Circle the correct word or phrase if both options are correct circle both hello could

A. If a word or phrase in bold is correct, put a tick (✓). If it is incorrect, rewrite it correctly on the line.

1   Can you to speak French?   …………………………..

2   I’ll can give you a hand tomorrow morning, if you like.   …………………………..

3   I’ll can take my driving test after a few more lessons.   …………………………..

4   Jack can play the guitar before he learnt to talk!   …………………………..

5   If only I can afford to buy that top!   …………………………..

6   We can have gone up the Eiffel Tower while we were in Paris, but we decided to go to the Louvre instead.   …………………………..

 I could get a more expensive computer, but it didn’t seem worth it.   …………………………..

 I wish I could get out of the maths test tomorrow!   …………………………..

 I bet you’d love to be can to get satellite TV.   …………………………..

10   You’d better tell the coach if you can’t playing on Saturday.   …………………………..


1 speak   2 ✓   3 be able to

4 could/was able to

5 could/was able to

6 could   7 have got   8

9 able   10 play

B. Circle the correct word or phrase. If both options are correct, circle both.

1   Hello. Could / Can I speak to Mrs Johnson, please?

2   We could / were allowed to go home early yesterday because our teacher was ill.

3   The head teacher said we could / were allowed to go home.

4   Do you think I should / could be worried about these spots on my forehead?

5   You ought to / should enter that talent contest!

6   You couldn’t / shouldn’t talk to people like that! It’s rude!

7   Alan should write / have written two essays in the exam yesterday, not one!

8   No, you may / should not go out tonight. You know you’re grounded!

9   Diana should have waited / been waiting for me at the corner. I wonder where she went.

10   What were you doing in the park? You ought to have done / been doing your homework then!

11   Yes, of course you can / are able to open the window if you’re too hot!


1 Could/Can   2 were allowed to

3 could/were allowed to   4 should

5 ought to/should   6 shouldn’t

7 have written   8 may

9 waited/been waiting

10 been doing   11 can

C. Write a form of must, have to, need or need to in each gap to complete the sentences. If more than one possibility is correct, write all possibilities.

 Oh, I ………………………… remember to get some potatoes on the way home tonight.

 Jason ………………………… see the headmaster during the next break. I wonder what it’s about?

 We ………………………… light lots of candles during the power cut two nights ago.

 I’ll ………………………… start doing my Christmas cards soon. It’s nearly December.

 Carl, you ………………………… run into the street like that without looking first. It’s dangerous!

 People with solar-powered cars ………………………… worry about the price of petrol.

 I wouldn’t like to ………………………… get up at five o’clock every morning.

 We ………………………… do any washing-up after the picnic because we’d used disposable plates and cutlery.

9   Do professional musicians ………………………… practise every day?

10   I ………………………… have bothered cooking all that food; they’d eaten before they arrived.


1 must/(will) have/need to   2 has/needs to

3 had/needed to   4 have/need to   5 mustn’t

6 don’t/won’t have/need to   7 have to

8 didn’t have/need to   9 have/need to

10 needn’t

D. Complete each second sentence using the word given, so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Write between two and five words in each gap.

 His lights are on so I’m pretty sure Dan is at home.   as

     Dan ………………………………………… his lights are on.

 Susie’s car’s not here so she’s almost certainly taking Dobber to the vet.   be

     Susie ………………………………………… Dobber to the vet since her car’s not here.

 There’s no way that boy’s Simon. He’s much taller!   boy

      That ………………………………………… Simon. He’s much taller!

 I’m certain the Winners don’t think we’re coming tonight; we arranged it for next Tuesday.   expecting

     The Winners ………………………………………… tonight; we arranged it for next Tuesday.

5   I bet you were exhausted after such a long journey!   have

      You ………………………………………… exhausted after such a long journey!

6   The only explanation is that Evan was on the phone to someone in Australia!   talking

      Evan ………………………………………… on the phones to someone in Australia!

7   There’s no way Casey won the disco dancing competition – he’s got two left feet!   have

     Casey ………………………………………… the disco dancing competition – he’s got two left feet!

8   I don’t believe Helen’s been trying to call us all day. The phone hasn’t rung once.   been

     Helen ………………………………………… to call us all day. The phone hasn’t rung once.


1   must be at home as

2   must be taking

3   boy can’t/couldn’t be

4   can’t/couldn’t be expecting us

5   must have been

6   must have been talking

7   can’t/couldn’t have won

8   can’t/couldn’t have been trying

E. Use the words in the box only once to complete the sentences in Table A. The meaning of the sentences in Table B will help you.

able • cannot • could • had • have • might • must

needn’t • mustn’t • ought • should • will

Table A

Table B

1   I ……………… have left my bag on the bus.

expressing certainly

2   In a few months, I’ll be ……………… to buy a car.

expressing future ability

3   I ……………… drive when I was thirteen years old!

expressing past ability

4   No, you ……………… have any more pocket money!

refusing a request

5   I think you ……………… consider a career in the armed forces.

giving advice

6   I ……………… forget to phone Julie tonight!

expressing personal obligation

7   I ……………… to have a filling at the dentist’s.

expressing external obligation in the past

8   You don’t ……………… to do Exercise D for homework.

expressing a lack of obligation

9   You ……………… have to work a lot harder if you want to get a good report.

expressing future obligation

10   They ……………… to arrive at about 8.

expressing probability

11   Sean ……………… have got stuck in traffic.

expressing possibility

12   I ……………… have worried so much about Jan’s present. She loved it!

expressing a lack of past obligation


1 must   2 able   3 could   4 cannot

5 should   6 mustn’t   7 had   8 have

9 will   10 ought   11 might   12 needn’t

F. Circle the correct answer.

1   …………… I have a look at those shoes in the window, please?

      A   Must     B   Would

      C   Should     D   Could

2   We …………… pay for the tickets as Josie won them in a competition.

      A   mustn’t     B   didn’t have to

      C   couldn’t     D   hadn’t to

3   You really …………… make such a mountain out of a molehill!

      A   can’t     B   won’t

      C   mightn’t     D   shouldn’t

4   You won’t …………… to connect to the Internet once you’ve got broadband as you’re online twenty-four hours a day.

      A   need      must

      C   ought      able

 I hope we …………… find the cinema easily.

      A   could      may

      C   might      can

 We couldn’t find a hotel room so we …………… sleep in the car. It was awful!

      A   must      should

      C   had to      could

 We’d love to …………… afford to go on a round-the-world cruise.

      A   can      be able to

      C   will have to      have to

8   Fiona can’t …………… about the meeting. I reminded her this morning!

      A   forget     B   be forgetting

      C   have forgotten

      D   have been forgetting

9   She could …………… in the garage when we came round, which would explain why she didn’t hear the bell.

      A   work     B   be working

      C   have worked     D   have been working

10   You’ll …………… tell the police that your house was broken into.

      A   have to     B   must

      C   had to     D   should


1 D   2 B   3 D   4 A   5 D   6 C   7 B   8 C   9 D   10 A

G. Write a modal or semi-modal in each gap to replace the phrase in brackets. Add any other words you need.

1   Bruce ………………………… (is able to) finish most crosswords in under ten minutes.

2   Charlotte didn’t get to the Craig David concert because she ………………………… (wasn’t able to) get tickets.

3   I ………………………… (had the opportunity to go) to Oxford but I decided to go to a more modern university.

 You ………………………… (were wrong to tell) Angus. You know he can’t keep a secret!

 If you have a cashpoint card, you ………………………… (are not forced to) go into the bank to get money from your account.

6   We ………………………… (were made to) apologise to the police for wasting their time.

7   That ………………………… (almost definitely wasn’t) the last can of soda in the fridge. I bought loads this morning!

8   ………………………… (Were you obliged to) talk about two photographs during the interview?

9   Children ………………………… (are not allowed to) be left unattended.

10   The weather ………………………… (will probably) be good tomorrow.


1 can   2 couldn’t   3 could have gone

4 ought not to/shouldn’t have told

5 don’t have/need to   6 had to

7 can’t/couldn’t have been

8 Did you have to

9 mustn’t/must not

10 ought to/should

H. Choose the correct answer.

Choosing a gym

Choosing to go to a gym regularly (1) …………… change your life for the better. Don’t let it be a decision you regret!

Good gyms have a lot to offer. They (2) …………… provide exercise equipment that is just too expensive to buy and their trained staff are (3) …………… to provide quality health and fitness advice. But if you’re planning to join a gym, you (4) …………… definitely ask to look round before you become a member. There are a number of things to bear in mind before choosing which gym to join.

Before the law changed a few years ago, anyone (5) …………… set up a gym and even today gyms (6) …………… employ trained fitness instructors. Find out what qualifications the staff have. If they’re untrained, it’s best to go elsewhere.

You (7) …………… be put off by the gym’s hard sell. Just because they want you to sign up – they want your money, after all – that doesn’t mean you (8) …………… decide there and then. See a few gyms before you make your final decision.

Ask yourself: What kind of equipment and facilities do they have? There’s little point joining a gym and then thinking a few months later, ‘I (9) …………… have chosen a gym with a pool.’ Do you (10) …………… book equipment in advance, or can you just turn up and use it? How busy does the gym get? It (11) …………… be very pleasant turning up to find there’s no room in the changing room and there’s a huge queue for each piece of equipment. It (12) …………… also be a good idea to talk to people who already go to that gym to find out their opinion.

1   A must   B would   C should   D will have to

2   A can   B could   C would   D must

3   A made   B forced   C allowed   D able

4   A should   B would   C might   D will

5   A can   B could   C might   D may

6   A mustn’t   B don’t have to   C can’t   D shouldn’t

7   A mustn’t   B couldn’t   C won’t   D mightn’t

8   A can’t   B can   C would   D have to

9   A ought to   B must   C have to   D can’t

10   A able   B must   C have to   D allowed

11   A won’t have to   B doesn’t have to   C mustn’t   D won’t

12   A must   B might   C has to   D ought to


1 C   2 A   3 D   4 A   5 B   6 B

7 A   8 D   9 A   10 C   11 D   12 B

I. Write one word in each gap.

When I broke my arm a week ago, I guess it (1) …………… to have hurt. But it didn’t! We were doing PE at school, and we were making a pyramid. We (2) …………… to stand on each other’s shoulders. I was right at the top. We (3) …………… have been doing it properly because suddenly the pyramid collapsed and we all fell. I landed on my arm.

Mr Jenkins (4) …………… have known immediately that I’d broken my arm because he sent someone to call an ambulance. ‘Sit still, and don’t move your arm at all until the ambulance comes,’ he said. I (5) …………… still remember the feeling – my arm was numb, and looked very strange, but there was no pain at all. I remember thinking: ‘It (6) …………… be broken. If it was broken, I’d be in agony.’ I suppose not feeling any pain (7) …………… have been because I was in shock.

The plaster (8) …………… come off in about three weeks but it (9) …………… have to stay on longer. It depends on whether the break has healed properly or not. The next three weeks may (10) …………… be the best three weeks of my life – no basketball, no playing in the playground, no swimming – but I’m counting my blessings. It (11) …………… have been a lot worse!


1 ought   2 had   3 can’t/couldn’t

4 must   5 can   6 can’t

7 may/might/could/must

8 should/could/may/might

9 could/may/might

10 not   11 could/might

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2. If a word or phrase in bold is correct, put a tick ( ). If it is incorrect, rewrite it correctly on the line.
1)Can you to speak French?
2)I can give you a hand tomorrow morning, if you like.
3)I‟ll can take my driving test after a few more lessons.
4)Jack can play the guitar before he learnt to talk!
5)If only I can afford to buy that top!
6)We can have gone up the Eiffel Tower while we were in Paris, but we decided to go to the Louvre instead.
7)I could get a more expensive computer, but it didn‟t seem worth it.
8)I wish I could get out of the maths test tomorrow!
9)I bet you‟d love to be can to get satellite TV.
10)You‟d better tell the coach if you can‟t playing on Saturday.
3. Circle the correct word or phrase. If both options are correct, circle both.
1)Hello. Could / Can I speak to Mrs Johnson, please?
2)We could / were allowed to go home early yesterday because our teacher was ill.
3)The head teacher said we could / were allowed to go home.
4)Do you think I should / could be worried about these spots on my
5)You ought to / should enter that talent contest!
6)You couldn’t / shouldn’t talk to people like that! It‟s rude!
7)Alan should write / have written two essays in the exam yesterday,
not one!
8)No, you may / should not go out tonight. You know you‟re grounded!
9)Diana should have waited / been waiting for me at the corner. I wonder where she went.
10)What were you doing in the park? You ought to have done / have been doing your homework then!

Надо выбрать правильное

We arent/were not going to miss the train, are we?

I think im going to do/im doing really badly in the english test tomorrow

Josh is going to sing/is singing a song in the school talent contest next week

Im going to buy/buying a big yacht if can when im older

sports day is going to be/being held on the last day ofterm

Does/will the concert on thursday last more than two hours?

Are they going to broascast/will they broadcast the music awards live tomorrow night?

According to the timetable, the train for oxford leaves/is leaving at 10.15

Does the restaurant open/is the restaurant opening next sunday?

Найдите правильный ответ на вопрос ✅ «Надо выбрать правильное We arent/were not going to miss the train, are we? I think im going to do/im doing really badly in the english test …» по предмету 📘 Английский язык, а если вы сомневаетесь в правильности ответов или ответ отсутствует, то попробуйте воспользоваться умным поиском на сайте и найти ответы на похожие вопросы.

Смотреть другие ответы

Главная » Английский язык » Надо выбрать правильное We arent/were not going to miss the train, are we? I think im going to do/im doing really badly in the english test tomorrow Josh is going to sing/is singing a song in the school talent contest next week Im going to

9) This stamp is rarer than any other in my collection. more

The other stamps in my collection……………..this one.

10) Nobody in the class runs as fast as Pedro. runner

Pedro…………… the class.

5. Rewrite each sentence using so… that.

1)John can see over the wall because he is tall.

2)I‟m sure my sister will go to university because she is clever.

3)I can‟t stop playing this computer game because it‟s good.

4)Tim can‟t come out because he has a lot of work to do.

5)It‟s hot, which means I can‟t sleep.

6)Tina arrived late, which meant she missed the train.

7)We don‟t have any money for luxuries because we have a lot of bills

to pay.

8) It takes a day to get to Australia because it‟s very far away.

6.Match to make sentences.

1)Last year, winter started so…

2)Last winter, there were so …

3)Last year, we had such …

4)Last winter, there was so…

5)Last winter, there was such a lot …

6)Last winter was so …

Amany storms that we had floods.

Bcold that the water in the pipes froze.

Ca cold winter that I slept with a hat on.

Dsuddenly that many people were taken by surprise.

Emuch snow that I skied nearly every day.

Fsnow that many wild animals died.

7. Circle the correct word or phrase.

1)I don‟t think there‟s enough pizza / pizza enough for everyone.

2)I‟m afraid you‟re not enough old / old enough to see this film.

3)Luckily, we got to the box office enough early / early enough and got the tickets.

4)Anne‟s enough sensible / sensible enough to realise she needs to work hard this year.

5)If you don‟t train enough hard / hard enough, you‟ll never win the


6)Have you got enough credits / credits enough to call Yiota on your


7)It should be enough warm / warm enough for a picnic this weekend.


8) I don‟t think I‟m good enough for getting / to get into the swimming


9)Are you sure you‟ve got enough chairs for us all to sit down / we all

sit down?

10)In mountaineering, you have to be strong enough for pull / to pull yourself up with your fingers.

8. Tick the correct sentence. If a sentence is incorrect, write another word to replace the word in bold.

1)I wanted to get some new trainers but they were too expensive.__

2)Japanese is a too difficult language for Westerners to learn. __

3)Daniel‟s too good at art and he‟s starting art school next year. __

4)Don‟t invite too many people to the party or we won‟t have enough


5)If you try to write your essay too quickly, you‟ll make mistakes.__

6)My new computer is too fast and can run all the latest programs.__

7)Joanne was fined for driving too fast.__

8) Carol couldn‟t climb over the wall because it was too high.__

9)Cornwall is too beautiful and we go there every year on holiday.__

10)My grandparents are too old to work now and have retired.__

11)It was too dark for me to see the map and I got lost.__

12)My best friend is too funny and always makes me laugh.__

9. Choose the correct answer.

1) It was ………. windy that I couldn‟t stand up!









2) Everyone had …..….. a good time when we went bowling that we

agreed to go again.










Emma and Karen used to be … good friends that I‟m surprised they

don‟t get on well now.










I hope I‟ve got ……. money to pay for this meal!









5) I‟m sorry, but I‟ve got …… much work to do to come to the beach today.











My mum was …… angry that I knew I‟d better disappear for a











They were ….. beautiful shoes that I decided I had to get them.










The earthquake was ….. powerful that the town was destroyed.










The shot was ….. quick for the goalkeeper and the ball hit the back of

the net.









10) I had …… a bad headache that I went to lie down for a while.









10. Write one word in each gap.


“Hello, and welcome to Crimestoppers, the show that lets you, the viewer, help the police. We‟ve had 1) … a lot of letters this week that it‟s difficult to know where to begin. We‟ll start with the story of Mrs. Pat Williams, of Cambridge. Last Friday, Pat decided to go into town with her baby daughter. It‟s 2) … far to walk so they went to the bus stop. They waited 3) … a long time that baby Caroline started to cry. Pat picked the baby up out of the pram and she was 4) … busy she didn‟t notice the man beside her until it was 5) … late. He grabbed her handbag and ran off 6) … quickly for her to catch him. It all happened 7) … fast that there was nothing anyone could do. Police are appealing for witnesses. Maybe you were in the area. Maybe you think that what you saw is 8) … unimportant that the police won‟t be interested. Remember that no detail is 9) … small to be useful to the police. Call us here at Crimestoppers now.

11.**Translate into English.

1.Чем больше мы путешествуем, тем больше узнаем о культуре и традициях разных стран. 2. Я не люблю такие мероприятия, где собирается много народа. 3. Эта статья об искусстве дарить подарки совершенно меня не увлекла. 4. Я так редко получаю подарки, что абсолютно не привык к это-


му. 5. Это было такое вкусное блюдо, что я буквально проглотила его. 6. У нее так много идей, что потребовалось бы несколько жизней для их реализации. 7. Этих аргументов слишком мало для принятия окончательного решения. 8. Хватит ли нам бутербродов, которые я сделал для всех? 9. Чем больше у человека денег, тем больше у него желаний. 10. Я надеюсь, что на твоей карточке достаточно денег, чтобы расплатиться за обед. 11. Почему ты не хочешь поискать более дешевый компьютер и сэкономить немного денег?12. Согласен ли ты с поговоркой «Меньше знаешь – крепче спишь»? 13. Какой самый бесполезный подарок тебе дарили? 14. Мы так редко ходим друг к другу в гости!


Модальные глаголы в английском языке отличаются от остальных глаголов. Они не являются полнозначными глаголами и не могут употребляться в роли самостоятельного сказуемого. В предложении модальные глаголы являются частью составного модального сказуемого.

Модальные глаголы отражают отношение говорящего к действию: оценку действия как «возможное, необходимое, разрешаемое, просимое, запрещенное, приказываемое, маловероятное, очень вероятное и т. д.».


Случаи употребления


can / could

физическая или умственная спо-

What weight can you carry?

собность, умение что-то сделать

Какой вес ты можешь поднять?

He could speak French but he couldn’t

write it very well.

Он умел хорошо говорить по-

французски, но не очень хорошо

умел писать.

общая или теоретическая возмож-

You can find any kind of information

ность совершения действия (часто

on the Internet.

в рамках условного наклонения)

В Интернете можно найти любую


The enemy could have lost three ships

in the naval battle, if only…

Враг мог бы потерять три корабля

в морском сражении, если бы



возможность что-то совершить

British Parlament can use issue laws

согласно закону или правилам

from the budget.

Британский парламент может из-

давать законы и формировать


просьба совершить действие

Сan I try on this coat?

(в вопросах)

Я могу примерить это пальто?

Could I have your umbrella with me?

Не мог бы я взять твой зонтик с

собой? (более вежливая форма)

разрешение на совершение дей-

You can write her a letter, if you want.


Можешь написать ей письмо, если


запрещение чего-либо (в отрица-

You can’t walk on the grass.

тельной форме)

Нельзя ходить по газону.


He cannot be so old.

(в отрицательной форме)

Он не может быть так стар.

He couldn’t be so old!

Он ну никак не может быть

настолько стар! (большая вырази-

тельность, большая степень недове-



Can it be so cold in the middle of July

(в вопросительных предложениях)


Неужели здесь так холодно в сере-

дине июля?


You could at least warn me.

Ты мог бы меня предупредить.


Глагол can имеет эквивалент be able to, который может употребляться в различных видовременных формах:

I will be able to leave hospital in a few weeks (Я смогу выписаться из больницы через несколько недель).

I‟ve been able to swim since I was five (Я могу плавать с пяти лет).

may / might

предположение или возможность,

Peter may come today.

в которой говорящий не уверен

Возможно, Питер сегодня придет.

The weather might be better tomorrow.

Может, погода завтра улучшится.

ольшая степень неуверенности)


официальная просьба

May we have a short talk with your

chief now?

Можно нам немного побеседовать с

Вашим шефом сейчас?

официальный запрет (в отрица-

You may not drink alcoholic drinks

тельной форме)


Здесь нельзя употреблять алкоголь.

официальное разрешение

You may go.

Можете идти (вы свободны).

упрек, неодобрение

They might change their employer.

Они могли бы сменить работу.


Глагол may имеет эквивалент be allowed to, который может употребляться для выражения разрешения в прошлом.

I was allowed to wear a knee support during the match.

I could wear a knee support during the match.

Мне разрешили надеть наколенник во время матча.

Однако для выражения разрешения в прошлом, употребленного в кос-

венной речи, используется глагол could:

The coach said I could wear a knee support during the match.

Тренер сказал, что я могу надеть наколенник во время матча.


осознанная необходимость, исхо-

I‟m sure, that you must have a talk

дящая изнутри, а не вызванная по

with your professor.

принуждению внешними обстоя-

Я уверен, что ты должен побесе-


довать со своим профессором.

уверенность, высокая вероятность

They must be at the railway station

(должно быть, наверняка)

by now, they started three or two

hours ago.

Они наверняка должны быть на

вокзале к этому времени, они вы-

ехали два-три часа назад.


*Если модальный глагол must в значении уверенности должен быть в отрицательной или вопросительной форме, для этого нужно использовать отрицательные частицы или приставки:

He must never have been abroad.


Должно быть, он никогда не бывал за рубежом.

You must be unfamiliar with this machine.

Должно быть, вы незнакомы с этим устройством.

В противном случае получится отрицательный приказ, категорический запрет:

You must not be familiar with this machine.

Вы не должны знакомиться с этим устройством.

Hunters must not start a hare in early spring.

Охотникам запрещено поднимать зайца ранней весной.

*Глагол must имеет эквивалент have to, который может употребляться в аналогичных ситуациях в прошлом и будущем.

You will have to be in the theatre by 7 o’clock if you don’t want to be late.

Если не хочешь опоздать, ты должен быть в театре к семи.

I had to wake up at 6 today.

Сегодня мне надо было встать в шесть часов.

*В отличиe от модального глагола must, глагол have to используется для выражения необходимости что-то сделать из-за определенных обстоятельств, то есть не из добровольного стремления:

People have to save natural resources, otherwise they will face energetic


Людям нужно сберегать природные ресурсы, иначе им придется столкнуться с энергетическим кризисом.

People must take care of nature.

Люди должны заботиться о природе (осознанная необходимость).

ought (to)

обозначение морального долга

Everybody ought to pay his debts.

или обязательства

Каждый должен заплатить свои


закономерное предположение

You ought to be ready to start working

by now.

Вы должны уже быть готовы при-

ступить к работе к этому времени.


You ought to go there.

Вам следовало бы туда пойти.


*Модальный глагол ought to имеет значение, схожее с модальным глаголом should, но употребляется значительно реже.

*Модальный глагол ought to очень редко используется в вопросительных и отрицательных предложениях, а если используется, то обычно в формальном контексте.


I ought not to have said those things to her.

Не стоило мне этого ей говорить.

Ought we to deliver the goods by the end of March?

Должны ли мы доставить эти товары до конца марта?


моральное обязательство (анало-

I should end my remarks by quoting

гичное ought to)


Мне следует закончить свои ком-

ментарии цитатой из Линкольна.

в умозаключениях, совершенных

They left home two hours ago, so they

на основе только что высказан-

should be here already.

ной информации

Они выехали из дома два часа назад,

так что они уж должны быть здесь.

упрек, сожаление (в комбинации

The whole affair should not have end-

с глаголами во времени Perfect)

ed in failure!

Дело не должно было закончиться


советы и инструкции

Kevin should invest his money.

Кевину стоит вкладывать свои


в формальных предложениях со

Should you need further information,

значением условия, как правило,

feel free to contact me.

в письменной официальной речи

Если Вам потребуется дополни-

тельная информация, прошу обра-

титься ко мне.


вежливая просьба

Would you open the window?

Не могли бы Вы открыть окно?

вежливое предложение чего-

Would you like tea or coffee?


Не хотите ли чая или кофе?

догадки, предположения

That would be his mother.

Это, наверное, его мать.


Занимают граничащее положение между модальным и полнозначным глаголом.



необязательность действия (глав-

I need not have told you about that.

ным образом используется в отри-

Мне не обязательно было вам это

цательных и вопросительных пред-


ложениях, где заменяет собой мо-

Need I get in touch with the press?

дальный глагол must или have to)

— Мне нужно связаться с прессой?

Yes, you must. / No, you need not.

— Да, нужно. / Нет, не нужно.


иметь смелость / мужество делать

I dare not protest.


Не смею возражать.

How dare you listen to a private con-


Как вы смеете подслушивать чу-

жой разговор!


твердое намерение, желание в бу-

I will jump the stream!


Я непременно перепрыгну этот



You will take a dare!

Ты примешь (должен принять)



необходимость в форме приказа,

You shall close the hole in the wall

обещания; заверение, обещание

with plaster.

Вы должны заделать дыру в стене


We shall close this discussion!

Мы обещаем прекратить это об-


запрос на получение совета в во-

Shall we close up the old well, it


seems to be rather dangerous?

Нам нужно засыпать старый ко-

лодец, он кажется весьма опас-



1. Fill in the table using modal verbs and their equivalents mentioned above.











and necessity

of certainty




ство и необ-



2. If a word or phrase in bold is correct, put a tick ( ). If it is incorrect, rewrite it correctly on the line.

1)Can you to speak French?

2)I can give you a hand tomorrow morning, if you like.

3)I‟ll can take my driving test after a few more lessons.

4)Jack can play the guitar before he learnt to talk!

5)If only I can afford to buy that top!

6)We can have gone up the Eiffel Tower while we were in Paris, but we decided to go to the Louvre instead.

7)I could get a more expensive computer, but it didn‟t seem worth it.

8) I wish I could get out of the maths test tomorrow!

9)I bet you‟d love to be can to get satellite TV.

10)You‟d better tell the coach if you can‟t playing on Saturday.

3. Circle the correct word or phrase. If both options are correct, circle both.

1)Hello. Could / Can I speak to Mrs Johnson, please?

2)We could / were allowed to go home early yesterday because our teacher was ill.

3)The head teacher said we could / were allowed to go home.

4)Do you think I should / could be worried about these spots on my


5)You ought to / should enter that talent contest!

6)You couldn’t / shouldn’t talk to people like that! It‟s rude!

7)Alan should write / have written two essays in the exam yesterday,

not one!

8) No, you may / should not go out tonight. You know you‟re grounded!

9)Diana should have waited / been waiting for me at the corner. I wonder where she went.

10)What were you doing in the park? You ought to have done / have been doing your homework then!


Соседние файлы в предмете [НЕСОРТИРОВАННОЕ]

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1. Circle the correct words. If both are correct, circle both. Then find the people in the two photos on this page.

1   The man in / wearing a baseball cap …

2   The two women in / with ponytails …

3   The girl who is / with sitting on the ground …

4   The woman in / with long trousers …

5   The man in / with his arms folded …

6   The woman wearing / with a dress …


1 in / wearing   2 with   3 who is   4 in / with

5 with   6 wearing / with

2. Complete the sentences about photo A with the phrases below.

a sort of      I’d say      it looks like some kind of      I would say

most likely      or maybe      something like that

 They’re on a beach, ……………………………………………

 They’re …………………………………………… in their twenties.

 …………………………………………… the people in the background are a mix of ages.

 …………………………………………… fitness competition.

 There’s …………………………………………… mat on the ground.

 The bald man is doing push-ups or ……………………………………………

 The man with the cap is the judge …………………………………………… he’s just a friend.


1 I would say   2 most likely   3 I’d say

4 It looks like some kind of   5 a sort of

6 something like that   7 or maybe

Speaking Strategy

Try to give your photo description a simple structure:

1) say what the photo shows in general. If you are unsure, use phrases like ‘It looks to me as if …’, or ‘The photo appears to show …’;

2) talk about some of the interesting details in the photo;

3) add a personal opinion or reaction.

3. Read the Speaking Strategy. Then look at photo B and prepare your description. Use the questions to help you.

1   Where are the women? What are they doing? What is unusual about the situation?




2   Is one of them the leader? Why do you think so?




4. Read the examiner’s questions. Write notes for your answers.

1   Do you think the women are enjoying themselves? Why? / Why not?

2   What are the advantages and disadvantages of exercising outdoors rather than indoors?

3   Have you been in a similar situation when you enjoyed spending a lot of time outdoors? What were you doing?

1   …………………………………………….


2   …………………………………………….


3   …………………………………………….


5. Now do the speaking task. Use your notes from exercise 3 and 4.

Понравилась статья? Поделить с друзьями:
  • Circle the correct word or phrase i work am working
  • Circle the correct word or phrase i really
  • Circle the correct word or phrase i love this time in the evening when the
  • Circle the correct word or phrase elizabeth usually goes is usually going
  • Circle the correct word or phrase dear lisa thanks for your letter i just left