Circle the correct word people helped


Circle the correct words.

1. People helped/would help the environment if they recycled/would recycled more.

2. If renewable energy was/is more accessible, more people used/would use it.

3. The climate doesn’t/wouldn’t chang so quickly if we would use/used fewer chemicals.

4. If GM products would be/were lessc controversial, mor people would buy/bought them.

5. The world is/would be a cleaner place if developed countries would care/cared more about the environment.

6. We protected/would protect the environment more if we all acted/would act responsibly.

1 ответ:




1 would help, recycled 2 was would use 3 wouldn’t ,used, 4 were, would buy, 5 would be, cared 6 would protect acted

Читайте также


Farmer, garden, lesson, doctor, duster, corner, under.
Apsent, minus, pencil, sister.
Open, pupil, student.


rockets, technologies, orbit


My Favourite Writer

My favourite writer is Jules Verne, one of the best French writers.

He was born in 1828 and died in 1905.

Jules Verne was trained as a lawyer but he chose to write for magazines and the theatre.

He created a new kind of novel that combined scientific fact with adventure fiction. It was called “scientific fiction». Verne’s books quickly became best-sellers. He wrote more than 60 books that formed the popular series «Voyages extraordinaires» (“Extraordinary Journeys”). Most of his books are still popular with readers all over the world.

The most famous works by Jules Verne are “A Journey to the Centre of the Earth”, “Around the World in Eighty Days”, “The Mysterious Island”, “Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea”, “From the Earth to the Moon”.

My favourite book is “The Mysterious Island”.

<span>Reading books.A book is one of the greatest wonders of the world. I think that we can’t live without them. We learned a lot of interesting things from books. I am sure that books play a very important role in our life. Thanks to book we can talk to people who lived in different ages and countries. Book develops our feelings and emotions, it makes us think, suffer and rejoice together with the characters of the book. It’s also a source of knowledge and useful information about all sorts of things.Books are divided into 2 major categories: fiction and non-fiction. Books of fiction are imaginary stories. The writer makes us the characters and events. Sometimes a writer bases on real events. There are following kinds of fiction: tales, myths, legends, poetry, plays and novels.Non-fiction books are about real events, people or nature. They give factual material about history, nature. As for me I like detectives and fantastic stories. My favorite detective story is “The adventures of Sherlock Holmes” by A.C.Doyle. I like it because when you read it you will never know till the last page who is the murderer and it’s very interesting. Also I like “The lord of the ring” by J.J.R.Tolkien. </span>

Помогите пожалуйста

Circle the correct words.

1. People (helped / would help) the environment if the (recycled / would recycle)more.

2. If renewable energy (was / is)more accessible, more people(used / would use)it.

3. The climate (doesn’t / wouldn’t)change so quickly if we would (use / used)fewer chemicals.

4. If GM products(would be / were) less controversial, more people (would buy / bought)them.

5. The world(is / would be)a cleaner place if developed countries(would care / cared) more about the environment.

6. We (protection / would protect) the environment more if we all (acted / would act) responsibly.

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Ответы к рабочей тетради Spotlight английский язык 7 класс, страница 6

1. Circle the correct word. — Обведи правильные слова


1 Always look through the peephole / chain before you open the door. — Всегда смотри через дверной глазок прежде чем открыть дверь.
2 Don’t run after / hand over the burglar! — Не преследуй грабителя!
3 A burglar let / broke into our house yesterday. — Грабитель вломился в наш дом вчера.
4 He is installing / stealing an alarm system. — Он устанавливает сигнализацию.
5 Keep your mobile phone switched / fitted on at night. — Держи свой мобильный телефон включенным ночью.

2. Form adverbs out of the adjectives in the list to complete the sentences. — Сформируй наречие из прилагательного в списке, чтобы дополнить предложения.

• safe • sure • real • bad • careful • proper

Можно ответить так:

1 Read the leaflet carefully. — Читайте буклет внимательно.
2 I’m sorry I behaved so badly at your party last week. — Я извиняюсь, я вел себя так плохо на твоей вечеринке на прошлой неделе.
3 Have a nice trip and drive safely. — Приятной поездки и езжай безопасно.
4 Make sure the lights work properly. — Убедись, что освещение работает правильно.
5 Do you really like living in a big city? — Вы реально хотите жить в большом городе?
6 I’m surely sorry for being late. — Конечно, я извиняюсь за опоздание

3. Complete the sentence with the correct phrasal verb. — Дополни предложения правильными фразовыми глаголами.

• run into • run after • run out


1 I tried to run after the thief, but he was too fast for me. — Я пытался преследовать вора, но он был слишком быстр для меня.
2 Did you run into Mr Jones the other day? — Вы наткнулись на мистера Джонса на днях?
3 Oh. no! The guests will be here in a minute and we are run out of coffee. — О, нет! Гости будут с минуты на минуту, а у нас кончился кофе.

4. Someone took Matt’s wallet. Help Matt be more careful. Use the phrases to give him advice. — Кто-то взял кошелёк Мэтта. Помоги Мэтту быть более внимательным. Используй фразы, чтобы дать ему совет.

carry a lot of money with you
use a belt bag
keep your wallet in your back pocket
be careful in crowded places


1 You shouldn’t carry a lot of money with you. — Тебе не стоит носить много денег с собой.
2 You should use a belt bag. — Тебе нужно носить сумку на ремне
3 You shouldn’t keep your wallet in your back pocket. — Ты не должен держать свой кошелек в заднем кармане.
4 You should be careful in crowded places. — Ты должен быть внимательным в людных местах.

5. Choose the correct response for each question. — Выбери корректный ответ на каждый вопрос


1: What’s the best way to avoid pickpockets? — Какой лучший способ избежать кражи из кармана?
  a) You should look after your wallet. — Ты должен присматривать за своим кошельком.
  b) Don’t be so silly! — Не будь глупцом.

2: How about joining Neighbourhood Watch? — Как насчет вступления в отряд Дружинников?
  a) Really? — Правда?
  b) I didn’t think of that. — Я не думал об этом.

3: How can we protect our home? — Как мы можем защитить наш дом?
  a) Why don’t you fit an alarm system? — Почему бы тебе не установить сигнализацию?
  b) Walk in well-lit places. — Гулять по хорошо освещенным местам.

4: What should we do before we leave the house? — Что мы должны сделать перед тем как покинуть дом?
  a) You should fit an alarm system — Ты должен установить сигнализацию
  b) You should lock all the doors. — Ты должен закрыть все двери.

Choose the correct word and circle it.

1 Do you enjoy to live / living a megalopolis?
2 The community promised to help / helping the family in need as much as they could.
3 I don’t think you’ll be able to park / parking so close to the city centre.
4 Some people hate to travel / travelling by public transport but I like it.
5 Is it allowed to park / parking so close to the road junction?
6 Would you agree to move/moving house?
7 Are you going to stay/staying in a hotel or in a city apartment?

На данной странице находятся упражнения с ответами по английскому языку из учебника Spotlight 11 из раздела Word Perfect, Module 7.

Exercise 1. Use the words in the list to complete the exchanges.
Упражнение 1. Вставить слова.


• change • overcome • wait • face • reject • make • come • achieve

A: Pete helped me __ the problems I had at work.
B: He is a great guy, isn’t he?

A: Lots of people want to __ the world.
B: That is very promising.

A: Do you think it will be difficult to start my own business?
B: In the beginning, you may __ many obstacles, but you mustn’t give up.

A: We will never have the money to buy a car.
B: Yes, we will. Just __ and see.

A: When I set goals for myself, I make sure I __ them.
B: Good for you!

A: If you __ up against any difficulties, give me a ring.
В: I’ll be fine. Don’t worry.

A: I don’t think I would be a successful manager.
B: Don’t __ the idea until you give it a try.

A: Tracey likes helping people in need.
В: I know, she likes to __ a difference in people’s lives.

A: Pete helped me overcome the problems I had at work. – Пит помог мне преодолеть проблемы, который я имел на работе.
B: He is a great guy, isn’t he? – Он отличный парень, не так ли?

A: Lots of people want to change the world. – Много людей хотя изменить мир.
B: That is very promising. – Это очень многообещающе.

A: Do you think it will be difficult to start my own business? – По твоему мнению, будет сложно начать свой бизнес?
B: In the beginning, you may face many obstacles, but you mustn’t give up. – Вначале ты можешь столкнуться со многими преградами, но ты не должен сдаваться.

A: We will never have the money to buy a car. – У нас никогда не будет денег, чтобы купить машину.
B: Yes, we will. Just wait and see. – Нет, будут. Просто подождем и посмотрим.

A: When I set goals for myself, I make sure I achieve them. – Когда я ставлю себе цели, то я слежу за тем, чтобы достигать их.
B: Good for you! – Молодец!

A: If you come up against any difficulties, give me a ring. – Если ты столкнешься с какими-нибудь трудностями, то позвони мне.
В: I’ll be fine. Don’t worry. – У меня все будет замечательно. Не беспокойся.

A: I don’t think I would be a successful manager. – Я не думаю, что был бы хорошим руководителем.
B: Don’t reject the idea until you give it a try. – Не отвергайте идею до тез пор, пока вы не опробуете ее.

A: Tracey likes helping people in need. – Трейси любит помогать нуждающимся людям.
В: I know, she likes to make a difference in people’s lives. – Я знаю, она любит вносить изменения в жизнь людей.

Exercise 2. Use the verbs in the correct form to complete the sentences below.
Упражнение 2. Вставить глаголы в правильной форме.


• drop out • win • complete • attend • graduate

1) If I hadn’t __ a scholarship, I would have never been able to study abroad.
2) Once I __ my degree in civil engineering, I will move to Qatar.
3) My brother __ from university when he was twenty-two years old.
4) My dad __ of school when he was fourteen years old.
5) It was difficult for me to __ all lectures because I had to work.

1) If I hadn’t won a scholarship, I would have never been able to study abroad. – Если бы я не выиграл стипендию, то я бы никогда не смог учиться за границей.

2) Once I complete my degree in civil engineering, I will move to Qatar. – Когда я получу диплом в области гражданского строительства, я переду в Катар.

3) My brother graduated from university when he was twenty-two years old. – Мой брат закончил университет, когда ему было двадцать два года.

4) My dad dropped out of school when he was fourteen years old. – Мой отец ушел со школы, когда ему было четырнадцать лет.

5) It was difficult for me to attend all lectures because I had to work. – Для меня было трудно посещать все занятия, потому что я должен был работать.

Exercise 3. Circle the correct item
Упражнение 3. Определить правильное слово.


1) I am going to apply for the subject / position of senior manager at our company.
2) You need to have the necessary quantities / qualifications to succeed in the job.
3) My parents help me pay my tuition fees / money.
4) I usually have a French lesson / subject twice a week.
5) My student loan / funding amounts to £12,000.
6) Most of my classmates / colleagues have been working for a minimum of six years.

1) I am going to apply for the position of senior manager at our company. – Я собираюсь подать заявление на должность старшего управляющего в нашей компании.

2) You need to have the necessary qualifications to succeed in the job. – Вам нужно обладать необходимой квалификацией, чтобы преуспеть в этой работе.

3) My parents help me pay my tuition fees. – Мои родители помогают мне оплачивать стоимость обучения.

4) I usually have a French lesson twice a week. – Обычно у меня занятие по французскому дважды в неделю.

5) My student loan amounts to £12,000. – Мой студенческий заём составляет 12 тыс. фунтов.

6) Most of my colleagues have been working for a minimum of six years. – Большинство моих коллег работают уже минимум шесть лет.

Exercise 4. Match the words to form phrases. Use the phrases in the correct form to complete the sentences below.
Упражнение 4. Соотнесите слова, чтобы образовать фразы. Полученные фразы испoльзуйте в предложениях.


1) in the hope
2) dash one’s
3) hope for the
4) get one’s hopes
5) give up
6) have high hopes
7) pin one’s hopes

a. hopes
b. that
с. up
d. hope
e. of
f. on
g. best

1) Mary shared a flat with her sister __ she would save up some money to buy a car.
2) Jonathan has __ his __ buying this flat. He hasn’t looked around for anything else.
3) I had never worked abroad before but I decided to have a go and __ .
4) We might be able to buy that DVD player that you liked, but don’t __ your __ – it might be sold out.
5) They never __ that they would make it through all the hardships.
6) Jack __ becoming a millionaire.
7) A horrible snowstorm has __ our __ of going to the countryside for the weekend.

1) in the hope that – в надежде на то что
2) dash one’s hopes – разбить надежды
3) hope for the best – надеяться на лучшее
4) get one’s hopes up – чересчур надеяться
5) give up hope – оставить надежду
6) have high hopes of – возлагать большие надежды на
7) pin one’s hopes on – возлагать надежды на

1) Mary shared a flat with her sister in the hope that she would save up some money to buy a car. – Мэри пустила пожить в свей квартире сестру в надежде на то, что на сэкономит деньги, чтобы купить квартиру.

2) Jonathan has pinned his hopes on buying this flat. He hasn’t looked around for anything else. – Джонатан возложил все свои надежды на покупку этой квартиры. Он ничего больше не искал.

3) I had never worked abroad before but I decided to have a go and hope for the best. – Я никогда не работал за границей, но я решил попробовать и надеяться на лучшее.

4) We might be able to buy that DVD player that you liked, but don’t get your hopes up – it might be sold out. – Мы могли бы купить тот DVD-проигрыватель, который тебе понравился, но сильно не надейся – возможно, он уже продан.

5) They never gave up hope that they would make it through all the hardships. – Они никогда не оставляли надежду на то, что сделают это, несмотря на трудности.

6) Jack has high hopes of becoming a millionaire. – Джек возлагает большие надежды на то, что станет миллионером.

7) A horrible snowstorm has dashed our hopes of going to the countryside for the weekend. – Ужасная снежная буря разбила наши надежды поехать за город на выходные.

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