Circle the correct word or phrase dear lisa thanks for your letter i just left

Hãy luôn nhớ cảm ơnvote 5*
nếu câu trả lời hữu ích nhé!




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1. had just left

2. gave

3. read

4. made

5. got

6. had

7. was

8. got

9. had left

10. went

11. got

12. had alread begun

13. learned

14. spoke

15, talked

16. did you decided

 @ Nam kHÁNH 


Hãy giúp mọi người biết câu trả lời này thế nào?





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  • kimoanh70
  • 31/05/2021

1. had just left

2. gave

3. read

4. made

5. got

6. had

7. was

8. got

9. had left

10. went

11. got

12. had alread begun

13. learned

14. spoke

15, talked

16. did you decided

Hãy giúp mọi người biết câu trả lời này thế nào?





2 vote

C Circle the correct word or phrase.
Dear Lisa,
Thanks for your letter. I (1) just left / had just left for school when I saw the postman and
he (2) gave / had given it to me. It was really funny! I (3) read / had read it during maths
and it (4) made / had made me laugh. I almost (5) g …

Xem thêm

Dear Lisa,

Thanks for your letter.

I (1) just left / had just left for school when I saw the postman and

he (2) gave / had given it to me.

It was really funny!

I (3) read / had read it during maths

and it (4) made / had made me laugh.

I almost (5) got / had got in trouble!

Anyway, I’m excited because I (6) had / had had my first judo lesson yesterday.

I (7) was / had been late for the lesson because when I (8) got / had got there, I suddenly realised

I (9) left / had left my judo suit at home!

So I (10) went / had gone all the way home

and when I (11) got / had got back, the lesson (12) already began / had already begun.

The instructor was really nice, though, and I (13) learned / had learned how to do some basic


Can’t wait till next time !

What about you and your taekwondo?

The last time I (14) spoke / had spoken to you, you

(15) talked / had talked about giving it up.

What (16) did you decide I had you decided?

I think that’s all for now.

My mum and I are going shopping shortly, so I’d better post this.

Speak to you soon.



Вы зашли на страницу вопроса Dear Lisa,Thanks for your letter?, который относится к
категории Английский язык. По уровню сложности вопрос соответствует учебной
программе для учащихся 10 — 11 классов. В этой же категории вы найдете ответ
и на другие, похожие вопросы по теме, найти который можно с помощью
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комментариях-ответах пользователей, с которыми есть обратная связь для
обсуждения темы. Если предложенные варианты ответов не удовлетворяют,
создайте свой вариант запроса в верхней строке.

A. Circle the correct word or phrase.

1   I saw / was seeing Maria for the first time at Ray’s birthday party.

2   Richard watched / was watching TV when the phone rang.

3   When we were on holiday, we went / were going to the café almost every day.

4   Denise practised / was practising the song every day until she could sing it perfectly.

5   The phone was engaged when I called. Who did you talk / were you talking to?

6   Mr Connors owned / was owning two houses and a villa in the south of France.

7   I did / was doing my homework as soon as I got home from school.

8   A car came round the corner and I jumped / was jumping out of the way.

9   When my dad met my mum, he worked / was working as a bus driver.

10   I got / was getting up at six o’clock every morning last week!

11   My cousin and I played / were playing on the computer when there was a power cut.

12   No, that’s not right. I did pass / was passing the test. I got a B.


1 saw   2 was watching   3 went   4 practised

5 were you talking   6 owned   7 did   8 jumped

9 was working   10 got   11 were playing   12 did pass

B. Complete using the correct form of the verb in brackets.

1   Where ………………………… (you / do) when I saw you on the bus last night?

2   ………………………… (you / enjoy) the film?

3   When we shared a room, Zoe ………………………… (always / take) my things. It was so annoying!

4   When I went to get the tickets, I realised I ………………………… (not / have) any money.

5   When I was young, we ………………………… (go) to France every year on holiday.

6   Elvis ………………………… (become) famous for the song Blue Suede Shoes.

7   When you rang last night, I ………………………… (work) in the garden so I didn’t hear the phone.

8   I ………………………… (hear) from Davina last night. She says hello.

9   The old man ………………………… (appear) to be very tired and he slowly sat down.

10   We ………………………… (throw) a surprise party for my brother last Saturday.


1 were you going   2 Did you enjoy

3 was always taking   4 did not/didn’t have

5 went   6 became   7 was working

8 heard   9 appeared   10 threw

C. Circle the correct word or phrase.

Dear Lisa,

Thanks for your letter. I (1) just left / had just left for school when I saw the postman and he (2) gave / had given it to me. It was really funny! I (3) read / had read it during maths and it (4) made / had made me laugh. I almost (5) got / had got in trouble!

Anyway, I’m excited because I (6) had / had had my first judo lesson yesterday. I (7) was / had been late for the lesson because when I (8) got / had got there, I suddenly realised I (9) left / had left my judo suit at home! So I (10) went / had gone all the way home and when I (11) got / had got back, the lesson (12) already began / had already begun. The instructor was really nice, though, and I (13) learned / had learned how to do some basic throws. Can’t wait till next time!

What about you and your taekwondo? The last time I (14) spoke / had spoken to you, you (15) talked / had talked about giving it up. What (16) did you decide / had you decided? I think that’s all for now. My mum and I are going shopping shortly, so I’d better post this.

Speak to you soon.




1 had just left   2 gave    3 read   4 made

5 got   6 had   7 was   8 got   9 had left

10 went   11 got    12 had already begun

13 learned   14 spoke   15 talked   16 did you decide

D. Complete using the past perfect simple or past perfect continuous of the verbs in the box. You may need to use a negative form.

eat • stay • wait • know • write • see • listen • get • have • run

 By the time he died, Beethoven …………………… nine symphonies.

 We chose the Hotel Rio because we …………………… there before.

 We …………………… for over an hour when the train finally arrived.

 I was completely out of breath because I …………………… .

 I …………………… the film before, so I knew how it ended.

 When he got married, I …………………… Chris for about two years.

 Johnson …………………… ready for the race for six months and finally the big moment came.

 Vivian …………………… computer lessons for very long so she wasn’t sure how to use the Internet.

 Holly …………………… oysters before, so she wasn’t sure what to do with them.

10   I …………………… to my new CD for a few minutes when the CD player started making a funny noise.


1 had written   2 had stayed   3 had been waiting

4 had been running   5 had seen   6 had known

7 had been getting   8 hadn’t been having

9 hadn’t eaten   10 had been listening

E. Choose the correct answer.

 My brother and I …………… swimming almost every day last summer.

      A   went

      B   had been going

      C   were going

      D   had gone

 We …………… when someone knocked at the door.

      A   talked

      B   had talked

      C   were talking

      D   were talked

 When the robbery happened, the security guard ……………!

      A   slept

      B   was sleeping

      C   had slept

      D   was slept

4   Jack …………… chess before so I showed him what to do.

      A   hadn’t been playing

      B   didn’t play

      C   wasn’t playing

      D   hadn’t played

5   I wasn’t sure how Belinda would react because I …………… her long.

      A   didn’t know

      B   wasn’t knowing

      C   hadn’t been knowing

      D   hadn’t known

6   Ian …………… at the factory long when he was made a manager.

      A   hadn’t been working

      B   wasn’t working

      C   didn’t work

      D   wasn’t worked

 I wanted to say goodbye to Jerry, but he …………… .

      A   was already left

      B   already left

      C   had already been leaving

      D   had already left

 When we got to the airport, I realised I …………… my passport at home!

      A   was left

      B   had left

      C   left

      D   had been leaving


1 A   2 C   3 B   4 D   5 D   6 A   7 D   8 B

F. Circle the incorrect words or phrases and rewrite them correctly.

1   I had paint on my shoes because I’d painted my bedroom all morning.


2   I missed the start of the film because I buy popcorn.


3   It was obvious that Bill has worked because he was very tired when I saw him.


4   We had been tidying the garden for hours and I was needing a rest.


5   When the bus was arriving, we missed it because we were talking.


6   During the Christmas holiday, I was eating too much and watching too much TV!


7   Julian was learning all about computer games by the time he was six.


8   My grandfather was owning a hotel by the beach until he sold it last year.



 I’d painted/I’d been painting

 I buy/I was buying/I had been buying

 has worked/had been working

 was needing/needed

 was arriving/arrived

6   was eating/watching/ate/watched

7   was learning/had learnt/learned

 was owning/owned

G. Circle the correct word or phrase.

1   When she was a girl, my mum would / used to live in a village.

2   I really can’t be / get used to having a new baby brother.

3   People would / are used to die of diseases in the past that we can cure today.

4   There would / used to be a cinema on this corner, but they knocked it down.

5   It was strange at first, but I’m used to play / playing the bagpipes now.

6   Didn’t you use to / be used to have blonde hair?

7   Christopher was being / getting used to the idea of joining the army.

8   People never would / used to be so worried about crime in this area.


1 used to   2 get   3 would   4 used to

5 playing   6 use to   7 getting   8 used to

H. Complete each second sentence using the word given, so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Write between two and five words in each gap.

 People walked more fifty years ago than they do now.   would

     Fifty years ago, …………………………………… than they do now.

 My parents wouldn’t let me stay out late when I was young.   used

     My parents …………………………………… let me stay out late when I was young.

 Did you know that Carol played basketball for her country?   to

     Did you know that Carol …………………………………… basketball for her country?

 Sending messages around the world instantly is no longer unusual.   got

     We …………………………………… messages around the world instantly.

 When he was a teacher, my dad often used to get home quite late.   would

     When he was a teacher, my dad …………………………………… quite late.

 Do you think you could learn to live without your mobile phone?   used

     Do you think you could …………………………………… without your mobile phone?

 In the past, people wouldn’t go as far away on holiday as they do today.   use

     In the past, people …………………………………… as far away on holiday as they do today.

 This town has a lot more cinemas than it had in the past.   used

      This town …………………………………… so many cinemas.


1   people would walk more

2   never used to/used not to

3   used to play

4   have got used to sending

5   would often get home

6   get used to living

7   did not/didn’t use to go

8   never used to have/used not to have

I. Find the extra word.


(1) Childhood would used to be quite different from what it is today. Young (2) people didn’t use not to have so much leisure time. Today’s children may (3) complain about their schoolwork, but our great-grandparents would to go (4) out to work at a very young age. They had often been left school by (5) the time they were fourteen and were found a job. This meant that they (6) have had little free time for hobbies or leisure activities, especially when (7) they had been working hard all day. Of course, they got themselves used (8) to working long hours eventually, but it would meant that they had to (9) grow up very quickly. Today, we are got used to having some free time to (10) do things we enjoy, a luxury people in the past rarely were had.


1 would   2 not   3 to   4 been   5 were

6 have   7 themselves   8 would   9 got   10 were

J. Write one word in each gap.

The night before

Jane lay awake. She had (1) …………………… preparing for the next day (2) …………………… a long time and now she couldn’t sleep. Her team (3) …………………… playing the local champions at water polo in the final and Jane was the captain. She (4) …………………… feeling the pressure.

She turned over and remembered how she (5) …………………… learned to swim. Her father had taught her. They (6) …………………… go to the local pool every day after school and her father (7) …………………… to show her what to do. She hadn’t liked the water at first, but she soon (8) …………………… used to it. She learned quickly and joined the water polo team. She had (9) …………………… their youngest member!

She quickly got used to scoring goals and (10) …………………… under pressure, but tomorrow was different. It was the biggest match of her life. She closed her eyes again and tried to get to sleep. ‘I (11) …………………… used to have problems sleeping,’ she thought to herself. ‘But then again, I didn’t (12) …………………… to be the captain of the team.’ She watched the clock change slowly and knew that it was going to be a long night.


1 been   2 for   3 was/were   4 was

5 had   6 would   7 used   8 got   9 been

10 being/swimming   11 never   12 use

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773 просмотров

Dear Lisa,

Thanks for your letter. I (1) just left / had just left for school when I saw the postman and

he (2) gave / had given it to me. It was really funny! I (3) read / had read it during maths

and it (4) made / had made me laugh. I almost (5) got / had got in trouble!

Anyway, I’m excited because I (6) had / had had my first judo lesson yesterday. I (7) was

/ had been late for the lesson because when I (8) got / had got there, I suddenly realised

I (9) left / had left my judo suit at home! So I (10) went / had gone all the way home

and when I (11) got / had got back, the lesson (12) already began / had already begun.

The instructor was really nice, though, and I (13) learned / had learned how to do some basic

throws. Can’t wait till next time !

What about you and your taekwondo? The last time I (14) spoke / had spoken to you, you

(15) talked / had talked about giving it up. What (16) did you decide I had you decided?

I think that’s all for now. My mum and I are going shopping shortly, so I’d better post this.

Speak to you soon.



Английский язык

10 Март, 18


773 просмотров

Дан 1 ответ

     Dear Lisa, 

Thanks for your letter. I had just left for school when I saw the postman and 

he gave it to me. It was really funny! I read  it during maths 

and it  made me laugh. I almost  got in trouble! 

Anyway, I’m excited because I  had  my first judo lesson yesterday. I  was

 late for the lesson because when I got there, I suddenly realised 

I had left my judo suit at home! So I went all the way home 

and when I  got back, the lesson had already begun. 

The instructor was really nice, though, and I learnedhow to do some basic 

throws. Can’t wait till next time ! 

What about you and your taekwondo? The last time I spoke to you, you 

 talked about giving it up. What  did you decide I had you decided? 

I think that’s all for now. My mum and I are going shopping shortly, so I’d better post this. 

Speak to you soon. 




10 Март, 18

Dear Lisa,
Thanks for your letter. I (1) just left / had just left for school when I saw the postman and
he (2) gave / had given it to me. It was really funny! I (3) read / had read it during maths
and it (4) made / had made me laugh. I almost (5) got / had got in trouble!
Anyway, Im excited because I (6) had / had had my first judo lesson yesterday. I (7) was
/ had been late for the lesson because when I (8) got / had got there, I suddenly realised
I (9) left / had left my judo suit at home! So I (10) went / had gone all the way home
and when I (11) got / had got back, the lesson (12) already began / had already begun.
The instructor was really nice, though, and I (13) learned / had learned how to do some basic
throws. Cant wait till next time !
What about you and your taekwondo? The last time I (14) spoke / had spoken to you, you
(15) talked / had talked about giving it up. What (16) did you decide I had you decided?
I think thats all for now. My mum and I are going shopping shortly, so Id better post this.
Speak to you soon.

Dear Lisa, 

Thanks for your letter. I (1) just left / had just left for school when I saw the postman and 

he (2) gave / had given it to me. It was really funny! I (3) read / had read it during maths 

and it (4) made / had made me laugh. I almost (5) got / had got in trouble! 

Anyway, Im excited because I (6) had / had had my first judo lesson yesterday. I (7) was 

/ had been late for the lesson because when I (8) got / had got there, I suddenly realised 

I (9) left / had left my judo suit at home! So I (10) went / had gone all the way home 

and when I (11) got / had got back, the lesson (12) already began / had already begun. 

The instructor was really nice, though, and I (13) learned / had learned how to do some basic 

throws. Cant wait till next time ! 

What about you and your taekwondo? The last time I (14) spoke / had spoken to you, you 

(15) talked / had talked about giving it up. What (16) did you decide I had you decided? 

I think thats all for now. My mum and I are going shopping shortly, so Id better post this. 

Speak to you soon. 



Оцени ответ

Подпишись на наш канал в телеграм. Там мы даём ещё больше полезной информации для школьников!

Dear Lisa,

Thanks for your letter. I (1) just
left / had just left
for work when
I saw the postman and he (2) gave /
had given
it to me. It was really
funny! I (3) read / had read
it on my way to work and it (4) made
/ had made
me laugh. I almost (5)
missed / had missed
my metro station!

Anyway, I should say I’m a bit disappointed
because I (6) had / had had
my first day at Johnson, Fabian and Brugger. If you don’t remember,
they are a small law firm specializing in Natural Resources, Property
and Real Estate Law. As I (7) wrote /
had written
to you last time, they
(8) dealt / had dealt
with different natural resource matters, including endangered
animals, grazing, irrigation, mining claims and all that staff.
Actually, that’s not quite what I (9) expected
/ had expected
when I (10) sent
/ had sent
them my CV!

Besides, I (11) was
/ had been
late for work because
when I (12) got / had got
there, I suddenly realized that I (13) left
/ had left
my pass at home! So I
(14) went / had gone
all the way home and when I (15) got
/ had got
back, the working day
(16) already began / had already
! Of course I (17) was
reprimanded / had been reprimanded
So you can understand how I feel about it!

What about you and your judo? The last time I
(18) spoke / had spoken
to you, you (19) talked / had talked
about giving it up. What (20) did you
decide / had you decided

I think that’s all for now. Ann and I are going shopping shortly,
so I’d better post this. Speak to you soon.



VI. Complete the gaps with the correct form of the verbs from the box (Past Simple or Perfect).

discover have arrest arrive buy make sell send
think try be

When, in 1926, a US court (1) sent
a man called Arthur Ferguson to prison for five years, it (2)
____________ the end of an amazing criminal career. The police (3)
_____________ him several months earlier as he (4) _______________ to
sell the Statue of Liberty to an Australian tourist. After the
arrest, the police soon (5) ___________ that Ferguson (6)
______________ money by selling famous buildings several times

Ferguson (7) ______________ in the United States
from Scotland the previous year. Soon after his arrival, he sold a
luxurious house in Washington to a rich Texas farmer. But for the
farmer, this wasn’t an ordinary house: he (8) ____________ that he
(9) _________________ the White House – the home of US Presidents
for 150 years!

Before coming to America, Ferguson (10) ______________ Buckingham
Palace, home of the English royal family, for £2,000, Big Ben for
£1,000 and Nelson’s Column for £6,000 – all to rich Americans
who perhaps (11) ____________ more money than intelligence. Ferguson
(12) ______________ in 1938.

VII. Past Perfect Passive. Say that something had already been done.

Example: He
advised me to draft an agreement but… — He
advised me to draft an agreement but it had already been drafted
by the other party.

  1. The Chief Constable told the officer to interview the witnesses, but
    they …..

  2. The Director recommended the company lawyer to examine the draft of
    the contract but it …..

  3. I thought it was necessary to file a counterclaim
    but …..

  4. He hoped that they wouldn’t bring charges
    against him but the charges …..

  5. The victim couldn’t describe the attacker, but there were a lot of
    witnesses, so a photo fit picture …..

  6. The consultant advised to search the scene of the crime carefully,
    but the sheriff said that it ……. for the second time and nothing
    more …..

  7. The barrister ordered his assistant to submit some case briefs to
    the court, but the assistant said they …..

  8. The Interpol officer suggested the police should take the offender’s
    fingerprints, but they ………. long before.

  9. The European Commission was going to adopt the law against
    monopolies, but in the USA such a law …..

Bài 1: Chia động từ

1, It was a really difficult task (take), so we had to ask Tom (help) us with it

2, She was about (go) when Tom (come) (visit) her. She (talk) to her for a few minutes and then (apologize) to him for (be) busy (get) (attend) a meeting

3, It (be) brave of the fireman (rush) into the fire ( rescue) the victims

4, We always have difficulty (go) abroad (learn) because we often waste a lot of time (get) to know the customs and culture in this country. I used to (spend) two months (get) used to (drive) on the left when I first (be) to London

5, Seldom he (go) (fish) last year. But he is accustomed to (do) so this year

6, There is no one for me (make) friends in this area. I (stay) here for two months and all the people here are strange to me

7, She sometimes gets Daisy (make) her new skirts

8, They had the roof of the house (mend) by Peter

9, Do you dare (open) my letter? No, I dare not (open) it

10, She must (come) home late last night, because her mother (phone) me when I (watch) TV at 11 she (not turn) back yet

11, I hear his voice from the room. He must (talk) to Nam now

12, We shouldn’t (tell) her the news yesterday. I think it might (make) her upset

13, He went to work late this morning.I don’t know the reason, but I think he might (stay) up late last night (watch) TV

14, (Read) in the bad light (make) her eyes bad. She shouldn’t (do) like that

15, I have no objection to (hear) your problem again but try (tell) me about it in short words. I’m afraid of (tell) untrue things

16, She postponed (give) me the tape. I (ask) her twice but she (not return) it yet

17, He admited (brake) so suddenly, so the accident (happen)

18, Stop (run) on the grass. We(plant) it recently. It needs (water) more

19, She prefers ( listen ) to country music to (watch) action movies

20, I denied (help) her and that made her (feel) angry

21, He bought a Vietnamese-English dictionary and (give) it to me

22, The coffee was OK but the cream (be) sour

23, He has a piano and a violin now, but he (not have) a flute

24, He says he (arrive) on time yesterday

25, I used to like (go) to our local cinema

26, I don’t mind (walk) hom but I’d rather (get) a taxi

27, I can’t make a decision (do) it. I keep (change) my mind

28, I regret (tell) you that we will have to leave here tomorrow

29, David regretted (not attend) the contest last Sunday

30, How do you make this machine (work)? — I am not sure. Try (press) this button

Dear Lisa,

Thanks for your letter. I (1) just left / had just left for school when I saw the postman and

he (2) gave / had given it to me. It was really funny! I (3) read / had read it during maths

and it (4) made / had made me laugh. I almost (5) got / had got in trouble!

Anyway, I’m excited because I (6) had / had had my first judo lesson yesterday. I (7) was

/ had been late for the lesson because when I (8) got / had got there, I suddenly realised

I (9) left / had left my judo suit at home! So I (10) went / had gone all the way home

and when I (11) got / had got back, the lesson (12) already began / had already begun.

The instructor was really nice, though, and I (13) learned / had learned how to do some basic

throws. Can’t wait till next time !

What about you and your taekwondo? The last time I (14) spoke / had spoken to you, you

(15) talked / had talked about giving it up. What (16) did you decide I had you decided?

I think that’s all for now. My mum and I are going shopping shortly, so I’d better post this.

Speak to you soon.



Английский язык

(12 баллов)

10 Март, 18

Дан 1 ответ

     Dear Lisa, 

Thanks for your letter. I had just left for school when I saw the postman and 

he gave it to me. It was really funny! I read  it during maths 

and it  made me laugh. I almost  got in trouble! 

Anyway, I’m excited because I  had  my first judo lesson yesterday. I  was

 late for the lesson because when I got there, I suddenly realised 

I had left my judo suit at home! So I went all the way home 

and when I  got back, the lesson had already begun. 

The instructor was really nice, though, and I learnedhow to do some basic 

throws. Can’t wait till next time ! 

What about you and your taekwondo? The last time I spoke to you, you 

 talked about giving it up. What  did you decide I had you decided? 

I think that’s all for now. My mum and I are going shopping shortly, so I’d better post this. 

Speak to you soon. 




(1.6k баллов)

10 Март, 18

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