Circle the correct word my friend always calls i me in the evening

us we Circle the correct word. 1) My friend always calls l / me in the evening. 2) I can’t see they / them in the photo. 3) Does she/her like doing the shopping? 4) They / Them are too clever to make such a mistake. 5) My friends don’t like he / him at all. 6) She / Her is too shy to go to the disco. 7) Are you busy with they / them tonight? 8) Have you ever met she/her at his place? 9) What is the matter? All of we / us must go there. 10) Please, never bother l / me with the problem like that!​

помогите пж там надо выбрать


Автор ответа: InnaKrotova2


1. Me

2. Them

3. She

4. They

5. Him

6. She

7. Them

8. Her

9. Us

10. Me

Интересные вопросы

Модальный глагол can.

Exercise 1. Look at the tаblе and complete the sentences.

  Nastya Peter Jane
sing Yes No No
cook  No Yes Yes
dive No Yes No
ride а bike  Yes Yes Yes
play the guitar No No Yes

1. Nastya саn ____________________, but she can’t_______________________
2. Peter___________________________________________________________
3. Jane ___________________________________________________________

Exercise 2. Change the sentences as asked using the verb саn.

1. Olivia саn play the guitar. — negative sentence

2. Сап the cats play chess? — negative sentence

3. Richard ·сап play the trumpet. — question

4. Сап Masha write with her left hand? — affirmative sentence

5. Не сап write interesting articles. — negative sentence

6. Sam сап write wonderful stories. — question

7. Henry сап cook steak. — question

8. They сап dance well. — negative sentence

9. Саn Carol play badminton? — affirmative sentence

10. Dima саn fix any computer. — question

Exercise 3. Write five sentences saying wh,t you сап and can’t do.




Exercise 4. Answer the questions using сап and can’t.

1. Саn you play volleyball?
2. Where саn you have lunch?
3. What languages сап you speak?
4. Where саn you see the CN Tower?
5. Саn you write emails?
6. What sports сап you do?
7. What саn you see in Giza, Egypt?
8. Саn your pet jump? 
9. Where саn you see the Taj Mahal?
10. What саn you see in your city/town/village?

Повелительное наклонение

Exercise 1. Make these sentences imperative.

1. Go the shop. 
2. Cross the road.
3. Make а pizza. 
4. Buy а present for mum. 
5. Eat fast food. 
6. Do your homework. 
7. Run across the street. 
8. Walk at night. 
9. Use а fork and а knife.
10. Take аn umbrella. 

Exercise 2. Make these sentences imperative. 

1. Can you give те some apples, please?
2. Аrе you listening to те, Jack?
3. Please, do not listen to music.
4. Can you buy some milk, please?
5. Can you соmе to my place tonight?
6. You sing too loudly!
7. Сап ‘t you cry, please?
8. I’m thirsty. Have you got some water?
9. There are some flowers in the dining room. Can you give them to те?
10. There are books оп the desk. Сап you take them away?
11. Masha speaks too much!
12. The cat is hungry. Сап you give it food?
13. This moЬile is expensive (дорогой). Please, don’t buy it.
14. The weather is bad. Сап you close the window, please?
15. The boss is angry. Please, don’t disturb (беспокоить) her.

Exercise 3. Write 5 imperative sentences.




Притяжательный падеж. Possessive case

Exercise 1. Circle the correct answer.

1. This is Evgenia’s / Evgenia tablet РС.
2. ls this notebook your / yours?
3. Who’s / Whose skis are these?
4. This is the car’s key / cars’ key.
5. Who / Who’s that man? That’s my uncle.
6. This is Masha’s and Tanya / Masha and Tanya’s project.
7. Hers / Her holiday is in April.
8. Those are the children’s / childrens’ toys.
9. Where are the boys’ / boys jeans?
10. What is the address of the company / company’s address?

Exercise 2. Complete the sentences using the possessive case.

1. The _______ (children) room is upstairs.
2. _______(Vadim) mрЗ player is new.
3. This is _______ (Peter) iPhone.
4. _______ (Men) shoes are on the ground floor. 
5. _______ (Sam and Laura) university is old.
6. Let’s go to the _______ (Nevatts). 
7. _______ (lvan) broth

Личные местоимения в косвенном падеже

Exercise 1. Fill in the missing pronouns. 

Personal pronouns   Object pronouns

Exercise 2. Clrcle the correct word.

1. Му friend always calls I / me in the evening.
2. I can’t see they / them in the photo.
3. Does she / her like doing the shopping?
4. They / Them are too clever to make such а mistake.
5. Му friends don’t like he / him at all.
6. She / Her is too shy to go to the disco.
7. Аrе you busy with they / them tonight?
8. Have you ever met she / her at his place?
9. What is the matter? AII of we / us must go there.
10. Please, never bother I / me with the problem like that!

Exercise 3. Fill in the correct pronouns.

1. You are too late! Where have ______ been? 

2. Не is too busy. ls it possiЫe to talk with ______ ? 
3. Ann likes travelling around ______ own country. 
4. They don’t like it when we take pictures. One can’t see ______ in the photo. 
5. I’m short of money. Could you lend ______ some, please? 

6. I can’t see ______ at the party. I think she is away. 

7. The coffee is too hot. I can’t drink ______.
8. We don’know the answer. Nobody can tell ______ what to do. 
9. You can’t see ______ in the photo. l’m standing behind the tall man.
11. The weatheris going to change. ______ is going to rain.

Exercise 4. Write your own 10 sentences with the object pronouns. — заработай своим умом!

  • 5 — 9 классы
  • Английский язык



My friend always call me

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Факты про пчёл и про муравей на английском.Срочно​


Fill in the gaps with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.
1. My friend usually _ (phone) me in the evening. Do you hear it? He _ (phone) me now.
2. I don’t want to go out now. I _ (watch) a very interesting programme on TV. I _ (watch) this programme every week.
3. Look! My dog _ (dance)! He usually _ (dance) when I give him some sugar.

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Перевод задания
Заполните пробелы правильными формами глаголов в скобках.
1. Мой друг обычно звонит мне вечером. Вы это слышите? Он _ (звонить) мне сейчас.
2. Я не хочу сейчас выходить. Я _ (смотреть) очень интересную программу по телевизору. Я _ (смотреть) эту программу каждую неделю.
3. Смотри! Моя собака _ (танцевать)! Он обычно _ (танцевать), когда я даю ему немного сахара.

1. My friend usually phones me in the evening. Do you hear it? He is phoning me now.
2. I don’t want to go out now. I am watching a very interesting programme on TV. I watch this programme every week.
3. Look! My dog is dancing! He usually dances when I give him some sugar.

Перевод ответа
1. Обычно вечером мне звонит друг. Вы это слышите? Он сейчас мне звонит.
2. Я не хочу сейчас выходить. Я смотрю очень интересную передачу по телевизору. Я смотрю эту передачу каждую неделю.
3. Смотри! Моя собака танцует! Обычно он танцует, когда я даю ему сахар.

44 месяца назад

Ex. 5. Circle the correct word or phrase:1 Elizabeth usually goes is usually going to bed at around eleven o’clock.2

Dan talks is talking on the other phone right now.3 We don’t eat aren’t eating any meat at the moment as we’re both on a diet.4 Does air travel get is air travel getting increasingly safe5 My mum calls is calling me every weekend without fail.6 How much do babysitters generally earn are babysitters generally earning7 You always come You’re always coming up with excuses for not having done your homework.8 I don’t go I’m not going out much during the week but I always try I’m always trying to go somewhere on Saturday night.9 The train does stop is stopping here.10 My mum takes is taking part in ice-skating competition almost every weekend.

1 Elizabeth usually goes to bed at around eleven o’clock.

2 Dan is talking on the other phone right now.

3 We aren’t eating any meat at the moment as we’re both on a diet.

4 Is air travel getting increasingly safe

5 My mum calls me every weekend without fail.

6 How much do babysitters generally earn

7 You always come up with excuses for not having done your homework.

8 I’m not going out much during the week but I always try to go somewhere on Saturday night.

9 The train does is stopping here.

10 My mum takes in ice-skating competition almost every weekend.

I. Complete the sentences using the correct form (present simple or present continuous) of the verbs in the box.
Walk grow fall hope talk bring run sleep
1. Every morning I ………….. to school with my best friend.
2. I ……….. at my friend’s house tonight. We’re going to watch DVDs and stay up late!
3. The rain …………. much harder now. I think we’ll have to chancel the picnic.
4. Not now! Can’t you see I……. on the phone?
5. Julie ……….. in the marathon next week.
6. I …….. you will come to my party.
7. My grandmother ……….. us chocolates whenever she visits.
8. Athens ……… bigger and bigger every day.

II. Circle the correct option.

1. My sister sings/is singing in the school choir. She practices every week.
2 . The family that lives next door go/are going on holiday to Italy this summer
3. Sarah is taking/takes her dog to the vet on Monday.
4. Michael isn’t coming out with us tonight because he studies/is studying for his exams.
5. Jennifer plays/is playing her music really loud. Her mother is always telling her to turn it down.

III Complete the sentences using the words in the box.

1 My cousin’s little boy, who is only three years old, is always doing funny things and making us laugh. He is very……. .
2 When Julie first started her new school she wasn’t very …… , but now she seems to have hundreds of friends!
3 “Be careful how you speak to your little sister”, said my mother. “She is very …….. and gets upset easily”.
4 Michael’s uncle is very rich and very …… .When Michael passed his driving test, his uncle bought him a new car.
5 Sam has become very ….. now that he is a teenager. He doesn’t think of anybody but himself.
6 Aunt Sally is a very ….. person who always finds something good in every difficult situation.
7 Ruby never seems to think about other people’s feelings. I keep telling her she should try to be more …… .
8 Jonathan is incredibly ……… . He wants to become a successful lawyer and make lots of many.
9 Uncle Tim doesn’t talk to many people because he is very …… and he believes that he is better than everybody else.
10 Bill is a very ………person who never talks about the fact that his father is one of the most powerful men in the country.
11 Jenny is so ……….. that she is scared to do anything in her life because she always believes that everything will go wrong.

1. Suits
2.скорей всего focus
4. Fit и obsessed
5. Curly
7. Overweight

Hannah looks after ill people.
Now she is dancing at the disco.
The Tuckers teach children at school.
Now they are swimming at the swimming pool.
Now he is sleeping in his bed.
Jim plays the guitar.

1 was swept 2 was damaged 3 managed 4 are investigating 5 is thought 6 is looking for 7 be kept 8 has been lost 9 will be opened 10 was hurt

My mother asked me how have I spent my hollyday.
She asked me if there was interesting.
My mother asked if I bought some souvenirs.
She asked me how have gone there.
My mother asked me what time I got up there.
She asked me if Ifounded some restaurants there.
My mother asked me if I could take her with me next time.
She asked me if I went on the Eifel tower.
My mother asked me what was the best plase you had visited
She asked me if tikets were expencive or not.

<span> Tourist in London always want to visit westminster and see Big Ben.</span>

<span><span>  Tourist in London always want to visit westminster and see Big Ben, don’t they?</span></span>

<span><span>  Who <span> always wants  in London to visit westminster and see Big Ben?</span></span></span>

<span><span><span>  What do <span> tourist in London always want to visit and see?</span></span></span></span>

<span><span><span><span>  Do <span> tourist in London always want to visit westminster and see Big Ben?</span></span></span></span></span>

<span><span><span><span><span> <span> Do tourist in London  or in New York always want to visit westminster and see Big Ben?</span></span></span></span></span></span>

<span><span><span><span><span><span>  What is westminster?</span></span></span></span></span></span>

<span><span><span><span><span><span>  What is Big Ben?</span></span></span></span></span></span>

<span><span><span><span><span><span>   What do tourist  want ot do in London?</span></span></span></span></span></span>

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