Circle the correct word or phrase in the description

1   If you have …………… time at the end of the exam, check your answers.

      A few   B a few   C little   D a little

2   Give me …………… minutes and I’ll be ready.

      A few   B a few   C little   D a little

3   We’ve only got …………… milk left so get some when you go shopping.

      A few   B a few   C little   D a little

4   Just …………… practice every day and you’ll soon be able to play the piano.

      A few   B a few   C little   D a little

5   We were disappointed that …………… of the members came to the youth club party.

      A few   B a few   C little   D a little

6   Sprinkle …………… sugar on the strawberries.

      A few   B a few   C little   D a little

7   I suppose now I’m 43, I have …………… hope of playing football for England.

      A few   B a few   C little   D a little

8   Could you help me with …………… exercises I don’t understand?

      A few   B a few   C little   D a little

9   There’s …………… coffee left, if anyone wants some.

      A few   B a few   C little   D a little

10   Becoming an astronaut is so demanding that …………… people manage it.

      A few   B a few   C little   D a little

11   I’ll meet you in half an hour – I’ve got …………… e-mails to write first.

      A few   B a few   C little   D a little

12   Many people feel there’s …………… point in voting, even in a general election.

               A few   B a few   C little   D a little

1. Circle the correct words. If both are correct, circle both. Then find the people in the two photos on this page.

1   The man in / wearing a baseball cap …

2   The two women in / with ponytails …

3   The girl who is / with sitting on the ground …

4   The woman in / with long trousers …

5   The man in / with his arms folded …

6   The woman wearing / with a dress …


1 in / wearing   2 with   3 who is   4 in / with

5 with   6 wearing / with

2. Complete the sentences about photo A with the phrases below.

a sort of      I’d say      it looks like some kind of      I would say

most likely      or maybe      something like that

 They’re on a beach, ……………………………………………

 They’re …………………………………………… in their twenties.

 …………………………………………… the people in the background are a mix of ages.

 …………………………………………… fitness competition.

 There’s …………………………………………… mat on the ground.

 The bald man is doing push-ups or ……………………………………………

 The man with the cap is the judge …………………………………………… he’s just a friend.


1 I would say   2 most likely   3 I’d say

4 It looks like some kind of   5 a sort of

6 something like that   7 or maybe

Speaking Strategy

Try to give your photo description a simple structure:

1) say what the photo shows in general. If you are unsure, use phrases like ‘It looks to me as if …’, or ‘The photo appears to show …’;

2) talk about some of the interesting details in the photo;

3) add a personal opinion or reaction.

3. Read the Speaking Strategy. Then look at photo B and prepare your description. Use the questions to help you.

1   Where are the women? What are they doing? What is unusual about the situation?




2   Is one of them the leader? Why do you think so?




4. Read the examiner’s questions. Write notes for your answers.

1   Do you think the women are enjoying themselves? Why? / Why not?

2   What are the advantages and disadvantages of exercising outdoors rather than indoors?

3   Have you been in a similar situation when you enjoyed spending a lot of time outdoors? What were you doing?

1   …………………………………………….


2   …………………………………………….


3   …………………………………………….


5. Now do the speaking task. Use your notes from exercise 3 and 4.

Ex. 5. Circle the correct word or phrase:
1   Elizabeth usually goes\ is usually going to bed at around eleven o’clock.
2   Dan talks\ is talking on the other phone right now.
3   We don’t eat\ aren’t eating any meat at the moment as we’re both on a diet.
4   Does air travel get\ is air travel getting increasingly safe
5   My mum calls \is calling me every weekend without fail.
6   How much do babysitters generally earn\ are babysitters generally earning
7   You always come\ You’re always coming up with excuses for not having done your homework.
8   I don’t go\ I’m not going out much during the week but I always try I’m always trying to go somewhere on Saturday night.
9   The train does stop\ is stopping here.
10 My mum takes\ is taking part in ice-skating competition almost every weekend.


Circle the correct verb or phrase.
1 Two-third/ Two-thirds of adults wear glasses.
2 There are five hundred fifty / five hundred and fifty students here.
3 Can you borrow / lend me 50 euros?
4 I’m leaving tonight and I’m coming/coming back on Friday.
5 This is Ben. He’s teaching / learning me to play the piano.​

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Новые вопросы по предмету Английский язык

Circle the word phrase this is different

1) brother uncle niece grandfather

2)husband mother — in — low stepsister aunt

3) musican doctor journalist factory

4)never early always often

5) haur minute once second.

На этой странице находится вопрос Circle the word phrase this is different1) brother uncle niece grandfather2)husband mother — in — low stepsister aunt3) musican doctor journalist factory4)never early always often5) haur minute once s?. Здесь же – ответы на него,
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соответствует уровню подготовки учащихся 10 — 11 классов. В комментариях,
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  • Circle the correct word or phrase i work am working
  • Circle the correct word or phrase i really
  • Circle the correct word or phrase i love this time in the evening when the
  • Circle the correct word or phrase elizabeth usually goes is usually going
  • Circle the correct word or phrase dear lisa thanks for your letter i just left