower, ….. was modeled on the Eiffel Tower, is a very well-known. *
11. If I …… a lot of money. I could spend most of it. Travelling round the world. *
12. If you ….. for lower stakes you wouldn’t lose so much. *
13. If he worked more slowly he ….. so many mistakes. *
14. More tourists would come to this country If it …….a better climate. *
15. If Tomy were sent to prison , ……… him? *
16. If someone …. you a helicopter what would you do with it? *
17. I ….. shares in that company if I had some money. *
18. If he ,,,,, his windscreen, he’d be able to see where he was going. *
19. If you drove your car into the river, …… to get out? *
20. If you ……… to a union, you couldn’t get a job. *

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  • Đây là một chuyên gia, câu trả lời của người này mang tính chính xác và tin cậy cao

  • 19/04/2020

1. The Minister, ..who.. was appointed just last week, made no comment on the situation. 
2.Isn’t that the spot ..where…. the accident happened last night 
3. The human brain,….which….. weighs about 1.400 grams, is ten times the size of a balloon’s
4. There are several reasons …why… I don’t want to see Michael tonight. 
5. The new girl in our class, …whose.. name is Alexandra, seems really nice.
6. The Titanic, ..which.. people said to be unsinkable ( không thể chìm ) , sank on her maiden voyage. *
7. April 1st , ….when.. we play tricks on people, is known as April Fools’ Day. *
8. Harry hill, ….which….. new series starts next week, is one of my favourite comedians. *
9. All people to …whom.. the e-mail eas sent replied. *
10.Blackpool Tower, ..which… was modeled on the Eiffel Tower, is a very well-known. *
11. If I …had… a lot of money. I could spend most of it. ( đk loại 2 ) Travelling round the world. *
12. If you …worked….. for lower stakes you wouldn’t lose so much. *
13. If he worked more slowly he ..couldn’t make… so many mistakes. *
14. More tourists would come to this country If it …had….a better climate. *
15. If Tomy were sent to prison , ….weren’t….. him? *
16. If someone ..gave.. you a helicopter what would you do with it? *
17. I …would.. shares in that company if I had some money. *
18. If he ,,had,,, his windscreen, he’d be able to see where he was going. *
19. If you drove your car into the river, …what would you do… to get out? *
20. If you …didn’t had…… to a union, you couldn’t get a job. *

Hãy giúp mọi người biết câu trả lời này thế nào?




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  • john6aqt
  • 19/04/2020

1. who

3. which

4. why

5. whose

6. which

7. when

9. whom

10. which

11. had

12. worked

13. could not make

14. had

hok tốt nha

Hãy giúp mọi người biết câu trả lời này thế nào?


5. Write one word in each gap.


The office was silent. «So, let me get this right», (1) … Alison calmly. «Not one of you is willing to donate some money towards Mr. Bartlett‟s leaving present». There was silence again for a moment, then Deidre (2) … up, saying that she (3)

… love to give a donation, but unfortunately her house (4) … being painted that week and she (5) … not have any spare cash at all. Alec was next. He was very apologetic and said that he (6) … meant to bring some money to work (7) …

morning, but had forgotten. Perhaps tomorrow? Bette said she (8) … not give anything until she (9) … her pay cheque at the end of the week. Alison stared at them all. She (10) … them how disappointed she (11) … with all of them, and that she (12) … remember their excuses when it was time for (13) … to retire. She slammed the door behind her as she left the room.

6. Rewrite as reported questions, beginning with the words given.

1) «Have you had your ear pierced?»

My mum asked me if _________________________ . 2) «Can I meet you there at six o‟clock tonight, Doug?»

Julian wanted to know whether _______________________________ . 3) «Are you still moving to Blackpool next week?»

Fiona asked Rod and Jenny whether _____________________________ . 4) «Does Graham have to wear a suit to work?»

I asked Mrs. Daley if Graham ________________________________ . 5) «Do you want someone to feed your cat while you‟re away?»

Jan asked me if ___________________________________________ . 6) «Can you guess what I‟ve given Lindsay for her birthday?»

Daisy asked Wendy if ______________________________________ . 7) «Do you love me or not, Gloria?»

Fred asked Gloria whether ____________________________________ . 8) «Will Simon be coming to the party tomorrow night».

Adrian wondered whether _____________________________________. 9) «Tell me if you were anywhere near 34 Aylesford Street last night!». The police officer demanded to know whether Sykes _______________ .

7. Rewrite as direct questions.

1)She asked me why I was thinking of quitting the gym.

2)He asked her what the difference was between a refugee and an asylum seeker.

3)They asked us how we had got on with Peter three days before.


4)I asked them when they had last been on holiday.

5)She asked him which of them he preferred.

6)I asked you how you were going to get to Manchester tomorrow.

7)Carl asked Megan who she had been out with the weekend before.

8) Megan asked Carl what gave him the right to ask questions like that.

8. *Report a conversation.


«The play may begin any moment», I said.

«It may have begun already», Susan answered. I hurried to the ticket office. «May I have two tickets, please?», I asked.

«I‟m sorry, we‟ve sold out», the girl said.

«What a pity!», Susan exclaimed. Just then, a man hurried to the ticket office.

«Can I return these two tickets?» He asked.

«Certainly», the girl said. I went back to the ticket office at once. «Could I have those two tickets, please?» I asked.

«Certainly», the girl said, «but they are for the next Wednesday‟s performance. Do you still want them?».

«I might as well have them», I said sadly.

9.**Translate into English.

1.Нам объявили, что через три дня мы уезжаем в Венесуэлу. 2. Том сказал, что он уже купил подарок для Анны. 3. Я спросил у Джека, есть ли у него кредитная карта. 4. Джек поинтересовался, что я собираюсь делать с этим устройством. 5. Никто не ответил нам на вопрос куда идти. 6. Мы все хотели знать, зачем она это купила. 7. Продавец ответила на наш вопрос, что мы можем заплатить кредитной картой, а не наличными. 9. Отец сказал, что если я вовремя сообщу ему о проблеме, он сможет мне помочь. 10. Сэнди утверждает, что, если бы в детстве ее не загружали так сильно, у нее было бы больше времени на занятия спортом. 11. Мистер Вокс приказал оставить документы на его письменном столе. 12. Я попросила вас передать мне соль. 13. Она пожаловалась на плохое обслуживание в нашем ресторане. 14. Мистер Уайт согласился одолжить мне денег. 15. Дети не признались, что взяли эти деньги. 16. Моя подруга похвасталась, что купила новую шубу. 17. Босс настаивает, чтобы мы работали по выходным.


10. **Transform a story into reported speech in English.


Этот случай произошел, когда я служил в полиции. Мы расследовали одно преступление. Я проводил опрос свидетелей. Очередь дошла до мистера Икс.

В то время, когда было совершено убийство, я находился в восьмичасовом поезде, следовавшем в Лондон, – ответил свидетель на мой первый вопрос.

Вы всегда ездите на этом поезде? – спросил я.

Конечно, – ответил мистер Икс и добавил, что его служба начинается в 10 утра, и его босс не приветствует опоздания.

Я поинтересовался, опоздает ли он на службу, если поедет следующим поездом.

Я думаю, нет, но я никогда не ездил позднее, – ответил свидетель. Я спросил, во сколько он приехал на станцию.

Без десяти восемь. Я купил газету и стал ждать поезда.

На мой вопрос, не заметил ли он что-либо необычное, свидетель ответил отрицательно. И тут я заявил:

– Я полагаю, что Вы говорите неправду. В этот день Вы ехали поездом 8.25. В тот день, когда совершилось убийство, восьмичасовой поезд был отменен из-за поломки на линии. Так мы раскрыли еще одно преступление.



Относительные придаточные предложения – один из типов придаточных предложений, которое модифицирует (видоизменяет) некое имя. Все придаточные, модифицирующие имена, называются определительными. Таким образом, относительные придаточные являются частным случаем определительных и содержат дополнительную информацию о какомлибо существительном или местоимении.

Относительные придаточные выполняют функцию определения и отвечают на вопросы what? which? – какой? который? и т. п. Они следуют непосредственно за тем существительным в главном предложении, которое они определяют и соединяются с главным предложением следующими союзными словами:

относительными местоимениями:

who – который (о людях); whom – которого; whose – чей, которого; which – который (о вещах и животных); that – который (о людях, вещах и животных).

наречиями: when – когда; where – где, куда; why – почему


Относительные местоимения являются союзными словами, которые отличаются от союзов тем, что они не только связывают придаточное предложение с главным, но и являются членами придаточного предложения.

The boy who won the first prize is only fifteen years old.

Мальчику, который выиграл первый приз, всего 15 лет.

The watch that I lost was a very good one.

Часы, которые я потерял, были очень хорошие.

Do you remember the man whose car was stolen yesterday?

Помнишь человека, у которого вчера угнали машину?

He showed me the museum, which was founded 400 years ago.

Он показал мне музей, который был основан 400 лет назад.

My brother, whom I have not seen for a year, has just returned to Moscow.

Мой брат, которого я не видел год, только что возвратился в Москву.

I am going to spend my vacation in the village where I was born.

Я собираюсь провести свои каникулы в деревне, где я родился.

That happened on the day when he left for Leningrad.

Это случилось в тот день, когда он уехал в Ленинград.


Если относительное местоимение является в придаточном предложении подлежащим, второе подлежащее исключается.

I admire Jude Law, who always works hard on his films. (Верно)

I admire Jude Law, who he always works hard on his films. (Неверно)

Whom более употребимо в офици-

Is that the man who we saw at the

альной речи. В неофициальной ре-

cinema yesterday?

чи чаще используется who вместо

Это тот человек, которого мы

whom, даже если это местоимение

видели вчера в кинотеатре?

выполняет роль дополнения в при-

даточном предложении. После

Сharlie Chaplin was a comic genius

предлогов, тем не менее, всегда

to whom all comedians owe a great

употребляется whom.


Сharlie Chaplin was a comic genius

who all comedians owe a great

dea to.

Чарли Чаплин был гением комедии,

перед которым все комедийные

актеры считают себя в долгу.


Where / when могут быть заменены

The theater where / in which I first

предлогом в сочетании с which. В

acted is somewhere around here.

неофициальной речи предлог мо-

The theater which I first acted in is

жет быть отнесен в конец прида-

somewhere around here.

точного предложения. С наречиями

Первый театр, где / в котором я

when/ where предлог не нужен.

играл, находится где-то рядом.

Do you know the year when / in

which the first western was made?

Do you know the year which the first

western was made in?

Ты знаешь, когда / в каком году

был снят первый вестерн?

Очень важно знать четкое различие между двумя типами относительных придаточных предложений в английском языке:

Первый тип ограничительное отно-

She likes people who are good fun

сительное придаточное предложение

to be with.

(defining relative clause) определяет

Ей нравятся люди, с которыми

существительное, к которому отно-



Politicians who tell lies are odi-

Такое придаточное предложение явля-


ется неотъемлемой частью целого

Политики, которые лгут, от-

предложения, так как без ограничи-


тельного относительного предложе-

ние теряет смысл.


Поскольку данное придаточное пред-

Politicians are odious. (Предло-

ложение является частью целого, то

жение потеряло смысл, оно ста-

оно не отделяется на письме запятыми.

ло общим высказыванием).

Второй тип неограничительное от-

My friend Andrew, who is Scot-

носительное придаточное (non-

tish, plays the bagpipes.

defining relative clause) содержит вто-

Мой друг Андрю, шотландец,

ростепенную информацию и в предло-

играет на волынке.

жении звучит как добавление к основ-

My friend Andrew plays the bag-


pipes. (Предложение сохранило

Являясь второстепенными, такие пред-


ложения на письме отделяются запя-


В разговорном английском более привычным является употребление придаточных предложений первого типа. В речевом потоке ограничительные относительные не имеют пауз, в то время как неограничительные придаточные отделяются паузами от главного.



Did you like the present ( ) I gave


Можно опустить относительное ме-

Тебе понравился подарок, кото-

стоимение, если оно является до-

рый я тебе вручил?

полнением придаточного предло-

Who was that man ( ) you were


talking to?

Кто был тот человек, с которым

ты разговаривал?

Если местоимение является подле-

I met a man who works in advertis-

жащим придаточного предложения,


то опустить его из предложения

Я встретил человека, который


работает в рекламной инду-


I’ll lend you the book that changed

my life.

Я дам тебе почитать книгу, ко-

торая изменила мою жизнь.

Местоимение whose не опускается:

There is the student whose father

has been awarded the State Prize.

Вот тот студент, отцу которо-

го присуждена Государственная


В описательных определительных

Mr. Ivanov’s article, which I read

предложениях относительные ме-

yesterday, is very interesting.

стоимения не опускаются:

Статья господина Иванова, ко-

торую я прочел вчера, очень ин-




При анализе и переводе предложения некоторые трудности представляют случаи преобразования придаточных предложений с помощью их замены определенными оборотами. Причастия и причастные обороты являются наиболее употребительными в случаях замены развернутого придаточного предложения.

В английском языке существует три вида причастий:

1)причастие настоящего времени (Present Participle),

2)причастие прошедшего времени (Past Participle),

3)перфектное причастие (Perfect Participle).


Причастие настоящего времени

She whistled when she left the

(Present Participle) образуется добавле-

house. = She left the house whis-

нием окончания -ing к базовой форме

tling. = Whistling, she left the

глагола (то есть к форме I), поэтому это


причастие также известно как «-ing»-

Она вышла из дома, посви-



Причастие настоящего времени обозна-

чает действие, одновременное с дей-

ствием глагола и используется для со-

кращения или объединения предложе-

ний в действительном залоге с одним и

тем же подлежащим.

Причастие прошедшего времени (Past

The boy was given an apple and

Participle) образуется путем добавления

he stopped crying. = Given an

окончания -ed к базовой форме глагола

apple, the boy stopped crying.

(форма I), если это правильный глагол.

Мальчику дали яблоко, и он пе-

Для неправильных глаголов необходимо

рестал плакать.

смотреть третью колонку в списке не-

правильных глаголов.

Причастие прошедшего времени также

используется для сокращения или объ-

единения предложений в страдательном

залоге с одним и тем же подлежа-


Перфектное причастие действитель-

Having cooked, he set the table.

ного залога (Perfect Participle Active)

Закончив готовить, он

образуется следующим образом:

накрыл на стол.

having + причастие прошедшего вре-


Перфектное причастие страдательно-

Having been cooked, the food

го залога (Perfect Participle Passive) об-

looked delicious.

разуется следующим образом: having

Когда еда была приготовлена,

been + причастие прошедшего времени

она выглядела очень вкусно.

Перфектное причастие может использоваться для сокращения или объединения предложений с одним и тем же подлежащим, если:

— одно действие (то действие, где ис-

When she bought a bike she cy-

пользуется перфектное причастие) за-

cled home. = Having bought a

канчивается до наступления следующе-

bike, she cycled home.

го действия

Купив велосипед, она поехала

на нем домой.


— одно действие происходит уже в течение какого-то промежутка времени, когда начинается другое действие

He had been living there for such a long time that he didn’t want to move to another town. = Having lived there for such a long time, he didn’t want to move to another town.

Прожив там так долго, он не хотел переезжать в другой город.


После предлогов и соединительных со-

By appearing in that cigarette

юзов используются причастия настоя-

advert, he damaged his actor ca-

щего времени (Present Participle) и пер-


фектные причастие (Perfect Participle)

Появившись в рекламе сига-

рет, он разрушил свою карье-


After playing/having played

computer games all morning, I

felt really tired.

Проиграв все утро в компью-

терные игры, я чувствовал се-

бя очень уставшим.

Важно, чтобы и причастие и остальная

Watching TV, I saw a news re-

часть предложения имели одно и то же

port about Hollywood. (Верно)


Watching TV, a news report

came about Hollywood. (Невер-


1. Circle the correct word.

1)The minister, which / who was appointed just last week, made no comment on the situation.

2)Isn‟t that the spot which / where the accident happened last night?

3)The human brain, which / who weighs about 1400 grammes, is ten times the size of a baboon‟s.

4)There are several reasons which / why I don‟t want to see Michael to-


5)This is the office which / where I work.

6)The new girl in our class, who’s / whose name is Alexandra, seems really nice.


7)The Titanic, which /that people said was unsinkable, sank on her maiden voyage.

8) All the people to who / whom the e-mail was sent replied.

9)April 1st, which / when we play tricks on people, is known as April

Fools‟ Day.

10)Harry Hill, who / whose new series starts next week, is one of my favourite comedians.

11)A very popular breed of dog is the German Shepherd, which / who is often used as a guard dog.

12)Blackpool Tower, which / that was modelled on the Eiffel Tower, is a very well-known landmark.

2. If a word in bold is correct, put a tick (). If it is incorrect, rewrite it correctly.

1)November 5th was the day which Guy Fawkes tried to blow up Parliament. __

2)There were none of my favourite biscuits left when I had a cup of tea, that was really annoying. __

3)I‟ve just got a new webcam that takes really clear pictures. __

4)The Godfather was made by Francis Ford Copolla, who’s daughter is also a film director. __

5)Can you think of any reason which Cathy should be angry with me? __

6)Here‟s a photo of the hotel where we stayed in when were in Beijing. __

7)How do you think the first man whom walked on the moon felt? __

8) This is the first occasion on which the leaders of these two countries have met. __

9)He is a person for who very few people feel much sympathy. __

10)The moment which the hero suddenly appears from behind a tree is the best moment in the whole film. __

11)I met a man which had a dog with only three legs. __

12)My new school, who I moved to about a month ago, seems like quite a friendly place. __

3. Rewrite as one sentence using a relative clause.

1)My friend Simon plays the guitar. He has just released a CD.

E.g. My friend Simon, who has just released a CD, plays the guitar.

2)Prince Charles is heir to the throne of England. His wife was Princess


3)Microsoft has a lot of power in the world of computers. That annoys some people.


4)The euro replaced a number of national currencies. It was introduced in January 2002.

5)Friends ran for ten years. It is one of my favourite series

6)Venus is a very hot place. It is much closer to the Sun than the Earth is.

7)Cricket is popular in many countries around the world. It is played between two teams of eleven.

8) Parts of Buckingham Palace are open to the public. It is where the queen lives.

9)The greyhound is the fastest dog. It can reach speeds of over 65 kilometres an hour.

10)1984 was written by George Orwell. His real name was Eric Blair.

4. Write one word in each gap. Do not write that and do not leave any gaps blank.


Jeremy Platt

I‟m sure there was a reason (1) … I became a TV reviewer. Maybe it was my love of classic shows (2) … kept me entertained as a child. Or maybe it was the presenters (3) … seemed to promise an exciting world of glamour and showbiz. To be honest, I‟ve watched so many shows lately (4) … have bored me to tears that I‟ve forgotten. Take Kid Swap, for example, the new show (5) … Channel 7 hopes will revive their viewing figures. The show takes kids (6) … parents have had enough and swaps them with kids from other families for two weeks. The problem with this show is that I‟m just not sure at (7) … its aimed – parents or teenagers. Parents (8) … watch this show will find it childish, particularly at the moment (9) … one of the teenagers does nothing but complain. Teenage viewers

(10)… watch more than the first five minutes will soon get bored of the parents,

(11)… blame anybody but themselves for the situation. This is definitely one idea (12) … should be put exactly where it belongs – in the bin!

5.Tick () the gaps in Exercise D which could be completed using that. Put a cross () where that could not be used.

1) …

3) …

5) …

7) …

9) …

11) …

2) …

4) …

6) …


10) …

12) …

6. Choose the correct answer.

1) «Who‟s that over there?»

«Oh, it‟s our new teacher, … just started work today».

A that

C which he


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Комплексное использование лексико-грамматических знаний в обучении английскому языку.

Test 2.

  1. Circle the right sentence A or B .

  1. A I can’t bear being tickled!

B I can’t bear to be tickled


  1. A My boss went on saying that he was very proud of all of us.

B My boss went on to say that he was very proud of all of us.


  1. A Have you stopped having lunch yet?

B Have you stopped to have lunch yet?


  1. A Have you started having lunch yet?

B Have you started to have lunch yet?


  1. A They continued climbing the mountain.

B They continued to climb the mountain.


  1. A We all saw the reporter interviewing the witness.

B We all saw the reporter interview the witness.


  1. A I love playing practical jokes on my younger brother.

B I love to play practical jokes on my younger brother.


  1. A Why don’t you try holding your breath for a minute or two?

B Why don’t you try to hold your breath for a minute or two?


  1. A I hate being cheated by a taxi driver.

B I hate to be cheated by a taxi driver.


  1. Choose the correct answer.

  1. Oh, I’m sorry! __ disturbing you?

A Do I B Have I C Should I D Am I

  1. Did Dorothy __ you about the meeting on Friday?

A told B tell C has told D tells

  1. __ hot when you were in Spain?

A Was it B It was C Did it D it made

  1. Tony, __ got time to call Mrs. Roberts?

A do you have B you have C are you D have you

  1. When your boss arrived, __ finished the report?

A you had B you have C had you D have you

  1. I know Jane’s pretty, but __ seen someone spend so much time in front of the mirror?

A do you ever B you have never C have you ever D ever have you

  1. It’s raining, so __ cancel the concert?

A will they B Are you C do they will D are they

  1. __ pass me the salt, please?

A You could B Are you C You are D Could you

  1. Sir, __ repeat what the homework is, please?

A do you B are you C you D can you

  1. __ the couple you met in France last year staying at the same hotel?

A Did B Have C Were D Could

  1. I know how to pronounce ‘controversy’, but what __?

A does it mean B it means C is it mean D means it

  1. It’s a great idea, but __ it will work?

A are you think B do you think C you think D you do think

  1. Circle the correct phrase.

  1. ‘Who asked you/did you ask to the party?’

‘Maria, but she told me she couldn’t come.’

  1. ‘Who saw you/did you see at the supermarket?’

‘Just Ben, but I don’t think he saw me.’

  1. ‘What gave you/did you give the impression that Greg was depressed?’

‘Oh, I don’t know. He just seemed a bit down.’

  1. ‘Who thought you/did you think had stolen the money?’

‘Jenny, but she believed me when I told her I hadn’t done it.’

  1. ‘Which programme taught you/did you teach the most?’

‘Well, I learned a lot from Extreme History.’

  1. ‘Who borrowed you/did you borrow this book from?’

‘Tracy, and I need to give it back to her tomorrow.’

  1. ‘What brought you/did you bring to this part of the world?’

‘Work, really, and I’ve always loved this country.’

  1. ‘Who accused George/did George accuse of starting the fight?’

‘He says that John started it by calling him names.’

  1. ‘Which person admires you/do you admire the most?’

‘I think I would say my grandmother because she’s worked hard all her life.’

  1. ‘Who told Dave/did Dave tell your secret?’

‘I’m not sure, but I think Simone probably told him.’

  1. Circle the extra word in each line.

Getting a mortgage

  1. Someone told to me a few months ago that getting a mortgage would be easy. How

  2. wrong they were! When I first went into the bank, I asked if them how much I could

  3. borrow. They refused that to answer ever such a simple question, saying that I had to

  4. actually find a house before they could tell me whether they would have lend me the

  5. money or not. I thought this was ridiculous and so told it a white lie, saying that

  6. I had been already found a house. They finally said they would lend me the money, so

  7. that was great. Then the problems started. A few weeks later a friend told me that about

  8. a wonderful flat that was for sale. He suggested to our buying it together because it was

  9. so large and I agreed. When I went back to the bank and said so I was planning to

  10. buy a flat with a friend, the bank manager denied doing that he had ever said the bank

  11. would give me a mortgage and claimed that he has had looked at my finances and knew

  12. I wasn’t earning enough to borrow money. I begged with him to have another look at my

  13. records as I knew he was wrong. Finally, he agreed me to reconsider my case and

  14. eventually sent me a letter which stated that the bank would was quite happy to give me

  15. a mortgage. By then, though, it was said too late as someone else had bought the flat!

  1. Circle the correct word.

  1. The minister, which/who was appointed just last week, made no comment on the situation.

  2. Isn’t that the spot which/where the accident happened last night?

  3. The human brain, which/who weighs about 1400 grammes, is ten times the size of a baboon’s.

  4. There are several reasons which/why I don’t want to see Michael tonight.

  5. This is the office which/where to work.

  6. The new girl in our class, who’s/whose name is Alexandra, seems really nice.

  7. The Titanic, which/that people said was unsinkable, sank on her maiden voyage.

  8. All people to who/whom the e-mail was sent replied.

  9. April 1st, which/when we play tricks on people, is known as April Fool’s Day.

  10. Harry Hill, who/whose new series starts next week, is one of my favorite comedians.

  11. A very popular breed of dog is the German Shepherd, which/who is often used as a guard dog.

  12. Blackpool Tower, which/that was modeled on the Eiffel Tower, is a very well-known landmark.

  1. Choose the correct answer.

  1. I don’t like __ on clothes in shops because I don’t want people to see me in something that doesn’t suit me.

A putting B trying C wearing D handing

  1. I’m not sure a green skirt __ combination with a blue top is such a good idea.

Aon B at C in D for

  1. Everyone complimented Kitty __ her new outfit.

A on B to C in D from

  1. I think some modern designs are more like __ of art.

A makes B works C objects D jobs

  1. I wish people didn’t __ a tendency to follow fashion without thinking about what suits them personally.

A do B make C get D have

  1. I don’t think T-shirts and jeans will ever go __ of style, do you?

A away B out C off D down

  1. Make sure you __ your make-up with a soft brush, like this one.

A apply B construct C decorate D dress

  1. If you wear that shirt with the __ pattern, you’ll look like a chessboard!

A plain B striped C shiny D checked

  1. You always seem to look so formal. If only you would __ your hair down!

A get B set C put D let

  1. The latest trend __ footwear is to wear very simple, traditional shoes.

A of B on C in D from

  1. My sister and I share the same taste __ clothes and we wear each other’s things all the time.

A in B of C for D on

  1. Why can’t you __ Edgar’s example and wear a tie to work?

A set B make C follow D do

  1. My dad asked me whether his clothes were __ fashion and I said they were – about twenty years ago!

A in B from C on D of

7. Choose the correct answer.

  1. Who is responsible __ dealing with complaints?

A with B for C in D at

  1. We began __ looking round for advertising agencies which had experience of our market.

A to B with C by D at

  1. The covering letter wasn’t attached __ the CV.

A to B with C from D by

  1. Don’t you think you should apply for the job __ writing?

A with B for C at D in

  1. I was only absent __ the office for a few minutes!

A for B from C in D about

  1. Success in his industry depends __ a lot of luck!

A with B from C at D on

8. Choose the correct answer from (A), (B), (C), (D) :

  1. Television __ by John Logie Baird.

A invented B has invented C was being invented D was invented

  1. Yesterday he had __ on.

A a three-pieces suit B three pieces of suit C a three-piece suit

D three piece suit

  1. The train isn’t __ the plain. They both cost the same.

A as expensive as B so expensive like C as expensive like D like expensive like

  1. Have you been to the Kremlin? – Yes, I __ there last week.

A have been B am C was D had been

  1. I don’t know where your key is, I haven’t seen it __.

A any place B anywhere C nowhere D somewhere

  1. They arrived __ New York late at night.

A in B at C to D into

  1. At the interview they asked Alan __

A could he drive? B did he can drive? C if he could drive. D if he can drive.

  1. We had __ a good time at the party.

A so B quite C very D too

  1. Who __ you to play tennis?

A did teach B have taught C teach D taught

  1. Did you see the car __ he bought a month ago?

A what B whom C which D that’s

  1. What did you have __ yesterday?

A for breakfast B for a breakfast C for the breakfast D on breakfast

  1. This is __ dress I’ve ever seen.

A the expensivest B the more expensive C the most expensive

D most expensive

  1. My brother said that he __ the car the following day.

A won’t need B doesn’t need C wasn’t need D wouldn’t need

  1. I wouldn’t dare to advise __ to the cinema with him.

A that you to go B what you to go C you to go D you go

  1. Do you mind __ the window?

A if I open B me to open C you to go D you go

  1. I __ this book all day, but I haven’t finished it yet.

A read B was reading C am reading D have been reading

  1. Shall we go by train? – I’d rather __.

A to fly B flew C fly D will fly

  1. How long __ his house?

A has Mr. Green had B does Mr. Green have C did Mr. Green have

D has Mr. Green been having

  1. The guide told us __ the river water unboiled.

A to not drink B not to drink C don’t drink D to do not drink

  1. Can I give you __?

A an advice B some advices C a few advice D a piece of advice

  1. Winston Churchill was famous __ his wonderful public speeches.

A for B with C about D of

  1. Is __ Nile a beautiful river?

AB the C a D an

  1. __ before five, you’ll catch the train.

A If you will leave B If you are leaving C If you leave D If you had left

  1. Another passenger came and asked __.

A if the seat was taken B was the seat taken C if was the seat taken

D did the seat was taken

  1. __ when you got to the station?

A Did Mr. Black already arrive B Was Mr. Black already arrived

C has Mr. Black already arrived D Had Mr. Black already arrived


1. Circle the correct word.

1 The minister, which / who was appointed just last week, made no comment on the situation.

2 Isn’t that the spot which / where the accident happened last night?

3 The human brain, which / who weighs about 1400 grammes, is ten times the size of a


4 There are several reasons which / why I don’t want to see Michael tonight.

5 This is the office which / where I work.

6 The new girl in our class, who’s/whose name is Alexandra, seems really nice.

7 The Titanic, which / that people said was unsinkable,sankon her maiden voyage.

8 All the people to who / whom the e-mail was sent replied.

9 April 1st, which / when we play tricks on people, is known as April Fools’ Day.

10 Harry Hill, who / whose new series starts next week, is one of my favourite comedians.

11 A very popular breed of dog is the German Shepherd, which / who is often used as a guard


12 Blackpool Tower, which / that was modelled on the Eiffel Tower, is a very well-known


2. If a word in bold is correct, put a tick (+). If it is incorrect, rewrite it correctly.

1 November 5th was the day which Guy Fawkes tried to blow up Parliament………………….

2 There were none of my favourite biscuits left when I had a cup of tea, that was really


3 I’ve just got a new webcam that takes really clear pictures………………….

4 The Godfather was made by Francis Ford Copolla, who’s daughter is also a film director.

5 Can you think of any reason which Cathy should be angry with me?……………….

Do’stlaringiz bilan baham:

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