Circle the correct word or phrase i love this time in the evening when the

1   If you have …………… time at the end of the exam, check your answers.

      A few   B a few   C little   D a little

2   Give me …………… minutes and I’ll be ready.

      A few   B a few   C little   D a little

3   We’ve only got …………… milk left so get some when you go shopping.

      A few   B a few   C little   D a little

4   Just …………… practice every day and you’ll soon be able to play the piano.

      A few   B a few   C little   D a little

5   We were disappointed that …………… of the members came to the youth club party.

      A few   B a few   C little   D a little

6   Sprinkle …………… sugar on the strawberries.

      A few   B a few   C little   D a little

7   I suppose now I’m 43, I have …………… hope of playing football for England.

      A few   B a few   C little   D a little

8   Could you help me with …………… exercises I don’t understand?

      A few   B a few   C little   D a little

9   There’s …………… coffee left, if anyone wants some.

      A few   B a few   C little   D a little

10   Becoming an astronaut is so demanding that …………… people manage it.

      A few   B a few   C little   D a little

11   I’ll meet you in half an hour – I’ve got …………… e-mails to write first.

      A few   B a few   C little   D a little

12   Many people feel there’s …………… point in voting, even in a general election.

               A few   B a few   C little   D a little

При наличии у существительного


описательного определения

It was night. It was a dark night

Была ночь. Была темная ночь.

В восклицательных предложениях

What a fine day!

после what, such

Какой чудесный день!

She is such a good girl!

Она такая хорошая девушка!

Но: What good news!

Какая хорошая новость!

What fine weather!

Какая хорошая погода!


Определенный артикль the произошел от определенного местоимения this. Употребляется перед исчисляемыми и неисчисляемыми существительными единственного и множественного числа.

Случаи употребления


При упоминании чего-то уникаль-

The sun is in the sky.


Солнце находится на небе.

В ситуации конкретизации, когда

The teacher is in the classroom.

речь идет о чем-то известном, кон-

Учитель в классе. (В данном классе


находится только один учитель)

При повторном упоминании чего-

«I’ve got a very interesting book», –

либо, кого-либо

says Mike.

«Please show me the book», – says


«У меня есть интересная книга», –

говорит Майк.

«Покажи мне, пожалуйста, эту

книгу», – говорит Ник.

С существительным, перед кото-

We are on the fourth floor.

рым стоит порядковое числи-

Мы на пятом этаже.


С существительным, перед кото-

He is the best student in our group.

рым стоит прилагательное в пре-

Он лучший студент в нашей группе.

восходной степени

Перед существительным в един-

The whale is a mammal, not a fish.

ственном числе, обозначающим

Кит – это млекопитающее, а не

целый класс предметов, людей


(т. е. при обобщении)


После слов one of один (из), some

Most of the stories are very interest-

of некоторые (из), many of многие


(из), each of каждый (из), most of

Большинство рассказов очень ин-

большинство (из) (часто после слов


all все, both of оба)

Give me one of the books.

Дайте мне одну из (этих) книг.

С существительными в роли обсто-

There are some people at the door.

ятельства места:

У двери несколько людей.

in the street, at the theatre, at the of-

fice, at the library, in the garden, on

the train, in the sky, in the picture…

Перед фамилией во множественном

The Petrovs are at home.

числе (при обозначении всех чле-

Петровы дома.

нов семьи)


Случаи употребления


Перед исчисляемыми существи-

My father and my uncle are doctors.

тельными во множественном

Мой отец и мой дядя врачи.


При обобщении предметов одного

Carrots are my favourite vegetables.

класса, которое выражено суще-

Морковь – мой любимый овощ.

ствительным во множественном

числе или неисчисляемым суще-


Перед существительным в функ-

Guitar lessons.

ции определения

Уроки игры на гитаре.

Перед названиями континентов,

I’ve been neither to South Africa nor

стран, городов, улиц

to North America.

Я не был ни в Южной Африке, ни в

Южной Америке.

Перед неисчисляемыми (аб-

This is impotant information.

страктными) существительными

Это важная информация.

В некоторых сочетаниях существи-

You can get there in time if you go by

тельного с предлогом: to / at / from


school, university, college; to / in /

Вы можете добраться туда во-

into / from church, hospital; in

время, если поедете поездом.

time; at / from home; by car, bus,

bicycle, plane, train, boat etc.; for

breakfast и т. д.


Перед собственным существи-

John’s coat.

тельным в притяжательном па-

Пальто Джона.


Перед именами и фамилиями лю-

My name is Bond, James Bond.


Меня зовут Бонд, Джеймс Бонд.



Артикль the

Нулевой артикль



France, North America,


the Hague, the Vatican,

Moskow, Africa и т. д.


the Congo, The Philip-

pines, The USA, The

United Kingdom, The

Netherlands, the city of

Moskow, The England

of today

Названия рек, океа-

The Atlantic Ocean, The


нов, морей, каналов,

Black sea, The Volga,

Lake Baikal

проливов, озер

the Antario, the Baikal

Бухты, заливы


San Francisko Bay

the Bay of Fundy

Пустыни, горные це-

The Alps, The Urals, The


пи, группы островов,

Gobi, The Sahara, The

Dearth Valley, Silicon

равнины, долины

west Indies, The great



Отдельные горы, от-

Everest, Sicily,

дельные острова


4 стороны света

the north, the south, the

west, the east


the Middle East



Артикль the


Артикль a



the Senate,


партии, организа-

the Labour party,



the United Nations,


the Cabinet




Если в составе есть


партии, организа-

слово company:

ции (аббревиату-

the Bell Telephone



Исторические со-

The French



Музеи, театры,

The Bolshoi

отели рестораны,

Theatre, The Opera

магазины, памят-

House, The


Ambassador hotel


The Beatles, The


группы, извест-

Rolling Stones, the

Queen, ABBA,

ные поезда,


Dire Straits, Gorky

названия кораб-



Названия только

The Times,


американских и

the Languages

Today, Pravda

английских газет

Названия улиц,


London Airport,

парков, аэропор-

the Wall street, the

Victoria Station,

тов, железнодо-

High street, the

Traffalgar square,

рожных вокзалов

Strand, the Kremlin,


the Hey Market, the



The Olympic


games, The World


Cup, The Boat Race



Irkutsk University,


the Sorbonne,

Oxford University,


the University of

Richmond Gram-


mar School

Праздники, фе-

Christmas, Easter,


стивали, религи-

St. Valentine‟s

I wish you a

озные события


happy Easter

Названия языков

The English Lan-

English, French,



Фамилии и имена


Montagray, Pete,


the Browns – семья,

Ann, aunt Polly

один из

the Simon – если


есть фраза описа-

телей – a

ние или of: the Pat


of his memories,

The Simon he had

known so long


Церкви, соборы,

Buckingham pal-


ace, St. Paul‟s Ca-


Дни недели,

Monday, September


Известные люди


Название долж-

the queen, the presi-


ности, титула

dent, the principal

( с именами и фа-

милиями) Queen

Elizabeth, Presi-

dent Putin, Doctor



in the morning – утром in the evening – вечером in the daytime – днем

in the afternoon – днем at night – ночью

at dawn – на рассвете

before dawn – перед рассветом after sunset – после заката

early in the morning – рано утром all through the day – весь день day after day – изо дня в день night after night – каждую ночь during the summer – летом

day and night – круглые сутки from morning to night – с утра до вечера



Артикль the


Артикль a



Приемы пищи

конкретное назва-

lunch, dinner,


ние определенно-

supper, tea,

определение –

го приема пищи


a modest lunch

(напр., ужин)

the dinner – весь

процесс, сама еда


the flu, the measles,

cancer, allergy,

a cold, a chill, a

the plague


cough – состо-

яние человека,

не болезнь


the twentieth


century, the iron


bronze age



the future,

in future,


the present,

at present


the past



Существительные, употребляющиеся только в единственном числе

Неисчисляемые (как вещественные, так и отвлеченные):












совет, советы


сообщение, сведения


успех, успехи



He gave me some good advice.

Он дал мне несколько хороших со-


My coach was satisfied with my pro-

Мой тренер был доволен моими




новость, новости




фрукты, плоды

Но для обозначения различных видов фруктов употребляется множественное число – fruits.

Fruit is cheap in autumn.

Осенью фрукты дешевые.

I like different fruits.

Мне нравятся различные фрукты.

Названия некоторых животных, предметов и др.:

two sheep

две овцы

six fish

шесть рыб

ten swine

десять свиней

five deer

пять оленей

Существительные, употребляющиеся только во множественном числе

Существительные, обычно обозначающие парные предметы:










Mоя семья (члены моей семьи) строго следит за мной.

Названия некоторых предметов (в отличие от русского языка):








Существительное people (peoples) в значении множественного числа переводится как люди (народы), в значении единственного числа – народ.

There were many people in the square.

На площади было много людей.

There are many peoples in Russia.

В России (проживает) много


Cобирательные существительные, обозначающие группу людей или жи-

вотных family, police, staff, team, government, company, army, crew, committee, flock, audience и др., и обозначающие группу как единое целое в функции подлежащего, согласуются с глаголом сказуемым в единственном числе.

My family was large.

Моя семья была большая.

Если же такие существительные обозначают отдельных представителей, входящих в группу, то глагол-сказуемое употребляется в форме множественного числа.

My family keep a close eye on me.

Являясь определением к другому существительному в составе группы «числительное + существительное», существительное, следующее за числительным употребляется только в единственном числе.


с исчисляемыми

с неисчисляемыми



many много

much много

few мало (недостаточно)

little мало


a few несколько, немного



(но достаточно)

a little немного (но до-


several несколько


a lot of много, большое количество

разг. формы: lots of множество; plenty of много


a large number of мно-

a great deal of много,


жество, большое число

большое количество


1. Choose the correct variant.

1)I love this time in evening / the evening when the sun is going down.

2)People play cricket / the cricket in South Africa, Australia and Sri Lanka.

3)It‟s too far to walk so I think I‟ll catch bus / the bus.

4)Jane had to go home from school because she had a headache / the headache.

5)The robber was sent to prison / the prison for a total of three years.

6)My cousin works as waiter / a waiter in a café near where we live.

7)The underground doesn‟t run this late so we‟ll have to take a taxi /

the taxi.

8) I like to listen to music / the music in my free time.

9)My favourite subject at school is chemistry / the chemistry.

10)Jazz music appeared in America in 1920s / in the 1920s.

2.Choose the correct answer.

1)Oh, I didn‟t tell you! We‟ve got …………… new English teacher.

2)Here‟s …………… DVD you asked to borrow.

3)We‟re out of …………… coffee, so could you get some from the supermarket?

4)The prize is …………… unique opportunity to travel the world!

5)It looks like …………… glass in your bedroom window is cracked.

6)It‟s …………… honour to be here this evening to speak to you.

7)There‟s ……………. good chance we‟ll be late for the meeting.

A a

C the

B an

D no word


8) Reports are coming in of a major oil spill in ……………………….


9)I went to see the doctor because I‟m finding it difficult to sleep at

…………… night.

10)Do you think that they‟ll ever send a manned mission to …………


A a

C the

B an

D no word

3. Find the extra word in each line.



The many people who appear in the news for the first time


find that a sudden fame has a negative effect on their lives.


The national press can be an unforgiving and the loss of


the privacy that comes with fame is an extra problem at a


difficult time. This is especially the cause when a someone is


in the news because of a tragedy or the serious crime. Just


at the moment when you are under a most stress, you find


microphones and the cameras in your face. The media have


a responsibility to inform the public, but an innocent people


are often hurt by the demand for the scandal.

4. Complete using the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1)The clothes you bought me for my birthday ……………………….

(be) wonderful!

2)It turned out that the information we had received …………….….

(be) wrong.

3)My new jeans ……… (be) in the wash and I wanted to wear them to-


4)The luggage on a plane ……………… (take) up a lot of room.

5)Your hair ……………….. (look) really nice and shiny.

6)I could tell by the look on her face that the news ………………..…

(not / be) good.

7)Oh, no! My money ……………….. (be) in my other jacket!


5. Find ten mistakes and correct them.


«We interrupt your usual schedule to bring you an important news. We are receiving informations about a spaceship that has landed outside the White House. The large ship seems to be made of glasses. Reports say that a short time ago aliens came out of the craft. Eye-witnesses described them as short and said their clothes was made of metal and their hairs was bright green. Strangely, one of them appeared to be wearing a jeans. Much people said that they seemed to be friendly. The President of the United States is currently holding a meeting with the visitors in the hope that we can exchange knowledges. Police advice are to stay indoors and under no circum stnces approach the spaceship. We will be back with another news as soon as we can. And now, back to your usual programme, Gardening for Beginners».

6. *Complete each second sentence using the word given, so it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Write between two and five words in each gap.


Not many people came to the party.


There ………………………………….

people at the party.


The witness described the mugger to the police.


The witness …………………………………. of the mugger.


There isn‟t much sugar left.


There …………………………………. sugar left.

4)I am thinking of becoming a firefighter when I leave school. brigade

I am thinking of …………………………………… when I leave school.

5)We were shocked by the news and didn‟t know what to do.


The news ……………………………………. didn‟t know what to



There aren‟t many good films out at the moment.


There …………………………………. good films out at the mo-



I didn‟t eat much dessert because I‟m on a diet.


I …………………………………. dessert because I‟m on a diet.


You have lots of hats! lot

What …………………………………. you have!


Соседние файлы в предмете [НЕСОРТИРОВАННОЕ]

  • #
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • #

I. If a word is in the wrong sentence, write the correct word on
the line. If not, put a tick. 1. I’m off to the newsagent’s to get
a pair of chocolate. Do you want anything? bar 2. Could you get me
a flock of chewing gum when you go to the shops? pack 3. I think
I’ll have another herd of toast. piece/ slice/ bit 4. Just add a
breath of milk if the mixture starts to get a bit dry. drop/ bit 5.
I’m popping out for a pack of fresh air. Do you want to come?
breath/ bit 6. There was a block of cows being taken down the lane
for milking, and it took us ages to get by. herd 7. You said you
wanted to get a new bar of trousers, didn’t you? pair 8. Get us a
bunch of bread when you go to the shops, won’t you? loaf 9. I was
thinking of getting Jill a blade of flowers for our anniversary. Do
you think that’s romantic? bunch 10. There was a really strong drop
of wind and it blew a man’s wig off! gust 11. My mum’s so
houseproud; there’s never a gust of dust anywhere in the house.
speck/ bit 12. Could you cut me off a small slice of that cheese?
Ok! 13. That speck of birds will be migrating south for the winter,
I’d imagine. flock 14. Since we got the goat, there’s not a loaf of
grass longer than about two centimetres! blade/ bit 15. We do like
a nice bit of steak every now and again, don’t we, Francis? Ok! 16.
How heavy’s that sheet of concrete, would you say? block/ lump/
bit/ piece 17. We’ll give you a set of keys and a security pass.
Ok! 18. There’s not a grain of truth in what she said. Ok! 19. Is
one piece of sugar enough? lump 20. I’ll tear you off a lump of
paper if you’re going to take notes. sheet/ bit/ piece 21. The
party was a bit boring to start with but everyone livened up when
Rod got out his guitar. Ok! 22. I’m not very pleased with this
drawing actually as I think I’ve papered up the perspective a
little. messed 23. I’ve only wasted this up for now I won’t be able
to fix it properly until we get home. patched 24. Julie and Simone
have messed over their differences while they get their business
set up, but I’m sure they’ll start arguing again pretty soon.
papered 25. The Prime Minister responded that it was the previous
administration which had patched the film industry down. run 26.
Luckily, the weather brightened up in the afternoon so we were able
to hold the reception outside after all. Ok! 27. As kids, we always
ran ourselves up when our grandparents came to visit. smartened 28.
The holiday at the health farm was awful. They only gave us a few
vegetables every evening I almost smartened away! wasted II. Circle
the correct word or phrase. 1. I’ve hardly got any / some money
left! 2. Neither / Neither of the / Both guards was injured in the
attack. 3. The procedure’s good, but I think we can better /
streamline it further to make it more efficient. 4. The shell of
the building has been completely renovated / refurbished and the
interior decorators will be starting inside next week. 5. I set the
school record for the 100m over eight years ago and it’s never been
strengthened / bettered to this day. 6. This new browser should
enhance / reinforce everyone’s experience online. 7. The number of
school-leavers going on to university has declined / devastated. 8.
Pop songs have cheapened / worsened the word ‘love’ so that it’s
meaningless nowadays. 9. The rock festival was fun, but it was
marred by the organisation, which was a chaos / shambles.

10. The face in the picture is angelic, except for that tiny
blemish / flaw just below the eye can you see it? that seems to be
some kind of scar or birthmark. 11. Off the top of my brain / head,
I’d say this diamond’s worth at least a million euros. 12. You’re
cutting it fine / well. The meeting starts in about two minutes.
13. To the top / best of my knowledge, there aren’t any Picassos on
the market at the moment. 14. Lee’s his own worst friend / enemy.
He complains he hasn’t sold any of his paintings, but he won’t show
them to anyone. 15. There’s been bad blood / mood between them ever
since Trevor accused Charlton of sabotaging his opening night. 16.
That’s the last time I lie to a client for Mrs Richards. I’m not
going to do her dirty job / work for her any more. 17. My mum’s got
organising her Christmas card list round / down to a fine art. 18.
The woman demanded to know / knowing who was in charge. 19. I can’t
help to feel / feeling that I’ve forgotten something. 20. I really
wasn’t expecting to bump / bumping into Ken in Birmingham. 21. I
understand you’re trying to be kind, but I don’t think you can
really empathise / sympathise with me when you haven’t experienced
anything similar. 22. My parents often adopted / fostered children
for a few months when I was young and they must have looked after
about 50 youngsters altogether. 23. I thought it strange that the
invitation didn’t say that partners / peers were invited. 24. It
was a real blow when Jim lost his job because he’s got a large
number of dependants / siblings, including three children and a
mother-in-law. 25. The family home was built by a/an ancestor /
predecessor of mine and six generations of Barretts have lived in
it since then. 26. We’ve arranged to meet / meeting Michael at the
restaurant at nine. 27 I’m sorry, but nothing justifies to behave /
behaving like that. 28. Please don’t hesitate to contact /
contacting us if you require further information. 29. I didn’t dare
to ask / asking Angus about his argument with Kate. 30. When I told
Mr Peters that the dog has / had eaten my homework, he didn’t
believe me. When I saw Ed yesterday morning, he told me that he is
/ was going to look at a flat in the afternoon. 31. When we watched
Death Watch ill, Paul said he has / had never seen a worse movie in
his life! 32. I told Brian last week that the office isn’t / wasn’t
opening on Tuesday so I don’t know why he showed up yesterday
morning. 33. Kostas didn’t dare ask Eleni where had she / she had
been the previous evening. 34. I was tempted to ask why did Ranji
want / Ranji wanted to sit next to Li Han so badly. 35. No one has
asked me why didn’t I / I didn’t come to work yesterday. 36.
Joining the Air Force has always been an anticipation / aspiration
of mine. 37. We don’t have any information about the hotels, so
we’ll just have to make an arbitrary / optional decision. 38. If
you look at Madeleine’s house, it’s obvious she has a lot of liking
/ taste. 39. I’ve always had a liking / taste for Naomi, ever since
she moved in next door. 40. I thought her latest book was mediocre
/ mundane compared to the others, which I really enjoyed. 41. There
is no doubt technology and shorter working hours have got / let /
set people free to enjoy their leisure time more than ever before.
42. Many people do / have / make the leisure to pursue hobbies and
other activities they like / prefer / want to the work routine. 43.
What leisure activities will people choose / decide / opt for in
the future? 44. We can expect to see increased personal choice /
decision / option. 45. The range of leisure actions / hobbies /
pursuits will expand and people will have the decision / option /
preference of following up an interest in almost any activity. 46.
Whether at home or at enjoyment / leisure / relaxation centres,
there will be an ever-increasing need to provide for people at play
/ recreation / rest. 47. If the future is not one of increased
leisure, then it won’t be for need / desire / want of demand.

III. Circle the correct answer. 1. Luckily, only little of the
medicine got spilt. a. little b. a little c. few d. a few 2. The
groceries are on the kitchen table. a. grocery is b. grocery are c.
groceries is d. groceries are 3. You can’t just demand respect, you
have to earn it. a. a respect b. the respect c. any respect d.
respect 4. It’s one of the worst books I’ve ever read. Its only
redeeming feature is that it’s quite short! a. aspect b. feature c.
element d. factor 5. With over 500 hits from the 60s, 70s and 80s,
this is the ultimate hits collection. a. exquisite b. satisfactory
c. optimum d. ultimate 6. The concrete is reinforced by putting
metal bars in it; this makes it stronger and more durable. a.
reinforced b. refurbished c. renovated d. streamlined 7. This
plate’s a collector’s item and is actually worth quite a lot of
money. a. bit b. article c. object d. item 8. When she suggested me
working over the weekend, I was so angry that I threatened to quit.
a. me to working b. me to work c. me work d. me working 9. The
manager requested that all staff be present at the meeting. a. have
been b. be c. are being d. being 10. I feel it my duty to inform
the committee that a number of members are very unhappy with the
decision. a. my duty b. this my duty c. it my duty d. that my duty
11. Do you think there might be a link between Angie’s behaviour
and the accident she had? a. link b. tie c. bond d. junction 12.
Suddenly, 1 overheard Melissa and Alex talking about me in the
adjacent room. a. attached b. beside c. near d. adjacent 13. Having
your heart broken is an integral part of growing up. a. inward b.
inset c. integral d. internal 14. Getting divorced was a joint
decision, so I don’t blame my ex-wife. a. relative b. related c.
cooperative d. joint 15. But what you’re saying now isn’t
consistent with what you said last week. a. coherent b. consistent
c. confirmed d. continuous 16. You have to go through a number of
intermediate stages before you become an expert. a. medium b.
average c. moderate d. intermediate 17. There’s no resemblance
between Gary and Mark, even though they are brothers. a.
resemblance b. appearance c. correspondence d. reflection 18.
There’s no reason why people of different races can’t coexist quite
peacefully together. a. endure b. be c. inhabit d. coexist 19. I
don’t want to do the course in applied statistics, but it’s
compulsory. a. compulsory b. inevitable c. bound d. indecisive 20.
Don’t worry about me I’m quite content to sit here and wait for you
to come back. a. ecstatic b. delighted c. joyful d. content 21.
When I was pregnant, I often got a sudden craving for tinned
sardines. a. preference b. craving c. envy d. greed 22. Olivia has
always yearned to return to the country she was born in. a.
favoured b. yearned c. urged d. inclined 23. After the
investigation, the accident was put down to human error. a. mistake
b. wrong c. error d. slip 24. The speaker stopped to check his
notes before continuing. a. checking b. check c. to check d. to
checking 25. I read somewhere that the youngest sibling in a family
is often the funniest. a. sibling b. spouse c. guardian d.

38 Many people consider Davies to be the finest artist of his
generation. a. be b. being c. to be d. to being 41 Everyone started
to crowd around the old woman on the floor, but no one offered her
any help. a. crowd b. spread c. put d. hang

IV. Write one word in each gap. 1. Why don’t we meet up here
again on the 12th, when I get back from Germany? 2. I didn’t take
to my stepbrother at first, but after a while we grew closer. 3. We
should bring everyone together and discuss what we’re going to do
for Grandpa’s 80th birthday. 4. Being given some responsibility
really brought out a side of Lindsay’s character I hadn’t seen
before. 5. I had a row with Elizabeth and it just cancelled out all
the effort I’d put into getting her to like me. 6. Vivian and I
usually agree, but we’re not always on the same wavelength. 7. I
know I made a mistake, but I’m only human, after all. 8. My brother
and Jack got on like a house on fire when they first met. 9. Life’s
very easy for you. You were born with a silver spoon in your mouth.
10. Jill and Emily are so alike. They’re like two peas in a pod.
11. I don’t think we’re ever going to see eye to eye on this issue.
12. When something like that happens, it certainly puts your own
problems in perspective. 13. I’m avoiding Mr Hunter because I think
I’m in his bad books. 14. Nathan was lucky enough to be born into a
very wealthy family. 15. The cathedral features in a documentary
about important buildings. 16. I think the state pension should be
equal to half the average salary. 17. This rare species of bird is
native to Tasmania and isn’t found anywhere else. 18. Some say that
hang-gliding is the nearest thing to being able to fly like a bird.
19. According to the latest statistics, teenagers have gone off TV
and are turning off in droves. 20. The internet meets/ answers/
fulfils an interactive, social need that TV doesn’t. 21. Teenagers
at a loose end in their bedrooms can hang out with their mates in
cyberspace. 22. As websites such as MySpace have taken off,
teenagers have been only too eager to join in their millions and
spend hours a day and night online. 23. We’re witnessing the birth
of the generation of the ‘keyboard potato’, for want of a better
expression. 24. For those born into some cultures, however,
marriage may have quite a different meaning. 25. In an arranged
marriage, it is the parents who choose the partner and it’s
possible for the young person getting married not to meet their
future bride or groom in person until the day of the wedding. 26.
Indeed, a young person might be promised to another as a child,
many years before the wedding day. 27. Amongst communities that
practise arranged marriage, it’s not unusual for a generation gap
to open up between parents and children, with many young people
refusing to accept an arranged marriage 28. However, if the
partners treat each other with respect and recognise that they are
both of equal value, there doesn’t seem to be any real barrier to
having a happy married life. 29. In publishing, an/ the author will
usually earn royalties on sales. 30. Although the ‘struggling
author’ is still common, it is quite possible for a successful
novelist to earn a great deal of money. 31. The painter doesn’t
receive any benefit from this, though. 32. More than a few artists
today, however, are very aware of this, and so practice what is
sometimes called ‘holding back’. 33. They produce, say, ten
paintings for an exhibition, but only allow a certain number of
them, say eight, to be sold. 34. The other two they keep, in the
hope that when they sell them in later years they will have greatly
increased in value. 35. Certainly, the entire/ whole music industry
be it pop, rock or classical is in turmoil at the moment, but its
future is not bleak.

36. There is still a huge amount of money to be made from live
performances. 37. ‘Can’t you feel yourself getting older? Don’t you
think/ consider/ find it strange to be 25 and not married yet?’
they asked. 38. You keep on going like that all night, making a
note of anybody you like. 39. I didn’t dare tell them that I worked
for a young women’s magazine, so I pretended to be a hairdresser.
40. The Kevins, Jonathans and Michaels came and went, and I
started/ began to feel like I couldn’t stand/ bear to hear another
potted biography. 41. Speed dating might work for some, but I think
I’ll stick to traditional methods to find Mr Right. 42. There is a
widely held view that artistic standards have got worse over the
last 100 years or so and that contemporary art is in a bad way, the
cliched response being ‘my three-year-old child could have done
better than that’. 43. How can we get to the bottom/ heart of this
seeming contradiction? 44. Those new to contemporary art should be
forgiven for this kind of response, but it is largely a matter of
their ignorance rather than the reality. 45. What needs to be made
clear is that contemporary art is at the cutting edge; painting a
lifelike picture of a racehorse is no longer an option for an
artist attempting to break new ground. 46. Were contemporary
artists to produce pictures like this, we would actually have the
worst of all worlds a stagnant and backward-looking artistic
tradition. 47. Having said that, some contemporary art is of poor
quality , but that’s true of every art form at any point in
history. 48. However, those at the top of the contemporary art
world are producing innovative and challenging pieces. 49. At its
best, contemporary art is as exciting and productive as it’s
possible for art to be. 50. There is, of course, a fine line
between quality contemporary art and pseudo-art.

V. Circle the word which best matches each statement. 1. ‘I’ve
never seen a more beautiful diamond!’ exquisite / sound 2. ‘His
honesty is the only feature about him that’s positive.’ redeeming /
ultimate 3. ‘These metal railings are really old and brown.’ stale
/ rusty 4. ‘It’s just not good enough.’ invaluable / inadequate 5.
‘The workmanship on this cabinet isn’t very good.’ detrimental /
shoddy 6. ‘This CD-ROM drive isn’t working properly.’ defective /
detrimental 7. ‘This apple’s completely black.’ rotten / stale 8.
‘This was the most important reason for us.’ optimum / prime 9.
‘The job couldn’t have been done without your help.’ exquisite /
invaluable 10. ‘The price seems reasonable to me. I’ll take it.’
ultimate / satisfactory 11. ‘This bread’s not very fresh.’ rotten /
stale 12. ‘I think the government’s measures are going to do quite
a lot of damage.’ detrimental / defective 13. ‘It’s the most
exciting experience you’ll ever have!’ ultimate / optimum 14. ‘I
think it was a sensible decision.’ prime / sound 15. ‘This is
exactly what I need.’ ideal / prime 16. ‘Excellent work. Well
done!’ satisfactory / first-rate 17. ‘Four is the right number of
people for this project.’ ultimate / optimum

VI. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar
meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change
the word given. You must use between one and eight words, including
the word given. 1. There’s not that much difference between irony
and sarcasm. line There’s a fine line between irony and sarcasm. 2.
I sincerely promise you that I’m telling you the truth. bottom I
promise you from the bottom of my heart that I’m telling you the
truth. 3. As far as I know, no one’s talking about you behind your
back. best To the best of my knowledge, no one’s talking about you
behind your back. 4. I don’t feel guilty at all, Mary. Clear I have
(got) a (completely) clear conscience, Mary. 5. After working for
six hours, I finally managed to finish the report. in I finally
succeeded in finishing the report after working for six hours. 6.
Oscar is qualified to teach Russian because he has a degree in it.
to Oscar’s Russian degree qualifies him to teach the language. 7. I
shared a bedroom with my brothers when I was young and I quite
liked it. like I used to quite like sharing a bedroom with my
brothers when I was young. 8. Tim resolved that he would stay out
of trouble when he left prison. to On being released from prison,
Tim resolved not to get into/ never to get into trouble again. 9.
What was your inspiration for creating such a fantastic character
in your new novel? to What inspired you to create such a fantastic
character in your new novel? 10. Austin and his father are very
similar, aren’t they? after Austin takes after his father, doesn’t
he? 11. I realised that I was standing outside the house I was
looking for. myself I found myself standing outside the house I was
looking for. 12. I was surprised Sarah couldn’t do the maths
problem because it was very easy. play The maths problem was childs
play, and I was surprised Sarah couldn’t do it. 13. I can spend
more time with my grandchildren when I retire. free Retirement will
free me (up) to spend more time with my grandchildren. 14. Do you
want to go to the cinema this evening? like Do you feel like going
to the cinema this evening? 15. ‘Will you come with me to the
concert next Thursday?’ Andrea asked Gareth. go Andrea asked Gareth
if he would go with her to the concert the following Thursday. 16.
‘Does the train get in at four o’clock?’ asked Pete. whether Pete
asked whether the train got in at four o’clock. 17. ‘Have you been
talking on the phone all evening, Tim?’ asked his dad. if Tim’s dad
asked (him) if hed been talking on the phone all evening. 18. ‘Are
you all coming tomorrow?’ Fiona asked us. whether Fiona asked us
whether we were all coming the following day. 19. ‘Doesn’t Jerry
live near you anymore?’ asked Dominic. me Dominic asked whether
Jerry lived near me/ Jerry lives near me any more. 20. ‘Shall I
send you an e-mail about it, Trevor?’ asked Kevin. him Kevin asked
Trevor if / whether he should send him an e-mail about it. 21.
‘Shall I help you do the dishes, Carlo?’ said Robert. offered
Robert offered to (help Carlo) do the dishes. 22. ‘Do we really
have to go to bed right now?’ Toby asked his parents. did Toby
asked his parents if/ whether they really did have to go to bed
right then. 23. He told us that getting a later plane was our only
option. but ‘You have no option but to get a later plane,’ he said.
24. ‘Does Tony follow current affairs closely?’ asked Susie.
interest Susie asked me whether/ if Tony takes/ had a close/ keen
interest in current affairs.

25. ‘I’m going to enjoy myself now the exams are over,’ said
Heidi. hair Heidi said she was going to let her hair down now the
exams were over. 26. As the plane finally stopped on the runway, it
was immediately surrounded by fire engines. rest As the plane
finally came to rest on the runway, it was immediately surrounded
by fire engines. 27. Pete said that Josh doesn’t usually tell lies.
like ‘It isnt like Josh to tell lies,’ said Pete. 28. ‘Let’s not
make any plans and just see what happens,’ said Dawn. ear Dawn
suggested playing it by ear and just seeing what happened. 29. I
decided right there and then to buy it and now I really regret it!
whim I bought it on a whim and now I really regret it! 30. Our
detectives are determined to find out exactly what happened in this
case. bottom Our detectives are determined to get to the bottom of
this case. 31. I’m afraid your grandmother got worse during the
night. turn I’m afraid your grandmother took a turn for the worse
during the night. 32. You’ll have to improve your general knowledge
before you go on that quiz show. You’ll have to brush up on your
general knowledge before you go on that quiz show. 33. The car was
so badly damaged it had to be destroyed. The car was so badly
damaged it had to be written off. 34. One of the poems is
particularly noteworthy due to its interesting use of imagery. One
of the poems particularly stands out due to its interesting use of
imagery. 35. If attendance doesn’t improve soon, the play will
probably have to close. If attendance doesn’t pick up soon, the
play will probably have to close. 36. I’ve heard a new gallery has
opened in St Ives, so I’m going to see what it’s like. I’ve heard a
new gallery has opened in St Ives, so I’m going to check it out.
37. Susan only just passed her history of art course. Susan scraped
through her history of art course. 38. The photo’s got a couple of
marks on it, so I’ll scan it and make it look better with some
software I’ve got. The photo’s got a couple of marks on it, so I’ll
scan it and touch it up with some software I’ve got. 39. On the
show today, we’re going to completely change the look of the
Simpsons’ spare bedroom. On the show today, we’re going to
completely make over the Simpsons’ spare bedroom.

VII. For each question, write one word which can be used in all
three sentences. 1. I’m afraid we’re fresh out of that CD. As soon
as I get out of prison, I’m determined to make a fresh start. And
now, fresh from their blockbuster tour of the USA, here’s … The
Goldsmiths! 2. She wants to make a clean break and leave the
publishing industry completely. The doctors have given me a
completely clean bill of health. This term, you all start again
with a clean sheet, so I won’t hold anything you did wrong last
term against you. 3. Is long hair back in style? I actually don’t
know much about that style of architecture. If I was a rock star,
I’d make sure I was treated with style wherever I went. 4. I bumped
into an old flame of mine in Woolworth’s this morning. Dave’s an
old hand when it comes to doing the carnival disco he’s been doing
it for years. I’m afraid we’re going to have to consider putting
Mum in an old people’s home.

5. They think I’m stupid but I’m not going to let them get the
better of me. We could stay at a hotel near the festival or, better
yet, camp in the grounds. Yes, I’m certainly all the better for two
weeks in the sun. 6. I don’t really see myself settling down any
time in the near future. People came from near and far to attend
the celebrity wedding of the year. We just about managed to get to
the airport on time, but it was a near thing. 7. The two countries
are similar with respect to the divorce rates. Of course we argue,
but I don’t think we’re any different from other couples in that
respect. Todd lost a lot of people’s respect when they saw how he
treats his wife. 8. One of the important features of the law is
that it recognises the rights of unmarried partners. In order to
find the woman’s missing husband, the police asked if he had any
distinguishing features. I was quite impressed by the safety
features on Bill’s new car. 9. We supported our son while he was at
university so he didn’t have to work while he was studying. My
father supported Chelsea, and so did his father before him, so it
was only natural that I would too. When I saw the results of the
survey, I was quite surprised by the number of people who supported
the death penalty. 10. To our delight, the boss said that we could
have an extra day off work. Martin always takes great delight in
talking to anyone about fishing. When Erin finally started to move
downhill on the skis for the first time, she laughed in delight.
11. The local council should start a building programme to meet the
need for leisure facilities. The Mayor said he had no need of
advice from people who didn’t understand the situation. This area
is badly in need of financial investment. 12. I had dried frog when
I was in Korea, and I would describe the taste. I thought that what
you said to Erica was in very bad taste. You might not like sushi
the first time you try it it’s a bit of an acquired taste. 13.
We’re quite keen for our son to go to Cambridge University when he
finishes school. I enjoy team sports, like basketball and
volleyball, and I’m especially keen on football. My parents have
always taken a keen interest in my hobbies. 14. I was a bit of a
loner when I was younger and I spent a lot of time playing by
myself. The government has been accused of playing for time because
it doesn’t know what to do. Liam never learnt to read music, but
he’s capable of playing practically anything by ear. 15. The
headmaster was full of praise for the school cricket team, who had
won six matches in a row. The police officers involved deserve
praise for their bravery in such a difficult situation. If I read
one more newspaper editorial in praise of the Prime Minister I
shall scream. 16. When we finally made it out of the forest, we
decided to rest before moving on. Just rest your bike against the
gate and come inside. You can rest assured that I will not stop
until I find the person who damaged the school gym.

VIII. Complete using the words in the box.











1. We’ve never really gone in for camping holidays, have we
Susan? 2. I love mountaineering, and I suppose I would liken it to
the excitement of winning the lottery. 3. I didn’t like this song
at first but it’s really grown on me recently. 4. Our office is
going to merge with the one in the next town so some people will
lose their jobs. 5. The first volume of her autobiography takes/
took in her childhood and her arrival in Hollywood. 6. We’ll need
ten minutes or so to warm up before the game. 7. Stop messing
about! 8. In some countries, children under 16 comprise the
majority of the population. 9. I’m not disputing the facts I just
don’t agree with your interpretation of them.











10. Soccer Maestro is undoubtedly the last word in online
football simulation games at the moment. 11. The picture that takes
pride of place on our mantelpiece, though, is the one of our
granddaughter graduating. 12. You’re a sight for sore eyes, Claire!
Thank goodness you’re here we desperately need your input. 13. Jean
Paul is clearly a very talented designer. His one Achilles’ heel,
however, may be his lack of business sense. 14. The buffet at the
party was out of this world! I’ve never tasted such exquisite
strawberries. 15. Amis’ new novel is slightly below par for a
writer of his stature; I was a little disappointed. 16. All the
bands were fantastic, but The Editors and Franz Ferdinand really
stole the show. 17. I think the media’s response has been a little
over the top it’s only a TV programme, after all. 18. I’ve spent
the whole morning vacuuming the inside of the car. It’s now clean
as a whistle. 19. The Gordon Gallery clearly has the edge over
other modern art galleries; they have the largest collection, and
the largest budget to spend on acquiring new pieces.











20. Trisha suggested going to Indonesia, but the idea didn’t
really appeal to me. 21. Young children seem to delight in showing
things they’ve made at school to their parents. 22. I think I just
fancy getting a DVD and staying in tonight. 23. The firefighters
praised Mrs Collins for her quick thinking when the fire broke out.
24. We would urge anyone who values personal freedom to vote
against this proposal. 25. The Prime Minister welcomed the
suggestion from the leader of the opposition and said that the
government would consider it carefully. 26. I don’t know how Liz
can bear to work at that place. 27. It’s important to have clear
goals to strive towards. 28. The Board of Directors has resolved to
increase sales by at least 20% over the coming year.









29. A key breakthrough in Britain came with the Ten Hour Act
(1847), which limited the working day and ensured that workers got
some respite from their jobs. 30. People now had at least some time
to unwind from work at the end of the day and indulge themselves.
31. Many members of the middle class hated the idea of the workers
being idle and believed that they would waste their time on trivial
matters instead of pursuing productive activities, such as
education or going to church. 32. The workers, however, found the
new freedom exhilarating and threw themselves into new pastimes
with enthusiasm.











33. ‘Oh! I’m exhausted! I’ve been doing housework all day.’
`Come and put your feet up for five minutes and I’ll make a cup of
tea.’ 34. ‘Do you fancy going to that new jazz club in town?’ ‘Yes,
let’s go and let our hair down a bit, shall we?’ 35. ‘Jamie is so
much fun!’ ‘Yes, he really is the life and soul of the party. 36.
‘You’re not changing jobs again already, are you?’ ‘Well, they do
say that variety is the spice of life.’ 37. ‘Roger wasn’t pleased
to get rejected by the team, was he?’ ‘No. He really had his heart
set on playing for them.’ 38. ‘You look a bit bored.’ ‘Well, I’ve
been at a loose end since I finished the book I was reading.’ 39.
‘You weren’t planning to go to Singapore on holiday, were you?’
‘No. I got to the travel agent’s and just decided to go there on a
whim. 40. ‘I can’t believe you built the Eiffel Tower out of
matchsticks!’ ‘I guess I must have had a lot of time on my hands.’
41. ‘Does Jenny ever move from in front of the TV?’ ‘I think she’s
in danger of becoming a bit of a couch potato. 42. ‘You’ve got a
great suntan!’ ‘I went away for a few days to recharge my

IX. Use the word given in capitals to form a word that fits in
the space. 1. Well, she did study classics at Oxford, so it’s
hardly surprising she knows Latin and Ancient Greek. CLASS 2. The
Pet Shop Boys’ sound is inimitable and unique. IMITATE 3. The main
reason I believe children shouldn’t be exposed to violence on TV is
that they’re so impressionable at that age. IMPRESS 4. I’m a bit of
a perfectionist, so I can spend all day agonising over which choice
of two words to use. PERFECT 5. Maybe I am an idealist; but what’s
wrong with wanting every human being to have access to clean
drinking water? IDEAL 6. I’ve read that many performers suffered
feelings of inadequacy as children. ADEQUATE 7. I don’t know how
worthwhile it would be to get some of these old postcards valued.
WORTH 8. We’ll find out how much the jewellery’s worth at the
valuation next Thursday. VALUE 9. Now the government’s declassified
the papers, we can find out what really happened. CLASS 10. Being
director of the National Gallery is an awesome responsibility but
thankfully I have a number of highly experienced experts to help
me. AWE 11. With her experience as both an actor and a director,
Tabitha is a very worthy successor to Albert Weeks as Chairperson
of the National Theatre. WORTH 12. What I like about Stravinsky’s
music is the rhythmic(al) complexity, which has a powerful effect
on the

listener. RHYTHM 13. After ten matches, we had the unenviable
record of played ten, won none, lost ten. ENVY 14. I know you’d
rather take your holiday in August, but when the boss is offering
you extra days off, I don’t think you can afford to be so choosy.
CHOOSE 15. You don’t need to be quite so zealous in your work, and
you might find you enjoy it more if you take a little time off.
ZEAL 16. After dinner, we went for a leisurely stroll along the
seafront. LEISURE 17. We’re only two weeks into the school holidays
and already my children are restless/ restive REST 18. Don’t throw
away consumer packaging. Most of it’s reusable if you use a little
creativity. USE 19. There’s a qualitative difference between
photography and still-life drawing. QUALITY 20. I’m looking for a
flatmate so I’m going to put an ad in the classifieds. CLASS 21.
Please contact reception regarding the storing of valuables in the
hotel safe. VALUE 22. The positive relationship between a business
and a customer, often referred to as goodwill’, is difficult to
quantify financially. GOOD 23. Theo and his brother are always
together. They’re completely inseparable. SEPARATE 24. It’s very
perceptive of you to notice that Sean’s not his usual self.
PERCEIVE 25. Despite his apparent lack of concern, I think Gabriel
really does care what other people think of him. APPEAR 26. Don’t
feel that you’re being disloyal to Sharon if you tell me what’s
bothering you about her. LOYAL 27. James got into trouble for
impersonating a police officer. PERSON 28. I don’t see why someone
should be given preferential treatment at an airport just because
they’re famous. PREFER 29. I was given the unenviable task of
telling the team that funding had been withdrawn from the project.
ENVY 30. The Minister attempted to downplay the dispute, saying it
was just a minor disagreement. PLAY 31. I’m afraid I left the
chicken in the oven a bit long so it’s a little overdone. DO 32. I
wouldn’t describe myself as a sporty person, but I do enjoy the
occasional game of golf. SPORT 33. A demotivated learner is less
likely to retain the content of the lesson than one who is
enthusiastic about his or her learning. MOTIVE 34. Marvin used to
be quite wild, but he’s relatively calm these days. RELATE 35.
According to Lionel, losing his job and then getting divorced were
unconnected, but I think there’s probably a link. CONNECT 36. Young
animals very quickly form a strong attachment to their mothers.
ATTACH 37. What I don’t like about school uniform is that it
completely destroys all individuality. INDIVIDUAL 38. Very little
in our lives prepare us for parenthood. (PARENT) 39. The best money
comes from items that are in very good condition often because
they’re unused (USE) and still in their packaging, but there’s also
a market for things like second- hand pottery or glassware that
might have imperfections (PERFECT). 40. I’m quite successful. One
of my strengths (STRONG) is that I’ve got a very good rating on
most of these sites people I’ve sold to have given me very good
reviews, so new customers trust me. I’m also good at spotting
what’s valuable (VALUE) and what’s completely worthless (WORTH).
41. Diamond’s basically indestructible (DESTROY), you see, and
these have got damage marks on them. 42. One characteristic
(CHARACTER) of the modern world is that people increasingly find
themselves living side by side with people from other cultures. 43.
In such circumstances, racism (RACE) is a real danger. 44. They may
feel that another culture presents a threat to their own heritage
(INHERIT), one that could even lead to the disappearance (APPEAR)
of certain aspects of their way of life. 45. Often, however, this
threat is more a matter of perception (PERCEIVE) than reality and
different groups live in relative (RELATE) harmony in many parts of
the world.

X. One word in each sentence is incorrect. Underline the
incorrect word and write the correct word on the line. 1. We didn’t
share the same father tongue, but we managed to communicate in
English. mother 2. When my brother got married, my sister-in-law
very quickly became one from the family. of 3. I sometimes find
that born speakers of English speak a bit too fast for me. native
4. We need to get something for Mum and Dad’s marriage anniversary
next week. wedding 5. Since tomorrow’s a country holiday, I thought
we might drive up into the mountains. national 6. I got an e-mail
yesterday from a far relative who’s researching our family tree.
distant 7. This maths problem should be kid’s play to someone with
as much talent as you. childs 8. She’s not my biological aunt, but
she’s my aunt with marriage. by 9. Following the train crash,
people concerned about their liked ones were given a special number
to call. loved 10. The problem of child misuse is much bigger than
you might think. abuse 11. It’s only mankind nature to want to
settle down, get married and start a family. human 12. It’s the
boss’s birthday next Wednesday, and there’s a rumour we might be
taken the day off. given 13. I know you’d rather I took up a sport,
but it’s not your choice to do. make 14. Some of the courses are
compulsory, so we can’t just pick and select whatever we like
choose 15. If you won’t give me a pay rise, then I shall have to
think my options. consider 16. The council said they had no option
apart to close the sports centre. but 17. Angela travels a lot and
is only very eager to experience new places. too 18. Jake’s been
practising as mad to impress the others in the band. like 19. I
can’t believe the judge just let the accused be free like that. go
20. I’ve decided in favour for joining the local swimming team. of
21. You should plan things more carefully and not just act with
impulse all the time. on

XI. Write a word formed from the words in the box in each gap.
available do motive play prefer relax satisfy sport stimulate

It’s impossible to (1) overplay the importance of getting active
as a family. We all have a (2) tendency to start off with good
intentions and then lose our (3) motivation. Playing and exercising
together as a family can help you through those moments when you
are (4) dissatisfied with your progress. Don’t (5) overdo it. Start
with gentle exercise and work up to something more strenuous.
Whatever your (6) preferred activity, make sure that you’re all
comfortable doing it at that level. If necessary, switch to a more
(7) relaxing activity until you’re all in better shape. Children
these days get a lot of (8) stimulation from the fast-moving worlds
of television, the Internet and computer games. Make sure you find
an activity that they’ll find fun. Contact Marlston Council to find
out about the (9) availability of facilities where you live.
Playing a sport together will teach your children about fair play,
(10) sportmanship and working with others. But remember that it has
to be fun or they’ll soon lose interest. For further information,
contact Marlston Council and ask to speak to someone from the ‘Get
Active’ campaign.

I. If a word is in the wrong sentence, write the correct word on
the line. If not, put a tick. 1. I’m off to the newsagent’s to get
a pair of chocolate. Do you want anything? _______ 2. Could you get
me a flock of chewing gum when you go to the shops? _______ 3. I
think I’ll have another herd of toast. _______ 4. Just add a breath
of milk if the mixture starts to get a bit dry. _______ 5. I’m
popping out for a pack of fresh air. Do you want to come? _______
6. There was a block of cows being taken down the lane for milking,
and it took us ages to get by. _______ 7. You said you wanted to
get a new bar of trousers, didn’t you? _______ 8. Get us a bunch of
bread when you go to the shops, won’t you? _______ 9. I was
thinking of getting Jill a blade of flowers for our anniversary. Do
you think that’s romantic? _______ 10. There was a really strong
drop of wind and it blew a man’s wig off! _______ 11. My mum’s so
houseproud; there’s never a gust of dust anywhere in the house.
_______ 12. Could you cut me off a small slice of that cheese?
_______ 13. That speck of birds will be migrating south for the
winter, I’d imagine. ______________ 15. We do like a nice bit of
steak every now and again, don’t we, Francis? _______ 16. How
heavy’s that sheet of concrete, would you say? _______ 17. We’ll
give you a set of keys and a security pass. _______ 18. There’s not
a grain of truth in what she said. _______ 19. Is one piece of
sugar enough? _______ 20. I’ll tear you off a lump of paper if
you’re going to take notes. _______ 21. The party was a bit boring
to start with but everyone livened up when Rod got out his guitar.
_______ 22. I’m not very pleased with this drawing actually as I
think I’ve papered up the perspective a little. _______ 23. I’ve
only wasted this up for now I won’t be able to fix it properly
until we get home. _______ 24. Julie and Simone have messed over
their differences while they get their business set up, but I’m
sure they’ll start arguing again pretty soon. _______ 25. The Prime
Minister responded that it was the previous administration which
had patched the film industry down. _______ 26. Luckily, the
weather brightened up in the afternoon so we were able to hold the
reception outside after all. _______ 27. As kids, we always ran
ourselves up when our grandparents came to visit. _______ 28. The
holiday at the health farm was awful. They only gave us a few
vegetables every evening I almost smartened away! _______

II. Circle the correct word or phrase. 1. I’ve hardly got any /
some money left! 2. Neither / Neither of the / Both guards was
injured in the attack. 3. The procedure’s good, but I think we can
better / streamline it further to make it more efficient. 4. The
shell of the building has been completely renovated / refurbished
and the interior decorators will be starting inside next week. 5. I
set the school record for the 100m over eight years ago and it’s
never been strengthened / bettered to this day. 6. This new browser
should enhance / reinforce everyone’s experience online. 7. The
number of school-leavers going on to university has declined /
devastated. 8. Pop songs have cheapened / worsened the word ‘love’
so that it’s meaningless nowadays.

9. The rock festival was fun, but it was marred by the
organisation, which was a chaos / shambles. 10. The face in the
picture is angelic, except for that tiny blemish / flaw just below
the eye can you see it? that seems to be some kind of scar or
birthmark. 11. Off the top of my brain / head, I’d say this
diamond’s worth at least a million euros. 12. You’re cutting it
fine / well. The meeting starts in about two minutes. 13. To the
top / best of my knowledge, there aren’t any Picassos on the market
at the moment. 14. Lee’s his own worst friend / enemy. He complains
he hasn’t sold any of his paintings, but he won’t show them to
anyone. 15. There’s been bad blood / mood between them ever since
Trevor accused Charlton of sabotaging his opening night. 16. That’s
the last time I lie to a client for Mrs Richards. I’m not going to
do her dirty job / work for her any more. 17. My mum’s got
organising her Christmas card list round / down to a fine art. 18.
The woman demanded to know / knowing who was in charge. 19. I can’t
help to feel / feeling that I’ve forgotten something. 20. I really
wasn’t expecting to bump / bumping into Ken in Birmingham. 21. I
understand you’re trying to be kind, but I don’t think you can
really empathise / sympathise with me when you haven’t experienced
anything similar. 22. My parents often adopted / fostered children
for a few months when I was young and they must have looked after
about 50 youngsters altogether. 23. I thought it strange that the
invitation didn’t say that partners / peers were invited. 24. It
was a real blow when Jim lost his job because he’s got a large
number of dependants / siblings, including three children and a
mother-in-law. 25. The family home was built by a/an ancestor /
predecessor of mine and six generations of Barretts have lived in
it since then. 26. We’ve arranged to meet / meeting Michael at the
restaurant at nine. 27 I’m sorry, but nothing justifies to behave /
behaving like that. 28. Please don’t hesitate to contact /
contacting us if you require further information. 29. I didn’t dare
to ask / asking Angus about his argument with Kate. 30. When I told
Mr Peters that the dog has / had eaten my homework, he didn’t
believe me. When I saw Ed yesterday morning, he told me that he is
/ was going to look at a flat in the afternoon. 31. When we watched
Death Watch ill, Paul said he has / had never seen a worse movie in
his life! 32. I told Brian last week that the office isn’t / wasn’t
opening on Tuesday so I don’t know why he showed up yesterday
morning. 33. Kostas didn’t dare ask Eleni where had she / she had
been the previous evening. 34. I was tempted to ask why did Ranji
want / Ranji wanted to sit next to Li Han so badly. 35. No one has
asked me why didn’t I / I didn’t come to work yesterday. 36.
Joining the Air Force has always been an anticipation / aspiration
of mine. 37. We don’t have any information about the hotels, so
we’ll just have to make an arbitrary / optional decision. 38. If
you look at Madeleine’s house, it’s obvious she has a lot of liking
/ taste. 39. I’ve always had a liking / taste for Naomi, ever since
she moved in next door. 40. I thought her latest book was mediocre
/ mundane compared to the others, which I really enjoyed. 41. There
is no doubt technology and shorter working hours have got / let /
set people free to enjoy their leisure time more than ever before.
42. Many people do / have / make the leisure to pursue hobbies and
other activities they like / prefer / want to the work routine. 43.
What leisure activities will people choose / decide / opt for in
the future? 44. We can expect to see increased personal choice /
decision / option. 45. The range of leisure actions / hobbies /
pursuits will expand and people will have the decision / option /
preference of following up an interest in almost any activity. 46.
Whether at home or at enjoyment / leisure / relaxation centres,
there will be an ever-increasing need to provide for people at play
/ recreation / rest.

47. If the future is not one of increased leisure, then it won’t
be for need / desire / want of demand. III. Circle the correct
answer. 1. Luckily, only _______of the medicine got spilt. a.
little b. a little c. few d. a few 2. The _______ on the kitchen
table. a. grocery is b. grocery are c. groceries is d. groceries
are 3. You can’t just demand _______, you have to earn it. a. a
respect b. the respect c. any respect d. respect 4. It’s one of the
worst books I’ve ever read. Its only redeeming _______is that it’s
quite short! a. aspect b. feature c. element d. factor 5. With over
500 hits from the 60s, 70s and 80s, this is the _______hits
collection. a. exquisite b. satisfactory c. optimum d. ultimate 6.
The concrete is _______by putting metal bars in it; this makes it
stronger and more durable. a. reinforced b. refurbished c.
renovated d. streamlined 7. This plate’s a collector’s _______and
is actually worth quite a lot of money. a. bit b. article c. object
d. item 8. When she suggested _______over the weekend, I was so
angry that I threatened to quit. a. me to working b. me to work c.
me work d. me working 9. The manager requested that all staff
_______present at the meeting. a. have been b. be c. are being d.
being 10. I feel _______to inform the committee that a number of
members are very unhappy with the decision. a. my duty b. this my
duty c. it my duty d. that my duty 11. Do you think there might be
a _______between Angie’s behaviour and the accident she had? a.
link b. tie c. bond d. junction 12. Suddenly, 1 overheard Melissa
and Alex talking about me in the _______room. a. attached b. beside
c. near d. adjacent 13. Having your heart broken is an _______part
of growing up. a. inward b. inset c. integral d. internal 14.
Getting divorced was a _______decision, so I don’t blame my
ex-wife. a. relative b. related c. cooperative d. joint 15. But
what you’re saying now isn’t _______with what you said last week.
a. coherent b. consistent c. confirmed d. continuous 16. You have
to go through a number of _______stages before you become an
expert. a. medium b. average c. moderate d. intermediate 17.
There’s no _______between Gary and Mark, even though they are
brothers. a. resemblance b. appearance c. correspondence d.
reflection 18. There’s no reason why people of different races
can’t _______quite peacefully together. a. endure b. be c. inhabit
d. coexist 19. I don’t want to do the course in applied statistics,
but it’s _______. a. compulsory b. inevitable c. bound d.
indecisive 20. Don’t worry about me I’m quite _______to sit here
and wait for you to come back. a. ecstatic b. delighted c. joyful
d. content 21. When I was pregnant, I often got a sudden _______for
tinned sardines. a. preference b. craving c. envy d. greed 22.
Olivia has always _______to return to the country she was born in.
a. favoured b. yearned c. urged d. inclined 23. After the
investigation, the accident was put down to human _______. a.
mistake b. wrong c. error d. slip 24. The speaker stopped
_______his notes before continuing. a. checking b. check c. to
check d. to checking 25. I read somewhere that the youngest
_______in a family is often the funniest.

a. sibling

b. spouse

c. guardian

d. citizen

38 Many people consider Davies _______the finest artist of his
generation. a. be b. being c. to be d. to being 41 Everyone started
to _______around the old woman on the floor, but no one offered her
any help. a. crowd b. spread c. put d. hang

IV. Write one word in each gap. 1. Why don’t we meet _______here
again on the 12th, when I get back from Germany? 2. I didn’t take
_______my stepbrother at first, but after a while we grew closer.
3. We should bring everyone _______and discuss what we’re going to
do for Grandpa’s 80th birthday. 4. Being given some responsibility
really brought _______a side of Lindsay’s character I hadn’t seen
before. 5. I had a row with Elizabeth and it just cancelled
_______all the effort I’d put into getting her to like me. 6.
Vivian and I usually agree, but we’re not always on the
_______wavelength. 7. I know I made a mistake, but I’m only
_______, after all. 8. My brother and Jack got on like a _______on
fire when they first met. 9. Life’s very easy for you. You were
born with a _______spoon in your mouth. 10. Jill and Emily are so
alike. They’re like two _______in a pod. 11. I don’t think we’re
ever going to _______eye to eye on this issue. 12. When something
like that happens, it certainly _______your own problems in
perspective. 13. I’m avoiding Mr Hunter because I think I’m in his
bad _______. 14. Nathan was lucky enough to be born _______a very
wealthy family. 15. The cathedral features _______a documentary
about important buildings. 16. I think the state pension should be
equal _______half the average salary. 17. This rare species of bird
is native _______Tasmania and isn’t found anywhere else. 18. Some
say that hang-gliding is the nearest thing _______being able to fly
like a bird. 19. According to the latest statistics, teenagers have
_______off TV and are turning off in droves. 20. The internet
_______ an interactive, social need that TV doesn’t. 21. Teenagers
at a loose _______in their bedrooms can hang _______with their
mates in cyberspace. 22. As websites such as MySpace have
_______off, teenagers have been only _______eager to join in their
millions and spend hours a day and night online. 23. We’re
witnessing the birth of the generation of the ‘keyboard potato’,
for _______of a better expression. 24. For those born _______some
cultures, however, marriage may have quite a different meaning. 25.
In an arranged marriage, it is the parents who choose the partner
and it’s possible _______the young person getting married not to
meet their future bride or groom _______person until the day of the
wedding. 26. Indeed, a young person might be promised to another
_______a child, many years before the wedding day. 27. Amongst
communities that practise arranged marriage, it’s not unusual for a
generation _______to open up between parents and children, with
many young people refusing to accept an arranged marriage. 28.
However, if the partners treat each other _______respect and
recognise that they are both _______ equal value, there doesn’t
seem to be any real barrier to having a happy married life. 29. In
publishing, _______ author will usually earn royalties on sales.
30. Although the ‘struggling author’ is still common, it is quite
possible for a successful novelist to earn a _______deal of money.
31. The painter doesn’t receive _______benefit from this, though.
32. More than a _______artists today, however, are very aware of
this, and so practice what is sometimes called ‘holding back’. 33.
They produce, say, ten paintings for an exhibition, but only allow
a certain _______of them, say eight, to be sold.

34. The other two they keep, in _______hope that when they sell
them in later years they will have greatly increased in value. 35.
Certainly, the _______music industry be it pop, rock or classical
is in turmoil at the moment, but its future is not bleak. 36. There
is still a huge _______of money to be made from live performances.
37. ‘Can’t you feel _______getting older? Don’t you _______it
strange to be 25 and not married yet?’ they asked. 38. You keep
_______going like that all night, making a note of anybody you
like. 39. I didn’t _______tell them that I worked for a young
women’s magazine, so I pretended to be a hairdresser. 40. The
Kevins, Jonathans and Michaels came and went, and I _______ to feel
like I couldn’t _______ to hear another potted biography. 41. Speed
dating might work for some, but I think I’ll stick _______
traditional methods to find Mr Right. 42. There is a widely held
view that artistic standards have got _______ over the last 100
years or so and that contemporary art is _______a bad way, the
cliched response being ‘my three-year-old child could have done
better than that’. 43. How can we get to the _______of this seeming
contradiction? 44. Those new _______contemporary art should be
forgiven for this kind of response, but it is largely a matter of
their ignorance rather than the reality. 45. What needs to be
_______clear is that contemporary art is at the cutting edge;
painting a lifelike picture of a racehorse is no longer an option
for an artist attempting to break new ground. 46. Were contemporary
artists to produce pictures like this, we would actually have the
_______of all worlds a stagnant and backward-looking artistic
tradition. 47. Having said that, some contemporary art is of poor
_______, but that’s true of every art _______ at any point in
history. 48. However, those _______ the top of the contemporary art
world are producing innovative and challenging pieces. 49. At
_______best, contemporary art is as exciting and productive as it’s
possible for art to be. 50. There is, of course, a _______line
between quality contemporary art and pseudo-art.

V. Circle the word which best matches each statement. 1. ‘I’ve
never seen a more beautiful diamond!’ exquisite / sound 2. ‘His
honesty is the only feature about him that’s positive.’ redeeming /
ultimate 3. ‘These metal railings are really old and brown.’ stale
/ rusty 4. ‘It’s just not good enough.’ invaluable / inadequate 5.
‘The workmanship on this cabinet isn’t very good.’ detrimental /
shoddy 6. ‘This CD-ROM drive isn’t working properly.’ defective /
detrimental 7. ‘This apple’s completely black.’ rotten / stale 8.
‘This was the most important reason for us.’ optimum / prime 9.
‘The job couldn’t have been done without your help.’ exquisite /
invaluable 10. ‘The price seems reasonable to me. I’ll take it.’
ultimate / satisfactory 11. ‘This bread’s not very fresh.’ rotten /
stale 12. ‘I think the government’s measures are going to do quite
a lot of damage.’ detrimental / defective 13. ‘It’s the most
exciting experience you’ll ever have!’ ultimate / optimum 14. ‘I
think it was a sensible decision.’ prime / sound 15. ‘This is
exactly what I need.’ ideal / prime 16. ‘Excellent work. Well
done!’ satisfactory / first-rate 17. ‘Four is the right number of
people for this project.’ ultimate / optimum

VI. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar
meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change
the word given. You must use between one and eight words, including
the word given. 1. There’s not that much difference between irony
and sarcasm. line There’s
___________________________________________________between irony
and sarcasm. 2. I sincerely promise you that I’m telling you the
truth. bottom I promise you
_______________________________________________that I’m telling you
the truth. 3. As far as I know, no one’s talking about you behind
your back. best To _______________________________________, no
one’s talking about you behind your back. 4. I don’t feel guilty at
all, Mary. Clear I
Mary. 5. After working for six hours, I finally managed to finish
the report. in I finally
___________________________________________the report after working
for six hours. 6. Oscar is qualified to teach Russian because he
has a degree in it. to Oscar’s Russian degree
__________________________________________________the language. 7.
I shared a bedroom with my brothers when I was young and I quite
liked it. like I used ______________________________________a
bedroom with my brothers when I was young. 8. Tim resolved that he
would stay out of trouble when he left prison. to On being released
from prison, Tim resolved ________________________________trouble
again. 9. What was your inspiration for creating such a fantastic
character in your new novel? to What
______________________________________such a fantastic character in
your new novel? 10. Austin and his father are very similar, aren’t
they? after Austin
doesn’t he? 11. I realised that I was standing outside the house I
was looking for. myself
___________________________________________________outside the
house I was looking for. 12. I was surprised Sarah couldn’t do the
maths problem because it was very easy. play The maths problem
_____________________________, and I was surprised Sarah couldn’t
do it. 13. I can spend more time with my grandchildren when I
retire. free Retirement
____________________________________________more time with my
grandchildren. 14. Do you want to go to the cinema this evening?
like Do you _________________________________________________ to
the cinema this evening? 15. ‘Will you come with me to the concert
next Thursday?’ Andrea asked Gareth. go Andrea asked Gareth if
____________________________ to the concert the following Thursday.
16. ‘Does the train get in at four o’clock?’ asked Pete. whether
Pete asked
_________________________________________________________ at four
o’clock. 17. ‘Have you been talking on the phone all evening, Tim?’
asked his dad. if Tim’s dad asked
______________________________________________on the phone all
evening. 18. ‘Are you all coming tomorrow?’ Fiona asked us. whether
Fiona asked
19. ‘Doesn’t Jerry live near you anymore?’ asked Dominic. me
Dominic asked whether
__________________________________________________any more. 20.
‘Shall I send you an e-mail about it, Trevor?’ asked Kevin. him
Kevin asked _____________________________________________________an
e-mail about it. 21. ‘Shall I help you do the dishes, Carlo?’ said
Robert. offered Robert
_______________________________________________________________ the
dishes. 22. ‘Do we really have to go to bed right now?’ Toby asked
his parents. did Toby asked his parents
__________________________________________go to bed right then. 23.
He told us that getting a later plane was our only option. but ‘You
_______________________________________________________a later
plane,’ he said. 24. ‘Does Tony follow current affairs closely?’
asked Susie. interest Susie asked me
____________________________________________________ current

25. ‘I’m going to enjoy myself now the exams are over,’ said
Heidi. hair Heidi said she
_____________________________________________ now the exams were
over. 26. As the plane finally stopped on the runway, it was
immediately surrounded by fire engines. rest As the plane finally
_____________on the runway, it was immediately surrounded by fire
engines. 27. Pete said that Josh doesn’t usually tell lies. like
said Pete. 28. ‘Let’s not make any plans and just see what
happens,’ said Dawn. ear Dawn suggested
_______________________________________ and just seeing what
happened. 29. I decided right there and then to buy it and now I
really regret it! whim I
__________________________________________________________and now I
really regret it! 30. Our detectives are determined to find out
exactly what happened in this case. bottom Our detectives are
determined to ____________________________________________this
case. 31. I’m afraid your grandmother got worse during the night.
turn I’m afraid your grandmother
_________________________________________during the night. 32.
You’ll have to improve your general knowledge before you go on that
quiz show. You’ll have to _______up on your general knowledge
before you go on that quiz show. 33. The car was so badly damaged
it had to be destroyed. The car was so badly damaged it had to be
_______off. 34. One of the poems is particularly noteworthy due to
its interesting use of imagery. One of the poems particularly
_______out due to its interesting use of imagery. 35. If attendance
doesn’t improve soon, the play will probably have to close. If
attendance doesn’t _______up soon, the play will probably have to
close. 36. I’ve heard a new gallery has opened in St Ives, so I’m
going to see what it’s like. I’ve heard a new gallery has opened in
St Ives, so I’m going to _______it out. 37. Susan only just passed
her history of art course. Susan _______through her history of art
course. 38. The photo’s got a couple of marks on it, so I’ll scan
it and make it look better with some software I’ve got. The photo’s
got a couple of marks on it, so I’ll scan it and _______it up with
some software I’ve got. 39. On the show today, we’re going to
completely change the look of the Simpsons’ spare bedroom. On the
show today, we’re going to completely _______over the Simpsons’
spare bedroom.

VII. For each question, write one word which can be used in all
three sentences. 1. I’m afraid we’re _______out of that CD. As soon
as I get out of prison, I’m determined to make a _______start. And
now, _______from their blockbuster tour of the USA, here’s … The
Goldsmiths! 2. She wants to make a _______break and leave the
publishing industry completely. The doctors have given me a
completely _______bill of health. This term, you all start again
with a _______sheet, so I won’t hold anything you did wrong last
term against you. 3. Is long hair back in _______? I actually don’t
know much about that _______of architecture. If I was a rock star,
I’d make sure I was treated with _______wherever I went. 4. I
bumped into an _______flame of mine in Woolworth’s this morning.
Dave’s an _______hand when it comes to doing the carnival disco
he’s been doing it for years. I’m afraid we’re going to have to
consider putting Mum in an _______people’s home.

5. They think I’m stupid but I’m not going to let them get the
_______of me. We could stay at a hotel near the festival or,
_______yet, camp in the grounds. Yes, I’m certainly all the
_______for two weeks in the sun. 6. I don’t really see myself
settling down any time in the _______future. People came from
_______and far to attend the celebrity wedding of the year. We just
about managed to get to the airport on time, but it was a
_______thing. 7. The two countries are similar with _______to the
divorce rates. Of course we argue, but I don’t think we’re any
different from other couples in that _______. Todd lost a lot of
people’s _______when they saw how he treats his wife. 8. One of the
important _______of the law is that it recognises the rights of
unmarried partners. In order to find the woman’s missing husband,
the police asked if he had any distinguishing _______. I was quite
impressed by the safety _______on Bill’s new car. 9. We _______our
son while he was at university so he didn’t have to work while he
was studying. My father _______Chelsea, and so did his father
before him, so it was only natural that I would too. When I saw the
results of the survey, I was quite surprised by the number of
people who _______the death penalty. 10. To our _______, the boss
said that we could have an extra day off work. Martin always takes
great _______in talking to anyone about fishing. When Erin finally
started to move downhill on the skis for the first time, she
laughed in _______. 11. The local council should start a building
programme to meet the _______for leisure facilities. The Mayor said
he had no _______of advice from people who didn’t understand the
situation. This area is badly in _______of financial investment.
12. I had dried frog when I was in Korea, and I would describe the
_______. I thought that what you said to Erica was in very bad
_______. You might not like sushi the first time you try it it’s a
bit of an acquired _______. 13. We’re quite _______for our son to
go to Cambridge University when he finishes school. I enjoy team
sports, like basketball and volleyball, and I’m especially
_______on football. My parents have always taken a _______interest
in my hobbies. 14. I was a bit of a loner when I was younger and I
spent a lot of time _______by myself. The government has been
accused of _______for time because it doesn’t know what to do. Liam
never learnt to read music, but he’s capable of _______practically
anything by ear. 15. The headmaster was full of _______for the
school cricket team, who had won six matches in a row. The police
officers involved deserve _______for their bravery in such a
difficult situation. If I read one more newspaper editorial in
_______of the Prime Minister I shall scream. 16. When we finally
made it out of the forest, we decided to _______before moving on.
Just _______your bike against the gate and come inside. You can
_______assured that I will not stop until I find the person who
damaged the school gym.

VIII. Complete using the words in the box. merge go grow dispute
mess seek comprise take liken warm

1. We’ve never really _______in for camping holidays, have we
Susan? 2. I love mountaineering, and I suppose I would _______it to
the excitement of winning the lottery. 3. I didn’t like this song
at first but it’s really _______on me recently. 4. Our office is
going to _______with the one in the next town so some people will
lose their jobs. 5. The first volume of her autobiography _______in
her childhood and her arrival in Hollywood. 6. We’ll need ten
minutes or so to _______ up before the game. 7. Stop _______about!
8. In some countries, children under 16 _______the majority of the
population. 9. I’m not _______the facts I just don’t agree with
your interpretation of them.











10. Soccer Maestro is undoubtedly the last _______in online
football simulation games at the moment. 11. The picture that takes
_______of place on our mantelpiece, though, is the one of our
granddaughter graduating. 12. You’re a _______for sore eyes,
Claire! Thank goodness you’re here we desperately need your input.
13. Jean Paul is clearly a very talented designer. His one
Achilles’ _______, however, may be his lack of business sense. 14.
The buffet at the party was out of this _______! I’ve never tasted
such exquisite strawberries. 15. Amis’ new novel is slightly below
_______for a writer of his stature; I was a little disappointed.
16. All the bands were fantastic, but The Editors and Franz
Ferdinand really stole the _______. 17. I think the media’s
response has been a little over the _______ it’s only a TV
programme, after all. 18. I’ve spent the whole morning vacuuming
the inside of the car. It’s now clean as a _______. 19. The Gordon
Gallery clearly has the _______over other modern art galleries;
they have the largest collection, and the largest budget to spend
on acquiring new pieces.











20. Trisha suggested going to Indonesia, but the idea didn’t
really _______to me. 21. Young children seem to _______in showing
things they’ve made at school to their parents. 22. I think I just
_______getting a DVD and staying in tonight. 23. The firefighters
_______Mrs Collins for her quick thinking when the fire broke out.
24. We would _______anyone who values personal freedom to vote
against this proposal. 25. The Prime Minister _______the suggestion
from the leader of the opposition and said that the government
would consider it carefully. 26. I don’t know how Liz can _______to
work at that place. 27. It’s important to have clear goals to
_______towards. 28. The Board of Directors has _______to increase
sales by at least 20% over the coming year.









29. A key breakthrough in Britain came with the Ten Hour Act
(1847), which limited the working day and ensured that workers got
some _______from their jobs. 30. People now had at least some time
to _______from work at the end of the day and _______themselves.
31. Many members of the middle class hated the idea of the workers
being _______and believed that they would waste their time on
_______matters instead of _______productive activities, such as
education or going to church. 32. The workers, however, found the
new freedom _______and threw themselves into new _______with
enthusiasm. batteries end feet hair heart party potato spice time

33. ‘Oh! I’m exhausted! I’ve been doing housework all day.’
`Come and put your _______up for five minutes and I’ll make a cup
of tea.’ 34. ‘Do you fancy going to that new jazz club in town?’
‘Yes, let’s go and let our _______down a bit, shall we?’ 35. ‘Jamie
is so much fun!’ ‘Yes, he really is the life and soul of the
_______. 36. ‘You’re not changing jobs again already, are you?’
‘Well, they do say that variety is the _______of life.’ 37. ‘Roger
wasn’t pleased to get rejected by the team, was he?’ ‘No. He really
had his _______set on playing for them.’ 38. ‘You look a bit
bored.’ ‘Well, I’ve been at a loose _______since I finished the
book I was reading.’ 39. ‘You weren’t planning to go to Singapore
on holiday, were you?’ ‘No. I got to the travel agent’s and just
decided to go there on a _______. 40. ‘I can’t believe you built
the Eiffel Tower out of matchsticks!’ ‘I guess I must have had a
lot of _______on my hands.’ 41. ‘Does Jenny ever move from in front
of the TV?’ ‘I think she’s in danger of becoming a bit of a couch
_______. 42. ‘You’ve got a great suntan!’ ‘I went away for a few
days to recharge my _______. IX. Use the word given in capitals to
form a word that fits in the space. 1. Well, she did study
_______at Oxford, so it’s hardly surprising she knows Latin and
Ancient Greek. CLASS 2. The Pet Shop Boys’ sound is _______and
unique. IMITATE 3. The main reason I believe children shouldn’t be
exposed to violence on TV is that they’re so _______at that age.
IMPRESS 4. I’m a bit of a _______, so I can spend all day agonising
over which choice of two words to use. PERFECT 5. Maybe I am an
_______; but what’s wrong with wanting every human being to have
access to clean drinking water? IDEAL 6. I’ve read that many
performers suffered feelings of _______as children. ADEQUATE 7. I
don’t know how _______it would be to get some of these old
postcards valued. WORTH 8. We’ll find out how much the jewellery’s
worth at the _______next Thursday. VALUE 9. Now the government’s
_______the papers, we can find out what really happened. CLASS 10.
Being director of the National Gallery is an _______responsibility
but thankfully I have a number of highly experienced experts to
help me. AWE 11. With her experience as both an actor and a
director, Tabitha is a very _______successor to Albert Weeks as
Chairperson of the National Theatre. WORTH

12. What I like about Stravinsky’s music is the
_______complexity, which has a powerful effect on the listener.
RHYTHM 13. After ten matches, we had the _______record of played
ten, won none, lost ten. ENVY 14. I know you’d rather take your
holiday in August, but when the boss is offering you extra days
off, I don’t think you can afford to be so _______. CHOOSE 15. You
don’t need to be quite so _______in your work, and you might find
you enjoy it more if you take a little time off. ZEAL 16. After
dinner, we went for a _______stroll along the seafront. LEISURE 17.
We’re only two weeks into the school holidays and already my
children are _______REST 18. Don’t throw away consumer packaging.
Most of it’s _______if you use a little creativity. USE 19. There’s
a _______difference between photography and still-life drawing.
QUALITY 20. I’m looking for a flatmate so I’m going to put an ad in
the _______. CLASS 21. Please contact reception regarding the
storing of _______in the hotel safe. VALUE 22. The positive
relationship between a business and a customer, often referred to
as _______, is difficult to quantify financially. GOOD 23. Theo and
his brother are always together. They’re completely _______.
SEPARATE 24. It’s very _______of you to notice that Sean’s not his
usual self. PERCEIVE 25. Despite his _______lack of concern, I
think Gabriel really does care what other people think of him.
APPEAR 26. Don’t feel that you’re being _______to Sharon if you
tell me what’s bothering you about her. LOYAL 27. James got into
trouble for _______a police officer. PERSON 28. I don’t see why
someone should be given _______treatment at an airport just because
they’re famous. PREFER 29. I was given the _______task of telling
the team that funding had been withdrawn from the project. ENVY 30.
The Minister attempted to _______the dispute, saying it was just a
minor disagreement. PLAY 31. I’m afraid I left the chicken in the
oven a bit long so it’s a little _______. DO 32. I wouldn’t
describe myself as a _______person, but I do enjoy the occasional
game of golf. SPORT 33. A _______learner is less likely to retain
the content of the lesson than one who is enthusiastic about his or
her learning. MOTIVE 34. Marvin used to be quite wild, but he’s
_______calm these days. RELATE 35. According to Lionel, losing his
job and then getting divorced were _______, but I think there’s
probably a link. CONNECT 36. Young animals very quickly form a
strong _______to their mothers. ATTACH 37. What I don’t like about
school uniform is that it completely destroys all _______.
INDIVIDUAL 38. Very little in our lives prepare us for _______.
(PARENT) 39. The best money comes from items that are in very good
condition often because they’re _______ (USE) and still in their
packaging, but there’s also a market for things like second- hand
pottery or glassware that might have _______ (PERFECT). 40. I’m
quite successful. One of my _______ (STRONG) is that I’ve got a
very good rating on most of these sites people I’ve sold to have
given me very good reviews, so new customers trust me. I’m also
good at spotting what’s _______ (VALUE) and what’s completely
_______ (WORTH). 41. Diamond’s basically _______ (DESTROY), you
see, and these have got damage marks on them. 42. One _______
(CHARACTER) of the modern world is that people increasingly find
themselves living side by side with people from other cultures. 43.
In such circumstances, _______ (RACE) is a real danger. 44. They
may feel that another culture presents a threat to their own
_______ (INHERIT), one that could even lead to the _______ (APPEAR)
of certain aspects of their way of life. 45. Often, however, this
threat is more a matter of _______ (PERCEIVE) than reality and
different groups live in _______ (RELATE) harmony in many parts of
the world.

X. One word in each sentence is incorrect. Underline the
incorrect word and write the correct word on the line. 1. We didn’t
share the same father tongue, but we managed to communicate in
English. _______ 2. When my brother got married, my sister-in-law
very quickly became one from the family. _______ 3. I sometimes
find that born speakers of English speak a bit too fast for me.
_______ 4. We need to get something for Mum and Dad’s marriage
anniversary next week. _______ 5. Since tomorrow’s a country
holiday, I thought we might drive up into the mountains. _______ 6.
I got an e-mail yesterday from a far relative who’s researching our
family tree. _______ 7. This maths problem should be kid’s play to
someone with as much talent as you. _______ 8. She’s not my
biological aunt, but she’s my aunt with marriage. _______ 9.
Following the train crash, people concerned about their liked ones
were given a special number to call. _______ 10. The problem of
child misuse is much bigger than you might think. _______ 11. It’s
only mankind nature to want to settle down, get married and start a
family. _______ 12. It’s the boss’s birthday next Wednesday, and
there’s a rumour we might be taken the day off. _______ 13. I know
you’d rather I took up a sport, but it’s not your choice to do.
_______ 14. Some of the courses are compulsory, so we can’t just
pick and select whatever we like _______ 15. If you won’t give me a
pay rise, then I shall have to think my options. _______ 16. The
council said they had no option apart to close the sports centre.
_______ 17. Angela travels a lot and is only very eager to
experience new places. _______ 18. Jake’s been practising as mad to
impress the others in the band. _______ 19. I can’t believe the
judge just let the accused be free like that. _______ 20. I’ve
decided in favour for joining the local swimming team. _______ 21.
You should plan things more carefully and not just act with impulse
all the time. _______ XI. Write a word formed from the words in the
box in each gap. available do motive play prefer relax satisfy



It’s impossible to (1) _______the importance of getting active
as a family. We all have a (2) _______to start off with good
intentions and then lose our (3) _______. Playing and exercising
together as a family can help you through those moments when you
are (4) _______with your progress. Don’t (5) _______it. Start with
gentle exercise and work up to something more strenuous. Whatever
your (6) _______activity, make sure that you’re all comfortable
doing it at that level. If necessary, switch to a more (7) _______
activity until you’re all in better shape. Children these days get
a lot of (8) _______from the fast-moving worlds of television, the
Internet and computer games. Make sure you find an activity that
they’ll find fun. Contact Marlston Council to find out about the
(9) _______of facilities where you live. Playing a sport together
will teach your children about fair play, (10) _______and working
with others. But remember that it has to be fun or they’ll soon
lose interest. For further information, contact Marlston Council
and ask to speak to someone from the ‘Get Active’ campaign.

44 месяца назад

Ex. 5. Circle the correct word or phrase:1 Elizabeth usually goes is usually going to bed at around eleven o’clock.2

Dan talks is talking on the other phone right now.3 We don’t eat aren’t eating any meat at the moment as we’re both on a diet.4 Does air travel get is air travel getting increasingly safe5 My mum calls is calling me every weekend without fail.6 How much do babysitters generally earn are babysitters generally earning7 You always come You’re always coming up with excuses for not having done your homework.8 I don’t go I’m not going out much during the week but I always try I’m always trying to go somewhere on Saturday night.9 The train does stop is stopping here.10 My mum takes is taking part in ice-skating competition almost every weekend.

1 Elizabeth usually goes to bed at around eleven o’clock.

2 Dan is talking on the other phone right now.

3 We aren’t eating any meat at the moment as we’re both on a diet.

4 Is air travel getting increasingly safe

5 My mum calls me every weekend without fail.

6 How much do babysitters generally earn

7 You always come up with excuses for not having done your homework.

8 I’m not going out much during the week but I always try to go somewhere on Saturday night.

9 The train does is stopping here.

10 My mum takes in ice-skating competition almost every weekend.

  • Размер: 881 Кб
  • Количество слайдов: 15

-ing form or infinitive Part I  -ing form or infinitive Part I

Contents 1. 1. Verb/noun/adjective phrase + -ing form 2. 2. Verb/noun/adjective phrase + full infinitive 3.Contents 1. 1. Verb/noun/adjective phrase + -ing form 2. 2. Verb/noun/adjective phrase + full infinitive 3. 3. Watch out! (1) 4. 4. Watch out! (2) 5. 5. Ex. I , , Ex. II 6. 6. Verb + bare infinitive 7. 7. Watch out! (3) 8. 8. Ex. III 9. 9. Verb + full infinitive or –ing-form with a little or no change in meaning 11. Verb + full infinitive or –ing-form witha change in meaning 12. Ex. IV

Verb/noun/adjective phrase + -ing form Some verb, noun and adjective phrases are usually followed by theVerb/noun/adjective phrase + -ing form Some verb, noun and adjective phrases are usually followed by the –ing form. These include: admit escape mind appreciate face miss avoid fancy postpone can’t help feel like practise delay finish put of deny give up resist detest involve risk discuss keep (on) suggest dislike mention understand enjoy

 • Some of the verbs, nouns and adjectives in the list above can also be • Some of the verbs, nouns and adjectives in the list above can also be followed by an object before the –ing form. Ex. . I can’t stand people cheat ing in exams. When we put a verb after a preposition , we almost always use an – ing form. Ex. I’m interested in hear inging more about that course. Watch out!

Verb/noun/adjective phrase + full infinitive Some verb, noun and adjective phrases are usually  followed byVerb/noun/adjective phrase + full infinitive Some verb, noun and adjective phrases are usually followed by the full infinitive. These include: able encourage prepare aford expect pretend agree fail promise appear happen refuse arrange help seem ask hope tend attempt manage want beg ofer wish choose plan would like decide pleased

 • Some of the verbs, nouns and adjectives in the list above can also be • Some of the verbs, nouns and adjectives in the list above can also be followed by an object before the full infinitive. Ex. . I didn’t want to take the exam. My mum didn’t want me me to take the exam. Watch out!

Ex. I Circle the correct word or phrase. . 1. I really don’t feel like goingEx. I Circle the correct word or phrase. . 1. I really don’t feel like going / to go out tonight. Do you? 2. Everyone expected his business failing /to fail within the first few month. 3. What would you like doing /to do this evening? 4. We discussed turning /to turn the attic into a spare bedroom with the architect. 5. She wasn’t able speaking /to speak very clearly after her accident. 6. Do you mind moving /to move your car, please? You’re blocking the road. 7. They’re going to postpone making / to make a decision until next month. 8. Are you planning of getting / to get a new DVD player? 9. Are you thinking of getting / to get a Play Station? 10. I’m very pleased telling / to tell you that you’ve passed! 11. Sarah’s ofered putting / to put us up for this weekend! 12. I’m really looking forward to going / to go on the cruise.

Ex. II  Complete using the correct form ( - ing form or full infinitive )Ex. II Complete using the correct form ( — ing form or full infinitive ) of the verb in brackets. You may need to use the passive voice. 1. I’ll never forgive June for (lie) to me like that. 2. Ivan’s not very good at (make) friends. 3. I can’t resist (buy) things when they’re in the sales. 4. We’ve got to encourage students (study), not blame them for not studying. 5. I don’t know how you managed (persuade) the bank manager to lend you so much money! 6. Does Jessica dislike (walk) so much that she’s not going to come with us? 7. Do you deny (steal) the money? Yes or no? 8. The kids were pretending (be) asleep, but they didn’t fool me for a second. 9. I refuse ( accept) that there’s no alternative. 10. No one understands how Jill can aford (go) on so many holidays. 11. He only just escaped (send) to prison. 12. He expected (give) a brand new computer for Christmas, but all he got was a second-hand watch! lying making buying to study to persuade walking stealing to be to accept to go being sent to be given

Verb + bare infinitive Some verbs can be  followed by an object + the bareVerb + bare infinitive Some verbs can be followed by an object + the bare infinitive These include: feel- let- notice- watch- hear- make- see-

 • The verbs feel, hear, notice, see and watch can also be followed by by • The verbs feel, hear, notice, see and watch can also be followed by by the –ing form. . We often use the bare infinitive for a completed action (from start to finish). We often use the –ing form for an action in progress at the time. Ex. I heard Miss Jenkins tell Julie not to do that. (= I heard all of it. ) I heard Miss Jenkins telling Julie not to do that. (= I heard part of it. ) • In the passive , hear, make and seesee are followed by the full infinitive. . Ex. Active: The teacher made me me stand in the corner. Passive: I I was made to stand in the corner (by the teacher). Watch out!

Ex. III Complete using the correct form ( - ing form,  bare infinitive or fullEx. III Complete using the correct form ( — ing form, bare infinitive or full infinitive ) of the verb in the box. Use each verb only once. achieve; be; behave; come; do; hope; improve; learn; listen; make; play; sit down; take; tell; try; use; work Report: William Watson sometimes seems to be afraid of hard. He can’t help to avoid anything that involves his brain, particulary on Friday afternoons. He seems to detest life seriously, and pretends he isn’t capable of anything of worth. This is unfortunate as, with a little more effort, William could succeed in great progress. However, at present he frequently just wants the fool. He enjoys jokes. Presumably, he imagines this the best way to make friends, but in fact he often just ends up preventing the other students from . He has promised on several occasions his behaviour in class, but then he just keeps on in exactly the same way. Recently, I have had to beg him and be quiet in the classroom, but it’s difficult to know how to make him to his senses. He just doesn’t seem interested in to my opinion. I’m tempted to give up even that he might improve. Having said that though, Mr Watson is an extremely good maths teacher! Julie Cross-5 A working trying doing taking using achieving making to play telling to be learning to improve behaving to sit down come listening hoping

Verb + full infinitive or –ing-form with a little or no change in meaning Some verbsVerb + full infinitive or –ing-form with a little or no change in meaning Some verbs can be followed by the full infinitive or the –ing form with a little or no change in meaning. We continued to do experiments in the lab all afternoon. We continued doing experiments in the lab all afternoon. These include: begin continue intend prefer can’t bear/stand hate love start

Verb + full infinitive or –ing-form with a change in meaning Some verbs can be Verb + full infinitive or –ing-form with a change in meaning Some verbs can be followed by the full infinitive or the –ing form. The choice depends on the meaning. I remember teachers at my school hitting children when they were naughty! Did you remember to do your homework? . These include: consider imagine mean stop forget learn regret teach go on like remember try

Ex. IV  Complete each second sentence using the word given , so that it hasEx. IV Complete each second sentence using the word given , so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Write between twotwo and five words in each gap. 1. I should have taken my medicine this morning, but I didn’t remember. I my medicine this morning. 2. I’ll always remember the time when I went up Mont Blanc. I’ll Mont Blanc. 3. I must hang up the washing later. I up the washing later. 4. Darren thinks that wearing a suit to work is appropriate. Darren a suit to work. 5. Jackie wishes she hadn’t said that to Allie. Jackie that to Allie. 6. I’m sorry, but your credit card has been cancelled by the bank. I your credit card has been cancelled by the bank. forgot to take never forget going up never remember regrets saying/ having said likes to wear regretsmust remember to hang regret to tell/inform you regret

В презентации использованы: Учебное пособие для подготовки к ЕГЭ по английскому языку: Грамматика и лексика MacmillanВ презентации использованы: Учебное пособие для подготовки к ЕГЭ по английскому языку: Грамматика и лексика Macmillan Exam Skills for Russia. Grammar and Vocabulary. Авторы: Malcolm Mann Steve Taylore-Knowles Консультант: Елена Клековкина Издательство Macmillan, Oxford, 2006 www. macmillan. ru

1. Suits
2.скорей всего focus
4. Fit и obsessed
5. Curly
7. Overweight

Hannah looks after ill people.
Now she is dancing at the disco.
The Tuckers teach children at school.
Now they are swimming at the swimming pool.
Now he is sleeping in his bed.
Jim plays the guitar.

1 was swept 2 was damaged 3 managed 4 are investigating 5 is thought 6 is looking for 7 be kept 8 has been lost 9 will be opened 10 was hurt

My mother asked me how have I spent my hollyday.
She asked me if there was interesting.
My mother asked if I bought some souvenirs.
She asked me how have gone there.
My mother asked me what time I got up there.
She asked me if Ifounded some restaurants there.
My mother asked me if I could take her with me next time.
She asked me if I went on the Eifel tower.
My mother asked me what was the best plase you had visited
She asked me if tikets were expencive or not.

<span> Tourist in London always want to visit westminster and see Big Ben.</span>

<span><span>  Tourist in London always want to visit westminster and see Big Ben, don’t they?</span></span>

<span><span>  Who <span> always wants  in London to visit westminster and see Big Ben?</span></span></span>

<span><span><span>  What do <span> tourist in London always want to visit and see?</span></span></span></span>

<span><span><span><span>  Do <span> tourist in London always want to visit westminster and see Big Ben?</span></span></span></span></span>

<span><span><span><span><span> <span> Do tourist in London  or in New York always want to visit westminster and see Big Ben?</span></span></span></span></span></span>

<span><span><span><span><span><span>  What is westminster?</span></span></span></span></span></span>

<span><span><span><span><span><span>  What is Big Ben?</span></span></span></span></span></span>

<span><span><span><span><span><span>   What do tourist  want ot do in London?</span></span></span></span></span></span>

Future Tences 

Упражнение 1, с. 75

1. Circle the correct answer, and then identify the use. — Обведите правильный ответ, а затем определите причину употребления.

1 A: I love skiing in the mountains!
B: So do I. I expect the ski longes will start (prediction based on what we believe or think) to get busy soon; a lot of skiers go this time of year.

A: Я люблю кататься на лыжах в горах!
Б: Я тоже. Я ожидаю, что лыжные трассы скоро начнут (предсказание, основанное на том, во что мы верим или думаем) оживляться; многие лыжники ездят в это время года. 

2 A: We are going (future plans/intentions) quad racing this weekend.
B: Really? Can I come along? 

A: В эти выходные мы собираемся (планы на будущее/намерения) участвовать в гонках на квадроциклах.
Б: Правда? Могу я пойти с вами? 

3 A: Be careful.You are going to hurt (prediction based on what we see or know) yourself!
B: Relax! I’ve been riding a ski-doo for years.

A: Будьте осторожны.Ты навредишь (предсказание, основанное на том, что мы видим или знаем) себе!
Б: Расслабься! Я уже много лет катаюсь на снегоходе.

4 A: Now that he has learnt to kite surf, he will is going to participate (already decided to) in a competition on Sunday.
B: That’s exciting. I think I’ll go (on-the-spot decision) watch him.

A: Теперь, когда он научился кайтсёрфингу, он будет участвовать (уже решил) в соревнованиях в воскресенье.
Б: Это захватывающе. Я думаю, что пойду (решение на месте) понаблюдаю за ним.

5 A: Jane’s bus arrives (timetables) at 6:30.
B: We’d better now then.

A: Автобус Джейн прибывает (расписание) в 6:30.
Б: Тогда нам лучше сейчас.

Упражнение 2, с. 75

2. Put the verbs into the correct future tense— Поставьте глаголы в правильное будущее время.

A: Hey, Tony. What 1) are you doing this weekend?
A: Привет, Тони. Что ты делаешь в эти выходные?

B: I 2) am going camping with Pedro and Sue.
Б: Я иду в поход с Педро и Сью.

A: That’s sounds fun! I think I 3) ’ll come too. Do you mind?
A: Это звучит забавно! Думаю, я тоже пойду. Вы не возражаете?

B: Of course not. I 4) ‘ll call Pedro and Sue tonight to tell them.
Б: Конечно, нет. Я позвоню Педро и Сью сегодня вечером, чтобы сказать им.

A: OK, great. So what’s the plan? 5) Are we going to take/Are we taking Pedro’s jeep?
A: Хорошо, отлично. Итак, каков наш план? Мы возьмём/возьмём джип Педро?

B: No, unfortunately, I expect his brother 6) will need it at the weekend. We’ve decided we 7) are going to get tickets for the bus.
B: Нет, к сожалению, я думаю, что его брату он понадобится в выходные. Мы решили, что купим билеты на автобус.

A: That’s fun. What time 8) does it leave?
A: Это забавно. Во сколько он уходит?

B: It 9) leaves at 6:30 on Friday evening.
Б: Он отправляется в 6:30 вечера в пятницу.

A: Brilliant! I promise I 10) won’t be late!
A: Блестяще! Я обещаю, что не опоздаю!

Упражнение 3, с. 75

3. Circle the correct item A, B or C— Обведите правильный пункт A, B или C.

1 C It’s freezing cold! I will light a fire.
Как же холодно! Я разожгу костёр.

2 A Here, Mum. I will carry your ski equipment for you.
Вот, мам. Я отнесу вам лыжное снаряжение.

3 B We are going to a ski lodge in The Rockies. Stan booked it last month.
Мы едем на лыжную базу в Скалистых горах. Стэн заказал её в прошлом месяце.

4 A Look out! You are going to cut yourself with that penknife!
Берегись! Ты порежешься этим перочинным ножом!

5 A The train leaves in half an hour.
Поезд отправляется через полчаса.

Упражнение 4, с. 75

4. Write: — Напишите:

two things you will/won’t do next week
две вещи, которые вы будете/не будете делать на следующей неделе

Next week, I will study harder.
I won’t ride a ski-doo next week.
На следующей неделе я буду учиться усерднее.
На следующей неделе я не буду кататься на снегоходе.

two things you are planning to do next week
две вещи, которые вы планируете сделать на следующей неделе

I’m going to visit my brother next week.
I’m going to take pictures of the parade next week.
На следующей неделе я собираюсь навестить брата.
Я собираюсь сфотографировать парад на следующей неделе.

two things you are doing next tonight
две вещи, которые вы cделаете сегодня вечером

I’m attending a rock concert tonight; I bought the ticket last week.
I’m going to a cooking class tonight; it starts at 8 o’clock.
Сегодня вечером я иду на рок-концерт; я купил билет на прошлой неделе.
Сегодня вечером я иду на кулинарный урок, он начинается в 8 часов.

Clauses of time

Упражнение 5, с. 75

5. Underline the appropriate time word and put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense. — Подчеркните соответствующее слово времени и поставьте глаголы в скобках в правильное время.

1 Let us know as soon as you arrive at the research station.
Дайте нам знать, как только прибудете на исследовательскую станцию.

2 Shiela was looking at the map while Matt was studying his compass.
Шила смотрела на карту, в то время как Мэтт изучал свой компас.

3 We can’t light a fire till you collect some wood.
Мы не сможем разжечь огонь, пока вы не соберёте немного дров.

4 Kay and Stu waited for over an hour before, the rescue helicopter picked them up.
Кей и Стью прождали больше часа, прежде чем их подобрал спасательный вертолёт.

5 He can go paintballing as long as he wears a helmet.
Он может играть в пейнтбол, пока носит шлем.

6 I promise I will email you the moment I reach the camp.
Я обещаю, что напишу вам по электронной почте, как только доберусь до лагеря.

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Рабочая тетрадь. Starlight. 7 класс. Workbook.

ГДЗ по английскому языку. Starlight. Звёздный английский. Учебник. 7 класс. Баранова К.М., Дули Д., Копылова В.В.

Английский язык. 7 класс

Page 7

A. Look at the pictures of Helen and use the prompts to write sentences. Use the correct form of the present simple.

1. Every day, Helen gets up at half past seven.

2. Helen often eats fast food for lunch.

3. Helen usually meets her friends in the evening for coffee.

4. Once a week, Helen watches a film at the cinema.

5. Helen rarely goes to the gym.

6. Twice a week, Helen has a driving lesson.

B. Complete using the correct present continuous form of the verbs in brackets. You may have to use some negative forms.

1. Gordon? I think he is writing a letter at the moment.

2. Yes, the match is on TV now, but we are losing.

3. Right now, Margaret is having a shower. Do you want to ring later?

4. Sally is staying with her aunt for a few days.

5. I am not lying! It’s true! I did see Madonna at the supermarket.

6. Josh is always using my bike! It’s so annoying.

7. We are having lunch, but I can come round and help you later.

8. Are you playing music up there? It’s really noisy!

C. Rewrite correctly. Change the words or phrases in bold.

1. Are top musicians studying for many years? – Do top musicians study 

2. What’s going on? I hope you don’t touch my things! – aren’t touching

3. It’s a small business, so each person is doing lots of different jobs. – does

4. Does Christine listen to the radio, or is that the TV I can hear? – Is Christine listening

5. I am usually buying a special ticket each week for the bus because it’s cheaper. – usually buy

6. Our washing machine is starting when you press this button. – starts

7. How’s the match going? Does our team win?Is our team winning?

8. Many people are enjoying spending time on the beach on holiday. – enjoy

Page 8

D. Circle the correct word or phrase.

1. I am working at the local library for the summer.

2. We don’t go to the theatre very often.

3. Stacy is getting ready for school, so she can’t come to the phone.

4. Does Gary ever talk about his expedition to the Amazon Jungle?

5. In squash, you hit a ball against a wall.

6. I read a newspaper at least once a week.

7. Do you practice the piano for two hours every day?

8. Nadine and Claire are doing quite well at school at the moment.

9. A good friend knows when you’re upset about something.

10. How do you spell your name?

E. Complete using the correct present simple or present continuous form of the verbs in the box. You may have to use some negative forms.

1. In Monopoly, you move around the board, buying houses and hotels.

2. Are you watching this program or can I turn the TV off?

3. Regular exercise helps you to stay healthy.

4. I am using my brother’s guitar until I get a new one.

5. Does Simon always do the washing-up after lunch?

6. Do you have any sweaters in a larger size?

7. You aren’t holding the kite right. Let me show you.

8. Dad belongs to the local astronomy club.

F. Underline ten verbs in the wrong tense and rewrite them correctly.

1. am loving – love

2. are throwing –  throw

3. is seeming – seems

4. are needing – need

5. are taking – take

6. are winning – win

7. are preferring – prefer

8. am not understanding – don’t understand

9. wait – am waiting

10. does –  is doing

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  • Circle the correct word or phrase elizabeth usually goes is usually going
  • Circle the correct word or phrase dear lisa thanks for your letter i just left
  • Circle the correct word of phrases
  • Circle the correct word my new trainers
  • Circle the correct word my friend always calls i me in the evening