Circle the correct word or phrase elizabeth usually goes is usually going

A. Circle the correct word or phrase.

 Elizabeth usually goes / is usually going to bed at around eleven o’clock.

 Dan talks / is talking on the other phone right now.

 We don’t eat / aren’t eating any meat at the moment as we’re both on a diet.

 Does air travel get / Is air travel getting increasingly safe?

 My mum calls / is calling me every weekend without fail.

 How much do babysitters generally earn / are babysitters generally earning?

 You always come / You’re always coming up with excuses for not having done your homework. It’s so annoying!

8   I don’t go / I’m not going out much during the week but I always try / I’m always trying to go out somewhere on Saturday night.

 No, the train does stop / is stopping at Cirencester on Saturdays.

10   My mum takes / is taking part in ice-skating competitions almost every weekend.


1 usually goes   2 is talking   3 aren’t eating

4 Is air travel getting   5 calls

6 do babysitters generally earn

7 You’re always coming

8 I don’t go/I always try

9 does stop   10 takes

B. Rewrite correctly. Change the words or phrases in bold.

1   My dad is often getting up late on Saturday mornings.


2   Are you speaking any other languages apart from English?


3   I already buy all my Christmas presents and it’s only October!


4   It’s the first time I’m ever having a party at home.


5   Actually, I think Darren does works quite hard sometimes.


6   Carlo is never eating Chinese food before.


7   Sean already books a table for tonight.


8   Needs Melanie any help painting her new flat?



1 often gets up   2 Do you speak

3 I’ve already bought   4 I’ve ever had

5 works/does work   6 has never eaten

7 Sean has/Sean’s already booked

8 Does Melanie need

C. Complete using the correct form of the verb in brackets.

1   It’s the first time ……………………… (I / ever / eat) octopus!

2   Sandy ……………………… (not / see) his sister since she went to university.

3   They ……………………… (go) on holiday to Spain and won’t be back until the end of the month.

4   Poor Tracy! She ……………………… (write) that essay for hours now and she still hasn’t finished!

5   ……………………… (you / ever / meet) anyone famous?

6   ……………………… (I / try) to get in touch with Jenny all morning but I can’t find her anywhere.

7   ……………………… (I / not finish) the book yet so I can’t tell you what happens.

8   ……………………… (you / already / decide) where you’re going this summer?

9   ……………………… (We / live) here for the last six years.

10   ……………………… (I / never / hear) such nonsense!


1 I’ve ever eaten   2 hasn’t seen

3 have gone   4 has been writing

5 Have you ever met   6 I’ve been trying

7 I’ve been trying   8 Have you already decided

9 We’ve lived/been living   10 I’ve never heard

D. Complete using the words in the box.

already • before • ever • for • just • rarely • since • so • still • yet

 Have you ………………… dreamt of winning the lottery?

 I haven’t worked out how to set the timer on the video ………………… .

 My dad’s lived in the same house ………………… he was born.

 The film’s only been on ………………… a couple of minutes.

 Bruce has knocked three men out of the competition ………………… far.

 I ………………… get the chance to get any exercise – I’m just too busy.

 He’s only ………………… got home.

 It’s eleven o’clock and Todd ………………… hasn’t come home. Where could he be?

 I’ve never met Ruth ………………… . What’s she like?

10   Have you finished …………………? That was quick!


1 ever   2 yet   3 since   4 for   5 so

6 rarely   7 just   8 still   9 before   10 already

E. Choose the correct answer.

1   Ian ………… a shower at the moment, so could you call back in about half an hour?

      A   takes

      B   is taking

      C   has taken

      D   has been taking

2   ………… to Ipswich before?

      A   Do you ever go

      B   Are you ever going

      C   Have you ever been

      D   Have you ever been going

3   I ………… to all the local newspapers and TV stations to complain.

      A   already write

      B   already writing

      C   have already written

      D   have already been writing

4   ………… TV for the last four hours? Turn it off and get some exercise!

      A   Do you watch

      B   Are you watching

      C   Watched you

      D   Have you been watching

5   Eric, ………… hockey competitively or just for fun?

      A   do you usually play

      B   are you usually playing

      C   have you usually played

      D   have you usually been playing

6   That’s the first time ………… an answer right today!

      A   I get

      B   I am getting

      C   I have got

      D   I have been getting

7   Jessica has ………… left, I’m afraid.

      A   already

      B   yet

      C   still

      D   so far

8   Dan ………… in the living room while we redecorate his bedroom.

      A   sleeps

      B   is sleeping

      C   has slept

      D   does sleep

9   Unfortunately, Simone ………… a day off very often.

      A   doesn’t get

      B   isn’t getting

      C   hasn’t got

      D   hasn’t been getting

10   Actually, I ………… a cup of tea first thing every morning but then I switch to coffee.

      A   do drink

      B   am drinking

      C   have drunk

      D   have been drinking


1 B   2 C   3 C   4 D   5 A   6 C   7 A   8 B   9 A   10 A

F. Complete using the correct form of the words in the box.

be • disagree • do • include • know • look • see • seem • understand

Ancient aviators?

Everyone (1) ………………… that humans have been flying for only a few hundred years. But (2) ………………… it possible that ancient civilizations also had the ability and technology to fly?

In the Nazcan Desert in southern Peru, there are hundreds of lines which an ancient culture drew in the dust. On the ground, they just (3) ………………… like straight lines. But when you (4) ………………… them from the air, you (5) ………………… exactly what they are. They are incredible and enormous pictures. The pictures (6) ………………… animals, birds and symbols.

One bizarre theory, which most mainstream scientists (7) ………………… with, is that the people who made the lines thousands and thousands of years ago flew above the lines in balloons. It (8) ………………… incredible, but a few people (9) ………………… believe it’s possible.


1 knows   2 is   3 look   4 see

5 understand/know/see

6 include   7 disagree   8 seems   9 do

G. Match to make sentences.

1   I think …………

2   I’m thinking …………

3   Phil’s looking …………

4   Phil looks …………

5   Claire has …………

6   Claire is having …………

7   Andy is …………

8   Andy is being …………

A   darker hair than her sister.

B   I’m going to buy the new Racetrack CD.

C   a haircut at the moment.

D   for his glasses. Have you seen them?

E   not old enough to drive a car.

F   of getting Dad a CD for his birthday.

G   very annoying at the moment!

H   like he needs a holiday!


1 B   2 F   3 D   4 H   5 A   6 C   7 E   8 G

H. Find the extra word.

International friends

(1) I’ve been to travelling round Europe all summer. It’s the first time I’ve (2) ever been going abroad, and I’ve had a fantastic time! I’ve seen (3) loads of interesting places and I have to also made loads of new friends. (4) I’ve been decided to stay in touch with them now I’m back. One of (5) them, Giselle, is French. She was making on holiday too. We now send (6) text messages are to each other all the time. They’re usually in English (7) because my French isn’t very good! I’m planning to have visit her in (8) France next year sometime. I hope I can. I am love meeting people from (9) other countries! I want to have had lots of friends from all over the world! (10) Travelling certainly broadens the mind but it also is broadens your circle of friends!


1 to   2 going   3 to   4 been   5 making

6 are   7 have   8 am   9 had    10 is

I. Write one word in each gap.

Holiday Blues

‘You’ve (1) …………………… looking at that timetable for the last ten minutes. It can’t be that confusing!’ said Sheila angrily.

‘I (2) …………………… wish you’d be quiet! I’ve (3) …………………… a splitting headache thanks to you!’ replied Matt.

‘Mum! Dad! Please!’ said Alison. ‘You’re both (4) …………………… very silly. (5) …………………… is no point at all in blaming each other. That’s not going to help us find out what time the next train to Budapest is due to leave.’

‘You (6) …………………… quite right, darling. I (7) …………………… sorry,’ said Sheila.

‘Me too,’ mumbled Matt. ‘Now, let’s have another look at this timetable. Well, it (8) …………………… like we (9) …………………… definitely missed the last train today. That was the 18.20 we just missed, wasn’t it?’

‘I (10) …………………… so,’ said Sheila. ‘I mean, it did leave at 18.20. Whether it’s actually going to Budapest or not is another question.’

‘Well, one thing is (11) …………………… in doubt,’ said Matt.

‘What’s that?’ asked Sheila and Alison together.

‘This is the worst holiday we’ve (12) …………………… been on,’ said Matt. ‘Next year, we’re going to try something far less adventurous.’

‘Agreed!’ said Sheila and Alison.


1 been   2 do/really   3 got   4 being

5 There   6 are   7 am   8 looks/seems

9 have   10 think   11 not   12 ever

J. Complete each second sentence using the word give, so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Write between two and five words in each gap.

1   What’s the price of the tickets, Jimmy?   much

     How ……………………………………………, Jimmy?

2   Are these your trainers?   to

     Do …………………………………………… you?

3   Sasha’s not keen on team sports at all.   like

     Sasha …………………………………………… team sports at all.

4   It’s only her second time in a recording studio.   been

     She …………………………………………… in a recording studio once before.

5   We got here three hours ago.   have

      We …………………………………………… three hours.

6   I started writing this hours ago and it’s still not right.   writing

     I …………………………………………… hours and it’s still not right.

7   This is my first experience of flying alone.   time

      It is the first …………………………………………… alone.

8   Sharon’s in the bath at the moment.   a

     Sharon …………………………………………… at the moment.

9   Paul enjoys surprises apart from on his birthday.   does

     Paul …………………………………………… surprises, just not on his birthday!


 much do the tickets cost/ much are the tickets

2   these trainers belong to

 does not/doesn’t like

4   has only been

5   have been here (for)

6   have been writing this for

7   time I have flown

 is having a bath

 does enjoy

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44 месяца назад

Ex. 5. Circle the correct word or phrase:1 Elizabeth usually goes is usually going to bed at around eleven o’clock.2

Dan talks is talking on the other phone right now.3 We don’t eat aren’t eating any meat at the moment as we’re both on a diet.4 Does air travel get is air travel getting increasingly safe5 My mum calls is calling me every weekend without fail.6 How much do babysitters generally earn are babysitters generally earning7 You always come You’re always coming up with excuses for not having done your homework.8 I don’t go I’m not going out much during the week but I always try I’m always trying to go somewhere on Saturday night.9 The train does stop is stopping here.10 My mum takes is taking part in ice-skating competition almost every weekend.

1 Elizabeth usually goes to bed at around eleven o’clock.

2 Dan is talking on the other phone right now.

3 We aren’t eating any meat at the moment as we’re both on a diet.

4 Is air travel getting increasingly safe

5 My mum calls me every weekend without fail.

6 How much do babysitters generally earn

7 You always come up with excuses for not having done your homework.

8 I’m not going out much during the week but I always try to go somewhere on Saturday night.

9 The train does is stopping here.

10 My mum takes in ice-skating competition almost every weekend.

Ex. 5. Circle the correct word or phrase:

1 Elizabeth usually goes / is usually going to bed at around eleven o’clock.

2 Dan talks / is talking on the other phone right now.

3 We don’t eat / aren’t eating any meat at the moment as we’re both on a diet.

4 Does air travel get / is air travel getting increasingly safe

5 My mum calls / is calling me every weekend without fail.

6 How much do babysitters generally earn / are babysitters generally earning

7 You always come / You’re always coming up with excuses for not having done your homework.

8 I don’t go / I’m not going out much during the week but I always try I’m always trying to go somewhere on Saturday night.

9 The train does stop / is stopping here.

10 My mum takes / is taking part in ice-skating competition almost every weekend.

Найдите правильный ответ на вопрос ✅ «Ex. 5. Circle the correct word or phrase: 1 Elizabeth usually goes / is usually going to bed at around eleven o’clock. 2 Dan talks / is …» по предмету 📘 Английский язык, а если вы сомневаетесь в правильности ответов или ответ отсутствует, то попробуйте воспользоваться умным поиском на сайте и найти ответы на похожие вопросы.

Смотреть другие ответы

Главная » Английский язык » Ex. 5. Circle the correct word or phrase: 1 Elizabeth usually goes / is usually going to bed at around eleven o’clock. 2 Dan talks / is talking on the other phone right now.

Ex. 5. Circle the correct word or phrase:

1 Elizabeth usually goes / is usually going to bed at around eleven o’clock.

2 Dan talks / is talking on the other phone right now.

3 We don’t eat / aren’t eating any meat at the moment as we’re both on a diet.

4 Does air travel get / is air travel getting increasingly safe

5 My mum calls / is calling me every weekend without fail.

6 How much do babysitters generally earn / are babysitters generally earning

7 You always come / You’re always coming up with excuses for not having done your homework.

8 I don’t go / I’m not going out much during the week but I always try I’m always trying to go somewhere on Saturday night.

9 The train does stop / is stopping here.

10 My mum takes / is taking part in ice-skating competition almost every weekend.

Найди верный ответ на вопрос ✅ «Ex. 5. Circle the correct word or phrase: 1 Elizabeth usually goes / is usually going to bed at around eleven o’clock. 2 Dan talks / is …» по предмету 📙 Английский язык, а если ответа нет или никто не дал верного ответа, то воспользуйся поиском и попробуй найти ответ среди похожих вопросов.

Искать другие ответы

Главная » Английский язык » Ex. 5. Circle the correct word or phrase: 1 Elizabeth usually goes / is usually going to bed at around eleven o’clock. 2 Dan talks / is talking on the other phone right now.

Ex. 5. Circle the correct word or phrase:

1 Elizabeth usually goes is usually going to bed at around eleven o’clock.

2 Dan talks is talking on the other phone right now.

3 We don’t eat aren’t eating any meat at the moment as we’re both on a diet.

4 Does air travel get is air travel getting increasingly safe

5 My mum calls is calling me every weekend without fail.

6 How much do babysitters generally earn are babysitters generally earning

7 You always come You’re always coming up with excuses for not having done your homework.

8 I don’t go I’m not going out much during the week but I always try I’m always trying to go somewhere on Saturday night.

9 The train does stop is stopping here.

10 My mum takes is taking part in ice-skating competition almost every weekend.

Ex. 5. Circle the correct word or phrase:

1 Elizabeth usually goes is usually going to bed at around eleven o’clock.

2 Dan talks is talking on the other phone right now.

3 We don’t eat aren’t eating any meat at the moment as we’re both on a diet.

4 Does air travel get is air travel getting increasingly safe

5 My mum calls is calling me every weekend without fail.

6 How much do babysitters generally earn are babysitters generally earning

7 You always come You’re always coming up with excuses for not having done your homework.

8 I don’t go I’m not going out much during the week but I always try I’m always trying to go somewhere on Saturday night.

9 The train does stop is stopping here.

10 My mum takes is taking part in ice-skating competition almost every weekend.

Ex. 5. Circle the correct word or phrase:

1 Elizabeth usually goes is usually going to bed at around eleven o’clock.

2 Dan talks is talking on the other phone right now.

3 We don’t eat aren’t eating any meat at the moment as we’re both on a diet.

4 Does air travel get is air travel getting increasingly safe

5 My mum calls is calling me every weekend without fail.

6 How much do babysitters generally earn are babysitters generally earning

7 You always come You’re always coming up with excuses for not having done your homework.

8 I don’t go I’m not going out much during the week but I always try I’m always trying to go somewhere on Saturday night.

9 The train does stop is stopping here.

10 My mum takes is taking part in ice-skating competition almost every weekend.

Ex. 5. Circle the correct word or phrase:

1 Elizabeth usually goes is usually going to bed at around eleven o’clock.

2 Dan talks is talking on the other phone right now.

3 We don’t eat aren’t eating any meat at the moment as we’re both on a diet.

4 Does air travel get is air travel getting increasingly safe

5 My mum calls is calling me every weekend without fail.

6 How much do babysitters generally earn are babysitters generally earning

7 You always come You’re always coming up with excuses for not having done your homework.

8 I don’t go I’m not going out much during the week but I always try I’m always trying to go somewhere on Saturday night.

9 The train does stop is stopping here.

10 My mum takes is taking part in ice-skating competition almost every weekend.

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