Circle the correct word or phrase i work am working

D. Circle the correct word or phrase.

1. I work / am working at the local library for the summer.

2. We don’t go / aren’t going to the theatre very often.

3. Stacy gets / is getting ready for school, so she can’t come to the phone.

4. Does Gary every talk / Is Gary every talking about his expedition to the Amazon jungle?

5. In squash, you hit / are hitting a ball against a wall.

6. I read / am reading a newspaper at least one a week.

7. Do you practise / Are you practising the piano for two hours every day?

8. Nadine and Claire do / are doing quite well at school at the moment.

9. A good friend knows / is knowing when you’re upset about something.

10. How do you spell / are you spelling your name?

A. Look at the pictures of Helen and use the prompts to write sentences. Use the correct form of the present simple.

every day / get up / at half past seven

often / eat fast food for lunch

in the evening / usually / meet her friends for coffee

once a week / watch a film at the cinema

rarely / go to the gym

have a driving lesson / twice a week

1   ……………………………………………….

2   ……………………………………………….

3   ……………………………………………….

4   ……………………………………………….

5   ……………………………………………….

6   ……………………………………………….


1   Every day, Helen gets up at half past seven.

2   Helen often eats fast food for lunch.

3   In the evening, Helen usually meets her friends for coffee.

4   Once a week, Helen watches a film at the cinema.

5   Helen rarely goes to the gym.

6   Helen has a driving lesson twice a week.

B. Complete using the correct present continuous form of the verbs in brackets. You may have to use some negative forms.

1   Gordon? I think he ……………………… (write) a letter at the moment.

2   Yes, the match is on T now, but we ……………………… (lose).

3   Right now, Margaret ……………………… (have) a shower. Do you want to ring later?

4   Sally ……………………… (stay) with her aunt for a few days.

5   I ……………………… (lie)! It’s true! I did see Madonna at the supermarket.

6   Josh ……………………… (always / use) my bike! It’s so annoying.

7   We ……………………… (have) lunch, but I can come round and help you later.

8   ……………………… (you / play) music up there? It’s really noisy!


1 is writing   2 are losing

3 is having   4 is staying

5 am not lying   6 is always using

7 are having   8 Are you playing

C. Rewrite correctly. Change the words or phrases in bold.

1   Are top musicians studying for many years? ……………………………..

2   What’s going on? I hope you don’t touch my things! ……………………………..

3   It’s a small business, so each person is doing lots of different jobs. ……………………………..

4   Does Christine listen to the radio, or is that the T I can hear? ……………………………..

5   I am usually buying a special ticket each week for the bus because it’s cheaper. ……………………………..

6   Our washing machine is starting when you press this button. ……………………………..

7   How’s the match going? Does our team win? ……………………………..

8   Many people are enjoying spending time on the beach on holiday. ……………………………..


1 Do top musicians study

2 aren’t touching   3 does

4 Is Christine listening

5 usually buy   6 starts

7 Is our team winning?

8 enjoy

D. Circle the correct word or phrase.

1   I work / am working at the local library for the summer.

2   We don’t go / aren’t going to the theatre very often.

3   Stacy gets / is getting ready for school, so she can’t come to the phone.

4   Does Gary ever talk / Is Gary ever talking about his expedition to the Amazon jungle?

5   In squash, you hit / are hitting a ball against a wall.

6   I read / am reading a newspaper at least once a week.

7   Do you practise / Are you practising the piano for two hours every day?

8   Nadine and Claire do / are doing quite well at school at the moment.

9   A good friend knows / is knowing when you’re upset about something.

10   How do you spell / are you spelling your name?


1 am working   2 don’t go

3 is getting   4 Does Gary ever talk

5 hit   6 read

7 Do you practise   8 are doing

9 knows   10 do you spell

E. Complete using the correct present simple or present continuous form of the verbs in the box. You may have to use some negative forms.


1   In Monopoly, you …………………… around the board, buying houses and hotels.

2   …………………… you …………………… this programme or can I turn the TV off?

3   Regular exercise …………………… you to stay healthy.

4   I …………………… my brother’s guitar until I get a new one.

5   …………………… Simon always …………………… the washing-up after lunch?

6   …………………… you …………………… any sweaters in a larger size?

7   You …………………… the kite right. Let me show you.

8   Dad …………………… to the local astronomy club.


1 move   2 Are/watching

3 helps   4 am using

5 Does/do   6 Do/have

7 aren’t holding   8 belongs

F. Underline ten verbs in the wrong tense and rewrite them correctly.

‘One game I am loving is backgammon. You are throwing the dice and then you move your pieces around the board. It is seeming quite easy, but in fact you are needing to be quite careful. When your piece lands on one of the other person’s pieces, you are taking it off the board and you send it back to the beginning. You are winning by getting all your pieces to the end and off the board. Some people are preferring chess, but I am not understanding that game. Right now, I wait to have a game with my brother. He does his homework. I usually win, so I think he doesn’t want to play a game with me!’










10   ……………………………


1   am loving/love

2   are throwing/throw

3   is seeming/seems

4   are needing/need

5   are talking/take

6   are winning/win

7   are preferring/prefer

8   am not understanding/don’t understand

9   wait/am waiting

10   does/is doing

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Page 7

A. Look at the pictures of Helen and use the prompts to write sentences. Use the correct form of the present simple.

1. Every day, Helen gets up at half past seven.

2. Helen often eats fast food for lunch.

3. Helen usually meets her friends in the evening for coffee.

4. Once a week, Helen watches a film at the cinema.

5. Helen rarely goes to the gym.

6. Twice a week, Helen has a driving lesson.

B. Complete using the correct present continuous form of the verbs in brackets. You may have to use some negative forms.

1. Gordon? I think he is writing a letter at the moment.

2. Yes, the match is on TV now, but we are losing.

3. Right now, Margaret is having a shower. Do you want to ring later?

4. Sally is staying with her aunt for a few days.

5. I am not lying! It’s true! I did see Madonna at the supermarket.

6. Josh is always using my bike! It’s so annoying.

7. We are having lunch, but I can come round and help you later.

8. Are you playing music up there? It’s really noisy!

C. Rewrite correctly. Change the words or phrases in bold.

1. Are top musicians studying for many years? – Do top musicians study 

2. What’s going on? I hope you don’t touch my things! – aren’t touching

3. It’s a small business, so each person is doing lots of different jobs. – does

4. Does Christine listen to the radio, or is that the TV I can hear? – Is Christine listening

5. I am usually buying a special ticket each week for the bus because it’s cheaper. – usually buy

6. Our washing machine is starting when you press this button. – starts

7. How’s the match going? Does our team win?Is our team winning?

8. Many people are enjoying spending time on the beach on holiday. – enjoy

Page 8

D. Circle the correct word or phrase.

1. I am working at the local library for the summer.

2. We don’t go to the theatre very often.

3. Stacy is getting ready for school, so she can’t come to the phone.

4. Does Gary ever talk about his expedition to the Amazon Jungle?

5. In squash, you hit a ball against a wall.

6. I read a newspaper at least once a week.

7. Do you practice the piano for two hours every day?

8. Nadine and Claire are doing quite well at school at the moment.

9. A good friend knows when you’re upset about something.

10. How do you spell your name?

E. Complete using the correct present simple or present continuous form of the verbs in the box. You may have to use some negative forms.

1. In Monopoly, you move around the board, buying houses and hotels.

2. Are you watching this program or can I turn the TV off?

3. Regular exercise helps you to stay healthy.

4. I am using my brother’s guitar until I get a new one.

5. Does Simon always do the washing-up after lunch?

6. Do you have any sweaters in a larger size?

7. You aren’t holding the kite right. Let me show you.

8. Dad belongs to the local astronomy club.

F. Underline ten verbs in the wrong tense and rewrite them correctly.

1. am loving – love

2. are throwing –  throw

3. is seeming – seems

4. are needing – need

5. are taking – take

6. are winning – win

7. are preferring – prefer

8. am not understanding – don’t understand

9. wait – am waiting

10. does –  is doing

Exercises (p.7-p.17).

Page 7

A. Look at the pictures of Helen and use the prompts to write sentences. Use the correct form of the present simple.

1. Every day, Helen gets up at half past seven.

2. Helen often eats fast food for lunch.

3. Helen usually meets her friends in the evening for coffee.

4. Once a week, Helen watches a film at the cinema.

5. Helen rarely goes to the gym.

6. Twice a week, Helen has a driving lesson.

B. Complete using the correct present continuous form of the verbs in brackets. You may have to use some negative forms.

1. Gordon? I think he is writing a letter at the moment.

2. Yes, the match is on TV now, but we are losing.

3. Right now, Margaret is having a shower. Do you want to ring later?

4. Sally is staying with her aunt for a few days.

5. I am not lying! It’s true! I did see Madonna at the supermarket.

6. Josh is always using my bike! It’s so annoying.

7. We are having lunch, but I can come round and help you later.

8. Are you playing music up there? It’s really noisy!

C. Rewrite correctly. Change the words or phrases in bold.

1. Are top musicians studying for many years? – Do top musicians study

2. What’s going on? I hope you don’t touch my things! – aren’t touching

3. It’s a small business, so each person is doing lots of different jobs. – does

4. Does Christine listen to the radio, or is that the TV I can hear? – Is Christine listening

5. I am usually buying a special ticket each week for the bus because it’s cheaper. – usually buy

6. Our washing machine is starting when you press this button. – starts

7. How’s the match going? Does our team win? – Is our team winning?

8. Many people are enjoying spending time on the beach on holiday. – enjoy.

Page 8

D. Circle the correct word or phrase.

1. I am working at the local library for the summer.

2. We don’t go to the theatre very often.

3. Stacy is getting ready for school, so she can’t come to the phone.

4. Does Gary ever talk about his expedition to the Amazon Jungle?

5. In squash, you hit a ball against a wall.

6. I read a newspaper at least once a week.

7. Do you practice the piano for two hours every day?

8. Nadine and Claire are doing quite well at school at the moment.

9. A good friend knows when you’re upset about something.

10. How do you spell your name?

E. Complete using the correct present simple or present continuous form of the verbs in the box. You may have to use some negative forms.

1. In Monopoly, you move around the board, buying houses and hotels.

2. Are you watching this program or can I turn the TV off?

3. Regular exercise helps you to stay healthy.

4. I am using my brother’s guitar until I get a new one.

5. Does Simon always do the washing-up after lunch?

6. Do you have any sweaters in a larger size?

7. You aren’t holding the kite right. Let me show you.

8. Dad belongs to the local astronomy club.

F. Underline ten verbs in the wrong tense and rewrite them correctly.

1. am loving – love

2. are throwing –  throw

3. is seeming – seems

4. are needing – need

5. are taking – take

6. are winning – win

7. are preferring – prefer

8. am not understanding – don’t understand

9. wait – am waiting

10. does –  is doing.

Page 10

A. Complete using the correct past simple form of the verbs in the box. You may have to use some negative forms.

1. I got to the post office just before it closed and sent the letter.

2. We invited Stephanie to the party, but she didn’t come.

3. Jack lost his job because he made too many mistakes.

4. Everyone knew that it was Bill’s fault, but nobody said anything.

5. Karen took the keys from the kitchen table and ran out the door.

6. I was bored, so Mum gave me some money to go shopping.

7. Do you remember the time we went to India on holiday?

8. It started raining, but luckily I had an umbrella in my bag.

B. Look at the pictures and complete the sentences. Use the correct form of the past simple.

1.I don’t want to go and see the film because I saw it last week.

2.I know a lot about Paris because I was there two years ago.

C. Complete using the correct past continuous form of the verbs in brackets.

1. Ted was playing his guitar at half past seven.

2. At midnight, I was sleeping, but Jane was listening to music.

3.Luke was standing outside the bank when suddenly two robbers ran past him.

4. I know Dough was working late at the office because I saw him when I was leaving.

5. were you having a shower when the earthquake happened?

6. Penny was running to catch the bus when she slipped and fell.

7. When you saw Eugene was he going to home?

Page 11

D. Circle the correct word or phrase.

1. When we were in Canada, went going skiing almost every day.

2. About four year ago I decided to become a chief.

3.Georgia was having a shower when someone knocked at the door.

4. Holly and I ran from the house to the taxi because it was having heavily.

5. Two men was arguing outside, so I went to see what was happening.

6. Daniel called you at one o’clock yesterday, but you were here with me.

C. Complete using the correct past simple or past continuous form of the verbs in the box.

One morning Amber got up early. The sun was shining and the birds were singing. Amber was very excited because it was the day of the big tennis match. Amber went downstairs and came and into the kitchen, where her father was having breakfast. «Morning,» Amber said. «Today’s the day,» he said. Amber smiled nervously. «Don’t worry. You’ll be fine.» He put some toast into the toaster and told Amber to open the fridge. Just as she was taking the butter out, the phone rang. After a few minutes he put the phone down. Her father had bad news. «The other player was injured yesterday when she had an accident. The match is off.» Amber ate her toast. She was surprised. She didn’t feel disappointed.

F. Complete using the correct form of used to. You may have to use some negative forms. 

1.When l was younger, l used to eat pizza almost every day!
2. Did there use to be a supermarket on the corner?
3. Bradley is a teacher, but he used to want to be a train driver.
4. I didn’t use to like eating cabbage, but now l love it.
5. Did Rick use to have blond hair when he was a little boy?

Page 13

Topic VocabularyA. Complete the crossword.Across1. If he wins this match, he’ll be the world champion!4. I’m thinking of joining a gym to get more exercise.5. Our basketball coach said that I can play on Saturday!8. The referee blew his whistle and the game started.9. Which team do you support?11. Mark’s band play traditional folk music – they often perform at country fairs and festivals.Down2. I’m sorry, but you have to be a member of the golf club to play here.3. My opponent was a brilliant player and I didn’t manage to win the match.6. Tom is really good at cards. He would never cheat.7. Lisa’s group has just reached number one with their new song!10. I took a big risk by doing the parachute jump, but I loved every second of it!


B. Complete using the correct form of the words and phrases in the box. 

Do you dream of (1) _scoring  _ the winning goal in a football match, or (2) _ beating_ a top tennis player? Sport (3) _interests_ most young people, and it’s a great way to stay healthy and (4) _have fun _ at the same time. That’s why the local council has decided to help young people who want to (5) train their own sports club.  We know it’s a big (6) organise, and that’s why we’ll give you the money you need to get started.

C. Circle the correct word. 

1. I really like playing (BOARD / video) games like Monopoly and Cluedo.

2. Roy was the best player, so he wasn’t surprised when he became (CAPTAIN / club) of the team.

3. Lots of people get (default / PLEASURE) from just watching sport from their armchairs.

4. I thought the music at the (CONCERT / rhythm) we went to last night was great.

5. Everyone in my family supports the same ( completion / TEAM).

6. I find (CLASSICAL / entertaining) music really boring, and prefer pop.

Page 14


1.We were waiting outside the stadium for a long time before they finally let us in.

2.I’ve got that concert on DVD — it’s fantastic!

3. I ran all the way home and I was just in time for my favourite programme.

4. Everyone clappes when the singer came on stage.
5. At the cinema, Mum sat on the right, Dad sat on the left and I sat in the middle.
6. Ed doesn’t want to become a professional tootballer. He just does it for fun.


1. What’s the name of that SONG you were singing earlier?
2. I started to learn the piano, but I don’t think I’ve got much musical talent, to be honest.
3. My dad used to be really fit and was on his college ATHLETIC team.
4. When you were young, did you ever play in the street with other local CHILDREN?
5. Alan is studying to be an ACTOR, but I don’t think he’s enjoying it.

6. They have a wonderful COLLECTION of old toys at the museum in town.

8. You have to practise a lot if you want to work as a MUSICIAN.

Page 15


Diana: Hello, is that Jenny? I’m bored of watching TV and I felt like having a chat. What are you doing?

Jenny: Hi, Diana. We, I’m reading a book by a Russian writer. It’s about how to become a great actor.

Diana: Really? Oh, I’m really interested in acting. Tell me about it. Jenny: He says it takes a long time to get good at acting. To become popular with the public, you need to really understand people.

Diana: That sounds just like me! Tell me more. What else does he say?


1. I’m completely crazy with skateboarding! I love it! with — about.
2. In my free time I listen on music on CD or on the radio. on — listen to.
3. Elsa isn’t very keen for this group, but they’re one of my favourites. for — keen on.
4. Next week we’ve got a game to a team from Hungary. to — with.
5. Is that Kylie? Oh, I’m a really big fan from hers. from — of.
6. I was really scared when I took part to the singing competition last year. to — in.

Page 16


These days, most of us have a CD collect.

Before the CD play made LPs, or ‘long — playing’ records.

Although many child have never seen an LP, they were once very popular.

To play these records, you needed a record sing with a needle than ran along the record and produced the sound.

Some child say the sound of LPs was better than CDs — and many enternatain agree!

LPs are no longer very popular as a form of music, but many people buy and sell them.

Some of them remember the LP from their collect and listening to record reminds them of the past.


1. Now, everyone knows this song, so I want you all to join  in with me!
2. It’s so noisy in this restaurant. Could you ask them to  turn  the music down?
3. There was a fight during the match and the referee sent two players off.
4. We eat out about once a week and we cook at home the rest of the time.
5. I love this song! turn it up!
6. I used to play the trumpet, but I gave up last year because  I didn’t have time.
7. We stopped playing because of the rain, but when it stopped we carried on.
8. A good way of getting more exercise is to take up a sport,  like basketball.

Page 17


When you rang, I was cleaning my bike.

At my last basketball club, we used to train every Saturday for three hours.

I really liked the meal we had at your house last Tuesday.

We went to the beach every day when we were on holiday.

I broke my leg when Tony and I were practising for the school sports day.

Leon never talks about it, but he was once a world champion skier.

I didn’t use to kike golf, but now I really like it.

Denise is working at the stadium until she finds a better job.


I waited outside the tennis club for — D a long time, but George didn’t appear.
E on DVD, I’ll definitely get it.

When you rang, I was in — F the middle of cleaning my football boots.

We finally got to the stadium just in -C time to see the match start.

I just play football for — fun, and I don’t want to do it as a job.

I loved that film and when it comes out — on DVD, I’ll definitely get it.

It’s great to appear on — stage, with all the audience clapping.

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