Circle the correct word exercises




2 года назад

Английский язык


Помогите :
Circle the correct word
1. This /these shoes
2. This /these trousers
3. This /these socks
4. This /these shorts
5. This /these trainers
6. This /these hat
7. This /these dress
8. This /these blouse
9. This /these skirt
10. This /these scarf
11. This /these boots
12. This /these tights

Смотреть ответ




1. 1 these, 2 these, 3 these, 4 these, 5 these, 6 this, 7 this, 8 this, 9 this, 10 this, 11 these, 12 these

Упражнение 1. Circle the
correct word.

 this /these shoes

 this / these trousers

this / these socks

this / these shorts

this / these trainers

this / these hat

this / these dress

 this / these blouse

 this / these skirt

this / these scarf

this / these boots

 this / these tights

Упражнение 2. Choose the
correct word

This / These trousers are

 That / Those shirt is
very nice.

That / Those shoes are

 This / These skirt is

This / Those T-shirt is
my brother’s.

That / Those T-shirt is
very small.

 Упражнение 3. Write in this
or these.

 Take _______ trousers.

 Take _______ sweater.

Don’t take _______ bag.

Don’t take _______

 Take _______hat

Take _______scarf.

Don’t take_______ boots.

Take _______ shoes.

4.Напишите эти предложения во множественном числе.

This is a cat. These are cats.

That is a car

This is a dog

That is a star.

This is his pencil

That is his pen.

This is a sheep.

That is a child.

Упражнение 5. Insert the
correct word.

This __________ is easy. a) questions b) homework

These ___________ are my neighbors. a) women b) man

What are you doing ________ afternoon? a) that b) this

Who’s ________ speaking? a) this b) it

These are my glasses and ________ are hers. a) those
b) that

We are going to the seaside __________ summer. b) this
a) that __________

Man over there is a famous politician. b) These a)


Exercise 1. 1 these, 2 these, 3 these, 4
these, 5 these, 6 this, 7 this, 8 this, 9 this, 10 this, 11 these, 12 these

Exercise 2. 1 these, 2 that, 3 those, 4
this, 5 this, 6 that

 Exercise 3. 1 these, 2 this, 3 this, 4
these, 5 this, 6 this, 7 these, 8 these

Exercise 5. 1 b, 2 a, 3 b, 4 a, 5 a, 6 b,
7 b

На данной странице находятся упражнения с ответами по английскому языку из рабочей тетради (Workbook) 7 класса УМК Spotlight. Упражнения из 1b.

Exercise 1. Circle the correct word.
Упражнение 1. Выберите правильное слово.


1) Always look through the peephole / chain before you open the door.

2) Don’t run after / hand over the burglar!

3) A burglar let / broke into our house yesterday.

4) He is installing / stealing an alarm system.

5) Keep your mobile phone switched / fitted on at night.

1) Always look through the peephole before you open the door. – Всегда смотрите в глазок, перед тем как открыть дверь.

2) Don’t run after the burglar! – Не гонитесь за грабителем!

3) A burglar broke into our house yesterday. – Вчера в наш дом пробрался грабитель.

4) He is installing an alarm system. – Он устанавливает сигнализацию.

5) Keep your mobile phone switched on at night. – Держите свой мобильный телефон включенным ночью.

Exercise 2. Form adverbs out of the adjectives in the list to complete the sentences.
Упражнение 2. От прилагательных образуйте наречия и вставьте в предложения.


• safe • sure • real • bad • careful • proper

1) Read the leaflet __ .

2) I’m sorry I behaved so __ at your party last week.

3) Have a nice trip and drive __ .

4) Make sure the lights work __ .

5) Do you __ like living in a big city?

6) I’m __ sorry for being late.

1) Read the leaflet carefully. – Тщательно прочтите листовку.

2) I’m sorry I behaved so badly at your party last week. – Прости, я так плохо себя вел на твоей вечеринке на прошлой неделе.

3) Have a nice trip and drive safely. – Желаю хорошей поездки и езжайте безопасно.

4) Make sure the lights work properly. – Убедитесь в том, что освещение работает правильно.

5) Do you surely like living in a big city? – Тебе, конечно же, нравится жить в большом городе?

6) I’m really sorry for being late. – Мне действительно жаль, что я опоздал.

Exercise 3. Complete the sentence with the correct phrasal verb.
Упражнение 3. Завершите предложения при помощи правильного фразового глагола.


• run into • run after • run out

1) I tried to __ the thief, but he was too fast for me.

2) Did you __ Mr Jones the other day?

3) Oh, no! The guests will be here in a minute and we are __ of coffee.

1) I tried to run after the thief, but he was too fast for me. – Я попытался погнаться за вором, но он оказался быстрее.

2) Did you run into Mr Jones the other day? – Ты недавно столкнулся с мистером Джонсом?

3) Oh, no! The guests will be here in a minute and we are running out of coffee. – О нет! Гости будут здесь через минуту, а у нас заканчивается кофе!

Exercise 4. Someone took Matt’s wallet. Help Matt be more careful. Use the phrases to give him advice.
Упражнение 4. Кто-то взял кошелек Мэтта. Помогите ему быть более осторожным. Используйте данные фразы, чтобы дать ему совет.


– carry a lot of money with you

– use a belt bag

– keep your wallet in your back pocket

– be careful in crowded places

1) You shouldn’t carry a lot of money with you. – Тебе не надо носить с собой много денег.

2) You should use a belt bag. – Тебе следует пользоваться сумкой на поясе.

3) You shouldn’t keep your wallet in your back pocket. – Тебе не следует держать свой кошелек в заднем кармане.

4) You should be careful in crowded places. – Тебе следует быть осторожным в переполненном людьми местах.

Exercise 5. Choose the correct response for each question.
Упражнение 5. Для каждого вопроса выберите правильный ответ.


A: What’s the best way to avoid pickpockets?
B: (a) You should look after your wallet. (b) Don’t be so silly!

A: How about joining Neighbourhood Watch?
B: (a) Really? (b) I didn’t think of that.

A: How can we protect our home?
B: (a) Why don’t you fit an alarm system? (b) Walk in well-lit places.

A: What should we do before we leave the house?
B: (a) You should fit an alarm system. (b) You should lock all the doors.

A: What’s the best way to avoid pickpockets? – Какой лучший способ избежать карманников?
B: You should look after your wallet. – Тебе следует следить за своим кошельком.

A: How about joining Neighbourhood Watch? – Как насчет того, чтобы вступить в “Надзор за соседями”?
B: I didn’t think of that. – Я об этом не думал.

A: How can we protect our home? – Как мы можем защитить наш дом?
B: Why don’t you fit an alarm system? – Почему бы вам не установить сигнализацию?

A: What should we do before we leave the house? – Что нам следует сделать, перед тем как покинуть дом?
B: You should lock all the doors. – Вам следует закрывать все двери.

1   If you have …………… time at the end of the exam, check your answers.

      A few   B a few   C little   D a little

2   Give me …………… minutes and I’ll be ready.

      A few   B a few   C little   D a little

3   We’ve only got …………… milk left so get some when you go shopping.

      A few   B a few   C little   D a little

4   Just …………… practice every day and you’ll soon be able to play the piano.

      A few   B a few   C little   D a little

5   We were disappointed that …………… of the members came to the youth club party.

      A few   B a few   C little   D a little

6   Sprinkle …………… sugar on the strawberries.

      A few   B a few   C little   D a little

7   I suppose now I’m 43, I have …………… hope of playing football for England.

      A few   B a few   C little   D a little

8   Could you help me with …………… exercises I don’t understand?

      A few   B a few   C little   D a little

9   There’s …………… coffee left, if anyone wants some.

      A few   B a few   C little   D a little

10   Becoming an astronaut is so demanding that …………… people manage it.

      A few   B a few   C little   D a little

11   I’ll meet you in half an hour – I’ve got …………… e-mails to write first.

      A few   B a few   C little   D a little

12   Many people feel there’s …………… point in voting, even in a general election.

               A few   B a few   C little   D a little

Circle the correct word.
1. This is our / we aunt.
2. Is this Ann / Ann’s bag?
3. This is a / an apple.
4. She / Her is Mary.
5. Bob is he / his brother.

Английский язык 6 класс (рабочая тетрадь) Ваулина. 1 Grammar Practice. Номер №7


Перевод задания
Обведите правильное слово.
1. Это наша / мы тетя.
2. Это сумка Анна / Анны?
3. Это a / an яблоко.
4. Она / Ее − Мэри.
5. Боб − он / его брат.

1. This is our / we aunt.
2. Is this Ann / Ann’s bag?
3. This is a / an apple.
4. She / Her is Mary.
5. Bob is he / his brother.

Перевод ответа
1. Это наша тетя.
2. Это сумка Анны?
3. Это яблоко.
4. Она − Мэри.
5. Боб − его брат.

(Circle the correct word.
1 Help! I can’t find to find my keys.
2 We have three childs / children — one son and two
3 She doesn’t I don’t have a car.
4 My brothers’ / brother’s wife is from Japan.
5 Is / Are your phone new?
6 Don’t stop / Not stop! We’re latel
7 He cycles usually / usually cycles to work on/in
8 Whose / Who’s that woman? Is she your manager?
Hi, Tom. Where are you going / do you go?​


Светило науки — 3 ответа — 0 раз оказано помощи

1. Help! I can’t find my keys.
2. We have three children- one son and two daughters.
3. She doesn’t have a car.
4. My brother’s wife is from Japan.
5. Is your phone new?
6. Don’t stop! We’re late!
7. He usually cycles to work on Mondays.
8. Who’s that woman? Is she your manager?
9. Hi, Tom. Where are you going?

Circle the correct word.

1. I dont / doesnt cook breakfast.

2. Winky dont / doesnt wash the dishes.

3. We dont / doesnt do our exercises.

4. Out pet dont / doesnt eat apples.

5. Our parents dont / doesnt like sweets.

6. Our grandad dont / doesnt work


My sister dont / doesnt feed Floppy.

Write Do or Does / Give short answers.

1. ___ you do your exercises every day?

2. ___ you make your bed every morning?

3. ___ you tidy your room?

4. ___ your dad wash the dishes?

5. ___ your mum walk your pet?

6. ____ your friend feed his pet?

7. ____ your friends help their mums?

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