Circle the correct word i hope to go on a trip round the world

A. Choose the correct answer.

1   You need a passport to cross the …………… between Mexico and the United States.

        A edge          B line

        C border       D rim

2   The hotel where we are …………… is quite luxurious.

        A living         B remaining

        C existing     D staying

3   When you …………… your destination, your tour guide will meet you at the airport.

        A arrive        B get

        C reach         D achieve

4   It can be quite busy here during the tourist …………… .

        A season      B period

        C phase        D stage

5   David …………… me to the train station every morning.

        A goes          B takes

        C has             D makes

6   I always enjoy our school …………… to France.

        A excursion B journey

        C trip             D travel

7   Hurry up, or we’ll …………… the bus!

        A avoid         B miss

        C drop           D lose

8   The brochure says that the hotel has a great …………… of the sea.

        A appearance   B look

        C sight          D view

9   I must remember to …………… a souvenir back from Spain for my grandmother.

        A go              B take

        C bring          D keep

10   The …………… from London to Berlin is about 919 kilometres.

        A measure   B length

        C gap            D distance

11   Make sure you …………… a hotel before you come to our island, especially in the summer.

        A book          B keep

        C put             D take

12   I live in Barcelona, but my …………… town is Madrid.

        A birth          B home

        C native        D origin


1 C   2 D   3 C   4 A   5 B   6 C

7 B   8 D   9 C   10 D   11 A   12 B

B. Circle the correct word.

1   I hope to go on a trip round the world / earth one day.

2   You learn a lot about the local territory / area by speaking to local people.

3   It’s good to have someone to lead / guide you when you are on holiday.

4   I get the train to work every day and the fare / fee is quite expensive.

5   Captain Cook discovered Australia on a voyage / travel to the Pacific.

6   Most tourist attractions in London charge an admission fee / ticket.

7   The sunset over Niagara Falls really is a magnificent look / sight.


1 world   2 area   3 guide   4 fare   5 voyage

6 fee   7 sight

C. Complete using the correct form of the words in the box.

catch • check • get • go • make • pick • pull • see

1   Let’s go to the airport to ………………… Grandpa off when he flies back home.

2   If it starts to rain, ………………… for a nearby cave to wait for it to pass.

3   We would like to remind all guests that they must ………………… out before midday.

4   Please ………………… in and stop so that I can buy something to drink.

5   Every Saturday night my dad ………………… us up outside the cinema.

6   I think the neighbours have ………………… away for the weekend.

7   John’s up ahead so Greg is pedalling fast to ………………… up with him.

8   We’re going on holiday tomorrow, but we’ll call you when we ………………… back.


1 see   2 make   3 check   4 pull   5 picks

6 gone   7 catch   8 get

D. Write a phrasal verb in the correct form to replace the words in italics. Add any other words you need.

 We can start our journey ………………… towards the mountains at dawn.

 Dad fetched the luggage while Mum registered ………………… at the hotel.

 I asked the taxi driver to let me get out ………………… outside the train station.

 Oh, no! I’ve forgotten my passport! We’ll have to go back ………………… and get it!

 The most exciting moment is when the plane leaves the ground ………………… .

 Stop the car! I think we’ve hit ………………… a dog.

 I don’t think a horse can ever stay at the same speed as ………………… a car.


1 set out/off   2 checked in   3 drop me off

4 turn round   5 takes off   6 run over

7 keep up with

E. Write one word in each gap.

 The speed ………………… in towns is 50 km/h and you shouldn’t go faster than that.

 Why don’t we ………………… the scenic route along the coast?

 If you buy your plane ticket ………………… advance, it’s often cheaper than if you wait.

 I can’t remember the name of the hotel we stayed at off the ………………… of my head.

 I’m sorry I’m late! I ………………… my way and had to ask for directions.

 My mum’s away in Germany on a business ………………… at the moment.

 The bank? Well, turn left here, then go ………………… ahead for a kilometre and it’s on the left.

 If you look on your left-hand ………………… as we turn this corner, you’ll see Big Ben.

 I’ll look round the shops in the morning and then ………………… sightseeing in the afternoon.

10   My grandma hasn’t driven since she ………………… an accident last year.

11   I love visiting foreign places, ………………… the sights and learning about other cultures.

12   During the 70s, many British people started to go ………………… holiday to Spain.

13   While you’re in London, you should take a tour ………………… the Houses of Parliament.


1 limit   2 take   3 in   4 top   5 lost   6 trip   7 straight

8 side   9 go   10 had   11 seeing   12 on   13 (a)round/of

F. Choose the correct answer.

1   I’ve always dreamt ………… China.

      A to visit        B of visiting

      C I visit           D visit

2   The travel agency is arranging for us ………… at a really nice hotel.

      A stay             B of staying

      C to stay        D staying

3   My dad says he always regrets ………… more.

      A to not travel

      B not travelling

      C he not travel

      D of not travelling

4   John seems keen ………… how to drive as soon as he can.

      A of learning  B he learn

      C for learn     D to learn

5   Now, class, I’d like you all to write ………… a description of your last holiday.

      A me               B to me

      C it me            D about me

6   When you arrive …………, have your passport ready.

      A to the airport

      B in the airport

      C on the airport

      D at the airport

7   The Joneses have invited us ………… to Australia with them this summer.

      A going               B for going

      C about going   D to go

8   The in-flight entertainment may differ ………… that advertised.

      A to                 B from

      C in                  D at


1 B   2 C   3 B   4 D   5 A   6 D   7 D   8 B

G. Use the word given in capitals to form a word that fits in the gap.

It’s not always easy being a (1) ………………… (TOUR). You spend half your time making (2) ………………… (ARRANGE) for your holiday and the other half worrying about sticking to the (3) ………………… (TIME). I think it’s relaxing sometimes to spend a holiday at home. There are no (4) ………………… (CULTURE) problems, you don’t need someone to be the (5) ………………… (PHOTOGRAPH) and you know that the local (6) ………………… (INHABIT) are always friendly!


1 tourist   2 arrangements   3 timetable

4 cultural   5 photographer   6 inhabitants

H. Complete the sentences by changing the form of the word in capitals when this is necessary.

 Beijing has changed so much in the last few years that it’s almost …………………. (RECOGNISE).

 The number of cars …………………. (WORLD) is about a billion and is increasing all the time.

 The new maglev trains run on a completely …………………. (DIFFER) system from ordinary trains.

 Living in a foreign country really does …………………. (BROAD) your horizons.

 I can’t find a …………………. (DIRECT) flight from London to Delhi so I’ve booked one that changes in Frankfurt.

6   All passengers must complete a visa form upon …………………. (ARRIVE) at Singapore airport.

7   You can still see old milestones by the side of the road in England, showing the …………………. (DISTANT) to the nearest town.

8   The Museum of Transport has a full-sized jet plane next to the …………………. (ENTER).


1 unrecognisable   2 worldwide   3 different

4 broaden   5 direct   6 arrival   7 distance

8 entrance

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Bài làm

Ex 2 : Circle the correct word 
1 . I hope to go on a trip round the world /earth one day.
2 . You learn a lot about the local territory  / area by speaking to local people.
3 . It’s good to have someone to lead/ guide you when you’re on holiday.
4 . I get the train to work everyday and the fare /fee is quite expensive.
5 . Captain Cook discovered Australia on a voyage /travel to the Pacific.
6 . Most tourist attractions in London charge an admission fee/ticket.
7 . The sunset over Niagara Falls really is a magnificent look/ sight.


xin ctrlhn nếu hay :D

Hãy giúp mọi người biết câu trả lời này thế nào?




4 vote


Choose the
correct variant

I hope to go on
a trip around the world/earth one day.

You learn a lot
about the local territory/ area by speaking to local people.

It’s good to
have someone to lead/guide you when you are on holiday.

I get the train
to work every day and the fare/fee is quite expensive.

Capitan Cook
discovered Australia on a voyage/ travel to the Pacific.

Most tourist
attractions in London charge an admission fee/ticket.

The sunset over
Niagara Falls really is a magnificent look/sight.

Many materials
have been used for artificial/false teeth, including wood.

Be careful! You
might give yourself an electronic/electric shock!

 I’m afraid the
problem with your washing machine is the engine/ motor.

 Many employers
in chemicals industry/ factory object to the new law.

 My computing
exam is taking place/ occurring next week.

 Technology is
fundamental part of new/ modern life.

 We had our car
serviced and it seems there’s a problem with the engine/machine.

Write one word
in each gap

 The speed ….
in towns is 30 km/h and you shouldn’t go faster than that.

 Why don’t we
…… the scenic route along the coast?

  If you buy
your plane ticket ….. advance, it’s often cheaper than if you wait.

 I can’t
remember the name of the hotel we stayed at off the …. of my head.

 I’m sorry I’m
late! I …. my way and had to ask for directions.

 My mum’s away
in Germany on a business …. at the moment.

 The bank?
Well, turn left here, then go ….ahead for a kilometer and it’s on the left.

 If you look on
your left-hand….as we turn this corner, you’ll see Big Ben.

 I’ll look
round the shops in the morning and then ….sightseeing in the afternoon.

 My grandma
hasn’t driven since she ….an accident last year.

 I love
visiting foreign places, …..the sights and learning about other cultures.

 During the 70s
many British people started to go ….to Spain.

 While you’re
in London, you should take a tour ….Houses of Parliament.

 I prefer pop
music ….rock, to be honest.

 I would prefer
to go on a concert tomorrow ….than on Saturday.

 I ….playing
the piano on my own to performing.

 I’d rather
… that jazz club than a night club.

 I’d ….you
didn’t practice playing the trumpet while I’m trying to study.

 You’d ….get
tickets soon as they’re running out.

 We queued up
early in … get good seats.

 We waited for
hours so …..not  to miss the VIPs arriving.

 I called the
theatre …..find out what time the concert started.

 I actually
prefer ….. to listen to music through speakers; it sounds so much better
through headphones.

 Don’t you
think we …..better turn the  music down a bit

 Just get
….with Exercise 3 and I’ll be back in a minute.

 My teacher
says that I should sail ….the exam but I’m not sure.

 Dave didn’t
understand what Miss Smith was getting ….., so he asked her to explain it

 We all tried
to convince our teacher to change his mind about the school trip and he finally

 If you make a
mistake just cross it ….with a single line.

 Belinda missed
a few months of school because of illness and found it difficult to keep ….
with her classmates.

 The other kids
were making fun of me, but I didn’t catch ….until I heard them laughing.

Complete the
sentences by changing the form of the word where necessary.

 I passed the
exam but I still wait to get my…..(CERTIFY).

 Have you done
any ….(REVISE) for the test?

 Please pay
….(ATTEND), when I’m explaining what your homework is.

 I spent a long
time on the maths problem, but I still came up with the wrong ….(SOLVE)

 One of my
classmates was suspended for a week for bad ….(BEHAVE)/

 Well, miss
Turner, you’ll be pleased to hear that Kristen has made a big ….(IMPROVE) in

 I’m hoping to
study English ….(LITERATE) at university.

 The forecast
said there was a high ….(LIKELY) of the rain this weekend.

 We all know
that using our cars causes ….(POLLUTE) but we still do it.

the weather ….(ACCURATE) takes a great deal of training.

 Litter is
often a problem in …(RESIDENT) areas.

 According to
….(ENVIRONMENT),  we could be facing a crisis within fifty years.

 It was a
wonderfully ….(SUN) day, so we decided to go to the beach.

 The giant
panda is …..(DANGER) because its habitant is being destroyed.

  We didn’t
enjoy our walk because it was absolutely ….. (FREEZE)!

Fill in the
gaps with the expressions.

Black sheep, apple of her eye, flesh
and blood,  sixes, flies, colour, the weather, wears the trousers, feet, sick,
million, two, six, run, hundred and one

Take care of
your sister, she’s your own…

His mother… in
the family. She’s the boss!

My brother is
the …in the family. He’s always the one in trouble.

Her younger
daughter is the… She loves her so much!

I can think of
….reasons why you shouldn’t do that!

He’s in …..
minds about going to the party.

To me he’s the
best friend ever, definitely one in a….

Everyone was
at…. and sevens after the announcement that the school had been vandalized.

 They’re both
to blame! It’s ….of one and half a dozen of the other!

Lots of people
are sick with the flu in our college. They’re dropping like…

You look a
little off ….today. Are you tired?

Matt’s really
under…. He’s got a terrible cold.

Take it easy
for a few days and you’ll be back on your …. In no time.

You should take
some vitamins if you’re feeling a bit ….down

Why am always
solving your problems? I’m …and tired of that!



  1. Choose the correct variant

  1. I hope to go on a trip around the world/earth one day.

  2. You learn a lot about the local territory/ area by speaking
    to local people.

  3. It’s good to have someone to lead/guide you when you are on

  4. I get the train to work every day and the fare/fee is quite

  5. Capitan Cook discovered Australia on a voyage/ travel to the

  6. Most tourist attractions in London charge an admission

  7. The sunset over Niagara Falls really is a magnificent

  8. Many materials have been used for artificial/false teeth,
    including wood.

  9. Be careful! You might give yourself an electronic/electric

  10. I’m afraid the problem with your washing machine is the
    engine/ motor.

  11. Many employers in chemicals industry/ factory object to the
    new law.

  12. My computing exam is taking place/ occurring next week.

  13. Technology is fundamental part of new/ modern life.

  14. We had our car serviced and it seems there’s a problem with
    the engine/machine.

  1. Write one word in each gap

  1. The speed …. in towns is 30 km/h and you shouldn’t go faster
    than that.

  2. Why don’t we …… the scenic route along the coast?

  3. If you buy your plane ticket ….. advance, it’s often cheaper
    than if you wait.

  4. I can’t remember the name of the hotel we stayed at off the
    …. of my head.

  5. I’m sorry I’m late! I …. my way and had to ask for

  6. My mum’s away in Germany on a business …. at the moment.

  7. The bank? Well, turn left here, then go ….ahead for a
    kilometer and it’s on the left.

  8. If you look on your left-hand….as we turn this corner,
    you’ll see Big Ben.

  9. I’ll look round the shops in the morning and then
    ….sightseeing in the afternoon.

  10. My grandma hasn’t driven since she ….an accident last year.

  11. I love visiting foreign places, …..the sights and learning
    about other cultures.

  12. During the 70s many British people started to go ….to Spain.

  13. While you’re in London, you should take a tour ….Houses of

  14. I prefer pop music ….rock, to be honest.

  15. I would prefer to go on a concert tomorrow ….than on

  16. I ….playing the piano on my own to performing.

  17. I’d rather … that jazz club than a night club.

  18. I’d ….you didn’t practice playing the trumpet while I’m
    trying to study.

  19. You’d ….get tickets soon as they’re running out.

  20. We queued up early in … get good seats.

  21. We waited for hours so …..not to miss the VIPs arriving.

  22. I called the theatre …..find out what time the concert

  23. I actually prefer ….. to listen to music through speakers;
    it sounds so much better through headphones.

  24. Don’t you think we …..better turn the music down a bit

  25. Just get ….with Exercise 3 and I’ll be back in a minute.

  26. My teacher says that I should sail ….the exam but I’m not

  27. Dave didn’t understand what Miss Smith was getting ….., so
    he asked her to explain it again.

  28. We all tried to convince our teacher to change his mind
    about the school trip and he finally came…..

  29. If you make a mistake just cross it ….with a single line.

  30. Belinda missed a few months of school because of illness and
    found it difficult to keep …. with her classmates.

  31. The other kids were making fun of me, but I didn’t catch
    ….until I heard them laughing.

  1. Complete the sentences by changing the form of the word
    where necessary.

  1. I passed the exam but I still wait to get my…..(CERTIFY).

  2. Have you done any ….(REVISE) for the test?

  3. Please pay ….(ATTEND), when I’m explaining what your
    homework is.

  4. I spent a long time on the maths problem, but I still came
    up with the wrong ….(SOLVE)

  5. One of my classmates was suspended for a week for bad

  6. Well, miss Turner, you’ll be pleased to hear that Kristen
    has made a big ….(IMPROVE) in geography.

  7. I’m hoping to study English ….(LITERATE) at university.

  8. The forecast said there was a high ….(LIKELY) of the rain
    this weekend.

  9. We all know that using our cars causes ….(POLLUTE) but we
    still do it.

  10. Forecasting the weather ….(ACCURATE) takes a great deal of

  11. Litter is often a problem in …(RESIDENT) areas.

  12. According to ….(ENVIRONMENT), we could be facing a crisis
    within fifty years.

  13. It was a wonderfully ….(SUN) day, so we decided to go to the

  14. The giant panda is …..(DANGER) because its habitant is being

  15. We didn’t enjoy our walk because it was absolutely …..

  1. Fill in the gaps with the expressions.

Black sheep, apple of her eye, flesh and blood, sixes, flies,
colour, the weather, wears the trousers, feet, sick, million, two,
six, run, hundred and one

  1. Take care of your sister, she’s your own…

  2. His mother… in the family. She’s the boss!

  3. My brother is the …in the family. He’s always the one in

  4. Her younger daughter is the… She loves her so much!

  5. I can think of ….reasons why you shouldn’t do that!

  6. He’s in ….. minds about going to the party.

  7. To me he’s the best friend ever, definitely one in a….

  8. Everyone was at…. and sevens after the announcement that the
    school had been vandalized.

  9. They’re both to blame! It’s ….of one and half a dozen of the

  10. Lots of people are sick with the flu in our college. They’re
    dropping like…

  11. You look a little off ….today. Are you tired?

  12. Matt’s really under…. He’s got a terrible cold.

  13. Take it easy for a few days and you’ll be back on your …. In
    no time.

  14. You should take some vitamins if you’re feeling a bit ….down

  15. Why am always solving your problems? I’m …and tired of that!


  1. World

  2. Area

  3. Guide

  4. Fare

  5. Voyage

  6. Fee

  7. Sight

  8. False

  9. Electric

  10. Motor

  11. Industry

  12. Taking place

  13. Modern

  14. Engine

  15. Limit

  16. Take

  17. In

  18. Top

  19. Lost

  20. Trip

  21. Straight

  22. Side

  23. Go

  24. Had

  25. Seeing

  26. On

  27. Around/of

  28. To

  29. Rather

  30. Prefer

  31. Go

  32. Rather

  33. Better

  34. Order

  35. As

  36. To

  37. </<font face=»Times New Roman, serif»>Not

  38. Had

  39. On

  40. Through

  41. At

  42. Around

  43. Out

  44. Up

  45. On

  46. Certificate

  47. Revision/revising

  48. Attention

  49. Solution

  50. Behaviour

  51. Improvement

  52. Literature

  53. Likelihood

  54. Pollution

  55. Accurately

  56. Residential

  57. Environmentalists

  58. Sunny

  59. Endangered

  60. Freezing

  61. Flesh and blood

  62. Wears the trousers

  63. Black sheep

  64. Apple of her eye

  65. Hundred and one

  66. Two

  67. Million

  68. Sixes

  69. Six

  70. Flies

  71. Colour

  72. The weather

  73. Feet

  74. Run

  75. Sick

    0 голосов

    1 ответ

    Помогите с математикой
    1391 36
    à) 479, 5 · 0, 1
    á) 267, 56 · 0, 1
    â) 3692, 7 · 0,…



    10 Июнь, 20


    132 просмотров

    • помогите
    • математика
    • 5 — 9 классы

    0 голосов

    1 ответ

    Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, в правильное время. 1.The lesson …over recently. (to…

    Английский язык


    27 Май, 20


    34 просмотров

    • because
    • began
    • robert…on
    • …already…back
    • plain
    • to…down
    • 5 — 9 классы
    • английский язык

    0 голосов

    1 ответ

    Выберите правильный ответ
    I……………to work every day.A. going B. goes C. go​

    Английский язык


    15 Июнь, 20


    46 просмотров

    • выберите
    • ответ
    • i……………to
    • every
    • going
    • английский язык
    • 5 — 9 классы

    0 голосов

    1 ответ

    1. If he warned me, I……………the work on time.
    a) would have done b) would do c) will have…

    Английский язык


    12 Июнь, 20


    116 просмотров

    • would
    • warned
    • i……………the
    • chapter
    • doctor
    • right
    • английский язык
    • 5 — 9 классы

    0 голосов

    2 ответов

    1. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо. 1. The English is a world language. 2. I…

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    01 Март, 18


    54 просмотров

    • my…family
    • english
    • please
    • to…members
    • on…table
    • is…book
    • 10 — 11 классы
    • английский язык

    0 голосов

    1 ответ

    СРОЧНО!!! ПЖ!!! Даю 28 баллов!!!!
    After that read the following statement about…

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    26 Июнь, 21


    55 просмотров

    • statement
    • about
    • срочно
    • homework
    • mindin
    • that…to
    • английский язык
    • 5 — 9 классы

    0 голосов

    0 ответов

    Change to the plural — Преобразуйте в множественное число

    Английский язык


    16 Ноя, 18


    172 просмотров

    • английский язык
    • 5 — 9 классы
    • change
    • to
    • the
    • plural

    0 голосов

    1 ответ

    Помогите пожалуйста( Ĭ ^ Ĭ )​Очень прошу( Ĭ ^ Ĭ )



    02 Июнь, 20


    25 просмотров

    • помогите
    • пожалуйста
    • ​очень
    • прошу
    • 5 — 9 классы
    • информатика

    0 голосов

    2 ответов

    We already (were, have been) to London.We (were, have been) in London 5 years ago.But I ……

    Английский язык


    30 Май, 18


    98 просмотров

    • london
    • already
    • years
    • tomorrow
    • everything
    • i……to
    • 5 — 9 классы
    • английский язык

    0 голосов

    2 ответов

    17. Fill in the correct word(s).1. He hasn’t got long hair. He’s got…………hair.2. She…

    Английский язык


    18 Май, 18


    136 просмотров

    • hasn’t
    • short
    • scotland
    • edinburgh
    • i……………………………
    • to……………………from
    • 1 — 4 классы
    • английский язык

    0 голосов

    0 ответов

    Сочинение ** тему самый яркий момент моего детства 1,5 стр

    Русский язык


    16 Фев, 22


    288 просмотров

    • h
    • a
    • c
    • t
    • y
    • passé composé

    0 голосов

    1 ответ

    7-tоpshiriq. So‘z va so‘z birikmalaridan gаplаr, gаplаrni tartib bilan qoi‘yib mаtn…

    Оʻzbek tili


    30 Май, 20


    37 просмотров

    • tоpshiriq
    • solib
    • go‘sht
    • biroz
    • sabzi
    • ziravor
    • 5 — 9 классы
    • оʻzbek tili

    0 голосов

    1 ответ

    I. Fill in: why, who, whose, where, which.1. Ann is the girl ….. won the…

    Английский язык


    26 Фев, 21


    56 просмотров

    • помогите
    • that’s……i
    • taught
    • person
    • expensive
    • rather
    • английский язык
    • 5 — 9 классы

    0 голосов

    2 ответов

    1. The lesson is over. You…go. а) can б) are to в) may 2. You …visit Paul at the…

    Английский язык


    17 Май, 20


    560 просмотров

    • lesson
    • you…go
    • …visit
    • hospital
    • несколько
    • вариантов
    • 5 — 9 классы
    • английский язык

    0 голосов

    1 ответ

    Сочинение ** тему Ona yurtim go‘zalligi

    Оʻzbek tili


    18 Май, 20


    57 просмотров

    • сочинение
    • yurtim
    • go‘zalligi
    • 5 — 9 классы
    • оʻzbek tili

    0 голосов

    2 ответов

    1. If you want to complain about the pollution in…

    Английский язык


    26 Март, 21


    80 просмотров

    • chemical
    • about
    • the……………………
    • today
    • the………………
    • environment
    • английский язык
    • 5 — 9 классы

    0 голосов

    2 ответов

    Choose the correct item.Выберите правильный пункт.
    1. I………….new…

    Английский язык


    11 Фев, 21


    202 просмотров

    • i…………
    • please
    • school
    • grammar
    • postman
    • table
    • английский язык
    • 5 — 9 классы

    0 голосов

    1 ответ

    1. Olgas bedroom has got ist own bathroom.
    a) true b) false c) doesn’t say

    Английский язык


    08 Фев, 21


    138 просмотров

    • false
    • doesn’t
    • olga’s
    • please
    • school
    • i…………
    • английский язык
    • 5 — 9 классы

    0 голосов

    1 ответ

    Read the sentence and put the right article «a», «an», «the» or «x» if the article is not…

    Английский язык


    02 Март, 21


    171 просмотров

    • article
    • «the»
    • артикль
    • sentence
    • and put
    • the right
    • английский язык
    • студенческий

    0 голосов

    1 ответ

    Смысл жизни….( Ĭ ^ Ĭ )​

    Другие предметы


    02 Июнь, 20


    21 просмотров

    • смысл
    • жизни
    • 5 — 9 классы
    • другие предметы

    0 голосов

    1 ответ

    1) I………to the cinema yesterday. (to go)
    2) Peter ……….13 tomorrow. (to be)
    3) My friend…

    Английский язык


    12 Март, 18


    74 просмотров

    • yesterday
    • every
    • evening
    • listen
    • i………to
    • break
    • 5 — 9 классы
    • английский язык

    0 голосов

    1 ответ

    1) I………to the cinema yesterday. (to go)
    2) Peter ……….13 tomorrow. (to be)
    3) My friend…

    Английский язык


    12 Март, 18


    48 просмотров

    • evening
    • listen
    • i………to
    • weeks
    • appropriate
    • brackets
    • 5 — 9 классы
    • английский язык

    0 голосов

    1 ответ

    6 Which ocean is bigger — … Pacific or … Atlantic?
    7 … film we saw yesterday was…

    Английский язык


    10 Фев, 21


    52 просмотров

    • which
    • brush
    • пожалуйста
    • срочно
    • ‘the’
    • article
    • английский язык
    • 5 — 9 классы

    0 голосов

    1 ответ

    Рассмотрите рисунки и назовите семейства
    incyA | |||||E-| | || | | | |||||| ||||||| |…



    14 Июнь, 20


    25 просмотров

    • рассмотрите
    • 中山市10mmmmmm
    • onlin
    • 102tr
    • ansfor
    • 000元on
    • биология
    • 5 — 9 классы

    0 голосов

    2 ответов

    Choose the verbs in the correct tenses.(хелпаните пж)
    1. I ___________a red dress for…

    Английский язык


    07 Июнь, 20


    18 просмотров

    • yesterday
    • pencil…on
    • brokenbreakbroke6
    • friend
    • month
    • iswaswere7
    • английский язык
    • 5 — 9 классы

    0 голосов

    1 ответ

    Помогите пожалуйста с заданием. Fill in the gaps. websites Internet service provider go…

    Английский язык


    28 Май, 20


    57 просмотров

    • internet
    • website
    • помогите
    • email
    • different
    • …………on
    • 5 — 9 классы
    • английский язык

    0 голосов

    1 ответ

    Заполните пропуски артиклями, где это необходимо.1.My friend Ann is…good student. 2.Is…

    Английский язык


    17 Май, 20


    43 просмотров

    • заполните
    • on…table
    • that’s…yellow
    • is…red
    • it’s…yellow
    • not…red
    • 5 — 9 классы
    • английский язык

    0 голосов

    2 ответов

    Переведите пожалуйста! ;((( Hversu margir eru appelsínur eftir í síðasta körfu?

    Другие предметы


    28 Май, 20


    12 просмотров

    • переведите
    • пожалуйста
    • hversu
    • margir
    • appelsínur
    • eftir
    • 5 — 9 классы
    • другие предметы

    0 голосов

    1 ответ

    1. She’ll travel round the world after she _______________her studies. has finished/will…

    Английский язык


    29 Май, 20


    393 просмотров

    • finished
    • she’ll
    • travel
    • round
    • world
    • after
    • 10 — 11 классы
    • английский язык

    0 голосов

    1 ответ

    Скажите, что этого не было. Употребите Present Perfect 1.(work)…

    Английский язык


    17 Апр, 18


    170 просмотров

    • скажите
    • bring
    • i……the
    • it………
    • floor
    • you……bananas
    • 1 — 4 классы
    • английский язык

    0 голосов

    1 ответ

    1.Pres.Simple2.Pres.Cont3.Pres.Perf4.Past.Simple5.Past Simple Passive6.Participle Ī…

    Английский язык


    23 Май, 20


    79 просмотров

    • simple2
    • cont3
    • perf4
    • simple5
    • simple
    • passive6
    • 5 — 9 классы
    • английский язык

    0 голосов

    1 ответ

    Michael never ______ a round of drinks if he can avoid it. а) will buy ;б) bought;в)…

    Английский язык


    26 Март, 21


    226 просмотров

    • bought
    • michael
    • never
    • round
    • drinks
    • avoid
    • английский язык
    • 5 — 9 классы

    0 голосов

    2 ответов

    Вставьглагол“to be”(was, were)в Past Simple Tense
    1.I … in Tashkent yesterday. 2. My…

    Английский язык


    13 Июнь, 20


    71 просмотров

    • yesterday
    • вставьглагол“to
    • simple
    • tense
    • tashkent
    • mother
    • английский язык
    • 5 — 9 классы

    0 голосов

    1 ответ

    Put the verb“to be” (shall be, will be)inFuture Simple Tense
    1.We … … at home…

    Английский язык


    13 Июнь, 20


    66 просмотров

    • tomorrow
    • pupils
    • samarkand
    • sunday
    • verb“to
    • arrives
    • английский язык
    • 5 — 9 классы

    0 голосов

    1 ответ

    Lucy’s got … fair hair.

    Английский язык


    05 Март, 21


    58 просмотров

    • round
    • английский язык
    • 5 — 9 классы

    0 голосов

    1 ответ

    7. Do you want me to…………your banana for you?
    A pourB peelC stir
    8. Can you …….. the…

    Английский язык


    09 Июнь, 20


    53 просмотров

    • to…………your
    • cakeb
    • apples
    • bread
    • butter
    • family
    • английский язык
    • 1 — 4 классы

    0 голосов

    1 ответ

    Rasmlarga qarab, to‘garak nomlarini toping. Ikkinchi
    ustundagi so‘z va so‘z…

    Оʻzbek tili


    06 Июнь, 20


    380 просмотров

    • to‘garak
    • rasmlarga
    • qarab
    • nomlarini
    • toping
    • ikkinchi
    • оʻzbek tili
    • 5 — 9 классы

    0 голосов

    1 ответ

    FOR…TO… DO какие операторы? a условное копирование b безусловное копирование d условная…



    07 Июнь, 20


    112 просмотров

    • цикла
    • копирование
    • for…to…
    • какие
    • операторы
    • условное
    • информатика
    • 10 — 11 классы

    0 голосов

    1 ответ

    Uyga vazifa. Shirin to‘g‘ri ish qildimi? Siz uning o’rnida
    boʻlganingizda nima qilgan…

    Оʻzbek tili


    05 Июнь, 20


    167 просмотров

    • vazifa
    • shirin
    • to‘g‘ri
    • qildimi
    • uning
    • rnida
    • оʻzbek tili
    • 5 — 9 классы

    0 голосов

    1 ответ

    Найдите cos ą,если sin ą=1/3 , 90°



    19 Май, 20


    71 просмотров

    • найдите
    • 5 — 9 классы
    • геометрия

    0 голосов

    1 ответ

    Berilgan so‘zlarni to‘g‘ri joylashtirib, Amir Temur o‘gitlarini hosil qiling: yaxshiroq,…

    Оʻzbek tili


    03 Июнь, 20


    150 просмотров

    • berilgan
    • so‘zlarni
    • to‘g‘ri
    • joylashtirib
    • temur
    • o‘gitlarini
    • 5 — 9 классы
    • оʻzbek tili

    0 голосов

    2 ответов

    Choose the correct item.Выберите правильный пункт.
    1. I………….new…

    Английский язык


    01 Авг, 20


    168 просмотров

    • i…………
    • please
    • school
    • grammar
    • postman
    • table
    • английский язык
    • 5 — 9 классы

    0 голосов

    1 ответ

    1.Nous allons acheter (le/du) parfum pour maman.
    2.Tu prends (le/du) thé pour le petit…

    Французский язык


    06 Июнь, 20


    134 просмотров

    • petit
    • allons
    • adorez
    • puree
    • donnez
    • dejeuner
    • французский язык
    • 5 — 9 классы

    0 голосов

    1 ответ

    1. Olgas bedroom has got ist own bathroom.
    a) true b) false c) doesn’t say

    Английский язык


    27 Июль, 20


    189 просмотров

    • false
    • doesn’t
    • olga’s
    • please
    • school
    • i…………
    • английский язык
    • 5 — 9 классы

    0 голосов

    1 ответ

    Упростить выражение (A ∨ ā) B∧ С =



    02 Июнь, 20


    97 просмотров

    • упростить
    • выражение
    • 5 — 9 классы
    • информатика

    0 голосов

    1 ответ

    Сочинение ** тему《My impression about the trip》

    Английский язык


    31 Май, 18


    107 просмотров

    • сочинение
    • тему《my
    • impression
    • about
    • trip》
    • 5 — 9 классы
    • английский язык

    0 голосов

    1 ответ

    Кто автор и исполнитель песни Only Hope» из фильма Спеши Любить.Помогите пожалуйста…

    Другие предметы


    01 Апр, 18


    15 просмотров

    • автор
    • исполнитель
    • песни
    • hope»
    • фильма
    • спеши
    • 5 — 9 классы
    • другие предметы

    0 голосов

    1 ответ

    Кто автор и исполнитель песни Only Hope» из фильма Спеши Любить.Помогите пожалуйста…

    Другие предметы


    01 Апр, 18


    22 просмотров

    • автор
    • исполнитель
    • песни
    • hope»
    • фильма
    • спеши
    • 5 — 9 классы
    • другие предметы

    0 голосов

    1 ответ

    1. Choose the correct answer.
    1. If we didn’t/don’t have to work, we’d uavel round the…

    Русский язык


    12 Июнь, 20


    63 просмотров

    • choose
    • correct
    • answer
    • uavel
    • round
    • world
    • русский язык
    • 5 — 9 классы

    0 голосов

    1 ответ

    1. Choose the correct answer.
    1. If we didn’t/don’t have to work, we’d travel round the…

    Английский язык


    12 Июнь, 20


    136 просмотров

    • choose
    • correct
    • answer
    • travel
    • round
    • world
    • английский язык
    • 5 — 9 классы


    Expert solutions

    5.0 (1 review)

    You need a passport to cross the _______ between Mexico and the United States

    Click the card to flip 👆

    1 / 58

    Profile Picture

    Created by


    Terms in this set (58)

    You need a passport to cross the _______ between Mexico and the United States


    The hotel where we are _______ is quite luxurious


    When you _______ your destination, your tour guide will meet you at the airport


    It can be quite busy here during the tourist


    David ______ me to the train station every morning


    I always enjoy our school _____ to france


    I hope to go on a trip round the ______ one day


    You learn a lot about the local _____ by speaking to local people


    It’s good to have someone to _________ you when you are on holiday


    I get the train to work everyday and the _________ is quite expensive


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    2 Circle the correct words.
    ) .
    Where do you want to go/going?
    1 I really enjoy to walk / walking in the
    2 We decided to have / having lunch in a
    3 He avoids to eat / eating a lot of meat — it
    isn’t good for his health.
    4 My mum dislikes to cook / cooking.
    5 Where did you learn to speak / speaking
    6 I’m planning to go / going travelling.​

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  1. Circle the correct word i have to get find a visa
  2. Circle the correct word i have has never ridden a horse they
  3. Circle the correct word have we got a any some onions
  4. Circle the correct word have we got a any some but
  5. Circle the correct word give short answers about your room is are there a